
Social card replenishment points for land transport. Where to charge the school travel to land transport

Social transport card can be issued by learning any educational institutions in Russia until they reach 23 years. It may be decorated in two ways:

  • through the official website of Moscow;
  • during a personal visit to the multifunction center.

Graduate map on ground transport It gives the right to receive a preferential discount for travel on the following transport:

  • suburban railway transport;
  • metro;
  • buses;
  • trolley buses;
  • trams;

It seems to be plastic size with a regular bank card, which indicates the personal data of its holder. It provides certain discounts for passing public transport to students to children under 23.

Accordingly, only students of Russian citizens can arrange it under 23 years old.

When using public transport, plastic should always be available and be presented at the first requirement to any control. When using it, there are certain limitations:

  • the number of trips per day cannot exceed ten;
  • you can not reuse no earlier than 10 minutes after it is held for the first time through the turnstile.
The presence of a map confirms the human right to benefit, and it should only be used for the interests of its owner.

Registration via the Internet

In some regions, it is possible to issue this benefit through the Internet. Basically, this is the official portal of public services. For Muscovites, it was recently an opportunity to design this service with the help of the official website of Moscow www.pgu.mos.ru. Procedure for receipt:

  1. You need to enter your personal Area If available or register as a new user. To register, you need to make personal data in the form that opened on the site.
  2. Next, you need to enter the entry associated with education.
  3. Choose registration service social card.
  4. The site will be asked to fill out an application for obtaining it. It is the form of issues that you need to fill answers.
  5. To confirm your right to receive this service, you will need to download high-quality photos with a size of 3 * 4 cm and scans of a passport or birth certificate. It should be noted that all scans and photos should be in JPEG format. In another case, they will not be downloaded to the site.
  6. Send documents and application.
  7. Get a card after its manufacture.

When filling out the application, you will need to specify the following data:

  • information about an educational institution;
  • personal data of training;
  • passport details or information from the birth certificate.
After sending a statement and documents, notification will come about the readiness of the plastic. It can be obtained at the place of study specified in the statement.

Registration of a personal visit

If you wish to arrange a personally, the student's social transport card must be visited by any multifunctional center at the location.

When you need to have:

  • passport or birth certificate;
  • document confirming training in a certain institution.
All copies of documents and photograph make in this center for free. The application is also filled in a similar way as an employee of the Center on the basis of the submitted documents and information.

For a child under 14 years old, have the right to make parents or official representatives.

Plastic will be ready for a month, and it is necessary to get it in the same multifunctional center.

Map activation

After receiving plastic in an educational institution or a multifunctional center, it is necessary to activate it to use its functions. Where it can be activated:

  • special terminals;
  • kiosk Mosgostrance;
  • at the metro station;
  • through the Internet;
  • in the multifunctional center.
When activated through special terminals, it is necessary to insert plastic and select the required service from the provided list of the menu. Some regions provide for a quarterly or semi-annual need for activation.

You can also activate the map in the multifunction center.

For Muscovites, there is the possibility of activation through the site of the city of Moscow. The procedure will be like this:

  1. It is necessary to log in in the system under its login and password.
  2. Select plastic activation services.
  3. Enter into the following figures in the open form: 964390. This code meets all social cards.
  4. After entering the numbers of the card itself.
  5. And at the end of the long digital code is placed 77.
  6. Save this shape and send it.
  7. After some short time, plastic will be active, an alert will come about it.

If, when inserting plastic in the terminal, it is not readable, it means that it is not active and requires the activation procedure by any of the above methods.

Dimensions of privileges on social map

According to the social card, the student provides preferential payment for travel in the amount of:

  • 50% of the cost of travel on a long-distance rail transport during the school year from September 1 to June 15;
  • 240 rubles for all types of land transport;
  • 365 rubles for the subway.

These amounts are fixed and independent of the frequency of use.

Card replenishment

In order to be able to receive benefits, you need to replenish the balance. Some social plastic owners do not always know where to replenish the balance. Replenishment is made at the box office public transport. To do this, you must show the card and pay the desired amount of money.

