
Is the driver obliged to print the electronic policy. What is online insurance and do I need to print an electronic CTP policy? instructions, warnings and advice. Are electronic policies valid for traffic police

To issue OSAGO, car owners used to go to the office of an insurance company and receive a policy on paper. Since the beginning of this year, the government has allowed insurers to provide drivers with the opportunity to buy this policy over the Internet. OSAGO must be issued to each person when registering a car. This is done in mandatory, as well as passing a technical inspection.

This insurance policy there is a main function - protection of the injured party in the event of an accident. The company compensates for the damage caused by the perpetrator of the accident. This damage is determined by payment for harm to the health of victims and payment for damage to property. In the overwhelming majority of cases, insurance covers damage for a damaged car.

Method of issuing an electronic OSAGO policy

Such a policy is called e-OSAGO, and it is issued on the websites of insurance companies. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers and for other security reasons, it is best to log into businesses from a trusted source. The best is to go to the websites of companies selling insurance through single register, which was published by the site autoins.ru. Drivers sometimes encountered cases where fraudsters created websites similar to insurance companies and sold fake documents through them.

Increasingly, drivers are asking the question: is it necessary to print out the electronic OSAGO policy? Yes, there is a need for this, because sometimes situations arise when police officers require this insurance to be presented. A printed type of insurance is required, this will save you a lot of time and help you avoid a fine. The color does not matter, the main thing is its presence. Print your insurance policy in color or black and white.

What should a driver who has an electronic OSAGO have with him

During the registration of this insurance, the company will send the following documents to the policyholder's e-mail:

  • the e-OSAGO policy itself;
  • a copy of the payment receipt, it can also be printed;
  • instructions for clients; general information about your company and a list of its representative offices in the Russian Federation;
  • a link where you can check the legal right to use the electronic policy. Of course, your OSAGO policy will remain on your carrier, which has the same force as a paper one, but representatives of the traffic police and police officers require you to present electronic insurance in a printed form.

As soon as you have complied with the civil liability standards and insured your car, the information about this immediately goes to the PCA. This means that when you receive an OSAGO policy for email, You can immediately drive the vehicle, if, of course, you have all the other documents in order.

But since the technical capabilities of many patrol traffic police are very limited, especially outside the city, it is highly desirable to carry printed electronic insurance with you. Inspectors are used to dealing with a paper policy, so they are still skeptical about the printout. So far, traffic police inspectors are just getting used to this type of document confirming that you have the right policy.

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Electronic documents are no longer surprising to anyone, but issues related to them continue to bother the minds of the population. Take, for example, such a common document as an electronic CTP policy. Do I need to carry it with me?

What should be shown to the inspector in the event of an inspection? Knowing the answers to these and other questions will help you feel confident when communicating with the road police.

How to present an electronic policy

The possibility of obtaining OSAGO via the Internet was implemented mainly for the convenience of purchasing insurance by car owners and, incidentally,

to unload insurance companies from the continuous flow of people. From this follows advice: do not take electronic OSAGO purely as a virtual document. Only the process of obtaining it should remain virtual.

How to demonstrate your electronic CTP policy and what to show to the traffic police inspector? The document must be presented to the police officer in a printed form. It is obligatory this way, and nothing else, since the law stipulates that the driver has a document in paper format.

Other options (file in phone, tablet) can be accepted by the inspector or not, at his discretion.

Do I have to carry a paper policy with me?

A paper copy of e-OSAGO must be carried with them to those who want to exclude as much as possible possible problems with a check by a police officer. This is a win-win option, since it is supported by regulations:

  • traffic rules establish that each driver is obliged to have with him and provide for inspection at the request of the inspector, an OSAGO insurance policy;
  • the federal law No. 40-FZ (on compulsory motor third party liability insurance) obliges each driver to have with him information about the electronic policy, printed on paper.

You can, of course, drive with an electronic policy saved on your phone or tablet, and, if necessary, present it to the inspector directly from the screen. Many drivers do this, and there is ample evidence of a favorable outcome of such checks.

Indeed, some employees government agencies calmly relate to persons who have electronic policies OSAGO only in the phone. Some, but not all.

You may not carry anything with you at all, referring on occasion to the base of the PCA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers), by which you can check the availability of insurance. But only once you can get to the inspector who will not check the oral information, but will simply write out a fine for lack of paper. And he will be right.

