
Replenish social map on land transport. Procedure for payment of travel on a student social map

Social card that a student can pay for fare in ground transport - banking Productthat appeared not so long ago. The new service quickly acquired popularity, which is why many schoolchildren and students constantly enjoy such a service. But questions: what is this product, where to replenish the social card on ground transport, worry many to this day.

What is a social card

Social Card (Social) - Payment banking product provided by the state to some categories of citizens, including students and students. Sociable - payment toolwith all the possibilities bank card. It is convenient to pay for passages, make purchases.

What does a Muscovite social card look like

All owners are provided with significant discounts for payment for the following types of vehicles:

  • trolley buses;
  • city \u200b\u200bbuses;
  • trams;
  • metro,
  • suburban train (action preferential period For students limited).

Such a product that has the name of the "School Travel" name, has a number of advantages:

  1. Significantly reduces the cost of the owner on travel in city transport. Discounts can be obtained by presenting a document, this allows you to purchase a travel or one-time ticket with a good discount.
  2. It makes it possible to save on purchases in network stores in which promotions are often held and large discounts appear for students and students.
  3. Many pharmacy networks also provide discounts on these documents.
  4. Bookstores are another place where you can use the social dance.
  5. Discounts in many country's cinemas are provided for certain film techniques.
  6. In addition, plastic can be used as an ordinary bank card, it is enough to put on it cashAnd they can be paid for any purchases and services.

The map makes it possible to significantly save on the passage, as much as you like to ride within a month in urban and suburban transport for a fixed price (when making a preferential travel), to enjoy discounts on goods and services.

How to get a

Plastic clearance occurs through personal Area On the Public Services portal, in issuance points or in MFC. Upon receipt of his schoolboy who has not reached fourteen years, the making procedure should be engaged in the child's parents. The procedure for execution is not charged.

To obtain a document, you need to prepare the following:

  1. A certificate issued to the student in the place where he is trained.
  2. Filled questionnaire.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Photos.

By providing all documents, plastic will be issued in arms after about a month.

How to replenish

So, where to charge a passage to terrestrial transport to a schoolboy or a student? Where can I pay preferential trips and put money on it?

You can replenish plastic in several ways:

  • through the Internet;
  • cash through the bank;
  • making funds through the payment terminal;
  • transfer via mail;
  • online translation from a bank card or account.

If the cash is put on the card in the banking department, you must have the following with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the details indicated on the plastic card.

The travel will be replenished in about 24 hours.

There are also special points of replenishing card cards specified on the Internet. For example: in Moscow, they can be replenished at the points of registration of travel related to Mosgortrans.

Where else to pay? Of course, online. For this procedure, it is not necessary to go to the bank, everything can be done at home through the Internet. All that the user needs is to register in the Personal Cabinet of that Bank, which a map was issued. (Usually it is VTB Bank). When registering in the Personal Account, the owner of the document gets the opportunity:

  • replenish plastic without leaving home;
  • monitor the status of the account;
  • control costs.

Also, you can use the Public Services portal, where there is a function in the Personal Office that allows you to replenish an account online. You can make money through ATMs and payment terminals installed in all shopping centers.

Another convenient replenishment option - Making funds via the Internet transfer from the application of any bank, whose client is the owner.

One of the ways to use a social card - buying travel rates with a discount

How to use

To use a card in ground transport, you need to follow it regular replenishment. You can make money on the current month or replenish it forward.

It must be remembered that the information that is highlighted on the turnstile displays data exclusively for the current month, therefore, regular card replenishment is required. When traveling on all types of land transport, it should be shown to be controllers for their requirement. Social card certifies the identity of the owner, and gives him the opportunity to use various benefits.

To use the preferential travel, a student or learning should be done as follows:

  1. Prepary plastic control when traveling by public transport.
  2. When landing into transport, equipped with an automatic control system: attach a card to the sensor or bring it to a close distance, wait for the resolution signal, pass through the turnstile.

It must be remembered that when using automatic passage systems, plastic is activated again only after a few minutes, earlier its use will be impossible.