Also one of the convenient methods of replenishment is the replenishment of the balance through the site, with which it is possible to get it. In Moscow, this is the city site of Moscow. For replenishment it is necessary:

  1. Authorized in the system as a registered user.
  2. Choose a service replenishment service.
  3. Specify a way to replenish. To do this, funds can be used from any bank account, as well as using Internet systems such as QIWI, Webmoney.
  4. After that, you need to enter the necessary amount and confirm the translation by confirming the special code sent, as a rule, on the phone.
  5. Cashs come to the balance instantly.

In addition to the services of the regional site, some banks such as Sberbank can be used. ATMs and sites of this bank provide for the service of replenishing the balance of the social card.

If you need to pay for travel in ground transport, you need to contact any kiosk selling travel tickets.

The residual balance is checked in an ATM when plastic input or any terminal. Any replenishment occurs instantly and accessible at any time of the day.

A social map of students on land transport issued in order to compensate part of the costs of students for travel during the school year.

Students are general educational institutions - Special category of citizens. The state is trying to support children and their parents with special measures to make training affordable. One of these measures is the registration of a ticket for schoolchildren.

Many have to go to school on public transport: suitable educational institution Often is in the distant area. Often and with transfers. The cost of the road reduces the family budget, and without the purchase of textbooks, school uniform and office.

The Ministry of Education and regional bodies, cooperating with carriers, organize the release of travel, so that parents can save on the child's road to school, section and back home. With regular use of benefits in the family budget, a decent amount remains.

What is a school travel

Direct tickets - Documents giving them to the owner right to pay for public transport with a discount or ride it for free. They are laid and all schoolchildren. Benefits do not apply to trips from private carriers (for example, route taxis).

The sale and release of travel for schoolchildren regulates regional legislation. Therefore, in different regions, the conditions for receiving and use, cost, the size of the discount on the passage and other nuances can be very different from each other.

Tip: Fresh and actual information About the action of benefits in the region can be found in the school administration. The secretary will tell that the child is laid and how to get it. Two more options - contact hot line Ministry of Education or to the Organization of Public Transport of the city.

Direct can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Given to preferential travel in several types of public transport. It is useful when a child goes a lot around the city with transfers.
  2. Given ride with beneficia on 1 form of public transport. His travels are released bus companies, tram depot or metropolitan.

When choosing a school travel, you need to analyze, how many types of transport and how often the child uses. Sometimes it makes no sense to buy a common ticket if the schoolboy moves only on the subway, and the bus rides a couple of times a month.

How does the pass?

Travel differ from a financial point of view:

  1. Free, designed for schoolchildren who belong to "special categories of citizens." For example, these are orphans: on public transport, they are moving for free, because they are in full state security.
  2. Electronic cards that are usually made free. They must be replenished independently, in order for the account sufficient to pay the amount. The only drawback of electronic travel - urban transport must be equipped with modern validators that can read these cards. These innovations boast major cities.
  3. Standard travel card for a month with a discount trips. It is gradually stopped using: an electronic version comes to shift.

Any types of ticket for schoolchildren are valid only during the academic year. His framework establishes the legislation of the region. Typically, a preferential time for school students lasts from September 1 to June 15.

Released electronic cards - nominal. Transfer them to a friend or take advantage of someone else's. On a preferential travel or accompanying document, placed a photo of a child to exclude fraud.

Examples of travel in the regions

Although regional rules for receiving and using school travels are different, they have a lot in common:

  1. "Social Map of the Student" (Moscow) - Multifunctional a plastic card, appeared in 2014. Besides preferential pass, Need to write to the doctor, payment of nutrition in dining and shopping. All schoolchildren who are studying in institutions in Moscow can get it. Place of residence does not play values. Parents put money on a map that the child uses to pay the road. The passage of the metro for 1 month costs 380 rubles, and on ground transport - 250 rubles.
  2. "Oriole" (Tver). Electronic card with 3 tariffs: "one" - 580 rubles; 2 types of transport - 475 rubles; On 1 type of transport - 285 rubles. Prices for 1 month.
  3. FROM " Transport Card Schoolchildren "(Nizhny Novgorod) You can travel for free for buses, trams, trolley buses and in the subway for 920 rubles a month. The choice of one of these types of transport will cost 500 rubles.
  4. The cost of a preferential passage according to the Unified Student Travel in St. Petersburg is 515 rubles.

