
Rating of the profitability of the NPF Russia. Reliability of non-state pension funds Non-state pension fund SafarMar rating

The return on pension savings in 2019 will be from 6% to 8%.

One of the serious criteria when choosing a fund is its level of profitability. This factor has formed a rating of statistics Top 30 NPF leaders in 2019.

30-ka NPF Leaders 2019 Income since the beginning of the year,%
1 9.12
2 NPF Consent-OPS (AO) 6.83
3 6.82
4 NPF Diamond Autumn (JSC) 6.81
5 NPF VTB Pension Fund (JSC) 6.81
6 NPF UGMK Perspective (AO) 6.62
7 NPF Neftegarant (AO) 6.44
8 6.36
9 NPF Surgutneftegaz (JSC) 6.27
10 NPF Consent (JSC) 6.05
11 NPF Defense Industrial Foundation. V.V. Livanova (AO) NPF Sberbank (JSC) 5.83
12 NPF Construction Complex (AO) 5.76
13 Khanty-Mansiysk NPF (JSC) 5.73
14 NPF Vladimir (JSC) 5.47
15 NPF Transneft (AO) 5.17
16 MNPF Akvilon (OJSC) 5.11
17 National NPF (AO) 4.93
18 NPF Rostvertol 4.69
19 NPF GEFEST (JSC) 4.49
20 AtFond (AO) 4.30
21 NPF Federation (JSC) 4.20
22 ONPF Trust (CJSC) 4.11
23 NPF Volga-Capital (JSC) 3.96
24 NPF Socium (JSC) 3.85
25 NPF Alliance (JSC) 3.74
26 NPF ROSTEKH (AO) 3.02
27 NPF Professional (OJSC) 2.93
28 MNPF "Big" (JSC) 2.61
29 NPF Magnet (JSC) 2.15
30 NPF SafarMa (JSC) 1.15

NPF Ranking in 2019

Analysts to identify the best NPF of Russia assesses the degree of their reliability. For this purpose, the investment method is investigated, its validity, the state of the company is analyzed today, its development prospects. According to these criteria, NPF leaders 2019 Top-30 look like this.

NPF statistics data for 30.09.2018

NPF Pension savings (thousand rubles) Market share, %
1 538 705 020.74 21.43
2 NPF Opening (AO) 486 260 049.40 19.35
3 NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation (AO) 458 370 285.06 18.24
4 NPF Future (JSC) 292 031 831.14 11.62
5 NPF SafarMa (JSC) 179 712 373.98 7.15
6 NPF VTB Pension Fund (JSC) 178 328 357.18 7.10
7 NPF Consent-OPS (AO) 106 149 765.54 4.22
8 NPF Trust (JSC) 90 498 752.92 3.60
9 MNPF "Big" (JSC) 35 733 910.95 1.42
10 NPF Socium (JSC) 16 599 883.25 0.66
11 National NPF (AO) 16 157 986.88 0.64
12 Khanty-Mansiysk NPF (JSC) 13 577 262.09 0.54
13 NPF Magnet (JSC) 11 509 336.38 0.46
14 NPF Transneft (AO) 8 825 481.52 0.35
15 NPF Surgutneftegaz (JSC) 8 611 084.30 0.34
16 NPF UGMK Perspective (AO) 8 405 857.22 0.33
17 NPF Neftegarant (AO) 6 996 827.79 0.28
18 AtFond (AO) 6 495 832.06 0.26
19 NPF Social Development (AO) 6 385 857.10 0.25
20 ONPF Trust (CJSC) 6 028 673.99 0.24
21 NPF Federation (JSC) 4 894 806.25 0.19
22 NPF Education (JSC) 4 887 532.32 0.19
23 NPF Defense Industrial Foundation. V.V. Livanova (JSC) 4 566 847.21 0.18
24 NPF Volga-Capital (JSC) 4 227 599.59 0.17
25 NPF Diamond Autumn (JSC) 3 400 304.24 0.14
26 NPF GEFEST (JSC) 2 789 011.65 0.11
27 NPF Construction Complex (AO) 2 652 886.73 0.11
28 NPF Vladimir (JSC) 1 815 668.59 0.07
29 NPF First Industrial Alliance (AO) 1 647 139.11 0.07
30 NPF Telecom Union (JSC) 1 508 521.87 0.06

