
The real economy sector includes the market. The real sector of the economy is what? Communication and telecommunications

Essence of the economic sector

One of the main systems studied economic theoryis the national economic system. Its effectiveness is determined macroeconomic indicatorsdescribing cumulative results Activities for a certain period. It is worth noting that the country's economy is a complex system consisting of a variety of elements. The study and study of its processes requires a more detailed approach, so the economic system of the country is conditionally divided into economic sectors.

Note 1.

The economic sector usually includes many economic entities, whose activity is similar, has approximately the same goals. Each is institutional units Performs similar functions, has the same sources of financing as other subjects of this sector.

Decision on sectors can be made relatively different signs:

  • By property owner, the public and private sector is distinguished.
  • Depending on the production cycle They talk about the primary, secondary, tertiary sectors.
  • Feature economic activity Forms non-production, production and financial sectors.
  • Regarding the main economic entity of the sector, they are divided into public, sector of households, enterprises and external agents.

One of the most important economic sectors is the real sector. It is here that the production of most products consumed by society occurs. Next is the process of distribution, exchange and consumption of products or services. The production process is always accompanied by the oncoming movement of finance. The real sector provides household jobs, brings a tangible share of income to the state budget. The development of this sector has a direct impact on the state of the country's economy as a whole.

Sectoral composition of the real sector

Work real sectors It is primarily important to ensure the welfare of the population and the sustainability of the country's economic system. The development of this sector is paid great attention to different countries. The structurally real sector is a rather complex system represented by many different enterprises, commercial organizations and other forms of companies whose main goal is aimed at making a profit.

The real sector can also be divided into subsystems. Most often allocate spheres of material and intangible production. The first is the creation of products expressed in materially - real form. Intangible benefits are usually represented by intellectual property, various patents, licenses. This area provides advisory, informational and other types of services that will also receive income.

Usually the real sector of the economy is considered as a totality of industries. national economy. The ratio of their shares shows the economic ordership of the country's economic system, its potential and the ability to resist the factors of the medium. Regarding the branches, the real sector can be considered as combining two directions:

  1. Export oriented industries and industry services. If we talk about Russia, then this group Fuel and energy complex, forest industry, pipeline transport are formed. Their proportion in the entire structure of the economy does not exceed 5%, while they bring up to half of all income of the country's economy.
  2. Industries whose products are focused on the domestic market. They are distinguished by a low level of competitiveness, so they do not bring tangible income.

However, construction and trade can bring higher incomes of the occupied population.

Note 2.

There is a national classifier of the sectors of the national economy, although in practice it is customary to share the real sector on a simpler principle. Eliminate agriculture, industry, transportation services and communications, trade and construction. Each industry has its own specific product, and the profit method. At the same time, they can form industrial or other types of complexes, where several industries are in mutually beneficial cooperation with each other.

It is worth noting that the spheres of material and intangible production are closely connected with each other and cannot exist separately. The main source of income of the state budget is the industry, whose products come to export.

Enterprises of the real sector

The company is a business unit, mainly engaged in production. economic Goods. It makes a profit by implementing the created product or service.

In the conditions of the market model of the enterprise, the enterprise has the right to implement independent activities that are not contrary to the legislation of the country. Owners of companies have the right to freely dispose of part of profits and use it at their discretion. All property of the enterprise is used to receive income, as well as its own and borrowed financial resources. The second goal of the activities of the economic entity is to satisfy the public need for a certain economic well.

Note 3.

Since the main focus of the real sector business is marked with income, the effectiveness of this sector is also defined in monetary units. To understand the content of the real sector, it is necessary to disassemble its infrastructure under which the economic relations between the actors contribute to the economic growth of the country.

The production infrastructure includes business objects that create benefits, as well as promote and implement them. These include various kinds industrial enterprises, marketing companies, consulting, telecommunication and trade organizations. Energous enterprises usually do not create products and do not directly affect the relationship manufacturer - buyer. This subsector is usually represented by state and non-governmental institutions producing public goods.

Enterprises of a particular industry produce relevant goods or services. So for agro-industrial complex Characterized by the creation of products agriculture, cattle breeding, as well as special techniques, chemicals necessary for this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Industry enterprises specialize in the extraction of minerals, their processing and creating semi-finished products, or ready-made finite goods. Forest industry specializes in forest harvesting, as well as manufactures material values From wood. Each enterprises of each industry have their own focus, their product and profit extraction method.

The real sector of the economy is a combination of all industries of material and intangible production, with the exception of financial services. This is a classic definition in economic science to date. However, this term has many opponents.

Alternative definition

Of course, the financial sector of the economy is associated with real, without one, it is unlikely to be the existence of another. For example, how can I build a powerful plant without large cash investment? But still in science does not cause controversy separation of the two of these concepts. However, the "real sector of the economy" is a term that is ambiguously interpreted by many financiers and bankers. The stumbling block serve as intangible production, i.e. Services services. Many act in order to separate, say, the production of goods from consultation on its operation, since in the latter case is actually a physically tangible product is created. If we talk like a simple "kitchen language", the real sector of the economy is the production of goods that can be held in the hands. However, this point of view does not find a response from most politicians and economists.


