
Caracas interesting facts. Venezuela: message. Venezuela vegetable and animal world

Another name of the country is the Bolivan Republic of Venezuela. This country is called still "pearl travelers", and this is true. Interesting Facts About Venezuela will help you to find out why it is:

1) The country is famous for the ancient cities that were built by more conquistadors - these are Spanish conquerors.

2) In Venezuela, it is possible to observe such a phenomenon of nature as lightning. It seems to be nothing special, but this phenomenon happens here about 160 times in a year and can be observed for them for ten o'clock continuously. To see this phenomenon - you need to go to the scene of the Katatumbo River in Lake Maracaibo.

3) If you want to have sex with a resident of the country in the next 24 hours, then tell me that you were bitten by the insect Fulgora Laternaria. Since the bite of this insect is treated this way.

4) Only here you can see how "an angel falls from the devil." This is the fall of Angel's waterfall from the Mountain of Ayangtepuni.

5) Venezuela is considered the largest country for the use of Tablets Viagra.

6) The most popular sport is baseball, then basketball and third-place football. It is strange, since all Latin America is fond of football.

7) The most beautiful girls of Latin America live in Venezuela. This confirms the fact that in the contests of Venezuene's beauty contests won more than all other women in the world.

8) The most prestigious profession in the country is a plastic surgeon. Venezuelan residents are very reverent to their appearance.

9) Never discuss politics with Venezuelan. Their opinion about her is very often changing.

10) Venezuela is considered a dirty country, garbage can safely be calmly in the streets. Never throw rubbish yourself, this is an insult gesture. Although the streets of the country are dirty, but the beaches are very clean.

11) The most favorite drink of residents - beer. It is sold in Tara 0.22 liters.

12) Beautiful and varied flora and fauna Venezuela. Jungle are rich in beautiful and rare plants and animals.

13) In Venezuela, it is customary to be calculated everywhere cards, even in simple stalls.

14) Venezuelan is a very lively people, so when conversation, they strongly gesticulate and speak loudly.

When I was offered to go to Venezuela for two weeks, I was warned that I was only worth flying to Cuba for 14 hours, and from there in Venezuela, and there are still ten flights there. All because there is no direct flight from Moscow to Caracas yet. Therefore, to fly through Havana, and only then in Caracas - three and a half hours. Back, respectively, the same. Well, in the country: from the island to the island.

Then between my relatives took place the following conversation:

"Poor," said one. - And you can not fail?

"You can," answered another. - Only decide that completely fool.

And I went, or rather, flew. Just got stuck with candy, so that the aircraft did not lead and the ears did not lay. Then it turned out that in vain. The service there is such that on local airlines these are the most lollipops during the whole flight. And in each toilet stands on a vase with them.

So you should not be afraid to fear. The most unreasonable tourist act, in my opinion, will come to Venezuela, for the thirty lands, to settle somewhere in one place and some kind of beauty all the time enjoy. Because beauty in Venezuela is a huge amount and crushed it everywhere - on the mainland and various islands. Therefore, if you want to see anything at least, you have to fly. To put it mildly, quite a few. This is a country in which, as in Greece, there is, I will not be afraid of this word, everything. There are tropics, where twelve months in a row costs summer, and there are areas where it is snowing all year round. There are mountains, plains and coral reefs. There are caribbean, lakes, rivers and waterfalls. But surprisingly the other: much of what is in Venezuela, the most is the biggest. If the waterfall, then the Holy Angel is the highest in the world. If the mountains, then you can climb them by the world's longest cable car (Merida). If the flora and the fauna, then the largest: Venezuelan mice are up to half a meter and weighing up to sixty kilograms (Los Llanes state), and the family of "Cala" is a diameter for forty centimeters.

To see all this, fly without end. On the second day you start to the plane treat as a bus. He is late, you are late for him, the life credo grandmother's grandfather "Better I'll wait for the train for two hours than he will not be waiting for me" in this country is irrelevant.

We drove somehow by car with locals. We are going - you shake. I say: "Your roads are like in Russia". And they are surprised: "We have such roads, because we are mostly flying on airplanes, and we go on cars. And why do you have? "

Immediately how we flew to Venezuela, we caught us at the exit. Some man - helped things to drag the bus. And so actively and smiling that we decided that he is either the bus driver or someone from those who meet. We reached the mountainous area, and he says: "With you four dollars." We were so surprised that they asked from the group or from everyone. The man agreed to take from the group, received money, jumped and climbed on the mountain. Probably to have time for the next bus.

