
The Central Bank named the pension funds with the lowest yield. Ria rating Electricity Pension Fund rating at

The return on pension savings in 2019 will be from 6% to 8%.

One of the serious criteria when choosing a fund is its level of profitability. According to this factor, the rating of the statistics of the TOP-30 NPF leaders in 2019 was formed.

30 NPF leaders 2019 Income since the beginning of the year,%
1 9.12
2 NPF Soglasie-OPS (JSC) 6.83
3 6.82
4 NPF Almaznaya Osen (JSC) 6.81
5 NPF VTB Pension Fund(AO) 6.81
6 NPF UMMC-Perspektiva (JSC) 6.62
8 6.36
9 NPF Surgutneftegaz (JSC) 6.27
10 NPF Consent (JSC) 6.05
11 NPF Defense Industrial Fund named after V.V. Livanova (JSC) NPF Sberbank (JSC) 5.83
12 NPF Stroykompleks (JSC) 5.76
13 Khanty-Mansi NPF (JSC) 5.73
14 NPF Vladimir (JSC) 5.47
15 NPF Transneft (JSC) 5.17
17 National NPF (JSC) 4.93
18 NPF Rostvertol 4.69
19 NPF Gefest (JSC) 4.49
20 Atomfond (JSC) 4.30
21 NPF Federation (JSC) 4.20
22 ONPF Trust (JSC) 4.11
23 NPF Volga-Capital (JSC) 3.96
24 NPF Socium (JSC) 3.85
25 NPF Alliance (JSC) 3.74
26 NPF Rostec (JSC) 3.02
28 MNPF "Bolshoi" (JSC) 2.61
29 NPF Magnit (JSC) 2.15
30 NPF SAFMAR (JSC) 1.15

NPF rating by reliability in 2019

Analysts to identify the best NPF of Russia the degree of their reliability is also evaluated. For this, the methodology of investing funds, its validity is investigated, the state of the company today, its development prospects are analyzed. According to these criteria, NPFs leaders of 2019 TOP-30 are as follows.

NPF statistics data for 09/30/2018

NPF Pension savings (thousand rubles) Market share, %
1 538 705 020.74 21.43
2 NPF Otkritie (JSC) 486 260 049.40 19.35
3 NPF GAZFOND pension savings (JSC) 458 370 285.06 18.24
4 NPF FUTURE (JSC) 292 031 831.14 11.62
5 NPF SAFMAR (JSC) 179 712 373.98 7.15
6 NPF VTB Pension Fund (JSC) 178 328 357.18 7.10
7 NPF Soglasie-OPS (JSC) 106 149 765.54 4.22
8 NPF Trust (JSC) 90 498 752.92 3.60
9 MNPF "Bolshoi" (JSC) 35 733 910.95 1.42
10 NPF Socium (JSC) 16 599 883.25 0.66
11 National NPF (JSC) 16 157 986.88 0.64
12 Khanty-Mansi NPF (JSC) 13 577 262.09 0.54
13 NPF Magnit (JSC) 11 509 336.38 0.46
14 NPF Transneft (JSC) 8 825 481.52 0.35
15 NPF Surgutneftegaz (JSC) 8 611 084.30 0.34
16 NPF UMMC-Perspektiva (JSC) 8 405 857.22 0.33
17 NPF NEFTEGARANT (JSC) 6 996 827.79 0.28
18 Atomfond (JSC) 6 495 832.06 0.26
19 NPF Social development(AO) 6 385 857.10 0.25
20 ONPF Trust (JSC) 6 028 673.99 0.24
21 NPF Federation (JSC) 4 894 806.25 0.19
22 NPF OBRAZOVANIE (JSC) 4 887 532.32 0.19
23 NPF Defense Industrial Fund named after V.V. Livanova (JSC) 4 566 847.21 0.18
24 NPF Volga-Capital (JSC) 4 227 599.59 0.17
25 NPF Almaznaya Osen (JSC) 3 400 304.24 0.14
26 NPF Gefest (JSC) 2 789 011.65 0.11
27 NPF Stroykompleks (JSC) 2 652 886.73 0.11
28 NPF Vladimir (JSC) 1 815 668.59 0.07
29 NPF First Industrial Alliance (JSC) 1 647 139.11 0.07
30 NPF Telecom-Soyuz (JSC) 1 508 521.87 0.06

