
Assistance to mortgage borrowers in the G. Program for the help of mortgage borrowers. Reduce monthly payment

Mortgage design for many Russians is the only opportunity to buy personal residential real estate. At the same time, given the long-term loss of such a loan (more than ten years), a number of possible individual unforeseen circumstances, as well as the economic situation in the country, for some monthly payment of payments to the bank becomes too heavy financial burden. This in turn leads to the occurrence of debt, and for it, under the terms of the contract, there are penalties and fines.

In order not to lose the housing that the bank keeps in a pledge and has the right to take money for non-payment of a loan, already made by mortgage money and not spoil their credit history, citizens are forced to consider everything possible options exit. For this reason, the state of assistance to borrowers was developed and implemented from the state, which were in a difficult situation not in their fault. This assistance is presented in the form of a restructuring of the mortgage agreement, that is, the change in its conditions and partial payment of debt from state budget. Responsibility for the project brings the Agency for Mortgage Housing Lending (AHML), whose partner is Sberbank.

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Reduce monthly payment

One of the options for state aid is to reduce regular monthly contribution. However, it is worth understanding what is being done at the expense:

  • Increased mortgage period, that is, the contract will be extended for several years;
  • Reduced interest rate loan. Thus, the amount of monthly payment and overpayment on the mortgage as a whole is reduced;
  • Changes in the currency in which the loan is taken is the possibility of transferring a currency loan to the ruble, provided that due to the increasing rate of currencies, the monthly contribution increased by thirty percent in comparison with the one when concluding the contract.

Since in the stability of the situation in the future it is not always possible to be, you can also make a delay, that is, credit holidays. If Sberbank approves such a petition, the borrower is exempted at a certain time from making monthly payments, but not completely. Half Sumy He in any case will be obliged to contribute. Nevertheless, it is a good opportunity to at least improve the financial situation and return your solvency. At the same time, the mortgage period is not extended, and the amount is reduced during the holiday period is spread to monthly payments after.

What Sberbank offers

The AHML assistance program on the mortgage is beneficial to Sberbank as well as borrowers. The bank is interested in timely and full payment of debt, regardless of whether it will personal funds individual or money from the state.

Restructuring is drawn up on the initiative of the borrower, after submitting the appropriate application, documents and approval of such a request.

Conditions for participation:

  • The material situation of the borrower during the last three months deteriorated not by its fault by thirty percent, in comparison with the one that he had upon receipt of the loan;
  • An increase in the monthly fee in rubles for more than thirty percent due to the increase in the exchange rate, if the currency loan;
  • Net credit history.

At the same time, parents, adoptive parents and official guardians of children (until eighteen years old) are entitled to assist large families, persons with limited needs and their parents containing disabled people, as well as veterans of hostilities.

Sberbank offers a loan restructuring one of the options:

  • Delay for a period of two years, in which the borrower is obliged to make only interest every month;
  • Extending the term of the loan agreement for the period from three to ten years;
  • Individual graphs of payments (if at the borrower, for example, seasonal work);
  • Quarterly percentage;
  • Credit holidays with change interest rates.

Governmental support

Borrowers who did not have in their fault in a difficult financial situation, we can expect support from the state. It was for these purposes that AHML was created. The repayment of the mortgage and the restructuring itself works within the framework of a social program based on a government ruling Russian Federation In 2015.

Mortgage programs today are diverse, but the state has focused on supporting persons who have lost solvency by thirty and more percent. Speaking about specific figures, the state can repay a portion of the mortgage in the amount of six hundred thousand rubles at a time. Thus, citizens have the opportunity to either facilitate a little financial burden, or extinguish the balance of their debt and close the mortgage with these funds.

Since Sberbank is involved in this state ProgramIn any of his department, you can ask what kinds of options are for a specific borrower, and what conditions are presented to it. All of them must be carefully analyzed and compared to choose exactly the one that is most profitable in your case. In addition, it is in Sberbank that will have to contact the promised assistance from the state housing loan. Clients of other banks will need to contact their bank institution.

Requirements for real estate

Officially debt is suspended, but it has been extended until the end of May 2017. This is due to the fact that allocated to the project financial resources For two years have been fully used, that is, the project is performed early. Whether he will be extended in the future - unknown, but russian citizens Already actively create petitions with the requirement not to stop the program.

