
The former office of the tooth buys Holding "Sinko. Commercial premises in the regions of Russia

So, we have another summary of the results properties for real estate prices in Moscow. Today we are talking about 2 quarters of 2016. And prices in some cases strangely stalled ... before growing?

Where are the prices for apartments in the 2nd quarter of 2016

Yes, if you take the average dynamics in all districts and for all objects (apartments and rooms), then the general direction of prices for residential real estate in Moscow remains the same - down.

But if you look at, it can be seen that the main fall occurs in the segment rooms in communal apartments - up to 4.15% (or minus 220,000 rubles) in the SZAO.

For the rest of the secondary market segments, everything is not so unambiguous in the second quarter:

  • One-bedroom apartment : average price increase by 0.15%. But if you look at the situation in the districts, it turns out that in most of them growth is more tangible - 1.31% in the WAO and 1.40% in UNUSAO.
  • Two-room apartments : Here is a clear drop, no one sees reasons for growth. The biggest thing is in WAO (1.78% or 150,000 rubles on average). The smallest thing is in the SZAO (0.33% or about 30,000).
  • Three-bedroom apartments : Almost everywhere drop. Moreover, the WAO is very tangible - by 3% (about 350,000 rubles of the average price). But there is a small growth - in SZAO, CAO and YUAO.

What happens with prices in the 1st half of 2016?

We did not stop as usual on the results of the quarter and decided to look backwards back - see what came with real estate prices in Moscow in the first half of 2016.

If you look at our price dynamics for a longer period, then everything is more understandable here - prices are still falling.

  • Rooms in communal apartments The incredibly powerful growth in the late 2014 is still playing around, when people wanted to somehow save their savings and invest money in what they were enough. Also, at their prices, the introduction of a considerable amount, which complicate their sale. The greatest fall in this segment is 7.67%
  • One-bedroom apartment : Most of the Svao and WAO (6.35% and 6.5%, respectively) as soon as 500,000 rubles of the average price.
  • Two-room apartments : There is also a record holder of WAO (6.34% or almost 600,000 rubles). In the rest of the districts, the fall in half a year amounted to at least 3%
  • Three-bedroom apartments : Again, WA has bent records (6.95% or almost 900,000 rubles minus from the average price). The least asked the price of apartments in CJSC by 1.93% or less than 300,000 rubles.

One-bedroom apartments are an indicator market movements - Always demand and growth begins with one-bedroom apartments, which then will be pulled behind the rest of the segments.

Perhaps now it comes this moment.

On the number of apartments arranged for sale

And one more parameter that we track from this year is the number of apartments exhibited for sale. This allows you to look at the Moscow real estate market not only from the price of price changes, but also to dig deeper - how sellers behave, hold or "merge" apartments.

If you look at this parameter in the first quarter of 2016, the total number of apartments exhibited for sale increased in all segments:

  • One-bedroom apartment - on 3217.
  • Two-room apartments - at 1231.
  • Three-bedroom apartments - at 1450.
  • Rooms in publications - at 988.

But, in the second quarter The indicator began to change:

  • One-bedroom apartments it became less than 1110
  • Two-room apartments It remains about the same.
  • Three-bedroom apartments - also within the standard, decreased by 149 pieces
  • number rooms in publications On sale decreased by 357 pieces.


In the second quarter of this year, something happened in the secondary real estate market in Moscow. In late April-early June, everything moved everything, the transactions and the number of requests for the purchase of apartments climbed up.

In principle, now it's all confirmed by those numbers that we presented in this material. During this time, buyers and sellers have agreed to real transactions and the number of odnunteles in the real estate market significantly reduced.

it reflected At the average prices for one-room apartments: they went past a common trend - up.

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The sale of real estate is a fairly serious transaction, which is accompanied not only by receiving profits, but also additional troubles. Since for citizens such real estate operations are not everyday matter, the preparation for the transaction should pass quite carefully.

To begin with, it is necessary to calculate all expenses that will definitely appear when making a sale transaction. After all, to arrange everything required references, Sign documents from the notary and pay tax, will have to spend a decent amount. Consequently, the profit from the transaction will be less than planned by the seller.

