
What's new in equity construction. Risks and guarantees in the share of housing construction. Construction - noble business

Legal status of the Foundation for the Protection of Citizens - Participants in Share Construction

A public-legal company "Foundation for the Protection of Government Rights - Participants of Share Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund). It forms a compensatory fund due to the obligatory deductions of developers who attract the funds of participants in equity construction for construction apartment houses and (or) residential buildings of blocked building.

At the first stage, the amount of mandatory deductions to the compensation fund will be 1.2% of the price of each contract of equity participation and can be reviewed by the legislator no more than once a year.

The Foundation has the right to apply to the Arbitration Court with statements about challenging the developer's transactions. He approves arbitration managers of developers.

Status, rights and guarantees of participants in equity construction

The law gives the definition of the participant of equity construction. It is understood as a citizen who is a participant in construction and has a requirement for the developer on the basis of an agreement to participate in the share of construction concluded in accordance with the legislation on participation in the share construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects in which the developer made mandatory deductions (contributions) to the foundation.

It has been established that the competitive manager is obliged to carry out reasonable necessary actions to search and attract a different developer in order to resolve commitments to participants in equity construction.

The meeting of participants in shared construction will be able to solve the issue of the method of fulfilling the obligations of the developer by obtaining compensation from the Fund in the amount of the price paid price of participation in equity construction, but not more than market value within 120 square meters. m.

At the same time, participants in equity construction will remain the possibility of repayment of requirements by:

1) transfer to the object of unfinished construction;

2) transfer them residential premises;

3) attracting a different developer.

Decisions are accepted separately with respect to each construction facility only by those citizens - participants in equity construction, which have the requirements for this object in the amount of 3/4 of the votes.

Features of presentation by participants in the construction of the bankruptcy of the developer

The law has established the following algorithm for the participants of the requirements:

1) The head of the developer for ten calendar days From the date of approval of the competitive manager, it transmits him about all construction participants;

2) the competitive manager within five days from the date of receipt of information from the developer of the developer notifies all identified participants in the construction of the opening competitive production;

3) construction participants impose their demands to the competition manager;

4) The competitive manager considers the requirements of the construction participants and includes them in the register of the requirements for the transfer of residential premises, which is part of the register of creditors' requirements.

The register of creditors' claims is subject to closure after three months from the date of publication of information on the recognition of the debtor bankrupt and on the opening of the competitive production. The requirements of the construction participants are included in the register of requirements for the transfer of residential premises upon presentation of these requirements no later than three months from the date of receipt of the notification of the competitive manager regardless of the date of closing of such a registry.

For the same legislation, the requirements of the construction participants were included in the registry on the basis of a court definition, which significantly delayed the timing of the procedure for the bankruptcy of the developer, as well as the meeting of the construction participants in order to resolve the issue of the method of repaying their requirements. Now the Arbitration Court will consider the requirements of the construction participants, only if the persons participating in bankruptcy reports are declared objections to those presented to the bankruptcy trustee.

Financing of activities at the end of the construction of the object

The law provides for the procedure for financing measures to complete the construction of facilities in respect of which the funds of participants in equity construction were attracted.

Such events can be carried out at the expense of the fund or a target loan (loan) issued by the Developer by the Fund and (or) third parties. Such targeted loans (loans) can be provided by the key to objects of unfinished construction and land plots (rights to land). Requirements for such loans (loans) are repaid as part of the third queue requirements for current payments.

Bankruptcy procedure

The law has established that when considering the business bankruptcy case, the procedures of observation and financial recovery will not be applied. The first procedure of competitive production is introduced. At the same time, if there were sufficient grounds during the competitive production to believe that the debtor's solvency can be restored, a transition to external management is possible.

Such changes will lead to a reduction in the period of the procedure for the bankruptcy of the developer due to the exclusion of the currently observation procedures and optimization of activities conducted by the Arbitration Manager and the Court in the Bankruptcy case.

Features of meeting the requirements of participants in equity construction

The decision of the meeting of participants in shared construction is made separately with respect to each construction facility by participants in equity construction, which have the requirements that are included in the register of the requirements for the transfer of residential premises for such an object. Participants in shared construction do not make decisions on other construction facilities in respect of which they have no requirements for the transfer of residential premises.