Nevertheless, you can still have time to get help. It is important to know that in addition to the requirements for borrowers themselves and their financial state Conditions are exhibited and to housing, which is purchased on credit. So, for example, the state will not help those who bought an apartment with an area more than:

  • 45 mq. for one-room housing;
  • 65 sq. M. for a two-bedroom apartment;
  • 85 mpq. For three-bedroom housing.

Rising problem debt mortgage loansprovoked by a sharp drop in the ruble rate at the end of 2014 problems in the currency mortgage market and crisis phenomena in the economy as a whole led to the need to develop the Government of the Russian Federation a special assistance program mortgage borrowers. Existing during 2016-2017 federal program Approved in 2015 and implemented through AHML (EIRC).

Terms of Financial Aid

To be able to obtain financial assistance, the borrower must satisfy the entire set of conditions:

  1. Belonging to the categories of citizens on which the program is applied: persons having a minor child or a disabled child, including under guardianship or guardianship, as well as veterans of hostilities and disabled.
  2. At least a 30 percent reduction in income level with any housing mortgage or a 30 percent increase in payments on currency mortgage. For comparison, 3-month periods are taken, preceding the date of the loan design (one period) and the date of reference to the restructuring (the second comparative period). To compare payments on the currency mortgage, payments are taken to the date of appeal for financial assistance and the date of registration of the loan, and both payments for the calculation goals are transferred to rubles at the rate of the Central Bank to the appropriate date. The provision of assistance also takes into account data over the past 3 months about the level of family income coming to each family member, based on the size of the subsistence minimum in the region. If the amount of income for each family member will exceed the 2-fold size of the subsistence minimum, then the support will not be provided.
  3. Obtaining a mortgage loan (contract design) at least 12 months before the date of filing an application for financial assistance. Credit currency value has no value.
  4. Appeal with a statement and installed packet of documents to the bank, where the loan was issued, while the bank should be a member of the program.

Special conditions are imposed on the pledge of housing:

  1. Under the program there are any mortgage living spaces, including objects to which the right of the contract is applied. participation in construction.
  2. Mortgage housing should have the status of the only housing for the borrower. The corresponding condition is the situation in which the borrower (pledger) and his family members have a cumulative share of ownership of another housing, not exceeding 50% in each residential facility.
  3. Mortgage housing can not exceed common Square 45 m 2 - for one-bedroom housing, 65 m 2 - for a 2-room apartment or house, 85 m 2 - with 3 or more living rooms.
  4. The cost of 1 m 2 of the residential object consisting in a mortgage cannot exceed the cost of 1 m 2 typical apartment secondary or primary market (depending on the corresponding mortgage status) by more than 60%. The regional residential real estate market is taken into account and information on the cost according to the Rosstat data at the date of the mortgage.
  5. For families with three and more children, the requirements for the cost and area of \u200b\u200bmortgage housing do not apply.

For the possibility of obtaining financial assistance, the amount of debt (delay) on the mortgage and the facts of the participation of the borrower in previous restructures are not values.

Where to apply for financial assistance

Despite the fact that the program is implemented through EIRC, and it also provides funding, interaction with the borrower is carried out exclusively through the bank-lender.

Application on obtaining financial assistance is necessary in the bank where the loan was issuedor to a legal transfer bank that has entered into the relevant creditor rights. The latter is possible if, for example, a bank, where the mortgage was drawn up, was deprived of a license, and his rights were transferred to another bank. Mandatory condition is the participation of the creditor bank in the program. It is important here to take into account that from more than semi-person functioning credit institutions by participants of the program on this moment There are only about 85 banks.

The program refers to the competence of banks an independent establishment of the timing and a particular package of documents for borrowers who want to use the mortgage of the mortgage. Except are mandatory documents, the requirement to submit which is established on state level. Their list can be expanded, but cannot be reduced.

List of necessary documents

Mandatory list of documents is used to confirm the right of the borrower to participate in the program, compliance with its conditions and obtaining financial assistance in a certain amount.