The real sector of the economy is the industry of real production of goods ( light industry, Agriculture, etc.), infrastructure and services of services (including the provision of financial services without real lending). Let us turn more about the sectors.


The real sector of the economy is quite widely represented by various sectors of the economy. Within one article, it is impossible to list everything, but some will still call:

  • Gas industry.
  • Coal industry.
  • Agrarian sector.
  • Transportation (here refers to the gas transmission system).
  • Peat industry.
  • Construction (manufacturing materials and service provision).
  • Food industry.
  • Culture, health care, education - as a rule, they are combined with the concept of "intangible sphere of services" and others.

Features of the real sector of the Russian economy

Sectors of the Russian economy have their own characteristics:

  1. Lack of public sector in agriculture.
  2. Domination of mining industries focused on the global market.
  3. Dependence of the service sector from the domestic market.

We will analyze more each item.

The state left the agricultural sector

In our country, there is almost no state sector in agriculture. The state completely abandoned him after the collapse of the USSR and gave it to the deposit of private farmers. Many continued to exist on the basis of the previous state -holdly collective farm system, changing only the economic form and upgrading production. Some farmers started the path of their development on the American model of the development of small farming.

Russia on the "oil needle"

In Russia, many decades have been traced in the dominance of industries for the extraction of raw materials and fuel oriented to the foreign market. Whatever politics tell us that it is necessary to get rid of the "oil needle", in fact, over the past decades, addiction federal budget From the commodity sectors only intensified. This is due to the fact that from the beginning of the two thousand years, the prices for hydrocarbons and other resources sharply soared upwards, which has negatively affected other sectors of the economy. In fact, the budget was redunted with petrodollars, which led to big inflation and price increases. This, in turn, did not give the rest of the industries. russian economy Develop, since all investments were invested in "fatty industries", and also went to support social projects.

For a long time, the Russian authorities assured the population that the development of the sectors of the economy is comprehensively and we are no longer dependent on gas and oil. But it was worth falling around the world's energy prices twice, as immediately in the budget there was a huge deficit, which was able to cover due to the additional monetary emission. This, in turn, led to a drop russian currency and price increases twice.

Emissions and devaluation are additional tools that are in the hands of the state. Salary of state employees and pensions can pay in the same volume and exactly as soon as possible, but it is possible to buy on them in supermarkets. It is equivalent to a decrease in salaries and pensions twice.

Orientation of the service sector on the domestic market

As noted above, the real sector of the economy also includes the scope of services. In Russia, it is aimed at meeting the needs of the internal consumer. Recent events have shown that such a development model is far from being ideal: sanctions, countertoping, the global energy crisis hit the inner consumer. As a result, domestic demand fell, and no one was focused on the external market. As a result, we got a huge crisis of the entire consumer services market. People began to clean up at their free time, rest without prejudice to their personal budget, etc.

Economics of the public sector

The public sector is implied under the public sector. Those. The public sector economy is aimed at servicing the interests of the whole society. Its main directions include:

  • providing public goods;
  • redistribution of income and expenses through taxes, social sphere etc.;
  • production and sale of goods and services of commercial purposes in state-owned enterprises.

The last item can cause questions from readers, so we will try to explain it. The fact is that the profit from state-owned enterprises is fully in the state budget. Now we are talking about how it should be in theory, without considering the corruption aspect of this problem. All profits do not go to the purchase of yachts, villas, expensive cars, but goes to the development of health, education, science, culture, i.e. Bring public benefits. Therefore, profits OT. commercial activities State enterprises are included in the category of public sector economy (public sector).

Features of the public sector in Russia

We have already told a little about the fact that the state completely refused agriculture. However, it did not refuse to participate in the economy. On the contrary, for lately The share of the state in the economy is only growing. As a rule, this is manifested in the purchase of a controlling stake in the country's largest enterprises, which sometimes depends the security of the entire society. These are the leading banks of the country (Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank), the largest oil and gas producing enterprises (Gazprom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, etc.), defense and strategic enterprises (Russian Railways, Research Institute of Chemical Reagents and especially pure chemicals, etc.).

However, the public sector faces a variety of problems. Key of them are the lack of effective management and excessive bureaucracy. The public sector in the West, for example, was present for a long time only in advanced, unexplored sectors of the economy in which they were afraid to invest. simple investors. The state there performed the locomotive of the development of science and technology, showing new levels of development. We, on the contrary, the state allocates money to "proven spheres", which do not have long-term development prospects.

The essence of the real sector of the economy

The economic system acts as a very extensive sphere. In it, researchers and authors allocate two large and most significant sectors: the real and financial sector of the economy. This article will pay special attention It is the real sector of the economic system that has developed today.

The real sector is also structured education. It includes several economic industries at once, each of which is engaged in several types of products: material products and intangible.

Definition 1.

That is, under the real sector it is necessary to mean not only the manufacturing system of material benefits, but also the scope of direct provision of services.

This includes services of science and education, trade. It should be noted that there are several exceptions. For example, financial and credit, as well as stock exchange transactions that are predominantly financial economyserving as the opposite direction of the economic sphere considered in this work.