In addition, factors such as a dead battery, a software malfunction, or simply an elementary lack of the Internet from a patrol officer can always fail. In these cases, even the most loyal inspector will be powerless in the face of the circumstances, and will be forced to admit the violation.

Do I need to certify the printed policy in the company

A printed insurance with the correct data is the maximum that you should definitely have with you when driving a car. By the way, the original of the document is stored in the PCA databank, and what is sent to the client and printed is a copy. Nevertheless, the document does not require any certification, since it itself has legal force due to the presence of an enhanced electronic digital signature.

For your own peace of mind, you can visit the insurance company and certify the document with their seal. It certainly won't get any worse, and in some cases it can help out.

What to do if the inspector does not recognize the policy

Practice has shown that there are still representatives of the law who are too accustomed to traditional insurance and who are suspicious of the new order. It is on the part of such police officers that problems can arise.

If for some reason the presentation of the printed policy does not suit the inspector, and he is determined to write out a fine, you should tune in to fight. A formalized fine in this case unlawful, and can (and should!) be appealed. Regular and electronic OSAGO must be equally valid for a traffic police officer.

If the driver did not have a printed document during the check, relying on the electronic format saved in the tablet / phone, then you can also try to appeal the fine. Another thing is that it will be difficult, since the truth in this case is on the side of the traffic police inspector.

Thus, the answer to the question "Do I need to print an electronic policy?" sounds like this: yes, if you want to be guaranteed to avoid a fine.

How the traffic police checks the policy for authenticity

It will not be difficult for a traffic police inspector to verify the authenticity of the presented OSAGO. To do this, he only needs access to the Internet and a desire to learn the truth. On the PCA website there is a database with all drivers who have insured their cars with the help of OSAGO: the traffic police uses it to check the information provided by the driver.

By entering the car data, the inspector will receive information about whether the driver has car insurance.

The printed e-MTPL policy is not a document that is scary to lose, because it is easy to print it again from personal account on the site. Moreover, he has legal force and familiar to the document paper view... This is quite enough to avoid additional questions from the police officer regarding insurance. Printing a document is a matter of two minutes, and in the end you can save more than one hour of your time and more than one hundred rubles.

Today, the use of the CTP policy is strictly mandatory for all citizens using a car on the road. common use... Relatively recently, it became possible to carry out the process of issuing a policy of this type remotely, via the Internet. To do this, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the intricacies of obtaining it, as well as further use - for example, in the case of a document check by a traffic police officer.

General concepts

The policy is a special document that is the basis for receiving insurance benefits.

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It is important to note that the accrual process itself has a large number of various important subtleties.

But first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for obtaining a policy. Since, despite the fact that the process itself is quite standardized, there are nuances.

The receipt itself can be implemented as follows:

  1. Through the Internet.
  2. Independently through the office of the company.

Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Relatively recently, a large number of different companies have provided services for issuing an OSAGO policy via the Internet.

But recently, such a service has become not optional, but mandatory for all insurance companies, without exception.

This led to the fact that the cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance policies has become slightly higher than it has always been before.

Since earlier Insurance companies have the ability to manipulate value to obtain significant benefits.

Until the introduction of special legislative documents, traffic police officers often had questions about insurance.

Since not all inspectors were aware of the possibility of presenting an electronic OSAGO policy in a printed form.

RSA relatively recently introduced special regulations for the sale and use of electronic OSAGO policies.

Failure to comply with traffic rules often causes an accident. Accordingly, a special protocol is drawn up.

What it is

By itself, the CTP policy in in electronic format is a special format form - it includes information about the drivers admitted by the board, as well as about the car. Its format is determined by law.

It is important to note that the absence of an OSAGO policy as such can cause:

That is why you should not neglect the acquisition of this type of policy. This will avoid many difficulties and difficult moments.

And also extra spending - in the event of an accident or in the event of a car stopping by a traffic police inspector.

Moreover, insurance of this type must have a place for both cars and trucks.

It should be noted that another important advantage of the policy, issued in electronic form, is precisely in its authenticity. It often happens that the CTP policy is counterfeited and sold as a real one.

In such a situation, it will be simply impossible to compensate for the damage at the expense of the insurance company.

That is why it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in advance with all the methods of checking the CTP policy for authenticity. It is important to work through such a moment in advance.

