
Investment pyramids on the Internet. Financial pyramids are a list of the most famous. History of financial pyramids

Read 5 min. Published 03/18/2015

The financial pyramid is a monetary scheme, and the profit here is achieved through the constant attraction of fresh investors, and not by investing in the assets that bring revenue. For their money prosperity, the pyramid produces securitiesSince they are the most liquid and very convenient tool. If the size of the infringement of finances into the system is less than the amount of income payments, then we are talking about the pyramid.

Signs of financial pyramid

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a monetary scheme in France and England in the seventeenth century was born. In Russia, she first appeared in the 90s of the last century.

Signs of financial pyramids

  • Illegality (lack of a license).
  • Hiding financial information.
  • Redistribution of funds between project participants.
  • The need to pay an entrance fee.
  • Earnings of the project participant, registered earlier, are always greater than that of the downstream.
  • Guarantee payment of fixed percentage.
  • The place of registration of the company is somewhere on the islands.

8 well-known financial pyramids on the Internet

Consider the most common monetary mechanisms operating on the Internet at the present time.

  • MMM (Founder Sergey Mavrodi)

The most mass pyramidal company became MMM JSC. The idea began to unwind through advertising in the media. The monetary mechanism is rapidly developing at the expense of promises. joint Stock Company Pay huge dividends.

The founder of the project, Sergey Mavrodi, turns into a leading entrepreneur of Russia. Shares take off in price from 25 to 125 thousand rubles per unit, people hurry to acquire them. About 15 million people become depositors. The system is collapsed in 1994. For the action, people are already paying 1000 rubles, and not 125 thousand.

Sergey Mavrodi is arrested. However, after a week it appears new Pyramid. The story is repeated: the shares are growing, falling, points are closed, shareholders are panic.

  • Financial Group Legion

FG "Legion" is an international consortium of companies. Capital management is carried out by attracting investments, while funds accounts for bank accounts with AA-AAA rating are used, which are part of the world top 25 (WER).

The financial group uses the PRP Placement Program Program (private placement programs), guaranteeing monthly interest payments according to the tariff plan for all investors. Interest is paid from accounts of legal entities.

In the "Legion" there is an affiliate program, due to which an investor receives a percentage of attracted capital. There is also income without its own investment.

  • Financial group yes

Financial Group "Yes!" This is an association of a number of companies specializing in various directions. financial activities. The group consists of two organizations:

  1. "Yes! Invest", whose monthly income When investing money exceeds interest rates according to standard banks. Per month net income financial Group is more than 27%.
  2. "Yes! Credit" The loan can be obtained in 30 minutes at 2% per day.

Provided by depositors cash "Yes! Invest" invests in "Yes! Credit" and in other reliable high-yield business areas.

  • Rostfinance Perm.

LLC Rostfinance (Limited Liability Company) is registered in Moscow and works in all regions of the Russian Federation. The company provides entrepreneurs step-by-step instructions on business launch.

"Rostfinance" since the opening of the business by the Client assumes legal support and produces free training of personnel. The company for 5 days helps the entrepreneur to open an office, while the average payback period of the business is 45 days.

LLC Rostfinance Perm contributes to the repayment of the loan on the conditions favorable for customers. Provides financial and legal services: Credit broker, payment of loans in any bank of Russia, correction and challenge credit history, Legal assistance "Anti-Collegetor".

Qnet (QuestNet, Quest.net, Qi) hit Russia in 2010 from Southeast Asia, her headquarters in Hong Kong.

QNET Activities E-commerce: Sale of personal hygiene products, food additives, turputevok, energy-based biodys.

The cost of products on the site is not specified, but at a personal meeting, employees explain to candidates that each of them should buy from the company of goods in the amount of 60-80 thousand rubles. The client who invited another person receives $ 200. All calculations go through the Internet wallet.

All signs of the financial pyramid

  1. Intrusive adware.
  2. No documents.
  3. Incomprehensible schemes.
  4. Promise quick and high earnings.
  5. Contliminate goods and starting contributions.
  • Financial Pyramid Zeus

The ZEVS business incubator is a business school, a legal project registered in Ufa. The number of participants exceeds 40 thousand people.

Each investor contributes to 10 thousand rubles, the Sinvestor 500 rubles, a member of the project 200. Its services and goods ZEVS sells via the Internet.

The project has passed international certification, has an HTTPS protocol and protection against DDoNA.

  • Financial Pyramid Crocus

The Crocus Financial Group uses schemes for attracting money and lending, similar to those used by the company "HerProm" recognized by the financial pyramid.

Group products Microcredit and "co-financing" of loans.

In fact, the following happens:

  • the client refers money to the firm;
  • crocus makes no more than three payments in the bank and disappears along with money;
  • the Bank submits to the borrower to the court and does everything hesitate from him that is obtained by the growth of interest and penalties.

The essence of the scheme is that customers are offered to repay the loan for a certain percentage (24-81%), depending on the amount of the debt and the validity period of the loan.

  • Financial Group NBF Pyramid

The company "NBF" is called "Business Independence" and attracts investors' money under 60% per annum. The NBF is "NBF" of two parts: a microfinance organization and a collector agency.

Money in the company is attracted through a loan agreement on their collector agency.

The decision to invest or not in some particular project, each of us takes itself!

Quite often proposed to join financial pyramids.

Under financial pyramids There are any structures in which the income of the depositors is formed by income from the means that other depositors contribute.

Any Doomed at the collapse. Because The number of newcomers early or later decreases, paying profits for depositors becomes nothing and the pyramid is covered with copper pelvis.

Perhaps you caught the times of MMM, the Russian house of Selenga, Hoper Invest ... - Bright representatives of financial pyramids.

On the Internet, financial pyramids are also a very common phenomenon.

I divided all financial pyramids to the following:

1. Frank financial pyramids .

The most important distinctive feature of such pyramids is the accrual of interest on the contribution.. As a rule, interest is large enough (for example, from 1% per day) to attract as many people who want to cut down money for free.

Such projects call another HYIP (High Yield Income Programs) ... or just Haip .. and Huip

Highypes are usually offered pretty high percent on deposits. As a rule, from 20% per month for invested capital.

Many Highypes use the same "engine" of the site, where the total number of depositors is written, total amount deposits, the total amount of payments, the number of new contributors registered today, etc. If you hit the site with this engine - know this 100% Haip.