And in the meantime, we were lucky to another airport, from where it was necessary to fly to Margarita Island, probably the most tourist place in Venezuela. The most tourist is not in some bad sense there, and in the very positive - the island lives only at the expense of tourism, and there are a little tourists yet, so each of them is especially loved and everyone is given special attention. There is of this, of course, and their cons: prices on the island higher than on the mainland, the locals are again less. But all the conditions for rest.

We arrived at the hotel fairly late, and most importantly, insanely tired. I wanted to take a shower and go to bed. Not there was something - for hotels in Margarita, tourists meeting is a matter of honor, especially when not the season (but was not a season). Because the season on Margarita begins when we and in Europe are cold. That is, since October-November and ending in March-April. The rest of the time there is also good. People, for example, on the beach and the pool less, in the dining room for breakfast and dinner there are no queues - in general, again it is not known what is better. Because the weather all year round is the same: the day of degrees 35, in the evening - 28, and entertainment and excursions are the same.

If tourists come to the group, they can be found by songs, dances and local cocktails. And invite to the evening performance. However, everyone is invited to the evening performance. They pass daily in some bar or restaurant. Standard hotel set - 15 shows, every evening different: "Miss Hotel", "Mr. Hotel", quiz or the same dances. Show two times the same and also the hotel administration is not afraid, because rarely, which of tourists come more than two weeks.

Since the island is tourist, then almost the entire beach is divided into various hotels of the zone. This is where competition begins. Some organize on the beach trays with souvenirs, others - night discos, the third provide equipment for all sorts of water species Extreme Sports: Windsurfing, Water Boats and Motorcycles, Diving, Diving with Water Skiing, Water Skiing, Parachute Flying Tied to Katera and Other.

Almost every hotel has some kind of highlight. In some of them, having a profitable location, daily, more precisely, will say blackmakely, the surveillance of the sunset. Watch at six in the evening, the people are going to the glazed corridors of the upper floor and watches the color and drawing of the tropical sky quickly change - an unforgettable spectacle.

It is clear that at least one of the goals pursuing a person riding resting in the tropics is a tan. So, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time. From halfward to three, it is not recommended at all in the sun. Some are trying to deceive nature: they will be made with a tanning cream with a protective factor of 30-35. Then there are spotted and striped, since it is completely unrealistic to smear the cream - where it is better to fall, where worse. So then look - where is a white spot, where brown. And then they suffer that in this form in a decent house and shame shame.

In addition to the fact that the climate on Margarita is very hot, it is also very wet. It is said that if you open the window in the apartment, and then leave the windows and doors to close and turn on the fan, then when you come, the whole apartment will be wet - moisture condenses.

If you get tired of lying on the beach in one place, you can fly to another, on an excursion. Minus one - very early to get up. For me, it is especially noticeable: I am really a very lazy person and besides Owl. And now imagine a very lazy owl, which should get up at four o'clock in the morning, drive to the bus to the aircraft, on the plane - to the boat, on the boat - to the island to be in place before the sun will rise high. Presented? So Los Rockes was worth it.

In Russian, its name is translated as "stones" or "rocks". The main island is called large rocks. And this is really a rather rocky area, like the rest of the islands of the archipelago, devoid of special vegetation. In general, the water around the island is not particularly clean. You understand, on the tiny island there are hotels and airport, and all sorts of ships. Where they do not spit, seagulls with albatrosses - again they are shy. But the aircraft with tourists are beginning to fly daily from eight in the morning, because from this unwashed island you can go on the archipelago anywhere. And the islands are more than tourists, so you can be calm - two groups for one island will not shovel. And there you can already swim with mask, flippers and tube and taking pictures under water, for which plastic disposable cameras are sold for the aircraft.

In addition to Los Rockies, we were drunk us, a national park, 90 percent consisting of water. Water flows in the form of rivers, dripping or poured with rains or tropical rains, respectively. In addition, it falls from the mountains, forms a huge amount of waterfalls and waterfalls, to count that is not possible, since, depending on the time of the year, their number increases or decreases.