In the real sector of the economic sphere, production, distribution, exchange and consumption, which are four fundamental economic Development and meet the needs that arise in society. In contrast to this in the financial sector, for example, an exclusively monetary relationship between people is being implemented as economic constituentsthat form two aspects of the financial sector: the demand for certain goods and services and their subsequent consumption.

Important is the parameter of possible monetization of the real sector. In this case, the entire economic system can be depicted in the form of a complex circuit of products and services, and on the other hand - in the form of the entire totality of cash resources in this sector. Modern economyAt the same time, slowly transformed into a monetary structure. It includes the following elements:

  • Sale of goods;
  • Providing the most significant services.

Note 1.

Both aspects are accompanied by a financial component, and each transaction on the principle of "purchase and sale" is made using cash and financial resources that this has this economic system.

Infrastructure of the real sector of the economy

Note 2.

The real economy infrastructure is the whole economic system that includes material and product content, as well as a rather extensive combination of economic relations between the actors of the real economy (first of all, markets), where the principle of "purchase and sale" is implemented. The subjects lies a very important mission - to create the most favorable conditions for the subsequent growth of the market system of the economy.

There are several types of real economy infrastructure. First, it is a production infrastructure that combines the whole set of enterprises and companies that are engaged in the production, implementation and further promotion of material products produced in a real economy (transport, industrial, trade and telecommunication companies, as well as some marketing operations).

Secondly, non-production infrastructure, which includes organizations that do not produce material products. They also have no direct impact on the formation of relationships between the buyer and the seller on the "purchase and sale system". The unproductive infrastructure includes the following areas:

  1. Scientific organizations and companies that contribute to the development and further promotion innovative ideas, new equipment and technologies that affect the production of goods and services and are introduced into the daily lives of people;
  2. State structures aimed at regulating a strand of formation of relationships. They do this activity through the adoption of laws and other regulatory acts;
  3. Certain social organizations that provide a variety of services to various segments of the population (educational, medical, services in the field of education and culture). These services are able to form new needs in society, which leads to an increase in demand. These processes become a kind of sign for manufacturers who increase the production of goods and services in accordance with the data on the needs of the Company.

Industries of the real sector of the economy

As we mentioned earlier, real economy acts as a very structured economic education. In this regard, we were needed to allocate the main industries that play an important role in everyday life man and individual social groups. First, it is an energy sphere, which includes production and further gradual sales of electricity in accordance with the population's requests.

Secondly, one of the most important is the food industry - food production. Without daily food intake, a person will not be able to replenish its energy, which will lead to dehydration and the inability to physically perform some functions. Therefore, today manufacturers offer people a huge broadest choice of goods to meet the needs and desires of absolutely any person, taking into account his preferences, physical features and health status.

Thirdly, oil industrywhich consists of oil production and oil refining. Today, oil is one of the most expensive resources, and its number, as well as the level of imports, speaks of the domestic welfare of the state. This includes the level of resources in the industrial and construction sphere, which determines the production of materials and construction services that can provide one or another organization. It is also worth noting the gas industry (gas production and the supply of population and the Allied countries, with which agreements are concluded).

Real sector economy - A combination of sectors of the economy producing material and intangible goods and services, with the exception of financial and credit and exchange operations, which relate to the financial sector of the economy.

The term does not have a clear legislative definition. It is often used in political vocabulary and journalism without concretizing meaning. Many authors under the real sector imply only the scope of material production and do not include services, trade, science.

Real Economic Sector (Real Production Sector) is a sector in which it is created. Includes industrial productionconsisting of and ,.

The basis of the real sector of the economy is the production of industrial and agricultural products. It is in the field of production that the manufacturer interacts with nature, new material benefits are created. The quantitative and qualitative development of the production sector ensures the welfare of society, the growth of income of the population creates a material base for the development of education, health care, culture.

The state of the real sector of the economy is influenced:

  • level of development of productive forces;
  • scientific and technical progress;
  • states;
  • budget policy;
  • measures taken by the state to ensure investment growth;
  • world price level;
  • state condition.

The real sector of the economy in the former USSR after the 2nd World War in its development has undergone several stages. 1945-1950 - reorientation of industry with military production for peaceful rails (conversion); The period 1950-1970 was characterized by the rapid and efficient development of the economy; 1971-1991 - relatively high, but fading pace of development. Since 1991, the process of transition to market economydue to a slowdown in economic growth, the emergence of inter-sectoral imbalances, a fall in capital studios, efficiency capital investments, high level of militarization of the economy former USSR. However, the transition to market system accompanied by a number of structural, financial and systemic crises.

The state of the real sector of the economy has a significant impact:

  • state and primarily level interest rateswhich depends on the possibility of enterprises to resort to short-term and long-term to replenish current means and the implementation of capital investments;
  • balance of the country's foreign trade balance;
  • in the country, the presence of favorable conditions for investment, primarily direct;
  • government policies guaranteeing investor rights, providing opportunities for creating conditions under which the revision of the results of privatization is impossible;
  • the presence or absence of restrictions in foreign economic activity.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state