The meeting of participants in equity construction is commentary in the event that participants in shared construction participants in this object of construction are equally third of the total number of participants in equity construction and have more than half of the total votes of such participants in equity construction.

Denis Artemov, Senior Lawyer of the Law Firm Via Lege, tells the portal Novostroy about the main changes in the federal law "On participation in the equity construction of apartment buildings and other real estate objects ..." dated December 30, 2004 No. 214-FZ, submitted by the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 218-FZ.


On November 30, 2017, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, during an interview with Russian TV channels, called on to abandon the equity construction in favor of the mortgage, regarding such agreements as the legacy of the underdeveloped housing market, "Rudiments of the Former Epoch".

Already on December 25, 2017, on the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation, a "road map" was published a gradual transition from the equity financing of construction to the use of ESCRO account and lending to developers.

The implementation of the Action Plan provides three main stages:

  • preparatory (until June 30, 2018), which consists in creating a regulatory framework for transition to the target financing model;
  • transitional (from July 01, 2018 to July 30, 2019) - conclusion of contracts for participation in equity construction both using ESCRO account and / or special accounts mechanism and involving money Under the participation contracts in equity construction directly with the developer using existing mechanisms for protecting the rights of shareholders;
  • the final (from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020) is the transition to the conclusion of all participation agreements in equity construction using ESCOU accounts and / or special accounts.

These events became the subject of lively discussions about the further fate of the Institute for Share Construction.
Perhaps, such a cardinal solution of the problems of equity construction is the election rhetoric - in March 2018, the next elections of the President of the Russian Federation and the government will be held, it is necessary to demonstrate activity on the most painful social issues.

After all, to create a decent alternative to the shared participation of personal accumulations of citizens in construction will be very difficult.

Participate participation, in essence, which is an interest-free financing of the developer, on "convenience of use" is located for developers outside of all competition.

Nevertheless, the legislators take a course on tightening regulation and phased reform of the Regional Construction Institute, which implies the relevant changes in federal legislation.

Federal Law "On the public-legal company on the protection of citizens' rights - participants in equity construction in the insolvency (bankruptcy) of developers and the introduction of changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation"Dated 29.07.2017 No. 218-FZ, containing many amendments in 214-ФЗ.

Amendments come into force with January 01 and July 01, 2018. Many of them are fundamentally new. Novels seriously tightened the requirements for construction companies, the construction process and the use of funds received from citizens. Moreover, if the "road map" will be implemented, these innovations are only the beginning of the Pleiads of the amendments in 214-ФЗ.

But now many developers argue that the cardinal changes will significantly work out the work of builders, the number of construction companies will reduce (first of all, small and medium-sized developers) will reduce the volume of housing and, as a result, will lead to an increase in prices for residential real estate.

It will not be superfluous here that since its adoption of 214-ФЗ has already changed in one degree or another, and each new attempt of legislators make the construction market more transparent and protected caused similar sharp criticism by developers, but at the same time in the development sector Large, medium and minor developers still work.

The truth is that the attempts to reform 214-ФЗ have not been able to solve the problem of deceived shareholders. How really will "work" innovations, how far will they go in fact, and how positive or negative will be their job?

When "earn" innovations

The fact that most changes will affect only new buildings, the construction permit is received after July 1, 2018. That is, the legislator is obviously based on the severity of the novel, took the construction of construction companies for a whole year to prepare for changing working conditions.

On the other hand, something similar has already happened at the time of the adoption of the 214-ФЗ in December 2014, when its action was distributed to objects, the construction permit was obtained after April 1, 2015.

Then many developers simply received permission to build a number of objects to the date "X", after which a few more years calmly relocated them, not subject to innovations.

The likelihood is great that now by many developers will be implemented similar scenario.

It is noteworthy that many new buildings of innovations 214-FZ will not affect at all. We are talking about those houses that are based on the scheme of housing and construction (HCCs) or housing and accumulative cooperatives (LNG), as well as under preliminary contracts for the sale of apartments. The new edition of the law still does not prohibit such schemes for attracting money to construction, and here the legal relations "Developer-Citizen" 214-FZ does not at all.

