
WED and currency control. WED and currency control Sberbank Currency Department for legal entities

Sberbank of Russia now offers companies to support their foreign economic activity. WED and currency control services are provided by specialists of the Bank's consulting division. Organizations and companies help in developing contracts, conducting examinations for compliance with current currency legislation ...

To lead foreign economic activity, organizations need to be well evaluated by their own opportunities, learn about all procedures and schemes for interaction with foreign partners and counterparties, and learn how to strictly follow the current currency legislation.

Sberbank offers companies support their foreign economic activity

From press release:

To have a private department, which is engaged in foreign economic activity (VED), is definitely convenient, but somewhat expensive. Attracting a third-party specialist will cost cheaper, moreover, it gives a chance to evaluate all the possibilities of organizing unbiased. Consulting services for servicing foreign economic activity and currency control now also provides Sberbank of Russia.

The business is offered services for issuing a transaction passport, certificates of foreign exchange operations, certificates of confirmation documents. In addition, consulting companies on the application of currency legislation and conducting currency transactions, which is extremely important for any organization, which leads foreign economic activity. Specialists of the Sberbank of Russia's consulting division help in the development of contracts, and also conduct an examination for compliance with the current currency legislation of the Russian Federation have already compiled agreements, which is important in the conditions of constantly changing legislation. For companies that contain their VED specialists, it will not be more expert in the seminar of Sberbank of Russia on the application of currency legislation. This will always have a relevant information base and make competent decisions regarding the foreign economic activity of the firm. Sberbank Consulting gives companies the opportunity to minimize the risks of application of penalties and currency control agents to them.

The Bank provides consulting services not only to its customers - legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, but also to customers of other organizations. At the same time, it is possible to obtain a consultation both in the branch, the Sberbank branch and remotely with the help of banking services that have a high degree of reliability.

Consulting services of Sberbank are on a paid basis, in market tariffs. The obvious advantage of the bank is a short period of service and a large branch network, where they can be obtained.

High International Ranking of the Bank * Allows you to get lending by foreign banks of Sberbank customers, carrying out foreign economic activity, on special conditions. And this significantly reduces the cost of foreign trade projects. Reducing the cost of payments occurs due to the fact that the calculations from any country of the world for the bank are not problematic due to the wide network of correspondent relations. Regardless of the financial and economic situation in the country and in the world, Sberbank offers a stable level of service and customer support. And most importantly, the timely implementation of payments for foreign trade transactions.

* According to the international rating agency Moody's Investors Service, a long-term deposit rating in foreign currency OJSC Sberbank of Russia, established on July 16, 2008. and confirmed for 2013, "VAA1", which corresponds to the level of the sovereign rating of the Russian Federation.

Detailed information about the service can be found at www.sberbank.ru

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia". General License of Bank of Russia No. 1481 of 08.08.2012.

Currency control

On the territory of the Russian Federation, VED participants should be guided by the Federal Law of 10.12.2003 N 173-FZ "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control".

Currency control is a state of oversight of foreign exchange operations by the participants of foreign exchange transactions, for compliance with foreign currency law.

For currency transactions, followed by currency control in the Russian Federation include:

Import / export to the country of foreign currency and (or securities in foreign currency) issued not in the territory of the Russian Federation, RF rubles and securities in the rubles of the Russian Federation and issued in the Russian Federation;

Translation of foreign currency, RF rubles, securities from an account opened outside the territory of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the same person open in the territory of the Russian Federation, and from an account opened in the Russian Federation, at the expense of the same person open outside territory of the Russian Federation;

Translation of non-residents of RF rubles, securities from an account opened in the Russian Federation, at the expense of the same person opened in the territory of the Russian Federation;

Operations between residents:
acquisition by resident at the resident and alienation by the resident in favor of a resident of currency values \u200b\u200bon legitimate grounds, as well as the use of currency values \u200b\u200bas a means of payment;

Operations between residents and non-residents:
acquisition by a resident of a non-resident or a non-resident at the resident and the alienation of the resident in favor of a non-resident or a non-resident in favor of a resident of currency values, RF rubles, securities in the rubles of the Russian Federation and issued in the Russian Federation on legal basis, as well as the use of currency values, RF rubles and labeled securities as a means of payment;

Operations between non-residents:
the acquisition of a non-resident non-resident and alienation by a non-resident in favor of a non-resident of currency values, the currency of the Russian Federation and securities in the rubles of the Russian Federation and issued in the Russian Federation on legal basis, as well as the use of currency values, the currency of the Russian Federation and these securities as a payment tool.


