
Konstantin Kondakov Real or not. Kondakov depositors MMCIS: "You should not despair - life continues, what happened this life. Deftalk - silent failure of a protected pyramid Konstantin Kondakov

"Right of Retribution" in Russia, which was so long frightened from Kiev, was applied in the place where it, in fact, no one was waiting, and in a completely unexpected way. Ukrainian scammers simply cleaned the pockets of tens of thousands of Russians, while fully coping the financial pyramid of Sergei Mavrodi. Despite the fact that damage caused by financial frauds is about one hundred million dollars, participants financial pyramid Interested, taking posts in the two parliamentary parties of Ukraine, from which they ran into the Verkhovna Rada. Apparently, a significant part of the money taken from Russians went to finance the election campaign of Poroshenko's block and punitive operations in Donbasse carried out by the "radicals" of Oleg Lyashko.

According to the New Gazeta, MMCIS Group began its activities in 2009, but until 2011, the mention of it is extremely small. The company provided trade services in the Forex market and was an unremarkable office, what hundreds. However, at the time, some players found out that MMCIS has no own brokerage license, and all customer funds it takes not to their own accounts, but to the accounts of many intermediary firms. In fact, customers were not playing not in the present market, but "in a glass", within the company itself. Back in 2011, there were reviews about the possible substitution of real schedules from MMCIS on the various financial forums. To win in such conditions it was impossible, because the charts always "walked" in the opposite side of the player's bets. However, there were practically no chance of being seen from such reviews.

Creating an image

In 2011, at first, the Ukrainian media space was overwhelmed powerful flow Advertising offering income in 100% per annum. MMCIS was positioned as an "International Corporation, which invests money in Western financial institutions," although there has not had a single contract with real stock exchanges. The distinctive style of MMCIS was the massive placement of positive materials in the media. If there were negative articles, the company agreed to remove them and put in return to his advertisement. In its promotion, MMCIS has achieved perfection - on the forums negative reviews drowned in the ocean of positive comments. Dozens of "analytical" resources, praising MMCIS traders skill. The followers of Sergey Mavrodi skillfully used the psychology of the masses, which is worth one withdrawal under a positive article, we bring it without a bill: "Now you should not trust the posts in different forums - everything is not worth it, incl. Reviews and posts are bought and sold. Therefore, I judge the specific investment options primarily on the results. And here - not to do something. Throughout the term of the company, all obligations for payments are performed by immaculate. " Such a scrupulous work, the company has formed an image of a stable, large financial corporation working on Western standards. In the new dossier, it is already indicated that MMCIS began the work of Already in 2004 as the "private investment fund of a closed type", and in 2006 "The founders decided to open the possibilities of the Foundation to all." The masses believed and the money went to the river.

100% per annum

After the creators of the pyramids realized the scale of the market, the concept of "Top 20" was proclaimed. The depositor did not even need to play the market itself, it was enough to simply make money and entrust them into office one of the 20 "best" brokers. The profitability of "investment" was promised at the level of 5-10% per month or 60-120% per year. And this is excluding the possibility of reinvestment interest. On the monitors of depositors multiplied and increased "income". And MMCIS bought its customers a fabulous amount of $ 500 per video review about the company. As a result, the "stable financial corporation" got to Russia. Opened a large beautiful office in Moscow and with the help of active advertising and PR-materials began to attract customers. The apogee here can be called "reportage" on the NTV channel, in which the pseudo-organizes invests money in MMCIS and receives income. Some customers really managed to earn and withdraw money, although representatives of the company thoroughly persuaded the interest, but not to output the main amount to "not lose income." A similar model of "business" can function only with the active influx of new funds, but it can never be eternal.