Interestingly, at the same time, the novels were deprived of developers the ability to release or acquire securities, except for shares. Since one of the types of securities are notes, the new edition of 214-ФЗ finally committed to the financing of new buildings with the "lattice scheme".

General requirements for the developer

Consolidating many new requirements for the developer, the legislator introduced a new concept - "Specialized developer".

From now on, only the economic company can be a specialized developer - corporate commercial organizations in the form of a limited liability company or joint stock companies. Last developers such as non-commercial, public organizations, sports, musical, educational and scientific institutions.

Since the developer must fulfill the function of construction, and, according to the new requirements of the legislation, other functions cannot be carried out, this rule is submitted logically justified.

For the developer, no less than 3 years of experience in the construction of apartment buildings (as a developer, technical customer or general contractor). Mandatory permissions for commissioning at least 10 thousand square meters of multi-apartment houses.

This innovation significantly complicates the emergence of new construction companies in the market. Now the organization must first "show themselves", that is, to acquire a certain experience and experience, and only then get the right to attract the funds of citizens in the construction of apartment buildings.

Novella will reduce the number of small construction companies already existing, but not reaching the specified criteria.

Leader chief Accountant and other individuals of the disposal authorities of the developer should not have a criminal record of crimes in the field economic activity or against state power, be earlier (less than 3 years ago) attracted to subsidiary liability for obligations legal entity, be untenable (bankrupt). The same requirements refer to the beneficiaries of the developer.

In published for general review design Declaration The developer will be required to indicate information on compliance with the requirements of the law of its leaders.

Separate attention is paid to the increased information openness of the developer. On its official website, the developer will be obliged to post in full intermediate accounting reporting on time no later than 5 calendar days after the end of the relevant reporting period, as well as annual accounting soloity and audit report On time no later than 120 calendar days after the end of the relevant reporting year.

The same information developer will be obliged to post in a unified information system. housing construction, such a responsibility arises from January 1, 2018.

It is important to note that such a single information system Already earned (https: //nash.dom.rf/).

Financial stability of the developer

A number of innovations aimed at raising financial reliability developers.

IN new edition 214-ФЗ canceled earlier existing minimum requirement authorized capitalDepending on the area of \u200b\u200bfacilities under construction (from 2.5 million rubles with a total area to 1.5 thousand square meters, up to 1 billion 500 million rubles with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 500 thousand sq. M).

However, now the developer's own means must be at least 10% of the planned cost of the project.

A new requirement has been introduced on the minimum cash balance in the account of an authorized bank at the date of the direction of the project declaration, which should be 10% of design value Construction.

Developer's obligations not related to construction apartment house, should not exceed 1% of the design cost of construction at the date of the direction of the project declaration in the authorized body. The maintenance costs of the developer cannot exceed 10% of the construction value of construction.

Also, the cumulative amount of advance payments should not exceed 30% of the project cost of construction.

According to the new edition of 214-ФЗ, the developer cannot participate or create commercial and non-commercial organizations. Thus, an attempt was made to eliminate the creation of building holding, which in practice do not so much contribute to the ability to remain "afloat", how much simplify the withdrawal of money of the problem developers outside the reach of deceived shareholders and law enforcement agencies.

This is especially true of affiliates with the developer of foreign offshore legal entities.

However, it seems that this prohibition in practice can be easily covered by the registration of subsidiaries on "their" individuals, formally in no way related to the organization-developer.

The developer cannot attract loans and loans, with the exception of targeted, the developer itself can also provide loans or loans.

As already noted, from now on, the developer has no right to produce bonds and other securities, except for shares, as well as acquire securities (including bill).

Requirements for construction

One of the main innovations was the rule, according to which the developer is not entitled to simultaneously implement the construction of apartment buildings on several construction permits and is entitled to attract money distributions only for the construction of apartment buildings specified in one resolution.

Now the principle works: "1 developer \u003d 1 building permit."

Such an innovation is aimed at preventing practice when the developer completed one apartment building at the expense of funds attracted to the construction of another residential building. The final residential building in this "vicious" chain had an increased risk to become a problem object.

According to the new edition of the 214-ФЗ, the developer has the right to attract the money of citizens only by one building permit.

