
Currency rates on 01.02 17. History of the Japanese yen

The Japanese yen is commonly called a refuge currency. When the dollar and euro storms, many go to the yen.

Dynamics of the Japanese yen to the ruble

09.05.2019 0.592208
08.05.2019 0.589369
01.05.2019 0.580591
24.04.2019 0.570348
23.04.2019 0.56995
20.04.2019 0.571481
19.04.2019 0.572733
18.04.2019 0.57081
13.04.2019 0.57638
11.04.2019 0.582458
10.04.2019 0.582183
09.04.2019 0.586228
06.04.2019 0.585535
05.04.2019 0.586455

What affects the yen rate

  1. Oil price (dynamics - reciprocal). The growth is facilitated by the improvement in the state of the country's trade balance, which is being formed against the background of the fall in the cost of the energy resource.
  2. Behavior of the Bank of Japan. As soon as the managers of a financial institution turn on the mechanisms to stimulate the economy, the national currency begins to show stable growth.
  3. Actions by the Japanese Ministry of Finance. As soon as a decision is made to increase emissions Money, the rate "creeps" down, with a decrease in the volume of output, the opposite reaction is observed.
  4. Some indicators of the macro-level economy (data on employment, GDP, the state of industrial production) also play important role in determining future fluctuations in the yen exchange rate. This is due to the fact that the Japanese economy has a pronounced industrial and high-tech orientation.
  5. The general state of the Asian market, of which Japan is the largest player, also plays an important role. When it "sags" in most cases, the yen rate falls.

History of the Japanese yen

For the first time, the yen was minted in 1869, and already during the reform of 1871 it was adopted as a national currency unit... This reform is closely related to the Meiji Restoration and sought to completely replace the old Zen currency associated with the Edo era.

The complexity of the old monetary system Japan consisted both in the variety of coins of various denominations from different metals (gold, silver, copper), and in the fact that the feudal lords had the right to their own currency within their possessions.

In the first years after the Restoration, the yen was actively spread, and by 1879 its formation as a single national currency was generally completed.

Along with the yen, up to 1954, there were “sen” (0.01 yen) and “rin” (0.001 yen).

The etymology of the very name "yen" is very simple and goes back to the shape of the coins. "Yen" is a derivative of the word "en", that is, "circle". Earlier coins could have almost any shape - square, oval, or not at all amenable to definition. In Japanese, the yen has its own character: 圓.

In October 1897, the amount of gold in the yen was determined: 0.750 grams.

In 1914-18, when the First World War, the exchange of currency for gold in Japan was discontinued, later, until 1933, the gold standard was repeatedly changed, due to the unstable economic situation in Japan, and in 1933 it was finally canceled.

In 1933-39. Japan is in a block and the yen exchange rate is 14 British pence. Since October 1939, the country leaves this bloc and sets the exchange rate of 4.2675 yen to the dollar.

During the Second World War, the yen turns into the main denomination of the block, which included Korea, Taiwan, Manchukuo, French Indochina, Macao, and others. After the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945, the yen began to depreciate rapidly. So, in Okinawa in 1948, it was completely withdrawn from circulation and returned in 1972. Instead, they used the so-called "occupation yen."

The situation improved only in the 1970s due to the devaluation of the dollar. The exchange rate changed at 308 yen per dollar, and at last years averages around 100 yen per dollar.

Published on 2/1/17 10:51 AM

Exchange rates for today, February 1, 2017: The Central Bank of the Russian Federation lowered the dollar and euro rates for today, February 1, 2017.

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The official dollar exchange rate as of February 1, 2017 is set at 60.08 rubles, the euro rate for today is 64.28 rubles.

The dollar exchange rate in Sberbank today is 58.74 rubles. upon purchase and 61.86 rubles. when sold by the bank, the euro exchange rate as of February 1, 2017 is 63.42 rubles. and 66.92 rubles. when buying and selling by Sberbank, respectively.

Forecast of the dollar in 2017 in Russia: the ruble will fall in the near future, experts said

Head of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms Nikolay Mironov intkbbee I am sure that in the near future the ruble will face a serious devaluation, which will lead to an automatic rise in prices.

“I think devaluation will really take place. In the oil and gas economy, it cannot be otherwise, because the budget constantly receives less money and you have to spend reserve funds. But there is such a global law: nothing arises from nothing. ) will result in losses for those associated with imports, and at the same time for the bulk of Russians, because the share imported goods and the import component in the goods that we buy every day is very large, "- quotes the words of Mironov Ura.ru.

Mironov notes that there will be a comparable rise in prices.

"As a result, you and I, as well as entrepreneurs of the non-resource sector, will pay for the budget holes. However, the government does not even consider other options for increasing budget revenues, for example, by reducing administrative costs, minimizing corruption, consumer demand, small business development, "he said.

The interlocutor of the agency expressed concern that "the rule of the trishka caftan will work."

"Poverty will lead to a drop in budget revenues in another place - due to the shortfall in taxes, debts on housing and communal services, etc. And we will have to look for money again," the expert said.

The deputy is also pessimistic in this matter. general director on investment analysis Zerich Capital Management Investment Company Andrey Vernikov.

“Indeed, today there are forecasts according to which the ruble will lose up to 10 percent against the dollar. This is largely due to the fact that the situation on the oil market is not very clear. prices will go down again, "he said.

According to Vernikov, if a person is going to save money and not spend, then it is more logical to buy dollars now.

Central Bank dollar rate

This page presents the official exchange rate of the Dollar, which has established central bank Russian Federation... Also, for your convenience, there are graphs of the rate dynamics according to the Central Bank data and changes by dates.

The data is updated every minute.

Recall that the US dollar (usd) is accepted in almost all countries

By subscribing to updates, you can always follow the official dollar exchange rate in the Central Bank online and track adjustments for the month. Information from the central bank will be of interest to citizens of various categories: businessmen, investors, business owners.

One of the ways to make money on the difference in the dollar exchange rate is to trade on foreign exchange market Forex, which requires training and serious experience, as well as the installation of special software. It is possible to get a significant profit by playing on the difference in the dollar exchange rate only if the introduction into circulation is quite large sum of money... The risks of such transactions are very high, it is worth seriously considering before plunging into the abyss of currency speculation.

Why is it impossible to carry out settlements in dollars on the territory of Russia?

There are certain types of settlements that are allowed to be carried out on the territory of Russia in dollars, but for the most part they relate to legal entities.

In order to increase the level economic development and international authority, Russia is interested in ensuring the stability of its national currency, therefore, transactions with dollars are limited.

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