At the same time, the CMTPL policy in electronic form can be issued via the Internet, on the company's official website.

In this case, the likelihood of fraud will be minimal. Therefore, there will simply be no problems with reimbursement.

Previously, insurance companies for various reasons did not want to properly carry out the registration process via the Internet. But recently, this process has been established by law.

Who falls under the category

Car insurance with a MTPL policy is mandatory not only for individuals, but also for legal entities.

Moreover, almost all insurance companies, without exception, simultaneously work in these areas.

The basis for compulsory insurance of all vehicles used on the territory of our country is determined by the Federal Law.

According to this regulatory document all legal entities without exception are obliged to insure cars.

Many UK do big discounts for insurance premium - depending on the number of cars available.

For example, if the legal entity is a large taxi company, one insurance contract is concluded for all cars.

Insurance for legal entities usually carried out on an individual basis - a separate contract is required for each car.

Moreover, insurance natural person can be carried out:

The amount of the insurance premium for this moment differs depending on a number of very different factors. Every year the number of CTP policies issued becomes more and more.

Where to contact

Until recently, only a limited number of insurance companies were engaged in issuing OSAGO policies via the Internet, using their own websites.

Recently, from January 01, 2020, all insurance companies, without exception, are obliged to provide their clients with the opportunity to issue an OSAGO policy via the Internet.

It is only important to make sure that a particular insurance company has a license from The Central Bank RF to carry out the relevant activities.

This will allow avoiding many difficulties and problematic points.

For 2020, a fairly large number of companies offer to issue an OSAGO policy.

When choosing, you should focus on the following factors:

The best solution would be to contact companies that have a reliability rating of A + and more.

In this case, the probability of bankruptcy, liquidation during the insurance period will be minimal. Since such a rating, compiled by a special agency, is long-term.

Otherwise, if you purchase an OSAGO policy from an insurance company that has more than low rating- there is a high likelihood of difficulties in obtaining compensation.

The optimal solution is to contact the most serious companies that have been operating in the insurance market for a long time.

This will allow you to avoid many difficulties, problematic points already at the stage of receiving an insurance payment. You need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.

Also, many insurance companies provide substantial discounts to their regular customers... If the citizen was previously insured in one of the above companies, it is worth extending the policy.

In the absence of previously received payments, it will be possible to avoid many difficulties and problematic points. Thus, it will be possible to save a fairly significant amount of money.

If you cannot find an insurance company on your own, you can simply contact a credit broker.

Does the electronic CTP policy need to be printed

It will be possible to check the MTPL policy for reliability through an electronic database or by conducting an examination.

Moreover, both of these methods are not 100% insurance against buying a "left", counterfeit policy. Some letterheads from companies are simply stolen and sold as real.

In the future, when Accident insurance companies naturally refuse to pay compensation for counterfeit policies.

For this reason, it is worth making a choice in favor of an electronic insurance policy. So in a simple way you can avoid many difficulties, problematic moments in the future.

One has only to remember that after the purchase, the electronic CTP policy must be printed on a color printer.

So it is possible to avoid questions from the traffic police about the presence / absence of a CTP policy.

The main questions that you should familiarize yourself with in advance include:

  • Does the traffic police require it;
  • what are the differences from the original;
  • what is the order of actions;
  • possible difficulties;
  • important nuances;
  • what is regulated.

Does the traffic police require this

Relatively recently, on the road, it was not uncommon for the traffic police to issue fines only on the basis of the absence of the original CTP policy on hand.

At the same time, the driver provided a printed policy purchased through the company's website in electronic form.

Recently, it has been officially allowed to print out the policy and provide it as such to the traffic police officer. But not all employees are aware of this norm.

Back in July 2015, the traffic police were given all the explanations about the possibility of citizens using an electronic insurance policy for OSAGO.

But at the same time, nobody canceled the rules of the road. No changes were made to them.

According to these, the driver will be obliged to provide the traffic police officer at the stop with the following documents:

  1. Driver's license.
  2. Registration certificate vehicle(STS).
  3. CTP policy.

But in electronic form or in printed form - it is not specified. This is where the whole catch lies.

The solution to the problem is just a printout of the policy issued via the Internet. But often the traffic police officer simply does not have the ability to check through the Internet.

In case of disagreement with the traffic police officer to accept the printed MTPL, you must contact the higher-ranking authorities.