The fall

Promises to earn 100% per annum could not at some point not to attract the attention of other market participants. In 2014, MMCIS began to include in the lists of "black brokers", and leading payment systems like Kiwi, Yandex.Money, Plotron, Money Online and Robokass began to turn off the service company. However, it did not stop the organizers of the pyramid, and they began to accuse everyone around in an attempt to raider capture and blocking depositors from counterparties, which "took advantage of the attack on MMCIS." Interestingly, a PR company was not stopped to the very end. So, in September of this year, Russia-24 TV channel shows a report on the showman who successfully invested the money in MMCIS. However, customers already felt something wrong and rushed to make money from accounts. In response, a complex verification system was invented - allegedly the requirement of banks to provide confirmation of the individual to inform funds. Customers stated that the documents provided were not enough and pulled in every way. At the same time, the maximum one-time payment was limited to 200 dollars. Gradually, most people have become everything clearly - they "have slept" into the financial pyramid. In Ukraine, the MMCIS offices held rallies, several tons of manure were brought to one of them, and the other was set on fire. Pyramid Put.

Fund-rapist and deputy inviolability

In mid-October, the real founder and face of the company Konstantin Kondakov announced that he leaves MMCIS. And on the eve of the company massively sends press releases on the appointment with the President of the Roman Comedies, earlier the "former Vice-President and cEO One of the subsidiaries. " It is reported that it is a coma "knows all the specifics of doing business in the post-Soviet countries, so it will be able to overcome the difficulties and threats, which in recent months have been hung over the company, and will also help make the management of the company even more efficient." However, the resonance around MMCIS was already so great that the personalities of the novel coma instantly became unlucky facts. It turned out that the future "brilliant financier" was repeatedly judged. And not just judgment, but accused of a whole "fan" of crimes: for theft, "rape of a group of persons", "involvement of minors in criminal activity", "Production and storage of narcotic substances", "illegal storage of firearms" and extortion. During his "career", Comedy managed to serve several times in different regions of Ukraine. There is also interesting fact From his biography of the financier: the parents of the novel comes have seen their son last time some years ago. As a reminder of myself, the son took with him all the savings of mother and father.

Fighting for power

The analogy of MMCIS's activities with Mmm. It would not be complete without one detail. To early elections to the Verkhovna Rada in October 2014, the real organizers of the large-scale pyramid Konstantin Kondakov and Alexander Volkov, classmates in the Tauride Agrarian Academy (another one classmate, Savchenko, registered the website of the financial pyramid), found themselves in the party lists of Petro Poroshenko and radical Party Oleg Lyashko. Although, unlike Sergey Mavrodi, they still did not become deputies of parliament. On November 21, 2014, the Financister Roman Comsya announced the closure of MMCIS, due to the "seizure of assets by third parties." And on the site collection of signatures change.org, a petition appeared to President Vladimir Putin, demanding "to expose money laundering in MMCIS and return their money to depositors." Two thousand people put their signatures, only a small part of deceived depositors. Similar group "VKontakte" scored over 43 thousand people. In appeal to the president, most people report that they were delivered to the MMCIS of all family savings.

What do we know about MMCIS

B Rend MMCIS is one of the most recognizable in Ukraine.

With the MMCIS logo, rally cars are driving at well-known competitions, with the support of MMCIS, well-known politicians go to the elections.

It can be said that this is a success story. Bearded smile Konstantin Kondakova is an embodiment of the American Dream.

The guy from the Ukrainian depthion managed to make it impossible thanks to hard work and invisible support for the famous business coach of Itzhak Pintosievich. Moms sitting by the TV must necessarily sweat their sons in the vortex heads and say: "You must succeed like Kondakov."

Everything seems to be so, but the success story is worth a much less explanable mechanism similar to a huge vacuum cleaner to repurchase money from the population. By this mechanism, Kondakov himself, according to him, has a weak attitude. "I'm just a successful trader, I am not the owner of the company," here is his messaging.

To argue that MMCIS is the financial pyramid, while early, although many believe that. Evidence that MMCIS is fraudsters, either. However, some moments suggest certain reflections.

The probability is high that MMCIS has discrepancies between the spirit and the letter of the law. If the letter is withstanding, the spirit at the type of activity of the company is completely different.

Such a split is not uncommon for Ukraine. It is impossible to unambiguously say that MMCIS is bad, and business Rinat Akhmetova Or Dmitry Firtash is good. Rather, so: in the state where the rule of law is there, neither MMCIS would not be able to exist, nor the Ukrainian oligarchhat.

What profit should have a securities trader to "pour" billboards and media advertising over long months? There were no such budgets even in market leaders valuable papers During boom 2007-2008.

