
What is long-term investments: types, sources, analysis and accounting. Investments Long-term capital investment with long-term capital investments in order to receive income

What is an alternative to bank deposits? What is the difference between long-term and short-term investments? How is the accounting of long-term investment?

In its attitude to finance, people are divided into two types: some prefer to spend money here and now (we live once!), Others think about the future and make contributions. From the point of view of stability and well-being, a second behavior option is preferable, but an ordinary person is difficult to resist the momentary benefits, even having quite definite perspectives.

What do you choose: 10 thousand right now or 20 in six months? If the first, it means, you are a supporter of short-term investments, if the second, then your path is long-term investments with a progressive increase in profit. It is about long-term investments I, Denis Kudarin, an expert on investment, and will tell in this article.

Turning to the end is waiting for a review of three reliable brokerage firms plus expert advice on competent investment.

A lot of interesting things ahead, sit comfortably!

Investment capabilities of depositors in modern world Practically endless. Those who dream of living in prosperity and do not think about the bread of the urgent, have a choice of dozens of directions and investment tools.

Investments are short-term and long-term. Investments for short time calculated on obtaining relatively fast and high profits. The payback period on such deposits is from several months to a year.

However, experts include such investments to highgoric. The main investment rule works here - the higher the potential income, the higher the probability of losing everything.

Long-term investments - investment of funds whose payback period is from 1 year to 5 years. Such contributions are more reliable, characterized by increased stability and minimal risks.

The main minus - the rapid profit from long-term deposits would not be expected by definition. Therefore, placing funds in the "long" investment, if you need money soon, it makes no sense.


You want to buy a car of your dreams for the next year, but it lacks about 30-40% of the required amount. I do not want to take - you are an ideological opponent of loans. A familiar merchant advises to invest in effective tools to get the missing part.

Short-term investments are suitable for your purposes -, impacts, at worst - bank deposits with profitable percentages. Long-term investments will not suit you - you have to wait for a conclusion for too long current means.

Attachments with a long payback period to a lesser extent depends on market fluctuations. Even bank deposits are depreciated due to inflation and economic crises. But the shares in the long term are consistently increasing in value.

Successfully working with long-term investments is not possible to everyone. This requires such qualities as reasonable, patient, the ability to control their emotions.

The same shares are periodically fall in price, and depositors with an unstable psyche begin to urgently sell their assets. An intelligent and patient investor knows that the decline in prices is temporary, therefore it is not amenable to a universal panic.

Long deposits are not only financial investments.

This also includes:

  • investment in the construction or purchase of finished real estate for further resale or rental;
  • deposits into production;
  • to equipment and equipment;
  • in gold;
  • to own education.

The table clearly demonstrates all pros and cons of long-term and short-term investments:

A few words about investment psychology. An ordinary person is difficult to change passive attitude to its own assets. Think as an investor is difficult and unusual.

The brain is designed in such a way that it is attracted mainly to a rapid reward. Long-term benefits are conceived a few. Saving the reward for later seems too risky project. You never know what can happen in a year or two with a country, money and economy.

With this approach you do not achieve financial operations Maximum effect. However, it is enough to calculate the beneficial benefits at least a few past years to understand what income you could have right now, if a couple of years ago there were free money in stock or other assets with guaranteed income.

2. What are the types of long-term investments - the top 5 of the main species

Types of long-term investment - dozens. The choice of tools depends on the volume of working capital, level financial literacy, personal preferences. I will consider the most popular types of investments with a long payback period.

Your task is to compare, analyze and make a right decision.

View 1. Investments in securities

Investments in bonds, promotions and other varieties valuable papers - the most popular view of the multiplication of capital for investors with relatively low initial assets.

To start investing in stock exchange operations, it is enough to have 50-100 thousand free rubles. Some brokers open accounts from 3,000 rubles. However, this amount will not bring real profits, except for making sure that the tool works.

Shares are purchased through stock brokers: buy securities directly beginners are not recommended - there is a risk of quickly losing funds by putting them in financial pyramid or one-day company.

Brokerage account guarantees the legality of stock operations. In addition, the exchanges will work with you financial advisorswhich is beneficial for you to receive a profit, and did not lose it.

Nevertheless, investments in securities require a certain level of economic literacy. To begin with, it is worth at least to understand how the stock exchange works and to which level of income it is worth counting on.

View 2. Strategic investment

Investments for people with solid capital. The purpose of such investments is to acquire a controlling stake in any company and become its main co-owner. Projects of this kind sometimes last for several years. Large corporations buy small and medium firms or promising startups and absorb them.