Pyramids of this type are the most dangerous. Because They are initially created specifying precisely for the disorders. Trying to earn money - this is a very big risk. As a rule, Highypes pay only the first time to attract as many people as possible, after which the payments are terminated. Most likely you will learn about Haip then when investing is already dangerous.

Quite often, in front of the kid, the pyramids of this type are arranged additional licking stocks, promising for example an increased percentage. So for example, happened to the MMM-2011, when Mavrodi promised additional bonuses of 50% for new contributions. This was the apogee pyramid. MMM-2011 generally a unique case. Mavrodi frankly wrote on the site that the project Financial Pyramid, but many people did not stop, despite the warning.

How to define a frank financial pyramid?

Standard Khaip script.

Income into contribution in the form of elevated interest

Lack of confirmation of real activity

Lack of information about project organizers, or information that is not possible to check

Acceptance of money only through anonymous ways - Ergal, WebMoney, etc.

Is it possible to earn in the highups? Can. If you enter into the High at the time of birth and, at the first opportunity to withdraw your invested funds, leaving "spinning" in the project interest. There are special sites that are "monitor" Highypes.

However, personally i do not consider it earnings . Large sums In such projects to invest dangerously, perhaps after receiving your $ 1000, the project immediately closes. And to invest $ 100 in order to earn a month 20 - for me it is not money. If you are an adult person - then for you it is also not earnings. I will not live for him.

If you really want to take a chance - then you can do it differently, and with a higher probability for success, such as investing in the PAMM account or making yourself trade operations on Forex.

However, sometimes there are pyramids who promise a very modest percentage, for example 5-7% per month. In this case, the pyramid can successfully exist for several years. I even participated in that (though I did not think that this is a pyramid) and managed to earn very well. But perhaps I was lucky. At that moment I considered the project serious, and did not expect it to be a pyramid.

2. Ordinary Financial Pyramids

In such pyramids there is no interest accrual for your contribution just like that, i.e. Doing nothing, and in order to earn something - you need to work, namely, to attract new people who want to be in the pyramid. Money from new participants are distributed over a chain up. There are a lot of such pyramids - Goldline, various "mutual assistance checks". When you enter the project, you pay a certain amount that is distributed to higher participants. The danger of such pyramids is that you may not find those who want to join the project "under you", and thus ruin. If the pyramid is new and you know how to convince people and they will begin to join, then you can make money on it. But sooner or later, such a pyramid will also be broken, because Those who wish to join it will be less and less ..

An important difference from the pyramids of the first type is that the money is credited rigidly from the number of people given. Did not bring anyone? Do not earn nothing. And in the pyramids of the first type, the main thing is to invest money, and it is not necessary to bring someone.

But, the financial pyramids of the first two types are usually prohibited in many countries, therefore, the financial pyramids of the third type are quite often appearing.

3. Masking Financial Pyramids

- Pyramids who want to be similar to MLM company.

In such pyramids, as a rule there is some allegedly valuable goods, and if you find akin to the company, which will come to the company and acquire this product / service, then you are charged commissions. An example of such a hidden financial pyramid may be inmarket there are offered training computer courses on banal themes (for example, Windows use), which are not valuable, but at the same time fragile prices. Or Intway (by the way closed. Such a fate will be all such projects). Nothing, but the price clearly does not fit the product and overestimated several times from the analogues, and the services themselves do not need 95% of the usual population. And everyone else I know (who needs) know where to take these services cheaper.
Thus, it can be concluded that product in such companies pure to covernot to be a pure financial pyramid. In most countries, financial pyramids are prohibited by legislation, so the husks come up with a certain product or service. As in MLM-companies, words - matrix, marketing plan of remuneration, bonus, sponsor, etc. flashed on the websites of such companies, which is characteristic of MLM companies.

From the masking popular financial pyramids, WORLD GMN can be noted with allegedly very necessary communication services and cardfones, and Emgoldex company, which type sells gold. In all these structures, "Earnings" is based on the receipt of commissions from attracted people.

4. Financial pyramids of matrix type.

Previously considered pyramids of the 2nd and 3rd type can be matrix. The difference is that in ordinary financial pyramids, the participant receives income immediately as soon as he invited a person under himself. In "Matrixes" you need to fill out several lines under it, and only then you can get income. For example, in the company Emgoldex you need to invite 2 people, with no money from these people you do not get, then those two should invite two more, and those in turn are two more. And only when the entire 3rd line is filled / paid - you will receive income. In the case of Emgoldex - you will get money from people in the third line.

Sometimes there are both hybrids. For example, TelexFree row has a product in the form of unlimited VoIP communications, but at the same time pays money, even if you do not invite anyone and do not sell any package. Promoters claim that they are paid for placing ads, but my investigation has proven that work in Telexfrey is absolutely not effective and fictitious. And therefore, the participants of this project, not selling anything and not inviting anyone, receive income as in the frank financial pyramids (first type).

Is it possible to earn with financial pyramids?

Can. And sometimes a lot, if you find yourself at the beginning of the project start and invite many people to themselves .. But usually a large earnings are possible if you give unreliable information about the company. Or simply put - do deception. After all, if you tell the truth about the project, many will not come to the company. I consider this approach not ethical business.

Is it possible to earn with the company ....?

I come a lot of letters of such a plan - "tell me. Is it possible to earn with the company ....." If this is a MLM company, or the financial pyramid, trying to be similar to the MLM company, then I always answer like this:

Imagine that you have already entered this company. What's next? What are you going to do? What are your actions? You are sociable, sociable, have a big circle of friends and know how to convince any person that you will even buy urn at the bus stop? After answering these questions, you accept the decision. And you can also try to defend these "goods" your acquaintances and look at their reaction. Again, it will be a criterion, join the project or not. A B. lately We don't have a very trusting people ... And everyone understands that if you offer something, it means you want to weld yourself, and the person automatically turns on the protective reaction.

If you are offered to join the financial pyramid, where you do not need to invite anyone, but at the same time you need to invest money - then appreciate the risks. Will the loss of money that you have invested, with a tangible blow according to your financial situation? Full stupidity - take loans, sell auto / apartment and invest this money into financial pyramids.