News about MMCIS paid, banners - too. Managers of structures require editors to remove "unfair" materials that critically consider their business. In return, they promise "to be friends profitable."

Example of Commercial News MMCIS

We must admit that the MMCIS creators approached the business. They managed to bypass the norms of legislation, which would allow to classify their activities as a "financial pyramid".

For example, for this there are quotes of shares that the company operates. Although there are huge suspicions that these quotes itself MMCIS and supports.

On the surface everything is legally: there are even permits to work. On October 3, 2011, MMSIS INVESTMENTS LLC received a five-year license for securities management, brokerage and dealership activities. October 8, 2012, she began a large-scale campaign to attract investors.

"Investing in the stock market, we are together developing the economy of Ukraine. Our money is invested in specific companieswhich expand their capacities create jobs and increase profits by attracting investments, "said Kondaki media pages.

The emphasis was to be made to promising IT sector companies. Although "MMSIS Investments" had a license of the National Securities Commission and stock market - NCCSBFR, in the company did not hide involvement in trade in the forex market.

The director of Anatoly Kashkin then reported that "MMSIS Investments" is connected with the company "Forex MMCIS Group", although it has different founders. However, in Comments, EP Kondakov denied the relationship between these structures.

The subtlety of the moment is that in Ukraine the companies providing trade services on Forex market not licensed. They are outside the legal field.

Another commercial news of the company

Understanding this, in the "MMSIS Investments" used the licenses of the NCCS BFR as a cover for legal activities.

"For each operation with your money will be monitored special state Commission NCCSBFR. It is designed for the purpose of complex legal regulation Relations that arise in the securities market of Ukraine and ensure the protection of the rights of citizens, "Kondakov urged.

At the same time, the company did not disclose the investment mechanism, which in the falling market would allow to double the investment: "100% per annum is real." This slogan, which was based on an advertising campaign "MMSIS Investments", became the basis of the scandal, resulting in a review of licenses.

Three days after the start of the campaign profile self-regulatory organization - The Association "Ukrainian Stock Traders" - demanded from "MMSIS Investments" to discovery in advertising unreliable information and refute it.

According to the law, the company has no right to talk about any profitability in the past without specifying that the same income in the future is not guaranteed.

On October 19, 2012, the company's membership in AUF was suspended for two months. During this time, MMSIS Investments was supposed to provide a list of media in which advertising was contradictory, and refute it.

In the same period, checking the company began the NKCSBFR - on the appeals of citizens. "This is a preventive measure. It is aimed at protecting the rights of investors who, acquiring the paper of these companies, may suffer as a result of their unfair actions," commented by the member of the NCCPR Evgeny Voropaev.

In that interview, it was also an interesting quote, which described the mechanism of operation of the MMCIS structures.

"If we rely on the materials we have, I would not say that" MMSis Investments ", Internet Global Technology and Forex MMCIS Group position yourself as a single structure or group.

On the other hand, in all advertising or informational messages there are explanations that the incidents promised to investors is ensured by investing in the past two companies that specialize in developments in the field high technologies. If we talk about legal connection at the level of owners, then we are not visible at this stage, "said Voropaev.

The test results disclosed a high yield mechanism.

A year before the start of the advertising campaign "MMSIS Investments" two securities merchants - LLC "Sortis" and LLC Paritet Investment, both belong candidate for deputies Kyivrada Vladimir Dobrosokoku (officially he was the director of the first) - began to actively carry out operations with shares of PJSC "Internet Global Technology" and PJSC "Forex Ememsis Group".

As a result of operations, the capitalization of these issuers increased 560 and 835 times, respectively. Thus, the company with a revenue of only 4 million UAH in 2012 conditionally began to cost more than 800 million UAH.

At the same time, the public person of the company Konstantin Kondakov continued to recommend investors to buy the company's shares, the founder of which is his classmate Alexander Volkov.

Since other companies of transactions with shares of these companies were not carried out, the NCCS BFR considered such races unreasonable, and the operations themselves were manipulating prices.

