
Insurance of property of individuals: species, conditions, features. Property Insurance Property Insurance and Persons

In sphere property insurance The first branch of the protection of material benefits individuals.

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Insurance of individuals of individuals is carried out to create financial security at the occurrence of threats for existing personal assets.

What it is

Insurance of property of individuals is the type of unlicassed insurance, the object of which is a certain property interest.

This interest is associated with the realization of ownership. The implicit nature of this insurance means that its objects are unbound with the life and health of a person, the implementation of his personal inalienable rights.

The object of such insurance always acts as the property or material interest of an individual. It is mostly carried out on a voluntary basis.

Insurance is subject to material benefitswhich belong to the insurer on the basis of ownership.

The property of property rights creates real risks that are related to the use, orders and alienation of special objects.

It is insurance of property of individuals that avoids unforeseen expenses and losses that arise in the process of realization of ownership.

This type of insurance is a guarantee when receiving compensation in the event of a complete or partial damage of property, its absolute or local death.

Insurance of property of individuals can be double. This means that to protect your material assets every physical. A person can have several insurers.

The rationale for such duality is the special regime of ownership, which is set by a number of rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you refer to the law, the thing or item that belongs to one person on the basis of ownership is untouchables. All objects of property rights that are subject to insurance are of particular value.

For example, on the right of ownership may belong to the objects of life and land plot. But the object of insurance of property of individuals will be a land plot that has a special value and which in a special procedure is issued.

The property insurance contract of individuals will be issued on the basis of a guideline document.


In fact, individuals insure property in order to receive when a risk case occurs monetary compensation or damage compensation.

On the territory of the Russian Federation to property insurance Piz. People are still irresponsible people. A good example of what causes such an attitude is the natural disasters that collapsed in Asia.

In this region (except developed countries, such as Japan, Korea, Singapore) Insurance of individuals of individuals is not enough. Therefore, the consequences of the actions of natural elements lay on the shoulders of the owners of practically destroyed houses.

In the West, real estate owners in 90% of cases prefer to insure it and it should be a guide for everyone who does not want to risk their life developments.

Availability insurance Polisa. An individual allows compensation in the following cases:

  • fire;
  • robbery, theft, robbery or plump;
  • unlawful actions of third parties with targeted and careless causing property;
  • , atmospheric or natural phenomena.

Insurance of property of individuals allows you to protect yourself from causing harm to the property of neighbors. Civil liability security in this case It is excellent assistance in the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances.

The peculiarities of this type of insurance include the principles of damage compensation. First, the insured person should declare the occurrence within 3-4 days insurance case.

The statement indicates where and under what circumstances there was an incident provided for by the contract.

All objects of damaged or destroyed property are subject to listing. Secondly, the fact of compliance with these circumstances is checked, contractual insurance conditions.

If the damage occurred or destroying the property is covered by the policy, determines the amount of damage and insurance payments. IN obligatory A certificate is drawn up.


No matter what voluntary or mandatory insurance was carried out, established rules At the occurrence of the insured event, an individual should appeal to the insurer and the competent state bodies.

After some time after the notification, the insured must submit a package of documents to obtain monetary compensation.

The following documents must be transferred:

  • insurance certificate;
  • receipt for the payment of the insurance premium;
  • confirmation of the insured event;
  • documents that relate to the reasons for the occurrence of an insured event and caused losses.

The insured must submit a notice to the insurer on the occurrence of the insured event immediately during the period established under the Treaty.

After checking all the information and drawing up an Act on the occurrence of an insured event on the basis of the results of the investigation conducted by the Emergency Commissioner, compensation is paid.

Act of the occurrence of the insured event according to general rules It should be compiled no later than 10 days from the moment of circulation of the insured person with a statement. But a similar standard to apply to the procedure for the response of all insurance companies cannot be.

Insurance payments are always established individually. The basis for their calculus is the initial amount of insurance.

Insurance amount Depends on the cost of the object and existing limits. Insurers do not insure the property of individuals, at exceeding it real value Amount. Insurance cost is determined when conducting a special economic assessment.

For example, in order to insure a land plot with a house, it is necessary to carry out a market estimate of the value of the Earth and the structure separately. Based on the expert opinion, subsequently the insurer will calculate the insurer for the insured.

Do not forget also about the existence of the franchise. This is the amount that will be deducted from the payout received by the insured.

There are two main types of franchise: conditional and unconditional. Property insurance is most often carried out using a conditional franchise.

