
Benefits to pensioners. Subsidies to pay utility services. Latest news and change

For the most socially vulnerable categories of citizens in the Moscow region are privileges. Among them are poor and large families, as well as pensioners.

What benefits are pensioners in the Moscow region? The liver of social support measures of pensioners includes tax, medical and social benefits, discounts on utilization of housing and communal services. Separate advantages are provided for working retirees and faces of old age (over 80 years).

Tax benefits for pensioners

Pensioners are exempt from the payment of property tax. They may not pay it for real estate objects that are in their property. This, for example, housing, country house, garage, place in the parking lot or other buildings. Benefits are provided for one object of each type. So, if a pensioner has several apartments, then it can get tax breaks only on one of them.

The procedure for obtaining property benefits is applicable. Without submission to the tax inspectorate, a receipt will continue to be sent to the retirement to the Pensioner tax inspectorate. Former soldier has the right to also get exemption from property tax.

In general, pensioners of the Moscow region do not have tax benefits for the payment of transport tax. With the exception of veterans of the Second World War and disabled 1.2 groups.

Benefits of land tax pensioners are determined at the level of municipalities. The fact is that this tax refers to local jurisdiction and the overall benefits for the entire Moscow region is not provided for it.

Thus, in the Pavlovo-Posad district, the land tax benefits for single pensioners are provided, in the queen from paying half of the tax, the owners of 12 acres and smaller areas are exempt, in Ivanteevka there is a complete exemption from tax for poor.

And now I suggest a small video about how deputies were deprived of pensioners benefits for travel.

Plots on NDFL for pensioners

Persons of the retirement age are exempt from NDFL with some payments. This is a pension, social surcharge to it, compensation for the cost of sanatorium-resort treatment, return tax for treatment or purchase of medicines, mat. Help (within 4000 rubles). At the same time, NDFLs on general reasons continue to be held with the salaries of working pensioners.

Pensioners include tax deductions when buying housing, both at the expense of their own savings and in the mortgage. Restrictions on deduction to buy housing now make up 2000,000 rubles. This means that the pensioner can return it back 260000 rubles. (2000000 * 13% NDFL). If he took advantage of a mortgage loan, the limit increases to 300,000,000 rubles.

Benefits on the payment of utilities services

Residents of the Moscow region of the retirement age have the right to count on exemption from various payments for utilities. So, they are exempted from paying services for garbage disposal, they are compensated for part of the funds that goes to pay for urban communications (up to 190 p. Monthly).

The benefits of military pensioners under this article are envisaged only for those citizens who have more than 10% of family income on the payment of utility services. They are relying a subsidy for payment of housing and utilities receipts after contacting the center of housing subsidies.

Pensioners can get help in gasification of their housing.

Benefits of military pensioners, which simultaneously have the status of a labor veteran, include 50% of the company to pay utility services, radio, collective antenna, garbage disposal.

Benefits working pensioners

Working pensioners have the right to count on additional benefits. So, they are supposed to be an annual additional vacation, but without salary salary. For participants of the Second World War and Disabled, he can reach 60 days and 14 days - for pensioners. The employer is not entitled to refuse if an appropriate application is received.

Although working pensioners under the new rules do not receive a pension compensation, its size grows annually, taking into account the contributions of the employer, produced for him during the year.

Pensioners are exempt from the two-week work out of the law when careing from work. To do this, in the column, the reason for dismissal is necessary to indicate "retirement". If such a motive of dismissal as "his own desire" is specified, the employer has the right to oblige a pensioner to work 2 weeks.

Otherwise, labor legislation does not provide any special privileges for pensioners. They do not have a shorter working day, exemption from trial and business trips, they have no advantages over other candidates for interview except experience.

Medical Benefits

Pensioners are discussed free service in state and municipal healthcare institutions.

Old-age pensioners can get benefit from paying medicines. But for this, the following conditions must be observed at the same time: a citizen receives a minimum retirement, the treatment of outpatient and the medicine is purchased according to the recipe. Then you can get a discount of up to 50%, and in some diseases - up to 100%.