  • in the Kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" and vending machines for the sale of tickets installed in all districts of Moscow;
  • in the terminals: "Eleknet", "Moscow credit bank"And" Central PPCs ";
  • using the application "My Travel" Bank VTB (PJSC) if your smartphone supports NFC technology. Available for Android and Windows Mobile.

GUP "Mosgortrans"

Number of trips cost, rub. Use for 1 55 5 days 2 110 5 days 20 720 90 days 40 1440 90 days 60 1700 90 days 1 day 210 start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 3 days 400 start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 7 days 800 Start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 30 days (only entry on the triple card) 2,000 times starts to flow from the moment of recording a three-time card (only an entry to the top three card) 5,000 times starts to flow from the moment of recording on the card Troika for 1 calendar month 2 550 within a month 365 days (only entry on the triple card) 18 200 Term starts to flow from the moment of recording on top of Troika

Travel Moscow

Preferential passage according to the program of the program can be paid on any day of the current calendar month, and on any date in the following. It is important to know that the system of turnstiles displays only payment information at the end of the current month. Control of payment preferential pass In the urban land transportation is under the control of the institution of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans".

Description: Background of the face of BSK - Windows Screensaver. BSK is used to encode students and student tickets during the training period (PB is coded for a month), in the future it can be used to encode reusable PB for travel in the metropolitan and PB one for a month. Time to ban the re-presentation of student and students - 10 min. For whom it is intended: For students of universities, graduate students and students of professional lyceums, technical schools, colleges (by full-time education) in the presence of information from educational institutions In the database of the metro.

How much is the school travel for land transport

Time goes, progress does not stand still, and now there are many different species Moving in city Moscow: trolleybuses, buses, metro, trams, monorails, electric tram. But for all this pleasure you need tickets that have many varieties and specifics, which you will learn more about below.

How to replenish the school travel in Moscow for land transport

  1. Obodgodskaya - Buses, trams, trolley buses. This is especially true in cities with a small population, where education objects are quite removed from the child's place. How much baby pays from full value Ticket - decide regional authorities in the field. A number of areas are able to fully take care of children and make travel free, and someone can allow you to provide a discount of 50%.
  2. Underground - Benefits one-time, for each fact of the purchase of a ticket. For a long-term and suburban message - 50% of the total pass price, if the age of the child is less than 10 years.
  3. Air transportation - In the presence of a card, children under 12 years old pay half the cost of a ticket.
  4. Ground long distance - In the course of the school year, the schoolboy pays half, and during the holidays - the full cost.

Types of transport and size discount on passage when using the student's social card

Besides use as a bank card for cashless payment The goods and the receipt of scholarships, the social card of the student (student) can be applied as a travel ticket that allows you to realize the right of a preferential passage in the Moscow Metro and the Monorail Transport System, suburban railway and terrestrial city passenger transport intended for common use.

Where to replenish the school travel bus in Moscow

Data set "Points of sale of tickets for travel on ground urban passenger transport" contains detailed information On the location of the items of ticketing. The network of ticket sales points was created to provide Muscovites and guests of the capital travel documents for ground urban passenger transport. In all points, other items, tickets for travel on ground urban passenger transport, you can purchase tickets jointly with the metro and MCC (single, 90 minutes and "wallet"). Also in specialized points of sale of travel tickets of the Mosgortrans group, you can record any service for travel in urban public transport and replenish a student's social card and student (SCS). These sales points refer to automated. The data set allows you to see the exact address of the object, the mode of operation and its location on the map.

How to replenish the school travel in Moscow for land transport

  1. It is filled with printed letters, without errors. This will make it all for one procedure. If corrections are made, the blank is considered invalid.
  2. Ink should be black or blue. Other colors are not used when filling.
  3. The applicant's questionnaire filled with the management of the institution, in addition to the answers there must be a signature of the head and print.
  4. There are no other requirements on the questionnaire. The photo should be no more than 3x4 cm. The applicant's image should be on a white background.