What could be insured

The object of insurance acts almost any valuable property of citizens who belongs to them on the right of ownership.

May be insured:

  • land;
  • apartments, houses, utility buildings;
  • household items, inventory;
  • vehicles.

And the land plot is carried out on two separate policies.

What are the risks

The main risks from which individuals insure their property may be:

  • damage to property;
  • part of its loss;
  • full loss or death of property.

An interesting opportunity is insurance for civil liability to third parties, regarding the damage to their property. The risk of harm to the property of another person is equal to the one that is associated with the destruction of personal material benefits.

Civil liability insurance will help avoid problems that arise when the interaction of several owners.

Mandatory and voluntary insurance

Today, the insurance of property of individuals is carried out, as a rule, in a voluntary form.

Mandatory insurance applies only relatively rented land plotswhich are in state or communal property.

Scheme: Views voluntary insurance Property of individuals.

The most common object of voluntary property insurance are buildings. The main conditions for the building insured is its real estate, permanent stay in one place, the presence of walls and roofs.

What is said in the contract

IN insurance contract Be sure to indicate its parties. Insurer can be any non-state cumulative Fund or a company licensed for providing this kind of services. The insured is an individual or enterprise, firms, organizations.

In case of civil liability insurance, the beneficiary also appears - a person whose property is at risk.

The contract is concluded on the basis of an oral or written statement, which is submitted to the insurer.

Duration - 1 year or a few months. Inspection of the objects of the contract is not carried out if the insurance amount does not exceed the one that an employee of the insurance company will offer.

Otherwise, property assessment is carried out. At its basis, the insurance amount is established, the amount of contributions is calculated and the procedure for payment of insurance compensation is formed. The fact of the conclusion of the contract is confirmed by a special testimony.

Insurance payments are calculated in sum, the insurance period and depend on the degree of risk with tariffs.

Treaties for insurance of property of individuals always differ among themselves in terms of risks covered.

For example, you can insure your apartment with responsibility for all risks from the insured.

Insurance payments for such an agreement are provided for the damage or destroying property in all possible ways.

The contract with responsibility for certain risks is much more profitable for the policyholder, because in the documents, those cases in which payments should be carried out clearly.

As for the insurance of specialized home property, the provision on the provision of guarantees is issued on a special form.

Insurance of property of individuals is already ceased to be regarded in modern society as a whim. It is simply necessary to preserve confidence in tomorrow.

After all, from negative political, economic and atmospheric phenomena, individuals are never insured if they do not have a confirmation policy.


Comparison of costs for insurance real Estate individuals:

The subject of comparison was not movable property worth 3 million rubles and repairs at 20 thousand.

The immovable insurance procedure has a number of features with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves with individuals and legal entities before registration of the insurance policy:

  • insurance conditions may be prescribed both in the contract and in special rules;
  • insurance amount is determined in the range that the insurer will be able to compensate for incurred damage;
  • insurance amount cannot exceed the market value of the property at the time of signing the insurance contract;
  • the amount of the sum insured may affect the state (external and internal) real estate;
  • to obtain insurance payments, it is necessary to collect a package of documents within a certain period of time and transfer their insurer.

Why it is necessary

Each owner of real estate seeks to provide him with reliable protection against any external and internal impact that enhanced large financial expenses.

Not every owner has the ability to be constantly in a residential or industrial premises to prevent its damage. Better decision The insurance procedure will be in a timely manner, which guarantees the payment of a certain amount of funds when an insured event occurs.


When insuring real estate, special rules should be taken into account, which indicate:

  • rules for compensation for compensation payments;
  • the rules for the recovery of a penalty;
  • rules for termination of legal relationship between the parties signing the insurance contract;
  • rules for recognizing an insured event;
  • rules for recognizing the transaction invalid, etc.

The owner of real estate in the protection of its interests in court can refer to the existing rules in accordance with which the insurance procedure was carried out.

It should be borne in mind that in the relevant contract (concluded between the insurance company and an individual, or an authorized representative of a commercial or state company) should be referenced to these rules.

What are the risks

Physical and legal entities who are insulting real estate objects should be specified by various risks:

  • natural disasters (earthquake, hurricane, flood, hail, landslides, etc.);
  • fire or explosion;
  • lightning strike;
  • arson or other damage caused by intruders;
  • malfunction of electrical wiring, as well as other engineering communications;
  • robbery, etc.

By adopting a decision on the insurance of real estate, individuals and legal entities must determine possible risks that may cause damage or destruction. At the same time, the type of structure should be taken into account, its year of construction and other are important factors.