What are the differences from the original

The CMTPL policy itself in electronic form has certain differences from the usual one. But those are minimal.

At the moment, an electronic insurance policy includes the following main sections:

  • Company name;
  • individual serial number;
  • the term of the policy;
  • individual data of the policyholder;
  • personal data of the vehicle owner;
  • data of the car itself (make, model of the car, series and vehicle registration number);
  • the purpose of using the car is indicated;
  • denoted complete list citizens admitted to driving a car;
  • the amount of the insurance premium is calculated;
  • the date of the conclusion of the insurance contract;
  • date of issue of the policy itself.

The format of this type of policy is completely standard. But it is quite easy to fake such a printout.

That is why many traffic police officers are suspicious of these policies. In addition, it is not always possible to verify the fact of authenticity.

This can be done by an individual policy number through the website:

  1. PCA databases.
  2. Official, insurance company.

What is the procedure

The process of purchasing an electronic OSAGO policy is completely standard.

It includes the following main steps:

Indicators Description
Choosing an insurance company whose presented OSAGO programs seem to be the most suitable
Go to the official website of this company for example, at Alpha Insurance
Click on the button "buy OSAGO"
Next, the cost of the policy itself is calculated

to do this, you will need to enter the data of the vehicle that will be insured:

  • category and type of vehicle;
  • make, model of the car;
  • year of manufacture and purpose of use of the vehicle;
  • state number, vehicle identifier
Indicate the total number of drivers who will later be admitted to the board of the vehicle
  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • date of birth and series / number of driver's license;
  • date of issue of I / U
A check mark is affixed opposite "I agree to the processing of personal data"
The data of the insured is indicated as well as data of the car owner
When all the fields are filled in, you will need to calculate E-OSAGO

The screen will indicate the final cost of such a service. If the client is completely satisfied with this price, then he can start paying.

The optimal solution is to make such payment by bank card... Thus, the process of transferring the insurance premium will take place as quickly as possible, with a minimum investment of time.

Possible difficulties

Some time ago, the process of issuing an electronic OSAGO was available, but not for all users for a number of reasons.

During the reforms, insurance companies artificially reduced the number of CTP products sold.

The main goal is to reduce the cost of paying insurance charges. Because maximum size OSAGO payments changed from 100 thousand rubles to several hundred thousand.

This was the main reason why the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a resolution - on the basis of which all ICs, without exception, are obliged to provide their clients with the opportunity to buy eOSAGO.

If a potential buyer has difficulties with registration, he should contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Another possible difficulty is the likelihood of problems with the traffic police officer when checking the policy. If the inspector is going to draw up a protocol, do not sign it.

Video: electronic insurance policy

Important nuances

As in the case with conventional policies, when making payments via the Internet, there is a high probability of an error.

That is why, before making a payment, you should make sure that the site through which eOCAGO is registered is genuine.

Today there are a large number of subtleties and peculiarities associated with the design of this kind of products.

The main ones include:

The process of compensation itself in such a case remains the same. When there is insurance case you will need to prepare a standard set of papers.

After which they are considered, the company decides on the payment.

What is regulated

The main regulatory document that determines the issue of registration of OSAGO is the Federal Law. "

It is within this framework that an insurance contract for OSAGO and electronic OSAGO is concluded. The client should carefully read the main sections of this NAP.

This will allow you to avoid many problems, difficulties, as well as to protect your own rights on your own.

The question regarding eOCAGO was worked out already outside of this regulatory document but compliance with all NAPs is imperative. It is important to note that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is in charge of control in this area.

If you have any difficulties, any problems, it is worth contacting just this institution.

e-OSAGO is a document that confirms the fact that the owner of the vehicle has insured motor third party liability. In the event of a road traffic accident, the injured driver will receive the statutory and insurance contract monetary compensation or a car restoration service, and the perpetrator of the accident will not be liable if he has also issued OSAGO.

Even if the form of the insurance policy has been lost, the properties of the contract do not end. If the driver, in accordance with the OSAGO agreement, gets into a traffic accident only through his own fault, and at the same time does not have a paper copy of the policy form with him, this does not mean that the insurance becomes invalid.

ATTENTION: Traffic police officers can check the presence of the policy at the scene of a traffic accident, using the official base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the base of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. There are other, closed, specific bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (what and how to show to the traffic police inspector, if you have an electronic OSAGO, read).