Review of key indicators of NPFs (Bank of Russia, Q2 2017) -

The largest merger in the NPF market is being prepared

NPF reliability rating for 2019 from the Expert RA credit rating agency

A lot of information about the mechanism of the formation of two parts has been posted in the media and on the Internet. pension savings... The majority of citizens have already figured out that they have the opportunity to increase their well-being when they reach the incapacitated age by means of a competent placement of the funded part. However, the desire to understand in which particular non-profit pension fund their capital can work productively arises among many. One of the benchmarks when choosing a NPF is the NPF rating, which is created by independent companies. It is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of a fund, to correctly assess all the indicators of their work, drawing attention to the rating of NPFs in 2018 and 2019.

Non-state pension funds (NPF) in Russia

Before proceeding with the choice of NPF, which you entrust, it is worthwhile to figure out what kind of organization it is, what is the specifics of their activities. These are organizations that are engaged in profitable investments of investors' funds in various projects. The degree of capital increase depends on how competently the finance will be invested. Foundations are not engaged in production, sales of products. The organizations themselves, for the most part, do not manage the funds; they entrust this work to a specialized management company.

Non-state pension funds can be created directly to work with the accumulative parts of pension funds. They are also created by some large firms for their own employees. But since foundations are not closed organizations, outsiders can also become their contributors. The advantage of such NPFs is the control over investment by trade unions.

European Pension Fund can be considered one of the most popular options. It was the high degree of profitability that led to the creation of a solid base of depositors. This organization has over a million clients who have entrusted it with their savings deposits... The fund practices European service standards, clients have the opportunity to open an office, track movement personal finance... The opportunity is provided to withdraw funds to another fund in the event of bankruptcy.

A high interest rate is set for policyholders who invest funded part v Surgutneftgaz... Payments on rates are made in a timely manner, the organization has been operating for more than two decades, and has confirmed its reliability.

According to its history, Surgutneftgaz is not inferior to the leader of the rating. This NPF was awarded the highest expert ratings for its level of profitability and degree of reliability.

The fund is distinguished by a solid level of profitability "Welfare"... For 15 years, he managed to prove his ability to competently conduct business, successfully invest the finances of depositors. The number of clients of the organization exceeds one million, all of them receive payments on time.

NPF "Blagosostoyanie" received an A ++ rating from experts in terms of reliability. This is one of best performance by this criterion.

Qualified experts assigned the highest degree of reliability to the organization "National NPF"... She is more than 17 years old, the amount of savings is about two billion rubles. The Foundation is a member state program co-financing, which allows contributors to double their retirement funds.

Have European Pension Fund solid work experience. For 20 years, he managed to prove in practice his ability to successfully invest funds, to ensure timely payments to his clients. The reliability of the fund is ensured by the transparency of its work, the ability to receive accurate data on the movement of finances on the account at any time.

The main advantages NPF "Education" there are three options for pension schemes: life, temporary (2-30 years), solidary.

Defense Industrial Fund can be considered an ideal choice for those who prefer conservative, reliable options. This policy investing finance provides a reliable income.

NPF Sberbank

Many future retirees prefer to entrust their funded pension shares to NPF Sberbank. The main stimulating factor in this case is the state protection of finances. Sberbank offers several ways for those wishing to accumulate pension funds.

Compulsory insurance makes it possible to increase the funded share of pensions through constant contributions. Individual options are being developed for clients planning to maintain their current income level at retirement age. Corporate programs are designed to increase business productivity.

NPF Lukoil

NPF Lukoil-Garant has been operating for over 20 years. An organization was created to preserve and increase the funds of the employees of the concern. The work of the fund is fully controlled by the firm's trade union, which excludes leakage of funds, cases of short-sighted investment of finance.