Overview of key indicators of NPF (Bank of Russia, 2nd quarter 2017) -

The largest merger is prepared in the NPF market

NPF reliability rating for 2019 from the credit rating agency "Expert RA"

In the media, the Internet contains a lot of information about the mechanism for the formation of two parts of pension savings. Most citizens have already figured out that they have the opportunity to increase their welfare when the occurrence of disabled age through the competent placement of the accumulative part. However, the desire to understand what kind of non-commercial pension fund their capital can work productively, many people occur. One of the landmarks when choosing the NPF is the NPF rating that is created by independent companies. It is worth carefully approaching the foundation to choose, correctly evaluate all the indicators of their work by drawing attention to the NPF rating in 2018 and 2019.

Non-state pension funds (NPF) in Russia

Before proceeding with the choice of NPF, which you trust, it is worth dealing with what kind of organization is what the specifics of their activities are. These are organizations that are engaged in beneficial investment of depositors to various projects. From how correctly finance will be invested, the degree of increasing capital depends. Funds are not engaged in manufacturing products. For most part, the organizations themselves are not disposed of funds, entrust this work of a specialized management company.

Non-state pension funds can be created directly to work with accumulative parts of pension funds. They create some major firms for their own employees. But since the funds are not closed organizations, unauthorized persons can also become their depositors. The advantage of such NPF is control over the investment by trade unions.

European Pension Fund You can consider one of the most popular options. It is the high degree of profitability that led to the creation of a solid base of depositors. This organization has more than a million clients who have confessed their accumulative contributions. European service standards are practiced in the fund, customers have the opportunity to open the cabinet, track the movement of personal finance. It is possible to remove funds to another fund in case of bankruptcy.

The high interest rate is established for insurers inserting the cumulative part in "Surgutnhegaz". Payments at rates are carried out in a timely manner, the organization works more than two decades, confirmed its reliability.

According to its history, Surgutnhegaz is not inferior to the rating leader. This NPF has been awarded the highest estimates of experts in its level of profitability and the degree of reliability.

Foundation differs in solid profitability "Welfare". For 15 years, he managed to prove his ability to competently, successfully invest depositors. The number of clients of the organization exceeds a million, they all receive payments on time.

NPF "Welfare" received according to the degree of reliability among experts assessment A ++. This is one of the best indicators for this criterion.

Qualified experts assigned the highest degree of reliability of the organization "National NPF". She is over 17 years old, the amount of savings is about two billion rubles. The foundation is a member of the state co-financing program, which allows depositors to double their pension funds.

W. European pension fund Solid work experience. For 20 years, he managed to prove his ability to prove his ability to successfully invest funds, ensure the timeliness of payments to its customers. The reliability of the Fund is provided by the transparency of its work, the possibility at any time to receive accurate data on the movement of finance on the account.

Top advantages NPF "Education" There are three pension schemes: lifelong, temporary (2-30 years), solidarity.

Defense Industrial Fund You can consider the ideal choice for those who prefer conservative, reliable options. This financial investment policy provides reliable income.

NPF Sberbank

Many future pensioners prefer to trust their accumulative proposals of NPF Sberbank Pension. The main stimulating factor in this case is the state security of finance. Sberbank offers several ways to accumulate pension funds.

Mandatory insurance makes it possible to increase the accumulative shares of pensions due to permanent deductions. For clients planning to maintain the current level of income at retirement age, individual options are developed. Corporate programs are provided for increasing business productivity.


NPF "LUKOIL-GARANT" works more than 20 years. An organization has been created to preserve and increase the funds of employees of the concern. The work of the Fund is fully controlled by the trade union of the company, which eliminates the leakage of funds, cases of short-sighted investment of finance.