Views, their description

Currently, there are several types of real estate insurance, which can be found:

  • This type Real estate can be insured against hacking, flooding, fire and various natural disasters. The owner of the apartment can individually insure household items, internal cladding, engineering communications, etc.;
  • . Real estate owners can arrange an insurance policy both on the main structure and utility rooms and on the landscape design. Insurance company, before calculating the sum insured, carefully studies the materials from which country structures, the presence of valuable property, the specified risks, etc., takes into account the existing norms, through which it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of the structure;
  • . Many financial institutions make a mortgage only subject to immovable property insurance;
  • . This type of insurance allows individuals and legal entities to protect against losses in case of loss of their rights to real estate. Often, the insurance policy helps when they recognize the transaction (real estate) invalid.

Real estate insurance from fire

Fire in a residential or industrial premises may occur for various reasons:

  • due to the fault of the property owner;
  • due to the fault of the attackers;
  • according to the fault of unfavorable natural phenomena and natural disasters.

Protect urban and country real estate from of this risk You can with the timely decorated insurance policy. When concluding a contract, real estate owners need to take into account various nuances that determine the cause of the fire.

Real estate fire may occur as a consequence:

  • electrical wiring;
  • explosion of household gas;
  • arson;
  • careless handling of fire;
  • voltage drops in the electrical network;
  • lightning hits;
  • natural disasters (from which urban and suburban real estate is damaged), etc.

When drawing up a contract, the property owner must carefully examine each item so that he does not have any disagreement with the insurer.

At the time of the insured event, the owner of the real estate needs to collect a certain package of documentation (it should include an appraisal examination), which should be conveyed to the insurance company.


Each immovable insurance procedure is mandatory issued by the contract, which determine the responsibility and obligations of both parties.

After signing this document, the insurer is entrusted with the obligation to implement compensation payments Real estate owner when an insured event occurs.

The insured when issuing the contract should indicate whether maximum amount Risks that may cause damage or destruction of its real estate.

This document is drawn up on paper and after familiarization signed by each of the insurance process. After that, insurance companies gives their client to the hands of an insurance policy, which will be a documentary confirmation of the issuing insurance transaction.

In the insurance contract, the following should be indicated:

  • mandatory details of both parties;
  • date and place of drawing up the contract;
  • insurance objects (each object must be specified);
  • insurance risks;
  • the amount of compensation compensation upon the occurrence of the insured event;
  • contract time;
  • the duties of the parties, including their degree of responsibility;
  • fors major and special conditions.

The immovable property insurance contract of individuals and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can be for a long time, since the current federal legislation provides for its automatic extension.

When signing the contract, the parties can exclude, supplement or change some provisions made to the insurance rules.

When drawing up a contract most an important point is the definition of insurance objects, which may be urban and suburban real estate individuals, as well as production and commercial premiseslisted on the balance of commercial and state-owned companies.

Rating companies


Today on the territory Russian Federation When investing real estate, tariffs are applied that range in the range:

Table of real estate insurance costs in different companies:

When calculating the sum insured, the market or estimated cost of real estate and especially valuable property is taken into account. Insurance rates applied by Russian insurers are not significantly different from each other.

They directly depend on the following factors:

  • real estate cost;
  • life of operation;
  • degree of wear at the time of the assessment;
  • places of location of the object, etc.

In a timely manner, the insurance procedure allows physical and legal entities to protect against financial costs that arise as a result of damage or destruction of real estate.

The insurance policy decorated in all rules will allow owners of residential and industrial premises to feel confidence in the "tomorrow". Individuals, as well as representatives of secondary and small businesses, may at their discretion choose the object of real estate, which will take part in insurance.

Video: Real Estate Insurance

Almost every owner of his own home considers insurance to be needed. And right! Not always a high fence and alarm of the last model can save our hearth from unforeseen circumstances. Especially vacation homewhere we are not so often we would like. Features Features of insurance are due to ...

Modern lifestyle creates a feeling of well-being in humans. Especially if the individual has a standard set of a successful person: a family, a favorite pet, an apartment, a car and a cottage. But, unfortunately, no one knows the future. Also no one is insured against accidents that inevitably occur in our lives. IN...

Insure property, its finish and homemade property from fire, flood, robbery, stealing with burglary. At the same time, you yourself will choose the amount for which you want to insure your property out of three available programs. Having to make sure that your fault may be damaged by the apartment of the neighbors? Property insurance policy (housing) can cover this damage. It is easy to stop the apartment - buy online Polis "Alpharemont" directly on the site. After online payment, the policy will immediately be delivered to your e-mail.