The most serious blow to the wallet in this case will be the payment of income tax on the sale of real estate. The main nuances of this taxation, taking into account the current changes in 2018, will be told in this article.

Tax when selling real estate in 2018 for individuals

The sale of real estate on the territory of the Russian Federation is taken into account by tax legislation as an income that should be taxed. The seller of the apartment is obliged after the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction to submit a declaration of 3-NDFL to local FTS authorities, and then pay tax until July 15 following the transaction of the year.

Calculation of the amount of NDFL is the responsibility of citizens, and not the staff of the FTS, but at the same time the tax service can identify a special incarnation of the price. Therefore, when filling in the declaration it is worth remembering that now the price of an apartment is checked through the cadastral service, and therefore there can be less than 70% of the estimated cadastral value. Otherwise, it will be re-inspected and recalculated with the accrual of the fine.

However, this collection is obliged to pay not all. The law has several nuances, thanks to which, additional costs can be avoided. The main criterion is the life of property. If until 2016 for sale without payment of NDFL It was enough to be the property owner for 3 years, now the period of ownership of property has increased to 5 years. But this change does not apply to those who registered their property before January 1, 2016. Therefore, citizens who in 2018 comes a three-year tenure of property, can calmly sell it without reports in the FTS.

Also possess the right of ownership for 3 years enough for citizens who have received property inheritance. But if the heir decided to sell an apartment before, he will be obliged to pay income tax with a bet 13%. In the event that NDFL still needs to be paid, you can use one of two deductions that reduce the amount of payment:

  1. You can adjust the amount of income received, taking into account the cost of purchasing property. Thus, the amount of the amount will be deducted, and the difference will be subject to taxation.
  2. Proceed property tax deduction Equal 1 million rubles. This benefit does not depend on expenses or type of real estate, can be distributed among several sales objects, but provided that the total annual deduction will not exceed 1 million rubles.

By the way, if the cost of property during sale does not exceed 1 million rubles, the tax is not charged. Information Agency Express News draws the reader's attention that all of the above deductions and the timing of property distributed only to residents of Russia.

Real estate tax for resident and non-resident of the Russian Federation

  • Resident of Russia

If a person who has decided to sell real estate in Russia is a resident of this country, then the standard is valid for it tax rate When selling real estate, which is equal to 13%. Consequently, after the conclusion of the purchase and sale transaction, a citizen submits a 3-NDFL declaration according to standard form.

For the resident there are all the above benefits on the timing of property ownership, freed from the payment of tax. But concessional tax deductions can only receive citizens who regularly pay income tax.

  • Non-resident of Russia

For non-residents, the issue of sale becomes much more complicated, although no difficulties are foreseen when paperwork. But the NDFL itself will have to be paid in much greater. So, for non-residents there is a tax rate of 30% of the cost of the object being sold.

In addition to the value of the bet, the remaining conditions are changed for non-resident. For example, there is no possibility to obtain preferential deductions or take into account the validity of property. In other words, in this case, none of the ways to reduce the tax pay.

It should be borne in mind that ignorance of these nuances does not exempt from the responsibility of foreign citizens. If after the sale of real estate, the non-resident leaves from Russia without paying the NDFL timely, the next visit to this country can be accompanied by fines and agenda.

In certain cases depending on the amount of debt, foreign citizen It may be criminal responsibility for tax evasion.

Real estate tax for pensioners in 2018

The topic of property taxes is particularly acutely in front of people of retirement age, since the amount of pension does not correspond to the necessary monthly costs. This applies not only to utility bills or purchasing medicines, but also to taxes from which pensioners are not exempted. One of these payments is a real estate tax.

According to the law, the pensioner is obliged to pay the property fee, if there are several objects in the property, as well as if the property is used for commercial purposes. But, because for pensioners there are benefits, freeing from tax for one of the property objects, the question arises: is it necessary to pay a tax on the sale of real estate?

In this case, the answer of pensioners will not please. The thing is that at the sale there are NDFLs, from which pensioners are not exempted, so for the sale of real estate will have to report before the FTS.

