
New rules for currency control, which you need to know the small business. The procedure for the formation of a statement of bank control under a contract with changes and additions from

7. reference Information

7.1. Resolution information

N permission

date of issue

Contract summary

Deadline for permission

formation of the statement of bank control under the contract

With changes and additions from:

In Count 3, it is transferred in DD.MM format.YYYY Date from the DT registration number, which is indicated after the first separation symbol "/".

In column 4, the code of the type of confirmation document 01_3 is the first subsection of Count 1 dt) contains the letters "ek", or the code of the type of confirmation document, if the letters "them" are contained in the direction of movement of goods.

In the case of placing goods under the customs procedure of a free customs zone or closure of the procedure of the free customs zone * (1) in column 4, the code of the type of confirmation document 01_4 indicates, if in the direction of the movement of goods (the first subsection of the graph 1 dt) contains the letters "ek", or code The species of confirming document 01_3, if in the direction of movement of goods contains the letters "them".

The column 6 indicates the total cost of goods actually paid or payable in accordance with the terms of the contract, according to which the PS is issued (the second subsection of Count 22 DT), without taking into account the total value of the parts of goods not issued by the customs authorities * (2) in the contract price of the contract.

When specifying the resident in column 6 of certificates of confirmation of documents submitted to the PS Bank in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, information through the separator in the form of a symbol "/" in Count 6 subsection III.i after information from DT is transferred through a symbol separator " / "The value of the Count 6 certificate of confirmation documents specified after the separator in the form of a symbol" / ".

In graph 7 and 8, the data is repeated, which are indicated in columns 5 and 6, respectively.

In Count 9, in the case of a response to the Supporting Document Bank, in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, the value of the Count 9 is a certificate of confirmation documents.

Clause 9.8 Dt column 2 subsection III.I, in column 9 subsection III.I indicates:

1 - if column 4 contains the code of the type of confirmation document 01_3;

4 - If column 4 contains the code of the type of confirmation document 01_4.

Count 9 subsection III.II in this case is not filled.

In Count 10, in the case of submission by the resident to the PS PS Bank for confirmation documents in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, the value of the Count 10 certificates is transferred.

In case of failure to submit a resident to the PS Bank for confirmation documents in accordance with clause 9.8 of this Instruction or in the absence of a certificate of confirmation of information about DT in the represented by the resident in accordance with paragraph 9.8, the registration number of which is contained in column 2 subsection III.I , Graph 10 subsection III.i is not filled.

The column 11 indicates the "*" symbol and the sequence number of the adjustment (for example, * (1)), if the residency provides a corrective certificate of confirming documents or in the case of a change in customs authorities affecting previously transmitted information about DT.

If the resident presented documents confirming the need for use in the calculations of sections of Sections IV and DT information, which is included in subsection III.II, in column 11 indicates the capital letter of the Russian alphabet "P". If column 11 contains the "*" symbol and the sequence number of the adjustment, the letter "P" is indicated through the separator in the form of a symbol "/" (for example, * (1) / P);

In other cases, the graph 11 is not filled.

code of the features of the declaration of goods (Count 7 DT);

the code of the peculiarities of the foreign economic transaction (Count 24 DT);

information about the decision of the customs authority in relation to goods (Count "with DT);

total cost not issued by customs bodies of goods in the currency of the contract price;

through the separator in the form of a symbol ";" (point with comma) DT registration number (DT registration numbers) when placing goods under the preceding customs procedurespecified (specified) in column 40 DT.

In the absence of any of these indicators listed, the separator is maintained (for example, **, PDD, 010.00,20,100000;, or 96, PDD, 010.00,20 ,;, or 40,010.00,00, 10508010 / 050313/0002881).

In the case of admission to the Bank of PS DT, containing additional information * (3), such information is reflected in column 13.

In column 13, at the discretion of the Bank of the PS, other additional information * (4) may be indicated.

In the case of the submission of documents in accordance with paragraph 9.1 of this Instruction in accordance with paragraph 9.1 of this Instruction, subsection III.I is formed by the PS Bank from the information contained in the certificates of confirmation documents, as well as in other available PS Bank confirming documents and information Accounting next.