In all major cities Russia uses travel, acting on several types of transport, so that the schoolboy is more convenient to move around the city and save.

How to get a ticket for schoolchildren

The ticket is sold in special items or cash desks. Before that, you need to take care of the collection necessary documents. Their list of regions can be very different.

But everywhere necessarily requires a certificate from the place of study, decorated in the generally accepted format. She is received in the school secretariat. The Help requires:

  • legal address of the general educational institution;
  • bank details of the institution;
  • signatures of the School Director;
  • stamp printing.

If the document does not meet these requirements, then at the site of the passage will refuse. We'll have to go to the secretariat again and make a new help.

Also maybe you may need:

  1. Photocopy of a birth or passport certificate;
  2. Polis Oms;
  3. SNILS card;
  4. Passport of one of the parents or guardians;
  5. A photograph of a child in a printed or electronic version (depending on the method of printing a pass) size of 3 × 4 cm.
  6. Sometimes a valid student ticket with a photo and information from school is needed. It usually requires in small cities in which there are no technical capabilities for the introduction of electronic cards. Their residents use standard cards without a photo in which only the name of the owner is indicated. A student card with a photo is required to confirm his identity.

The lack of a student ticket is not a problem. It can be issued in a few days in the school office. You need to buy a ticket itself in advance and take a photo "on the student". The office will take a picture, put a signature and the coat of arms of the institution. The term of the student is 1 year, and then it can be renewed until graduation.

In some regions, it is strictly stipulated that the presence of a student when submitting documents is required. The date of registration will take 14-30 days, so it is recommended to take care of its acquisition on time.

How to use

A schoolboy with a ticket for free uses modes of transport on which the action of the document is common. On the others he will have to fully pay the price of the ticket.

If transport is equipped with a special device reading data electronic card, it is enough to attach it to the Validator. In transport with the conductor, you need to show travel and, if you ask, a student ticket with a photo.

Tip: It is important not to skip the time of the next payment and put the money on the card. Even if you miss only 1 day of payment of the next month, the child will not be able to go to school and miss the lessons.

Electronic mapissued for 1 year can be extended without reissue new. It is necessary to take a certificate from school that the child continues to study, and come back to the reference point.

Of course, children actively lose travel. An electronic card is easy to restore. If the child spoke about the disappearance, you need:

  • call the company's customer service that issued a map and ask to block the loss;
  • come to the point of issue and write a statement;
  • pay for edition new card (usually 100 rubles);
  • get a temporary travel;
  • get a new electronic card after some time.

Old information, balance and already paid services will be saved.

In addition to obtaining a ticket to urban public transport, a child can use benefits for the purchase of railway and air tickets. Also, schoolchildren have a discount on visiting museums, theaters and other cultural and educational institutions. To get benefits, you need to make a student ticket or a certificate designed for all the rules.

Students may arrange a special social card that allows its owner to use certain benefits when driving on transport operating in the city. Discount, which is provided, can significantly save on the passage, as the cost of tickets for land transport and subway takes a rather significant amount from family budget. In addition, the use of this service allows you to record a doctor, pay medical services By benefits and use other advantages of this service. Citizens who have issued such a map must be replenished from time to time. This provides for simple and accessible methods.

Methods of replenishment of the social card student

Any student of full-time learning on the site of urban services can issue a map. Her holder In addition to preferential travel in transport can use it to pay for various goods and services through the Internet.

You can replenish the registered social card in several ways, the money goes to the account almost instantly.

Online replenishment

You can make funds to the student's card balance using online service. To this end, you need to go to the site of urban services or to the website of the bank, issued by the map, log in with the help of a login and password obtained from registration and log in to your personal account. It provides a function that allows you to replenish the account of the student card within a few minutes.

In the personal account of the online service system, you need to find the "Balance replenishment" function, click on it and enter the required data in a new window:

  • card number;
  • the amount of replenishment;
  • account number (maps) with which funds will be written off to replenish account.

In the online service, you can easily track the steps on the map: expenses, replenishment, account status.