Persons aged 60 years have been laid during three years, veterans of the Second World War - once a year. Wheel disabled veterans have the right to spend the summer on a free triumph in the sanatorium.

Other retirement persons are relying compensation to travel places and sanatoriums once in 2 years. Such preferences are deprived of only working retirees.

Behind the registration of compensation must be applied to the FIU, presenting travel tickets and vouchers.

Every year, retirees can be free from influenza in the local clinic.

Working retirees can count on free production, repair of dentures (except made from metal ceramics and drag. Metals).

Social service

Pensioners who ended up in a difficult financial situation can count on financial support from USN. Help they can get not only money, but also products, clothing, hygiene objects, etc. Iceosses.

As for social surcharge to pension, it relies only to residents of Moscow, and in the Moscow region it is not supposed.

A number of areas of social support for residents of the Moscow region are provided on social card. Its holders are available free travel to the subway, discounts when paying urban and suburban transport, various discounts and additional bonuses in stores that are partners of the program.

Benefits for pensioners aged 80 years

Pensioners who have already been 80 years old have additional benefits. So, the size of their insurance part of the pension increases twice. No additional documents for this will be required, recalculation will be performed automatically.

They have the right to get free medical, psychological, social assistance, including accommodation in boarding houses. Pensioners can also count on a classified advice.

If there are problems with housing, they can provide a social apartment from the state.

Persons of old age are relying permanent assistance in the form of a certain set of food, for the issuance of which socially replies. protection.

For citizens over 80 years old, a guardian from among the nearest relatives or unauthorized persons can be appointed. The guardian himself will pay money for its services. At the same time, guardianship will enter insurance experience to accrual pension.

Look at the press conference, where the participants will try to answer the question why the Moscow region pensioners cancel the benefits to travel.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this article discusses only the measures of social support for the pensioners of Moscow, which include natural assistance, cash payments and benefits of Moscow retirees and elderly citizens within and sizes established by law.

Non-working pensioners of Moscow and individual categories working pensioners in Moscow and disabled independently of the type of retirement to be subject to regional Social Supplement to Pension to the Municipal Social Standard.

At the same time, the urban social standard of minimum revenues of pensioners is a pension plus a surcharge, for example, in 2011, the above-mentioned urban social standard was eleven thousand rubles, and in 2012 will be twelve thousand rubles.

Lonely pensioners and families consisting of pensioners at the age of women older than 55 years old and men older than 60 years of non-working pensioners, on whose dependents are children under the age of eighteen, is provided monthly compensation for local telephone services. Currently, compensation size is 230 rubles.

Currently provided benefits of Moscow pensioners Multifungal and multilateral, which allows you to cover various spheres of life. Consider more benefits in Moscow pensioners to which include:

Free travel on all types of urban passenger transport (it is necessary to keep in mind that a taxi and a route taxi is an exception) in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region on the basis of a Muscovite social card, provided that the monthly monetary compensation is not paid to free travel on city passenger transport. Thus, pensioners of Moscow have the right to choose between free travel and monetary compensation for the specified passage.

Free spa voucher to non-working pensioners at the age of women older than 55 years old and men older than 60 years old in the presence of medical testimony and in order of priority, as well as reimbursement of transportation costs related to the passage to the treatment site and back in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Russia. At the same time, to implement this right no more than once within the calendar year.

The right to receive a subsidy for paying housing and communal servicesprovided if housing and communal services exceed ten percent of the monthly cumulative income of all family members.

Payment in the amount of fifty percent of the current tariff for distribution services, namely, broadcast, television programs in city-wide cable television networks. This benefit is provided by lonely residing pensioners and families, which consist of pensioners receiving subsidy for housing and utilities. Compliance with the above conditions necessarily.

Free manufacture and repair of dentures(except expenses for the cost of the cost of precious metals and metal ceramics).

The above benefits of Moscow pensioners are complemented by natural help in the form:

Dubbed and food assistance to pensionerswho fell into a difficult life situation, which are in dire need of social support, and to get out of the established difficult life situation can not independently.