The total package of documents includes:

  1. Statement prepared according to the established form. The form and sample application can be obtained in the bank, but often it is in the same place and is drawn up by the manager.
  2. Documents confirming the belonging of the borrower of the category of persons who have the right to receive assistance (childbirth certificate, a certificate of disability, a veteran certificate, etc.).
  3. Documents confirming financial conditions helping: copy labor book (contracts), reference of the employer, document on registration as unemployed, certificate of income on the data tax author, FIU or social insurance, tax Declarations or any other documents that may formally confirm the level of income at the time of the conclusion of the loan agreement, at the date of the restructuring date and in general will testify the drop in income level by 30%.
  4. Documents on the loan and pledge - a copy of the contract, the Bank's certificate, payment schedule, a pledge assessment report at the date of concluding a loan agreement or a copy of the contract of sale mortgage real estate etc.
  5. Extracts from the State Registry of Real Estate Rights and Transactions, which are designed to confirm the status of a collateral, real estate data, the presence / absence of other residential property objects, a foothold of residential facilities and other data. Documents from the State Registry should concern all residential property facilities that are located at the borrower and members of his family, and not just mortgages. The reality of discharge is 90 days before their submission, together with a statement on obtaining financial assistance, and in relation to mortgage housing - one month.
  6. A copy of the contract of equity participation in construction (if the object of mortgage - housing, to which the borrower claims within such a contract).
  7. Documents (agreement, new credit contractAmendments to Him) concerning the conditions for restructuring a mortgage loan, as well as a new payment schedule based on their such conditions.

A specific list of documents must be specified in the bank bank and focus on agreed restructuring conditions. Primary check The documentary package is carried out by the bank, and it is formally responsible for its completeness.

Support amounts and shapes

The final conditions for the restructuring of the mortgage loan in the framework of participation in the legal support program are determined by the Bank and the Borrower. It is very important that the borrower is granted the right to independently determine the form of financial assistance - one-time write-off of a certain amount of debt or reduce the size of the monthly compulsory payment for the loan at least half and within a period of up to 18 months. In addition to these opportunities, for currency loans, their translation is provided to ruble mortgage at a lower rate than the official restructuring on the date.

Maximum allowable amount of financial assistance - Reduction of debt obligations by 10% of the debt balance, but at the same time the dedicated amount of assistance per borrower cannot exceed 600 thousand rubles. In addition, the program provides for a reduction in interest rate on currency mortgage at least up to 12% per annum for the entire remaining period of the loan agreement, and on the ruble mortgage - before the rate acting on the date of the restructuring date. The revision of the rate towards the increase is allowed only with significant violations by the Borrower's conditions of the contract.

Charging from a borrower of any boards for participation in the program of financial assistance, in the form of commissions and other bank payments not provided. Formally, everything is carried out free of charge.

Governmental support - The amount of financing that the state takes on itself and pays the bank at the expense of budget funds. The participation of the borrower in the state program does not limit the bank to the ability to provide more loyal and favorable conditions for the borrower. Thus, the actual restructuring conditions may well be more beneficial than those provided by the program. The possibility of adding the banking program of restructuring proposed by the borrower is not excluded. state support. Basically, some relaxation for the debtor may concern the write-off of accrued penalties, reducing the interest rate to lower values \u200b\u200bthan the program is established, the establishment of credit holidays with a deferment of the payment of principal debt, revision of the payment schedule, etc. That which is strictly limited by the terms of the program, is reduced or increased can not be. The borrower cannot be exempted completely from its obligations, and the bank may limit the fact that it is provided within the framework of state support. Many credit institutions do this.

It should be noted that financial assistance concerns only loan payments and does not apply to other obligations of the borrower, for example, related to making insurance payments.

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After the next collapse of the Russian ruble 2014-2015. Mortgage borrowers that took the loan in the currency were faced with the need to pay huge amounts to the bank. And not at all on which they expected, entering into a loan agreement. After hitting the financial booth, they turned to the state.

Initially, officials of all the masters urged dissatisfied citizens, which sharply grown debt is a consequence of their greed and continuity. But then the public men still developed a program for helping mortgage borrowers. True, not for all debtors affected by the substantial fall of the national currency.

The help program has been valid since 2015. However, those who want to solve their financial difficulties At the expense of the state, it turned out so much that the budget funds allocated under the project were over, and he himself was minimized.

But at the end of the summer of 2017, the state decided to extend the program. On August 11, 2017, Government Resolution No. 961 was published on further measures of support for the Mortgirls, which came to a serious financial situation. In the previous program, some changes were made. It became clear from its content that the state was fully oriented on supporting unlucky foreign currency debtors.