The most memorable was a nightlown in these waterfalls with Indian guides - with a visit to the disco in the Indian village and a huge number of fairy tales or legends of local importance. For example, about how in 1937 the highest waterfall in the world, Holy Angel, was opened.

Some Jimmy Angel was a gold detector, and the river, forming a waterfall, carried gold grains. When Jimmy found it, he planted a plane on the top of the mountain, scored gold, and as a result of some technical problems could not have flown. For those eleven days that he had descended from the mountain on foot, he so fell in love with this place that he bequeathed after death dispel his dust over the waterfall. That in the fifties, naturally, after his death, and the wife and son of the angel were made, the Venezuelan government was driven, the name of the American-gold miner in the world was assigned to the world's highest in the world. Although in fact the waterfall was opened much earlier, in 1910, the officer retired by the Venezuelan Navy Ernesto Sanchez, as evidenced by the documents stored in the city of Bolivar.

Another large waterfall - Sapo - is located on the island called in honor of Anatoly, Russian, one of the local old-timers. There were three of them three friends: Dutchman, Lithuanian and our. The first two died from old age when they were already over eighty. Anatoly, according to legend, died at seventy-five years, drunk and falling into a waterfall.

In general, the excursions are also very interesting in what helps to understand the psychology of Venezuelan. A single bus tour of Margarita was particularly helped. The condition is semi-free, the excursion is boring. And suddenly declare:

I'm asking:

It turns out that Venezuela became independent on this day.

On my question, what happened then, the guide explains that the island government due to the geographical remoteness of the island found out about the independence of Venezuela only on May 31.

Before many resting abroad, the question arises: what to carry as a gift the remaining houses. So, from the island, as well as, out of other Venezuela, you can carry products from the black and other corals and pearls of all colors. I, however, bought a bottle of Roma to the grandmother. There are plenty of shops where they give to taste. I do not drink it, so in my case you smell. As strange and nice, it is almost the same way in almost the same way - regardless of whether it is a three-year exposure or twenty - five dollars.

By the way, the National Monetary Unit in Venezuela is called "Bolivar" - in honor of Simon Bolivar, the National Hero of Latin America, who headed the struggle of the Latin American peoples for independence from Spain. For money, on each coin, on each bill of the Roman profile of this great statesman, the commander and thinker. One dollar is approximately five hundred thirty Bolivators. In the hotels, the exchange rate of five hundred - five hundred ten. Prices vary depending on whether this is a city or tourist area. Ice cream in McDonalds costs 200, and in the five-star hotel - 3.500 Bolivarov.

From the aircraft, that is, from the height of a bird's eye view, Caracas - the capital of Venezuela - looks completely like an anthill. The fact is that almost all of it is located on the mountains. Each next house stands a little bit on the mountain, but a little bit on the roof of the previous one. Therefore, there is no streets between them, and you can only go up on the stairs. The locals are very concerned about this, since neither the ambulance, nor the fire truck in the case of which to drive up to the house can not, although beautiful. In general, it is a pity to them, and the ancestors who are a few hundred years ago, who did not think about the consequences, climbed to the mountain, or from pirates, or from natural disasters.

Some people travel because they like to fly or vice versa, ride the car. Some like to meet foreigners. Some - inspect the sights. But there are people who travel to have every kind of national food. They cannot be called gourmets, because the gourmets eat what is really tasty, and in most cases they consume frank rubbish. For example, in Venezuelan cuisine, most dishes are prepared from a specific way of cooked rice, beans and all sorts of seafood. As well as bananas and other tropical fruits and vegetables, which in Venezuela a huge amount. Only bananas nine varieties, of which (mysterious country!) Four belong to vegetables. Those bananas that vegetables are much more in size and are usually fed in a fried form, as a last resort in stew. And those that fruits in cheese, dried, sometimes as part of fruit salads, and sometimes with ice cream.

I really didn't eat it all, but preferred familiar dishes. Only once tried the living termites from the tree. Taste - like fresh christmas needles.

Aside: What could be worse than the best friend's disease? Especially if this friend is a favorite animal. Treatment of dysplasia in dogs The process is not of the lungs, but if it passes under the control of the specialists of the veterinary clinic, then you can not worry about the health of the pet.