Type 3. Investment in construction and real estate

Real estate market Although not distinguished by stability, but refers to promising investment direction. People will always need accommodation, and business in offices, warehouses and commercial premises.

Acquired objects are used either for rental, or to profit from subsequent resale. Investments in the property under construction require depositors to carefully study the project and careful calculation at the preliminary stage. There are always risks of bankruptcy developer, the unscrupulousness of the contractor and the sharp drop in the market.

View 4. Investments in transport and equipment

You buy equipment, transport, high-tech production equipmentwhich is in stable demand. These assets are leased, leasing or implemented at a higher price.

There is a risk of breakdown or significant wear of technology until the end of the lease term, as well as the risk of falling prices for equipment due to the rapid development of modern technologies.

View 5. Direct investment in production

This includes expansion and modernization. own production And investing in the finished promising business. Both options require significant capital and are available for people with high income.

In addition to direct use, the investor is useful in production in the macroeconomic plan. Enterprises develop - new jobs appear - more products for the population are produced - the welfare of the country is growing.

In view of the limited volume of the article, I can not tell in detail about other types of long-term investments - such as deposits into works of art, the premises of capital in antiques or jewelry. About these versions our magazine will definitely tell in other thematic articles.

3. What are the sources of financing of long-term investments - 4 main sources

Income from long-term investments is characterized by constancy and stability. You can make a profit from such deposits all life.

But to start, the sources of investment are needed. Consider 4 main sources of working capital.

Source 1. Own funds

These are their own assets of an enterprise or private investor.

These include:

  • cumulative funds;
  • pure profits;
  • payments for insurance or other partner contracts;
  • depreciation;
  • authorized capital of the company;
  • specialized funds of the enterprise.

The so-called "retained profit" of the company is invested in reliable and liquid tools - construction, production, securities.

Source 2. Loans and credits

No money - occupy other people's. We use long-term bank loans (including preferential federal programs), loans in foreign funds or representatives of private capital.

Source 3. Budget resources

The state supports promising business projects and often helps novice merchants to make the first steps. Some directions - for example, state structures are encouraged particularly.

Source 4. Involved funds

Another option is to use attracted means. These include: share in development, mutual contributions of the participants of the Fund, the sale of bonds and shares of the enterprise. Sometimes investors and sponsors are attracted directly into a promising and interesting project from a commercial point of view.

4. How to invest in long-term assets - step-by-step instructions

General rules for investment are valid for all types of investments. But long-term projects have their own characteristics.

Read and apply the algorithm developed by experts. This will increase profits and reduce risks.

Step 1. We choose investment options

An obvious stage, but you need to mention it. The choice of options depends on the size of the capital and individual preferences. If you are a private depositor with minor assets, your way is to invest in securities.

Investors with solid funds have more opportunities - they have access to production, strategic investments, the purchase of real estate objects.

A professional approach involves a preliminary analysis of the effectiveness of the project. First you need to calculate possible profits and relate it to investment. If the result fully satisfies, act further.

Step 2. We collect information on selected objects

The founder of the famous dynasty of Millionaires Nathan Rothschild said not in vain: " who owns information - owns the world" Information in the modern world - terabytes, but the phrase does not lose its relevance. True, investors today need not only to own information, but also be able to use it efficiently.

By selecting an object, collect all information about it with practical value. Preference Pretend first-hand information - Look for reviews and reviews real depositors, experts, experienced investors, catch customer customers and arrange them interrogation with addiction.

Read analytical articles, research, useful books (for example, Kiyosaki or Warren Buffett). Do not hurry, the market will not save anywhere, and you acquire valuable knowledge.

Step 3. Make a forecast and make a decision

By choosing investment options, make a preliminary forecast. At this stage, it will not be superfluous to support a professional financial advisor.

It remains only to make a final decision and make a contribution.

Step 4. We buy stocks

Shares are taken as an example, everything has been said fairly for any other type of deposits. Experienced investors are advised to acquire securities at the time of the maximum fall in demand for them. So you buy assets at the most favorable price.

The same principle apply investors in real estate - invest money at the time of long-term market stagnation. But do not wait for a convenient moment too long, otherwise the missed benefit will block savings.

Step 5. Monitor market

You can not invest in the funds and forget about them. Experts advise periodically monitor market status to keep abreast of possible changes. Minor fluctuations in the economy almost do not affect long-term investments, but you need to learn to distinguish temporary fluctuations from stable trends.