Counts 2 - 6, 9 and 10 posts information from the relevant certificate graphs on confirming documents.

In case of coincidence of the currency of the confirmation document and the currency of the contract in columns 7 and 8, the data reflects the data specified in columns 5 and 6, respectively.

The column 11 indicates the "*" symbol and the sequence number of the adjustment (for example, * (1)) if the information in this line has been changed based on the certificate of confirmation documents, in the header part of which in the field "Sign of adjustment" indicates the symbol " * "And the sequence number of the adjustment (for example, * (1)). In other cases, the graph 11 is not filled.

In Count 12, information is transferred from the Count 11 certificates of confirmation documents.

In the case of submission by the resident to the PS Bank for confirmation documents compiled on the basis of the documents specified in subparagraph 9.1.1 of paragraph 9.1 of this Instruction, the number 13 of the corresponding line indicates the number of this subparagraph.

actual date of payment security (bill) or the date of its endorsement transmission and (or) due to the assignment of the claim (cession) by performing nominal transmission inscriptions in the format of DD.MM.YYYY (indicated when the PS closes);

a sign of payment of the security (bill) - indicates the number "1" or when it is transmitted by the endorsement and (or) due to the concession of the requirement (cession) by making nominal transmission inscriptions on it, "2".

digital Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency in accordance with OKS (indicated when the PS closes);

payment amount in currency units (indicated when the PS is closed).

In the absence of any of the listed indicators, the separator is maintained (for example, 10.11.2014; 01/15/2014; 643; 01.11.2014; 840; 10,000 or 10.11.2014; 01/15/2014; 643; 01.11.2014; 2 ;; 10.11.2014 ;; 643; 01.11.2014; 1; 840; 100000).

In column 13 at the discretion of the PS Bank, other additional information * (5) may be indicated.

Subsection III.I is not filled in the case specified in the sentence of the first paragraph 9.5 of this Instruction.

5. Section IV "Information on the control of execution of the requirements of Article 19 Federal Law "ABOUT currency regulation and currency control "is formed in the absence of the PS information on the receipt of the resident in the period indicated in column 10 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure), from non-resident money For the goods transferred to the non-resident, the work performed for him, the services provided to him, transferred to him and the results of intellectual activity, including exceptional rights to them, on the terms of deferred payment either in the time specified in column 9 before the separator in the form of a symbol ";" Section II, in the absence of information from the Bank of the PS on the transfer of goods by the non-resident, the results of the work for him, providing services to it, the transfer of information and the results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, to the account carried out by the Residency of the Advance Payment or the absence of Bank PS information on the return of such an advance payment. In the case specified in this paragraph, such a statement of bank control is sent to the authority monetary monitoring In accordance with the provision of the Bank of Russia N 308-p.

The indicators of the IV section are calculated by the PS Bank based on the data section II and subsection III.I, as well as on the basis of the data of subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure, the bank control statements on which the dates are in columns 2 and 3 Coinciding with the date of entry into force of this Instruction, or later than the date of entry into force of this Instruction.

Calculation of the indicators of section IV is carried out as of the expiration date indicated in column 9 before the separator in the form of a symbol ";" Section II or in column 10 subsection III.i (subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure) (hereinafter referred to as the expiration date). The calculation is carried out after the expiration of the deadlines established for the submission of the resident in the Bank PS certificate foreign exchange operations or certificates of confirming documents, taking into account the timing of the Bank's adoption of such certificates, including if they are filling in the PS Bank, and the timing of the PS of the PS of information from the presented certificates of bank control.

5.1. In subsection IV.i under contracts providing for export of goods from the territory Russian Federation, Performing a resident of work, provision of services, transmission of information and results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them (codes of the type of contract 1, 3, 9), in case when calculating the indicators of subsection IV.I, the value of the column 7

In column 2.

The column 3 indicates the digital code of the contract currency from the graph 4 of paragraph 3 of section I.