However, pensioners, like all residents of the Russian Federation, have the right to reduce the amount of tax. Of course, this does not apply to an artificial understatement of real estate prices, because when calculating will be taken into account cadastral value. But you can apply a preferential deduction equal to 1 million rubles, or use the deduction, taking into account the cost of purchasing housing.

Moreover, the last paragraph includes not only the costs associated with the acquisition of the selling housing. Now citizens have the right to make a deduction when buying another real estate during that year, when a sale deal took place. For the elderly, all the timing of property ownership, which are taken into account in taxation are also preserved.

Recall that a three-year term is valid not only for property decorated before January 1, 2016, but also for objects obtained by inheritance or by donating from close relatives. Also, this list belongs to the property transferred under the rental agreement with the lifelong content of the dependent.

Please note that the gift is not taxed only if it is obtained from close relatives, and the term of ownership of inheritance is considered not after the certificate of inheritance, but from the date of the opening of the inheritance, that is, immediately after the death of the testator.

The procedure for paying tax on the sale of real estate in 2018

According to the legislation, when selling real estate, citizens are obliged to pay 13% of the amount that exceeds 1 million rubles. Consequently, the tax is not calculated from the entire cost of the object being sold. In this case, the difference between the cost of real estate and 1 million rubles is subject to taxation. Such a calculation system is valid only for resident residents, non-residents will be obliged to pay 30% of the value of the property being sold.

Further, Russian citizens have the right to not pay for the tax if they are owners of more than 3 or 5 years (depending on the date of property design). However, even in case of exemption from the tax, it is still worth making a declaration for the FTS.

The declaration should be submitted no later than April 30 of the year, which follows after registration of the sale transaction. It should be remembered that the tax service staff verifies the property of property, by the date specified in the certificate of ownership. The tax itself should be paid no later than July 15 of next year.

It is also worth remembering some nuances associated with NFFL pay:

  1. If the apartment was obtained after registration of inheritance, gift or privatization, then the citizen will not be able to use the tax deduction relating to the cost of acquiring housing.
  2. The use of purchase and sale transaction for the exchange of apartments does not frees from personal income tax. However, if the purchase of new housing took place in the same year, when the contract of sale was concluded, then the costs can be used as a tax deduction. If the amount is spent on a new real estate equal to the sale received from the transaction, then tax Service You can arrange intercutties.
  3. When selling an apartment located in dolly ownershipThe calculation of the tax will depend on the cost of each share. If the share price does not exceed 1 million rubles, the tax is not paid for it, otherwise the calculation of the payment is made separately for each owner.

So, the sale of apartments carries not only profits, but also costs. One of the main costs of expenses is NDFL, which is obliged to pay all citizens, and benefits this payment Apply only to residents of Russia. But non-residents should be careful, and before selling to explore tax law This country is not to bring administrative or criminal liability.

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The past 2015 in the real estate market, both in the primary and secondary, turned out to be difficult. Against the background of adverse economical factors that were due high inflation and reducing real incomes of the population, prices for square meters In Moscow, slowly crawled down.

Let's summarize

"In the secondary market of Moscow, housing costs most of 2015 decreased. However, at the beginning of the year, against the background of a noticeable reduction in the volume of proposal, the offer price grew, which prompted many owners to re-enter the market. Starting on April, the price of the offer gradually began to adjust in the direction of the decrease. This trend has been preserved until the end of the year. In December, the price of the offer amounted to 221.5 thousand rubles per square meter. Reducing the average specific price of a proposal relative to March 2015 (the maximum price for the period) was 11%, while from the beginning of the year its decline did not exceed 4%, "said Irina Pesich, Managing Director of the Brokerage Department, Miel - Network of Real Estate Offices.

A similar situation concerns the primary market, new buildings. True, the developers, unlike private owners, have more space for the maneuver, because they have the price of a square meter not depends on the cost for which they bought this apartment, like private traders, and on the cost of building. The final price contains a fairly large margin, which, if necessary, can be reduced. From here and the ability to painlessly make discounts on a rather standard 10-15%.

