
Renewable and low energy. Competition for the wind: What attracted investors in the Russian energy industry. Autonomous power supply remote settlements

The Russian production base in the field of solar and wind energy is formed, domestic technologies are developing. In 2017, more than 100 MW of solar power plants and the first large wind farm with a capacity of 35 MW were built in Russia.

First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexey Texler took part in the plenary session of the Ecological Forum "Results of the Year of Ecology and Tasks for the Future", which took place within the framework of the Russian Business Week organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In his speech, he noted that the issue of exposure to the environment is the subject of close attention and the active work of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, which already gives its results.

"To date, Russia has one of the most" green "fuel and energy and electricity balances among all the largest industrial countries," said Alexey Textler.

More than half of the internal consumption of energy resources in Russia is natural gas, the cleanest of fossil fuels, and the share of coal in the general energy balance and the production of electricity is significantly lower than in the EU, China or the United States.

By participating in the Global Environmental Agenda, Russia in 2016 signed the Paris Climate Agreement and work out the issue of its ratification. Including, with the participation of a number of federal executive bodies, the model of the future regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and their accounting systems are being developed.

In this paper, it is necessary to ensure fair consideration of the contribution, which is already making Russian tek companies through increasing their energy efficiency and technological modernization, as well as the ability to absorb greenhouse gases by Russian forests.

"You need to learn to consider this contribution and justify it in the international arena. This is the position of the Ministry of Energy of Russia. We are against implementing any tax and other TEK payments. Those regulatory models that suggest should be adjusted, "said Alexey Texler.

Speaking of other areas of work of the Ministry of Energy of Russia, the first deputy head of the department noted the introduction of the principle of the best available technologies (NDT) in the fuel and energy complex, disposal of associated petroleum gas emissions (PNG), expanding the use of renewable energy sources, improving the fuel efficiency of traditional generation.

Thus, over the past five years, the PNG utilization rate has grown by almost 12% and today is about 87% on average. At the same time, in many fields, it has already been brought to the target and exceed 95%.

Over the past few years, the country has made a great contribution to the development of renewable energy. In 2017, over 100 MW of solar power plants and the first large wind farm with a capacity of 35 MW were built.

The first competitive selection of generation projects based on the use of solid waste has been carried out. According to their results, 5 projects will be implemented with a total capacity of 335 MW.

At the end of 2017, the actual specific costs of conditional fuel in the electric power industry of Russia amounted to 310.7 g. For the first time in the last 20 years, according to the results of this month - December 2017, the actual specific consumption of conditional fuel as a whole in the electric power industry amounted to 299.2 g .: / kW-h, overcome the frontier -H.

The task of minimizing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment in the fuel and energy complex as a whole is solved by modernizing and developing its branches based on advanced technologies. In 2017, six NDT reference books were developed and approved on various SEC sectors and an intersectoral directory of NDT for energy efficiency.

Exhibition Energy Efficiency. Renewable energy 2017 is held from 7 to 9 November in Kiev, Ukraine.

Exhibited products and sections of the exhibition you can see below in the "Additional Information" block. Full list of participants Energy Efficiency. Renewable energy 2017 is posted on the official website of the exhibition and is constantly updated. There you can find the exhibitors of the previous year. Business program Energy Efficiency. Renewable energy 2017 is usually published closer to the beginning of the event.

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17.04.2017 - 18.04.2017 In the framework of the 27th International Exhibition "Elektring 2017" in the conference hall of the Expocentre Fair (Moscow)

April 17-18, 2017, in the framework of the 27th International Exhibition "Elektring 2017" in the conference room, the Expocentre, the XIV International Annual Scientific and Practical Conference "Renewable and Small Energy" 2017 will be held. Energy efficiency. Autonomous energy supply systems of stationary and mobile objects "with extended topics. The Regional Session of the event will also be held for the first time - the Perm Scientific and Practical Conference (June 22-23, 2017) called "Actual Energy Problems: Energy Efficiency. Energy saving. Energy intensity, renewable and small energy - 2017.

The organizers of the Moscow Conference were: the Expocentre Fairgrounds, the Committee on the Application of Renewable Energy Sources of Rossnio (Energy Committee of Rossnio), the Section of the Energy of the Russian Academy of Engineering Academy, FSUE "TsAGI", CJSC NITS WINDEK, Departments "Hydropower and Renewable energy sources "(GVIE) and" Electrical Complexes of Autonomous Objects and Electric Transport "(EKAO and ET) of the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI"). General Information Partner - Journal S.O.K.