In column 4 (with the exception of bank control supervisors, containing information in paragraph 7.2 of section I) indicates the expected amount of cash receipts from non-resident at the repayment of the resident provided by the resident commercial loanwhich is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure), with the separator in the form of a symbol "/" - the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 subsection III.i (subsection III.II ) indicated after the separator "/" for strings for which in column 4 01_3, 02_3, 03_3, 04_3, 15_3, in column 9 - sign "2" and the date specified in column 10

The column 5 indicates the amount of funds enrolled at the expense of the resident at the account of the repayment of a commercial loan, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of column 4 indicate the codes of the currency operations ,,,,, and the date specified in column 2

The column 6 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of column 4 indicate the codes of species of confirmation documents 10_3, 13_3, 16_3 and the date specified in column 3 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with it.

Count 7 is calculated as follows:

Count 7 \u003d Count 4 - Count 5 - Graph 6.

In column 8 in the format of DD.MM.YYYY, the date of transmission of information into the currency control body is indicated in accordance with the provision of the Bank of Russia N 308-P.

5.2. In subsection IV.II under contracts involving goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, carrying out non-residents of work, the provision of services, the transfer of information and the results of intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them (codes of the type of contract 2, 4, 9), in the case of If, when calculating the line indicators of the subsection IV.II, the value of the graph 8 is greater than zero, the following information is indicated.

In column 2 in DD.MM. M.YYYY is indicated by the date of the next working day after the expiration date of the expected period.

The column 3 indicates the digital code of the contract currency from the graph 4 of paragraph 3 of section I.

In column 4, the amount of the expected execution of the non-resident obligations is indicated by transferring to the resident of the goods, the fulfillment of work for him, providing him with services, the transfer of information to it and the results of intellectual activity, including exceptional rights to them, to the account carried out by the advance payment by the Residency, which is calculated as the amount Count 8 sections 8 for strings for which the currency species codes are specified in column 4, and the date specified in column 9 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period, or coincides with it.

The column 5 indicates the amount according to confirming documents, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 01_4, 02_4, 03_4, 04_4, 15_4, in column 9 - a sign "3" As well as rows by which in column 4 indicates the code of the type of confirmation document 16_3 and the date specified in column 3 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period, or coincides with it.

The column 6 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the column 8 of section II for strings for which the currency species codes are indicated in column 4 ,,,, and the date specified in column 2 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period, or coincides with it.

Column 7 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i for strings for which the codes of the confirmation documents 13_3 and the date specified in column 3 are more early than the expiration date of the expected period, or coincides with it.

Count 8 subsection IV.II is calculated as follows.

When and how to place a passport of the transaction. The procedure for representing residents to authorized banks and information in the implementation of foreign currency exchange transactions.

Question:They concluded a contract with a non-resident sum that was not spelled out. After exceeding 50,000 $, the transaction passport was issued, but at this moment there were already mutual settlements and an advance (100 thousand rubles) remained. Now in the Vedomosti bank control this advance is not taken into account. How to reflect it so that there are no violations?

Answer:Direct the application to the bank, which indicate the need to adjust the statement, taking into account the (paid) advances. To the application, attach the certificate of the currency transaction, which carried out a foreign exchange operation. So, in the statement, it should be noted that the funds received or paid in the certificate of a currency transaction took place in order to implement the contract for which the transaction passport was issued when the agreement is achieved by $ 50,000. USA.

This case of the Bank of Russia dated June 4, 2012 No. 138 - and does not consider. At the same time, all currency control documents must comply with foreign exchange operations on which the transaction passport was issued.


How to issue a passport transaction

When you need to place a transaction passport. In the foreign trade contract, the price is not prescribed

Substitute when total amount Contract payments will be equal to or exceed the equivalent of $ 50,000.

The transaction passport should be issued if the amount of the transaction is equal to or exceeds $ 50,000 (with all other conditions) (clause 5.2 of the Bank of Russia's instructions of June 4, 2012 No. 138-C). Accordingly, if at the conclusion of a foreign trade contract, the total amount of the transaction is unknown, the obligation to issue a passport of the transaction arises from the organization if the amount of payment for the transaction (the value of the goods transferred (performed works, services rendered), information, intellectual property results) are equal or exceed in equivalent to 50,000 US dollars ().

When making a transaction passport under conditions, when the price of a foreign trade contract is not known, in column 5 of section 3 forms 1 put the symbol "BS", which means "no amount" (paragraph 6 of paragraph 6 of the procedure for filling the transaction passport (PS) approved by the instruction Bank of Russia dated June 4, 2012 No. 138 - and).

Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2012 No. 138-and "On the procedure for representing residents and non-residents authorized banks of documents and information related to currency transactions, the procedure for issuing transactions passports, as well as accounting procedures by authorized banks and monitoring them

The procedure for submitting residents to authorized banks of documents and information in the implementation of foreign currency exchange operations17

Resident in the implementation of operations related to enrollment foreign currency on the transit currency account or with the write-off of foreign currency from the current account in foreign currency, is authorized Bank (branch of the authorized bank) (hereinafter referred to as an authorized bank, with the exception of direct indication of the branch of the Commissioner Bank) at the same time the following documents:
certificate of currency transactions;
Documents related to currency transactions specified in the certificate of foreign exchange transactions.
In the certificate of foreign exchange transactions submitted by the resident in carrying out operations related to the enrollment of foreign currency on a transit currency account, information on the operations on the write-off of credited foreign currency from a transit currency account may be indicated.
When carrying out operations related to the enrollment of foreign currency on a transit currency account or with the write-off of foreign currency from a current account in foreign currency, under the contract (contract) concluded with a non-resident, the amount of obligations to which is equal to or not exceeds 1 thousand US dollars in equivalent The resident submits a certificate of foreign exchange operations, and has the right to not submit the documents specified in it associated with the conduct of the currency transaction. The amount of obligations under the contract (contract) is determined at the date of concluding a contract (contract) or in case of a change in the amount of obligations under the contract (contract) at the date of conclusion recent changes (additions) to the contract (contract) providing for such changes, at the official rate of foreign currencies in relation to the ruble, installed by the Bank Russia, or in case the official course of foreign currencies in relation to the ruble is not established by the Bank of Russia, at the rate of foreign currencies established by another way recommended by the Bank of Russia (hereinafter referred to as a course of foreign currencies in relation to the ruble).

The currency information certificate is filled with a resident in one instance in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Instruction.

The certificate of currency transactions and documents related to the conduct of the currency transactions specified in it are represented by the resident in the authorized bank during the following deadlines (except in cases established by paragraphs 2.5 -2.9 of this Instruction):
When enrolling foreign currency on a transit currency account - no later than 15 working days after the date of its enrollment specified in the notification of the Commissioner for its enrollment on the transit currency account;
When writing off foreign currency from a current account in foreign currency - simultaneously with the order for transferring foreign currency.

Alexander Sorokin answers,

deputy Head of the Department of Operational Control of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

"CCP must be applied only in cases where the seller provides the buyer, including its employees, a deferment or installments on the payment of their goods, works, services. It is these cases that, in the opinion of the FTS, belong to the provision and repayment of the loan to pay for goods, works, services. If the organization issues a cash loan, receives a return of such a loan or he also receives and returns a loan, the cashier does not apply. When it is necessary to punch a check, see

According to the indication Central Bank Russia No. 3671 (d d dated 11.06.2015), a number of changes were made to the instruction No. 138 and in order and terms of registration of the transaction passport, which is required when conducting foreign exchange transactions in the territory of the Russian Federation and outside Russia, for example, in such countries As Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Scotland, Germany and others.


The transaction passport is a document drawn up when carrying out transactions on which calculations are assumed in the currency between the parties that are resident and the non-resident of the Commissioner Bank, or rather through their accounts. The purpose of their design is currency control.

When is the transaction passport?

Exercising currency transactions, you should know when the oprption of PS is required.

1) when carrying out such calculations as payments for exported or imported goods (during import-exports) into the customs territory of the Russian Federation or beyond its limits, including on a barter transaction, this also includes the provision of services, selling information, including exclusive rights. The results of intellectual activity, within the framework of the foreign trade contract, which was concluded between the physical or legal entrance, resident and the non-resident of the bank.

2) to implement a currency transaction under a loan or loan agreement.

Also, the instructions are clearly spelled out, the transaction passport is not executed under the contract if the amount does not exceed 50 thousand US dollars and up to 5 thousand dollars, credit Treaty. There is also a number of cases when the execution of such a document is not required.

