
The most profitable investments on the Internet where to invest. The most reliable investments. Risks in working with investment projects

Hello, dear readers "Site"! In this article you will learn where it is profitable to invest money so that you can get monthly incomewhich ways of investment of money are possible under high percent With a guarantee and how best to invest, so that they work and bring the profits to the investor.

This article is written on the basis of the analysis of the experience of famous investors, financial advisors, as well as the realities of the modern economy. Plus, the basic principles of investment, possible risks, advantages and disadvantages of each investment strategy are given.

About where it is advantageous to invest your money to receive monthly income and what options for investing money under a high percentage with a guarantee exist - read the site in the log

In this section we will talk about what is worth and what you should not make young investors doing our first steps in investment activity. Consider the rules for effective investment that will allow to obtain a yield higher than in the bank, but at the same time almost the same reliability. Why almost? Yes, because the main rule of the investor says :

The risks who are ready to take on an investor are proportional to potential profits.

You, probably, is no longer wailing to start? Want us to reveal secrets where it is profitable to invest in 2020 year at percent, to earn earlier even more?

You will disappoint you a little. The first, where to start a young, who has not yet worried about the investor – with investment in yourself, in your knowledge and skills . Believe me, the profitability of these investments will still be surprised!

And only then, when you already understand what the action differs from the bond, what is the capitalization of the contribution, who are such brokers and traders, can be processed to practice.

πŸ“ Read also our article About, and how to become a successful investor from scratch.

2. 5 Golden Money Investment Rules

Rule 1. Create airbag

Do not start risky or not very financial transactions without having a reserve for black day.

  • How much should you have in stock? According to experts, this should be the amount that will cover your expenses for half a year;
  • ? Postpone from salary or other sources of income;
  • How to calculate the size of a financial reserve? Consider your expenses for the month. For example, you got 40 000 rubles. Multiply by 6 months, get 240 000 rubles.

This is the reserve that you will not be spent by investing. In order to make the first investment, you will need to accumulate a little more.

So this is the whole eternity will pass! - You will say. You can and faster if you have in addition to salary passive income , that is, the monetary resources you get, not making it great efforts ( real estate rental, interest on a bank deposit etc.).

πŸ‘‰ In this way, If you put a financial reserve for a deposit to the bank, then you will kill two hares at once. Form the reserve and will become a passive income.

Rule 2. Do not put all the eggs in one basket

Pay attention to trade directly currency, shares and cryptocurrency on the stock exchange. The main thing is to choose a reliable broker. One of the best is This brokerage company .

To avoid the need to take advantage of the financial reserve, it is necessary to competently distribute your funds in investments. Do not immediately invest all free money in tools promising high incomes. The risks that you lose everything to a penny, too great.

After all, you will not fold a hundred fragile eggs in one basket? The likelihood that you drop it 50 /50 . And the risk that all eggs break after the fall is already much larger. So it can happen with your means if you decide to put them all at once only In one project.

In addition, if you distribute your money in different banks, then the same thing can happen. It is better diversify attachments. Invest in different areas. Not only in banking, but also to petroleum, gas, information, industrial, etc. In the language of professionals, this is called an investment portfolio.

Investment portfolio - These are several investment tools combined together, differing in the degree of risk and profitability.

Depending on the selected investment strategy, 3 types of investment portfolios can be distinguished:

  • Aggressive the portfolio consists mainly of high-risk assets;
  • Passive the portfolio is formed mainly from bank deposits;
  • Moderate the portfolio includes both.

Rule 3. Estim the risks in advance

Before considering potential profits and invent where you spend it, appreciate your possible risks and losses.
Do not immediately form an aggressive portfolio. You risk losing everything!

Start with small. With the sum that you are internally ready to lose (there is always a risk). And gradually increase the rev.

Take note! In no case do not use money for investment made on a bank credit or borrowing from friends or relatives. You risk colling with collectors and lose trust and respect your loved ones.

Rule 4 Choose Collective Investing

Not necessarily to invest alone. As your experience grows, you can invest in large projects, attracting co-investors. This will allow you to distribute risks at all. And profit, respectively, too.

For example, If you have some attractive investment project on accepting, but you have enough money for him, you can offer someone else to participate in it. Be sure to be the one who is ready to cooperate with you. on mutually beneficial conditions.

If you are not ready to independently manage your investment instruments, you can use services of trust manager . This is a company that, in accordance with your chosen investment strategy will manage your tools. It can use these means to extract profits, but cannot dispose of them on the right of ownership. For their work, the trustee receives a certain remuneration.

When transferring funds to trust management arrived and losses distributed between investors in proportion to their deposits .

Rule 5. Generate passive income

Investments and growth of your capital is fine. But do not forget that investments are always risky. Today you have income, and tomorrow you can lose it together with the invested capital. Alas, these are the realities of the modern economy.

10 profitable ways to invest money so that they work and brought monthly income

4. Where can I invest money so that they work and brought income - top 10 profitable investment methods

Today you can meet a lot of financial fraudsters who promise light money, high yield in a short time. With these investments, they have nothing to do.

Therefore, we will look at the time-tested investment tools that allow you to get a return on nested funds taking into account reasonable risks. So, where to put money to get a monthly income?

Method 1. Bank deposit

The contribution to the bank belongs to the most common investment instruments. True, yield of such a tool rarely covers annual inflation in the country. Therefore, bank deposit can be attributed rather to savings methods, not an increase in your capital.

Bank deposit is the most popular and easy way to invest in interest

Low ↓ contribution- this is an honest fee for your calm, because banking risks are also small ↓.

And if the amount of your contribution does not exceed 1 400 000 rubles, you can do not worry about anything at all. In accordance with the current legislation in the event of bankruptcy of the bank, the state will return all your money to you.

At the moment, the profitability of bank deposits fluctuates within 7 -10% that a couple of percent is lower than inflation. We wrote about in the economy in the past article.

The most popular bank among the population is Sberbank , Despite the fact that interest on deposits in it below the average market. Reliability of the Bank, and not potential inclusion on the contribution for many is crucial.

The advantages (+) bank deposits are as follows:

  • low risks, insurement of deposits;
  • the opportunity to return money at any time (sometimes even without loss of percent);
  • availability (you can start with a small amount, for example in 1 000 rubles).

By minuses (-) can be attributed:

  • income by deposit at best covers inflation;
  • in most banks, in case of early closure of the deposit, interest is lost.

Method 2. Securities

Securities, in contrast to bank deposits, bring usually higher yield . You can try to invest in stock or other financial instruments in the securities market, provided that they are ready to take on higher Risks . About, right, on the site there is a detailed article.