Inpatient social services, sanitary and hygienic services, services for complex cleaning of apartments, the patronage of lonely or lonely living citizens of elderly at the age of women older than 55 years old and men over 60 years old who are completely or partially lost their self-service ability.

Lonely or lonely living citizens of elderly, namely women aged 55 years and men over 60 years old who need permanent or temporary social assistance due to partial loss of the possibility of independent satisfaction of the main life needs (restriction of the ability to self-service and movement), provided community Social and Social Medical Services in Social Services Centers.

It is necessary to pay attention to the pensioners of Moscow from among war and labor veterans, disabled social support measures specified in the respective articles of the site are provided.

The recent cancellation of the right to free passage forced many older metropolitan residents to concern whether the benefits of pensioners in Moscow will be provided in 2018, and in what volume.

The answer to this question should reassure the heart of the older generation: all other legislation established by tax and pension legislation will act in 2018.

Recall that tax and other relaxation are provided on both the federal and regional levels. Consequently, in addition to national benefits, Moscow pensioners can count on social support measures established by the metropolitan authorities.

It is important:retirement growth does not affect the composition and size of preferential pension provision.

Federal benefits

Property tax

According to Art. 407 of the Tax Code of Russia, all pensioners are exempt from real estate tax. The exemption from payment is only one object for each of the types of real estate. This means that, having different types of property (apartment, residential building, economic building, garage), do not have to pay property tax. However, if there is, for example, two residential buildings are provided only for one house.

An application for benefits and a document confirming the appropriate authority of the applicant (pension certificate) should be personally submitted to the tax authority on the location of the property.

Note! An application for the choice of a specific object to be exempted from paying tax must be submitted until the end of the third quarter. After this period, in the absence of an application, the preferential deduction will be provided to an object with the highest amount of calculated tax.

Exemption from NDFL for some types of income

Do not tax on the income of individuals:

  • any pension payments;
  • the cost of sanatorium-resort vouchers, as well as medical care and treatment of a person who has retired, subject to payment by means of the former employer organization (PP 9-10 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • material assistance, as well as the amount of compensation or payment of the cost of drugs received by a pensioner from a former employer, but not more than four thousand rubles for each of the foundations (paragraph 28 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Benefits for working pensioners

Labor legislation contains only two preferences for citizens who have reached the retirement age, but continuing work activities:

    according to Art. 80 of the Labor Code of Russia, these persons are exempt from the obligation of two weeks after submitting an application for dismissal due to retirement;

    art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides the right to an additional annual unpaid leave without explanation of the reasons - for a period of up to two weeks.

Local preferences for Muscovites

Payment housing and utilities

The statutory legislation provides the following benefits to single pensioners in Moscow on housing payment (clause 7 of Art. 8 of the Law of Moscow of Moscow No. 70 of November 3, 2004):

  • liberation from making fees for garbage collection;
  • monthly compensation for a portion of the payment for telephone intracity telephone services (in the amount of 190 rubles - see Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 42-PP of January 30, 2007).

Unfortunately, other benefits in housing and communal services in Moscow do not provide for me. However, if the amount of payment of housing and communal services exceeds the percentage set by the standards from the total family income (in the capital it varies from 3 to 10% depending on the amount of income), payers are given the right to design a subsidy. On this issue, it is necessary to contact the Territorial Department of the Center for Housing Subsidy of Moscow. In addition, it is possible to issue a service through the Internet portal of urban services PGU.MOS.ru.

Social surcharge to pension

Citizens, the amount of pension provision of which does not reach the size of the subsistence minimum, have the legal right to receive additional payments. It should be applied to the department of social protection at their accommodation. The procedure for appointing additional charges is governed by the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1268-PP of November 17, 2009

This is important: working retirees, regardless of the size of the pension, the right to the specified surcharge do not have.

Free and preferential medicines

Persons receiving a minimum retirement and passing outpatient treatment are provided with 50% benefits when buying medications for a doctor's prescription, and according to some types of diseases (for example, diabetes or oncology), medicines must be released for free (see Appendices No. 1, 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №890 dated July 30, 1994).