2.1 Mechanism of commissioning in Sberbank of currency transactions

The history of Sberbank of Russia began 170 years ago, in the XIX century. For almost two centuries, the bank won the status of the country's largest financial institution.

Today, his branch network is considered unique - it has more than 20 thousand branches and offices throughout Russia, in Kazakhstan, in Ukraine, in Belarus, in Germany and India. Registered representation in China.

According to the organizational structure of Sberbank of the Russian Federation is a joint-stock commercial bank. It was established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as an open joint-stock company and registered in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. 06/20/1991 G. Office of the Savings Bank include: General Meeting of Shareholders, Board of Bank, Board of Directors of the Bank, President of the Savings Bank. The competence of the Bank's management bodies is defined in its Charter.

Sberbank Today is a modern universal bank, which offers a wide range of services for all customer groups, is actively involved in the social and economic life of the country.

Sberbank of the Russian Federation provides its customers with more than 100 types of various services, both traditional associated with funds in deposits, lending, settlement and cash maintenance, and relatively new ones - dealing, operations with stock values, intermediary, etc.

Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank of the Russian Federation and the CIS. Its assets at the end of 2011 make up more than a quarter of the banking system of the country (26.8%), and the share in banking capital is at the level of 29.1%. Founded in 1841, Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of banking services. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market is the main lender of the Russian economy. Attracting private clients and ensuring their safety is the basis of the Sberbank business, and the development of mutually beneficial relations with depositors is the key to its successful work. At the end of 2011, 46.6% of citizens' savings stored in Russian banks are entrusted to Sberbank. Official site of Sberbank of Russia OJSC - http://www.sbrf.ru/moscow/en/about/today/

Sberbank continued to work on improving the quality of the client service. The most significant service of Sberbank is the reception of payments of the population. Their volume for the year exceeded 1.8 trillion. rub., The total number of payments received almost reached 1 billion. The share of payments accepted on billing technology exceeded 74% in the total amount of payments received by the Bank.

Sberbank of Russia has a unique branch network: Currently, it includes 17 territorial banks and about 19 thousand divisions throughout the country. By 2014, Sberbank plans to increase to 5-7% of the share of net profit obtained outside Russia. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia work in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. In accordance with the Development Strategy, Sberbank of Russia has expanded its international presence, discovering a representative office in Germany and a branch in India, as well as registering a representative office in China. At the end of 2011, Sberbank closed a transaction for the acquisition of SLB Commercial Bank AG, renamed in Sberbank (Switzerland) AG. In January 2012, the Bank completed the acquisition of Troika Dialog, the largest Russian investment company. After the acquisition of Volksbank International in the Sberbank structure included divisions in 9 countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In August, Sberbank created a joint bank in the lending market at sales points with Cetelem (BNP Paribas Group). In September 2012, Sberbank acquired a 99.85% stake in Denizbank. This epochal deal has become the largest acquisition for the bank's 170-tiretery history.

The integration of the "Troika Dialog" business, renamed Sberbank Kib ("Sberbank CIB"), allowed Sberbank to enter a new level of relationship with customers, to offer them highly professional financial advice and the choice of investment strategies, having a full range of modern financial instruments - from traditional for Bank of credit products to complex-structural investment banking products and global market products. As a result of the unification of two complementary businesses in the Russian financial market, an unconditional leader appeared.

In 2011, Sberbank was recognized as the most expensive Russian brand, entered the list of the world's largest corporations following the results of 2010, became the third bank capitalization in Europe.

In April 2011, the rating agency Fitch Ratings raised the Sberbank's individual rating with C / D to C. According to the Agency's analysts information, an increase in the bank's individual rating reflects the stabilization of the operating environment in Russia, the quality of the assets and profitability of the bank itself.

Types of currency transactions committed by OJSC Sberbank of Russia:

1) Opening and maintenance of currency accounts of customers. This operation includes the following types:

Opening currency accounts to legal entities (residents and non-residents); individuals;

Accrual interest on account balances;

Providing overdrafts (special customers by decision of the Bank's leadership);

Provision of extracts as the operation is performed; Registration of an account archive for any time interval;

Performing operations, by order of customers, regarding funds on their foreign currency accounts (payment of the documents provided, the purchase and sale of foreign currency at the expense of customer funds);

Control over export-import operations.

2) OJSC Sberbank of Russia offers banks a wide range of banknote services:

Purchase and sale of cash foreign currency for non-cash foreign currency or non-cash rubles;

Reception of a dilapidated and non-empty cash foreign currency, currency coming out of circulation;

Receiving cash foreign currency for collection;

Delivery or receipt of cash foreign currency in any (OM) region (E) of the Russian Federation under the terms "door-in-door".