But even taking into account discounts as the price of any apartment in the new building increases - the closer the moment of delivery of the house, the cost of the square meter is more. Together with lower prices in already ready projects The cost grew in those residential complexeswho continued to be erected. Two of these factors that leveled each other led to the fact that average price Square meter on the primary market even increased slightly. True, it concerns the mass segment, in the business class there was a fall in prices.

"In the mass segment in the primary real estate market in Moscow, the average price of a square meter has not changed and is at the level of 147,890 rubles. For the year, the growth was only 0.4%, "explains Maria Lithinetskaya, managing partner Metricium Group.

However, despite the readiness of the owners to make concessions in price and discount programs from developers, market volumes in 2015 decreased markedly.

"The main trend of the year has become a radically decline in the volume of the market. If we talk about secondary housing, the number of transactions decreased by 30-35%, according to new buildings due to the program state support Mortgage failure is not so strong - about 20%, "the statistics leads Maxim Morozov, Managing Partner of the Development Company M9 Development.

Hence the logical question: Does the bottom market reached? If so, you can expect prices. If not, can we talk about the continuation of this free fall?

"The theme of the" market bottom "and" large price fall "is actively emerging in the media, periodically certain experts predict the rapid collapse of the market, but at the end of 2015 the price dynamics still does not give reason to talk about the occurrence of this bottom. The cost of construction continues to increase due to the appreciation of foreign building materials and equipment, as well as increasing the cost of cargo transportation and labor. The fall in the prices, which was predetermined this year and which did not happen, next year, most likely, will not happen, "says Vladimir Bogdanyuk, Head of the Analytical and Consulting Center "EST-A-TET".

What will happen to prices in 2016?

"According to our estimates, while maintaining the current macroeconomic conjuncture, the absence of acute situations in politics and economics The year has occurred in the secondary housing market, it will be approximately similar to 2015 - with the difference that sellers and buyers generally adapted to general uncertainty and largely broke up with The illusions about the rapid rolling of prices, as well as their inevitable increase in the background of increasing inflation and the ongoing loosening of the ruble. In such a situation, we are not waiting for sharp changes in ruble prices. Rather, you can assume their minor smooth decline by the end of the year - by about 5-7%, "explains Sergey Shloma, director of the Incom Real Estate Market Department.

Similar indicators are expected by experts and in the primary real estate market.

"If we consider forecasts for macroeconomic indicators, According to the already corrected forecasts already several times, GDP is expected -0.8%, inflation is 9.5% and the continued drop in real incomes of citizens. Given that inflation and real incomes affect the platform demand, we see that the picture is not optimistic. And according to the laws of macroeconomics, the price is a reflection of demand, therefore it is not worth the rise in prices. For example, in the Moscow region, the developers predicted the rise in prices since the beginning of the year, but left them at the same level precisely because they are afraid of sales drops. We must admit that the market of new buildings is now no investment attractive, "- answers our question Natalia Shatalina, cEO Milel-New Builders.

The current situation plays the buyer's hand, who is going to buy an apartment not as a relatively short-term investment, but, as they say, for himself to live in it.

"Most likely, the current trend will continue on the market, at least in the short term. Under current conditions, the buyer is in a winning position, and acquire apartments for itself very beneficial! The secondary market is highly dependent on external economic and political events, and if the situation is exacerbated, prices will clearly not grow, but fall, "- I am sure Svetlana Birin, Head of the Real Estate Department of the NDV Real Estate Company.

Buy or sell?

But markets by markets, conjuncture conjunctures, and simple man You need to know the answer to two specific questions. The first one sounds like this: is it worth selling an apartment now, if there is a need? After all, after such a decline, the market can start rapid growth and will soon restore the position, as we have already seen this in 2008. Then the same apartment can be sold more expensive.

"In my opinion, for the sale of real estate is now not the best moment, and many owners understand this well. Successfully and without a large discount, you can sell only objects that have a complete set of characteristics of the liquid offer - with a high level of transport accessibility, optimal layout and availability of good repair. These characteristics have not all objects, the rest in conditions of decline in demand can be implemented only with the provision of discounts. Today, housing makes sense to sell only in the case of alternative transactionWhen a new more comfortable housing is immediately purchased for funds from the apartment sold. Otherwise, selling its real estate, the owner can get out of the crisis with a smaller reversed amount due to depreciation national currency, and it will not be able to purchase more comfortable or even such a housing, "explains the situation Vladimir Bogdanyuk.