Investing in securities (promotions, bonds)

Securities are there different species. Consider the most popular: Shares and bonds.

Stock - this is securitywhich confirms your share in the company and gives the right to vote.

Shares are ordinary and privileged . Have the latest more percentages, but there is no possibility to vote on general meeting Shareholders. More about that, and what are the types of shares, we wrote in one of our articles.

Bond - This is a valuable paper that confirms that you have taken a company that has released it, a certain amount of money.

In contrast, the action has a certain period of validity, after which is to be repayable. Shares can own at least all life and receive dividends.

Dividend - This is an income on the action paid as a percentage of the value of the security.

In addition, inflation annually "eats" a certain part of the money. Therefore, to invest in the currency for several years is not very effective .

You can buy and sell currency in a special market called (from English Foreign Exchange. – exchange foreign currency ). Forex can buy and sell almost any freely exchanged currency. You can buy Chinese yuan for Japanese yen, Canadian dollar for euros, etc.

Forex work traders which buy and sell currency during the day. Anyone (with a broker) can buy and sell any currency on forex. We recommend working only with proven brokerage companies. Many successful traders traded through of this broker.

Many companies propose to train work skills in the foreign exchange market. They are putting potential investors with high yield. It is worth being vigilant and remember the main investment rule: high revenues are associated with big risks!

Yes, at Forex you can increase your capital for several months. But the risks will lose everything very high. According to statistics 80 % Newbies lose their invested funds in the first month of work on Forex. Therefore, before you decide, we carefully weigh everything!

Pros (+) work in the foreign exchange market:

  • minimum requirements K. initial Capital (from 100 dollars );
  • yield above the average market;
  • a variety of investment instruments (foreign currencies).

Cons (-) Forex:

  • need to own special skills and knowledge for investment;
  • significantly high risks.

If you want to learn more about how to lead, read our article.

Method 4. Real Estate

This is the second most popular strategy after a bank deposit and a good option for those who think where to invest money in 2020 year to earn. Investing in real estate no less reliable than investment in the bank. The difference is that much more initial Capital.

Investments in real estate objects

Thanks mortgage programs Banks, you do not need to save the whole amount to buy an object of interest. Usually , Enough 20 -30 % from initial cost. However buy an apartment or a house in the mortgage and repay it for 20 -30 For years at the expense of salaries - not the most successful option for the investor.

Need to do so that this real estate brought you a passive income and covered mortgage payments.

For this, you can use the following measures:

  • lease;
  • if you bought a new building at the construction stage, sell when the apartment will be ready at a higher price;
  • make from two- three-bedroom apartment Several studios and take them as independent apartments.

Such an investment strategy requires more time and knowledge, but also its yield is also different.

Pros (+) real estate investment:

  • the ability to receive passive income at the expense of rental payments;
  • the opportunity to make a resale apartment for the larger price (about reading in our article);
  • the preservation and passive increase in capital (real estate, in contrast to other investment facilities in the long run, is growing in price).

By cons (-) of this method include:

  • high Requirements for Starting Capital ( from 300 -500 000 rubles);
  • it's hard to sell quickly if you need to return the money;
  • physically stitches ( wear, flooding, fires).

Method 5. Own business

This strategy is suitable for those who are not afraid to risk, ready to make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Creating your business

When deciding to open your own business:

  • correctly evaluate all risks at the initial stage;
  • calculate financial indicators ( disposal terms required by the volume of investments, sales plans, production costs or ulugi).

If you have an entrepreneurial veil and a certain commercial experience, then you can easily cope with it.

Pros (+) opening of own business:

  • you yourself master (independently determine what and how to do);
  • ability to attract co-investors ( crowdfunding campaigns, venture capital funds, other businessmen);
  • it is not necessary to have the full amount for the opening of the business (you can use bank loans).

The minuses (-) investment in their own business can be called:

  • high risks to lose everything;
  • it is difficult to quickly return the invested funds;
  • if co-investors are attracted, you can lose the management of the company.

Method 6. Precious metals

Many consider investments in precious metals The most conservative option. The acquisition of gold brings serious profits for a huge number of years.

It is worth considering! Dragmetals are not subject to physical damage, while their reserves are limited. That is why the cost of gold, silver, platinum and palladium is continuously growing.

Several options for investing funds in precious metals:

  1. Acquisition of ingots. In this case, the investor must remember that such operations are subject to taxwhose size is 18 % . Moreover, the ingots in their acquisition are necessarily issued certificate. Such an investment should be carried out for a long time. It is important to ensure profit in the amount exceeding the amount of the tax paid;
  2. Acquisition of coins from precious metals. Coins are not taxed. Moreover, some of them also have a collective value. But it should be understood that it is possible to get a serious profit from coins only a few years after they are purchased;
  3. Opening of metallic accounts. The deposit in precious metals is suitable for those investors who want to invest in a short time. Since in this case there is no need to buy precious metals, there is no taxation. This option is one of the easiest and safest.. The investor addresses a bank that recalculates the amount of the precious metal gram. After a certain period of time expires, the deposit close the deposit, receiving the current value of the metals placed on it;
  4. Buying securities of gold mining companies. To do this, you will have to become a member. The cost of securities does not always increase quickly. Therefore, it should be purchased for the long term.

Method 7. Antiques and works of art

Often, antiques, works of art, as well as collectible items called currency rich. If there is a fairly large amount for investing, experts recommend paying attention to the investment in such property.

Choosing this method, important to remember, what such investments are made only for a long time. In this case, it is better not to count on a major profit.

However, after several years, a serious leap of the value of the acquired property may happen. So, some pictures of famous artists at the time of their writing cost literally a few hundred dollars, after ten years - tens of thousands, and after fifty - millions.

In order to invest, you can purchase the following antiques:

  • antique furniture;
  • books;
  • icons;
  • ancient coins;
  • porcelain;
  • dishes.

It is important to understand that these items must be exactly old. In art historian personnel are things made over 50 years ago . Some similar items may be historical value and are protected by the state.

For investing in antiques, considerable money is required. Even 500 000 rubles For such a way of investments is considered small amount. However, you can start with small. So, eg, Tretyakov I managed to collect your collection, starting literally from several paintings.

It should be understood what to acquire really valuable things it is required to be art historical or have such a friend. Without relevant education, it is almost impossible to understand what items are practically impossible.

Of course, you can use the services of the consultant. However, it requires additional financial investments. Do not forget that any art historian can only estimate the current value of the subject, and not its potential yield. Contact professionals who understand not only in art, but also in investment.