Possible cash foreign currency.

For cooperation, legal entities need to sign an agreement on the general conditions for the purchase / sale / sale of cash and cash operations for cash foreign currency to collection.

All currency exchange operations exceeding the amount of 15,000 rubles are committed upon presentation of a document certifying the personality.

To carry out the purchase of foreign currency with its enrollment on a special currency account, it is necessary to submit:

Documents for opening a special account;

Application for the purchase of foreign currency on the over-the-counter foreign exchange market.

Calculated for a special currency account purchased foreign currency can accumulate and stored on it within 7 working days, starting from the day following the day of its enrollment.

In case of non-use of the acquired foreign currency before the expiration of the established time of its storage in a special account or before the expiration of the deadlines after returning the subject of currency transactions - the resident of the foreign currency previously listed from the special account, the subject of currency operations - the resident is obliged to sell this foreign currency to the bank on stock exchange or on the over-the-counter foreign exchange market.

In the absence of a special currency account for storing a purchased foreign currency, as well as to save time for conducting a currency exchange operation and reduce documents provided to the Bank, a client can carry out a bank transfer with the purchase of foreign currency.

For transfers to purchase, a special account is not required. When carrying out such operations, a payment order is issued, which combines information about the conditions of the currency exchange transaction and bank transfer details.

The Bank independently writes off the Russian rubles from the account of the client, and the foreign currency of the transaction is sent to the beneficiary of the funds specified in the payment order.

To conclude a sale of foreign currency sales on the over-the-counter foreign exchange market with OJSC Sberbank of Russia, if the Customer's currency account is opened in another bank, it is necessary to provide an application for sale (conversion) to foreign currency to the Bank's account to be expected.

If the currency account is open at Sberbank of Russia, sales of foreign currency are carried out through bank transfer on sale. When carrying out such operations, a payment order is issued, which combines information about the conditions of the currency exchange transaction and bank transfer details.

The bank independently writes off the client's account to foreign currency to be sold, and the Russian rubles by the transaction sends to the details specified by the client in the payment order.

3) non-trade operations. OJSC Sberbank Russia carries out the following types of this operation:

Purchase and sale of cash foreign currency and payment documents in foreign currency;

Collection of foreign currency and payment documents in currency;

Produces the release and maintenance of plastic cards of the Bank's clients;

Makes payment of monetary letters of credit and the exhibition of similar accredit.

Non-trade operations, in the context of individual species, were widespread to provide customers with a wider range of banking services, which plays an important importance in competition with other commercial banks for attracting clientele. Without operations, namely, the transfer of translations abroad, payment and placement of letters of credit is practically impossible everyday work with clients. The purchase and sale operation of the cash currency is one of the main operations of OJSC Sberbank of Russia of a non-trade nature.

4) Establishment of correspondent relations with foreign banks. This operation is a necessary condition for the Bank of International Claims. The decision to establish correspondent relations with one or another foreign bank should be based on a real need for maintenance of regular export and imported clientele operations.

5) conversion operations. Conversion operations are transactions of buying and selling cash and non-cash foreign currency (including currency with limited conversion) against cash and non-cash rubles of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank of Russia is an active participant in the Russian and international money market and conducts conversion operations with more than 20 types of currencies: Russian ruble (RUB), US dollar (USD), Unified European currency (EUR), Australian dollar (AUD), Belarusian ruble (BYR ), Canadian dollar (CAD), Swiss franc (CHF), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Czech Krone (CZK), Danish Crown (DKK), Estonian Krone (EEK), English pound sterling (GBP), Japanese yen (JPY) , Kazakh tenge (KZT), Lithuanian lith (LTL), Latvian Lat (LVL), Norwegian Crown (NOK), Polish zloty (PLN), Swedish Crown (SEK), Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH), Clearing Indian Rupee, dollar for calculations with india.

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Bank account

3 commissioning (write-off) Customer accounts on customer accounts is made on the basis of the following settlement documents: a payment order, payment request, payment request, instructions, statements for accredities ...

Currency operations

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Currency transactions of the Bank (on the example of Kazkommertsbank JSC)

Before considering the entire mechanism of currency transactions, it is necessary to note its order, i.e. The order of opening currency accounts ...

Bank account agreement

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Cash register in bank

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Organization, design, accounting of currency exchange operations of a commercial bank

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Accounting for depository operations

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Currency control is a mechanism for administrative supervision by the state for compliance with the rules and norms of currency regulation.