NPF "Doverie"

NPF "Doverie" was established 18 years ago. Organizations participating in economic life Nizhny Novgorod region, solid banks. The Fund participates in a co-financing program that allows to significantly increase the funded pension part. The guarantees are provided by full control over the actions of the FIU organization.

NPF "Consent"

Soglasie Fund is the legal successor of Soglasie NPF OJSC. Qualified experts give a high assessment of the organization's work according to the criteria of profitability, stability, profitability of investing clients' funds. The fund has managed to double the performance that its predecessor had.

NPF "Evropeyskiy"

In any rating of the NPF of Russia, the Evropeisky Fund occupies one of the leading positions. This popularity is due to the high reliability of its work, confirmed by two decades of activity, during which the promised finances are clearly listed to clients. The transparency of the organization's work is ensured by the ability of depositors to monitor the movement of finances in personal account... The organization is included in the state co-financing program. NPF accepts maternity capital to increase the accumulative pension parts, practices the development of individual pension plans, consulting, planning upcoming pension payments providing clients with ideal conditions.

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Citizens can keep their funded part of their pension both in the state Pension Fund and transfer it to non-state - NPF, which promise higher returns. But before deciding to transfer, you need to familiarize yourself with the NPF rating and the main criteria for choosing a fund.

The portal studied the rating of NPFs and found out which funds offer good income which companies can be called reliable. The ratings of the leading funds, what real profitability they offer, which organizations are most trusted by Russians.

About NPF

Non-state Pension Funds are non-profit organizations which citizens trust with their funded pensions. NPFs ensure the safety of these funds and their increase through investment. The work of such funds is strictly regulated and controlled by the state. They are regularly checked by various departmental bodies.

Your employer makes monthly contributions to the Pension Fund 22% of the amount of the accrued salary. Of these, 6% go to the funded part of the pension, which a citizen can manage - leave everything as it is, that is, keep the funds in the Pension Fund, or transfer them to the NPF. Both the Pension Fund and the NPF "spin" this money, thereby protecting it from inflation and providing at least a small income. And if you study the rating of Non-State Pension Funds correctly, you can do profitable investment... The profitability of NPFs is traditionally higher than in the PFR.

According to the law, all savings funds of citizens are insured. If the NPF is closed, all the money will simply automatically go to the Pension Fund. If the fund has worked at a loss, it is obliged to reimburse its citizens.

Which NPFs are most trusted by citizens

At the beginning of 2019, about 50 non-state funds were registered and officially operating in Russia, which attract the pension savings of citizens. If we consider the rating of NPFs from the point of view of citizens' trust, then it will be as follows:

  1. Sberbank. It occupies the honorable first place in the rating, more than 8.7 million people have entrusted their savings to him.
  2. Opening. It occupies the second line of the rating; more than 7.1 million people have their savings here.
  3. Gazfond. A well-known non-state fund, almost 6.5 million people have signed an agreement with it.
  4. Future. The next step of the TOP NPF in terms of trust, with more than 4.3 million citizens signed an agreement.
  5. SAFMAR. It occupies the next line of the rating, it is trusted by almost 3.9 million Russians.
  6. VTB. The Pension Fund of VTB Group, 2.66 million citizens keep their savings here.
  7. Neftegarant, he is trusted by almost 1.5 million people.

These are the largest non-state PFs in Russia in terms of the number of clients. Next in the ranking are companies that serve less than 0.5 million Russians. NPF Bolshoi - almost 430,000 people, Consent - 370,000, Trust - about 115,000, Magnit - 228,000, National - 285,000, Socium - almost 309,000, Education - 101,000. All other NPFs can be called quite small, their clients are less than 100,000 Russians. But small does not mean low income.

Rating of non-state Pension Funds of Russia by profitability

When choosing an organization to invest your pension savings, the most important thing is to look at the profitability of the organization, at the dynamics of its readings for last years... On the site Of the Central Bank you can find information on the profitability of each operating NPF, for each year of its operation.