Method 8. Franchising

Those who have capital in the amount of half a million rubles and more, can create their own business, buying franchise . In this case, the activity is conducted on the scheme spent by the seller. In detail about, we wrote in a separate article.

Opening of business for franchise

It is important to understand that franchising cannot become a passive income. The amount of profit depends primarily on businessman's activity.

However, the franchise helps to save time, money and strength. This is achieved due to the fact that marketing schemes, all processes with such business worked.

Among the advantages of the franchise can be allocated as follows:

  • rather short payback period - usually from six months to a year;
  • brand Fame Provides the presence of a client base no extra advertisement, franchise goods and services already have their customers;
  • the franchisor constantly supports a businessman;
  • the competition level is minimal, since the franchise provides a specific number of projects on a certain territory.

However, the franchise-based business has serious limitations . The main thing is that acquiring a franchise, Businessman is limited in his actions. It is tied to the developed system and is not entitled to change the algorithm of actions, without coordinating them with the franchisor.

Method 9. Binary Options

Specialists argue that binary options are the fastest way to receive income from investment. The basis of this option is the ability to take on risks, as well as to analyze the economic situation in detail.

The task of the investor who chosen binary options is to properly predict the cost of the asset used after a certain period of time.

After the set period, the result is evaluated.

  • If the assumption turns out true Investor will receive profit . It can be about 80 % rates;
  • However, the forecast may not be confirmed And the price will go in the opposite direction. In this case, the account will be fixed lesion constituent 100 % bet.

At first glance, many it seems that making money on binary options is the same thing to play roulette. However, it is not. A more careful study of work on binary options makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the forecasts, which means to increase the profit gain.

We can distinguish between the advantages of the investment method under consideration:

  1. A large number of trading tools To select. Even a novice investor will be able to work as with currency pairs and with shares, oil and precious metals;
  2. The amount of profit, as well as the level of a possible loss is defined in advance. Moreover, some trading platforms allow themselves to independently determine the ratio of profit and loss;
  3. Access to the trading platform can be obtained at any time from any device. To do this, there is no need to install additional software. To start analyzing enough go to the broker's website;
  4. Trade of binary options is carried out around the clock without days off. Therefore, the investor can earn at any free time;
  5. The trading interface is intuitively understood by even novice investors. This reflects only the final result of the value of the asset, the intermediate prices are not shown to the user.

There are 2 options in the options:

  • Call Up. represents shopping deal . It should be used if price increases. With a decrease in the cost of assets, a loss will be obtained.
  • Put Down. - this is transaction for sale , Profit will be obtained in the event of a reduction in the cost of the asset.

Despite the large number of advantages, binary options trade has disadvantages:

  1. The only incorrect deal may entail losses in the amount of 90 % Invested funds. To bring them back, you will need at least three profitable deals;
  2. When trading binary options, it is impossible to abandon the transaction or close before it. Even in cases where the investor understands that he was wrong, he remains nothing else, except to wait for the expiration of the option time;
  3. In contrast to Forex, there are no credit obligations here. It turns out that the investor has the opportunity to trade only by those means that he has in stock.

Binary options allow not only to save own funds From the harmful effect of inflation and devaluation, but also to increase them. For this, it is important to take carefully to study the market, as well as make the right choice in favor of one of the brokers.

Method 10. Internet projects

Development modern technologies led to the fact that the popularity of investment over the Internet has increased significantly.

There are several directions for investments that are suitable as a novice investor and experienced:

  1. Investments in startups, which are special Internet resources created for the purpose of development or subsequent selling them. The owner of funds should understand all the details of the project and carefully monitor the execution of work. The amount of funds that the investor will receive is determined primarily by the degree of development of the resource, as well as its attractiveness for future buyers.
  2. Investment in the creation of your own website. Successful Internet resource is able to become the basis of the business and bring regular income. This approach allows you to start your own business even if there is a small amount of money. At the same time there are no costs for rent commercial real estate, wages personnel. It is possible to offer a product or service with a wide audience. Attachments in such a business are less risky, however, the amount of profit in any case is determined by the efforts of the entrepreneur.
  3. Investing in online projects that seem to the investor are most beneficial. You can choose effective Internet projects on specialized online resources. Investor at the same time acquires part of the business. Subsequently, he has the right to a percentage of profits or resell a share. The relationship between the project owner and the investor is governed by a special type agreement. However, it is worth considering, what to predict effectiveness in advance almost impossible. There are serious risks of such investments associated with the unpredictability of the behavior of the market.

Choosing a way of attachments, it is important to conduct a qualitative analysis. Only it is possible to understand what the potential profit and risks of the project.

A faithful way to invest money under a high percentage with a guarantee is a bank. And in which bank is better to invest in interest with monthly income - see below in our review

5. Where to invest money under a high percentage with a guarantee without risks - Overview Top 5 banks

To get a guarantee of income, as well as to ensure the safety of funds, invested them in the bank.

Important! It is worth choosing such credit organizations that participate in the deposit insurance system and have a qualitative reputation.

In addition, it is necessary to study and compare the conditions for deposits in various banks.

Which bank is better to invest in interest in 2020?

So let's consider in which bank it is advantageous to invest money under a high percentage with a guarantee (with a monthly income). In order not to spend time, analyzing a large number of banks, you can use the ratings of specialists. Example list of the best for investment of banks Presented below.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff - Unique russian bank. He has no branch throughout the country. Customer service is carried out completely remotely.

Here you can open the contribution at the rate up to 7% per annum . Accrual is carried out monthly. In this case, the amount of the deposit should be not less 50 000 rubles.

The depositor has the right to choose a payment method:

  • capitalization;
  • list to a separate card account.

The contract provides for the possibility of replenishment, as well as partial removal of funds.

2) Sovcombank

Sovcombank has a vast experience in the Russian financial market - it was founded in 1990 year. Today he is among the twenty of the largest banks of our country.

Credit organization offers customers to discover a deposit at the percentage up to 7.6% per annum . The minimum amount is at the same time 30 000 rubles.

Interest is paid at the end of the contract. Moreover, for early termination Interest per 3 months, half a year and the full number of years persist. The contribution can be replenished, but partial removal not provided.

3) UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank It is a credit institution based in Europe. This bank came to Russia more than a quarter century ago. Today, he is the largest credit institution with foreign capital in our country.

Deposit rates depend on the period, the method of interest accrual, amounts. Opening the contribution in rubles , you can get it before 8,35 % per annum, in dollars – before 3,23 % , in Euro – before 0,20 % .

In this case, there are 2 percent options:

  1. with a monthly payment;
  2. with capitalization.