  • currency transactions between non-residents and residents that are not IP;
  • between the non-resident and the Government of the Russian Federation or the Central Bank and a number of other cases.


After the conclusion of an international contract with the counterparty should be issued at the PS Bank. All calculations should be carried out through the bank where the document is opened. Or he should be opened in the territorial separation of the Bank of Russia.

The PS indicates information relating to the International Treaty and contains:

  • all details of both parties to a contract or a concluded loan agreement;
  • the currency of the contract / contract is indicated;
  • amount;
  • date and number;
  • currency for calculations and their form;
  • signature of the Parties to the Treaty / Contract (the first and second persons of the organization).

To open a transaction passport, you need to provide such documents to the bank:

  • contract / contract;
  • 2 copies of PS;
  • resolution of the body performing currency control;
  • a number of other documents prescribed in Article 23 of the FZ (part 4), including those related to the personality of the resident, the sphere of its activities (code, UK payer and other).

Documents must be submitted to the statutory period established, but no later than the fulfillment of obligations under the terms of the contract. The Bank decides on the opening of the PS for three days.

Conductance of bank control on the passport of the transaction

The Bank carries out accounting and control of operations, the calculation on which is carried out using foreign currency. For this, the resident must provide a certain package of documents that confirm the import-export of goods and related to the implementation of such operations. Based on the last bank creates a statement of bank control and leads it to in electronic format. In the process of conducting international commercial operations, it may be necessary to extend the validity of the PS or making certain changes. It is necessary to do this in the framework of the current standards and order established by

Closing passport transaction instruction №138

To close the PS, each resident must write a corresponding statement to the bank. It is fed in such cases:

  • 1) If the PS will continue to translate from one bank branch to another.
  • 2) when closing all p / s.
  • 3) after the terms of the contract, including a third party.
  • 4) when removing the residency of the requirements under a loan agreement or contract.
  • 5) If the design of the PS was erroneously and in some other cases provided for in this instruction and adding to it.

The application for the closing of the PS must be written according to the established form (you can easily find a sample on the Internet) and contain everything necessary informationprescribed in paragraphs of the current instruction (see MTI).

In column 4 in DD.MM.M.YYYGG format, the expiration date of the permission is indicated.

In the absence of a resident of such permission, subparagraph 7.1 is not filled.

In subparagraph 7.2 " Special conditions The contract "in the field 7.2.1 is indicated by the" * "symbol, if the PS is decorated under the contract specified in paragraph 9.5 of this Instruction. In the field 7.2.2, the frequency of payment by the Resident of payments in days is indicated. In the case of a monthly payments, the value of 10, monthly - 30 , quarterly - 90, semi-annual - 180, annual - 365.

In other cases, subparagraph 7.2 is not filled.

3. Section II "Payment information" is formed from data on foreign exchange operations to be stored by authorized banks in accordance with Chapter 4 of this Instruction, as well as for more informationcontained in references on currency transactions and other documents available to the Bank of documents and information related to the residency of foreign exchange operations under the contract, taking into account the following.

In the case of coincidence of the currency of the payment and currency of the contract in graphs 7 and 8, the data reflects the data specified in columns 5 and 6, respectively.

In column 10, in accordance with the OCCM, the country's digital code is indicated by the place of payment of the payment of the payment of payment during the debiting of funds from the Resident account or the country's digital code of the location of the Bank of the Sender of payment during the receipt of cash in favor of the resident.

The column 11 indicates the "*" symbol if the information in this line has been changed based on the reference of currency transactions, in the header part of which the "*" symbol is specified in the "adjustment" field. In other cases, the graph 11 is not filled.

In column 12, if in accordance with the certificate of foreign currency transactions, crediting (write-off) of funds conducted on a resident account opened in a non-resident bank, in accordance with OCSM, the country's digital code of the location of the bank-non-resident bank is indicated, through the Resident account in which Calculations made under the contract. In other cases, the graph 12 is not filled.

4. Section III "Information on confirming documents" is formed from information about DT registered by the customs authorities, obtained in accordance with the Regulations on the transfer of information on goods declarations for goods, the list of which is given in Appendix 2 to the specified Regulation, from the information contained in the certificates of confirmation documents, as well as on the basis of the information contained in other available PS records of documents, and other information to be reflected in the bank control statement.