Today, according to the legislator's definition, e-CMTPL is a modern, improved means of motor third party liability insurance, the purpose of which is to save time for road users. The possibility of obtaining a policy by electronic appeal to resources posted on the Internet can protect citizens from bureaucratic procedures, and also help unload the offices of insurance companies (read about the pros and cons of using e-OSAGO in).

Do I need to do a printout?

Do I need to print an electronic MTPL? According to statistics, in 2017 about 25% of drivers across the entire territory Russian Federation received e-CMTPL, which means that the question of the need to print such a document is more relevant than ever. In fact, there is no requirement in the law that would urge drivers to print the document without fail.

Moreover, there are job descriptions and letters from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which instruct inspectors on how to check an electronic policy without having its form on the bases. However, the traffic police continue to demand. You can argue with the inspector, and even try to appeal the fine issued by him for the lack of a policy form (). You will be right, but you will spend a lot of your free time.

Therefore, having a printed copy of the policy in your glove compartment is a guarantee that the document verification procedure will take place quickly, and you will not receive an unpleasant bonus in the form of an unlawfully issued fine in your name.

Is it valid, printed online?

The printed MTPL policy online, as such, is not a policy. However, this document confirms the fact that you have auto liability insurance. If you want to give such a document legal force so that the traffic police will no longer have any unnecessary questions for you, you need to come to the office of the insurance company and certify the printed document with the seal of the organization and the signature of its employee. In this case, the printout will be equated to the real form of the MTPL.

Find out more about whether e-OSAGO is valid, and in we told you how to use the electronic version of the policy.

Can this be done on a printer?

At home, drivers can print out the CMTPL policy on a printer... Such actions are not prohibited, because it is important to convey not the color of the document, but its meaning and the information printed in it. Better if the printer is black and white, it will help you focus on the data, without being distracted by the colors.

How and where?

There are two options for obtaining e-CMTPL, which will be accepted by the traffic police when stopping... The first option is related to independent action insurance client when printing:

  1. Take out a CTP insurance policy.
  2. Pay for it (read how to pay for e-OSAGO).
  3. Receive an electronic form of OSAGO by mail (?).
  4. Open the form in a PDF document.
  5. Edit the scale of the document so that the policy form fits on an A4 sheet.
  6. Connect the printer and click on the "print" button.
  7. Take the document that came out of the printer.
  8. At any free time, show up at your insurance company's office or any other branch of it.
  9. Provide your passport as well as a copy of your e-policy.
  10. Ask to certify the policy with the appropriate seal and signature of the employee.

The second option is somewhat more complicated, but suitable for those who do not have a printer at home.

Watch the video about the registration of the OSAGO electronic policy:

Of course, there are points in this issue that are worth paying attention to. So, setting a seal on an OSAGO policy, even printed on an ordinary black-and-white printer, is a kind of assurance that equates a copy to the original. The traffic police officer will never find fault if you have such a document.

If the traffic police officer at the stop refuses to check the bases, and requires you to provide a form that you did not print or forgot at home, then a fine may be issued against you in accordance with article 12.37 of the Administrative Code. Do not be upset, because the protocol can be appealed within the first 10 days from the date of its writing.

ADVICE: Contact the court and prove that you have an electronic OSAGO policy, which you are not required to provide in printed form. The court will take your side and the fine will be canceled.

An unsealed copy is also a document confirming that you have an insurance policy, which the traffic police officer must check. In the near future, legislators will introduce norms that will regulate the procedure for considering an electronic policy by a traffic police officer. So far, there are recommendations at the level of orders, to which, unfortunately, the traffic police do not always listen.

Ideally, a traffic police officer, when receiving information that you have e-OSAGO, must know its details, namely, the series and number of the form, or, using the vehicle registration number and vin code, break through the availability of insurance on the RSA bases or the Ministry of Internal Affairs (how?). This procedure is mandatory and will soon be reflected in the law.

We hope that the information we have given in this article will help you navigate the question of whether to print a document called a CMTPL policy, received in electronic form or not. But we advise, in order to save your time and nerves, nevertheless, just in case, carry the policy document with you in the glove compartment.