For the convenience of choosing a deposit, a calculator located on the bank's website can be used.

4) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Ubrir It is one of the leaders of the banking sector of Russia. Credit organization has a wide branch network that includes more 1 500 Departments across the country.

Here you can invest in the rate up to 11% per annum . Percentages are accrued every 50 days. At the same time, income can be capitalized or receive.

Those who open a deposit in online mode , Ubrir increases the bet on 1 %. Moreover, the Bank connects depositors to the Internet banking system for free.

5) Absolut Bank

Absolut Bank operates in the Russian financial market with 1993 of the year. Over this time credit organisation Won recognition not only customers, but also world rating agencies.

Customers can receive income to the funds invested in this Bank up to 8.5% per annum . The deposit amount should be no less 30 000 rubles. Interest on this proposal is paid only at the end of the contract. Replenishment, as well as partial removal is not provided.

For convenience of comparison, the main conditions of the deposits presented above are reflected in the table.

Table "Banks with best Terms on deposits, basic deposit parameters ":

Credit organisation Deposit rate Basic conditions
1. Tinkoff Bank Before 7 % per annum Depositor chooses to capitalize interest or receive a monthly to the card

Can be replenished and partially removing the deposit

2. Sovcombank Before 7,6 % per annum Payment of interest at the end of the term

The possibility of replenishment, partial removal is not provided

3. UniCredit Bank Before 8,35 % per annum Accrual percent monthly - to choose a contributor to capitalization or payment
4. Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development Before 11 % per annum Capitalization or interest

On the online design, the rate increases on 1 %

5. Absolut Bank Before 8,5 % per annum Interest paid at the end of the contract

Replenishment and partial removal are not provided

4 relevant embodiments money To date, high interest

6. Where it is profitable to invest in 2020 in percentage - 4 best ways today

Bring low income. There are investment methods that allow you to get much greasy profit.

Choosing the optimal option don't forget what the risk of loss of invested funds is growing with increasing income.

Below will look at the details main methods of investment of funds In order to receive income.

Method 1. Prospective startups

Attachment to startup attracts investors by the fact that potential income in this method is not limited. On the Internet a huge number of projects in which funds can be invest. For their search you can use specialized sites.

Choosing, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis and comparison of a large number of projects. It should be remembered that some of them make a profit for several years. Other projects are unpromising and affected only losses.

Method 2. Private lending (P2P lending)

Private lending B. lately Gets more and more distribution and development. This option involves the issuance of a loan one individual Other. Using this method, it is important not only as possible to make a contract, but also conduct a thorough analysis of a potential borrower.

Affect advantage Private lending stands high level of profitability . Issuing funds to debt even for a short time, you can ensure profitability before 50 % per annum.

However, there is a significant disadvantage – high profits are associated with a serious risk. There is a possibility that the funds transferred to the debt will not be returned. It is impossible to guarantee the honesty of the borrower even in the case of a thorough study of its characteristics.

Method 3. PAMM-account

Investing in the PAMM accounts, the cash holder transfers them to trust management Professionals. Getting money, the manager includes them in turnover and does everything to get maximum profits.

The investor remains only to wait until experts distribute its means between exchanges and other promising assets in order to receive income.

In this way, PAMM accounts are one of the types of passive earnings. At the same time, the risks of such investments are relatively low.

To independently receive profits from trade on the stock exchange, not only money, but also specialized knowledge is required. At the same time, it is enough to find a company to invest in the PAMM-account, providing sufficient yield and transfer it to the management of funds.

The yield of such investments is determined primarily by the correctness of the choice of the manager. This process requires significant time costs, as well as additional knowledge.


PIFES. essentially represent collective Investment Management Funds. The property of such a fund is divided into parts called share . Read more about whether investment funds) And how they work, we wrote in the last article.

The high liquidity of investments in the disease is achieved due to the fact that the PAIs turn on the market. At the same time, the activities of the funds are regulated by law. The relationships of shareholders and the FIF are determined by the relevant documents.

The investor buys PAI, when it expects that their cost will grow. As soon as the price reaches the expected value, the profit can be fixed by selling it.

Choosing an attachment effect, it is important to take into account its type. Sell \u200b\u200bPai at any time can only if open type Foundation. Of interval Pyf. can be exit only in advance revealed periods of time, and from closed - At the end of his work.

It is impossible to determine in advance which profitability will show the fund according to the results of its work. Profit can reach 50 % per annum, which exceeds the contribution rate about 6 time. However, in the middle average, this indicator is equal about 20 % .

It happens that funds show and losses. But you should not be afraid that the managers will always give a negative yield. The size of their commission depends on the magnitude of profitability . Therefore, they make every effort to obtain maximum yield.

Among the advantages of mutual investment funds, the following can be distinguished:

  • availability. This type of investment is available to everyone, because it is enough to start investing 1 000 rubles;
  • high liquidity level;
  • fIP activities are regulated by law and is under state control;
  • professional cash management.

However, mutual mutual limitations . The most important one - lack of guaranteed profits .

It should be borne that some managers receive income even in cases where their profit does not bring profit. That is why some funds in the process of their work show zero yield, and sometimes unprofitability.

There is a huge number of varieties of mutual investment funds. However, regardless of the choice of the type of FIF, specialists are recommended to invest in them only if long-term investments are planned.

It is important to carefully read the advantages and disadvantages of various types of investments in order to find the best for yourself.

7. Where to invest your money - unsuccessful investment strategies

Many people want to earn quick money, not understanding that too high incomes are associated with high risks.

Financial Pyramide - This is a deliberately unprofitable organization that pays income to investors at the expense of the attraction of new investors.

Financial pyramids were very popular in 90 - years in our country. I think everyone heard about Sergey Mavrodi. and it Mmm. .

But you should not think that all these fraudulent organizations have sunk in the fly. Annually from actions, or rather, the decay of such pyramids suffer thousands of gullible investors. How not to get into the financial pyramid?

We highlight the main signs of fraudulent scheme:

  • Too high yield ( 30 % and higher);
  • Aggressive advertising;
  • The lack of real activities (does not produce and does not sell);
  • The company's legal address is outside the country (in offshores). We wrote in a separate article.

8. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

The topic of investment of funds in order to obtain income is quite extensive. In the process of studying, there is a huge number of questions. Today we will answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Is it possible to invest in 50 percent for 24 hours?

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of suggestions for investing cash per day. However, not everyone knows how real.

Earn in such a short period of time allow investment programs of microloans services. This option allows you to invest in just a day, counting on profitability. minimum 8%.