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Protection of liability to neighbors

Civil liability insurance programs before neighbors.

According to statistics, flexible hoses breaks about once every 2 years, leaks of household appliances (washing and dishwashers) There are once every 3 years, the batteries can be broken at the first heating season after the end of the repair. All these troubles are damaged not only to the one who has occurred, but also to the neighbors, and pay not only for the restoration of their repair, but also for damage caused to the apartment and the property of neighbors. This is especially true for those who plan to pass or remove housing.

Civil liability insurance "Good neighbors" will help to avoid unforeseen expenses related to damage to neighbors .. Insurance of responsibility to neighbors per year is less than monthly payment For utilities. Paying from 750 to 3000 rubles. per year depending on the amount you want to insure civil responsibilityYou can safely leave to relax, take your apartment or just go to work, without fear, the circumstances that can not only subcort your family budgetbut also harbor with neighbors

Housing Municipal Insurance Program

Preferential Insurance Apartment or Room in communal apartmentlocated in SAO or Moscow CJSC.

Becoming a participant in this program, you will no longer need to worry about damage to the finishing, engineering communications and the walls of your apartment. You will be able to protect your housing without leaving the house by including an insurance premium into a single payment document that comes to you monthly to pay utility bills. Insurance certificate will be sent to you by mail.

Programs mortgage insurance

Comprehensive mortgage insurance

Important feature housing loan - This is a long period of its payment, sometimes reaching 20 years or more. Imagine how much an unforeseen can happen during this time! After that you can not worry about loss of housing in case you will not be able to pay debt to the bank for a while.

Individual insurance apartment or house

If you want to insure a house or insure an apartment on individual conditions, you will be suitable for the insurance program of the Alfaquarter's apartment and the insurance of the Alphaacria at home. It is enough to fill out several fields of form or call around the clock phone 8 800 333 0 999 And our real estate and property insurance specialists will help to choose the most attractive conditions and the cost of insurance.

Title insurance

Insurance of ownership (titular insurance) is the risk insurance of the loss of real estate as a result of the termination of ownership of it in whole or in part. This program protects the owner of real estate from recognizing a transaction for the acquisition of real estate invalid or the requirements of the former owner on the return of property retired from him in addition to his will.

Ownership of ownership is not only positive moments, but also possible negative situations.

Damage, loss, theft, cataclysms - from all the consequences will protect insurance of property of individuals. Tariffs Consider in this article.

Insurance of property of individuals is a type of unlicasone insurance. The object of interest is the property interest.

This interest is implementing property rights. The object of insurance is not related to the state of the health of the client and his life.

A distinctive feature of such insurance is to protect the client with a complete, partial deterioration or loss of an object in cases provided by the contract. Thus, compensation is guaranteed to the insured, if the insured event came and the corresponding act was drawn up.

The insurance procedure may bear mandatory or voluntary. The need to conclude an insurance contract is provided for motor vehicles (OSAGO), banks at the conclusion loan agreementand also is governed by legislation on the rented property owned by the state.


The effect of the insurance policy for the property of individuals is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the law "On the organization of insurance affairs in the Russian Federation".

The insured has the right to conclude an insurance contract with several insurers, such a right is called dual insurance. This feature gives a special regime of ownership, which is regulated by the standards Civil Code RF.

A special value is the property belonging to the person on the basis of ownership. The law guaranteed the intact of such property.

The property insurance of individuals is based on the principal documents.


In the Russian Federation, property insurance has not taken serious revolutions, people mostly do not protect themselves from the unwanted loss or damage to the property.

The results of this relationship are well traced after natural disasters that are unexpected. Often people remain without housing. The only rescue circle for them is the voluntary support of the state. Which may not cover the losses that the citizen suffered.

There are countries in which the conclusion of the insurance contract has a widespread tendency among citizens. Citizens do not wish to lose their probe. Therefore, they insure all the property from different unforeseen cases. Such as:

  • Fire;
  • Robbery;
  • Robbery;
  • Other illegal actions;
  • Natural disasters and more.

The insurance policy can protect the client not only in case of damage or loss of its property, but also the property of third parties. For example, neighbors, if the client flooded them. Such prudency protects against unwanted consequences in unforeseen circumstances.