If you all decided to earn money with the help of financial pyramids - then let's truthful information about the company and be sure to warn about risks. Especially if you invite friends or acquaintances. Otherwise, in case your acquaintances do not have time to earn and lose money, most likely your relationship will end.

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Other ways to make money on the Internet for which you do not have to lose time:

Since this site is dedicated to working on the Internet and ways to make money online, then I think that it is simply necessary to pay some attention to financial pyramids, since this phenomenon is also a kind of "type of earnings".

Many, the concepts of financial pyramid and network marketing are mixed into one, erroneously taking one thing for the other, since the structures are very similar.

A bit of theory: a company that has distributors, as well as the presence of any physical product for distribution (sales) - this company refers to network marketing (MLM Company). If the company does not have any product, and the remuneration to the old participants is formed by the "infusion" of money by new ones - this is the financial pyramid.

I have already earn a relatively long time through the Internet, but for these few years I never participated in financial pyramids, and there are several reasons for it ...

Why not take part in financial pyramids?

First, I never heard someone really in the pyramid earned some normal amounts. Although no, heard was made. However, those who told about it themselves are named, and therefore faiths cannot be to them by definition.

Secondly, not all of these structures are reliable. There is no guarantee in obtaining earned funds, but to get into the scam there are obviously a big chance.

Thirdly - this kind of earnings in itself is some unpleasant. You are sitting and thinking how to invite people to put my money. After all, just so you can, if you do not earn, then at least to return the nested to you. And you can't guarantee a person with confidence that the project does not deceive him in the future.

Based on the written above, the following is the following - to offer you an entry into some kind of financial pyramid I will not. In this article, I want, as you like a modest strength, tell me about what I know about financial pyramids and is it possible to earn at all?

The structure (essence) of any financial pyramid is an invitation of new participants. That is, to earn you, as a rule, at the beginning should make some amount, and then you need to invite participants under yourself. They, in turn, also invite the participants and you seem to be well earned.

Other pyramids scream about the fact that in their company you can earn a million invested 100 rubles. Yes, it is possible, but there is one nuance. Do you have such a way in an embrace with which you can invite a bunch of people under yourself? Do you know him? And not only invite, and convince people to make the necessary an initial fee. Is it possible? My opinion is yes, it is real, but such clever only one or two out of a million. As a result - a million promised rubles earns the creator of this financial pyramid and two clever. Participants mostly remain with anything. At best, it is possible to earn a small amount of money and not everyone.

Recently, financial pyramids show active activities on the network. Now there are a lot of them on the expanses of the Internet. Their creators come up with all new disguise methods so that a person could not understand what he got into the pyramid. They call themselves online games with real output of money, where you need to plant and grow trees or, for example, to buy animals, raise them and then sell, cash pages, money bedside tables, and so on. But the essence is one - at the first stage, investing you a certain amount of money, and on the second is the invitation of new participants.

I really do not advise participating in any projects of this area. It can only make money there only one who knows how and where to find that layer of society, which is inclined to shortenness, stupidity, greed and laziness. After all, for the most part only such people come into financial pyramids.

If you still decide to try to take part in the pyramids, even despite the written above, pay attention to the site itself, as it looks. What he is high quality and volume, the greater the likelihood that the project is honest (well, if at all this way this way is to be called honest). You need to search for reviews about this company. But note that almost all financial pyramids buy positive feedback. However, for the sake of interest, it is still worth reading what they write.

A considerable role here also plays the size of the first contribution. It would be wiser to get into the pyramid where the contribution of 100 rubles than in the one where $ 100. After all, there is a high probability that invested funds you will never see again. It is also very important at what stage of development is the project. As a rule, the life expectancy of the financial pyramid is no more than a year, and in most cases much less. Consequently - if you still do not exist and want to participate, it is better to join as early as possible, in the first stages, while the project was not satisfied with the participants. The more participants, the closer the collapse of the financial pyramid and it is undoubtedly proven.

All your thoughts about financial pyramids I briefly outlined. You can earn in this business. It is really a huge business online. I hope it is only for the time being ... Want to try - dare, just do not forget that normal money earns the organizer and, if you are lucky, the first 100-200 participants under the condition of them of unprecedented activity. The rest remain with anything.

What is the financial pyramid?
The financial pyramid is a system built on a constant flow of funds coming from the outside of new participants. The money received in the form of inflows of new funds go to repay obligations to old depositors. The cycle of activity of the pyramid is always rigidly limited. With a decrease or generally stopping the inflow of new funds, the entire pyramid collapses.
Nowadays, it's not so easy to distinguish truly profitable and profitable projects from financial pyramids. This is due to various tricks and tricks of the creators of the pyramids, the financial illiteracy of our citizens and the strong desire to get rich without doing anything, add more "holes" in the legislation and we get a very well-disguised profitable company, which, in fact, is nothing more than ordinary scam.

What to talk about ordinary citizens, if even the controlling bodies do not always immediately determine the legality of existing private financial systems. All this is used by the so-called "Financial Genius".

Let's look at the most famous and largest financial pyramids in the world to represent how you can make money literally from the air.

Boston Pyramid

He founded her immigrant from Italy Charles Ponzi. After moving in the United States for the "American dream" Pli wanted to quickly get rich. But all repeated start-up in the field of business ended with complete failures. After several years, earn a state of Charles together with several families established a company and released securities for which it was possible to receive in the amount of 20% per month. Such a high yield was explained by large profits from trade in goods around the world. In fact, it was the usual financial pyramid, and not any activity, in addition to the reception, she did not led.

All this was accompanied by an impressive advertising company, a press was bribed, writing enthusiastic articles about his brainchild, some high-ranking officials openly declared that they were his clients. All this contributed to a massive influx of new customers. All residents of the city carried the money of Ponzi, stood in huge queues to acquire cherished papers, for which it was relied on the fabulous interest. In just one year it was collected about 50 million dollars.

At the time, it was just a unheard of sum. An ordinary working man received about 50-80 dollars a month at a time.

It turned out everything is prose enough. The federal system was interested in the activities of Ponzi. And after a while Ponzi was convicted of financial fraud for 5 years.

Portuguese pyramid Dona Branca

The usual woman from Portugal Maria Branca Dos Santos is more famous under the name Don Branko, decided to organize his own bank. In 1970, a large-scale advertising company was conducted, according to which all depositors were promised at 10% per month. A huge number of inhabitants rushed to make their savings to Branca Bank.

