
Collection of base prices design work. State estimate standard "Reference book of base prices for design work in construction" Objects of housing and civil construction "

The section contains 52 documents:

    Gas equipment and gas supply. Outdoor lighting Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Gas equipment and gas supply of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. Outdoor lighting. Gas equipment and gas supply are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Gas equipment and gas supply of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. Outdoor lighting. Active Urban planning documentation... Manual A manual for determining the construction cost of the development of urban planning documentation. Urban planning documentation is in effect Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Urban planning documentation. Works Iron and car roads... Chapter 4., 2nd Edition Reference Book of Basic Prices for Design Works for Construction. Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport. Chapter 4. Artificial structures (2nd edition). Railways and highways are in operation. Manual A manual for determining the relative cost of development of design and estimate documentation (to the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction. Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport). Works Engineering geodetic surveys Reference book of base prices for engineering and geodetic surveys in the construction and operation of buildings and structures. Geotechnical surveys are in force. Reference book of base prices for engineering-geological and engineering-environmental surveys for construction hydrographic works Reference book of basic prices for engineering surveys for construction Engineering and hydrographic works Engineering and hydrometeorological surveys on rivers 90-92); 6; 7; 8 (table. Coefficients for salary benefits are in effect Recommendations for determining the coefficient to the base prices for design work, taking into account the additional costs of organizations for preferential salary payments. for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction. a book of basic prices for measuring work and surveys of buildings and structures. Valid Survey building structures Reference book of base prices for design work on inspection, assessment of technical condition, testing and strengthening of building structures of buildings, structures, cranes and hoists. 2nd edition. Water supply and sewerage facilities are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Water supply and sewerage facilities. Operating Water supply and sewerage facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Water supply and sewerage facilities. The objects of the gas industry are in operation. Manual A manual for determining the relative cost of developing project documentation. Gas industry facilities (2nd edition). The objects of the gas industry are in operation. Practical guide A practical guide to the application of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Gas industry facilities (2nd edition). Operates Gas industry facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Gas industry facilities (2nd edition). Operates Civil aviation facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Civil aviation facilities. The objects of housing and civil construction are in operation. Manual A manual for determining the relative cost of the development of design and estimate documentation. Objects of housing and civil construction. The objects of housing and civil construction are in operation. Practice. manual A practical manual for the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Objects of housing and civil construction. Operates Objects of housing and civil construction Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Objects of housing and civil construction. The objects of forestry are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Forestry facilities. Active Forestry facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Forestry facilities. The objects of the main oil transportation are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Main oil transportation facilities. Operating facilities Main oil transportation facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Main oil transportation facilities. The objects of the machine-building industry are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Engineering industry facilities. Operating objects of the machine-building industry Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Engineering industry facilities. The objects of the oil-extracting industry are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Oil industry facilities. Operating objects of the oil industry. Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Oil industry facilities. Facilities of the building materials industry are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Building materials industry facilities. Operating Facilities of the building materials industry Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Building materials industry facilities. River transport facilities are in operation. Handbook A practical guide for the use of a reference book of base prices for design work for the construction of river transport facilities. Operates River transport facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. River transport facilities. Communication objects are in effect. Manual 1. A manual for determining the relative cost of developing project documentation for communication facilities. Communication objects are in effect. Allowance 2. A practical guide to the application of the Reference book of base prices for design work for construction "Communication objects" (General provisions). Communication objects are in effect. Allowance 3. Practical guide for the application of the Reference book of base prices for design work for construction "Communication facilities" (Explanations on the procedure for applying basic prices for design work for the construction of electrical and postal communication facilities - tables 1-10, 22. for design work for construction. Communication facilities. Operations Objects of the pulp and paper industry. Manual A practical guide for the use of a reference book of base prices for design work for the construction of objects of the pulp and paper industry. Operations Facilities of the pulp and paper industry. Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Facilities of the pulp and paper industry. Operating facilities. Power facilities. Manual Guide of base prices for design work for construction. Energy facilities. A manual for determining the relative cost of developing project documentation and the specific cost of developing working documentation for a building m, structures and types of work. Energy facilities are in operation. Practical guide A practical guide for the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Energy facilities. (basic provisions). Operating Energy facilities Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Energy facilities. Operating enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations. The company operates a transport, storage of petroleum products. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations. The development of documentation for the process control system is in force. Reference book of base prices for the development of technical documentation for automated control systems for technological processes (APCS). Development of design documentation is in effect. Allowance A practical guide to the use of a reference price guide for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment. Working Development of design documentation Reference book of base prices for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment. Working Development of technical documentation for overhaul Reference book of base prices for the development of technical documentation for overhaul of building structures of buildings and structures. Clarifications on the application are in force Clarifications on the use of the collection of prices and reference books of basic prices for design work for construction. Fire and security systems are in operation. Allowance A practical guide to the use of the reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Fire and security protection systems. Fire and security systems are in operation. Reference book of base prices for design work for construction. Fire and security protection systems. Active