Topics Renewable energy sources (renewable energy), small and autonomous energy in the world and the Russian Federation: new achievements and development, experience of structures and operation.


1. Solar energy:

  • photovoltaic converters and power supply systems;
  • solar collectors, heating systems and DHW based on them.

2. Energy of small watercourses:

  • small and micro hydrocarbons of various sizes and capacity;
  • units and equipment for small and micro hydroelectrics.

3. Wind energy:

  • autonomous, network and combined wind installations;
  • equipment for them.

4. Geothermal energy and thermal pumps:

  • geothermal electric heat stations;
  • heat pumps and heat-pump installations.

5. Energy of the World Ocean:

  • tidal power plants;
  • installations for converting energy of waves, flows, etc.;
  • stations using the temperature difference difference different layers of water.

6. Biomass energy:

  • installations for the production of biofuels and environmentally friendly organic fertilizers;
  • biogas and bioenergetic modules and installations.

7. Nuclear power industry:

  • small nuclear power plants.

8. Stationary and mobile power plants and equipment, including air and ground transport:

  • diesel, gas turbine, gas pipe and gas generator;
  • on local fuels (peat, coal, shale, gas);
  • combined;
  • on new principles of energy production;
  • electrical generators;
  • management and regulation systems;
  • electric energy drives.

9. Hydrogen energy.

Participation in the conference is free.

By the beginning of the conference, it is planned to issue a "collection of conference works" (electronically form with the citation index).

Appeal P. P. Bezens:

The times come when the country's daily life includes power plants and power plants on the basis of renewable energy sources. People are no longer surprised by road signs with solar batteries, wind-solar lanterns, windows in suburban farms, solar stations, solar collectors, bogase stations working in rural areas, micro-hydroelectric power plants. All this technique is gradually becoming a familiar for residents of various regions of Russia.

You know that the Committee on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations (Committee of the Nov Rossnio) annually holds conferences on renewable and low energy.

Last year, the XIII International Conference "Renewable and Small Energy" 2016 "was held (see publication in the journal S.O.K. No. 06/2016 and on the website WWW .. Her holding has shown an increase in interest in renewable energy as in scientific appeal . P. Bezruhkov: Circles of professionals, and, which is especially pleased with young people - students, graduates of universities, graduate students, young scientists. At the conference, they will be able not only to perform and publish their report in the conference professionals, but also meet with specialists , as well as with consumers and customers of installations based on renewable.

During the conferences, it was repeatedly expressed by the participants who were repeatedly expressed about the holding of conferences in various regions of Russia, since the remoteness of Moscow, where we conduct annual conferences dedicated to the largest international electrical exhibition "Electro", conducted in the Expocentre Fairgrounds, often does not often allow participants Conferences come from distant regions. In this regard, this year we decided to expand the possibilities of sharing knowledge, spending two conferences "Renewable and Small Energy '2017" in two regions. One - according to tradition in Moscow, April 17-18, and the second - in Perm, June 22-23, on the basis of the Association of Energy of the Western Urals (Aeri), which this year marks 20 years. The conference in Perm will make more broader to attract participants from the Urals, Siberian, as well as the Far Eastern regions and the neighboring countries.

The Association of Energy of the Western Urals deservedly is one of the most authoritative public organizations dealing with energy saving and energy efficiency, issues of using energy-saving technologies, including the use of renewable energy sources.

AEZ has extensive experience in conducting regional conferences, and therefore the conference with an extended audience for it is quite legitimate.

The Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference will be held under the name "renewable and low energy. Energy efficiency. Autonomous systems of energy supply of stationary and mobile objects '2017 "(Reeeime. EEF. ASE' 2017).

The Perm Scientific and Practical Conference will pass under the name "Actual Energy Problems: Energy Efficiency. Energy saving. Energy intensity, renewable and small energy - 2017.

Participation in both conferences is free.