Replenishment in kiosks and cash desks

To enroll money on the account of the student's social card, allowing to have privacy benefits in city transport, you can use kiosks that sell travel tickets, as well as in the Mosgortrans State University. To do this, you need to dictate the cashier to the requested information on the map (the PIN code is entered by the card holder independently) and make cash.

Through state services

Account replenishment The social cards can be made through the public service website. To do this, you need to enter the main page of the site. At the top of the main page you need to choose "payment". In the new window that opens in the left side in the menu to select "Social Support". After completing this action, the "Social Map of the Student" will appear on the right side of the window in the "Services and Services" section. By choosing the "cost of the service and payment procedure" to get acquainted with possible changeswhich could occur during the current period of the map.

To make the opportunity to pay the map on the site, you need to register on it. Registered clients need to be logged in at this service and continue to pay for services by pressing the SNILS button. Only using your personal account, you can carry out operations on enrolling the funds to this card.

Today, the use of the State Service is the most popular method of replenishment, since the service fee is not charged, and the simplicity and availability of this method allows to perform actions to enroll the funds to the account almost instantly.

Electronic money

You can replenish the balance card using electronic money. To do this, go to your electronic wallet (WebMoney, Kiwi, Yandex.Money) and send the necessary amounts to the card by specifying its number and the sum of the translation. You can also use mobile applications for smartphones that support this service. Mobile app "My pass" makes it easy to replenish the balance of the card through VTB and Bank of Moscow.

Replenishment in Terminals

Simple and pretty in a convenient way It is the replenishment of a student's social card in terminals, which are installed in many publicly available places - supermarkets, in the metro, on the street near shops and public transport stops. To use this method, it is enough to select in the terminal menu "Replenishment of the student card" and enter the card code, after processing the request, you need to need to wait the amount required to replenish the account again until the request is processed. After that, the terminal will give a check.

How to replenish the map for land transport?

To replenish the map to land transport, you need to contact one of the kiosks "Travel tickets" Mosgortrans and replenish the balance with the help of a cashier. In the terminals of self-service "Eleknet", "Moscow credit Bank»You can also perform this operation. Such terminals function in all the administrators of the capital.

Nuances replenishing a social card through Sberbank

Sberbank cardholders can also replenish their account social card For the use of land transport services. Sberbank online allows you to significantly simplify this procedure. This operation is tied to bank account Card owner. To enroll money on a travel card, you just need to do remittance to another bank.

Entering the program "Sberbank online" on main page Website You need to select "Translations" section "Translation to a map in another bank". In the template that opens, you need to enter the data required for translation:

  • recipient card number money;
  • choose an account from which funds will be written off;
  • enter the required amount to enroll on the card;
  • check the correctness of the data introduction and click "Translate".

Limits and Commission

During the enrollment of funds to the student's card through the website of the State Service, the Commission is not charged. Replenishment service is free. Maintenance of the social card of the student throughout the year is carried out by the bank, which is issued, for free.

When replenishing the card in ATMs of third-party banks for the service, the Commission is removed in accordance with the tariffs of a particular bank.

The bank, issued a map, can establish limits for removing funds from the card, information about this bank will have to be placed in its units and on the official website.

How to check the score?

You can check the balance when visiting a personal account, which is registered on the site Goruslug. It is necessary to regularly check the account status so that there are no problems with the payment of services in the most unforeseen moment.

Balance information can also be considered the closest division of the bank, which issued a map. Also, find out how much money is on the account you can directly on the bank's website, which issued a card. To do this, go to your personal account and check the balance. Conducting any card operations is fixed in the Personal Account.

The owner of the card can write a statement to the bank so that it is notified monthly on the state of an email account.

You can also check the balance on a check issued by the terminal in which replenishment is performed.

The map is issued preferential category Persons with permanent registration in Moscow. Payment Tool Provides shopping to pay for utilities and other services, receive translations, payments and subsidies, as well as purchase a ticket from a discount. To do this, you need to know how to put money on a social card - cash is listed both in cash and non-cash in a way.