NPF "Trust"

NPF "Trust" was created 18 years ago. The founders are organizations participating in the economic life of the Nizhny Novgorod region, solid banks. The fund participates in the co-financing program, which allows to significantly increase the accumulative pension part. Guarantees are provided by the complete control of the Action of the FIU.

NPF "Consent"

The "Consent" Foundation is the legal successor of OJSC NPF "Consent". Qualified experts give a high assessment of the organization's work on the criteria of profitability, stability, the profitability of investing customer funds. The fund was halved to increase the figures that the predecessor were.

NPF "European"

In any ranking of the NPF Russia, the European Foundation occupies one of the leading positions. Such popularity is due to the high reliability of its work, confirmed by two decades of activity, during which customers are clearly listed by the promised finances. The transparency of the organization's work is ensured by the possibility of depositors to monitor the movement of finances in the Personal Account. The organization is included in the state co-financing program. The NPF takes maternal capital to increase the accumulative pension parts, practices the development of individual pension plans, consulting, planning upcoming pension payments, providing customers with ideal conditions.

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The choice of a non-state pension fund, which can be entrusted with retirement - is not a simple matter. Of course, it is possible to act conservatively and either at all not to choose any NPF, entrustocent of money by the State Fund, or choose one hundred percently reliable semi-state NPF like NPF Sberbank, where the yield is not so high, but there are almost complete confidence that the fund will not disappear anywhere. And although with the so-called frost of retirement savings of Russians, this question has become much less relevant, after all, to understand the situation in the NPF market and be able to navigate in non-state funds needed. It is better to understand the effectiveness of the NPF operation and their reliability helps authoritative ratings drawn up, including according to the main regulator - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. We will get acquainted with the ratings of the NPF of Russia 2017-2018 on reliability and profitability, based on the statistics of the Central Bank of Russia and the conclusions of independent experts.

NPF Russia: rating of the best funds for profitability in 2017-2018

NPF Russia: rating of the best funds for reliability in 2017-2018

Of course, in such things as the accumulation of pension funds, not less (if no more) is important and rating of reliability of funds. Money on retirement accumulate for decades, and I want to understand that the NPF, in which the funds are invested, is quite reliable and will not disappear at some point nowhere.

Actually, the Russian regulator, the central bank, is not drawn by such ratings, but there is a Raex agency rating ("Expert RA"), which is considered sufficiently reputable and not only recognized, but also recommended for the use of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As of the end of 2017 - the beginning of 2018, this rating is as follows:

Company Rating Forecast
1-7 Neftegarant ruaaa. Stable
NPF "Welfare Emisci" ruaaa. Stable
NPF Gazfond Pension Accumulation ruaaa. Stable
Gazfund ruaaa. Stable
NPF VTB Pension Fund ruaaa. Stable
NPF Sberbank ruaaa. Stable
NPF Welfare ruaaa. Stable
8 JSC "NPF" Neftegarant " ruaa +. Stable
9-13 Diamond autumn ruaa. Stable
AnomGarant ruaa. Stable
JSC "NPF Surgutneftegaz" ruaa. Stable
NPF "Alliance" ruaa. Stable
National NPF. ruaa. Stable
14-15 Large ruaa- Positive
NPF "Socium" ruaa- Stable
16 JSC "NPF Consent-OPS" rUA +. Stable
17 NPF "First Industrial Alliance" rUA Stable
18-20 Vladimir rua- Stable
Khanty-Mansiysk NPF rua- Stable
NPF "Safar" rua- Stable
21 NPF RGS rUBBB +. Stable
22 Confidence rUBBB- Stable
23 NPF "UMMC Perspective" withdrawal

The NPF in the table is grouped according to the national rating specified in a certain way, and the reliability of the funds with the same rating is about the same, therefore, let's say, the first NPF seed in the table has the same high reliability, regardless of how the funds inside this seven are located in the table. Follow the actual state of this rating you can

Citizens can keep their cumulative part of the pension both in the State Pension Fund, and translate it into non-state-NPF, which promise a higher yield. But before you decide on the translation, you need to familiarize yourself with the NPF rating and the basic criteria for the choice of the Fund.