The organizers and founders of the Moscow Conference are:

  • Committee of Nov Rossnio;
  • Section "Energy" of the Russian Engineering Academy;
  • FSUE "Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. Professor N. E. Zhukovsky "(TsAGI);
  • Departments "Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources" (GVIE) and "Electrical Complexes of Autonomous Objects and Electric Transport" (EKAO and ET) of the Moscow Energy Institute (NiU "MEI");

The organizers and founders of the Perm Conference are:

  • Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Perm Territory;
  • Association of Energy of the Western Urals (AEZU);
  • Committee of OE "Rossnio";
  • Section "Energy" of the Russian Engineering Academy.

Applications for participation in the Moscow Conference and reports, please send until March 25, 2017 at: [Email Protected]

Applications for participation without reports, please send until April 15, 2017 at: [Email Protected]

Applications for participation in the Perm Conference and reports to send until May 20, 2017 at: [Email Protected]

For certificates to contact the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference of Fungi Sergey Vladimirovich by Tel.: 8-916-930-50-17, 8-903-564-62-69 or by e-mail: [Email Protected], [Email Protected]

The conference organizing committees to the beginning of them are planned to be issued in electronic compilation of conferences, which have a cite index. Information about the XIV International Annual Conference "Renewable and Small Energy" will be posted on Internet sites:

  • Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations (Rossnio): http://rusea.info
  • Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre": Elektro-expo.ru

The key peculiarity of the outgoing year is the most important events in the electric power industry occur not in developed, as it was a few years ago, but developing countries.

World trends

Development of energy storage technologies

The development of energy accumulation technology is becoming an increasingly important trend in the industry, Natalya Porokhov, head of the research group and forecasting an analytical credit rating agency (acre), told Forbes. Although these technologies are rapidly cheaper, while the cost of storage of electricity is still more expensive than its production (storage in drives costs 6-13 cents / kWh): "Reducing storage technologies will increase the competitiveness of renewable energy resources for which the irregular development is the main barrier for further growth (especially In developed countries, where the share of renewing is already high and grows very slowly). "

Yuri Melnikov, Senior Analyst of the Energy Center of the Business School Skolkovo Certainly a breakthrough year-uproduct of the construction of the world's largest industrial electricity storage on lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 129 MW in Australia. Order on this project TESLA head billionaire Ilon Mask received in the spring of 2017 after a public dialogue in Twitter. Already in December, the repository was launched and demonstrates success in preventing accidents in the power system.

Development of reed

In the world electricity in 2017, a trend continued on the development of renewable energy sources. "Deposit of storage technologies will increase the competitiveness of renewable energy, for which the irregularity of production is a major barrier for further growth (especially in developed countries, where the share of renewing is already high and grows very slowly)," explains Natalia Porokhov. According to her evaluation, despite the fact that the final data on the inputs for the inputs of new renewable stations in 2017 is not yet, but it is likely that the trends in 2016 will continue when 2/3 of all new inputs had to be reserved at renewable Developing countries have become developing countries. "The development of reservoir in developed countries was slowed down in 2011-2012, when, on the background of the surplus in the power system and economic stagnation, the support of OE began to decline. The rapid development of RES in developing countries contributes to the high growth rates of electric consumption and underdevelopment of the power grid. India and China become world leaders in the development of renewable, "Corporatov turns out.

Yuri Melnikov believes that the input of solar power plants is expected at 100 GW, and the wind power plants are about 50 GW. "Another records have been set by the minimum guaranteed cost of electricity from renewable - about 1 rub. / KWh from the wind power station in Mexico (November 2017, Operator Enel Green Power) and from solar power plant in Saudi Arabia (October 2017, EDF Energies Nouvells - An analyst brings examples.

CO2 emissions trade

In December 2017, China launched the world's largest quota market for CO2 emissions. Its activities will begin with power plants, each of which produces at least 26,000 tons of CO2 per year (by calculations, they are responsible for 39% of national emissions). Even this volume will be enough for the Chinese carbon captive market to exceed European. As Natalia Porokhov told, the CO2 emissions trade systems have already been launched in developed countries - the EU, USA (California), but they did not successfully, largely because so far even developed countries are not ready for self-restriction in the development of carbon energy: "In China The ecological problems of Chinese cities became an incentive to launch trade in CO2. If China as the world's largest Issuer will achieve success in the CO2 trade - this will become a real breakthrough in solving the environmental problems of electric power industry through market mechanisms. "

Events in Russia

According to Yuri Melnikov, Russia remains aside from global trends, although renewable energy has also gained development. Another competitive selection of renewable projects, which must be introduced in the period up to 2022 inclusive. The results turned out to be recorded both in volume (about 2.3 GW, 1.7 GW of wind power plants, 0.5 GW - solar and 0.05 GW of small hydropower plants) and the composition of the participants - in the wind power segment in addition to previously Fortum came to active Rosatom (together with Rosnano) and Enel.