It is noteworthy that such a system existed as much as 14 years. During this time, Brank managed in its obligations and regularly paid income to people. She was even called the "People's Banker." But, like any financial pyramid, in 1984 she came to her end. She could no longer be calculated on the obligations taken before the depositors. Branca was convicted of 10 years in prison.

At home, the opera was even delivered about her, which was also called - People's Banker (A Banqueira do Povo)

Double Shah

The pyramid is named after the usual teacher from Pakistan named Sad Sibtula Hassan Shah. The story begins in the discharge of 2005. Returning from Dubai in Native Vazirabad, Sed Shah began to spread first among the neighbors information that he has a secret program that allows him to earn just a fabulous profit on trading in stock market.

At first there were few wishing, not more than 10 first depositors. But after Shah pay them the first percentages from the profits, the number of people wishing to grow simply in geometric progression.

In just a year and a half it was collected about 1 billion dollars from almost 300 thousand people. Seda Shah became so popular that he even wanted to put forward to the election of the head of the region.

As always, everything ended enough prose. Shah was arrested for fraud, his brainchild immediately broke up. Thousands of people went outside in defending Seda Shaha, with a request to release from the financial guru.

Lime promotions Lu Pllmanana

Lou Perlman is known as the creator of popular groups such as Backstreet BOYS and NSYNC. However, few people know that Lu spent a long time behind bars. And how can you guess - for financial fraud.

It all started in 1981. Lu Perlman created several fictitious firms that did not carry out any activity and only existed on paper. Then released the shares of these firms and posted them on the stock exchange. These shares gradually began to buy individuals, and even major financial institutions. Lou warmed up interest in them, publishing lime reports growth of his profits.

All this scheme quite calmly and profitably existed as many as 20 years. During this time, the price of the stock placed by him has grown several times.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe best quality managers from the superior guide and the subordinates are diametrically opposed.

    Show completely

    Subordinates are often waiting from the head of the loyal relationship, softness, tolerance to errors and misses.

    The higher management prefers to hire the managers of an effective manager, a solid and demanding person, immaculately performing, and better predictive ideas for improving business.

    Characteristics of an effective manager

    Recently, the phrase "effective manager" is consumed as often that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept itself occurred, including, and due to the fact that amateur managers began to consider themselves, confident that the principles of management are equally at a confectionery factory and at metallurgical production.

    1. The product manager is engaged in the creation and implementation of the finished product;
    2. The project manager, together with the team develops, updates and accompanies the maintenance of the final product;
    3. Customer Service Manager is engaged in communication with consumers of the finished product;
    4. Personnel manager is responsible for selection and consolidation of qualified personnel;
    5. Sales Manager represents finished products The success of the entire company depends on the final consumer and from its effectiveness. The sales manager must have excellent communicative skills, pleasant appearance, navigate the product characteristics, have the ability to convince and perseverance.

    Skill to manage time

    Of course, no one can change the number of hours in the days or seconds per minute. The effective leader controls and organizes its time and time of subordinates, not allowing losses:

    1. analyzes the time, detecting unproductive costs;
    2. plans his time and organizes the time of their subordinates;
    3. reduces the number of ineffective meetings;
    4. concentrates on solving only important and urgent tasks;
    5. struggling with time absorbers;
    6. spelfully delegates the tasks of subordinates.

    How to reduce the number of meetings

    No one loves to sit as a statistical meeting on endless meetings on the organization of efficient work and reduce time loss. One sits, bolding into the gadget, the other hardly trying to suppress the yawns, the third - empty missing eyes. If you fold the cost of the hourly salary of each of those present at the meeting, it will turn out to be quite round. Unnecessary, ineffective meetings must be canceled. Only well-prepared meetings should be carried out, with a clearly designated goal and regulations. The duration of the meeting should not exceed more than 45 minutes. If more, it is recommended to take a break.


    The head must necessarily have the qualities of the leader to conquer respect and authority in the team, otherwise the team will appear an informal leader in the team, and disagreements to it will interfere with the efficiency of the team.

    What makes the leader in the team:

    1. Able to put the goal and orient the team to achieve it.
    2. Puts priorities, concentrating the attention of the team on the priorities, without spending the forces on the minor.
    3. Knows how to take effective solutions using various techniques for receiving effective solutions: From brainstorming to SWOT analysis.
    4. Able to work in a team. Knows strong I. weak sides each of the subordinates. Uses the potential of each employee with the greatest productivity.
    5. It has good communications skills, strengthens the corporate spirit in the team.

    Head - Pedagogue, Psychologist, Personnel

    A professional manager should strive to study psychology to better understand the psychotypes and features of the personalities of employees and customers, stimulate their motivation.

    Based on the characteristics of the character and qualifications of the employee, the control regime is selected - someone requires hard daily control, and someone can work successfully independently.

    When selecting personnel oriented on professional quality applicant, and not on friendly or personal connections.

    A good leader develops his subordinates, not afraid that his "let's". And he himself does not stop in its development and regularly increases its professional qualities, expands the circle of knowledge and interests, its example stimulates the development of others.

    How not to burn at work

    Usually an effective manager does not separate itself from an organization in which it works, and it is correct, as it contributes to the company's prosperity. However, the reverse side is such that in an effort to achieve a high professional level, a person forgets about his personal life, family, friends, hobbies and leisure. And, once, "professional burnout" can occur - psychological deformation of the individual, indifference, apathy.

    To prevent this, it is necessary to comply with the balance between work and personal life, observe the labor and rest mode, sleep at least 7 hours a day, switch when fatigue to another type of activity.

    1. Think about the future, not about the past.
    2. Choose opportunities, not problems.
    3. Do not swim by the flow along with others.
    4. Put high goal.


    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Store Director - Managing and Serious Work. Regardless of the specialization of the trading point, be it clothing, office equipment or children's goods, process and, it means, the tasks that the head must consume the skill of the management position, head of the manual and organizational features of a person who accepts such a position.

    Show completely

    General provisions of the job instruction

    Imagine the main provisions from the documentation regulating the work manager:

    The main path of the employee - the management of production and economic and financial work Organizations.