In terms of organization accounting The developer will be obliged to ensure the maintenance of money paid by participants in equity construction, separately in relation to each apartment building.

The developer will not be able to carry out activities that are not related to the involvement of cash degrees and the construction of the relevant object. Such a concentration of the efforts of the developer on the construction process, according to the legislator, will contribute to rapid and high-quality construction, as well as minimizing the risks associated with the financial responsibility of the developer in other business areas, which as a result negatively reflected on the development of development.

However, in reality, the majority of developers were practically not "broken away" from the main activity, mastering only related activities (registration of DDU, property rights, repair of built turnkey apartments, etc.).

A significant step of regulating the technical parameters of construction is the mandatory availability of expertise project documentation In all cases, even with low-rise construction.

Lack of examination in this area (mainly - sphere country construction) Often led to significant violations construction norms and rules.

Compensation Fund

The developer will be obliged to carry out deductions to a specialized compensation fund in the amount of 1.2% of the cost of each DDU.

The non-profit organization "Foundation for the Protection of Government-Participants - Participants of Share Construction, established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2016 No. 1310, from now on transformed into a public-legal company.

Fund funds are intended for the completion of problem objects or pay monetary compensation Dolkov. Mandatory deductions The compensation fund replaced previously existing ways to ensure the obligations of the developer in the form of a mandatory guarantee of the bank or mandatory insurance civil liability.

In this case, the developer can still voluntarily use them.

It is worth noting that the previously practiced system of compulsory liability of the developer in practice did not justify itself. According to statistics, there was not a single case when a problem home or residential complex was completed for money insurers.

In this regard, the decision of the legislator on the cancellation of the specified method of providing the Developer's obligations is correct.

At the same time, the amount of 1.2% of the RDA price is completely related to the amounts that developers paid to insurance companies.

On October 20, 2017, the public-legal company "Foundation for the Protection of Government Rights - Participants in Share Construction" began its work.

It is impossible to disagree that the new mechanism really will give additional guarantees to shareholders, such a system is more reliable than the acting now. The funds already formed in the Fund are much easier to use than hypothetical insurance compensation or bank payments.

At the same time, the legislators remained correct to themselves and previously taken by the general course on the self-regulation of individuals of the business, putting the duty to finance the work of the Foundation on the participants' members themselves - developers and citizens.

Sequentially implementing planned financing policies, legislators, as an alternative to the financial burden on the creation of the Fund, have provided a transition to the developer to use ESCRO accounts.

It is important to note that the law determines the maximum amount of compensation, which is defined as a product of the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises to be transferred to a citizen - a participant in equity construction (but not more than 120 sq.m.) and an indicator of the average market value of 1 kV. The meter in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, whose value is determined in a specific period by the federal executive body.

Thus, the owners of elite apartments were not fully protected, whose metrarhea is often exceeded by 120 square meters. m.

In addition, it raises the question of the ratio of the market value of the square meter in a particular developer and the "middle market value", which is determined by the federal executive body and can be significantly lower than in reality.

Bank control

The lawsuit of the banking lobby was the provision of broad powers commercial banks, the list of which will be specifically defined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The developer is obliged to open an account only in authorized bankAt the same time, he has the right to have only one settlement account, through which all settlements will be carried out.

All key construction participants, such as developer, technical customer and general contractor, must have accounts in one authorized bank.

The most discussion innovation was the rule, according to which special bank control will be carried out for each payment of the developer. The Bank will check the DDU, other related contracts, acts of acceptance of work performed, acts of acceptance and transfer of goods, trade overheads, etc. In the event of a detection of fictitious operations and other violations of the current legislation, the Bank will be obliged to report in the supervisory authority.

Providing banks that are commercial organizations, supervisory powers Along with the already provided 214-ФЗ authorized body The executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is indeed an unexpected decision.

Wide interaction of some commercial structures (developers) with others commercial structures (banks), especially when the first are addressed from the second, almost always gives a wide field for abuse and corruption.

At the same time, it is impossible not to recognize that such a double control over the financial flows of builders reduces the risk of an assets of the construction and the subsequent deliberate bankruptcy of the developer.

Finally, bank control can be regarded as a peculiar test for the possibilities of banks to control the market of equity construction.