Social map of students

The student map to pay land transport is, in fact, payment banking plastic. It emitting VTB Bank of Moscow Minbank, but gives out state structure Based on a personal application. To make a map, you can contact the multifunctional center or submit a statement through the portal of public services. The applicant will require a passport, certificate from educational institution, 3 × 4 photo, if the student has not reached a fourteen age, then the decoration should be engaged in the parent, guardian or trustee.

How to replenish a student's social card online

  • For a ticket for 1 day - within 24 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 2 days - within 48 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 3 days - within 72 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 4 days - within 96 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 5 days - within 120 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 6 days - within 144 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 7 days - within 168 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the travel ticket) to the last presentation.

The cost of uniform travel tickets for a month

Information on the timing of a particular social card can be clarified by the phone "Hotline" GUP "Moscow Social Register" 8-495-539-55-55 (daily from 08.00 to 20.00) or on the GUP website "Moscow Social Register" using the service " Request for the status of processing application form-application and making cards "by email: http://www.soccard.ru/request/

Social card student

To put money in the bank branch, you will need to have a passport and details bank account. Usually, money goes to the account within a day after the operation is completed by the transaction. By the way, you can also send money through the cashier of any bank.

Replenishment of a social card Muscovite for travel in public transport

  • special terminals;
  • kiosk Mosgostrance;
  • at the metro station;
  • through the Internet;
  • in the multifunctional center.

When activated through special terminals, it is necessary to insert plastic and select the required service from the provided list of the menu. Some regions provide for a quarterly or semi-annual need for activation.

Registration of a student's social transport card for land transport

In the trams, trolley buses and buses of carriers of the Passengentrans and Avtolain LLC, a one-time ticket is purchased at the conductor, in the buses of the rest of the carriers - at the conductor or driver (in the absence of a conductor). In the second case, this is done when entering the main part of the city, and at the entrance to the suburbs.

Tariffs for travel in public transport of St. Petersburg (on January 1, 2018)

Aug 31, 2018. 511


A resident of the Krylatsky district took a social card from his son and to replenish it, went to the kiosk. In order for the schoolboy to go for free on public transport (any), you need to pay 630 rubles. Of these, 380 are for the subway and Monorails, and 250 - for buses, trolley buses and trams. If the boy went to the adult tariff, for the passage it would have to pay five times more. Therefore, it makes no sense to abandon a social card, which, by the way, is executed completely free (as precisely, see below, - approx. Auth).

But it happened that replenishing the account of the travel ticket is a whole problem! - the woman told. - At least we are trying to solve it for several days. There are no problems with the subway - you can put money on social card at any cash desk. And terrestrial transport turned out to be complete confusion. All Kiosks "Mosgortrans", in which sellers work, closed in our area. Terminals are not every subway station. And many do not have the functions of "replenishment of socialcart", through them only "Troika" can be replenished. I called " hot line"Mosgortrans". They said that it was possible to buy a school pass through the vehicles "Eleksnet". In our area, this automaton is a 20-minute walk from the metro station. Went down. As a result, the terminal wrote: "The service on the machine is temporarily unavailable." It would seem that it could be easier to buy a bus ticket? Maybe they do so so that schoolchildren and students go to adult tariffs?

How to find a kiosk or terminal

In the press service of the GUP "Mosgortrans" correspondents, "KP" said that at the moment the kiosks with alive sellers are actively closed, and the terminals that work around the clock are put on the clock. You can learn from afar - these are large white square monolithic blocks with screens. You can pay for terrestrial transportation, both cash and bank card (any bank). Now you can pay for a travel ticket in the 98th outlets "Mosgortrans" - these are the most kiosks in which sellers are sitting. Another 50 terminals work offline. And 25 - at the connection stage.

The address of each point can be found on our website www.moSgortrans.ru, - reported in the enterprise. "To do this, click the section" Passengers ", then" Tariffs and Tickets "and, finally, in the left column of navigation -" Points of ticket sales and replenishment of transport cards ". And there all addresses - to one (only 173). Say, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe metro station "Krylatskoye" there are 17 points of replenishment of the socialcar student and student.