Step 6. We carry out an audit of investment

To evaluate the current value of the investment portfolio, it is necessary to conduct an audit or accounting investment. The task of such events is control over the distribution of funds. Audit is especially relevant if you invested in several different tools.

If the funds allow, delegate the accounting by a third-party specialist - this will reduce the likelihood of errors and serious errors.

5. Who provides assistance in long-term investment - Review Top 3 Brokerage Companies

For novice private investors who have decided to invest in securities, the choice of an intermediary determines the future of their investments. Reliable brokerage companies Guarantee the security of deposits and help beginners to deal with stock exchange tools.

Analysts of our magazine chose the top three proven broker times. These companies use transparent interaction schemes with the client and provide free consultations Each user.

1) BCS broker

The largest national broker operating in the stock market since 1996. Has a AAA rating from the lead rating agency Russia. The total number of customers of the company is 130,000. Each third deal on the Moscow Stock Exchange is made by the BCS Broker investor. In 2015, the total operations exceeded 63 billion rubles.

Provides users with access to lead world stock exchanges, professional analytics and a large selection of services to improve efficiency. trade operations. Customer services are a quick discovery, a remote purchase and sale of shares, options, futures, bonds.

2) Finam

The company was founded in 1994 and has offices in 90 cities in the world. The total number of broker's clients is more than 400,000 people. The number of international and domestic awards and diplomas - more than 50. "Finam" offers a record 18% per annum for passive investment.

Brokerage account opens in a few minutes. Approximately the same time is the output of money. Trade recommendations of consultants are sent to the smartphone - the transaction is made in one click due to direct access to the exchanges. Advanced customers have the opportunity to buy shares without intermediaries.

3) Global Finance

Earnings together with the world's largest corporations - Nike, Eppl, Amazon, McDonalds, Microsoft and many others. Access to the world's largest global stock exchanges, permanent analytics financial market and instant response consultants to change.

Help in the formation of portfolio investments, professional settlements of future profits, qualified forecasts. Each client gets: individual investment strategy, long-term financial plan, personal investment advice.

6. How to make money on long-term investments - 4 practical councils

To get a tangible profit, you need to invest in investment for several years. It is not necessary to immediately sell assets, noticing signs of unhealthy activity on the stock market. Wait for the stability period and stay in winning. Stable income I. good money There are people with a cold head and a sober look at things.

Do not take serious solutions without consulting with consultants. Do not invest in the tools based on intuition or astrological forecasts. Intuition often brings even experienced players.

Follow the simple and reliable expert advice.

Without brokers, a beginner investor - nowhere. Broker is your eyes and ears. It has full information about the progress of trading operations, more than you know about the status of your account and even monitors the tax deductions.

Long-term capital investment in any enterprise for profit

First letter "and"

The second letter "H"

Third letter "in"

Last beech letter "I"

Answer to the question "Long-term investment of capital in any enterprise in order to profit", 10 letters:

Alternative Questions in Crosswords for Word Investment

Capital investing

Overseas capital investigation

Long-term capital investment in business and economics

Investment in the development of the enterprise

Capital investment in the economy industry

Definition of the word investment in dictionaries

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Investments, g. (ECON.). Investment, contribution, invested capital. Impairment of English investments caused by an unprecedented fall in prices for colonial industrial raw materials (from newspapers).

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary is a new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
g. Capital investment in company.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-Ah, g. See to invest. usually mn. Long-term capital investments in separate sectors of the country within the country and abroad (special). arr. Investment, - -th. I. Fund.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the Dictionary Big Soviet Encyclopedia
(it. Investition, from Lat. Investio ≈ Dress Up), long-term investment in industry, agriculture, transport and other industries in both the country and abroad for profit. In bourgeois economic science differ ...

Examples of the use of the word investment in the literature.

The latter strengthened their dependence on Western states and, which even more substantially required the incessant external investmentssince the internal potential of accumulation was actually exhausted, and unprecedented most national income Used for investment purposes.

It is especially important to keep in mind that another portion of subsidies from the budget, even if it is provided, will not change the behavior of enterprises, as it will be perceived as another investments To maintain the industrial sector in a series of those, continuing for several decades in a row, led the country to her today.

Thus, in the last decade investments The formation has become a favorable and prestigious way of investing funds.

Of investmentsGuided by B. real sectorThe investments in the commodity industries are dominated.