"Sortis" and "parity Investment" was fined 170 thousand UAH each. All attempts to appeal the decision of the regulator of the market in the courts did not lead to anything. The turnover of the shares of "Internet global technologi" and PJSC "Forex Ememsis Group" by the decision of the Commission was suspended.

Thus, there is a scheme for artificial "pumping" the cost of securities. It would seem that the state clearly showed how MMCIS works, and decided to remove this technology from the market.

The development director and co-owner "MMSIS Investments" Alexander Goncharov on December 21, 2012 tried to convince the Council of the AUFT that the company would be corrected. Promises did not lose, because in two months it did not fulfill the requirements of the Association.

On the same day, the unanimous decision of the Council of the Association "MMSIS Investments" was excluded from its members. Due to the lack of membership in the SRO on February 26, 2013, the NCSBFR deprived the license company. All judicial claims "MMSIS Investments" to the AUTF and the NCCSBFR have been played.

Unexpected was the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court of March 23, 2014, which imprisoned the license was recognized illegal. The company hurried to report this to clients by making another advertising campaign.

However, to return the license "MMSIS Investments" and failed due to the lack of grounds. To get a license, you must be a member of the SRO. Make the AUTUF to accept the company to its association will be difficult.

Be that as it may, MMCIS is more alive. Judging by the number of advertising and opening offices, the structure continues to collect money from the population.

Kondakov also acts as a benefactor. He has a fund that helps children. He also founded the "Institute for Economic Development of Ukraine". Its director became

Konstantin Georgievich Kondakov He is a representative of the new generation of businessmen who bet on knowledge and innovative technologies. To date, he has a successful financial analyst, a businessman, the author of several books. It is respected by financial experts not only on the SIS expanses, but also far beyond.

Biography Kondakov

Kondakov Konstantin Georgievich was born in the city of Melitopol (Zaporizhia region) on June 8, 1982. His childhood was not standing out with something special, except for excellent studies. Teachers immediately saw in the boy excellent mathematical abilities and a huge passion for computers, gradually starting to play important role in social Life societies.

After graduating from school, in 2000 he entered the Zaporizhia Institute of State and Municipal Administration, the specialty "Administrative Management". In the period of study, the young student gives preference to the study financial markets, international economy and is interested in stock trade. After completing studying Konstantin Kondakov makes the first steps to currency exchange Forex. And already in 2004, he makes his first deals. From that moment on, Konstantin seriously and for a long time decides to engage in exchange trading.

Success does not cause herself to wait long, and his trading account shows constant profitability. This contributes to the stubborn work of Constantine and the individual trade strategy developed by it, combining technical and fundamental analysis. It is based on his theory that the forex market is a living organism. It studies not only a lot of analytical data, but also the psychology of the trader, their reaction to news and certain events.

This books appear in the light, in which the principles of trade in the currency exchange are very available and professionally described.

Books Konstantin Georgievich

"MetaTrader 4: Learning to make money on Forex" - Its first book, in which the mechanisms of work on the MetaTrader 4. are also described in detail and intelligibly. useful advice both professional traders on the currency exchange and beginners, for whom the currency exchange is seen by something abstract.

Book "How to see and anticipate the market: Forex fundamental indicators" Released in 2012 and has already managed to gain popularity among traders of various levels. It is most widely and carefully described the main factors affecting currency market, Economic indicators and events that directly affect currency quotes.

The main tools of the influence of the largest banks on the formation of currency exchange rates are also described. An important topic for the author remains psychological aspects of work on the currency exchange, so he pays special attention Reactions players for economic news, gives advice on specific examples, on trade optimization and results in comparison of the currency exchange with other market species.

Konstantin Kondakov is confident that it is necessary to work on the currency exchange for anyone who has a desire to earn and constant thrust for self-development. Even with a small starting capital, but in the presence of faith in your strength, as well as hard work on yourself, you can achieve high results and gain financial independence.

Kondakov Asset Management.

One of the main outcomes of his investment and analytical activities of Konstantin Kondakov considers the opening of the international analytical company Kondakov Asset Management, with the central office in New York, on Wall Street. The company is engaged in the provision of analytical materials and trading signals of the highest level. And feedback about it, and the number of eminent customers, they speak for themselves. Among such clients are companies, various investors from North America, Asia and Europe. One of the largest American banks JPMorgan Chase, among the Kondakov Asset Management customers.