How to replenish account

In the kiosk using the seller

Using the machine (choose the item " Transport Card "Troika", SKS and Ski, "insert a card into the card reader and choose the service of interest, for convenience, you can replenish a student's social card or a student on any day of the month, but only the current and next calendar months - the servant replenorates the social card for the next month is denoted Abbreviation "see")

Where and how to replenish the social card of the student faster and easier? Of course, in online services, such as Sberbank online via the Internet! It is often complaining of users that the nearest kiosks "Mosgortrans" are closed, and replenishment at the metro ticket office on the road to the university or home is fraught with cyclopic queues in which there is no need to lose tens of minutes. And so that you do not spend time search for the desired window in bank applications, we not only list numerous ways, how to put money on a student's social card, but also provide an article near step-by-step instructions. How to replenish social. A student card through Sberbank online, where to pay for the passage of cash without queues and deviations from daily routes, how to put money at the expense of a pass without commission? Let's start!

When paying the SCS, you will need to specify its number. Student travel - multiproduct, combining two accounts at once, so be careful! You need not sixteen digits on the front side of the pass, and nineteen signs behind the magnetic stripe containing your data in encrypted form.

Portal of the State Service and Social Direct Student

Here you can not only order the manufacture of travel, sue all required documents And conduct a reissue in case of loss or breakage, but also to replenish the student's social card via the Internet or check its current balance. Important moment: None Service Commission. Everything is simple:

  1. We go to the main page of the resource MOS.ru.
  2. Select the point "Payment" at the top of the page.
  3. The window will open, in its left side by clicking on "social support".
  4. We find the section "Services and Services" on the right side of the window.
  5. In it, we need an item "Social Map of Student".
  6. The section "Service cost and payment procedure" will help you familiarize yourself with relevant prices and learn whether they were not subject to change.
  7. To pay registration on the portal. Press the input button at the top on the right, select the registration under the form that opens, specify the name, email address and phone number.
  8. There is registration on the site already passed, we enter the phone number, postal address, Reduce or electronic signature.
  9. We press the "SNILS" button and complete the replenishment by specifying the payment method, the passage number, the amount in rubles and confirming the SMS code.
  10. Ready! The replenishment of the student's social card will occur in seconds after the payment.

The same can be performed by installing the mobile application "Public Services of Moscow".

Banking application for smartphone

The replenishment of the social card of the student via the Internet will be available and downloaded by the mobile application "My Travel", developed by VTB Bank of Moscow. It is free, allows you to bind an unlimited number of accounts and become your reliable assistant to buy transport tickets in the capital.

Internet banking

Surely a personal account in that bank, the services of which you use, also allows you to replenish the student's social card online. Spend a test payment, save the translation template and use it as needed with minimal time spending!

Activation of payment

When you pay the student's social card online, the translation will need to be activated. To do this, you will need:

  1. Find an information terminal of yellow color at the metro station or the device "Eleksnet".
  2. Select and press the "Remote Replenishment" button.
  3. Leave the pass to the yellow circle.
  4. Wait until the message appears that the transfer amount is successfully credited to the card.

Replenishment of SCS through Sberbank Online: Instruction

Many readers will be conveniently use the services of the most popular bank of the country whose clients are most. Is it possible to replenish the social card of the student through Sberbank online? Sure! However, there is an imaginary problem: in the "Transport" tab of the Services of the Services section, only the points of payment "Troika" and "Arrows" are available. So how to replenish a student's social card through Sberbank online? For this, you do not need to look for the appropriate independent section:

  1. Authorizes on the site or in a mobile application.
  2. We find the menu item "Translations".
  3. Choose "Transfer to the card in another bank."
  4. We enter the passage number of the travel application.
  5. Indicate the account of the write-off.
  6. Choose the transfer amount.
  7. We check whether all the data specified correctly, and confirm the payment.

Infographics for mobile application:

Now you know how to replenish a social card student through Sberbank online!