It should be remembered: The procedure for providing pensioners of all the above benefits is applicable. This means that in order to implement their legal rights, it is necessary to independently apply to the relevant authorities and submit to the documents required for their design.

Cancel transport benefits

On August 1, 2015, amendments to the Law of the Moscow Region No. 36/2006-2006 dated March 23, 2006, concerning the abolition of benefits for the passions of pensioners in Moscow. According to innovations, the elderly residents of the Moscow region (including the status of veterans of labor, as well as military service) lost the rights of free travel by the citywide capital.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that near Moscow residents with low income provided the right to receive compensation for the passage of Moscow public transport to visit medical institutions towards the doctor. However, the amount of compensation payments cannot exceed four hundred rubles annually.

Unfortunately, it is often about the appearance of benefits, as well as their cancellation, retirees become known only from the "sarafined radio". However, the talk of the entrance is far from always correspond to reality. If you have heard new information about what benefits are pensioners in Moscow, it is advisable to clarify it in the competent authorities (Pension Fund, the Federal Tax Service, etc.), which will be able to provide complete and reliable information on your issue.

According to statistical studies, moscow pensions Are at a higher level compared to payments in other regions. In the event that the pensioner's allowance does not correspond to the established in the Moscow region, regardless of the availability of employment, allowances are paid.

For non-working pensioners, the manual is appointed only on the condition that the citizen lived in Moscow more than 10 years (You can see and download here :). The average size in Moscow is 18,800 rubles, and in the Moscow region - 15,400 rubles. This standard is established in the formal order and is considered sufficient for a comfortable residence of a pensioner in the metropolitan region. In the event that an elderly man is not a native Moskvich, his pension allowance is calculated on the basis of the minimum subsistence minimum in 9 908 rubles. If the payment does not reach this mark, then the difference pays for the city budget.

Despite the fact that employed retirees are now deprived of the rights to, in the capital, such a right remains for them, and this duty also took the city budget.

Public security payments were indexed April 1, 2019 and in Moscow made up:

  • social pension - 9 252 rubles;
  • 12 681 rubles;
  • 36 895 and 37,479 rubles.

Social benefits of Moscow retirees

In addition to the obligatory pension allowance, Moscow pensioners can obtain additional measures of social support.

Benefits of Moscow retirees in 2019:

  • free movement on all types of public transport, including metro, except taxis and minibuses;
  • annual receipt of vouchers to a health establishment free and in turn, if there are medical records;
  • prosthetics of teeth, with the exception of expensive designs, freely; ·
  • home care in the order of providing social platforms is lonely residents of retirement age, which has lost the possibility of self-service;
  • commercial service in the form of a day stay with pensioners;
  • assistance in the form of a purchase of things and products that are older people who have fallen into a serious life situation;
  • help in the provision of sanitary and hygienic services, patronage, complex cleaning of premises;
  • benefits when providing ritual services;
  • exemption from payment of contributions for overhaul pensioners older 70 years old and lonely citizens over 80 years old.

In this way, benefits to pensioners in Moscow Presented to a wide range of measures that allow us to provide older people as comfortable accommodation.

Tax breaks and deductions

Subsidies to pay utilities services

Capital pensioners, like other groups of people, is provided with a subsidy for paying housing and communal services if the total amount of payment is more than 10% from the monthly total income of the family. The right to subsidy is confirmed every month and is subject to cancellation if the income of the pensioner increases.

Citizens whose income comply with the established standards, relies 50% discount From accruals for electricity, water supply, heating.

Provided compensation of 50% From the approved tariff for the use of cable television. This discount is supposed to be lonely resident pensioners and families consisting of pensioners who have already issued subsidizing utilities services.

Every month a compensation payment in the amount of retirement age is carried out 230 rubles to pay a stationary phone.