It is not surprising, because one of the basic principles of Konstantin Kondakov: "I reached the goal - do not stop, there are new horizons ahead."

One of the most odious financial felts of the last decade, Konstantin Kondakov, who managed to put out several hundred million dollars from Russians and Ukrainians due to the financial pyramid of MMCIS, returned from Monaco to Kiev. Allegedly, K. Kondakov found new patrons among the power and intends to create something like MMCIS with a bias in a cryptocurrency market. Members of social networks from Kiev celebrate that Kondakov saw Borispol a day ago at the airport.

As the site of St. Petersburg, Konstantin Kondakov writes in his investigation, is an exclusively sulfur and successful machinator. Will we endure the thundering for the whole of Russia, like Ukraine, the MMCIS scaper? If you remember, what exactly? 5 suicides in the territory of the Russian Federation among the deceived by Konstantin Kondakov depositors and several cancer deaths (the fact is that among the contributors were desperate parents, brothers, sisters and children of cancer, they hoped to get quick money from MMCIS). It is worth remembering first.

Sometimes the most precious stones can be mined in the most despised holes. For example, in such as the Ukrainian Melitopol - a provincial dusty sleepy town. But he gave a considerable harvest of talents, especially in the "business". One of them is the sadly famous self-proclaimed Guru Forex and investment - Konstantin Kondakov.

After the failure of the pyramid investment Fund MMCIS Forex Kondakov managed to reach the decisions of the courts that forbid him, Kondakov, the founder of this fraudulent structure. The decisions of the courts were mined in the most corrupt vessels of the planet, however. After several years, which Konstantin Kondakov spent in Monaco (with non-stolen-from-MMCIS money, as the court decision says) he returned to his homeland. Does love for his native country led him back?

See also: In Makhachkala two football teams rushed during the match

Who is Konstantin Kondakov?

Kondakov was a trader on Forex. Trading currencies in the old days of Constantine, realized that the occupation was absolutely useless. Best way In earnings on Forex is the collection of money from investors and the subsequent disappearance - here in where you can find a real profit. We are once again forced to remind - no, of course, according to a decision of some trial, Konstantin Kondakov cannot be called the founder of the MMCIS pyramid.

After that, Kondakov and his friend of childhood wolves decided to try their strength in stock trade. They organized a fake software development studio and brought it to the local stock exchange. Stock Exchanges were artificially inflated using self-service transactions.

[Self-service transactions, Wash Trading - Practice of the purchase of shares on our own sales orders. In the US and many other countries, it is a criminal offense since 1936. Thanks to Wash Trading, investors are mislained by the imaginary trading volume and the fake increase in the price of assets - Ed.]

But no one bought their fake shares, and the company was driven from the exchange. The criminal cases did not follow, since most likely in Ukraine, stock exchange manipulations are not considered punishable.

Deftalk - silent failure of a protected pyramid Konstantin Kondakov

When this failure, Kondakov finally sat down in Monaco. From there, he tried to organize an Asphar with an "innovative operating messenger" Deftalk. Messenger himself Konstantin Kondakova was assembled on the basis of protocols in free access. The purpose of its development was again the collection of investments. But the messenger did not go and cursed softly on the rear courtyards App Store.. Investors did not want to invest in another messenger. Europe was exclusively poor on fools and rich in regulatory financial organizations.

For some reason, Kondakov was not seen in scam with cryptocurrency. Maybe he became hard to rise? Do not think. Look at the example of UAHPAY - investors in the Ukrainian cryptocurrency lost ten million dollars. But Konstantin Kondakov was not involved, according to our information, to this scam.

See also: Sergey Chezov - top red, inside white

Below are a short video investigation of the activities of Konstantin Kondakov and his fun accomplices:

Kondakov Konstantin bought burnt stars for Selfie Kondakov received the orders of the saints. Party of Regions

It is always interesting to observe such native talents in their field as Kondakov. We will continue to do this and may be in the near future to imagine something fascinating from the life of Constantine.

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