We use "Mobile Bank" from Sberbank

Another option, how to put money on a student's social card - send an SMS command through the system " Mobile Bank" To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. The service must be pre-connected, as in the case of Sberbank Online.
  2. We recruit the message "Translation (number of your travel) (payment amount)". Figures themselves do not need to enter the brackets.
  3. We send it to the Sberbank number - 900.
  4. We receive a message with a detailed payment description and code for confirmation.
  5. Check the specified data.
  6. Enter the code and send the response SMS.
  7. The social card of the student will occur instantly.

Payment of travel in urban cash registers and terminals

Where can I replenish a student's social card in the city? The infrastructure of the payment points continues to expand, so we have good news: today the kiosks, cash desks and terminals from different service providers in Moscow are more than 5,000. In the fall of 2017, 120 Mosgortrans machines were installed next to universities, metro stations and shopping and entertainment centers where they are most in demand. You can replenish travel students or schoolchildren and "Troika", check the current balance, as well as purchase disposable tickets on different types transport.

Machines work around the clock.

Metro cash regulations

To use the metro, on the MCC and MONORELS of the student's social card, the replenishment can be made in the station box office, making the amount in cash or the card and informing (to transfer the bank document is not worth anyone) the operator of the passage number.

Kiosks and terminals GUP "Mosgortrans"

How to replenish a student's social card for preferential travel in buses, trolley buses and trams? You can make it possible at the ticket offices "Railway tickets" near the entrances at the metro station - such points with the mode of operation 7:00 - 20:00 more than 70. You can not resort to the help of operators using payment machines. The location of those and others can be studied on this map: the terminals, blue - kiosks and cash registers are designated with red markers.

Terminals of banks

A similar solution to the issue, how to replenish social. Student card, offer banking machines. First of all, the bank-issuer's devices of your travel, that is, VTB Bank of Moscow or. You can use third-party terminals that allow card transfers in other organizations, but this is likely to be unfavorable due to commissions (for example, in Alpha Bank will have to pay 1% of the amount, but not less than 99 rubles).

Machines "Elenets" and "Qiwi"

Another way to replenish the social card of the student is offering networks of the terminals "Kiwi" and "Elenets". They often work around the clock, take cash and are located there, where to use them as convenient as possible: on the porch of the neighboring grocery store, in the subway transition or next to a crowded transport hub. Here, for example, the map of the Eleneshnet automata: Orange are the terminals, and the blue - their groups are on a large scale.

So the terminals of Kiwi and Eleknets may look

The only minus of the method - the Commission, which is worth remembered. So, in "Eleknet" for travel, issued by VTB, it will be 1.8%, but not less than 50 rubles. For the ICD, the amount will be 2%, and funds will come to the expense on the next business day.

"Post office"

The method is not as convenient and fast as the payment of the social card of the student online, but it will be suitable for accustomed to classical payments. It will take him to visit the nearest branch with the passport and the score number and report necessary information employee of postal service.

We talked about a variety of ways to pay a student's social card over the Internet and cash. Share this information with friends and do not hesitate to complement it with your options in the comments. Bon Voyage!

Students may arrange a special social card that allows its owner to use certain benefits when driving on transport operating in the city. Discount, which is provided, can significantly save on the passage, as the cost of tickets for land transport and subway takes a rather significant amount from family budget. In addition, the use of this service allows you to record a doctor, pay medical services By benefits and use other advantages of this service. Citizens who have issued such a map must be replenished from time to time. This provides for simple and accessible methods.

Methods of replenishment of the social card student

Any student of full-time learning on the site of urban services can issue a map. Her holder In addition to preferential travel in transport can use it to pay for various goods and services through the Internet.

You can replenish the registered social card in several ways, the money goes to the account almost instantly.

Online replenishment

You can make funds to the student's card balance using online service. To this end, you need to go to the site of urban services or to the website of the bank, issued by the map, log in with the help of a login and password obtained from registration and log in to your personal account. It provides a function that allows you to replenish the account of the student card within a few minutes.