Services that give microloans allow you to replenish your account in a short period of time and start earning, minimizing the risks of the loss of funds.

The main advantages of the option under consideration are:

  • high profitability;
  • the possibility of participation in the investment program with minimal investments;
  • comfort of operations;
  • easy to output funds.

In addition, before investing money in a microfinance company, it should be carefully examined by its reputation.

Question 2. Where to invest money (rubles) not to lose them?

Respond to a popular question, where to invest money (in rubles or other currency) to not lose them

Storage of funds in rubles is not reliable. This is especially manifested when economic instability. The presence of a fairly high level of inflation in our country, as well as devaluation leads to the fact that simple storage of money in rubles becomes quite unprofitable.

Those who have financial accumulations, experts recommend investing them. This method of disposal means is more progressive and profitable.

To realize the effect of inflation and devaluation, it is not necessary to be a financial analyst. It is enough to compare prices for certain goods and services for a long period of time.

There are several reasons why there is a decrease in the cost of the ruble:

  1. decline ↓ prices for raw Resources adversely affects purchasing power russian currencysince it has a clear binding to oil prices;
  2. sanctions foreign states Significantly aggravate the position of the ruble relative to other currencies.

The described situations lead to the fact that simply storage of rubles will introduce to the loss of part of the funds. This is especially true of a rather large sums of money. In fact, nominal capital size does not change, however reduced ↓ purchasing power Asset.

The proper investment will help the investor:

  • eliminate impairment of the existing amount;
  • with a successful coincidence and increase capital at all;
  • partially insure against serious economic shocks that are possible in the future.

The profitability of investment depends on the huge number of factors. First of all, it concerns the size of the amount available. However, regardless of the magnitude of the capital, the investment is the best solution than ordinary storage. .

Investing is always associated with the risk of funds. However, in the case of the success of investments, a stable passive income can be ensured, as well as financial security.

Beginner Investors often face a number of mistakes that can increase risks:

  • making decisions on emotions;
  • lack of careful analysis;
  • low level of financial knowledge, as well as reluctance to study.

Question 3. Where can I put 100 thousand rubles so that they bring income?

Some believe that for successful investment it is necessary to have several million. However, this is rooted incorrectly. Quite successful investments can be done in the presence of several thousand, so 100 000 rubles are at all the excellent amount for the start of investment.

If you manage to place capital minimum 3 Investment spheres, you can count on serious insurance against various force majeure circumstances.

IN modern economy It is better to use the following attachment methods that are reliable and promising:

  • investment in online projects, such as sites, blogs, online stores;
  • bank deposits;
  • investment in innovation, as well as promising startups;
  • investment in art;
  • acquisition of precious metals;
  • investment in securities;
  • acquisition.

Proper investment allows, having 100 000 rubles, provide additional income.

If you have a larger amount, for example, a million or more, then we recommend watching a video below:

What is investments on the Internet and how to make money on investing? How to invest on the Internet with small risks? What online projects are able to increase your earnings?

Hello, dear friends! In touch Denis Kudarin, an investment specialist.

Our new topic is profitable and reliable investments on the Internet. The material will be useful to anyone who wants to earn with the very relevant investment tools today.

More and more people invest in promising online projects and multiply their income, even without leaving home.

Want to join their number? Then - Forward!

1. Features of investing online

The Internet is the space of limitless opportunities for enterprising, thinking and energetic people. Online you can not only have fun, communicate and receive information. Here you can earn and earn a lot.

Do you want the World Wide Web to become the source of your financial independence? Then invest your funds online into promising investment tools.

By making competent investments, you will receive passive income - all reasonable people seek such a type of earnings. Money can be used in turnover and increase their number: as a result of such a maneuver you will receive financial independence And freedom from heavy work.

Competent investment on the Internet is:

  • earnings that does not depend on labor costs;
  • confidence in the future;
  • free time for living and implementing their plans.

Time is the main asset of man. If you do not have time for yourself, it means that life is invested. Want to travel, communicate with your family, create, relax, self-improvement?

Then make your income depended as little as possible from the work hours spent on earnings. If you are not a rich heir, then investment is the most accessible and effective method Creating passive income.

The main condition for success is the right one (I would even say - an academic approach to the investment process. It is impossible to invest "Mindach".

To create a passive income tomorrow, you need to actively work today. All financial transactions must be thought out, calculated and most secure as possible.

Although risk remains anyway - this is the specificity of any money transactions, including bank deposits.

More information about the mechanisms and principles of investment in the article ".

2. Where to start investing on the Internet - 5 requirements for the novice investor

The main goal of a novice investor is to achieve financial freedom with the smallest material (and moral) losses. A business profitable investments requires some preparation.

The point is not even available for a sufficient amount for investment: basic knowledge and skills are needed. The network is full of fraudsters and scampers, ready to get started with other people's money. You need to be able to recognize deception and bypass such offers for the mile.

In addition, not all investment areas are suitable for beginners - some of them require a certain experience in the financial sector.

And now - the basic requirements for novice depositors.

Requirement 1. Availability of Internet

The first condition for conducting successful financial operations - the presence of a stable and fast internet. It was possible and not to talk about this requirement, but the fate of your money often depends on the quality of communication and its constancy.

In addition to the internet itself, electronic payment systems are actively used by investors, as well as any other reliable ways. money transfers online. And remember that any unprotected account creates a threat to your finances.

Requirement 2. Basic economic knowledge

Invest without basic economic training - it's like to climb into the water, do not be able to swim. Do not invest in the first project that did not study the foundations of competent investment.

Take yourself by self-education. It takes a little time to it, but you will be understood by the principles and mechanisms for the operation of profitable investments.

Start with thematic blogs and forums, then proceed to reading special literature. There is a lot of useful and written books available to the language that will help to figure out what happened during the week-two.

Requirement 3. Stress tolerance

Proper psychological attitude and stress resistance - mandatory qualities of a successful investor.

It is extremely difficult to part with your money and not to experience anxiety on this issue. But it is necessary that this anxiety does not prevent you from taking sober and weighted solutions.

And be prepared for the fact that investment is not a rapid profit. It is necessary to configure yourself in advance for long-term waiting. Real results will appear only after a few months, and even years. The longer the mortality period, the higher the income.

Requirement 4. Readiness for financial losses

Control financial risks - difficult task. Any newcomer can lose part of the money, it is an inevitable side effect of the investment process.

Remember: luck does not happen constant. Even experienced investors face financial losses. The main thing, not to lose cold-blooded in such situations and any decisions to take exclusively after comprehensive analysis.

Requirement 5. Objectivity

This refers to a sober assessment of your capabilities. It is impossible to make a profit beyond what a specific financial instrument can give.