Medical care for pensioners in Moscow

Moscow retirees, like residents of other regions, can receive the following types of help within the framework of medical care:

  • obtaining free and extraordinary assistance in the medical facilities of the city at the place of registration of the pensioner;
  • annual provision of free vouchers, if there are medical records, in wellness and sanatorium institutions in turn;
  • discounts when buying medicines;
  • partial compensation for the cost of technical rehabilitation of retirees required by medical indicators;
  • the manufacture of dentures, except for designs from expensive materials, in state-type clinics;
  • organization of social assistance for those citizens who cannot fully serve themselves.

The design of each of the benefits occurs in the manner prescribed by the legislative acts of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Social surcharge to pension

Monthly compensation to Moscow pensioners

EKV or monthly compensation payments Remies to those pensioners who have official employment, and their average monthly salary does not exceed 20 000 rubles. As a rule, these compensation is provided to citizens who worked as a position in the approved list. These include: librarians, wipers, nurses, educators, drivers, pharmacists and some others, with the exception of participants and disabled goods, as well as citizens who have restrictions on the health of the 1st and 2nd groups (this category of the ECV people is appointed regardless of from place of employment and position).

The amount of surcharge is determined individually and depends on the overall size of the pension and additional payments. The main condition is that the total income of citizens should be not less than 12 115 rubles.

Minimum pension in Moscow and Moscow region in 2019

Those pensioners whose size of pensions does not reach the level of the PMP in the region, receive a special allowance. Therefore, it was possible to determine that the minimum amount of pensions in Russia corresponds to the subsistence minimum of the pensioner. But from April 1, 2019, the Federal Law No. 49 entered into force, which changes the mechanics of accrual of surcharge. Now before conducting an annual indexation, the authorities will have to bring the amount of pension provision to a minimum. Therefore, since April 2019, the minimum amount of pensions in Russia will exceed the indicator of PM on the magnitude of indexation.

For Moscow and MO, the minimum pension in 2019 will be:

  • 12357.3 rubles. for Moscow;
  • 10106.16 rub. For MO.


As a result, we can say the following:

  1. Pension payments in favor of Moscow retirees have some differences from benefits paid in.
  2. The average size of the insurance pension in Moscow and the Moscow region is more than 18,800 rubles.
  3. At the beginning of April of the current year, there was an increase in public security benefits, including social payments to disabled.
  4. Pensioners of the capital relies the whole list of standard benefits and additional social support measures in various fields.
  5. Older people can get a discount or complete liberation from the payment of transport, property and land taxes.
  6. Citizens of retirement age have the right to issue compensatory payments for the home maintenance, including payment of utilities, radio, telephone.
  7. Benefits are also provided in the form of free medical care, the provision of vouchers, discounts when buying medicines.
  8. In addition to federal surcharges to the subsistence minimum, the capital pensioners are offered additional "Luzhkov" payments. An important condition for their appointment is the accommodation of citizens in Moscow at least 10 years.
  9. People of the retirement age, which occupy certain positions, relies between the EKV, if their salary less than 20 thousand rubles. Went participants and disability citizens 1 and 2 groups Such payment is supposed regardless of the post and size of wages.

Samples of applications and blanks

You will need the following sample documents:

Citizens recognized as needing, military pensioners and other privileged categories of individuals claim to receive a subsidy for paying utilities. When organizing the major repairs of an apartment building, where such a citizen lives, half the amount of the funds spent will be reimbursed. If the pensioner has the title of the Hero of the USSR or Russia, the magnitude of compensation is 100% .

The possibility of obtaining a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use data of social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by their own law or order. For example, . The procedure for granting the benefit and the list of necessary documentation is enshrined in .

