
Gazfond NPF interest. Overview of OAO NPF Gazfond Pension Savings. Application and agreement on the transfer of pensions to NPF Gazfond

Who could be trusted with their own pension savings, it's extremely difficult right now. Moreover, the competition in this area among organizations is simply huge. And in order to attract customers, very often many simply deceive visitors. What is Gazfond (NPF) really? Feedback about this organization from customers and employees is what will help you decide.

Maybe your funded part of your pension should really be transferred here? Or, on the contrary, never use the services of this company and look for its better analogue? Immediately understand for yourself - there is no single exact opinion. After all, how many people - so many reviews. All conclusions will have to be done independently.

What does he do?

True, in reality, this is not such a problem. After evaluating all the pros and cons of the company, everyone can make one or another conclusion for themselves. So let's start with the activities of the organization. Maybe she will scare you away.

Although, it shouldn't. After all, reviews of the NPF "Gazfond" (Russia, St. Petersburg and other cities) are left as a place that offers the population to invest and save their funded part of the pension. Of course, with its pluses - multiplication is possible cash deposits. And when the time comes, Gazfond will pay you the funds in your account as a pension. Or rather, only its cumulative part. There is nothing suspicious here. Quite a normal company that offers the necessary services to the population. This is not the Vedeno-Oyatsky Monastery, not a fraudulent organization. Which means you can trust her. This is what many clients think.

How is the employer?

What reviews does the NPF "Gazfond" receive? Sometimes, by the opinions of employees alone, one can say with accuracy how conscientious a company is. With regard to Gazfond, the situation is very ambiguous.

Why? The thing is that the majority of employees adhere to a neutral position regarding our current organization. But at the same time, personnel and applicants emphasize some of the shortcomings of the company. Yes, she also has pluses, but for some they will seem not so significant.

Among the advantages stand out stable earnings, as well as working conditions. You will work in comfortable offices. More or less stable schedule also takes place. And Gazfond is not a fraudulent company. It really exists and offers real vacancies for employment. But that's probably where the positives end.

Gazfond (NPF) does not earn the best reviews due to the fact that all employees are forced to transfer the funded part of the pension to this particular corporation. And there are even threats of dismissal. That is, the company acts by hook or by crook, honest methods of influencing employees and not so much. This is alarming - why would a conscientious firm that is popular even force someone to make deposits? Suspicious, and only!


However, this is not a reason to refuse to "communicate" with this company. NPF Gazfond earns a variety of customer reviews. And it is impossible to say for sure whether to trust him or not.

In any case, a huge role is played by the so-called. It lists all such organizations, taking into account the level of customer confidence, work stability, and popularity among visitors. And Gazfond is in the top five. It follows that we are dealing with a truly stable corporation.

By the way, she has the highest level of confidence - A ++. In any case, this is indicated by statistics. Therefore, it should be assumed that the pension fund is trustworthy. At least the minimum. This is not some small office that no one knows about, but a really large and well-known organization.


Collects and multiplies pension savings by OAO NPF Gazfond. Reviews about this organization are left by customers, as already mentioned, ambiguous. Yes, according to statistics, the level of population trust is high. Moreover, the company is among the top five NPFs in Russia. But on this important points do not end.

What else should you pay attention to? To what NPF "Gazfond" receives feedback on the profitability of the fund. This is an important point. It's not enough to save your retirement savings. Funds also offer to increase them. This means that profitability plays a huge role in the rating of the firm.

In this corporation, not too high numbers are offered. The point is that the average profitability of "Gazfond" reaches 4.17%. Not much, but it's more than many similar companies can offer. Therefore, Gazfond (NPF) receives reviews as a fund that really helps, albeit slightly, to increase pension savings.

Surprises from the company

Membership in the company requires special attention. It causes the most confusion and indignation on the part of customers. Why? All due to the fact that you can suddenly find out for yourself that yours is already in Gazfond, even though you personally did not apply there. How does it work?