Vygon Consulting Director Alexei Zhikharev also notes that the market has been replenished with new major, including foreign, investors, including - Siemens-Gamesa and Vestas: "The struggle for projects was lively, due to which the price in investment applications decreased by 30% of the limit levels. But in the opinion of the players of this market, it is necessary to talk about his maturity until early and the program of stimulating the renewable renewer beyond 2024. "

Among other significant events, Yuri Melnikov notes the emergence of the first concessions in the field of heat supply in Russia (for example, in Rubtsovsk, the concessionaire is a Siberian generating company, which are designed to attract the long-awaited investment to this critical industry). Then the head of Rosatom Alexei Likhachev signed with the authorities of Egypt the latest documents required to begin construction of the first nuclear power plant in the country, worth about $ 21 billion and third, for the first time in history, the Chinese shareholder received control over a large Russian power plant. We are talking about Huadian-Tenin CHP in Yaroslavl with a capacity of 450 MW.

Among the important events within the country can also be called salvation from the debts of RusHydro, IPO EN + Group Oleg Deripaska and the change of the leader of the largest electric grid company of the country of Rossetti and several major system energy utilities.

Completion of the construction program of new thermal power plants

In 2017, a large-scale program for the construction of new thermal power plants in Russia, which started at the time of RAO UES of Russia, in general, went to the final. In the autumn of 2017, the branches resumed the debate on the feasibility and forms of its extension, Alexey Zhikharev believes: in the outgoing year of thermal power plant, erected under power supply contracts (DPM) with a profitability of more than 15% per annum switched to the stage of the accelerated return of investments. Due to this, the average price for their power increased by 10%. New nuclear power plants were put into operation rapidly, for some of them consumers pay price, 30 times larger than market. All this resulted in a strongly exceeding inflation rates of the wholesale price of electricity - 12% per year. "In total, in three years - from 2014 to 2017 - the price for the wholesale megawatt has grown twice. Large industrial consumers express extremely discontent with such a surge price and begin to actively think about the refusal of the system of single energy supply and creating their own energy sources, "supplements Zhikharev.

Modernization of old thermal power plants

The main "gift" in the outgoing year for Russian power engineers is a large-scale project called "Modernization of thermal power plants" of 1.5 trillion rubles. The modernization of thermal power plants will take 10 years: by 2030, 16% of the capacity will be updated - 40 GW. Large-scale investment program will pay large electricity consumers. In 2017, the rhetoric was increasingly sounded that the competitive electricity and power market in the country did not take place, Alexey Zhikharev explains: To maintain the current power plants, the generators are asked to regulators - the Ministry of Energy and the "Market Council" - to the new special meters that allow you to recoup 1, 5 trillion rubles of caps. President Putin generally approved the Ministry of Energy Modernization Program represented by the Ministry of Energy, but commissioned it by 1 March 2018 to work out from the point of view of providing an optimal combination of thermal generation with atomic and renewable, as well as compliance with the interests of consumers. In other words, the growth rates should be minimal.

"At the same time, individual regions" leave "the market, leaving the zone of" comfortable "regulated prices, did Buryatia. "Losing" some territory, the wholesale market is increasingly approaching the Far East. The topic was even more revived after the elimination of "RAO ES EAST". DFO areas, where at least some competition is possible, it is planned to combine the wholesale market in the third zone. For a regulator, this can be one of the priority tasks, given the planned active growth of the economy of this region, "Zhakharev suggests.

Growing interest in projects in the field of renewable energy may indicate investment thaws in the Russian economy

In 2017, the competitive selection of projects for the construction of energy facilities using renewable energy sources (RES) were submitted 78 applications for the construction of wind farms. 43 projects were selected with a total installed capacity of more than 1651 MW. It is almost three times more than last year: then the competitive selection passed only 610 MW. Such a revival allows us to talk about the change in investor relations to this so far, the industry has been poorly developed in Russia. The consolidation of investors, manufacturers of equipment and developers, as well as mitigating the requirements for the use of domestic equipment and the introduction of an investment protection mechanism from currency risks.