In the case of DT admission to the PS Bank, subsections III.I and III.II are filled as follows.

Subsection III.I is filled with information from DT, in the subsection 1 of the graphs 24 of which are indicated by the character of the transaction containing in the second discharge equal to 1 (with the exception of codes 015 and 018), and the graph 40 of Dt or the code of the transaction is not filled in the second The discharge value is equal to 2, and the graph 40 Dt is filled in, in which the DT registration number is specified when the product is placed under the preceding customs procedure.

Subsection III.II is filled with information from DT, which are not specified in the paragraph of the third of this clause, with the exception of information from DT, in subsection 1 of the Count 24 of which the dealer's character code contains a value of 5 or 6 in the second discharge.

Information in subsections III.I and III.II is filled in automated mode in the following order.

In Count 2, the registration number of DT (Count "A" DT) is transferred.

In Count 3, it is transferred in DD.MM format.YYYY Date from the DT registration number, which is indicated after the first separation symbol "/".

In column 4, the code of the type of confirmation document is indicated 01_3, if in the direction of the movement of goods (the first subsection of the graph 1 dt) contains the letters "ek" or the code of the type of confirmation document - 01_4, if the letter "them" contains "to the movement of goods".

In column 5, in accordance with the OK, the digital currency code is specified, corresponding to the bookcase of the contract price of the contract, in which the cost of the goods declared in DT (the first subsection of Count 22 DT) is determined.

In Count 6, the total cost of goods is transferred, actually paid or payable in accordance with the terms of the contract, according to which the PS is issued, in the currency of the contract price (the second subsection of Count 22 DT).

When specifying the resident in column 6 of certificates of confirmation documents submitted to the PS Bank in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, information through the symbol section "/", in column 6 subsection III.I after information from DT is transferred through a symbol separator "/" Count 6 certificate of confirmation documents specified after the separator in the form of a symbol "/".

In graph 7 and 8, the data is repeated, which are indicated in columns 5 and 6, respectively.

In Count 9, in the case of a response to the Supporting Document Bank, in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, the value of the Count 9 is a certificate of confirmation documents.

In case of failure to submit a resident to the PS Bank for confirmation documents in accordance with clause 9.8 of this Instruction or in the absence of a certificate of confirmation of information about DT in the represented by the resident in accordance with paragraph 9.8, the registration number of which is contained in column 2 subsection III.I In column 9 subsection III.I indicates:

1 - if column 4 contains the code of the type of confirmation document 01_3;

4 - If column 4 contains the code of the type of confirmation document 01_4.

Count 9 subsection III.II in this case is not filled.

In Count 10, in the case of submission by the resident to the PS PS Bank for confirmation documents in accordance with paragraph 9.8 of this Instruction, the value of the Count 10 certificates is transferred.

In case of failure to submit a resident to the PS Bank for confirmation documents in accordance with clause 9.8 of this Instruction or in the absence of a certificate of confirmation of information about DT in the represented by the resident in accordance with paragraph 9.8, the registration number of which is contained in column 2 subsection III.I , Graph 10 subsection III.i is not filled.

The column 11 indicates the symbol of "*" if the residency provides a corrective certificate of confirmation documents or in the case of the directions of the customs authorities of changes affecting previously transmitted information about DT.

If the resident presented documents confirming the need for use in the calculations of indicators of sections IV and V information on Dt, which is included in subsection III.II, in column 11 indicates the capital letter of the Russian alphabet "P". If column 11 contains the "*" symbol, in this case the letter "P" is indicated through the separator in the form of a symbol "/".

In other cases, the graph 11 is not filled.

In column 12 of the received DT transfer:

Through the symbol separator, "(comma) the following five indicators:

Two-digit digital code of the claimed customs procedure (the second subsection of Count 1 DT);

Code of the features of the declaration of goods (Count 7 DT);

Transaction character code (Count 24 DT);

The code of the peculiarities of the foreign economic transaction (Count 24 DT);

Information about the decision of the customs authority in relation to goods (Count "with DT);

Through the separator in the form of a symbol ";" (Sein point) DT registration number (DT registration numbers) when placing goods under the previous customs procedure, specified (specified) in column 40 DT.

