
Avesta insurance company. CJSC "Insurance Company" Avesta. What if the Insurance Company CJSC Avesta does not pay for the insurance case

Date of education of the insurance company Avesta - March 3, 1997. For more than a 10-year period of activity, a cohesive team of qualified specialists was created in this organization, developed effective tools for analyzing and risk management, established its business code of business ethics.

To date, "Avesta" is a universal insurer who supplies only high-quality insurance services, promptly responding to rapidly changing customer needs.

Sustainable reputation of the SC "Avesta" on insurance market due to the strict implementation of the contractual obligations assumed. The priority activities of the Company are considered insurance of business risks and voluntary health insurance. In the list of the largest insurers of Russia, the company owns the 95th position (according to the end of 2007).

Under the direct control of the SC "Avesta" are located CJSC "Sosnovoborsk Medical insurance Company"And CJSC" Petersburg Medical insurance organization" The SC "Avesta" is a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg, participates in the work of the Leningrad Regional TPI, consists in the Union of Insurers of St. Petersburg and the North-West region.

Avesta SK is a universal insurance organization offering specialized personal and property insurance products, as well as liability insurance, corporate and private clients.

"Moe Casco" (Avtokasko)
"My responsibility" (AGO)
Insurance of citizens leaving abroad
Property insurance (Home talisman)
Auto Insurance (Road Talisman)
Medical Insurance (Health Talisman)
"" My calm ""
"" Our well-being ""
"" Caring for parents ""
"" Caring for the future ""
Comprehensive mortgage insurance
Legal entities:
Insurance of funds terrestrial transport
Water Transport Insurance
Air Transport Insurance
Cargo insurance
Insurance of commodity values
Insurance of financial (entrepreneurial) risks in case of failure (inadequate execution) of contractual obligations
Insurance of property of legal entities from fire and other dangers
Insurance of cultural values
Housing insurance insurance
Insurance civil responsibility Organizations operating hazardous production facilities
Professional responsibility insurance
Insurance of the responsibility of owners (tenants) of cultural and consumer, sports and spectacular objects to third parties for the damage caused
Liability insurance for the quality of goods, works (services)
Insurance of civil liability for causing harm to life, health or property of third parties and environment As a result of the accident of the hydraulic constructions
Insurance of civil liability of tour operators for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Treaty of the Tourism Product
Comprehensive insurance bank risks
Investment insurance
Risk Insurance Loss Property Ownership (Title Insurance)
Localization expenditure insurance, liquidation of consequences emergency situations
Voluntary medical insurance
Accident insurance

CLOSED JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "Insurance company Avesta" was established on March 03 of March 1997.
Insurance company Avesta has a full developed concept of the name, logo, trademark, corporate color and font gamma, as well as basic elements. Avesta (DR. PERS.) - A collection of sacred books of the ancient peoples of the Middle and Middle East, concluded for several centuries. To date, one of the oldest monuments of writing, philosophical and religious thought. The authorship of the early parts of the Avesta written in Sanskrit is attributed to the Prophet Zarathustra.
Many provisions of the Avesta are included in other philosophical and religious exercises and, thus, Avesta is one of the oldest world symbols of stability and inviolability.
The choice of the Phenotype "Avesta" as the name of the insurance company is due to the desire to show its stability, respectability and cause confidence from customers.
In addition, this word, as one of the oldest, is translated into European languages \u200b\u200ba simple replacement of Cyrillic letters to Latin: Avesta, which makes it easy to use the logo in the Western and global insurance services markets. The patent search and the absence of analogues allowed to patent the name of Avesta as a trademark (Sign service) Certificate Rospatent No. 170304 dated December 6, 1998
The graphic image of a trademark in the form of interlacing two zigzag figures symbolizes eternal movement, scroll scrolls. The multifunctional interpretation of the graphic sign, with the general chosen concept of the inviolability and eternity of the incredit truth, allows you to conduct an effective advertising strategy.
Also, the company has a patented commodity stamp "Talisman" ( SV-in Rospatent No. 207584 dated December 26, 2000)
Order Central Bank Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) of 04/02/15 .
Iospekchuk Vladimir Anatolyevich (TIN 616103175060, SNILS 080-088-047-50, Epos Press: 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Sokolov Ave., 63, and 8057), member of NP SGAU ( 121059, Moscow, Berezhkovskaya Embankment, 10, of. 200, OGRN 1028600516735, Inn 8601019434).
The basis for the designation of the temporary administration is to suspend the license to carry out insurance of Avesta CJSC (order of the Bank of Russia from 12.02.2015 No. OD-349). According to paragraph 7 of Art. 184.1. Federal Law From 10/26/2002 No. 127-FZ "On the insolvency (bankruptcy)" the powers of the executive bodies of the insurance organization CJSC Avesta are suspended. In accordance with Art. 184.3 FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" Forms of strict reporting on all types of activities at the insurance organization, insurance agents of the insurance organization and other persons are subject to the time administration.
Additionally, I inform about the revocation of all powers of the authorized on behalf of the head of the Avesta CJSC until 04/02/15. Starting from 02.04.15, to consider valid power of attorney, issued only by the leader of the Temporary Administration IPIclik V.A.
Bank of Russia by order of 14.04.2015 No. OD-815 withdrew the license to implement the insurance of closed joint Stock Company "Insurance company Avesta (registration number on the Unified State Register of Insurance Subjects 3156).
This decision is made in connection with the confusion in set time Insurance legislation violations in terms of placement of insurance reserves and own fundsThe foundation to suspend the license to carry out insurance (order of the Bank of Russia dated 12.02.2015 No. OD-349 "On the suspension of the license to carry out the insurance of a closed joint-stock company" Insurance Company Avesta ").

With any questions - in "Avesta"
One of the significant advantages of "Avesta" is that the advisory reception is carried out here in almost all directions of medicine. In the state of the clinic more than 60 medical workers. These are mostly doctors of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences, employees of the Department of Imp.

If you do not know what doctor to contact (because we often feel just what "ache here is here"), you can always consult with a duty doctor who will send to the necessary specialist. In Avesta, you can get qualified advice to doctors of narrow specialties - neurologist, orthopedic, vascular surgeon, mammologist, urologist, proctologist, endocrinologist, gastroeneneterologist.

Each patient is offered a comprehensive survey. A wide range is carried out laboratory Research̆, including IFA, PCR diagnostics, hormonal screening, oncomarcres, etc. Additional methods are used: ECG, RG, EEG, ECHO-ECH, FGDS, RectorOnoscopy, Colposcopy.

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics in Avesta, you can examine the abdominal cavity, the urinary system, endocrine organs, joints.
Throughout the day, the clinic works a procedural office. Here you will make intravenous and intramuscular injections, preventive vaccinations, put a dropper. For maximum convenience, patients have a well-equipped dental office.

Calculation of the cost of auto insurance

For certain models, the insurance for insurance reaches 35% count and remove himself!

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