The amount of benefits is estimated depending on the size and sum of the total income. As a general rule, the amount of compensation is equal 50% Communal costs. According to housing legislation ( art. 169 LCD RF) When organizing a winmont of real estate, the pensioner also receives a certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, disabled, low-income - 50% .
  2. All citizens after 70 years - 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

The provision of this type of benefits should be applied to the Regional Center for Society or MFC (Multifunctional Center), FSS or Local Self-Government. At the place of treatment, an appropriate statement is issued to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Property Property Property Documents. In the case of its lease - a contract of social, service or other hiring.
  2. Settlement papers (receipts and checks) confirming the facts of previous payments for utility payments.
  3. A copy of the document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and members of his family.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail through the mail or through the Internet network on a single portal of the State Service.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners

Sanatorium-resort treatment of pensioners is included in the medical care of individual categories of persons, but funded from the funds of the federal budget. In the list of recreational social benefits:

  • discount when buying medicines at their retail items. Its size - 50% . This right is implemented upon presentation of a prescription doctor. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of Polyclinics, where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium-resort treatment.

Health events are governed by relevant subtitle acts and departmental standards. For example, preferential treatment for veterans of the Second World War is enshrined. According to the procedure, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a ticket, it is necessary to contact the regional department of the social insurance fund or FIU and make an application. Application must be applied:

  1. Documents on medical examination.
  2. A copy of the passport.
  3. A guide document confirming the right to benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursement for non-use of the sanatorium-resort voucher. At the same time, cash is listed from the FSS budget.

Medical benefits of pensioners

Medical Benefits for Pensioners They are in preferential and free provision of drugs, preferential service law and providing the opportunity to pass a wellness course on a ticket once within one or two years.

Features of the provision of drugs are governed by government resolutions, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. For instance:

Medical benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 In the sphere of preferential leave of drugs are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics of missing limbs. For veterans, this feature is provided free of charge.

Get medical benefits can be obtained directly in the polyclinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate certificate. The drug discount is valid in any private or government pharmacies. For registration it is necessary to visit the compartment of social protection (this feature is provided once every two years, if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners to the main manual receive a set of social services (NSA). It includes compensation for passing public transport. Its value is different depending on the region of the residence of the pensioner and is established by local authorities. If the applicant refuses the preferential pass, the amount of compensation will be included in the amount of additional increase in the pension benefit. For example, for monthly cash payments (EVER).

Defined travel benefits to pensioners Act:

  • (the discount value is set by the carrier company);
  • when driving in the train;
  • on Russian Railways tickets.

Obtaining benefits on travel takes place at the time of purchase of the relevant ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued in the local compartment of social protection.

Tax breaks

Citizens who have reached old age or possessing certain privileges that allow them to receive material content to the end of life, also have the right to tax Benefits and paying state fees. For pensioners:

  1. Exemption from income tax.
  2. Cancellation of real estate tax and other property registered for a pensioner.
  3. Exemption from vehicle tax charges per unit of equipment, power not higher than 100 hp (Really for most regions of Russia).
  4. Discount when paying land tax. Since 2018, the benefits will act on the plots of not more than 6 acres. The specified value is subtracted from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe site, larger in size.
  5. Exemption from the state fee paid when submitting a claim in the judiciary. If the claim concerns property worth more than 1 million rubles - The amount of tax is held.
  6. The right to tax deduction when buying residential real estate.

Responsibilities of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other reasons for retirement, a number of measures are provided. social support. What benefits are laid pensioners in old age?

  1. The right to improve housing conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to pay housing and communal services in the amount of half of their cost.
  3. Reimbursement of overhaul after 70 years old (Pensioner's age) quantity 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of specific social services or payment for it for monetary compensation.
  5. Free and preferential medical care.
  6. Providing sanatorium resort vouchers.
  7. Exemption from some taxes and use of deduction when calculating the amount of NDFL.
  8. Additional unpaid work vacation if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential vacation of medicines in the wholesale-retail pharmacy network upon presentation of a pension certificate and recipe from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers to them on the benefits of pensioners

Question:Good day. My name is Antonina Sergeyevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran. What are the latest news about pension benefits in 2018? Will the long-awaited indexation of old-age benefits in the current year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. It is worth knowing every pensioner that benefits are provided in two directions: federal and regional. The list of state concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional is periodically updated depending on the place of residence of the applicant. For example, in Moscow,having a social card on her hands, labor veteran has the right to use railway free.

As for the indexation, according to the statement of government representatives, the revision of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.

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