Recall that according to the road map of the reform of the Institute of Share Construction, since July 1, 2019, a complete transition to the use of ESCRO accounts and / or special accounts is expected. The last fact also causes many disputes about the nature of legislative changes.

In particular, it is indicated that the main beneficiary (beneficiary) from the introduction of ESCRO accounts on the primary real estate market is not developers (due to all the complicating requirements for their work) and not participants in equity construction (although for them the risk of investments in construction decreases, but There is a high probability of rising prices for primary real estate), and directly the banking structures themselves.

For example, the bank issues mortgage Participant of shared construction under the relevant pretty high percentages. Then, when the participant of shared construction acquires an apartment, the bank returns the same money to Eskrow. And then the bank again credits the developer for the construction of the house, and again at percent. At the same time, the developer itself under the conditions loan agreement falls under full control of the bank.

Thus, actually "without removing" money from the bank, credit organisation It gets the opportunity to receive interest and from the participant of equity construction, and from the developer.


Changes made in 214-ФЗ can be characterized as significant. New requirements for the creation and work of developers, the financing of construction and the process of creating multi-family houses have emerged, a new way of providing the obligations of the developer in the form of a public-legal company "Foundation for the Protection of Citizer Rights-Participants" has been created.

The obvious result of the novel in practice will be care from the majority of small and medium-sized construction companies, many of which will not be able to work under the new rules. Such companies or will be forced to go to the SCR and LNG schemes, preliminary contractsor transfer your construction sites Larger developers who share the liberated potential.

Important preferences are already now received by the banking structures with which developers will be forced to work, and with the rules of which developers will be forced to reckon. More large benefits can get in perspective during the implementation of " road card»Governments.

Using Escrow accounts at the current moment is not mandatory, but, it means that the institution of equity participation in construction continues to work.

However, a general rate for replacing equity participation bank lending and other forms of financing.

It is obvious that at the same time there may be difficulties in the implementation of another government course - to create an affordable housing market. After all, the monopolization of the building market is large development companies, the complication of their work as a result of the legislation and bank control, reduction of proposals due to the departure from the market of many small and medium developers, on the background of increasing consumer demandmay result in a significant increase in prices for apartments in residential buildings under construction.

However, it is clear to this and other important issues can only practical use Reasonable legislation in life.

Publication date January 11, 2018

Real estate prices are rapidly growing every year. For 2019 even one bedroom apartment In an unfavorable area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, it can be a magnificent spending for most Russian families.

Everyone finds its way out of the situation: many years to postpone money in the hope ever to buy their apartment (this method is economically ineffective, since the price of currency may increase or decrease in several years), take the amount required for purchase on credit under Large percentage.

The most rational decision will be the participation in shared construction. An individual concludes a cooperation agreement with the developer and can get an apartment at a favorable price.

In 2019, by force joined new lawophelte, according to which share construction can be distributed not only to apartment buildings, but also townhouses. Also changed requirements for developers, the procedure for the formation of the value of the contract and its termination.

The origins of shared construction are still from the USSR. To get your own real estate, a citizen of the Soviet Union should be to defend a huge queue. Quite often, people waited for their turn for several years.

Some citizens to significantly reduce the period of waiting, began to unite in housing cooperatives. Members of such associations could get an apartment in a shortened time. In addition, in the construction of real estate for such persons, their individual features were taken into account.

A similar principle is acting now. The shareholders draw up a contract with the developer. The first side receives housing in a short time and at a very favorable price, the second side is maintained at the expense of cash holders and is exempt from the need for loan.

Terms for Dolkovikov

Shared construction offers real estate acquisition conditions for real estate holders:

  1. Significant savings. Apartments in the secondary market can be more than 2 times more than the apartments under construction.
  2. The possibility of making installments. The shareholder has the right to pay for real estate in stages, while construction is underway.
  3. The person entered into an agreement with the developer can independently set the planning of his apartment. This will allow in the future to significantly save money on repair and redevelopment.

These advantages and "lure" citizens sign an agreement with developers. But share construction is not such a simple and ideal procedure, as it may seem at first glance. It has many pitfalls.