The portal studied the NPF rating and found out what funds offer good income, which companies can be called reliable. Ratings of the leading funds, which real profitability they offer, what organizations are the most trusted Russians.

About NPF.

Non-state pension funds are non-commercial organizations that citizens trust their accumulative pensions. The NPF ensures the safety of these funds and their increase due to investment. The work of such funds is strictly regulated and monitored by the state. They are regularly verified by various departmental authorities.

Every month, your employer makes deductions to the Pension Fund 22% of the amount of accrued salary. Of these, 6% are sent to the accumulative part of the pension, which a citizen can manage - leave everything as it is, that is, to keep funds in the FIU, or translate them to the NPF. And the FIU, and the NPF "scroll" this money, protecting them in the same way from inflation and ensuring at least a small income. And if you correctly explore the rating of non-state pension funds, you can make a profitable investment. The yield of NPF is traditionally higher than in the FIU.

By law, all accumulative funds of citizens are insured. If the NPF closes, all the money will simply automatically go to the FIU. If the foundation has worked at a loss, he must refund him to citizens.

What NPF is most trusted by citizens

At the beginning of 2019, about 50 non-governmental funds are registered and officially operate in Russia and officially work, which attract pension accumulation of citizens. If you consider the NPF rating from the point of view of citizens' trust, then it will be like this:

  1. Sberbank. It takes an honorable first place of the rating, more than 8.7 million people entrusted him.
  2. Opening. It takes the second line of the ranking, more than 7.1 million people have their own accumulations.
  3. Gazfund. The well-known non-state fund, a contract with it has concluded almost 6.5 million people.
  4. Future. The next step of the Top NPF in the level of trust, with it concluded a contract of more than 4.3 million citizens.
  5. Safar. It takes the next line of the rating, it is trusted by almost 3.9 million Russians.
  6. VTB. Pension Fund of the VTB Group, 2,66 million citizens are kept here.
  7. Neftegarant, he trusts almost 1.5 million people.

These are the largest customers in Russia's non-state PF of Russia. Further, the ranking includes companies that serve less than 0.5 million Russians. NPF large - almost 430000 people, consent - 370000, trust - about 115,000, Magnet - 228000, National - 285000, Socium - almost 309,000, Education - 101000. All other NPFs can be called very small, their customers are less than 100,000 Russians. But small - does not mean low-income.

Rating of non-state pension funds of Russia for profitability

Choosing an organization to invest your pension savings, the most important thing is to look at the yield of the organization, on the dynamics of its testimony in recent years. On the Central Bank website you can find information about the profitability of the current NPF, for each year of his work.

If the NPF works efficiently and invests client funds in good assets, then the client receives income, its size of the cumulative part of the pension will increase. Accordingly, if there is no profit, then there will be no growth.

For comparison: investing in the funds of citizens who are located in the FIU itself, is engaged in WEB. According to the result, 2018, he reported on yield 6.07%.

If you explore the rating of non-state pension funds in recent years, it can be identified that over the past two years their profitability has been significantly reduced. In 2015 and 2016, many companies gave excellent indicators, in many NPF citizens' profits reached 10-12% per annum. But according to the result, 2017 and 2018 it is clear that the yield has declined significantly.

For a more objective understanding of the picture, we will draw up a rating of the NFR of Russia according to the following algorithm: in the order of descending order of profitability in the final work in the 1st quarter of 2019. To understand the dynamics of returns we will look at the profitability of the same company for 2018 and 2017.