Gazfond enters into transactions with various employers, as a result of which all employees of the company become investors. Their personal presence, as well as consent, is not required. Thus, unsuspecting citizens keep the funded part of the pension in the Gazfond. When checking this information pops up. The fund itself allows you to refuse membership without any problems, but your employer is unlikely to agree. This is the picture that practice shows.


But if you independently decided to become a contributor, no problems, negative or negative sides you won't find. Moreover, NPF "Gazfond" receives positive customer reviews for its conditions, which it offers to all visitors.

The contract is drawn up taking into account and indicating all the rules of the emerging relationship. In addition, you are given the opportunity to change the pension fund to some other one at any time upon a personal application. It turns out that customers are not burdened with anything. They can freely choose where to keep their pension savings. And this, of course, pleases. In any case, at the very beginning of membership.

harsh reality

But in practice, a different picture emerges. It pushes many people away from the fund. How are things really going with Gazfond? Not in the best way. After all, despite the proposed terms of cooperation, you do not get anything special. Just an extra headache. That's what some clients say.

Where does this statement come from? All this is due to the fact that, in fact, Gazfond will not let you easily change the storage fund. To achieve your goal, you will have to write an application for the transfer of funds several times. It can be said that justice must be sought "with a fight."

It also turns out that Gazfond often has problems with the payment of pension savings that are already on the account. Sometimes citizens wait for their money for 2-3 months. This is normal for this non-state pension fund. And not only for Gazfond, but also for other similar corporations. Delays in payments, although repulsive, are present everywhere in Russia.

Glory laurels

Only here "Gazfond" (NPF) reviews earn mostly positive. Where do they come from, if in fact the company does not have many advantages? And the population tends to warn more about negative aspects than about positive ones.

Everything is extremely simple - praise for the pension fund is bought. People were paid positive reviews that could attract new customers. This is a normal phenomenon that has long been used by all organizations - both scammers and bona fide firms.

Is it worth trusting Gazfond? It's up to you to decide. In any case, one should not trust the opinions pointing to the ideal position of the fund in the services market. Yes, this is a company that will not be closed, it is unlikely to go bankrupt. Therefore, she deserves a minimum of trust.

RIA Rating - June 28. The pension savings market continued to develop actively in the first quarter of 2018, however, the growth rate slowed down significantly. This is evidenced by the results of the rating of non-state pension funds in Russia for the first quarter of 2018, prepared by RIA Rating experts based on data from the Central Bank of Russia. The increase in the total amount of pension savings of NPFs in January-March was at the level of 8.2% against 11.2% in January-March 2017 and 15.8% in the first quarter of 2016. Thus, relative to the result of 2016, the growth slowed down by almost 2 times. In absolute terms, the volume of pension savings in 2018 increased by 200 billion rubles, and as of April 1, amounted to 2.6 trillion rubles. At the same time, the total amount of assets at the disposal of all NPFs exceeded 4 trillion rubles, which is comparable to the size of the assets of the fourth largest bank in Russia - Rosselkhozbank.

According to RIA Rating experts, a significant decrease in the growth rate of NPF savings in the first quarter of 2018 is due to several factors. First, the reduction interest rates in the economy reduces the growth of savings due to the capitalization of investment income. Secondly, a significant number of citizens have already transferred their funded pensions to NPFs, and therefore the potential base of new clients is becoming smaller, and the savings of the remaining clients are often small. Thirdly, the freezing of funded pensions continues.

At the same time, pension reserves are growing at a slower pace - by 2.8% or by 33 billion rubles in the first quarter of 2018. In general, the volume of voluntary savings in NPFs at the beginning of the second quarter of 2018 amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles.

The number of clients who entrusted the formation of pension savings to non-state pension funds grew relatively well in the first quarter, and is comparable to the increase in pension savings. Thus, according to the results of January-March, the number of people who chose NPFs to place their funded pension increased by 8% or 2.7 million people. Thus, as part of the mandatory funded pension system, as of April 1, 37 million people are served in the NPF. For comparison, as of April 1, 2017, there were 34 million such people, and in the first quarter of 2016 - 29 million. At the same time, non-state pension provision clients increased by 2.6% in the first quarter to 6.2 million participants (excluding solidarity accounts). In general, the trend towards increasing confidence of working citizens in their future pensions non-state funds continues.