Everyone who wants to buy an apartment in this way should be aware of possible risks:

  1. Deferred apartment for rentals. Not always construction can be completed in the deadlines. The reasons for delays can be much - from the delay of materials to a lack of funds for construction. It is possible to solve the problem quite simply - to attract the means of the developer itself. But not everyone is ready to go for it. The lack of funds often leads to a complete cessation of the construction and loss of funds by the shareholder.
  2. The incorrect conclusion of the contract can significantly increase the cost of an individual when buying an apartment. If there is some inaccuracies in the document or there are not all information about the transaction, the shareholder may ask to pay a certain amount to obtain real estate. That is why it is necessary to refer to the execution of documents as much as possible. If the experience is not enough, it is better to use the services of specialists.
Above the most common difficulties with which the shareholders may encounter. In fact, they can be much more.

Conclusion of the Treaty

Most important moment In this transaction - the conclusion of the contract. From him will depend on the exodus of events. When drawing up a document, compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Construction object. It is necessary to describe all the information about it in detail: the full name, the type of building, the number of floors and apartments and other data that will allow you to identify the object.
  2. The rights and obligations of both parties to the contract. The more detail they are described in the document, the less misunderstandings may occur.
  3. Terms of construction.
  4. Accurate date transfer of apartments to operations to operation.
  5. A document that complies with all the terms of the contract.
  6. The price of the object, the conditions and timing of its payment. IN complete value Apartments include not only direct construction costs, but also the remuneration of the developer for work. The cost can be paid in a one-time payment or by installments.
  7. Data on the registration of the contract in the registry.

Do not conclude cooperation with those partners who:

  1. Offer a deal on the basis of other documents (purchase and sale, loan, etc.).
  2. Put a suspiciously low cost of the object.
  3. Facts are distorted, provide unreliable information about real estate.


As mentioned above, in 2019, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there were some changes that relate to equity construction. First, now transactions are made not only for apartments in apartment houses, but also on townhouses.

Townhouse is a small house that consists of several multi-level apartments. Each of them has a separate entrance, that is, a common entrance, as in the usual high-rise houses, no. Residents of such houses, as a rule, have their own garage, a small inner courtyard. Such a type of buildings was gaining great popularity in Europe, in Russia for a long time he was not enough.

In addition, the procedure for determining the exact price of real estate with participation in equity construction was changed. Previously, the contract must contain the exact cost that the lolshler pays the developer to build a residential facility. She could include the cost construction work and individual partner services.

According to the new version of the law, now the exact price depends on the number of additional units of non-residential area (balcony, veranda, etc.). In addition, the contract price is made only after the document is officially registered.

Previously, the shareholder could freely terminate the contract if the developer does not comply with the main terms of the contract. Now the cancellation procedure is somewhat complicated. It is possible only after judicial trial. If the court recognizes that the developer acts against the established agreement, it can be terminated.

New requirements for developers themselves are also exhibited. They should receive a conclusion from the Ministry of Construction to participate in shares. This document is actually a permit for the maintenance of this kind of activity. To obtain a conclusion, you must contact the Ministry of Construction with the appropriate package of documents. The term of consideration of the application is no more than 30 calendar days.

If the developers do not satisfy the requirements presented to them, they are deprived of the conclusions, all the shareholders are informed of this through a written or email.

Shared construction is a profitable, but rather risky deal. Before taking any decision on cooperation with developers, be sure to study the basic information, weigh all the "for" and "against". In more detail about the equity construction, innovations in this procedure for 2019, you can find out in the next video:

So, share construction - a transaction that allows physical lick Buy apartment by favorable conditions Even at the stage of its construction, and the developer is to minimize or completely reduce its own costs for the construction of an apartment building or townhouse at the expense of cash investments.

Despite the fall in the economy, the renewal of the housing stock in the capital occurs with the same intensity as in the pre-crisis times. Real estate still remains a reliable way to diversify the investment portfolio and preservation. financial assets. Modern architectural projects on the quality of the performance and thoughtfulness of the smallest details are significantly superior to the residential foundation of the old sample. Therefore, the new buildings of Moscow 2018 attract customers' attention, first of all, value comfort.

Today, construction companies are gradually refused by a popular pointing point. Change of activity priorities has several reasons. First, a gradual increase in the well-being of metropolitan inhabitants naturally led to an increase in the requirements for the level of comfort and quality of life.