    In his own acts, the managing is based on the laws of the Russian Federation, internal-regulatory documents, the charter of the institution or the company, and even on the employment contract and official leadership.

    The highest degree of serious part of the official lies on the consequences of the conclusions adopted by him, the effective application and safety of the company's property, general economic and monetary results its activities.

    It is depends on the meetings of shareholders, the Council of Officers.

    At the time not the estate of the head in his post, his duties are still performing an employee who occupies another manager, by order of the Council of the institution.

    Rights and responsibility

    The following authority has a head of a commercial institution:

    1. He will be able to be a participant in considering the tasks that are combined with the execution of official functions, to inform the highest supervision of the recommendation on the promotion of the work of the store and employees;
    2. employ and reduce personnel;
    3. issue a premium and expose the penalty of employees within the amount defined by the highest bosses;
    4. shoot the share of own obligations, and also with the possibility of signature subordinate.

    Responsibilities of the director of the trading point

    The essence of the leader's activities in the resolution of management and monetary issues united with the organizational work of trading.

    The head is obliged to carry out the activity of the store, its obligations include a decrease in costs and an increase in the quality of service.

    The main obligations include the following items:

    1. General regulation of the store;
    2. guarantee of turnover of the approved plan of implementations;
    3. selection of personnel, coordination of the activities of employees;
    4. maintaining products, formation and implementation of inventory;
    5. communication with authorized state, inspection structures;
    6. implementation of reporting, improving cost efficiency, increasing service quality.

    In addition, the head of the store will be able to perform the following functions:

    1. Training of highlights and merchandisers;
    2. regulation of the pricing policy of the store, promotions and supercomers;
    3. conducting the development of trading companies and so on.

    As you can see, the list of functions of the control store is quite large.

    And the lead that he is obliged to do at a high level is to command people.

    The ordinary knowledge of the products and individuals of the trading area to manage the store is not enough. It is necessary to be able to organize the activities of employees so that the trading point worked safely and brought profit.

    How to select a candidate for the manager

    The management officer includes general terms and Conditions, and the interview to the head of the store is carried out by a certain employer with clear conditions. Frequently asked questions when interviewing:

    1. Direct obligations at the last work position and objectives of the activity;
    2. organization of structural subordination and reporting: how cooperation with a certain manager was conducted, and as the manager managed his own subordinates, their tasks;
    3. the description of the most noted history of the leadership subordinates - as it appeared, how ended, as ended.

    Trade legislation is a question host for the head of the store.

    The principal and knowledge of the technologies of the store actions: as it opens and closes, the basis of turnover, activities with regulatory authorities.

    And the peculiarity of the store (the review and originality of the product presentation, the choice, cost, category of consumers) may be analyzed by proceeding to activities. It is important to perceive the significance of each element.

    Requirements for the store head

    On average, the condition for the management store is consisting of such items as:

    1. Higher education;
    2. successful skill work on the site of the administrator or head of the store;
    3. employee management skill;
    4. communicability, the ability to find mutual understanding with staff, the ability to resolve controversial provisions;
    5. understanding KP.

    In addition, additional conditions will be provided with the candidacy for the ordering place in the store.

    The head of the jewelry store or shoes makes approximately the same as the guidelines of the stationery, the book or the grocery point - communication with suppliers, the implementation of the production of products, its correct layout, management of personnel, cashiers, merchandisers, cash discipline, etc. Products are different - the functions of the head of the same type.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Free hot law line.

    Today we will tell about what goods for trading from abroad. In the context of Internet commerce, of course. And we will also deal with what will have a demand for the next few years. But keep in mind that you will not handle any insider information. Because no one will tell all the secrets, as long as they can earn. And if someone suddenly advise you to buy spinners in 2020, it is necessary to seriously think about whether there are no problems with intellectual abilities from the countel.

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    What are you buying a lot on the Internet?

    Clothes and gadgets. The problem is that now almost all overlap monopolists. Even in the Russian-speaking segment began to appear their analogues of large foreign network giants. We will not mention their names, but you and so beautifully guess, about whom.

    There is still not so much product here as:

    1. The status of "pioneer".
    2. Established logistics supplies.

    The question has not yet lied in to sell. Rather, where to find the client. And he is known, will go along the most shortest path. And ultimately, buy the right goods on a large platform. However, you always have the opportunity to lavish and find unoccupied niches. Let's analyze on the example of such a difficult theme as military equipment. Now this direction is almost overlapping, but for 2015/2016 it was more than relevant.

    At the time, in the Russian Federation, airsoft and hardball were extremely limited and inaccessible. Because in itself the direction was extremely unpopular. And it would be worth playing. Because at the specified period of time, lacked:

    1. Cheap equipment.
    2. Maskhalats.
    3. Unloading systems.
    4. Pyrotechnics at all rarely where he met.

    And if you have managed to get at the right time, then you had all the trumps in the sleeve. It was enough to organize a small range:

    1. Mask. Bathrobes.
    2. Footwear.
    3. Standard gear.
    4. Unloading vests of several types.

    And that's all that was enough for the start. It was only necessary to have time to catch the initiative in social. networks. We are talking about VKontakte, where the relevant thematic communities of the airsoftists and all involved are organized.

    And this is exactly the case when the pioneers managed to establish the perfect system. Store groups developed with the help of simple playbacks to the repost. And the customers went all. Then clients began to appear on foreign products:

    1. Crye Presifion.
    2. 5.11.
    3. MIL-TEC, etc.

    There was already a different scheme. The seller gained pre-ordered, after which she brought the goods in the Russian Federation. True, this business is strongly tied to the trends and variability of the entire community as a whole. But otherwise, good indicators were provided there. A little later pulled up:

    1. Suppliers of Chinese pyrotechnics.
    2. Manufacturers of domestic pyrotechnics.
    3. Manufacturers of domestic ammunition, etc.

    It came to the point that some began to produce their own unloading vests. The wave passed by pyrotechnics. Now in airsoft is used by professional pyrotechnics of Russian production. Grenades, mortars, grenade launchers, etc. All this only imitates the weapon, but is popular.

    So, of the simple hobbies of a small group of people, it turned into a whole biome. Where they are spinning on the standards of small business money.