The situation was also complicated by the fact that from August 17, the funds of the population as a possible investment source for investment in long-term investments Lost.

Greetings! In my opinion, long-term investments are good way For a long time to "hide" capital in reliable assets and calmly relieve the period of instability. Also, they are well suited for various kinds of "global" savings: or for children.

By the way, the term "investment" generally implies that you invest money not one or two months. Therefore, the options for long-term investments are usually much more than short-term.

What can be considered long-term investments? Definition from the textbook offers a range of 3-5 years. In accounting, such investments are generally called " overhaul" But taking into account the "new economic realities" I relate to long investments all investments for more than three years.

Well, probably, because the situation in the country changes too quickly to invest 5-10 years ahead. And it's not even in crisis - they regularly happen in other countries. Just in Russia so truly and did not earn laws on the protection of property rights.

I will give a couple of fresh evidence (for last years They have already accumulated more than a hundred).

Let's start by S. bank deposits. Main characteristic bank deposits - Their high reliability. But for the third year in a row russian banks Bankruption one by one.
Most recently, "there was a rather major" Intercommerce "(67th place in assets).

Now investors will have to compensate for about 65 billion rubles from the DCA - an absolute record in the entire history of the existence of the Agency. But the funds for payments sooner or later can be tritely not enough ... From the official website of the ASV, by the way, a schedule has already disappeared, showing how much money remains in the Foundation.

Add rumors here about the fact that the government is considering the opportunity to go on the Cypriot scenario and "Creating" from depositors to part of deposits for saving banks. And the newly introduced interest tax on deposits? Suddenly and not quite honest ...

To begin with, I propose to get acquainted with the statistics of the average annual return rate in the United States for the period 1926-2009:

Now, let's see what kind of profitability brought investors various funds shares over the past 10 years.

From 2006 to 2015 Promotions large companies The United States grew by 8.58% per year plus 2.78% per year in the form of dividends. Why average? Because in some years, the stock shares were sanging by almost 23% (in 2008), to others - showed an increase of 30% (in 2013).

The Funds of the World (without the United States) for the same time grew by 4.78% per year (plus dividends in the amount of 6.26%). At the same time, in four out of ten years, the stock portfolio showed minus, and not plus: in 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2015. And if specifically during these years the investor succumbed to panic and dropped the falling stocks, it would lose 45.53%, 11.59%, 6.64% and 16.42%, respectively.

The property

The Russians are accustomed to receiving income from real estate investments in two ways.

Firstly, when investing in the primary at the stage of construction and resell a finished apartment at a higher price. Theoretically the same "focus" can be checked on the secondary.

But today it makes sense only if we consider the apartment as a long-term investment. Now construction, and the price of the "square" housing falls, and not growing. In 2015, metropolitan real estate fell by a third in US dollars and by 14.5% in rubles.

Secondly, many investors expect to earn money on rent. But here everything is not so smooth, as I would like. For example, rental apartments require regular repairs. And in some months, real estate idle without tenants, bringing solid losses to the investor.

By the way, the net yield from the rental of Moscow "oddens" the lessors are estimated at 5-6% per annum. Not so much, given that such investments require constant attention.

Today, the real estate is much better than real estate. The easiest way is not to invest in a physical house or apartments, but to some real estate fund (they are called Reit).

The composition of such funds can be the most different: from the "US real estate", to the "office real estate of the business part of London". Over the past 10 years, the average profitability of such funds was 3.49% per year (and another 13.14% of annual investors received in the form of dividends).

In general, the topic of real estate is very large and in one of the nearest posts I will touch on the most acute questions of this type of investment.


Of course, part of income for such a long time will eat inflation. And it will not work from Russians to buy gold on the "official" price: the spread of the bank, taxes, the commission ... But still the profitability turned out to be very good! Moreover, gold prices are fixed in US dollars - the benefit for Russians is double.

True, since the end of 2012, gold is in the downward trend. But this one and next year analysts consider a good point to enter the "gold investment". The price of the dragmetal in February 2016 is less than $ 1200 per ounce. And very soon it will be clear, in which direction "gold" quotes unfold.

As a rule, against the background of a strong dollar, the price of gold drops, and not growing. BUT B. lately Already, nothing can be confident. Markets increasingly violates the rules that themselves once created.

In any case, investments in gold - the choice of those who are ready for several years to invest somewhere "extra" money and just forget about them. Such an investment strategy is not suitable for everyone. But in any case, depending on your strategy, goals and horizon of investment, I recommend keeping in gold at least 5% of the portfolio.