Funds continued to grow

To assess the situation in the context of individual funds, the RIA Rating agency conducted an analysis and prepared a rating of Russian NPFs in terms of pension savings and pension reserves as of April 1, 2018. The rating presents data on 66 non-state pension funds of Russia as of April 1, 2018 (38 funds worked with savings, and 62 funds worked with pension reserves), the statements of which were published by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

According to the results of the study, as of April 1, 38 NPFs remained in the rating in terms of savings. For comparison, in the rating as of April 1, 2017 there were 41 of them, and according to the results of the first quarter of 2016 - 61. At the same time, against the background of a decrease in the number of funds, they are becoming larger. In particular, in the current rating, the TOP-5 largest NPFs account for 68% of total pension savings against 57% and 55% as of April 1, 2017 and 2016. Whereas the share of the TOP-10 in terms of savings over 12 months increased from 84% as of April 1, 2017 to 93% in the current rating (81% as of April 1, 2016). Thus, in the NPF market, there is a similar financial markets a tendency to reduce players and enlarge the remaining ones.

Also, an increase in the median size of the fund's savings testifies to the consolidation of funds. Thus, in the rating based on the results of the first quarter, the average size of the fund amounted to 69.3 billion rubles, while on the same date of the previous year it was 57.7 billion rubles, and according to the results of January-March 2016 - 32.7 billion rubles. At the same time, the number of the largest funds, the savings of which exceed 100 billion rubles, has not changed over two years, and remains equal to 8. In turn, the number of funds with savings of more than 10 billion rubles has decreased to 15 funds in the current rating against 18 funds on April 1 of the last year and 20 funds as of April 1, 2016.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2018, the composition of the top ten largest NPFs in terms of pension savings did not change, but was significantly transformed. In particular, among the TOP-10 funds, half managed to maintain their positions compared to January 1, 2018. The top five retained their positions in full force: NPF Sberbank - first place, NPF GAZFOND pension savings - second, NPF FUTURE - third, NPF LUKOIL-GARANT and NPF SAFMAR - fourth and fifth places respectively. Whereas NPF "RGS", NPF "Doverie" and "NPF of electric power industry" were characterized by a decrease in positions in the top ten. It is worth noting that all three funds dropped one position each, and in the first quarter they are ranked 7th, 9th and 10th, respectively. Whereas NPF VTB Pension Fund and NPF Soglasie-OPS managed to strengthen their positions, moving up one and two positions to 6th and 8th respectively.

According to the study, the leader in terms of pension savings in the NPF rating as of April 1 was Sberbank NPF, whose total savings amounted to 561 billion rubles. Thus, in the first quarter of 2018, the fund retained its leading position, which it has held for 12 consecutive quarters. The second in terms of the size of pension savings with the amount of savings in the amount of 494 billion rubles was NPF GAZFOND pension savings. Closes the top three largest funds NPF "FUTURE", whose savings is at the level of 300 billion rubles.

It should be noted that NPF Sberbank became the leader not only in terms of the amount of pension savings, but also in terms of absolute growth. The increase in the filling of this fund amounted to 91 billion rubles (+19.4%). Thus, the result of the leader provided more than 45% of the increase in the total volume of pension savings of all funds. At the same time, in relative terms, the growth was also very good and became the 6th result among all funds in the rating. Next in terms of growth in absolute terms are NPF VTB Pension Fund and NPF GAZFOND Pension Savings, whose pension savings grew by 43 and 36 billion rubles. At the same time, the fact that NPF VTB Pension Fund ranks 6th in the rating in terms of the size of pension savings, and 4th in terms of growth rates among all NPFs, is striking.