If the NPF works efficiently and invests client funds in good assets, then the client receives income, his funded part of the pension will increase. Accordingly, if there is no profit, then there will be no growth.

For comparison: VEB is engaged in investing funds of citizens who are in the PFR itself. At the end of 2018, it reported a yield of 6.07%.

If we study the rating of non-state Pension Funds in recent years, we can find out that over the past two years their profitability has significantly decreased. In 2015 and 2016, many companies gave excellent performance; in many NPFs, the income of citizens reached 10-12% per annum. But at the end of 2017 and 2018, it is clear that profitability has significantly decreased.

For a more objective understanding of the picture, we will compile the rating of the NFR of Russia according to the following algorithm: in descending order of profitability based on the results of work in the 1st quarter of 2019. To understand the dynamics of profitability, we will look at the profitability of the same company for 2018 and 2017.

  1. Hephaestus. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 12.42%, at the end of 2018 - 3.94%, at the end of 2017 - 9.97%. This is the leading fund, but, as you can see, its performance cannot be called stable. The clients of this company are only 30,400 people (for the 1st quarter of 2019).
  2. Building complex. The return for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 5.82%, for 2018 - 3.94%, for 2017 - 7.96%. The indicators are also unstable, but they cannot be called low for the current years. As of the beginning of 2019, 38,750 people are the clients of Stroykompleks.
  3. Surgutneftegaz. The profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 10.67%, at the end of 2018 - 5.32%, at the end of 2017 - 8.74%. The current client base is almost 38,000 people.
  4. Opening, earlier this NPF was called Lukoil Garant. The profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 10.04%, for 2018 - minus 10.8%, for 2017 - no data. Last year the company experienced problems (reorganization of the Otkritie bank), but now the situation has leveled off. The client base is over 7.1 million Russians.
  5. Neftegarant. The profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.97%, at the end of 2018 - 5.12%, at the end of 2017 - 8.13%. The number of clients is 1.47 million people.
  6. Khanty-Mansky NPF. The return for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.55%, at the end of 2018 - 4.15%, at the end of 2017 - 8.16%. The number of clients is almost 135,000 people.
  7. Sberbank. The return for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.35%, for 2018 - 4.64%, for 2017 - 8.7%. The number of clients is 8.7 million citizens.
  8. The first industrial alliance. The profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.25%, at the end of 2018 - 5.04%, at the end of 2017 - 8.14%. Clients are 31850 Russians.
  9. UMMC-Perspective. The profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9%, at the end of 2018 - 4.47%, at the end of 2017 - 9.19%. The number of clients is 92,500.
  10. Big. The return for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 8.79%, in 2018 - 2.21%, in 2017 - 7.16%. Serves about 430,000 citizens.

Information on profitability was obtained from an official source - information provided by the Central Bank of Russia.

Summing up

And what is most interesting - in the rating of NPFs by profitability there are only 4 companies that are included in the TOP organizations in terms of the number of clients (NPF Sberbank, Otkritie, Neftegarant and Bolshoi). But we will still indicate their profitability for the 1st quarter of 2019: Gazfond - 5.27%, Future - 8.72%, SAFMAR - 8.51%, VTB - 7.49%,

The choice of a non-state pension fund, which you can entrust with your savings for retirement, is not so simple. Of course, you can act conservatively and or not choose any NPF at all, entrusting the money state fund, or choose a 100% reliable semi-state NPF like the NPF of Sberbank, where the profitability is not so high, but there is almost complete confidence that the fund will not disappear anywhere. And although with the so-called freezing of pension savings of Russians this issue has become much less relevant, you still need to understand the situation on the NPF market and be able to navigate in non-state funds. To better understand the efficiency of NPFs and their reliability, authoritative ratings, including those compiled according to the data of the main regulator, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, help. Let's get acquainted with the ratings of NPFs of Russia in 2017-2018 in terms of reliability and profitability, based on statistics from the Central Bank of Russia and the conclusions of independent experts.