The era of the legislative conditions of existence for residents of the capital remained far behind. Secondly, the economic profitability of large-scale projects is significantly higher. Thirdly, today business is not for the sale of goods, or services, but to the creation of brands, or, simply speaking, an attractive way of life. Modern construction companies are oriented not so much on the construction of buildings as the implementation of projects that embody certain ideas. And, fourth, often getting permission to the point building today is not easy. First of all, it is associated with the difficulties of conforming to the interior design of the surrounding architectural landscape.

In addition, the events of recent days around the renovation of the Housing Fund have become a clear government signal on changing policies for urban planning.

Thus, in recent years, large buildings of residential neighborhoods, microdistricons and whole towns are becoming increasingly. In 2018, construction companies, given the latest trends, continue to move in the designated direction.

Cost of housing in 2018

According to S & P forecasts, in 2018, housing prices will grow slower inflation, so the cost of housing is expected in absolute terms. This situation in the real estate market is associated with the macroeconomic dynamics and signing by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Decree "On measures to ensure citizens of the Russian Federation affordable and comfortable housing and improving the quality of housing and communal services". In particular, the government has received an order to reduce real value Housing up to 20% by increasing the share of the economy-class housing. In addition, Sberbank of Russia began issuing loans with a rate of 11.5-13% per annum until the end of February 2018.

Planned new buildings in Moscow in 2018

Analysis of the latest architectural projects allows you to note the popularity of the following types of development:

  • perimetral;
  • group;
  • linear;
  • free;
  • combined.

The perimeter buildings surround the space around the perimeter completely, or in part, forming an internal space, taking into account the requirements for lighting and air velocity.

Group development involves the placement of buildings with small groups associated with each other by the total internal space. In this case, it is possible to avoid monotony of the architectural landscape. The lower case is forms slim rows of buildings along narrow sections.

Free and combined build types allow you to use different planning techniques in limited space, or the need to save previously built buildings.

Thus, in the construction process of the new buildings of 2018, a wide range of varied planning solutionsWhat significantly increases the variety of offers in the housing market.

City in the city

Architectural projects this type Use large areas for isolation from outdated housing infrastructure and organization of internal space according to certain ideas.

The complex of Tushinsky aircraft is located ten kilometers, in the north-west direction from the city center on the banks of the Moscow River. The project is focused on customers for which the family and a healthy lifestyle became the main values. Environmentally friendly area with developed recreational infrastructure is popular with customers due to the presence of fitness centers, SPA salons, pools, sports complexes and stadium. The developer claims that finishing works are manufactured using newest technologies ensuring the microclimate of the building, as well as heat saving. Internally, town space is isolated with a green array from the transport highways. The price of apartments begins from 6.8 million rubles.

The territory of the complex takes 0.14 square meters. km, and is located on Shelepihinskaya Embankment. total area Residential premises of the town is 63.5 hectares. The price range for apartments is within 8-49 million rubles. Customers are offered 9 buildings with a height of 19 to 37 floors. First of all, the town attracts the attention of family people, since preschool and school institutions are being built here. For sports amateurs, territory under sports grounds, rollers and bikes are highlighted here. Restaurants, cafes and bars within walking distance will save time travel.

The distinctive features of the complex is the rigor and the laconicity of the facades of buildings, as well as glazed loggias. The town has a transport and social infrastructure that fully ensures the needs of tenants. The close location of the Minsk and Borovskoye highway allows you to use any type of transport. Three kilometers from the LCD Vnukovo are the railway branch of the suburban report. In walking distance from the complex there is a forest array and a pyhtinsky pond. A pleasant surprise for potential buyers will be the presence of nearby historically significant monuments - the churches of Elijah, the Prophet and the old estate of Baranovo-Akatovo. Among the shortcomings, Vnukovo celebrate the loading of transport highways, the absence of large shopping centers and remoteness from the center of Moscow.

Residential complexes

Among the new buildings of Moscow, the start of sale is scheduled for 2018, the most often found apartments in residential quarters. For the LCD it is much easier to find a suitable territory than for a whole town. In addition, the implementation of such projects requires significantly less investment and complexity of works related to brand development.