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the following rules for the operation of this interactive service.

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All collections in DOC format.
General instructions for the use of SCPRS
Industry section * Aviation industry
Section 1. Electricity
Section 2. Oil industry
Section 3. Oil refining and petrochemical industry
Section 4. Gas industry
Section 5. Coal industry
Section 6. Ferrous metallurgy
Section 7. Non-ferrous metallurgy
Section 8. Mining industry
Section 9. Chemical industry
Section 10. Production of mineral fertilizers
Section 11. Power engineering
Section 12. Heavy and transport engineering
Section 13. Electrical industry
Section 13A. Engineering industry
Section 14. Chemical and petroleum engineering
Section 15. Machine-tool and tool industry
Section 16. Industry for the production of products for general machine-building use
Section 17. Instrumentation
Section 18. Automotive and Bearing Industry
Section 19. Tractor and agricultural engineering
Section 20. Mechanical engineering for animal husbandry and fodder production
Section 21. Construction, road and municipal engineering
Section 22. Mechanical engineering for light and food industries and household appliances
Section 23. Repair enterprises of the coal industry
Section 24. Plants for the repair of rolling stock, switch and electrical
Section 25. Plants of building metal structures
Section 26. Timber and wood processing, pulp and paper industry
Section 27. Building materials industry
Section 28. Light and textile industry
Section 29. Fishing industry
Section 30. Medical and microbiological industry
Section 31. Enterprises agro-industrial complex Part 1
Section 31. Enterprises of the agro-industrial complex Part 2
Section 32. Flour and cereals and feed industry
Section 33. Forestry
Section 34. Water management construction
Section 35. Maritime transport enterprises
Section 36. Buildings and structures of air transport
Section 37. Changes and additions to section 37 "communication"
Section 37. Communication ("Inproekg" edition)
Section 37. Communication
Section 38. Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport
Section 39. Residential and civil buildings
Section 40. Regional planning. Planning and building settlements(publication "Inproekt")
Section 40. Regional planning. Planning and development of settlements
Section 41. Objects of arrangement of geology (with changes and additions)
Section 42. Trade establishments and Catering(publication "Inproekt" ")
Section 42. Trade and public catering establishments
Section 43. Enterprises of material and technical supply and sales
Section 44. Health care institutions (publication "Inproekt")
Section 44. Health care facilities
Section 45. Higher education institutions
Section 46. Theater and entertainment enterprises
Section 47. Objects of cinematography
Section48. Printing industry
Section 49. Water supply and sewerage
Section 50. Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations
Section 51. Research institutions
Section 52. Physical culture and sports facilities (publication "Inproekt")
Section 52. Physical culture and sports facilities
Section 53. Peat industry
Section 54. River transport
Section 55. Road transport enterprises
Section 56. Communal services(publication "Inproekt")
Section 56. Utilities
Section 57. Enterprises of consumer services for the population
Section 58. Local Industry
Section 59. Protective structures of civil defense
Section 60. Automatic fire extinguishing, fire and security alarm systems
Section 61. Gas cleaning and dust collection facilities

Section 62. Industrial ovens, dryers, smoke and ventilation pipes, structures for thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection
Section 63. Buried structures and structures, construction dewatering and drainage
Section 64. Gas equipment and gas supply industrial enterprises, buildings and structures
Section 65. Urban engineering structures and communication
Collection of prices for survey work for construction capital. Part 1-4
Collection of prices for survey work for capital construction a. Part 5-8
Collection of prices for design work for the overhaul of buildings and structures (temporary).
Average percentage of the cost of design work.

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