Examine interesting information about Venezuela, enjoying many interesting facts and trifles that are ideal for children!

Read about the population, borders, stories, capital, currency, characteristics of land, wildlife, local plants, national dance and many other things.

Venezuela is officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Venezuela is located on the northern coast of South America, it covers an area of \u200b\u200b916,445 km² (353,841 km²), which makes it 33rd largest countries in the world in the world.

Venezuela shares the land border with Colombia in the West, Guyana in the East and Brazil in the south. On the coast of the Caribbean coast are the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Curaçao and Aruba.

As of July 2013, 28.5 million people live in Venezuela (28 459 085).

The capital and largest city of Venezuela is Caracas (officially called Santiago de Leon de Caracas), in which almost 2 million people live.

Pico Bolivar is the highest mountain in Venezuela, at an altitude of 4,979 m (16,335 feet) It is located in the northern part of the Andes in the west of Venezuela.

The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is located in Venezuela.

The northern outskirts of the Amazon basin is located in South Venezuela.

Venezuela is considered one of the seventeen megadvidal countries that contain most of the types of land.

Venezuela is a house for many strange and interesting animals, including Lamanni, a giant amusement, three-bed lazy, double-headed lazy, jaguar, Dolphins of Amazon Rivers, Orinoco crocodiles and the largest rodent in the world - Capybara.

Venezuela has more than 1400 species of birds, including kingfisher, Ibiz, Ospina and its National Bird - the yellow-orange Venezuelan troupe.

There are more than 25,000 types of orchids in Venezuela, including the national flower of the country "Flor-de-Mayo Orchid".

Venezuela was colonized by Spain in 1522. She announced independence from the Spanish Board in 1811, July 5 (celebration of the National Day). In 1821, the country received independence as part of the Republic of Gran Colombia and became its independent republic in 1830.

Venezuela has one of the largest reserves of natural gas and ranks second in the world in oil reserves, it is among the ten largest oil exporters.

Venezuela currency is called Bolivar Fuerte.

Spanish is the official language in Venezuela, but more than 30 other indigenous languages \u200b\u200bare officially recognized, including Wayuu, Warao and Pemon.

The type of a small guitar, called Coatro, is a national tool of Venezuela. And the National Dance of Venezuela is a walt-like dance called Joropo.

Baseball is the most popular sport in Venezuela, since 1945 there is a professional baseball league in the country.

Venezuelan flag painted in yellow, blue and red colors. Yellow - for the wealth of the Earth, blue for the sea, which separates Venezuela from Spain, and red is blood, spilled independence heroes.

  • Do not be surprised if all you hear from Venezuelan will consist of the word "tapap" in different forms sometimes with the inclusion of other short words. Tapap means tomorrow, but local is used for any occasion in unlimited quantities.
  • If you love baseball, find a common language with local people in Labor will not be: the Venezuelan team is one of the best sports. And do not be offended by Venezuelan, if he is late for your overall game with the ball: you can be late in this country, this is a national tradition. Buses are late simple peopleEven hospitals and government agencies sometimes open with a delay.
  • By the way, do not be afraid if, after traveling to the jungle, someone will start to pester to you with a proposal to have sex: In the Venezuelan villages, there is a belief that only fast sex will be saved from the bite of the lanterns, which should be done no later than a day . Venezuelasts believe that abstinence after the bite of a small, but a pretty beetle threatens death, so they seek to heal as soon as possible.
  • But be careful, discussing the regime of the board of Hugo Chávez: to him here are ambiguous; Do not make Venezuelan's comments about the garbage on the streets: this is also the norm, and although local can throw litto on the streets, you should not do this travelers.
  • But the main topic of the discussion is practically Saint Simon Bolivar, the liberator of the people from the colonialists and the creator of the first united country. It is impossible not only to respond about him badly - you should not even go through the area that is the name of Bolivar, in shorts!
  • Angel is the highest waterfall of our planet, which has almost a kilometer of height. The water, noisily falling down from the Mountain of the Devil, flows through the National Park of Canaima and flows into a large river Kerep. Park is included in the UNESCO Heritage List; Behind his visit will have to pay a small duty, and in return, you can get a guide and a small canoe. The waterfall is proud here everything, therefore, to express your local admiration - this is one of the most simple ways Take a good friends in Venezuela.
  • Stay with Overnight at Lake Maracaibo - and maybe you will be lucky to see the famous two thousand lightning, which hit the lake on average every second night. Venezuela hotels near this attractions are of course more expensive, but there are campgrounds, which will capture night beauty will be easier and cheaper. Unfortunately (but, more likely, fortunately), in one of the lakes of Venezuela, it will not be able to dive and dive: it consists of liquid asphalt, which is then, after prey, goes on the roads and pedestrian paths.