Cashless enrollment

The map has a wide range of possibilities, including the replenishment of the balance by the non-cash payment method. Today, this is the most popular way of working in financial institutions with individuals. Among possible options The following are popular:

  1. Bank transfer from the account through the payment order;
  2. Taking advantage of the online bank;
  3. Listing subsidies, payments and benefits;
  4. Through payment terminals;
  5. Call to call center bank;
  6. Through the terminal;
  7. Payment order.

Sometimes there is a question of how to put money on a social card by paying an account from the account of third parties. For this, the account owner must come to the separation of its bank and issue a written indication of the translation. This standard operation is provided by all banks without exception.

To enumerate funds by means of payment transfer, you will need to provide an identity document to the operator. As well as account details to which the recipient's card is tied. Details requested for designing orders are standard for each financial organization and monetary system:

  • Name of the recipient's bank;
  • Account number;
  • Correspondent account number;
  • Data on the map (number and name of the owner);
  • Purpose of payment.

The duration of the translation depends on the rules of the financial organization. But usually inside one bank funds are translated immediately. For transfers to the Russian Federation, time is from 1 maximum of 2 days - as soon as the funds are transferred to a correspondent account, the bank translates them to the card. The longest money come from abroad and in foreign currency - Up to 5 working days.

Online banking

The most demanded today is the method of translation non-cash payments. Almost all banks have their own online dubler working on the Internet. On the network you can replenish the translation between your accounts, or by transferring third parties.

Often the question occurs whether you can replenish the card in the online office while in another state? Yes, it is possible, regardless of the location of the location, access to the Internet office is available in the usual manner.

Self-service terminal

Independently can be enrollled by the fundamental method, using one of the self-service terminals. You can also use terminals. monetary systems Internet. Such as QIWI, widely spread, in a variety of regions of our country.

Transfer of payments and benefits

Another way to replenish is to receive cash payments and benefits from various state and non-governmental organizations.

  1. Pensions - for this you need to apply in Pension Fund with the application of the necessary details;
  2. Social benefits - contacting the service of social protection at the place of registration;
  3. Scholarships - the application and details are submitted at the place of study, in which a citizen receives a scholarship;
  4. Payments from non-state organizations - a package of documents is provided to the main office of the company.

After consideration of the application and obtain permission, the organization lists funds, in a standard way.

Call Call Center

Some banks provide their customers with a call service with the help of a call to the official call center. The operator who accepted the call will ask you to log in - for this you will need to provide information about the account, your passport details, as well as the test word.

Cash method of replenishment

If necessary, you can replenish Muscovite Cash Cash. It is possible to do this in the banking offices of any city, in the mail or through the terminal with the function of making cash.

Replenishment in bank departments

Top up the map in any bank by the Client, which is a payer or VTB Bank. You can replenish the account while in any region of the country or abroad.

  1. Bank of Moscow - In order to replenish the card, you must contact any compartment. The operator will ask you to make a card and a certifying person. After that, enrollment is issued, funds will be available on the day of circulation. The maximum term of enrollment is the next day after cash.
  2. Banks on the territory of the Russian Federation - contacting the department in which the payer is serviced, you need to know the card number and have a certifying person with you. The operator will issue an enrollment by transfer - urgent or usual.
  3. Banks on site foreign state - In order to translate funds to the card from abroad in cash, the bank also displays translation. What documents are provided with a payer depends on a particular bank.
    Transfer of cash to the card in self-service terminals.

The easiest way to make cash - through the terminal of the Bank of Moscow.

The list of addresses of the terminals of the cash payment can be found on the official website. Or find the necessary ATM with the help of Internet cards Yandex, 2GIS, or Google.

In order to deposit cash in the terminal, you must insert a card into the reception hole and type your personal access code. After that, choose a service - deposit cash and insert money into a bill acceptor. Funds will be credited instantly without commission.

Account replenishment

In any post office there is a cash transfer service. The mail operator will take cash and translates them to the account. This method of translation can be carried out in any region of the country, regardless of the position of registration. That is, being on a business trip or on vacation in another city you can replenish the bill in the nearest post office. This method is also convenient because the mail has its branch in almost every settlementTherefore, the question of where to put cash disappears by itself.

When making funds in cash or non-cash payment in departments or ATMs, as well as in the online office of the Bank of Moscow, the Commission is not charged. In other cases, the amount of the Commission is set by each bank separately.

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