With its name, the residential complex is obliged to the former plant ZIL, in whose territory a large park will appear and the complex of buildings with apartments ranging from 34 to 136 square meters. Next to children's gardens and schools are planned to build business centers and cultural institutions. The planning of the apartments carried out architects with world names, so the price of individual apartments comes to $ 900 thousand. Proximity to the embankment additionally increases the comfort of residents of the LCD.

The complex consists of three monolithic buildings located in the Presnensky district of Moscow at the intersection of the streets of Presnensky Val and the Khodajan. The area is known for well-developed social infrastructure and proximity to the Garden Ring. Not far from the complex is the hippodrome, zoo and parks. The cost of apartments in the LCD ranging from 42 to 85 square meters. Located in the range from 8 to 22 million rubles.

In 2018, it is planned to give new buildings in the northern part of the city of Lyubertsy. To the attention of buyers is 16 buildings high in 17 floors. Apartments on the last floors are equipped with panoramic windows. In the entrances there are strolling zones and a concierge post. The buildings will be built using environmentally friendly and safe materials that oppose aggressive substances and remain a long time to preserve the initial look.

A comprehensive development type creates a cozy space inside the yards. In the near future, it is planned to divide the park with an area of \u200b\u200b60 hectares and build all the necessary recreational infrastructure, including gyms, swimming pools, sports complexes and recreation areas. Already, tenants have the opportunity to visit the park with an area of \u200b\u200b17 hectares with tracks and places for recreation. The complex will be equipped with a developed transport infrastructure, and is only three kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. The nearest metro station can be reached by bus in 5 minutes.

The residential complex is located on the territory of the reorganized industrial complex "Greivonovo". Monolithic buildings of class comfort will have a height of up to 44 floors. Plans to create a park area, youth leisure places, as well as the development of social infrastructure. The nearest metro station is located at a distance of just over one kilometer. Alternatively, the Moscow Ring Station will be nearby railway. A distinctive feature of LCD Sereda is the execution of the design work by Spanish architects, which will ensure the original design of interiors and exterior buildings. The cost of the apartment is ranged from 4.5 to 12.5 million rubles.

Here is far from full list New buildings of Moscow, partial or complete passing of which is scheduled for 2018. Active borrowing of foreign experience performing construction work positively affects the quality of new buildings recent years. The information presented in the reviews and press releases of construction companies confirms that 2018 will not be an exception.

Not everyone can buy an apartment in the house that has already been built and put into operation. Therefore, many are forced to enter into contracts for shared participation in the construction of housing - so you can get lined square meters For more or less acceptable money. But until recently, it was possible not to get anything, if the developer went bankrupt, disappeared or did not have enough money to complete the construction. In this article we will tell you what attempts to protect the shareholders were adopted by the state this year and what to pay attention to if you also plan to purchase housing using "perpetrators".

What to pay attention to the conclusion of the contract

The Law 214-FZ on Share Construction is the full name "On participation in the share of building of apartment buildings and other real estate objects" - was adopted back in 2004. From that moment on it, more than a dozen amendments were made, so now we can safely say that this is the new law on the equity construction-2017. Today, participation in Gololovka is the most reliable way to acquire housing in the primary market.

First, according to this law, the developer has the right to attract the funds of citizens only if there is permission to build an apartment building and decorated documents for the land plot.

Secondly, the law on share participation Construction provides compulsory state registration Contract for "Pullachka", and money for new housing is paid only after such registration in Rosreestre. It protects the risk of double-selling risk, i.e. the developer will now not be able to sell the same apartment to several customers.

How to check the reliability of the developer

From August 2020 Size own funds Developer companies should be at least 10% of the planned cost of the project throughout the entire period of equity construction. And the construction company itself is obliged to have experience in the construction of apartment buildings at least three years.

The law also introduces the mandatory banking accompaniment Activities of the developer. It must have one account in an authorized bank, through which all calculations on the maintenance of shared construction will be carried out, and the minimum cash balance must be at least 10% of the project value of the object.

The leader or chief accountant of the developer can not be a person who has a dismantling or outstanding conviction for economic crimes, as well as a person who was recognized as the cause of the bankruptcy of the organization.

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