In the absence of any of the listed indicators, the separator is preserved (for example, 96, PDD, 010,00,20; or; 10508010/050313/0002881).

In column 13, at the discretion of the Bank of the PS, additional information may be indicated.

In the case of submission by the resident to the PS Bank for supporting documents in accordance with paragraph 9.1 of this Instruction, subsection III.I is formed by the PS Bank from the information contained in the certificates of confirmation documents, as well as in other available documents of the PS record documents and information , taking into account the following.

Counts 2 - 6, 9 and 10 posts information from the relevant certificate graphs on confirming documents.

In case of coincidence of the currency of the confirmation document and the currency of the contract in columns 7 and 8, the data reflects the data specified in columns 5 and 6, respectively.

The column 11 indicates the "*" symbol if the information in this row has been changed based on the help of confirmation documents, in the header part of which the "*" symbol is specified in the "Adjustment" field. In other cases, the graph 11 is not filled.

In Count 12, information is transferred from the Count 11 certificates of confirmation documents.

In column 13, at the discretion of the Bank of the PS, additional information may be indicated.

In the case specified in paragraph 9.6 of this Instruction, the Commission, held by the Correspondent Bank, is reflected in the PS Bank in subsection III.i with the code of the type of confirmation document 16_3.

Subsection III.I is not filled in the case of this Instructions specified in the sentence of the first instruction.

5. Section IV "Information on the control of the fulfillment of the requirements of Article 19 of the Federal Law" On Currency Regulation and Currency Control "is formed in the absence of information from the Bank of the PS on obtaining a resident in the expected time from the non-resident funds for the goods transferred to the non-resident goods performed for him work, Services provided to him, transferred to him and the results of intellectual activity, including exceptional rights to them, under the terms of deferred payment or in the absence of information on the transfer of goods by the non-resident, in the expected time of goods, the fulfillment of work for him, providing services to it, transferring it to him and the results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them, on the account carried out by a resident of the advance payment. In the case specified in this paragraph, such a statement of banking control is sent to the monetary control body in accordance with the provision of the Bank of Russia N 308-p.

The indicators of the IV section are calculated by the PS Bank based on the data section II and subsection III.I, as well as on the basis of the data of subsection III.II in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure, the bank control statements on which the dates are in columns 2 and 3 Coinciding with the date of entry into force of this Instruction, or later than the date of entry into force of this Instruction.

The calculation of the indicators of section IV is carried out as of the expiration date of the expected period specified in column 9 of section II or in column 10 of subsection III.I (subsection III.II, in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure) (hereinafter referred to as the expiration date of the expected period ). The calculation is carried out after the expiration of the deadlines established for the submission of foreign exchange operations or certificate of confirmation documents, taking into account the timing of the Bank's adoption of such certificates, including if they are filled with PS Bank, and the provision of information by the Bank of the PS certificates in the statement of bank control.

5.1. In subsection IV.i under contracts providing for export of goods from the territory of the Russian Federation, the fulfillment of the resident, the provision of services, the transfer of information and the results of intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them (the codes of the type of contract 1, 3, 9), in the case of If, when calculating the indicators of the subsection IV.I, the value of the graph 7 is greater than zero, the following information is indicated.

In column 4 (with the exception of bank control statements containing information in paragraph 7.2 of section I) indicates the expected amount of cash receipts from non-resident at the account of the repayment of a resident of a commercial loan, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the column 8 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II , in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure), in the presence of a separator in the form of a symbol "/" - the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II) specified after the separator "/", for strings for which in the column 4 The codes of species of confirmation documents are indicated 01_3, 02_3, 03_3, 04_3, 15_3, in column 9 - the sign "2" and the date specified in column 10 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with it.

Count 5 indicates the amount of funds enrolled at the expense of the resident at the repayment of a commercial loan, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the Count 8 of Section II for the strings for which the currency transactions in column 4 are indicated in column 4, 20,200, 20300, 22,200, 22210 and The date indicated in column 2 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with it.