NPF of Russia: rating of the best funds by profitability in 2017-2018

NPF of Russia: rating of the best funds in terms of reliability in 2017-2018

Of course, in such things as accumulating pension funds, the reliability rating of funds is equally (if not more) important. Money for retirement has been accumulating for decades, and I want to understand that the NPF, in which the funds are invested, is reliable enough and will not disappear at some point into nowhere.

The Russian regulator itself, Central bank, does not compile such ratings, but there is a rating agency RAEX ("Expert RA"), which is considered quite authoritative and not only recognized, but also recommended for use by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As of the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018, this rating is as follows:

Company Rating Forecast
1-7 Neftegarant ruAAA Stable
NPF "Welfare EMENSY" ruAAA Stable
NPF Gazfond pension savings ruAAA Stable
Gazfond ruAAA Stable
NPF VTB Pension Fund ruAAA Stable
NPF Sberbank ruAAA Stable
NPF Welfare ruAAA Stable
8 JSC "NPF" Neftegarant " ruAA + Stable
9-13 Diamond Autumn ruAA Stable
Atomgarant ruAA Stable
NPF Surgutneftegaz JSC ruAA Stable
NPF "Alliance" ruAA Stable
National NPF ruAA Stable
14-15 Big ruAA- Positive
NPF "Socium" ruAA- Stable
16 NPF Soglasie-OPS JSC ruA + Stable
17 NPF "First Industrial Alliance" ruA Stable
18-20 Vladimir ruA- Stable
Khanty-Mansi NPF ruA- Stable
NPF "Safmar" ruA- Stable
21 NPF RGS ruBBB + Stable
22 Confidence ruBBB- Stable
23 NPF "UMMC-Perspektiva" withdrawn

NPFs in the table are grouped according to the national rating calculated in a certain way, and the reliability of funds with the same rating is approximately the same, therefore, say, the first seven NPFs in the table have the same high reliability, regardless of how the funds within this seven are located in the table. You can follow the current status of this rating

More than half of the funds managing pension savings of citizens showed, at the end of the first half of 2017, a yield lower than that of VEB. The reason was the fall in Russian stocks

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

At the end of the first half of 2017, 20 NPFs managing pension savings showed a yield below VEB, that is, below 8.8%, according to statistics published on the Central Bank's website. These funds manage 1.67 trillion rubles. pension savings of 2.3 trillion rubles, which are managed by private pension funds. In total, according to the Central Bank, there are 38 pension funds that manage pension savings.

Among the funds that showed profitability below VEB in the first half of the year, there are such large funds as NPF Gazfond pension savings (430 billion rubles of pension savings, yield 2.9%), NPF Future (303 billion rubles, yield 3.9%), NPF LUKOIL-Garant (260 billion rubles, yield 3.3%), NPF Safmar (193 billion rubles, yield 3.4%), NPF RGS (182 billion rubles, yield 8.5%).

NPF VTB became the leader in terms of profitability of pension savings among large pension funds (over 100 billion rubles of savings) in the second quarter - 10.5%, while NPF Gazfond was an outsider with a yield of 2.9%.

As for pension reserves, seven funds in the second quarter showed negative returns in this part of the business, including such a large NPF in terms of reserves as NPF Gazfond (372 billion rubles of reserves, minus 1.1%).

The reason for the low profitability of funds lies in the fact that a number of funds entered 2017 with a noticeable share of shares and, in fact, this year in the first quarter lost quite a lot in profitability due to the fall in the market, says the managing director for corporate ratings of Expert RA "Pavel Mitrofanov. According to the head of the analytical service of ANPF Yevgeniy Biezbardis, the current situation illustrates only an intermediate investment result and can seriously change by the end of December.