By the number of insured persons under the mandatory pension insurance NPF Sberbank is also in the lead with the number of clients as of April 1 at the level of 8.9 million people. At the same time, the increase in customers in the first quarter of 2018 amounted to an impressive 2.1 million people, or 30.2% (75% of the total increase). The second in the ranking in terms of the number of insured persons was NPF GAZFOND pension savings, which served 6.3 million people. The increase in the number of people insured by this fund for three months amounted to only 120 thousand people, or 1.9%. The third, fourth and fifth in terms of the number of clients were: NPF FUTURE, NPF LUKOIL-GARANT and NPF RGS, with 4.5, 3.4 and 3 million people insured in the first quarter, respectively. At the same time, the number of clients increased at NPF FUTURE in the first quarter by 90 thousand people, while at NPF LUKOIL-GARANT and NPF RGS it decreased by 98 and 137 thousand people, respectively. In general, according to the results of the first quarter, only 17 funds were characterized by an increase in the number of clients.

Several fairly large funds have a noticeable disproportion between the number of clients and the amount of funds raised. Among the largest such funds are three: NPF VTB Pension Fund, NPF SAFMAR and NPF GAZFOND Pension Savings. These funds have a relatively small number of insured persons, but at the same time, the amount of savings is quite significant. These funds are likely to attract mostly wealthy clients.

In terms of pension reserves, a virtual duopoly has formed on the market. The two largest funds account for 63% of all reserves, and each of them thus controls almost a third of the market. The leaders in the market of non-state savings for pensioners are NPF GAZFOND and NPF BLAGOSOSTOYANIE. With a noticeable margin in 3-5 places are: NPF "Transneft", NPF "NEFTEGARANT-NPO" and NPF of the electric power industry. In total, the top five NPFs in the pension reserves market control 78% of clients' funds, thus, the concentration in terms of reserves is significantly higher than in the pension savings market.

The yield of most NPFs turned out to be significantly higher than inflation

The profitability of NPFs is declining, but continues to remain at a good level. In particular, according to the results of the first quarter of 2018, the median profitability of NPFs from the savings management rating was 8%, against 8.3% in the first quarter of 2017 and 10.5% in January-March 2016. The median return on investment in reserves is slightly lower - 6.5%, which is largely due to higher remuneration for transactions and overall management of the fund. At the same time, 33 out of 38 funds managing pension savings and 52 out of 62 funds with pension reserves demonstrated returns above the inflation rate (1.2%). Thus, it can be stated that Russian funds worked well.

The highest return on savings in January-March 2018, according to the data of the Bank of Russia, was characterized by NPF GAZFOND pension savings, which occupies the 2nd place in the rating in terms of savings. The return on his investments for the three months of 2018 was 17.1%. It is worth noting that the profitability of investing pension savings over 10% in January-March was mainly demonstrated by medium and small funds. At the same time, among the largest NPFs from the top ten, NPF Sberbank - 10.6% and NPF Soglasie-OPS - 10.5% were characterized by high profitability. In terms of reserves, the highest profitability in the first quarter was observed at the NPF of the electric power industry (+23.4%) and at the NPF Stroykompleks (+18.4%). A further 12 other funds posted returns above 10% on reserves in the first quarter of 2018.

In the period from January 1, 2013 to April 1, 2018, NPF GAZFOND pension savings was characterized by the highest profitability of pension savings - the profitability of its investments for this period amounted to 82.3% (average annual rate - 12.1%). NPF Volga-Capital and NPF Soglasie-OPS are in second and third place in terms of return on investment, which were able to increase the savings of their clients by 72.5% (10.9% on average per year) and 71.6%, respectively (10 ,8%). In general, the return on savings over the past five years was above 65% (more than 10% of the average annual return) shown by 12 NPFs, and above 50% (more than 8% of the average annual return) were able to demonstrate 25 funds.

RIA Rating is a universal rating agency media group MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, economic condition companies, banks, industries, countries. The main activities of the agency are: the creation of ratings for the regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, valuable papers, other economic objects; complex economic research in the financial, corporate and government sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" is an international media group whose mission is prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating as part of MIA Rossiya Segodnya is included in the line information resources agencies, including also: RIA Novosti, R-Sport, RIA Real Estate, Prime, InoSMI. MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in terms of citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also occupies a leading position in terms of citation in Russian in social networks and the blogosphere.