When an insured event arises, the client is obliged to notify the insurance company about it in the coming days (usually spelled out in the contract). The statement indicates:

  • What damage was received an object of insurance (or the loss of the object);
  • Date and time of the incident;
  • The description of the circumstances in which the insured case arose;
  • Other data required in a specific situation.

Documents are attached to the application, which confirm the occurrence of the insured event and are provided for by the contract.

If the fact of the occurrence of the insured event is set, the amount of the loss and the company makes payments. Mandatory is the execution of an insured event.

Property insurance of citizens and legal entities It has a number of differences:

Property insurance Piz. persons

Property insurance JUR. persons

Object of insurance (some of the possible):

  • House
  • Flat
  • Garage
  • Car

Insurance cases are close to domestic circumstances and natural cataclysms.

Insurance objects:

  • Production capacity
  • Commercial buildings
  • Specialist. Technics

Insurance cases are carried out production nature and natural disasters.

Each object is insured separately.

For example, in the case of house insurance and antique furniture, two contracts will be signed.

All insurance objects are combined with one complex (office space, warehouses, workshops, etc.)

The cost of insurance premiums is calculated based on the region's average data and is available.

In the process of registration of the insurance contract, an individual approach is carried out. Calculation is based on a specific organization. This is due to the high cost of insurance objects and high risks of the occurrence of the insured event. Often, the payment of insurance premiums is not economically beneficial to the company.

The discount provided is minimal.

Discount can be substantial when complex insurance Large objects.

Property insurance facilities of individuals

The client has the ability to insure any property that belongs to him on the right of ownership:

  • Real estate: land, house, cottage, cottage, room, garage, shopping buildings, sauna, etc.
  • Movable property: interior items, machinery, collections, jewelry, vehicles, etc.
  • Home and agricultural animals.
  • Cash, securities, cells, deposits, copyrights, patents, etc.

This right is confirmed by the guidelines.


Share several types of insurance risks:

  • Natural disasters. Insurance of property from an unforeseen destructive impact of elements (avalanche, tsunami, earthquake, flood, etc.)
  • Accident. Unforeseen damage or loss of property due to the impact of fire, water, any objects.
  • Deliberate actions of the criminal. Full or partial destruction of the insurance object.
  • Theft of property.

Insurance contract

In the insurance contract, as in any other, the parties are indicated between which the contract is concluded.

Term of the contract for up to one year.

If the client agrees to the insurance amount proposed by the Company, the inspection of the object is not carried out. In another case, an inspection and integrated assessment of property are carried out. Based on which the amount of insurance coverage is established.


Insurance rates are calculated on the basis of:

  • Type of property, its specific features.
  • Market value of the insurance object.
  • List of insurance claims.
  • The term of the insurance policy.

When calculating, the statistics of the region are taken into account. For example, during auto insurance will be taken into account:

  • Criminal atmosphere of the city / district
  • Frequency of car hijacking of this brand and model


Comparative analysis of tariffs on insurance products, measured in% of the sum insured.

Choosing an insurance company, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the amount of insurance premiums, but also how long the company in the insurance market, as far as it is reliable, which partnerships have.

Insurance of individuals of individuals is necessary to protect citizens from the risk of loss and damage to their property. Upon the occurrence of the insured event, the client will avoid expensive court proceedingswill receive compensation for covering losses and will save not only the family budget, but also an emotional equilibrium.

In the next video, the representative of Rosgosstrakh will tell about the insurance of property and liability of individuals:

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The object is a personal property: structural structures (apartment, house, garage, economic construction dr.), Movable property inside these buildings, finishing and technical equipment, valuable movable property, objects of unfinished buildings. The contract is prescribed the amount within which the insurer reimburses material damage to the beneficiary when an insured event occurs. You can protect yourself from the risk of loss of property rights, from responsibility to third parties, from damage and damage to property.

Common types of property insurance of individuals:

  • Damage to fire. The insured event is recognized in a fire, explosion, including household gas, lightning strike, fire due to the ignition of the household appliance from the voltage difference, etc.
  • Damage to water. The leakage due to problems in the heating system, sewage and water supply, water from technical and neighboring premises, flooding, as a result of accidents on hydraulic structures.
  • Disaster. Damage or loss of property as a result of earthquake, landslide, storm, hurricane, flood, flooding, etc. Other dangerous natural phenomena (snowfall, shower, degrees, etc.), which are recognized as extreme or atypical.
  • Unlawful actions of third parties. Theft, robbery, robbery, arson, vandalism, hooliganism, mass riots.
  • Mechanical damage. The fall in pillars, trees, lighting supports, construction cranes, manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, damage to the bounced object, for example, gravel from under the vehicle wheels, the fall of astronomical objects, the vehicle hitting.
  • Civil responsibility. Allows you to protect material losses in case of damage to the property of third parties, their lives or health. That is, it will be useful when a random flooding of neighbors or fire is your fault. In addition, some companies take on the settlement of conflicts, negotiations with the affected party, which greatly facilitates the life of the insured.