Determine the timing and purpose of investment in advance and only after that begin the phased measured movement forward.

3. Where to invest online - the most reliable options

Go to practice. I suggest readers the most reliable directions for investing in the Internet.

Some options are checked in their own practice, others are included in the review on the recommendations of professional experts.

Option 1. Forex

The word "Forex" heard each, but few understand how this investment tool works.

In a nutshell, Forex is an international currency market (stock exchange). Come on the difference in currency courses can everyone who has time, means and desire. Potential trade income is not limited. You can receive from 25% to 50% per annum and higher.

The most secure I. available way Works on forex for neophytes - the use of brokers. The most reliable forex brokers - Alpari., InstaForex., AlfaFaux..

Want for details about this type of passive income - read the article of our magazine "".

Option 2. PAMM-account

PAMM abbreviation comes from the English phrase of Percent Allocation Management Module, which means "percentage distribution control module". It sounds difficult, but if explained, everything will fall into place.

PAMM account - mechanism allowing to transfer to trust cash bills for profitable operations on financial markets. That is, you give your money into the hands of professionals, they are engaged in their multiplication for a certain remuneration.

One option is to transfer funds for trading on the forex market mentioned above. Money also invested in stock markets and other revenue directions. Your task is to correctly choose an intermediary and wait for your accounts to "drip" profit from successful financial transactions.

TO best projectsOffering hundreds of proven PAMM accounts, the company includes. Look at the site - in the "Investment" section presents comprehensive information and a list of accounts for investing money.

Read also the detailed article on the site about.

Option 3. Investing in precious metals through the OMS

Gold and other precious metals (silver, platinum, palladium) can also be purchased virtually. The impersonal metallic account (OMS) is not taxed and guarantees reliable income, since the price of precious metals over time is always rising.

The essence of such an operation is as follows: the client opens an account in the bank, on which a certain amount of gold (or other metal) is placed in a monetary equivalent. The account opens for a year and extends at your request.

The yield depends on the change in price of precious metals in the domestic and international market. Long-term investments In gold in the form of OMS, the multiplication of capital is almost guaranteed. Dragmetals are rarely falling in price.


Over the past 5 years, the cost of 1 g of gold increased by 25%, silver - by 26%. Characteristic that economic crisis Does not reduce the cost of metals, but on the contrary.

Depositors from Russia experts advise you to use the services of one of 2 companies specializing in working with OMS.

- Brand known to russian market Since 1996. A huge range of investment products, including investments in gold, the best trading and exchange platforms. All customer deposits in obligatory insured.

The company has access to Russian and world markets, provides informational and analytical support to investors, guarantees full transparency of financial transactions and provides reports on deposits at any time.

"SOTSAGROFINANS" - production and financial organization. Company profile - investments in precious metals and the gold mining industry. The company offers investors deposits with a fixed annual profit ratio.

Developing its own highly profitable projects, attracting investor money into real production industries. Young, but promising player of the financial market of the Russian Federation.

Option 4.

The word "Haip" comes from the English abbreviation HYIP: High Yield Investment Program - a high-yield investment program. These are the projects with a high risk coefficient, but promising their depositors tempting interest net profit.

Many consider Highypes of pure water by fraud, but it does not prevent thousands of contributors to receive real profit from their investments. The main thing is to choose from hundreds of various projects the most open firm with a transparent turnover mechanism of the funds received.

High's life is limited, and the most honest companies directly declare it immediately after the start of work on the network.

Several tips for those who wish to get rich quickly and on great amount:

  • insert into High at the initial stage of their existence;
  • do not invest all free money in one project, divide them at least three parts;
  • output profits portion;
  • previously examine the principles of the company's work.

Earn in the Highips is quite real, the main thing is to play for certain rules.

Option 5. Microloam

Microcredits - demanded financial service that thousands of people use daily. However, MFIs need capital to meet the appetites of borrowers, otherwise their income will decrease.

Therefore, companies of this type offer everyone to open a deposit and receive interest for using their funds as turnover asset. The percentages here are more than in the bank, but also the risks are high enough.

Option 6. Online shops

Today on the Internet you can trade by anything - goods, services, sites, intellectual and information products.

Many owners of online players lack funds to promote and promote their resource. Such people (or companies) attract investors to run their product and receive income from commerce. Our depositors owners pay good interest.

On the topic on the site there is a separate article.

For clarity, imagine popular financial instruments in the form of a table:

β„– Investment options Estimated profitability Features
1 Forex From 20% to 50%Requires basic market knowledge
2 PAMM-account From 20%We need a competent approach to the selection of the account
3 Disclinished metal bills Depends on the type of contributionReliability, low risks
4 From 15% to 30% and aboveRefer to risky investment
5 Microloam From 15-20% and aboveHigh income in short time
6 Online shops Determined in the framework of the individual contractThe value of the company's profile and the current market situation

4. 6 Main Errors of Novice Internet Investor

Let us list the main errors of novice investors. Knowing how it is not necessary to act, you will reduce the risk of losing capital and pass your own nerves along the way.

Error 1. attaching large sums in one project

Folk wisdom reads - do not put all the eggs in one basket. In relation to investments, this is especially true: the separation of savings in several directions to the order of procedure reduces financial risks.

Error 2. Unbelievable attitude to safety

Forgetting about security, newcomers risk not only profit, but also by the capital himself. Hacking accounts S. low level Reliability is found at all.

Additionally, protect your deposits will help insurance that is often offered to customers themselves investment companies.

Error 3. greed

Greed in financial affairs has not yet benefited anyone. Do not strive for maximum profits immediately, be patient, intelligent and consistent.

For an investor-novice, the main thing is not to get everything immediately, but to understand the mechanisms and prospects of investment areas. Experience and knowledge - attachments with the highest payback.

Error 4. Investing in unverified projects

Everything is clear here - it is impossible to invest in the project that you do not have reliable information.

Whatever attractive investment conditions seemed to you, you need to spend time on checking a partner. Evaluate the site security level, read the reviews on the network, check the licenses and certificates and only then translate your money to accounts.

Error 5. Desire to bring immediately a large amount

Not all projects (this particularly concerns Haipov) with delight to the conclusion of large customers monetary sums. Display deposits from high-profile companies are better in parts, after certain intervals.

Error 6. Lack of investment strategy

Without a strategic plan, investment resembles American slides. In this case, the falls are more painful than the takeoffs. A well-thought strategy is riding at a flat freeway: a minimum of risk, maximum reliability.