In the current situation on the recovery of the market may take more than one year. So wait for the return of your apartment to the end of 2014, it may be necessary for a long time.

"Today is not the best moment for the sale of real estate, and it does not matter - the new building is assigned or housing in the secondary market. The proposal exceeds the demand, as a result, investors and sellers of secondary housing were in the wrong position. Buyers dumping and throw off cost up to 10-20%. As a result, today only housing is sold, whose owners are willing to make concessions. At the same time, there is no prerequisites for improving the situation. 2016 for the secondary market may be even more difficult. The ruble exchange rate again gives up its position, everyday costs increase, there are practically no buyers on the market with "alive" money. Therefore, if the funds from the sale of the apartment are needed within 1-2 years, then I advise you to hurry with its implementation. If money is not necessary, it is worth selling housing only after the recovery of the market. And it will take it no one year, "says Maria Lithinetskaya.

The main thing is to clearly understand what goals will be allowed money from the sale of an apartment. If these are some urgent tasks that cannot be postponed in a long box, it is not worth the growth in prices. If you sell an apartment to buy a new one, then the mechanism already loving the Russians to help - an alternative deal.

"It all depends on the goals that the owner of the housing adheres to. If we are talking about selling with a subsequent purchase, then the deal is not necessary. Financial losses will not be, as both apartments will be sold at a discount (and sold, and purchased). Direct sale makes those owners to whom such a deal is necessary due to everyday situations. It should be noted that many in the current situation took a time out and decided to wait with the sale, but the volume of housing in the secondary market is very large, "said Svetlana Birin.

The second question is now asked Russian, is it worth buying an apartment now, or better wait until prices fall?

"For buyers now a very good moment - the market is now very emotional, and sellers who hardly need money go to a very large discount. Accordingly, it is enough likely to find a good object at a very attractive price, "Maxim Morozov is sure.

An even greater advantage of those who kept money in foreign currency.

"Conditionally speaking, a person who in May 2015 had savings in dollars, sufficient to buy one-bedroom apartment In Moscow, at present, without going beyond the same budget, can afford two-room apartment Categories "Comfort +" or three-room economy class. Wherein currency market Unpredictible, no one knows when to wait for the bounce of the ruble, and in general, the mood of buyers of housing, having dollars and euros as accumulations, is now such that people suggest a quick "bottom", do not carefully sit in the currency "to the victorious" and readily Consider interesting options for solving their housing issues, "explains Sergey Shloma.

There is another advice to those who think over the purchase of an apartment and inclined to "wait" by the option until the price decreases.

"It is worth remembering that in the falling market the most liquid objects quickly find new owners. And expecting a greater decline in prices, you can just miss the apartment that I dreamed about, "Irina Pesich warns.

Summarizing everything said, we can conclude that in 2015 the housing prices though decreased, but the bottom did not reach, in contrast to the market, on which the outflow of transactions was almost a third. In the coming year, sharp fluctuations in experts do not expect, and therefore most indicators will remain at the current level. In such a situation, if there is no need, it is better to postpone from the sale of the apartment. But buy square meters today is the time - you should not wait for the weather by the sea. Instead, it is better to try to snatch the most tidy at an attractive price.

Property prices in each Russian city - from megacols to the depthion - have always been a sick topic for most of the population. To buy housing, it was necessary to postpone and save over long, or to take a mortgage, getting to the conditions under which it was almost before old age I need to pay a loan. - Also a sick question for many.

It would seem that you can enjoy, in 2015, the prices for the purchase and rent of apartments decreased noticeably. But the economy is a stick about two ends. Populations of the population decreased and prices. And what to do those who got into a mortgage for 15-20 years at a high price? Who copied all his life and gave 200 thousand full-length dollars for odnushku in Moscow?

Today IQ Review Offers you analytical review russian market Residential real estate 2016. We will tell me how much the rental of one-room apartment in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other largest cities of Russia. You will also learn how much the same apartment you can buy (or sell) what experts are thinking about the rental market and selling apartments in 2016.