    What is profitable to trade in Russia

    As we said, clothes and electronics. But since these directions are almost all busy, you can move a little focus:

    1. Chinese playgrounds.
    2. Souvenir products.

    Yes, still on Chinese sites you can find something extremely useful. And then resell in Russia with a minimum markup. And if you learn to detect sharp or impending demand for some particular product, you can work at all to ahead.

    The fact is that not everyone is ready to wait for 20-40 days until the parcel arrives from China. Some want right here and now. And you can help them if you learn to guess the demand for a specific product. And you will buy it regularly.

    As for souvenir products, the speech is exclusively about production. Now the printing on circles and t-shirts will not surprise anyone. But if you independently draw all the design, and your work like many, then this is one of the options. In this case, act as your first clients will be fans. And then it can grow up in a full-fledged business.

    Virtual goods

    The most chassis for the online store is extremely difficult. But another popular destination is the content:

    1. Art.
    2. Music.
    3. Games.

    Music is sold at specialized forums. But if you do it professionally, you can organize a full-fledged showcase store. Another talk game. First, from the point of view of foreign legislation it is already illegal. The Russian Federation does not apply in the Russian Federation in most cases. We are not yet talking about what the black markets of stolen accounts feel great and the like.

    The only legal scheme for implementation: open purchase of accounts from real players. And subsequent resale. But this is quite unreliable, so soon or later you will be stumbled on stolen accounts. And this is indirectly supplied under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, we do not recommend this.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Free hot law line.

    The success and popularity of the product on the market, as a rule, depends on the dynamics of its sales. It can be said that the same product in various places can be sold with various success, which is affected by the density of the consumer flow, finding the product on the shelves, active operation of competitors and many other factors.

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    Today we will tell about how they earn in groups in contact. Still social networks become an integral part Our life. There are setting broadcasts, publish music, find work, etc. So, and everywhere earn money. This is just about making money, or rather about one of the ways today and we told.

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    The fall of the ruble is often you can hear from TV televisers. Accordingly, all people are wondering, and when will the ruble grow? What is the trend of the ruble to the euro and the dollar.

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    On the question

    Dependence on foreign markets people scares.

    It should be recognized that in this market chaos, the ruble behaves much better than it could be expected. Perhaps this is the merit of the Central Bank Russian Federationwhich is trying to localize "fire" on the local currency market. The regulator has increased sales of foreign currency to 5.5 billion rubles within the framework of active measures. Prior to that, he sold only 3.6-3.7 billion rubles a day.

    Meanwhile, low oil prices do not allow to expect a course russian currency He adjusted sufficiently. So far, you can only say that the ruble managed to prevent an uncontrolled fall, as it was in 2014, as well as speculative pressure, as in 2008.

    An important indicator for Russia is the cost of oil in rubles, which fell below 2000 rubles per barrel, which is very low by historical standards and promises difficult times for local exporters of raw materials. This suggests that the Russian currency has not yet fully fulfilled their role of the market shock absorber.

    Agreement on the restriction of oil production expires on April 1. In early March, at the OPEC summit, the main oil-producing countries would agree on further reduce fuel production to maintain higher prices. However, Russia did not agree, and the market reacted instantly.

    Why so

    The exchange rate affected the sharp drop in oil prices. On March 9, the price of Brent's brand fell 31% and reached $ 31.43 per barrel. IN last time This happened in 2004. These are the consequences of the failed OPEC + agreement: the term of the agreement on the restriction of oil production expires on April 1. In early March, at the OPEC summit, the main oil-producing countries would agree on further reduce fuel production to maintain higher prices. However, Russia did not agree, and the market reacted instantly.

    Another factor is the coronavirus epidemic, which led to a decrease in oil consumption.

    Experts, real and computer scientists build theories about why this happened. For ordinary people It is much more important to understand what to expect and what to do with money.

    What to wait for people

    No one knows for sure, simply because it is impossible, the situation does not seem very positive. Earlier the fall in oil prices and, as a result, the fall of the ruble ended with the crisis. Analytical Credit Rating Agency considers ACRA Index for financial stress is likely.

    In addition, the Russian budget is now better protected from low oil prices than before. The Ministry of Finance has already announced an informational message. About the mechanism budget ruleWhen oil prices fall below the base level when selling foreign currency to compensate for the fall in oil prices below $ 42.4 dollars per barrel. This measure compensates for the loss of income due to low fuel costs. In addition, fewer foreign goods were imported, and over the past 5 years Russia has reduced food imports by a third, including due to the notorious import substitution.

    However, although the monstrous crisis can be avoided, the negative effect will still be.

    IN last years There was a decline in world oil prices to which economic sanctions against Russia introduced by the United States and EU countries were added. These factors affect the decline in the ruble rate in relation to foreign currencies, especially the US dollar to compensate for the loss caused by the decline in oil prices.

    It turns out that on a global scale for the state, the devaluation of the ruble in a sense is even profitable, since it requires the development of the domestic industry and gradually refusing imported goods. In addition, the weakening of the ruble has always been profitable to exporters of oil and gas, given that they are sold for dollars, and then revenue from their sales exchanges on rubles. But? Simple citizens during devaluation are most interested in saving and not lose their hard-earned savings. Therefore, in the future we will consider several ways to save and invest money, as well as analyze their effectiveness.

    What you do not need to do

    Unknowingly omitting all savings. One thing, if you plan to buy expensive imported goods. Perhaps you have time to do it before price tags in stores will not be re-registered. And it's completely different when you spend all the money in a panic. First of all, you become the owner of a multitude of useless things. Secondly, if the crisis breaks out, you will not have money to wait for a difficult period.

    Treat yourself to speculation. Panic is also the ability to make money on those who have lost the ability to correctly assess the situation.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Free hot law line.

    Shares are the ability to earn money remotely. Often promise profit on stock trading significant. Is it really? Is it true that money from oil comes to people?

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    The participation of large oil companies in the life of ordinary people is not uncommon. But you can also encounter organizations that offer to make money under the brand of a large oil company.

    Take the currency pair EUR / USD. To analyze this asset and make a forecast, three actions must be taken:

    1. Show all news related euro.
    2. View all dollar news.
    3. Compare EUR and USD news and forecast for EUR / USD currency pair.