There are common myths that prevent depositors to start their projects. Fears and stereotypes hinder a sober look at investment and do not allow reasonable to evaluate personal financial perspectives.

Myth 1. Investing available only for rich

Perhaps about 100 years ago, only owners of solid states could really receive passive income. Nowadays, investment can be engaged in having the most modest savings. Just need to competently approach the issue of the redistribution of funds.

Many are interested in the question - where can I invest in money? And in the first place they put no increased yield from their investments, and the safety of funds, guided by the principle "it is better to sleep peacefully and not worry about the loss of their money as a result of various force majeure." It is for such investors and this article is intended. From it you will learn the most reliable investments.

Immediately make a reservation that there is no absolutely reliable investment. There are always risks of loss, albeit minimal. Especially in our country. The fact is that the reliability of certain investments cannot be higher than the reliability of the country in which these investments are made. Therefore, for example, the reliability of bank deposits with us and, for example, in Switzerland will be different.

Therefore, we will consider those investments whose reliability is higher in relation to others. So, let's go.

The most reliable and stable investments

Investments in bank deposits

The opening of the bank deposit is the first thing that comes immediately to the mind. Putting money to a bank deposit - you will be charged a certain remuneration. You will not know anything new. Probably each at least once opened the contribution to the bank. Just listed the advantages and disadvantages of this type of investment.


  1. The possibility of opening a contribution with the minimum amount. Possessing only 1,000 rubles, in principle you can open the contribution
  2. Huge like interest rateand in terms of accommodation
  3. Fixed yield. You will know exactly what you get at the end of the deposit period
  4. Insurance of deposits. All contributions are insured with the ASV (deposit insurance agency) in the amount of 1,400,000 rubles. If you have an amount exceeding this limit, it is enough to open an account in different banks and "smear" this amount in several banks.
  5. High liquidity. You can terminate the contribution at any time and pick up money. But in this case, you lose your accumulated income.


  1. Looking for truth in the eyes, investments in bank deposits, it is impossible to call a successful investment, due to their low yield. Deposit rates are so small that they do not even cover inflation in the country. They are likely to be most likely either, to form a "financial airbag" so that, if necessary, it was possible to quickly withdraw the amount. Either for accumulation, to further use for investments in other, more expensive investments.
  2. Although bank deposits are insured, upon the occurrence of force majeure situations, you will certainly be returned to the amount, but you can forget about accrued interest. The fact is that the law should be understood literally. And he says: "The deposit amount and all accrued interest are subject to refund. But interest on the deposit is usually accrued at the end of the term. And if the bank closed even for 1 day, until the end of your deposit period - you can forget about interest interest. I can advise to discover deposits with a monthly (quarterly) capitalization.

Investments in currency

If you look at the history of the ruble courses in relation, for example, the dollar, then you see that there is a constant strengthening of foreign currency in relation to the ruble. Of course there are short periods when the ruble is strongly strengthened, but it is most likely an exception to the rules. And it lasts this period of strengthening all the year - one and a half or even less. And if so, then investments in the currency can be viewed as a reliable stable investment. National currency Subjected to periodic and therefore constantly loses to foreign.

The only condition for increasing reliability is the long-term investment calculation. Buying currency for a short time, you risk buying at a peak, and then get into a long correction when the price falls and you will find yourself in the minus.

For an even greater increase in yield, you can not just buy currency and store it at home, but to open a currency contribution. And although the rates on it are not very large (within 4-5% per annum), I think the additional income does not prevent anyone.

Investing in real estate

A very ambiguous way of money investments due to high cost. Yes, and the troubles are quite a lot. Recently, real estate does not bring those fabric profits, which was 10-15 years ago, when it was becoming 50-100% more expensive every year. Now there is a decline or sometimes a small increase in the cost of housing. The crisis is in any way.

For profitability from renting, too, nothing good. Letting we bring to your owner on average 6-8% per annum (from the cost of housing, of course). The same bank deposits can bring much greater income, not to mention bonds.

But the undoubted plus is still. This is an investment in an asset that is always in price. The demand for housing will always be. And undoubtedly - over time, its value will grow sooner or later.


Summing up Note that speaking of reliable investments, it can be noted that the concepts profitability and reliability are antonyms. The reliability of investments automatically implies a lower yield. A high yield from investments is available when certain risks are taking.

What conclusions can be made. Such types of investments are designed primarily on the protection of capital and on a small yield at the level of inflation or a little higher, in contrast to, which are just aimed primarily on capital extension.

They can be included in their portfolio in a certain proportion, adhering to the rules, achieving quite acceptable yield and moderate risk.

Real estate, business.

Bank deposits (deposits)

It is the easiest, elementary and reliable way Investments. You give your own to the bank under certain percentage. Bankers of this money "scroll" by investing in other financial instruments. Why do you get a pre-agreed profit percentage.

For example, you have invested money to the bank for a year under 10% per annum. Bankers immediately give these money to another client in the form of a loan, but already under 20% per annum. As a result, the bank returns you to your funds with accrued interest in a year, and myself puts the remaining difference in the pocket.

The advantage of investments in the bank is that you know exactly how much money you can get after a certain period of time, while the remaining financial instruments cannot boast this. You can calculate the profitability of one or another contribution you can on the deposit calculator, and also if you need to calculate the amount of overpayment by one or another loan, then use the credit calculator.

On the topic of bank deposits, read:

PIFES (mutual investment funds)

This is the second most popular method of investment. In short, there are a collective financial instrument that investors are invested in one big boiler and, then, this one big amount of funds professional managers increase in various methods.

Shareholders (so-called those who have invested their money in FIF) usually invest in stocks, bonds, gold, currency, etc. More precisely, they are not simply investing, but they control them. Just buy promotions can any fool. The task of professional managers is to find such shares that at the time of purchase fell in price and there is the likelihood of their further growth.

In order to determine this probability, technical and fundamental analysis is used, the economic situation is studied both in the world and in a separate region, news, as well as many other parameters, which are too complex for a simple alignment.

In this and the essence of the disease, save people in these issues from all these difficulties. If you have free funds and you have no opportunity to trade on the stock exchange from morning to evening, it is easier to convey this money to those people who plunged into the topic of investing with their heads and have a lot of experience. At least at the initial stage.

Further, as you grow your experience in financial matters, you can begin to buy the shares, bonds and other investment tools. This is more detailed later, but still come back to the Pyphams.

If you compare with other financial instruments, the investment of capital in the action is more profitable in the long run, but at the same time very risky.

Here you need to keep your hand on the pulse, track the situation in the markets, so as to prevent capital loss on a strong fall of financial markets that occur during all sorts of crises.