The history of the Russian real estate market - how prices changed since 2000

What will happen to real estate prices in 2016 in Russia - expert opinions

Valery, Realtor, Inkom-Real Estate Company: "The economy does not exist fair. She is as it is. It must be taken. Real estate market - inertial item. This is good, it can be clearly predicted. According to the internal statistics of Inkom, the inertia of the real estate market towards a common movement in the economy is about 4 months. Now everything is bad in the economy, and the prices will not grow, even in rubles. If you are going to buy an apartment, wait for the rise in the rise in oil prices, then you need to act quickly. "

Elena, Realtor, Triumph: "The real estate market is quite sluggish, buyers have no money, sellers reduce prices. I took it to work for sale odnushku not far from the Moscow Ring Road in December - the price is adequate, one of the lowest on the market, the condition is good. The middle of January - not a single view, I'm still ashamed of the owner. He asked him today to reduce the price, he is not ready yet. But they usually surrender to the third or fourth month. IN lately The trend is such. The market asked hard, a year ago the same apartments flew 20-25% more expensive (in rubles). It is difficult to say what will happen next, but so far there are no growth prospects. "

Alexander, Financial Analyst: "I'm buying Russian actions now on the perspective. If there was more money, I would have looked at the purchase of some cheap new buildings within the Moscow Ring Road at the construction stage. The prices for them decently fell, you can find a studio version of up to 4 million. Oil prices will not be ever so low. Having bought an apartment today for 50 thousand dollars, it will be possible to sell for 100 years in five years, for example, with a good external situation. Or live in it - because not every year there is an opportunity to buy an apartment in Moscow for 50 thousand dollars. "

Map of new buildings in the Moscow region, sample up to 4 million rubles.

Is it profitable to buy an apartment now?

In view of the fact that the cost of housing in the Russian Federation continues to decline - on this moment The answer is definitely negative. Compared to January 2015, in September, prices fell on average by 10% (in rubles), and the announcements of the urgent sale began to appear more often when it is possible to strike an additional discount for a quick deal. In addition, there is a clear advantage of the sentence - starting from the second half of zero, in major cities Active building began. As a result, new buildings that began to be built before the start of the crisis are now also offered at discounts.

It can be assumed that in the coming months there will be a further smooth decline in prices in the market of secondary housing in Russia. In addition, the number of proposals that go for sale is significantly increasing, but do not find the buyer. People began to realize that the market falls, and try to get rid of investment apartments.

Most the best way For those who accurately decided to buy housing is to determine the specific requirements (area, floor, a metro station, a state, and so on) and carefully track suggestions and prices without hurrying to buy.

Real estate prices in 2016

In conclusion, we give your own analytics. This is the data collected by the editors. Iqr. From open sources. The data has a well-known accommodation share (can be found both more and cheaper, it all depends on the area), but generally reflect the cost of renting and selling real estate in our country for 2016.

Table of prices for apartments in the cities of Russia 2016

The cost in rubles is represented by the economy segment, in the largest cities, prices are relevant for the outskirts.

4 400 000 6 000 000 8 000 000
St. Petersburg3 700 000 5 300 000 7 100 000
Novosibirsk2 400 000 3 300 000 4 200 000
Yekaterinburg2 400 000 3 200 000 4 100 000
Nizhny Novgorod2 100 000 2 900 000 3 600 000
Kazan.2 100 000 3 100 000 3 800 000
Chelyabinsk2 000 000 2 900 000 3 700 000
Omsk2 100 000 2 800 000 3 600 000
Samara2 000 000 2 900 000 3 600 000
Rostov-on-Don2 000 000 2 800 000 3 700 000
Ufa2 100 000 2 800 000 3 700 000
Krasnoyarsk2 000 000 2 700 000 3 600 000
Permian2 000 000 2 800 000 3 600 000
Voronezh2 000 000 2 700 000 3 500 000
Volgograd1 900 000 2 700 000 3 500 000
Saratov1 800 000 2 500 000 3 300 000
Krasnodar2 000 000 2 800 000 3 600 000
Tolyatti1 800 000 2 700 000 3 400 000
Tyumen.1 900 000 2 700 000 3 400 000
Izhevsk1 900 000 2 700 000 3 400 000
Barnaul1 800 000 2 600 000 3 400 000
Irkutsk1 900 000 2 500 000 3 400 000
Ulyanovsk1 900 000 2 600 000 3 400 000
Khabarovsk1 800 000 2 600 000 3 500 000
Vladivostok.1 900 000 2 800 000 3 600 000