This list of insurance companies may differ or have certain exceptions, reservations in which damage compensation is not provided, therefore, the insurance contract should be carefully studied.

You can always add additional risks, such as: short circuit, glass products, animal action, structural defects, terrorist attack, etc.

Property, repair and construction are the objects of property insurance, cash cash, deposits, art objects, furniture, appliances, consumer electronics, equipment - the segment is incredibly wide. Among the most sought-after risks are the loss, theft, intentional damage, damage. Insure the property, which is stored in the room in emergency condition. Refuse to work with faulty technique / equipment or external damage items. To start cooperation, the insured must confirm the ownership of the thing.

You can insure anything: from large amount Money to room canary

The main thing about real estate insurance

You can insure as an urban apartment (structural elements, engineering equipment, interior decoration, movable property and civil liability), and country accommodation: cottage, garage, bath, fence, land and landscape design. In the insurance contract for the property of individuals, you can include a variety of risks: fire, water damage from water supply or sewage, natural disasters, explosion, including household gas, theft, robbery, hooliganism, natural disasters, including earthquake, if the property is located in the seismological zone .

The full package will cost more than separate risks. Tariffs are democratic: do not exceed, as a rule, 0.15% of the insurance cost. The period of action of the policy selects the client, it can be several days, for example, if you are afraid of your property during vacation or travel, up to 12 months. The conclusion of the contract is preceded by the assessment market value and real estate condition.

There are many requirements for insured real estate, including its location

In which cases you need title insurance

When performing real estate transactions, there is a risk of loss of property rights, because to track the history of the object and make sure that it is "clean", difficult. By concluding the Title Insurance Agreement, which must necessarily require banks before issuing a mortgage, the buyer will be able to secure himself.

Upon the occurrence of the insured event - the loss of ownership or restrictions in possession - losses are reimbursed in the amount of actual market value. Before selling such a policy, employees of the insurance company will carefully check the house or apartment for "cleanliness" of transactions.

In the primary market, the Insured Tutular Insurance case comes if the developer fraudulently sells one apartment to several persons. On secondary - for example, if one of the owners of the sold real estate stayed in places of imprisonment or during privatization, the interests of a minor family member did not take into account.

Title real estate insurance is relevant if the object has the story of the transactions

Features of mortgage insurance

If under normal conditions, the insurance of immovable property of individuals according to the law is not necessarily, then when lending to banks put forward a requirement to design such a policy. Insured, it is necessary not only an object - an apartment or a house - from loss or damage as a result of physical destruction: emphasis additionally make the health of the borrower, as well as on the title - restriction or termination of ownership.

The insured amount is equal to the value of the loan or increases by 10%. The period of action of the mortgage policy is a similar loan term, with the exception of the title (in the latter case, some banks are limited to three years). Comprehensive insurance for all risks will cost 0.5-1% of the loan amount. Payments are entered once a year, and the size of annual payments decreases along with the debt.

Nuances for interested

  • Insured subject, whether technique, furniture or cash, I should not leave the place prescribed in the agreement, otherwise the responsibility is annulled.
  • Specify that it is an object of home insurance of an individual in an apartment: sometimes the contract applies only to walls, gender and ceiling, and communications, finishing and repair - your care!
  • With a significant wear of the building (60% for wooden and 70% for the stone) in the execution of the policy, most likely, will refuse, as if it comes to the structure to be demolished, overhaul or confiscated.
  • Weigh the decision on real estate insurance without inspection, since such a policy has limitations on risks, reimbursement limits and features of calculating payments when an insured event occurs.
  • Preferential tariffs that are in the line of some insurance, are low payments, but also "no" payments. Such savings will not justify itself.

Even if you do not plan to draw up a mortgage and the law does not oblige you to contact insurance companiesIs it worth being tested by fate by moped by any? Residents of European states have long chosen this version for themselves. That is why natural disasters, theft or fires for them are not the end of the world, but only an unpleasant stage, to survive which will help compensation from the insurance company.

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