
Radchenko 8.2 practical developer's guide pdf

1C: Enterprise 8.2. Practical developer's guide. Examples and typical techniques

Author: M. G. Radchenko, E. Yu. Khrustaleva
Series or Issue: Developer Library
Publisher: 1C-Publishing
ISBN: 978-5-9677-1147-3
Year of publication: 2009
Pages: 879
Russian language
Format: djvu
Size: 58 Mb

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques of developing and modifying applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise platform 8.2.
On the example of creating a real applied solution, the structure of various objects of the system, their purpose and method of use are shown. The procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.
The book can be used both as a practical guide and as a reference guide. The applied solution considered in the book takes into account the accumulated development experience in the 1C: Enterprise 8 system and demonstrates many new features and mechanisms provided by version 8.2.
The material is intended for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system.

Brief table of contents
Foreword ................................................. five
Lesson 1 (0:40) Acquaintance, creation of an information base ... 13
Lesson 2 (0:45) Subsystems ................................. 35
Lesson 3 (2:10) References .... ........................... 51
Lesson 4 (1:30). Documents ................................ 109
Lesson 5 (2:00). Theoretical ........................... 143
Lesson 6 (0:50). Accumulation registers ..................... 195
Lesson 7 (0:25). Simple report ........................... 219
Lesson 8 (1:10). Layouts. Editing Layouts and Forms ... 233
Lesson 9 (0:50). Periodic registers of information ......... 249
Lesson 10 (0:30). Transfers ........................... 265
Lesson 11 (1:20).
Posting a document across several registers ............. 275
Lesson 12 (0:40). Circulating accumulation registers .......... 291
Lesson 13 (4:30). Reports ................................. 303
Lesson 14 (3:20).
Optimization of the document "Provision of services" ........ 389
Lesson 15 (2:50). Chart of characteristic types ............... 445
Lesson 16 (1:50). Accounting ..................... 497
Lesson 17 (1:00). Chart of calculation types, calculation register ... 529
Lesson 18 (3:40). Using the calculation register ......... 551
Lesson 19 (1:30). Search in the database .................... 591
Lesson 20 (1:00). Execution of tasks on a schedule ....... 611
Lesson 21 (0:40).
Editing movements in the form of a document ................. 627
Lesson 22 (1:00). List of users and their roles ......... 637
Lesson 23 (1:10).
Desktop and command interface configuration ............ 661
Lesson 24 (6:10). Data exchange .......................... 681
Session 25 (0:30). Functional options ................... 741
Session 26 (1:00). Picks and Entries Based on ............ 759
Lesson 27 (2:10). Techniques for developing forms ................. 775
Developer Quick Reference ........................... 813
Glossary................................................. 857

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The textbook for the study of the program "1C: Accounting 8.2" is aimed at students of financial and economic faculties of all specialties.
The purpose of the manual is to teach the student to work independently in the new configuration "Enterprise Accounting", operating on the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" - this is a powerful universal system of new generation applied products designed to effectively solve various problems of enterprise management. It concentrates in itself computer solutions to all problems of the economy. Due to its versatility and flexibility, the system can be easily configured for the needs of a particular organization and allows solving a wide range of automation tasks for any sections of accounting in an enterprise, as well as keeping records for several organizations in one infobase.

Contents of the manual 1C Accounting version 8.2

Logically, the entire system can be divided into two large parts that closely interact with each other: the configuration and the platform, which controls how the configuration works.
All 1C programs work on the basis of a single platform, i.e. a single basic program.

Before starting work, the user must attach an infobase that implements a specialized version of the program, called a configuration.
Over the past five years, 5 platforms have developed: 1C-7.5, 1C-7.7, 1C-8.0, 1C-8.1, the last one, 1C-8.2, and the configuration that we will study on it is "1C: Accounting 8.2".
A key role in the study of the discipline "AIS in Economics" is given to practical training. The core of the practical training is the development of an applied solution for a certain virtual organization.
When conducting classes, the principle "do as I do" is used. The teacher sets the task of developing an applied solution and consistently creates the necessary configuration, commenting on all operations. Students repeat the teacher's actions. In the process of practical work, questions that are not clear to students are discussed in detail. This didactic technique contributes to a deeper understanding of the technology and understanding of the solutions implemented in the platform.

Particular attention is paid to mastering the technology of debugging an applied solution. To this end, the teacher, in the process of creating the code of some procedures, deliberately makes mistakes that are often made by students, demonstrates how to localize them, find and fix them. Practice shows that debugging individual elements of the application and the entire application as a whole is an important factor in understanding the features of the platform elements and the technology of work in its environment.

To ensure independent work, students are offered this electronic teaching aid, developed at the department of "KIS FR" of the Faculty of Finance, UNN.
To consolidate practical skills in creating applications, each student at the beginning of the discipline study (by 3-4 lessons), the student comes up with an individual task for the development of an original application and coordinates it with the teacher. The creation of such an application is carried out by students outside the classroom. Students must demonstrate the functioning of the created application in the process of intermediate control.