Table of the cost of renting an apartment in the cities of Russia (2016 prices)

Prices in rubles, two-room and three-bedroom apartments In elite areas were not considered.

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CityStudio EconomyOne-room in the centerTwo-bedroomsThree-bedrooms
25000 55000 43000 55000
St. Petersburg17000 30000 27000 36000
Novosibirsk13000 23000 21000 25000
Yekaterinburg13000 22000 20000 25000
Nizhny Novgorod13000 21000 19000 23000
Kazan.12000 19000 18000 21000
Chelyabinsk10000 19000 17000 20000
Omsk10000 19000 18000 21000
Samara10000 19000 17000 20000
Rostov-on-Don11000 19000 18000 21000
Ufa10000 19000 16000 16000
Krasnoyarsk11000 19000 16000 19000
Permian10000 18000 16000 19000
Voronezh9000 16000 15000 18000
Volgograd9000 16000 15000 18000
Saratov9000 16000 14000 18000
Krasnodar9000 17000 14000 18000
Tolyatti9000 16000 14000 18000
Tyumen.8000 16000 14000 17000
Izhevsk8000 16000 13000 17000
Barnaul7000 15000 13000 17000
Irkutsk7000 15000 12000 16000
Ulyanovsk7000 15000 12000 16000
Khabarovsk7000 15000 12000 16000
Vladivostok.7000 15000 12000 16000

Today in Russia more and more than new ghost cities appear. This happens for a variety of reasons, but the main one is traditional and simple - the absence of a production center that would give life to the city. The lack of jobs leads to the fact that thousands of people, especially youth, are forced to leave such settlements in search of the best share.

1. Promotchashche

The history of this city began with the monastery, which appeared in these places in the 13th century. The city and today is known for breadkeeping and forest industry. Despite two fairly large enterprises, its population decreases. At the moment about 4,100 people live here.

2. Novorzhev

The city is 140 km from Pskov. Today, about 3,250 people live here. The settlement was founded in 1777. Once on the territory of Novorzhev there were several enterprises, including a sewing factory and flaxage. Today, only the bakery and wiring factory functions.

3. Susuman.

City in the Magadan region with a population of 4,700 people. Local enterprises specialize in mining, including gold mining. Surprisingly, while the city is depressing and extinct.

4. Meshovsk

City in the Kaluga region. About 4 thousand people live in it. The first settlement was founded here in 1238. The city's population slowly decreases under the influence of natural factors and migration.

5. Pevek

The most northern city of an immense homeland. Located in the Chukotka Autonomous District. At the time of 2018, the population of the city is about 4,300 people. Until 1967, this settlement did not even always indicate geographic maps. There are several enterprises here, one of which is engaged in geology.

6. Mezen.

The city is 390 km from Arkhangelsk. About 3,280 people live here today. It was founded to settle in the 16th century. Today, most of the population of this settlement is engaged in folk crafts. The settlement slowly die out due to the outflow of people under the influence of natural factors and migration.

7. Savior Klepika

The settlement was founded back in the 16th century, but the status of the city was assigned to him only in 1920. Today it lives a little more than 5,400 people. Almost all the local population is involved in enterprises related to the release of clothing and shoes. Year from year of people in settlement It gets less.

8. Cologryv

City in the Kostroma region. Today, about 3,000 people live here, and the population continues to decrease. The remaining inhabitants work mainly in the field of woodworking. There are several functioning enterprises here.

9. Novosil

City in the Oryol region with a population of 3 thousand people. In the early 1990s, all the main industrial production. Since then, the settlement slowly dies mainly due to the migration of residents.

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