Venezuela, the official name of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Span. República Bolivariana de Venezuela) is a country in the northern part of the South American continent, the sixth of the Square state (more than 912 thousand km²). In the north it is washed by the waters and the Atlantic Ocean, in the east, it borders C (the length of the border - 743 km), in the West and South-West - C (B.G. 2050 km), in the south and south-east - C (PG . 2200 km).

Also, Venezuela includes more than 40 islands, the largest of which is (ISLA. Isla Margarita), more than 70 coral islets and about 200 reefs in the southern part of the Caribbean Sea. Capital - (Caracas).

According to the existing version, the name of the country gave an Italian researcher traveler (ITAL. Amerigo Vespucci), which as part of the Admiral expedition in 1499 visited these places. Going into and seeing the houses of the local population, built on piles in the middle of the water and resembling European Venice, he called the VENEZUELA area ( "Little Venice").

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general information

Political system: Independent Federal Republic with the presidential form of government. Elected for a 6-year term by universal voting, the President is the head of government and the state. After the death of a permanent President of the state from April 19, 2013 is (Span. Nicolás Maduro Moros).
The legislative body of the state is a two-bearet National Assembly or Assembly-Nacional (ASAMBLEA NACIONAL). 167 deputies were elected at the local parliament at the local level, 167 deputies (Diputados) for a period of 5 years, three places are traditionally reserved for representatives of the indigenous Indian population of the country.

Venezuela is divided into 23 administrative states (Estado) and one metropolitan district (District), along with this, 11 groups of the islands of the Caribbean are highlighted in independent federal states.

Official language: Spanish. Also in the go, English, German, French and more than 30 adventure local Indian peoples (, Kariba, etc.).

Religion: Freedom of religion is guaranteed in Venezuela constitutionally guaranteed. Over 96% of the countries of the country are adherents of the Roman Catholic Church, about 2% are Protestants, about 2% fall on representatives of other denominations.

Currency: Bolivar, 1 Bolivar \u003d 100 Sentimo. In the course of the following ratings of banknotes: 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 coins: 1, 5, 10, 12.5, 25, 50 and 1 Bolivar.

Favorite sports games: Baseball, basketball, football (no errors, chronographic order is faithful)

Excursion in history

The first inhabitants of Venezuela were settled Indian tribes that were engaged in agriculture, hunting or fishing. These gracious land were opened in 1498. For more than 25 years, Europeans continued the coast on the coast, the first European settlement was founded in 1523. From the second half of the XVI century, the country's active colonization of the country began. On plantations of sugar, tobacco and cocoa, the work of the local population was mercilessly exploited. The countries of the country formally entered the vice-kingdom, but political and religious power belonged to officials and bishops sent from Spain. As a result of the revolutionary struggle in 1812-1821. Under the command (Simón Bolívar), the Spaniards were broken, and in 1829, Venezuela proclaimed its independence. In the 1840s and 1850s. Slavery was canceled and progressive reforms were carried out.

In the period 1899 -1948 The country was ruled by Caudillo ("Caudillo" - the leader), called "Andinos". When the oil fields were opened here in front of the First World War, British, Dutch, then American capital began to be introduced here. In 1928, the state for oil production was inferior only by the United States. In the period 1940-1960 The country was ruled by military dictators, often replaced by military coups. In 1969, for the first time in the entire history of the state, the authorities from one president another was transferred to the constitutional. As a result of the Arab-Israeli war in 1973, oil prices have increased dramatically. For the country, it turned into a sharp increase in commodity imports, wave of illegal immigration, increasing corruption. After the decline in the oil rush in the world market, the country swept the deepest long-term economic crisis.