In the personal account of the online service system, you need to find the "Balance replenishment" function, click on it and enter the required data in a new window:

  • card number;
  • the amount of replenishment;
  • account number (maps) with which funds will be written off to replenish account.

In the online service, you can easily track the steps on the map: expenses, replenishment, account status.

Replenishment in kiosks and cash desks

To enroll money on the account of the student's social card, allowing to have privacy benefits in city transport, you can use kiosks that sell travel tickets, as well as in the Mosgortrans State University. To do this, you need to dictate the cashier to the requested information on the map (the PIN code is entered by the card holder independently) and make cash.

Through state services

Account replenishment The social cards can be made through the public service website. To do this, you need to enter the main page of the site. At the top of the main page you need to choose "payment". In the new window that opens in the left side in the menu to select "Social Support". After completing this action, the "Social Map of the Student" will appear on the right side of the window in the "Services and Services" section. By choosing the "cost of the service and payment procedure" to get acquainted with possible changeswhich could occur during the current period of the map.

To make the opportunity to pay the map on the site, you need to register on it. Registered clients need to be logged in at this service and continue to pay for services by pressing the SNILS button. Only using your personal account, you can carry out operations on enrolling the funds to this card.

Today, the use of the State Service is the most popular method of replenishment, since the service fee is not charged, and the simplicity and availability of this method allows to perform actions to enroll the funds to the account almost instantly.

Electronic money

You can replenish the balance card using electronic money. To do this, go to your electronic wallet (WebMoney, Kiwi, Yandex.Money) and send the necessary amounts to the card by specifying its number and the sum of the translation. You can also use mobile applications for smartphones that support this service. Mobile app "My pass" makes it easy to replenish the balance of the card through VTB and Bank of Moscow.

Replenishment in Terminals

Simple and pretty in a convenient way is the replenishment of a student's social card in terminals, which are installed in many publicly available places - supermarkets, in the metro, on the street near shops and stops public transport. To use this method, it is enough to select in the terminal menu "Replenishment of the student card" and enter the card code, after processing the request, you need to need to wait the amount required to replenish the account again until the request is processed. After that, the terminal will give a check.

How to replenish the map for land transport?

To replenish the map to land transport, you need to contact one of the kiosks "Travel tickets" Mosgortrans and replenish the balance with the help of a cashier. In the terminals of self-service "Eleknet", "Moscow credit Bank»You can also perform this operation. Such terminals function in all the administrators of the capital.

Nuances replenishing a social card through Sberbank

Sberbank cardholders can also replenish their account social card For the use of land transport services. Sberbank online allows you to significantly simplify this procedure. This operation is tied to bank account Card owner. To enroll money on a travel card, you just need to do remittance to another bank.

Entering the program "Sberbank online" on main page Website You need to select "Translations" section "Translation to a map in another bank". In the template that opens, you need to enter the data required for translation:

  • cash recipient card number;
  • choose an account from which funds will be written off;
  • enter the required amount to enroll on the card;
  • check the correctness of the data introduction and click "Translate".

Limits and Commission

During the enrollment of funds to the student's card through the website of the State Service, the Commission is not charged. Replenishment service is free. Maintenance of the social card of the student throughout the year is carried out by the bank, which is issued, for free.

When replenishing the card in ATMs of third-party banks for the service, the Commission is removed in accordance with the tariffs of a particular bank.

The bank, issued a map, can establish limits for removing funds from the card, information about this bank will have to be placed in its units and on the official website.

How to check the score?

You can check the balance when visiting a personal account, which is registered on the site Goruslug. It is necessary to regularly check the account status so that there are no problems with the payment of services in the most unforeseen moment.

Balance information can also be considered the closest division of the bank, which issued a map. Also, find out how much money is on the account you can directly on the bank's website, which issued a card. To do this, go to your personal account and check the balance. Conducting any card operations is fixed in the Personal Account.

The owner of the card can write a statement to the bank so that it is notified monthly on the state of an email account.

You can also check the balance on a check issued by the terminal in which replenishment is performed.

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