  1. GEFEST. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 - 12.42%, according to the result, 2018 - 3.94%, according to the result, 2017 - 9.97%. This is a leading fund, but, as can be seen, its indicators cannot be called stable. The clients of this company are only 30,400 people (for the 1st quarter of 2019).
  2. Stroycomplex. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 - 5.82%, for 2018 - 3.94%, for 2017 - 7.96%. Also unstable indicators, but it is impossible to call them low for the current years. Clients of construction complex at the beginning of 2019 are 38,750 people.
  3. Surgutneftegaz. Return for the 1st quarter of 2019 - 10.67%, according to the result, 2018 - 5.32%, according to the result, 2017 - 8.74%. The current customer base is almost 38,000 people.
  4. Opening, previously, this NPF called LUKOIL Garant. Return for the 1st quarter of 2019 - 10.04%, for 2018 - minus 10.8%, for 2017 - no data. Last year, the company has experienced problems (bank sanation opening), but now the situation was leveled. The client base is more than 7.1 million Russians.
  5. Oil and Paul. The yield for the first quarter of 2019 is 9.97%, according to the result, 2018 - 5.12%, according to the result, 2017 - 8.13%. The number of customers is 1.47 million people.
  6. Khanty-Manxian NPF. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.55%, according to the final 2018 - 4.15%, according to the result, 2017 - 8.16%. The number of customers is almost 135,000 people.
  7. Sberbank. The yield for the first quarter of 2019 is 9.35%, for 2018 - 4.64%, for 2017 - 8.7%. Number of customers - 8.7 million citizens.
  8. First industrial alliance. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9.25%, according to the result, 2018 - 5.04%, according to the result, 2017 - 8.14%. Clients are 31850 Russians.
  9. UMMK perspective. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 9%, according to 2018 - 4.47%, as a result of 2017 - 9.19%. The number of customers is 92500 people.
  10. Large. The yield for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 8.79%, in 2018 - 2.21%, in 2017 - 7.16%. It serves about 430000 citizens.

Information on profitability is obtained from the official source - the information provided by the Central Bank of Russia.

Let's sum up

And what is the most interesting thing - in the ranking of the NPF on profitability there are only 4 companies that are included in the top organizations in the number of customers (NPF Sberbank, opening, oil and garagem and large). But we still specify their yield for the 1st quarter of 2019: Gazfund - 5.27%, the future - 8.72%, Safamar - 8.51%, VTB - 7.49%,

Non-state pension funds - This is a non-commercial form of social security. The main activity of these organizations is an additional pension and compulsory pension insurance carried out on a voluntary basis.

Regulation of these organizations produced by two laws:

  • of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation";
  • dated 07/05/1998 №75-ФЗ " On non-state pension funds. "

The legislation of the Russian Federation has limited the list of tools for investing NPF, which makes it possible to ensure the stability of savings growth and reduce bankruptcy risks.

The activities of these funds are carried out at a voluntary basis and includes the increase and saving pension contributions, as well as the appointment and payment of non-state savings of the Fund participants.

These organizations enable citizens to form their accumulations at the expense of the selected cumulative program. Depending on the selected fund, the interest rate investment in the accumulation used to the accumulation part varies.

How to choose a NPF to translate pension savings?

Choosing a non-state pension fund follows from those that are included in the insured persons. From this choice will depend on the amount of investment income from savings. There are a number of criteria to help in solving this task, which is worth paying attention to:

  • Year of creation - The older the foundation, the more experience. Special attention should be paid to firms that began their activities until 1998, because They survived two crisis;
  • Founders of the Foundation - The larger the founding organization, the more reliable the foundation. Data on the founders is necessarily indicated on the NPF website selected by the citizen. It should also choose from organizations that are created by industrial, heat-power, mining of mineral enterprises, as well as large banks, as a rule, these funds are most stable;
  • Degree of reliability - This indicator is calculated from several work criteria. These data are postponed annually by rating agencies such as, Expert RA, National Rating Agency;
  • Yield - Must exceed the level of inflation by several percent. This information is postponed on the website of the selected non-state pension fund, as well as rating agencies. This indicator must be viewed in several years to determine stability.
  • Transparency and openness - the presence of a personal site from the Foundation, the ability to create a personal account, fullness of these constituent and financial information.
  • Reputation of the fund - Customer reviews on forums and social networks.