Hundreds of non-state pension funds operate legally in Russia, offering citizens to transfer their savings. NPF "GAZFOND" is one of the oldest in the market, it is known for its high quality of service and regular payments both in the Russian Federation and in other countries. There are more than 200 branches in Russia, in each of which employees accept applications from citizens. About NPF Founded in 1994 year NPF GAZFOND is subordinate to OAO Gazprombank and its subsidiaries located throughout the country. Clients can use the services compulsory insurance as well as pensions. The Fund is a member of the international association of NPF Russell 2020 and is a co-founder of NPF organizations. Initially, only Gazprom employees and their close relatives could use the fund's services.

Pension reserves

Finally, it is worth noting that the amount of the fund's pension reserves is regularly increasing. In 2007, the amount of reserves amounted to 262,663 thousand rubles.

In turn, in 2016 this figure reached 372,000 thousand rubles. Gazfond statistics for 2016

  • The number of participants in NPF GAZFOND is 246,610 people.
  • Of these, 159,713 people (64.76%) are pensioners.
  • The total amount of pension reserves is 372,203 million rubles.
  • The average size of non-state NPF pensions GAZFOND - 8,490 rubles.
  • Pension payments for the year - 15,570 million rubles.
  • Pension payments in an increasing stack - 98,808 million rubles.

Reviews about Gazfond After analyzing the reviews of pension savings in OAO NPF Gazfond, we can conclude that comments from customers are divided into two opposite sides.

The former speak positively, while the latter are sharply negative.

NPF Gazfond - rating, customer reviews and profitability of pension savings

The advantages include:

  1. Possibility to replenish the account with any possible way, including with the help of withholding part of the salary, through another bank, any bank terminal, online on the website or in person at the branch.
  2. Make every year tax deduction from contributions.
  3. Choose any pension scheme, change it at any time.
  4. Transfer funds to heirs or close relatives.
  5. Break the contract in unilaterally at the discretion of the applicant, having received the accumulated interest on the account and all contributions.
  6. Use Personal Area, receive any information about a personal account within a few minutes, keep a record of the receipt of funds.

Judging by customer reviews, the main disadvantage is the profitability of the fund. In 2018, it is about 4%; an increase is not expected in 2019.

Profitability to accrue to personal pension accounts

To ensure a high level of the rating of profitability of pension savings, Gazfond uses the following principles:

  1. Optimal ratio of risks and profitability. Thanks to this strategy, clients are guaranteed the safety of deposits and their increase.
  2. Information openness by providing access to the "Client's Personal Account".
  3. Diversification of financial resources - capital investment in profitable industries economy.

Profitability of the Gazfond An agreement with non-state pension funds is a long-term deal, therefore it is rational to consider the profitability in dynamics.

The most important and interesting about NPF Gazfond


It should be noted that according to the results of 2016, Vnesheconombank (VEB) managed to achieve a return on investment of citizens' pension savings at the level of 11.72% for the government securities portfolio, and 10.16% for the expanded portfolio. You can view (download) detailed information on the profitability of NPFs based on the results of 2016 at the link below the table.

Key performance indicators of non-state pension funds on compulsory pension insurance for 2016 No. persons. Name of NPF Pension savings (thousand rubles, market value) *** Number of insured persons (persons) Number of insured persons receiving a pension (one-time payments, urgent payments, funded part labor pension) (persons)**** OPS pension payments (one-time payments, urgent payments, funded part of labor pension) (thousand rubles)

Profitability of NPF based on the results of 2016

Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the NPF Gazfond, based on customer reviews of the non-state pension fund Gazfond: Positive qualities

  • Customers note the high quality of service.
  • Many branches of the fund in all corners of Russia (more than 200).
  • Non-state pension fund "Gazfond" operates on Russian market since 1994, what to say about the stability of the enterprise.
  • A huge level of public confidence is caused by the fact that Gazfond is a subsidiary of Gazprom.
  • The foundation's website has detailed information and all financial indicators that determine the degree of reliability and profitability of the enterprise (for example, annual financial statements).

Negative points

  • Most of the criticism in the reviews is addressed to the process of terminating the contract with the NPF.