In the Law of the Russian Federation "On Currency Regulation and Currency Control" defined the purpose of currency control is to ensure compliance with currency legislation in the implementation of foreign exchange operations.

As noted earlier, the performance of the functions of currency control agents is assigned to authorized banks. In the Arseniev branch of Sberbank, currency control is carried out directly by the specialists of the currency transaction sector.

In the field of activity of the currency control system, the branch are:

  • 1) currency transactions related to the implementation of foreign trade activities of residents;
  • 2) operations of residents for the provision and repayment of loans and loans in foreign currency;
  • 3) investment activities of residents and investment control in the Russian economy;
  • 4) currency transactions related to the provision and payment of services;
  • 5) non-trade operations.

The main directions of currency control are:

  • - determination of the compliance of the current currency transactions with current legislation and verify the availability of licenses and permits necessary for them;
  • - checking the fulfillment of residents of payments in foreign currency before the state, as well as obligations to sell foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation;
  • - checking the validity of payments in foreign currency;
  • - checking the completeness and objectivity of accounting and reporting on foreign exchange operations, as well as on non-resident operations in the currency of the Russian Federation.

The greatest specific gravity among the above-controlled operations in the Arsenevian branch of Sberbank is occupied by trade operations - operations related to the implementation of foreign economic activity clients.

When organizing control over the implementation of this type of operation, the Bank's activities are reduced to several stages (see.

This technology of currency control over operations related to foreign economic activity of customers in the Arsenevian branch of Sberbank of Russia has been developed on the basis of the mechanism established by the joint instructions of the SCC of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia from 04/10/2000 №91-and "on the procedure for the implementation of currency control for validity payment of residents of imported goods "and from 13/10/1999 No. 86-and" on the procedure for the implementation of currency control over the proceeds in the Russian Federation of revenues from the export of goods ". It allows you to fully cover the control system of customer trading operations, to take place in a timely manner and the facts of possible violations in the field of currency legislation and to warn them in a timely manner. At the same time, the exchange of information between the CTC and the Bank occurs using software products developed by the State Code of Russia.

The currency control scheme in the Arsenievsky branch of Sberbank differs from generally accepted. Monitoring of foreign exchange operations is carried out directly by branches, followed by the transfer of currency control documents through e-mail and through the collection of the collection to the department. This feature is associated with a significant territorial length of the territory serviced by the separation and the availability of a wide branch network that does not have access to the use of GTK software products.

The currency control scheme used allowed the Bank:

  • - monitor the compliance of each currency transaction related to the implementation of export or import settlements directly in the field;
  • - Save customers who were served in the former branches - now branches, before the reorganization of the past in Sberbank in 2000;
  • - Save the leading position on this segment of the foreign exchange market.

During 2001 In the Arseniev branch of Sberbank of Russia, 84 transaction passports were signed (78 - on exports, 6 - on imports) for a total amount of more than 100 million US dollars. For the same period 2000 46 transaction passports (38 - exports, 8 - on imports) about $ 40 million, which indicates a positive dynamics in this area of \u200b\u200bthe Bank's activities.

For the performance of currency control agent functions, the Bank charges a commission from the client in the amount of 0.15% of the amount of currency revenue (for export), or on the amount of payment (by import). The structure of the commission received for 2000-2002. In the context of branches of the Arseniev branch of Sberbank of Russia, a table is reduced (see Table 2.6).

Dynamics of the received commission for currency control in the context of branches of the Arseniev branch of Sberbank, thousand rubles

Table 2.6.

The above table characterizes the structure of income in the context of branches and reflects the positive dynamics of this article of income. According to the data given, the largest share of commission for currency control is accounted for by a branch of 7718/047 G. Dalnegorsk, where the considerable amount of customer contracts is concentrated - more than 60%. The branch of the branch 7718/046 of Parceng has more than 30% in the total volume of this type of income. In other branches, the volume of this income article is insignificant due to the small volumes of operations for servicing the foreign economic activity of customers. Nevertheless, the share of revenues for currency controls in the total amount of non-interest income of the bank monthly is from two to four percent.