In the 1980s. All government efforts were aimed at overcoming it. In the XXI century, Venezuela joined new hopes. Today Venezuela, without exaggeration, is the most influential country of South America.


The total population is more than 31.9 million people (December 2017), most of which (about 67%) are methuses, 21% account for immigrants from European countries (Spaniards, Italians, Germans, Portuguese), 10% - Africans and 2% - Indians, descendants of indigenous semi-bore peoples.

More than 90% of the country's population lives in the urban areas of the coastal (northern) part of the country.


The entire territory of the state is located within the South American tropical zone, the southernmost point of Venezuela is a bit north of the equator. However, due to high-altitude differences, the climate in the country varies noticeably: from wet exhausting heat in the Caribbean coast to harsh cold in the zone of Andean eternal snow (Western region of the country).

More comfortable conditions for human habitat - on elevation. As a result, all the major cities of the country are located at an altitude of 600-1850 m. Above sea level. At an altitude exceeding 1800 m, weather conditions are close to the climate of moderate latitudes. At altitudes exceeding 3 thousand m rather cold, agriculture here is almost impossible, sheepship becomes the main activity. On more than 3/4 territory of the country, the climate is characterized by alternating the seasons: the rainy season (May - November) and the dry season (December - April). On the coast, the average annual air temperature is + 28 ° C. In the mountains, the average annual temperature indicator decreases: from + 22 ° C (at an altitude of about 800 m) to + 10 ° C (at an altitude of about 3 thousand m). You can swim in the sea all year round.


Venezuela is characterized by a high degree of urbanization: 9 of 10 Venezuelan live in cities. The largest city is Caracas, with a population of 1.8 million people. TO large cities Countries include: (1.75 million), (about 1.5 million), (more than 1 million), (830 thousand), (424.9 thousand), (411 thousand), Petare (364.7 thousand), ( 408 thousand), Kuman (257.8 thousand) and San Cristobal (246.6 thousand).

The southern zone of the country, from the Orinoco rivers and to borders with Brazil and Colombia, has never been distinguished by the population: here the stony plateau is interspersed with low-dry dry steppes and impassable forests, and the population density is no more than 2-3 people per km².


Venezuela - the country is not high. The basis of the economy is oil production. It is oil that gives about 80% of export revenues, in addition, approximately 30% of the gross domestic product and more than 50% of the revenue part of the state budget also falls on oil. In addition to oil production, oil, sugar and textile industryIt is important to produce construction materials, iron ore mining, steel and aluminum smelting, release automotive tires and assembling cars.

With the support of the government in the country, the development of severe and petrochemical industries is carried out.

Since 2016, the economy of Venezuela has been experiencing the strongest crisis with the largest level of inflation in the world.

In the gross domestic product of the country, only about 14% accounted for agriculture. On the territory of the state cultivated rice, corn, sugar cane, bananas, coffee, sorghum, various vegetables. Produced beef, pork, eggs, milk, fisheries developed enough. Yet agriculture Satisfies only ¹/3 of the country's product needs.

It is worth noting that the Bolivarian Republic has never been in such a deplorable position. The country that has the largest on earth natural resources, by 2019 it turned out to be on the verge of collapse. Extracting inflation, fan power outages, shortage of products and essential goods - all these problems stood before the population in full growth. With the exception of some support from Cuba and Russia, Venezuela found himself in isolation with almost empty treasury. The IMF estimated annual inflation in the country in 1500%, calling it the largest in the world.

Nature, vegetable and animal world

Venezuela is the country of mountains and plains, forests and savannah. The main natural regions: Mountains of the Andes (almost all the north and the West of the country are occupied by mountain spurs) and (P. Maracaibo) in the north-west, plains - in the center, in the East - Delta, Guiangic Highlands in the south-east.

The territory of the country is very diverse in heights above sea level, the number of precipitation and other climatic conditions. This explains the rich variety of fauna and flora of the country.

For the northern coast, a typical Caribbean Flora is characterized - with a variety of trees of the family of legumes and many types of cacti. Venezuelan Andes are characterized by the vegetation of alpine meadows and moderate climatic forests. Orinoco Pool Flora is incredibly diverse, its origin is related to rain forests. The plantations of sugar cane and coffee tree spread here, many families of legumes and palm trees are represented. South Countries: Gevoy Brazilian, Castilla Rubbone and Piaçaba Polasses (Piaçaba) are common here. It is small in the area, but the most interesting floral area is occupied by Mount Serra Pakaraima (Sp. Sierra Pacaraima), a ridge in the center at the junction of Venezuela borders, Guyana and Brazil. This is an ancient relict zone, the narrow-plated heather, bromelle, marine and cypress trees grow here.