Interest rate of return of NPF Gazfond 17

Atomfond 5,328,410.50 48,434 9,464 63,446.69 10.18,440 Joint-Stock Company Non-State Pension Fund Kapitan 583,512.45 5,067,607 32,096.77 9.54,441 Joint Stock Company Non-State Pension Fund Ingosstrakh-Pensia 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 year: npf-2016.xls (downloads: 187) View the file "npf-2016.xls" online Viewing is carried out using the Google Docs Viewer service Rate the usefulness of the article! For insured persons Yield of asset management companies at the end of 2016 Yield from investing pension savings placed in private management companies (MC) at the end of 2016 averaged Yield of Vnesheconombank (VEB) at the end of 2016 Vnesheconombank published information on the profitability of investing pension funds savings at the end of 2016.

Gazfond (NPF): returns on profitability

It varies depending on the economic situation in the country and, taking into account inflation in 2018, is 4%. The savings of customers grow by this amount every year. How to transfer In any division of Gazprombank, you can sign an agreement on the transfer of savings to NPFs.


Registration takes up to 10 minutes and does not require special papers. Employees are requested to bring mobile phone, confirmation of the transition will be sent to the number.

All services are provided free of charge. If there is no branch at the place of residence of a citizen, you can send copies of documents certified by a notary to the address Moscow, st. Sergei Makeev, d.13.

Rating of the best NPFs in Russia in 2017: which fund to choose among all

  • Number of NPF members - 246,610 people;
  • The market share was 6.38%.
  • If we talk about the company itself, then it is very large - in terms of its coverage, it is always among the 10 largest in Russia. The same applies to reliability - in the ratings of NPF Gazfond, it certainly occupies high places, which suggests that this fund can be safely entrusted with its cash.

    You may also be interested in the indicators for accrual to personal pension accounts, which depends on the chosen scheme: These figures indicate a competent investment policy of Gazfond, as well as high profitability, which covered inflation indicators for 2018. You can find all the necessary information on the official website of the fund at the link gazfond.ru, phone hotline: 8 800 700 8383.

    If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link.

Gas fund yield today

Lump sum Citizens whose savings amount is less than 5% of the pension can count on a lump sum payment. As a rule, citizens born in 1953-1966 and 1957-1966 fall into this category, since it took them only 3 years to accumulate a pension (from 2002 to 2004).

In addition to the above persons, citizens who:

  • have reached the established retirement age;
  • receive any type of disability pension;
  • receive survivor benefits;
  • did not gain the required number of years of service to receive an old-age labor pension.

The main condition is participation in the funded scheme for any period of time. Should I translate: pros and cons Before signing an agreement with the fund, it is recommended to consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

  • The presence of the service "Personal account".
  • Convenient site for users.
  • Transparency of the fund's activities.
  • As for the minuses, the insured persons highlight such disadvantages as:
  1. Poor quality of service in the branches of the company, including excessive importunity.
  2. Often, there is no staff in Gazfond's offices for a number of reasons, which causes dissatisfaction among customers.
  3. An extract on the status of an individual account can only be obtained by personally contacting a branch or through the “Personal Account” service.
  4. Delays in pension payments for 2-3 months.

We recommend a short video about the advantages of NPF Gazfond: Based on the information provided, we can conclude that NPF Gazfond is a steadily growing enterprise that, before the “freeze” of pension savings, actively increased part of the pension for citizens of the country.

JSC NPF GAZFOND Pension Savings was established as a result of the reorganization of NPF GAZFOND in the form of a spin-off of a non-profit pension fund with its simultaneous transformation into a joint-stock pension fund. The Fund is the assignee of the rights and obligations of the Non-State Pension Fund "GAZFOND" for compulsory pension insurance from 06/10/2014. The Fund is also the universal assignee of CJSC KITFinance NPF, CJSC NPF Naslediye and CJSC NPF Promagrofond, affiliated to it, for all claims and obligations against third parties, including all creditors (including insured persons, depositors and participants ) and debtors, including claims and obligations disputed by the parties from 04/04/2017.