In the scope of currency control over non-trade operations in the Arsenyevskoye department, it is preferably non-trade translations carried out by customers in accordance with the Regulation of 24/04/1996. No. 39 "On the procedure for conducting certain types of currency transactions in the Russian Federation and accounting on some Forms of currency transactions "and" Procedure for the implementation of foreign currency transfers from the Russian Federation and in the Russian Federation without opening current accounts "of 27/08/1997 No. 508 and operations of non-residents on the accounts of type" K "," N "," F " In the curve of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the Bank's function includes:

  • - determining the compliance of the current currency transactions to current legislation and verify the availability of licenses and permissions necessary for them, the compliance of the operations on the accounts of the type "K", "N", F "by the regimes of accounts;
  • - keeping the relevant journal accounting of non-trading operations, in accordance with the procedure established by the Bank of Russia;
  • - providing reliable and complete reports to the Bank of Russia.

The electoral approach when working with clients, the complexity of currency operations coverage of the currency control system and the efficiency of the Bank to prevent and identify violations of currency legislation contributes, with an optimal combination of these elements, the full and comprehensive fulfillment of the Bank of the functions of the currency control agent.

Generalizing the practical experience, theoretical and legal framework for currency operations by commercial banks, on the example of the Arsenevian branch of the Far Eastern Bank of Sberbank of Russia, a number of conclusions and proposals should be formulated.

Along with the wide development of operations to attract funds and use in this area, a standard portfolio of banking products adopted in international practice is absolutely not developed by the operations for the placement of resources. The rigid standardization of active operations made by offices aimed at strengthening investment potential and risk management is not always appropriate in the presence of competition from commercial banks with the right to manage resources in full. The creation of a foreign exchange resource management unit in departments, with the imposition of the effectiveness of the effectiveness of various assets and the level of risk, would expand the range of active separation operations and develop one of the fundamental functions of the Bank for the transformation of savings into loans and investments.

The lack of regulatory documents in the field of currency control regulating the functions of branches (in the legal status of what they are in Sberbank of Russia), and the SBC software intended for such structural divisions of the Bank, it generates duplication of control functions in offices and an inexped documentary circuit. With the currently current currency control system, a branch, in order to promptly solve emerging issues, generates an additional PS dossier containing the entire package necessary for the implementation of control functions of documents. In this regard, Sberbank, in the presence of a wide and specific branch network, in accordance with the accepted development strategy, aimed at a comprehensive supply of banking products to consumers throughout the Russian Federation, it is necessary: \u200b\u200beither to resolve the issue of the legal status of the branch, or to develop an additional block together with the CTC Software product, with division of user functions at different structural levels, allowing foreign exchange in places.

In the field of applying currency legislation, in the light of its colossal bulkness, the Department of Currency Operations of Sberbank, together with the Central Bank of the Central Bank, it is advisable to develop thematic reviews that systematize the results of bank inspections containing a list of the most common disorders and errors.

In the area of \u200b\u200bcontrol over the currency and financial activities of clients, in terms of practical experience, the possibility of applying currency legislation to the activities of entrepreneurs should be regulated, since for this category of participants in the foreign exchange market, a fairly free order of currency assets is characterized.

In order to develop bank trading operations at increasing their profitability, it is necessary to optimize the technology of depository operations in order to avoid duplication of control functions at the levels of territorial banks and the Sberbank Department. Despite the fact that the current scheme is aimed at minimizing country risks, it is advisable to allocate, as necessary, the limits on depository operations directly by separations that make these operations for each specific transaction.

Next, we consider the prospects for the development of currency operations of commercial banks in the light of the development of new banking technologies and products, taking into account the improvement of the institutional and functional aspects of the Bank's activities in the foreign exchange market.

Step 2. Fill out the form

In the Dialogue, select the method of providing information - the provision of a contract. Fill out the displayed form, attach an electronic copy of the contract (for example, a scanned page). Additional information, such as the amount and currency, the completion date of the contract execution, etc. You can not fill. If you fill them, check will pass faster. Click on the Green button "Create" at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Sign up the document

Step 1. Open the currency translation form

In the top menu, select the "Products and Services" section and click on the "Currency Control and Consulting" button. Click on the Orange "New Document" button. In the drop-down menu, select "Put the Contract Register".

Step 2. Fill out the form

In the Dialogue, select the method of providing information - the provision of a contract. Fill out the displayed form, attach an electronic copy of the contract (for example, a scanned page). Additional information, such as the amount and currency, the completion date of the contract execution, etc. You can not fill. If you fill them, check will pass faster. Click on the green button "Create" at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Transfer additional information about the currency transaction

The bank will request additional information about the currency transaction. You must specify the type of contract and, if necessary, download documents (if they were not previously provided).

Step 4. Subscribe a document

Check the loyalty of the information you provide a jar. If there are no errors, click on the Orange "Semicode" button on the right and enter the received code in the input field.

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