How is the reliability of non-state NP?

Foundation reliability - This is guaranteed fulfillment of commitments to customers. It is estimated in the following indicators:

  • The total amount of pension reserves - shows the scale of activity and shows its solvency.
  • The authorized capital of the Fund is a guarantee of reliability, protection of the rights of participants and insured persons.
  • Experience in the market for the provision of pension services - the number of participants and dynamics of their increase or decrease.
  • The level of professionalism of the Foundation staff is its qualifications and work experience.
  • The composition of the founders - indicates proximity to the lead, financially sustainable enterprises.
  • Reputation in the market - suspension of license, balance sheet, etc.
  • The diversification of the investment portfolio is the risk allocation between investment programs.

Rating agency "Expert RA"

"Expert RA" - This is the rating agency, which is the leading analytical and communication center in Eastern Europe and the CIS, is a member of the RAEX International Group, which conducts an expert assessment and shows the degree of reliability of a particular organization. Currently, it takes the first place to assign individual ratings - more than 800, which is 46% of the total number of assigned ratings.

The specialists of the Center have developed a system for assessing a number of indicators where the degree of reliability of the company can be seen.

The main directions of its activities are:

  • compilation of company credit ratings both private and municipalities, as well as an assessment of the degree of their attractiveness;
  • study banking sphere, insurance, leasing, factoring markets, microfinance organizations and non-state pension funds;
  • formation of rating lists Companies in various branches of activity.

NPF Reliability Scale (Table)

To determine the degree of reliability, including non-state pension funds, experts "Expert RA" have developed a class system:

Ranking reliabilityDeciphering the level of reliability
A ++.Overhead NPF.
A +.Stable and reliable, the level of reputation is high enough
BUTFunds checked and reliable, but are not included in the group "Unterprovable"
In ++.Satisfactory level, have good reviews
In +.Causes doubt in some cases
INLow, no stability guarantee
C ++.Unreliable NPF, the probability of license revocation is quite high
C +.Reliability is unsatisfactory, with a very high probability of license revocation
C.Bad reputation, there are cases of non-compliance with their obligations
D.Foundation - bankrupt
E.Organizations, deprived of licenses or are in the process of liquidation
SuspendedRating is temporarily suspended
WithdrawalNo longer supported by the agency

Ranking of the NPF of Russia for Reliability in 2019

The past year for NPF was fairly favorable and at the end of 2016 the beginning of 2017 is a small, but stable growth. At the beginning of the year there are 43 funds, the leading ten practically did not change their composition:

Place in rankingName NPF.RA RAC Expert
1 JSC "NPF Neftegarant"A ++.
2 JSC NPF Gazfond Pension AccumulationA ++.
3 JSC "NPF" Welfare "A ++.
4 JSC "NPF VTB Pension Fund"A ++.
5 JSC "MNPF Big Pension Fund"A ++.
6 JSC NPF Vladimir (TNK)A ++.
7 JSC "NPF AtomGarant"A ++.
8 JSC NPF "Safar"A ++.
9 CJSC SurgutneftegazA ++.
10 OJSC NPF "RGS Rosgosstrakh Pension"A ++.

Indicator returns non-state pension funds

Along with reliability, it is customary to consider and fund yield. Perhaps the percentage of NPF yield is not a lot of subjective indicator, which is influenced by many factors: the state of the financial market, economic stability (including political), inflation, etc. However, it is primarily to navigate when choosing a NPF.