Ask an expert

Time does not stand still. Until recently, compulsory car insurance was new for us, and now electronic CTP policies are included in circulation. Today, among motorists, the question is relevant - is it necessary to print out an electronic OSAGO policy. On the one hand, here it is, insurance, always with you, and on the other, is the electronic OSAGO policy valid in Russia? Indeed, in our endless expanses, there is easily at least one traffic police inspector who will not like your form. So is the OSAGO policy printed online valid? Let's figure it out.

Last year, one could come across news that the owner of electronic insurance was fined for not having a policy. Either the inspector did not know about the existence of such a miracle, or he forgot about it on purpose - history is silent. The main thing for us is not to get, as they say, under the distribution.

It is very convenient to buy insurance online - you don't have to go anywhere and stand in lines. A great alternative for a busy person is to make an MTPL policy in electronic form. Will it be valid, is such savings worth the lengthy litigation with the traffic police? Since the beginning of 2017, almost all insurance companies offer remote registration of the electronic version insurance product... In addition, it will come out to you cheaper than the regular version, and the agent will not offer additional options (for additional money).

The electronic version is more convenient and cheaper

The electronic version of OSAGO confirms that you have insured your car within the framework of the law. It has exactly the same functions as the paper version - in the event of an accident, you will receive compensation in the same way, if you are not guilty, and the culprit of the accident, if he did not neglect the insurance, will not fork out for large sum... At the same time, the main convenience of modern insurance is that its form cannot be lost. If you are in an accident through your own fault, and you did not have a paper copy, the insurance does not disappear.

Is it worth printing

At the same time, on the part of the traffic police, you will be required to have a license, a vehicle registration certificate, and insurance. What it should be is not said directly. In theory, the policy can be checked on the spot using the PCA database (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) or official base Ministry of Internal Affairs from a phone or tablet, but the inspector may simply not have them.

There is no direct statement in the law that the insurance must be printed out.

In addition, the inspectors have “instructions for use” of such documents, which describe how to check the policy against the database. But it is you who may come across a principled employee of the authorities who will demand a paper version from you. Of course, you can refer to the law and subsequently prove your case, but you will lose precious time and nerves - and the electronic policy is designed to save them.

But, even having an electronic version of OSAGO, it is better to print it out and carry it with you., you never know, suddenly you come across an outdated traffic cop. How to print an electronic OSAGO policy by number? This can even be done on a home printer. But remember, this paper itself is not a policy. This is simple proof that you have insurance, nothing more. It is better to print in black and white rather than color, so the information will be more visual.

AND the best option will be, if you do not print the document yourself, but contact the company where you made the insurance - a stamp and signature on paper will make your electronic insurance more weighty. Such paper can be equated to the "real" document, so beloved by the traffic police.

A simple printout of the policy, without stamps and signatures, also confirms that your car has insurance coverage. All the information required for verification is indicated here - series and number, that's enough. By the way, you can even check whether your car is insured using the vehicle registration number and VIN code! Therefore, from a purely technical point of view, a printout is not needed, but it is still better to do it - nerves and time are more expensive.

How to get an electronic policy

You can get OSAGO in electronic form in two ways. The first one will require independent efforts from you. Choose a company in which you would like to purchase insurance - buy an OSAGO VSK policy, Alpha Insurance, Reso guarantee, Yuzhural-Asko, Max, OSAGO Ingosstrakh - all these insurers offer services online. For the traffic police, there is no difference where you buy the policy, the only differences are in terms of insurance and cost.

After choosing a company, draw up a policy, pay for it, and receive a file with the PDF extension to your e-mail. You also need to print it out in order to cut off the doubts of the traffic cops. Here you have to work a little to adjust the size of the document to A4 sheet, but it's not difficult. Bring the printed sheet together with your passport to the insurer's office, you will be stamped and signed, and the document will be ready.

In the future, there should be no problems with electronic policies

The second way - you also choose an insurance company, draw up and pay for the policy, but after that call or write there with a request to send you an already certified document. Typically, insurance companies meet halfway, prepare a paper and then instruct you where you can pick up the finished insurance.

If you are caught without a policy

Let's say you did not heed the advice, and did not print the form, much less certify it. And really, why, because you have electronic version... But then you come across a traffic cop who flatly refuses to "punch" you through the base. There can be a lot of reasons, from a simple unwillingness to do it or inability, to a banal lack of communication, that is physical ability check the policy number. In this case, a fine may be issued in your name.- 800 rubles, and in the future this amount may grow to two and a half thousand. However, within ten days you can appeal it, and do it very successfully.

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