Natural splendor Venezuela

The Orinoco pool takes about 4/5 of the territory of the state. (Isp. Llanos), stretching north of the river, this is replacing each other extensive thickets of cereals, savanna, gentlemen and palm groves. Approaching the Caribbean coast, leafy tropical forests become land, gradually acquiring the character of prickly thickets. In the south and east of the country, deciduous forests are moving to typical rainy Amazonian - high evergreen trees and numerous lianas. Such a thick moss, called rain or cloudy, covers Venezuelan slopes. This is a mild climate belt, a habitat of a hinting tree (Cinchona). Above there are shallow (Páramo) with the dominance of exotic types of excitement (Espeletia), low shrub and pillow-shaped plants. These communities of high-altitude plants are affected by an abundance of bright colors.

In Venezuela, the Buma, Jaguar, Ocelot, Shrub Dog, Taira (Cleannial Relative), Otter, Taggy, Tapir, Nutria, as well as a variety of monkeys, swine and bakers, dwellings. In the forests and savanna territories, a variety of rodents are found in abundance, including the sophisticated rat opossum and the golden hare of Aguti, many species of lanes, wild goats, as well as small deer. In the Venezuelan rivers and the warmth of the Caribbean, many wide variety of fish are found. Crocodiles, alligators and turtles live in rivers. Fauna Jungle is represented by a huge variety and lizards. In the lowlands, cranes, storks, herons, ducks and other aquatic dyk dwell. In the mountains - an abundance of predatory birds.

Venezuela: sights

Venezuela often magnifies "pearl travelers." This is a completely amazing country that can be confused by unique landscapes, sandy beaches, warm waves of the Caribbean, sparkling mountain peaks and excellent leisure conditions. The world's popular popularity of these places is growing day by day.

Venezuela - Pearl for travelers

You can endlessly list all the sights, let's try to highlight the main.

Simon Bolivar, an unusually revered National Hero of War 1812-1821. For the independence of the country, he had a serious impact on the culture of Venezuela. A peculiar cult of this famous political leader reigns here. On the streets of cities you can see many monuments to Bolivar. Each of the monuments is unique, sometimes the creation of one monument lasts for several years. Venezuelan, the most important attraction of his country, consider the Capitol (El Capitolio), in which Simon Bolivar was buried in 1636. This grand building with an amazing architecture personifies the great feats of the National Hero.

Be sure to visit the Museums of Fine Arts and Natural Sciences. The ideas about the history of Venezuela and bordering countries, as well as other world civilizations, provide large historical museums in Maracaibo and Trujillo.

It is impossible to submit a country without ames for bulls. This terrible and at the same time majestic spectacle has long served as one of the main attractions of the country, to look at battles in Valencia.

Kuman (Cumaná) - the oldest city of the country on the banks of the Caribbean, the largest port of the country. The port of Kuman often became a lacquer for pirates, he is considered the birthday of pearl seekers. It is from here that the Indians lead their born, which, of course, affected the culture of the city. Here is an abundance of attractions that Kuman seems to be re-opened every time.

(Caracas) - Venezuela's capital, located near the coast, on the plateore (height 835 m. Over. m.). The architecture of the city is distinguished by an amazing combination of ultra-modern high-rise buildings and buildings of the colonial era. The capital is located in a picturesque valley surrounded by Caribbean Andes, and is the cultural center of the state. There are several museums in the city: colonial arts, elegant arts, contemporary art, Museum of Bolivar, Creole Museum and the Gallery of National Art (more than 400 works of the authors of the colonialism period are exhibited, as well as the ancient Indigenous Native Indian tribes of the Preolonional epochs found in archaeological excavations). In Caracas, you can visit one of the most beautiful and richest botanical gardens of the world.