1C: Enterprise 8.2 is a fundamental change in the architecture of the version 8 platform, the most significant since its release.

The guide shows all the main points that are important for development in the new version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform: designing a managed interface, developing managed forms, using report options and new options for customizing them, a new method of document posting, setting up a desktop, command interface, use of functional options, etc.

The book has been supplemented and revised for specialists who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system. For example, the book is supplemented with a special section that describes in detail the method of using the syntax assistant and various ways of using the debugger to analyze the existing code or write your own.
This information, of course, will help novice developers to independently master the whole variety of the built-in language 1C: Enterprise 8.2.

  • A summary of the book “1C: Enterprise 8.2. Practical developer's guide. Examples and Typical Techniques ":

Lesson 1 (0:40). Acquaintance, creation of an information base
Lesson 2 (0:45). Subsystems
Lesson 3 (2:10). References
Lesson 4 (1:30). The documents
Lesson 5 (2:00). Theoretical
Lesson 6 (0:50). Accumulation registers
Lesson 7 (0:25). Simple report
Lesson 8 (1:10). Layouts. Editing layouts and shapes
Lesson 9 (0:50). Periodic registers of information
Lesson 10 (0:30). Enumerations
Lesson 11 (1:20). Posting a document across multiple registers
Lesson 12 (0:40). Circulating accumulation registers
Lesson 13 (4:30). Reports
Lesson 14 (3:20). Optimization of the document "Provision of services"
Lesson 15 (2:50). Chart of characteristic types
Lesson 16 (1:50). Accounting
Lesson 17 (1:00). Chart of calculation types, calculation ledger
Lesson 18 (3:40). Using the Calculation Register
Lesson 19 (1:30). Search in the database
Lesson 20 (1:00). Executing tasks on a schedule
Lesson 21 (0:40). Editing movements in document form
Lesson 22 (1:00). List of users and their roles
Lesson 23 (1:10). Desktop and command interface customization
Lesson 24 (6:10). Data exchange
Session 25 (0:30). Functional options
Session 26 (1:00). Picks and entries based on
Lesson 27 (2:10). Form design techniques
Developer quick reference
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Name: 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Practical developer's guide. Examples and typical techniques
Publisher: 1C-Publishing, 2009
Paperback, 876 pp.
ISBN 978-5-9677-1147-3
Circulation: 5000 copies.
Format: 60x84 / 16

The book is a manual that allows you to quickly master the techniques of development and modification of applied solutions on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2".

On the example of creating a real applied solution, the structure of various objects of the system, their purpose and method of use are shown. The procedures are given in the built-in language, including those using the query language, which are provided with detailed comments.

The material is intended both for novice developers who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system, and for those who already create or maintain applications on the platform.

The new edition of this book has been specially prepared for the release of the final version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform.

Platform 1C: Enterprise 8.2 is a fundamental change in the architecture of the platform version 8, the most significant since its release.

The new edition of the book has two significant advantages.

On the one hand, it shows all the main points that are important for development in the new version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform: designing a managed interface, developing managed forms, using report options and new options for customizing them, a new method of document posting, setting up a desktop, command interface, use of functional options, etc.

On the other hand, the book has been supplemented and revised with the expectation of specialists who are not familiar with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system. In this case, the questions, opinions, wishes expressed by the readers of this book were used. For example, the book is supplemented with a special section detailing how to use the syntax helper and various ways to use the debugger to analyze existing code or write your own. This information is intended to help novice developers to independently master the whole variety of the built-in language 1C: Enterprise 8.2.

The book is organized in the form of a collection of practical lessons with a total duration of more than 20 hours.

The book supplements, but does not replace, the documentation for software products included in the package.

Book structure


Lesson 1. Acquaintance, creation of an information base
Lesson 2. Subsystems
Lesson 3. References
Lesson 4. Documents
Lesson 5. Theoretical
Lesson 6. Accumulation registers
Lesson 7. A Simple Report
Lesson 8. Models. Editing layouts and shapes
Lesson 9. Periodic registers of information
Lesson 10. Enumerations
Lesson 11. Posting a document across multiple registers
Lesson 12. Revolving accumulation registers
Lesson 13. Reports
Lesson 14. Optimization of document posting Service provision
Lesson 15. Chart of characteristic types
Lesson 16. Accounting
Lesson 17. Plan of calculation types, calculation register
Lesson 18 Using the Calculation Register
Lesson 19. Searching the Database
Lesson 20. Executing Scheduled Tasks
Lesson 21. Editing movements in the form of a document
Lesson 22. List of users and their roles
Lesson 23. Desktop and Customizing the Command Interface
Lesson 24. Data exchange
Lesson 25. Functional options
Lesson 26. Selection and entry based on
Lesson 27. Techniques for designing forms

Developer quick reference



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