To more clearly understand what profit can be obtained on stocks, see the video "How to make money on Sberbank shares 678% of profits."

Video: How to make money on Sberbank shares 678% profit


This financial instrument is designed for people who are not inclined to risk. Get on it a big profit is very difficult. Usually profit on bonds no higher profits bank deposits. Therefore, this financial instrument is difficult to name favorable investment funds.

However, this does not mean that money in bonds should not be investing. The fact is that it is not recommended to "keep all the eggs in one basket". Experienced and successful investors always distribute their funds in several different tools in order to reduce their risks.

Imagine, you have invested all your funds in stock, but after some time the crisis occurred on the market and the prices for them fell. At the same time, the amount of your capital will decrease. So that this does not happen, you need to invest part of the money in deposits, part of the money in bonds, gold and so on.

In this case, you will lose on one tool, but you will win on other tools. But back to the bonds:

The bond is a long emission securities that confirms the right of its owner to receive a certain amount of money from the issuer.

And in order to understand how to distribute funds between various financial instruments to reduce the risks and increase the profitability of your investments, read these article:


Forex (Forex, sometimes FX, from English.Foreign Exchange. - Exchange of foreign currency) is the market of interbank exchange currency at fair prices.

The essence of the Forex is in speculation with currencies different countries. For example, you bought 100 euros for $ 90. And after some time they sold these 100 euros for 120 dollars. Thus, earning $ 30 on this transaction.

Forex trade always comes in currency pairs, as in the example above. Changing the value of currencies occurs constantly and depends on the set of factors. For example, in Greece, the economy does not develop, the state of profits does not receive, but it is somehow necessary to contain a country. Since Greece is part of European Union (EU), then in the territory of this country everything is sold and bought in euros.

Thus, the instability of the economy of one state affected the attitude of investors to the entire EU. Investors felt the threat to their capital and urgently began to get rid of the euro. All this led to the fall in the cost of the euro in relation to the currencies of other states. Here on such movements and money is earned on Forex.

This method of investment of funds can be called beneficial only in the case when you sell the forex yourself when you have a lot of experience, your own entry strategy and exit from the market, as well as the Iron Will.

People who have made a state on Forex - units. But those who tried to get rich on it and burned - millions. Make conclusions yourself.

Cumulative life insurance

This method of investing funds can hardly be called profitable. How clear from the name is insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Her difference from ordinary insurance is that it is a combination of life insurance and human health with the accumulation program, preserving and increasing your capital.

If ordinary insurance simply pays you a certain amount in case of offensive insurance caseIn this case, in this case, if you have nothing happened during the entire period of the contract, then you can get the entire amount accumulated over the years, or receive a monthly payment to the end of life.


The office is decrypted as general bank management funds. In essence, these are the same mutiings, but with wider investment functions. On the one hand, it is a plus, since investing money in the office you have the opportunity to increase profits due to broader combinations of investment. On the other hand, it is more risky.

There were cases when the Offhouse showed a yield of 600% per annum. However, the main problem is that the activities of the Offhip are not much regulated by law, which is less susceptible to control, in contrast to the same mutual effects.

There are also cases when the short-sighted activities of the managers led to the complete collapse of the Offhouse.

Read more about the activities of general funds banking You can read here :. From myself I will add that in this moment The Offhouse is best to invest such an amount that you will not feel sorry in case of what to lose.

Hedge funds

Immediately I will say that in our country it is a relatively new and not a fairly developed financial instrument, which is only available to wealthy customers.

The minimum amount of the entrance here starts from several hundred dollars to a million. In the West, hedge funds are greatly popular.

Hedge funds have no clear regulatory regulation, which allows them to freely choose strategies for enrichment and enjoy a wide range of financial instruments when investing money in various markets. The result of the work of hedge funds can be both super-profits and colossal losses.

One of the most striking examples of hedge funds is the Quantum Foundation, the founder of which is the most discerning, which was able to make a profit equal to 1 billion dollars per day!

Structural (structured) products

A structured (structural) financial product is a comprehensive financial instrument that is issued, as a rule, commercial and investment banks and created to meet the specific needs of customers.

This financial instrument has become particularly popular during the crisis. After all, when you invest money in the growing market and constantly get a good profit - this is one thing, but when the situation in the markets is not stable, especially during crises, then many investors are trying to find reliable ways of investing funds that will give them big profit than banking Deposits.

The essence of the structural product is simple - part of the funds, as a rule, 80-90% is invested in bank deposits, or bonds, and the remaining 10-20% are invested in futures and options.

All this allows at the worst scenario to stay with their money and not losing anything, at best, make a profit of about 20-30%. This is not very much, but higher return on bank deposits.

Although again with what to compare. For example, the most successful investor in the world Warren Buffett provides its customers with about 24% per annum over the past 35 years. 24% per annum seems to be not much, however, only buffett and no one else can receive such profits.

Gold and precious metals

For many people, wealth is associated with a mountain of gold. Since ancient times, this metal was a symbol of wealth and power, so he became the cause of quarrels, robberies, murders and even wars.

Gold should not be treated as the most favorable way investment, despite the fact that last years It greatly rose. The fact is that most often gold acts as a shelter for investors in difficult times.

When crises are dominated in the world, so that their investors are putting out their savings from stocks, bonds and other financial products, and then invest in gold.

As soon as the crisis retreats, the investors are immediately looking for more profitable ways of investment of funds. This is due to the rise in gold prices in difficult times. But then, the price of precious metals inevitably falls.

The property

Real estate has always been a favorable way of investing funds. It is not enough that the real estate itself does not depreciate and as a rule, from year to year only becomes more expensive. But the real estate allows you to get passive income From leasing it.

True, there is one seriously "but", which is the high cost of real estate. In essence, this is an investment for wealthy people. Because of which this method of investing funds should be considered not at the initial stage, and then when you already have big Capital And you have the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments.

True there are exceptions. For example, you can it is profitable to invest money In real estate at the stage of its construction. At this time, as a rule, there is no need to make complete value For housing and you can pay a monthly part.

Thus, if you have the opportunity to make the necessary amount and this will not affect the quality of your life, then you can safely look for suitable options. The fact is that at the construction stage square meter Housing is much less than later when construction will be over.


Each of those discussed above financial tools, It has a certain degree of risk (reliability). Depending on this, the range of possible profits is changing. The risky financial instrument, the greater yield it can bring. However, as loss too.

Each of these financial instruments have their advantages and disadvantages. And under various life circumstances, it is worth selecting optimal investment methods. But, personally, I have already defined the most profitable way. to invest money - This is a business!

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