Merida (Mérida) is a city located in a mountain valley, at an altitude of about 1640 m. The main attraction of the city is Peak Bolivar (Pico Bolívar, 4981 m) - the highest top of Venezuela, where the monument Simon Bolivar is installed. From Merida, tourist excursions are sent to the mountain village of Los Nevados (Los Nevados), the only settlement lying at such a height (2711 m).

(Up. Trujillo), next to which Mount Pena de la Virgen is located, where the chapel of Virgen de La Pena is cut in the rock (Sp. De La Virgen de La Peña) and an 47-meter figure of the Virgin, which, believing, has a miraculous force. In clear weather from the height, where the statue stands, offers a delightful view of the snowy peaks and lake Maracaibo.

Guanare (Guanare) is a city in the north-west of Venezuela, the spiritual capital of the country. Here is the Church of Virgen de Coromoto (Virgen de Coromoto) in honor of the Holy Patron of the country.

In ancient times, Lake Maracaibo was located the camp of the pirates. Through the lake, surrounded by picturesque vegetation, throw a bridge "Rafael Urdneta" (Sp. Rafael Urdaneta), one of the longest in the world. Very interesting in Canaima Lagoon (Canaima Lagoon), on the shores of which the Red Names of Ana Indians live their houses on wood piles.

(Span. Llanos) - Venezuelan Savannah, the territory of habitat is more than 350 species of birds and many mammals (up to 50 species). There are no major cities and industries, there are practically no roads, the hunt is prohibited here, so nature has been preserved in primeval form, and the animals do not fear people. There are livestock ranches here, where water pigs, iguan, crocodiles and various birds are bred. The capital of Llanos - (Barquisimeto) is one of the oldest cities in the country, the fourth largest.

In the region of Guiangsky Plateau - the abundance of the "dining area", one of which is the same "lost world" described by Conan Doyle. This mountain is at the junction of Venezuela borders, Brazil and Guyana.

The most popular resort today is considered the beautiful, named after the Austrian princess and the famous snow-white sandy beaches. Windsurfing fans come here from all over the world. An interesting feature of the island: if with one side, strong waves always rise, then on the other - a light sea breeze. On the island there are 3 reserves and 2 national parks, where you can see luxurious flamingos, pelicans and countless parrots. In addition, the island is a free (duty-free) trade zone, which means that the local shopping will be very pleasant.

The main natural Venezuelan miracle is the highest mountain in the world (Span. Salto Ángel, 979 m). Seeing it at least once with the crowd, it is impossible to forget this fantastic spectacle.

The country's special pride is its national parks. Avila Park (Span. Ávila, an area of \u200b\u200b81.8 thousand hectares) is located on the slope of the mountain range. Here on the cable can be climbed to the top of the peak of El Avila (height 2175 m), where observation deck The fascinating panorama of the capital and the coast opens. Makarao Park (Span. Parque Nacional Macarao, Area of \u200b\u200b15 thousand hectares.) It is designed to maintain biodiversity of the Makarao rivers, San Pedro and Jarillo, as well as the natural world of coastal mountains. South of the capital lies Park Guatopo (Parque Nacional Guatopo).

In the southwest of the country there is extensive (Parque Nacional Canaima), which is a fabulous corner of nature with titanic table mountains, dense forests and extensive savannahs, with full-flowed rivers that are lagunies, majestic waterfalls and richest natural world. Here you can get acquainted in vivo with the life and culture of the Indian tribe, Pemón, with its traditional craft, folklore and original cuisine.

Undoubtedly, a country visit will take you a lot of pleasure and leave the most unforgettable impressions, because rest in this amazing country is infinitely diverse. Venezuela will delight beach holiday lovers by the sea and those who are interested in the original culture of the ancient peoples, as well as connoisseurs of wildlife.

Some interesting facts

This phenomenon is explained by the winds that are concerned with the winds that cause thunderstorms and swampy soils that form methane gas feeding electrical discharges.

  • Strange, but football in popularity in the country is only on 3 place, after baseball and basketball. All Latin America "sick" football.
  • Alas, Venezuela is a dirty country, on the streets everywhere Raskin Garus. But never throw rubbish yourself, this you insult local residents. Urban streets Though dirty, but the beaches are always clean.
  • Venezuelan - the people are very emotional, they talk loudly, actively at the same time gesticulating.
  • Calculated in the country everywhere accepted cards, even in street stalls.

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