JSC "NPF GAZFOND pension savings" carries out activities on compulsory pension insurance and non-state pension provision. The sole shareholder of the NPF is KIT Finance Pension Administrator (LLC). Since 2015, the Fund has been included in the register of Funds - participants in the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons.

Confirmation of the maximum level of the Fund's rating is due to the strengthening of high market positions in the mandatory pension insurance segment and reaching high positions in non-state pension provision in 2017 due to the addition of funds, as well as the positive dynamics of indicators due to the organic development of the Fund. The investment policy of the Fund is balanced, the assets are placed in high quality liquid instruments. The rating takes into account the long and successful history of the Fund, support from shareholders, high operational standards of activity and corporate governance, and a high level of organization of the risk management system.

The volume of the Fund's assets for 9 months of 2017 increased by 182% (+306.55 billion rubles) amounting to 474.76 billion rubles. According to this indicator, the Fund ranked 2nd with a market share of 12.65%. The growth was mainly due to the merger of funds that took place in the second quarter of 2017. The amount of capital increased by more than 7 times and amounted to 40.1 billion rubles as of September 30, 2017.

The volume of pension savings of citizens as of September 30, 2017 amounted to 443.36 billion rubles, the number of insured persons was 6.23 million people. For 9 months of 2017, the amount of pension savings increased by 173% (+281 billion rubles), the number of insured persons who entrusted NPF GAZFOND pension savings JSC with the formation of their funded pension increased by 4,892,954 people (+365%).

According to the results of the third quarter of 2017, the amount of pension reserves increased to 16.9 billion rubles, and the number of participants to 152,741 people.

Pension funds were transferred to three management companies: LLC Management Company"AGANA", JSC UK "Progressive investment ideas and TKB Investment Partners (JSC). The Fund constantly monitors financial condition and results of the activities of the Criminal Code.

The Fund's activity is profitable. According to RAS reporting for 9 months of 2017, the Fund's total income amounted to 18.1 billion rubles. (income from investment activity─ 20.49 billion rubles).

The profitability accrued to the accounts of insured persons at the end of 2016 amounted to 11.03%.

Natalia Soboleva

The rating assessment is based on the analysis of financial and non-financial information provided to the Agency by the rated entity. In the process of analysis, the Agency also uses other financial and non-financial information obtained in a legal way from public and other sources that the Agency considers reliable.

Additional information is available on the website

The results of the Agency's analytical work, including the assigned ratings and the information contained in this press release, represent the independent opinion of the Agency as of the date of their preparation and do not constitute a statement of fact or a recommendation to make any investment decisions or conduct transactions in the securities market. The Agency is not responsible for the consequences of using the opinions and/or information contained in this press release.

The Agency receives information from sources that it believes to be reliable, however, it cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy, completeness and reliability of such information, since it does not audit and does not assume the obligation to conduct a comprehensive check or independent verification of the information received.

Hundreds of non-state pension funds operate legally in Russia, offering citizens to transfer their savings. NPF "GAZFOND" is one of the oldest in the market, it is known for its high quality of service and regular payments both in the Russian Federation and in other countries. There are more than 200 branches in Russia, in each of which employees accept applications from citizens. About NPF Founded in 1994, NPF GAZFOND is subordinated to OAO Gazprombank and its subsidiaries located throughout the country. Clients can use the services of compulsory insurance, as well as pension provision. The Fund is a member of the international association of NPF Russell 2020 and is a co-founder of NPF organizations. Initially, only Gazprom employees and their close relatives could use the fund's services.

Pension reserves

  • Number of NPF members - 246,610 people;
  • The market share was 6.38%.
  • If we talk about the company itself, then it is very large - in terms of its coverage, it is always among the 10 largest in Russia. The same applies to reliability - in the ratings of NPF "Gazfond" certainly takes high places, which suggests that this fund can be safely entrusted with your money. You may also be interested in the indicators for accrual to personal pension accounts, which depends on the chosen scheme: These figures indicate a competent investment policy of Gazfond, as well as high profitability, which covered inflation indicators for 2018.

    You can find all the necessary information on the official website of the fund at the link gazfond.ru, hotline phone: 8 800 700 8383. If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link.