    For an ordinary trader, the question is not in where to trade oil. The answer is unequivocal - only e-trade on the Outstanding Forex market gives you the opportunity to participate in speculation with an asset, which was previously unavailable for financial and technical reasons. Unlike the conditions of the stock market, where the volume of the standard contract is 1000 barrels, there is no such binding for forex, and transactions can be carried out for any volumes from 10 barrels (0.01 lots).

    You can trade oil on Forex using CFD - a contract for a difference relating to over-the-counter financial instruments.

    Bet and selection of broker

    First of all, you need to choose the right forex broker. This broker will be appropriate here, in the list of assets for which CFD contracts exist on oil: Go to the brokerage platform → Open the "Assets" section → Read the CFD Contract List. If you have any difficulties, contact support for help. When checking, pay attention to the fact that each brand oil has its own rating. This means that WTI and Brent has as many common as EUR / USD and GBP / USD.


    1. Pay attention to the location of the price relative to the main levels. The price must be installed completely above the control level.
    2. The black gold line should go up, enter the 70-30 level zone and be below the RSI generator.
    3. The RSI line should increase and be in the range from 70 to 30.
    4. We bought a new open candle and remove stop loss to the next reference level. If the size of the stop loss exceeds 80 points, it is advisable to skip the transaction. We will also miss the signal if the size of the candle occupies most of the space between the key levels indicator levels.
    5. We do not invest more than 3% of the deposit in the bet, and we always do that that the profit profit is at least four times the stop loss.

    You can trade oil on Forex using CFD - a difference contract for over-the-counter financial instruments. To take into account when concluding Forex oil contracts:

    Each broker provides its own CFD execution (minimum deposit and lot, leverage, spread size). Special attention It should be done - oscillations can range from 3 to 15 dollars.

    You can trade oil on Forex by several brands (WTI, BRENT), which have their own designations (may differ from different brokers). In Europe, Brent is considered the norm in the USA - WTI. These two brands are classified as very liquid (prices are indicated on the largest stock exchanges of London and New York and are always expressed in US dollars).

    Petroleum transactions are deadlines, and open positions will be automatically closed by a broker. The opening of new orders will occur by current price From another end date.

    Oil can be inserted different ways. The first and probably the most profitable method is to speculate directly at the price of WTI or Brent oil directly in the markets. Anyone can access this method, simply by registering on the online trading platform. CFD and futures are two main speculation tools at oil prices. You can also invest in the promotion of oil companies, trading online and using the same tools.

    About oil and how to earn

    Oil is an asset with which it is worth working regardless of your investment horizon. In fact, if you plan to open a long position at Barrel price, this idea may be profitable because experts and analysts in this market predict the rise in raw oil prices over the next 15 years.

    The essence of oil trafficking is to receive profits from the course difference. It seems possible to make a profit with both depreciation and magnification. For example, you can buy oil at the lowest price and sell it at the maximum. Oil volume is measured in barrels. Stock Exchange Trading in 100 barrels in lots. You can trade through a broker.

    Most trades on the stock exchange are carried out in the form of futures contracts, if non-oil product itself is traded, but a future fixed contract price. Also most beneficial for traders are transactions with contracts for the difference, that is, transactions with cost differences, without delivering certain raw materials. The CFD contract substantially provides for the following: Parties enter into an agreement, in accordance with which mutual settlement occurs during the transaction. Party, whose forecast of the price speaker turned out to be incorrect, pays for the difference on the other hand.

    Experienced Exchange Players, who have passed the school trading, know how to trade oil in the Forex market. The energy market is always in the center of attention of economists and politicians due to its significant impact on most areas of life.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Free hot law line.

    The growth of the dollar's course always scares ordinary citizens. The reaction of foreign exchange markets changes daily due to changes in indicators. The forecast of the growth of the dollar is currently not consolation. The course will grow, and the ruble fall. The dollar growth dynamics is positive with some fluctuations.

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    The forecast of euro growth for a month inspires. But the reaction of world markets on the euro is not stable. And what is the rust of the growth of the euro and what is the trend of the euro growth?

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    On the question

    The euro rate is directly related to quarantine and oil, the geopolitical situation in the country. Moreover, the shares of the majority russian companiesThe owners and managers of which are not yet punished, began to decline. The situation with the listing of companies belonging to Deripask and Vekselberg shows that it can happen to Russian assets. Investors prefer to defend themselves from such things and get rid of the shares of Russian companies.

    After stock indexes, the ruble also fell. The dollar began to grow sharply, and the euro is not much lagged. Even if the US sanctions first influenced the ratio of the ruble to the dollar, the exchange rates of other currencies in relation to the ruble could not change. If the exchange rate of the euro and the dollar is currently at the mark of 1.23, there is no reason for this indicator to be preserved in Russia. The ruble has problems that are cheaper compared to all other currencies, which are stable courses.

    It is characteristic that even more expensive oil does not help the ruble.

    And what with the national currency

    The ruble remains hostage to many multidirectional factors that support it, on the one hand, and put pressure on its price, on the other.

    The high difference in the interest rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and, for example, the US Federal Reserve, remains an important factor in support. This increases the demand for government bonds. Our currency is also supported by the fact that the Bank of Russia in the conditions of falling oil prices and the likely growth of consumer prices can stop further reduction interest rates.

    But on it positive sides The ruble end. Among the negative should consider the likelihood of increasing interest rates in the United States this year by another 0.25%, the resumption of falling prices for ferrous gold and the departure of American investors from Russian OFZ against the background of the decision of the US Congress on the extension of sanctions. In the future, this may lead to a ban on the purchase of Russian state securities.

    Looking at the current state of affairs, we believe that the ruble is likely to continue a slight decline next month if the oil prices do not return to the level of $ 50 per barrel. Unfortunately, there is still no prerequisites for this.

    Given the negative perspectives of the ruble, we consider it necessary to make purchases of foreign currency. Objectives: 69,50-71.50 against the euro and 63,50-66.50 against the dollar. It is very likely that the current moment will be the best for the exchange of the Russian currency, and there are several reasons for it. First, summer is the season of vacation, during which the demand for foreign currency increases, which leads to its rise in relation to the ruble. Secondly, Monday ends financial period, and with it there is an active conversion of its foreign exchange earnings in national currency Large domestic exporters. It was their purchases that made it possible to adjust the ruble immediately before closing last week.