Incentives and barriers

In 2013, the Russian wholesale electricity market has emerged a mechanism for support for EE-Energy, which provides for a guaranteed return of investment in the construction of solar, wind stations and small hydropower plants through power supply contracts (DPM). According to such contracts, all wholesale consumers pay for the capacity of renewable energy facilities on elevated in comparison with the traditional generation rates. To limit these payments, the government has established limit levels of capital expenditures for the construction of renewable stations. Additional reduction in monetary load on consumers is achieved through the selection of projects on a competitive basis. We defeat projects with the smallest cost.

Immediately after the adoption of this mechanism of support for RES, it was obvious that the key to investors will be the requirements for the occurrence of equipment. And if with projects in the solar energy, the situation was generally clear - at that time, several companies have already made panels on the territory of Russia, then everything is much more complicated with wind farms (VES). Expand the production of high-tech equipment for such a short time was unreal.

Another significant barrier was an underestimated level of capital expenditures (almost twice as low as the level established for solar power plants - 65.8 thousand rubles. Per 1 kW for VES and 116.5 thousand rubles. For 1 kW for SES).

However, the main problem for wind generation all these years was that equipment manufacturers did not see enough serious investors in the wind farm, ready to post orders for the supply of equipment with guaranteed payment. Projects were mainly represented by developers who did not have their own financial resources.

By 2017, the Ministry of Energy and market participants together managed to relieve the main set of problems that prevent the development of renewable energy in Russia. Since 2015, important amendments have been made to the regulatory framework. They envisaged a decline in the obligatory share of domestic equipment (from 55% for facilities declared for commissioning in 2015 and up to 25% in 2016), as well as an increase in the limiting levels of capital investments. And, which is extremely important, a currency coefficient has earned, allowing investors to index cost levels taking into account the oscillations of the exchange rate.


In 2016-2017, a certain consensus was achieved between equipment manufacturers and developers / investors. Consortiums began to form, in which major energy companies and equipment manufacturers took on certain obligations.

The first in such configuration to the market was published by Rosatom with the project company "Window", which concluded a license agreement with the manufacturer of wind turbines Lagerwey. Thus, within the framework of one holding, the manufacturer and the consumer of the equipment were combined. Later, a similar scheme was implemented within the consortium "Fortum" - "Rosnano" - "Power Machines" and other companies. Thus, in 2017, the critical mass of projects was achieved on the market, with which it became possible to participate in the competitive selection of renewable projects.

These facts and relatively stable economic and political conditions caused competition among investors for the right to build objects of wind generation and receive a stable yield to invested capital. According to our calculations, the profitability of share capital in such projects may be in the range of 16-24% or more. For infrastructure projects, this is a very attractive level. Under the conditions of delay with the decision on the modernization of the thermal generation of other effective investment ideas, except for RES, there are no Russian electric power industry.


It should be noted that according to projects with an input period in 2021 and 2022 applications exceeded the largest volumes almost twice. In order to get the right to build the windarks, fought "Fortum", "Enel Russia" and "Wind Ground". Investors have forced to reduce the claimed quotes, the decline was up to 30% of the maximum permissible levels. Such dynamics of price applications will eventually lead to a cumulative reduction in payment on DPM by more than 15% and, accordingly, reducing the load on consumers. In 2014, similar competition was observed in the solar generation segment.

While, of course, there are certain risks on how selected objects will be built. Let me remind you that the requirements for the localization of equipment will be re-increased: since 2019, the share of equipment produced in Russia should be at least 65%. But while the production of equipment for wind power in the country is absent: all projects are under study or discussion. However, the emergence of large corporations in the market provides reason to believe that the promised WES will be built. Perhaps with a small delay, the benefit of the current market rules are allowed.

It can be said that the excitement with investment in the projects of the renewable renovation signals against the occurrence of thawed in the Russian investment climate. Investors, including foreign, return to our energy. And that is especially important, these are strategic, and therefore long-term investments, because the return on invested capital on them is designed for 15 years.

Alexey Zhikharev director of Electric Power Vygon Consulting

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