The column 6 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i for strings for which the codes of the types of confirmation documents 10_3, 13_3, 16_3 and the date indicated in column 3 are earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with her.

Count 7 is calculated as follows:

Count 7 \u003d Count 4 - Count 5 - Graph 6.

In column 8 in the format of DD.MM.YYYY, the date of transmission of information into the currency control body is indicated in accordance with the provision of the Bank of Russia N 308-P.

5.2. In subsection IV.II under contracts involving goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, carrying out non-residents of work, the provision of services, the transfer of information and the results of intellectual activity, including the exclusive rights to them (codes of the type of contract 2, 4, 9), in the case of If, when calculating the line indicators of the subsection IV.II, the value of the graph 8 is greater than zero, the following information is indicated.

In column 2 in DD.MM. M.YYYY is indicated by the date of the next working day after the expiration date of the expected period.

The column 3 indicates the digital code of the contract currency from the graph 4 of paragraph 3 of section I.

In column 4, the amount of the expected execution of the non-resident obligations is indicated by transferring to the resident of the goods, the fulfillment of work for him, providing him with services, the transfer of information to it and the results of intellectual activity, including exceptional rights to them, to the account carried out by the advance payment by the Residency, which is calculated as the amount Count 8 sections 8 for strings on which the currency transaction codes are indicated in column 4 11100, 21100, 21300, 23100, 23110, and the date specified in column 9 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with it.

The column 5 indicates the amount of confirming documents, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 subsection III.i (subsection III.II, in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure), if there is a separator in the form of a symbol "/" - Count values \u200b\u200b8 Subsection III.I (subsection III.II), indicated after the separator "/", for strings for which in column 4 shows the codes of species of confirmation documents 01_4, 02_4, 03_4, 04_4, 15_4, in column 9 - a sign "3", As well as rows by which in column 4 specifies the code of the type of confirmation document 16_3 and the date specified in column 3 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with it.

The column 6 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the Count 8 of Section II for strings for which the currency transactions in column 4 are indicated in Currency Operations 11900, 21900, 23900, 99010, and the date specified in column 2 is earlier than the expiration date of the expected period or coincides with her.

In column 2, in accordance with the EMB or Clearing Currency Classifier, the Digital Currency Code of the Contract is specified.

Column 3 indicates the amount of funds enrolled at the expense of the resident, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the Count 8 of Section II for strings by which currency species 10100, 10200, 11900, 20100, 20,200, 20300, 20,400, 21500 21900, 22100, 22110, 22200, 22210, 22300, 23900, 58015, 58020, 58900, 99010.

Count 4 indicates the amount of funds, which is calculated as the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the Count 8 of Section II for strings for which the currency species codes are indicated in column 4, 11100, 11200, 20,200, 20800, 21100, 21200, 21,200, 21,400, 22800 23100, 23110, 23200, 23210, 23300, 58010, 58025, 58800.

The column 5 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of the subsection III.i (subsection III.II, in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure) for strings for which the codes of the types of confirmations 01_3, 02_3, 03_3, 04_3, 15_3 are indicated in column 4 .

The column 6 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i (subsection III.II, in the case specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure) for the strings on which the codes of the confirmation documents 01_4, 02_4, 03_4, 04_4, 15_4 are specified in column 4 .

The column 7 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i for strings for which the codes of the confirmation documents 10_3, 13_3, 16_3 are indicated in column 4.

Count 8 indicates the sum of the values \u200b\u200bof the graph 8 of subsection III.i for strings for which the codes of the types of confirmation documents 10_4, 13_4 are indicated in column 4.

The column 9 indicates the balance of calculations under the contract, defined as follows:

Graph 9 \u003d (column 3 + graph 6 + graph 7) -

(Graph 4 + graph 5 + graph 8).

In case of changes in the contract currency, the data on section V is formed in each contract currency.

7. In the case of DT containing in column 7, the specificity of the customs declaration of goods "ZPK" (full declaration on goods on all components), in the calculation of the indicators of sections IV and V, the amount according to the specified DT, the amounts of DT, whose numbers Contained in column 40 such DT, the calculation of the indicators of sections IV and V does not include.

8. At the discretion of the Bank of the PS to the statement of bank control, other information may be included. ".

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