    Oh oil and euro

    Cheap oil is likely to push the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank to further steps to weaken the ruble. Another decline in the rate on 25 basic points occurred in June, so in July, another round of revision of lending policy by the Central Bank should not be expected, but the intervention is most likely inevitable.

    In general, there should be no significant changes in the foreign exchange market in July. In my opinion, with low business activity and positive in the oil sphere, the ruble devaluation vector in relation to the dollar and the euro will continue. The ruble will be sold in the range of 56-61 against the dollar and 65.5-68 against the euro.

    Recall that in October 2018, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the article for the magazine "Economy Questions" built a real conceptual stronghold, designed to dispel all doubts about the invulnerability of the Russian economic System. Today we have a stable and deficient balance and low national debt (especially in foreign currency), and inflation is such that ensures macroeconomic stability, the head of the Council of Ministers said. In addition, according to Medvedev, a new goal is foreseen: the creation of a "durable basis", guaranteeing a steady growth in the well-being of each person, family and society as a whole. In the Russian expert community, this position found its supporters. Our country with its international reserves of more than $ 500 billion will "cope" with any global crisis, see for example, head of Alak Mak Alexander Rasuyev. In fact, in 2019 and 2020, GDP growth will be clearly 1-2% lower, but on this negative consequences End, he says.

    "State reserves exceed debentures. This means that the Kremlin can repay the debts with one click. The budget is exceeded. Fund indices are poorly related to consumer confidence. In connection with moderately weak ruble policies, the volume of exports this year outside the oil will reach 140-150 billion US dollars. Following the year, inflation will be 4.2%, the key rate central Bank - 6.75%, "- lists the" Protective Letter "expert for Russia. With regard to global risk, Rodows lists two. First, it is a hypothetical armed conflict in the Middle East: on the one hand, the United States, Saudi Arabia And its allies, on the other, Iran, also a very serious military enemy. It is difficult to predict the outcome of this confrontation, but the price of oil can easily exceed 100 US dollars. However, Trump has already declared that it will be pleased with the sanctions against Tehran.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact: it is very not easy to see. In fact, there is nothing hard. Previously, it was a family type of earning, and the road to business was almost insurmount. Today, when a person has money and the required design features, it will be specifically what is required to organize a case from scratch.

    How to open a pharmacy: detailed instructions

    For a quick business organization, you need to keep a step-by-step instruction:

    1. Make a market analysis, browse the proposals of the competitors.
    2. Give an assessment of reset and probable spending on your own business.
    3. Make a business plan, noting all the details of the launch of the pharmacy.
    4. Apply the prepared example of documentation by specifying personal data.
    5. Decide with the room by taking a rent or buying. At the initial stage of the opening of his case, the first way is preferable. So you will protect yourself from the big waste and you can direct the funds for the development of the pharmacy. However, rent will increase the size of monthly waste.
    6. Implement business, collect permits.
    7. Invite employees, exclusively with the formation of a physician.
    8. Start promote business. Each month allocate finances on marketing.

    Permissions and documentation necessary for the organization of the pharmacy

    To obtain permission to the SES, it is required to submit such documentation as:

    1. Statement;
    2. Passport details;
    3. Certificate INN;
    4. Certificate of registration in the form of legal entities or natures of the face and its photocopy;
    5. Extract from EGRN;
    6. The contract for renting a building or a document proving ownership of a certain building;
    7. BTI plan;
    8. Contract for the medical examination of all personnel;
    9. Honey of books of all employees with an indication of the commission of all required vaccinations;
    10. Information with climate measurement indoors and illumination of buildings.

    It is necessary to rescue the sanitary passport for the launch of the pharmacy from scratch, and another permission to place an object, proving the correspondence of the presented building such a type of activity.

    To launch a new pharmacy business, it will be necessary to obtain the permission of the fire service, pre-collected such documentation as:

    1. Certificate of opening a business;
    2. Documentation proving the presence of fire safety and fire alarm devices and its working condition;
    3. Declaration of fire protection;
    4. An act of measurements of insulation of electrical conductors;
    5. Obtaining a medical license in Rospotrebnadzor.

    Based on the Federal Law "On the licensing of certain types of activities" and "the Regulations on the Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities", it is required to obtain a license to open a new pharmacy. For its design will be able to need from 30 to 40 days.

    Documentation providing license:

    1. Statement;
    2. Certificate of business organization;
    3. A photocopy of the document on making a record of JUR Facial to EGRN;
    4. Document on registration in tax Service either his photocopy;
    5. Document on payment of license fee;
    6. Evidence of a specialist manager either photocopy;
    7. Building lease agreement or paper proving ownership;
    8. Diplomas about the formation of the entire staff of the pharmacy or photocopies;
    9. Labor books;
    10. Documentation proving the right to use equipping either photocopy;
    11. Plan diagram and characteristics of the licensing object.

    Conditions for the room

    Almost all merchants suggest that the appropriate solution will be the launch of pharmacy business in the center of the region or in mallBut how they convince professionals, many people prefer to go to pharmaceutical points located near the house. Many buyers do not bother and increased price for medicines. Based on this, the launch of a new case is preferable to plan in residential areas. Nevertheless, to enhance the turnover, you should try to choose a place in multiplied and passing points.

    The area of \u200b\u200bthe room must be elected at least 75 square meters. m., if it is said about the classic variety of pharmacy. It will be located on it: a shopping area, the premises of the production of products, a room of the manager and an accountant, a place for workers, locker rooms, an archive and a bathroom. If we are talking about the launch of the point or kiosk, there will be enough room at 12 square meters. m.

    Selecting the decoration of the building, it must be remembered that the pharmacy requires regular wet cleaning. because best solution For floor cladding, tile either linoleum will become. Walls are also required to comply with sanitary standards.

    One of them will need heat, other - quite the opposite. Therefore, the drug storage room is obliged to be a device that controls air parameters. You will also need alarm and, naturally, ventilation shaft. All this is only the minimum part of the conditions for the launch of their business. Only one preparation of the building under business will require impressive investments. Therefore, there will be a suitable solution to take the prepared premises for rent, it will save your money and 2 times.

    Such a business is not simple and will not suit the beginner. However, the correct approach to the promotion of the organization will make it well earn. At times, analyze the market and watch the changes. Remember the development of the case and keep up with the times.

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