What do you think, is there a sense today to invest more than 3-5 years? And if so, then in which assets?

P.S. As you can invest money in these assets, I will tell in one of the following articles. Subscribe to updates and do not forget to share links to the most interesting posts with friends in social networks!

Investors are governments, enterprises, individuals who invest in projects, resources and business entities.

Investments are important for economic growth. For example, the acquisition of buildings, machinery or equipment for expansion of production leads to an increase in the GDP (gross domestic product) of the country.

Classification of investment

  • Real and financial investments, reinvestment. Real include investments in non-current and working capital of the company, including the purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets, Purchase of raw materials, etc. - acquisition financial instrumentsFirst of all, securities (derivatives, bonds, shares). Reinvestment - unallocated net profit, which by decision of investors is invested back to the enterprise to expand its economic activity.
  • Direct and indirect investment. Direct investment provide direct investment in depositor money In the company, acquiring a share in the authorized capital. Indirect (portfolio) investments - indirect investment through mediation financial and investment institutions (banks, mutual investment funds, insurance companies), including through the purchase of securities.
  • Short-term and long-term investments. Investing involves the purchase of assets in order to hold them for a long term - more than 1 year. Short-term investments, operating up to 1 year (deposits, savings certificates), are called "speculative" because they are carried out for the sake of a possible increase in the cost of the asset.
  • Traditional and alternative investments. Investments sent to the purchase of traditional assets (securities, real estate) are opposed to alternative investments. The latter are focused on non-standard assets classes: art and antiques, precious metals and cryptocurrency deposits in private and venture capital, hedge funds.

Risks and benefits from investment

When investor investor is investor, the risk of capital loss and income from it. Risk and profitability (profitability) are the main parameters of the investment. The higher the level of risk, the greater the expected profitability.

Investment decisions of depositors depend on the profitability of projects. For risk assessment and benefits, investors analyze financial reports object. Compare profit per share, sales growth, debt ratio and own capital With indicators of other companies in the same industry. The main indicator of payback and profitability of investments is the rate of profit or the profitability coefficient of investments.

Long-term capital investment in order to receive income. Are essential part of modern economy. Investments

From credits, investments are different by the degree of risk for the investor (creditor) - a loan and interest must return to the agreed period, regardless of the profitability of the project, investments are returned and bring income only in profitable projects. If the project is unprofitable - investments may be lost difference in investment

Financial investments (indirect purchase of capital through financial assets): - Securities - loans provided - leasing speculative investments (buying assets solely for the sake possible change Prices): - Currency - precious metals - Securities (stocks, bonds) Investment classification

For the main goals of investment: - Direct investments (investment investment in the aim of managing enterprise) - portfolio investments (investments in securities formed in the form of securities portfolio) investment classification

In terms of investment: - short-term (up to one year) - medium-term (1 - 3 years) - long-term (over 3 - 5) classification of investments

Ownership of ownership of investment resources: - Private - state-foreign - Foreign - Mixed Classification Investments

The line between the investment and speculation (receiving income due to the difference between the prices of buying and selling) is blurred. Typically, the disarming criterion indicates the time factor. If the operation lasts more than a year is an investment, and economical effect. It will give a considerable time after investment. If up to a year is speculation. Investment or speculation

From the position of the monetary theory of money, funds can be sent to consumption or savings. A simple savings are withdrawn from turnover and creates prerequisites for crises. Investment involves savings in turn. It can occur directly or indirectly (placement of temporarily free funds on a deposit to the bank, which will already invest). Investing, saving, consumption

It is believed that, to attract investments, the company should: 1. Have a well-worked promising plan of activity for the future. Investors want to know that their deposits will bring profit in the future. 2. Have a good reputation in society. Investing in a shadow enterprise, investors risk to stay without profit, so only those enterprises that cause trust are chosen. 3. Move open, i.e. transparent activities. For this necessary financial statements And work with the media. 4. Much depends on the internal policy pursued in the country in which the company is located. For deposits, investors choose the most stable countries. Conditions

The investment is characterized, among other things, two interrelated parameters: risk and profitability. As a rule, the higher the risk of investment, the higher the expected profitability should be. Value investment risk Shows the likelihood of loss of investment and income from them. The magnitude of the total, integral risk is made up of seven types of risk: - social - economic - financial - criminal - ecological at the same time the average risk of the country is taken as a unit, and real indicators of the regions may deviate. Risk and profits

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state