Data on profitability is also published on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

Place in rankingName NPF.Yield (at the beginning of 2017)
1 JSC "NPF" Defense and Industrial Foundation. V. V. Livanova "14,52
2 JSC "NPF" Promagroofund "14,23
3 JSC "NPF" Diamond Autumn "14,05
4 JSC "NPF" First Industrial Alliance "13,43
5 JSC "NPF" UGMK-Perspective "13,07
6 JSC NPF Telecom-Union12,81
7 JSC NPF Socium12,62
8 JSC "NPF Surgutneftegaz"12,39
9 CJSC "Kitfinans Non-State Pension Fund"12,16
10 CJSC "NPF" Heritage "12,02

This list is annually updated and formed with the records of all organizations that exist at the end of the year.

The NPF is firms engaged in beneficial investment of citizens money in different projects. The income of its clients depends on how literally the Fund.

The advantages of the storage of pension savings in a similar organization are as follows:

  1. Can be influenced on your own pension. A citizen can decide independently how many contributions will he do to the Foundation.
  2. Can be received Pension payments from different organizations. The diversification of the sources of passive income has a positive effect on material well-being. Storage of savings Even in one NPF allows you to receive 2 pensions (from the state and from the NPF). In addition, you can take part in several funds immediately.
  3. The state regulates Activities of funds. All NPFs must follow the laws of the state, have permits to occupy their own activities, provide reports to the state. This serves as one of the factors of reliability, which reduces the risks of the transfer of savings into the non-state fund.
  4. Tax breaks. At the same time, they are provided not only to citizens, but also to employers who make deductions. The money-contributed money is not taken into account in the taxation of the participant of the Foundation and the employer.
  5. Transparent activity. Foundation's participants can at any time receive data on their own accounts and find out how many deductions were made which income was accrued.

The main disadvantages of participation in the NPF are:

  1. Small income from investment. The percentage of increasing capital in the NPF is usually very small (about 10 percent per year).
  2. It is impossible to get your money before the deadline. It is possible to get accumulations from the non-state fund only in exceptional situations (death, obtaining the status of the "disabled", severe illness, emigration). In other situations, it is impossible to get our own money.
  3. No influence of NPF clients on where their money will be invested. The NPF invests the participants of the participants where they want. For ordinary citizens, such a lack is insignificant, but an experienced investor may have been much more profitable to dispose of its money.
  4. Profit is taxed. By making deductions to the NPF, a citizen receives tax breaks. However, when receiving money from the Fund, you need to pay tax accrued with capital operations.

"European" NPF is one of the most famous. It is popular among citizens because of good profitability. This company has more than a million customers who entrusted her own accumulations.

The NPF provides European standard service. So, citizens can create a personal account on the Fund's website, as well as monitor cash movements. You can transfer money to another NPF in bankruptcy.

Increased interest rate is defined for citizens who invest their savings in Surgutneftegaz. The company pays pensions in time, is on the market for more than 20 years, has a positive reputation among Russians.

  1. "". Many Russians prefer to translate their own accumulations precisely to the official Sberbank Foundation. The main stimulating factor here is that accumulations are under the protection of the state. Mandatory insurance allows you to increase your accumulations by periodic contributions. For people who plan to continue to work even in old age, special programs are provided. There are corporate programs aimed at increasing the efficiency of business.
  2. Oil and Paul.
  3. Lukoil Garant (discovery).
  4. NPF electric power industry.

In terms of savings

  1. "Neftegarant".
  2. "Confidence". This fund was opened 18 years ago. It was established firms involved in the economic life of Nizhny Novgorod, as well as large banking organizations. The NPF takes part in the co-financing program, which allows you to significantly increase pension savings.

By the number of insured

If you compare organizations by the number of participants, the rating will look like this:

  1. "Neftegarant".

Profitable rating - list of funds

The profitability characterizes the amount on which the NPF increases the existing accumulations. It is impossible to determine in advance the percentage of accumulation, but reliable organizations are usually already when making agreements with citizens inform them about the volume of income planned or demonstrate the profit of past years.

Table of profitability of non-state pension funds:

Foundation nameYield since the beginning of the year,%
"Defense and Industrial Foundation named after Livananov"5.82
« » 4.94

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