NPF Gazfond - rating, customer reviews and profitability of pension savings

The maximum possible contribution is 120 thousand rubles. in year.

  • Make adjustments to the current agreement with NPF Gazfond if you wish to change the amount of contributions or the conditions for receiving them.
  • Possibility to terminate the contract with the non-state pension fund at any time. At the same time, you will be reimbursed for the paid contributions. In addition, you will receive accrued profitability for the period of the contract.
  • Receive complete and reliable information about the state of the nominal pension account on the Gazfond website in the "client's personal account".

Rating and profitability of pension savings Reliability of NPFs The main indicator of non-state pension funds is the reliability rating. In 2017, the RAEX rating agency determined the reliability level of NPF Gazfond.
According to the results of the audit, the organization received an A++ rating, which means the highest level of reliability.

Profitability to accrue to personal pension accounts

The fund was assessed by the National Rating Agency, which assigned the level of reliability at the level of "AAA" (the highest rating). In addition, the organization received a positive forecast for the subsequent dynamics of development. To ensure a high level of the rating of profitability of pension savings, Gazfond uses the following principles:

  1. Optimal ratio of risks and profitability. Thanks to this strategy, clients are guaranteed the safety of deposits and their increase.
  2. Information openness by providing access to the "Client's Personal Account".
  3. Diversification of financial resources - capital investment in profitable sectors of the economy.

Profitability of the Gazfond An agreement with non-state pension funds is a long-term deal, therefore it is rational to consider the profitability in dynamics.

Gas fund yield today

When concluding a contract, a minimum package of documents is required. Fund employees advise potential clients on available pension schemes. Then it is enough to make the first deposit, and the account is opened.

The fund works only non-cash payment. The client has several options to make transactions:

  • across online system any bank;
  • Bank transaction;
  • at the terminal of Gazprombank;
  • withhold a portion of your monthly salary.

The Foundation also offers the following services:

  1. Annually receive a tax deduction from paid contributions (13%, up to 120,000 rubles).
  2. Inherit another client's funds if the person is a close relative.
  3. Register in your personal account and receive data on savings without leaving your home.

What percentage On average, the return of the fund is 8%.

NPF Gazfond

Lump sum Citizens whose savings amount is less than 5% of the pension can count on a lump sum payment. As a rule, citizens born in 1953-1966 and 1957-1966 fall into this category, since it took them only 3 years to accumulate a pension (from 2002 to 2004). In addition to the above persons, citizens who:

  • have reached the established retirement age;
  • receive any type of disability pension;
  • receive survivor benefits;
  • did not gain the required number of years of service to receive an old-age labor pension.

The main condition is participation in the funded scheme for any period of time.

Should I translate: pros and cons Before signing an agreement with the fund, it is recommended to consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Interest rate of return of NPF Gazfond 17

  1. Poor quality of service in the branches of the company, including excessive importunity.
  2. Often, there is no staff in Gazfond's offices for a number of reasons, which causes dissatisfaction among customers.
  3. An extract on the status of an individual account can only be obtained by personally contacting a branch or through the “Personal Account” service.
  4. Delays in pension payments for 2-3 months.

We recommend a short video about the advantages of NPF Gazfond: Based on the information provided, we can conclude that NPF Gazfond is a steadily growing enterprise that, before the “freeze” of pension savings, actively increased part of the pension for citizens of the country.

Profitability of the funded part of NPF Gazfond for 2018

The advantages include:

  1. The ability to replenish the account in any possible way, including withholding part of the salary, through another bank, any bank terminal, online on the website or in person at the branch.
  2. Make a tax deduction from contributions every year.
  3. Choose any pension scheme, change it at any time.
  4. Transfer funds to heirs or close relatives.
  5. Terminate the contract unilaterally at the discretion of the applicant, having received the interest accumulated on the account and all contributions.
  6. Use your personal account, receive any information about your personal account within a few minutes, keep a record of the receipt of funds.

Judging by customer reviews, the main disadvantage is the profitability of the fund. In 2018, it is about 4%; an increase is not expected in 2019.

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