According to Alexander Losev, General Director of Sputnik Capital Management Company JSC, the problem is that the state of the stock market reflects more geopolitical tensions than financial results Russian companies... It should also be borne in mind that 70% of the trading volume on the stock market in terms of shares in Russia falls on foreign investors, and not national, Losev specifies. “As a result Russian investors against the background of the same sanctions, they cannot support the market, which will be in such a state until the appearance of positive news, ”says Losev.

It would be unprofitable for funds to sell shares now, because the dividend yield is comparable to the yield on bonds and deposits, and in some cases may even exceed them, says Losev.

However, in general, the profitability of pension savings will be lower at the end of this year compared to the last and will be 8-10% against 10-12% in 2016, says Yuri Nogin, director of the ACRA financial institutions ratings group. The reason for this is the sanctions and a decrease in the yield on bonds and deposits, explains Nogin.

“So far, you shouldn't react to these indicators as final: the funds have another six months to rehabilitate the picture,” Mitrofanov said. “The agents are likely to start, as a factor in changing the insurer,“ selling ”the low profitability of pension funds at the end of the third quarter”. However, Nogin notes that the half-year result is an intermediate result and should not be perceived by clients as a signal to change the insurer.

Meanwhile, low-yield funds remain optimistic in the first half of the year. General manager NPF "Future" Nikolay Sidorov says that the fund will not make decisions about the portfolio of savings, relying on indicators for short-term periods - for half a year. The fund will be able to show the effectiveness of the manager in the long term - from five years, says Sidorov. According to the Central Bank, NPF "Blagosostoyanie OPS" (in 2015 in NPF "Future") at the end of 2014 showed a yield of 1.5%, at the end of 2015 - 5.6%, at the end of 2016 - 4%. Meanwhile, VEB's profitability in 2014 was 2.68%, in 2015 - 13.15%, in 2016 - 10.53%

According to the press service of Safmar NPF, shares in the fund's portfolio make up 30% of the total amount of pension savings. “Following the results of half a year, the fund managed to fix a positive result due to coupon payments on instruments with fixed income - the bond portfolio is 70%,” the press service said.

The press service of NPF Elektroenergetika, which had a yield of 4.3% in the first half of the year, said that the fund did not adjust its investment strategy based on the results of the first quarter, since “portfolio fluctuations are always compensated for over a longer period”. “We expect the observed trends to continue and, on the whole, have a positive view on stock market amid declining interest rates", - said the fund. In 2016, the fund showed a return of 8.9%, in 2015 - 8.5%, in 2014 - 9%, in 2013 - 8.4%, according to the Central Bank's data.

The rest of the funds with yields below VEb did not respond to RBC's request.

In 2017 year of the FIU continued to carry out temporary placement of pension savings on deposits in credit institutions... The list of approved credit institutions is limited only to highly reliable banks that are responsible established by law requirements.

The total amount of income that the PFR received from the temporary placement of pension savings on deposits with credit institutions, according to the results of 2017, amounted to 5.14 billion rubles, which in terms of conversion is 8.8% per annum.

The result obtained by the PFR from the temporary placement is significantly higher than the inflation rate in Russia at the end of 2017 (2.5%) and is comparable with the results of other participants in the process of investing pension savings.

For comparison: the profitability of the expanded portfolio of the state management company Vnesheconombank at the end of 2017 was 8.6%, of private management companies - 10.7%. The aggregate calculated return on non-state pension funds (NPF) for 9 months of 2017 was 3.2% per annum.

Income in the amount of 5.14 billion rubles was formed from income from the placement of funds of the reserve for the mandatory pension insurance(ROPS) - 4.94 billion rubles and income from the placement of current funds of insurance premiums, as well as additional insurance premiums and employer's contributions - 0.2 billion rubles.

In total, in 2017, the PFR held 14 deposit auctions (of which 12 on the site of the Public Joint Stock Company "Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS" and 2 on the trading site Joint Stock Company St. Petersburg Currency exchange"), According to the results of which 48 deposit agreements... The turnover of funds placed by the PFR amounted to more than 270 billion rubles. The rates on placed deposits ranged from 7.5 to 10.15%. The placement period varied from 13 to 178 days.

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