The new program has a number of features:

  1. Helping citizens having unbearable mortgage duty is due to its restructuring. This means that the loan will not "say goodbye", and the bank renews with the client a new loan agreement, with more favorable conditions for the borrower. Or draws up an additional agreement to the old. The main goal of drawn up documents is to reduce the financial burden in the debtor, to make a loan agreement performed.
  2. For the state account compensated for no more than 30% of mortgage debt. At the same time, an extremely possible amount that can be allocated to a partial loan repayment is 1.5 million rubles.
  3. The state warns that assistance turns out to be one-time, and with further risky transactions with the Bank, citizens will have to calculate exclusively on themselves.

When redeeming part of the debt through a help program, the Bank is obliged to restructure a loan under certain conditions:

  1. Re-inform the reservoir loans to the ruble - at the rate in force at the time of the conclusion of an updated contract;
  2. Install the interest rate for the borrower not more than 11.5% (annual);
  3. "To forgive" the client some amount of debt is at least 1.5 million rubles (due to partial write-off and / or recalculation on a more advantageous currency rate);
  4. Do not charge the debtor for overdue payments to the penalty (except for the amounts divided by the court decision, and previously paid fines);
  5. Do not reduce the deadlines for the execution of credit commitments by the debtor.

On behalf of the state, the help of mortgage borrowers is provided by AHML. So briefly referred to as the "Mortgage Housing Lending Agency", through which banks receive cash In sums of income discharged from the client. That is, calling for creditors to meet the debtors, the state from the treasury covers their costs that arose from mitigating the conditions of the mortgage agreement (in set limits). For these purposes, 2 billion rubles were transferred to the agency's account.

We pay attention to: The maximum possible amount of compensation can be increased, but no more than its two-time magnitude. The decision on this is adopted by a special interdepartmental commission - according to the debtor.

Currently, the official website of AHML placed information that the restructuring of mortgage debt is possible in 2 types:

  1. Reducing interest rate;
  2. Recalculation in ruble equivalent at a lower course.

Who can count on support

Power dictates tough conditions for those who are going to participate in it. The August government ruling significantly reduced the list of citizens to whom the state is ready to cover part of the debt. For example, earlier consolidated employees of defense enterprises, municipal employees, scientists. There are no them in the new list.

In 2019, the assistance program applies only to the following categories of borrowers:

  1. Adult citizens having disability;
  2. Parents raising disabled children;
  3. Veterans who participated in the armed conflicts of the last decades (combat operations);
  4. Parents / Trustees / Guardians of minor children (in any quantity);
  5. Parents, financially providing their children, for full-time students in various educational institutions - until the "kids" of the 24-year-old age.

This list is closed, that is, exhaustive. However, strict requirements are presented not only to debtors, but also to real estate, which is purchased for money borrowed from a bank.

Requirements for real estate

The assistance program acts in relation to certain residential facilities.

They have to:

  1. Located in Russia;
  2. To be the only housing of the borrower and his households (it is allowed to have a share in the other apartment / house / room, but not more than 50%);
  3. Do not exceed the sizes of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room:
  • 85 m2 - for a 3-room (or more) residential object;
  • 65 m2 - for a 2-room residential object;
  • 45 m2 - If the mortgage is taken real estate with the 1st residential room.

Interestingly, in the previously active program, the cost of the square meter was paid to the mortgage of living space. It should not have been more than 60% exceeding the average market. And the marginal metra is not established in the number of rooms, but by the number of family members of the pledger living in a mortgage apartment. However, the updated assistance program from AHML data constraints does not contain.

Requirements for borrowers

To participate in the program, borrowers should not only enter the above-mentioned list of "preferential" categories, but also to meet very important additional criteria:

  1. 3 months before applying for the Bank on the restructuring of the mortgage, average income each borrower's family member, after paying the planned loan amount, did not exceed two subsistence minimainstalled in the region of their stay. Thus, the focus is made on families with a small and medium inconceiture, in which, despite the regularity of obtaining income, the mortgage loan has become an unbearable burden.
  2. At the time of submitting an application for restructuring, regular loan payments should increase at least 30% - compared with the amounts that were planned to give the bank on the day of the conclusion of a loan agreement. This condition The ruble mortgarter came out from the program, perhaps also experiencing complex financial problems. However, such a gigantic jump on monthly contributions is probably only when the mortgage was taken in foreign currency.

Required documents

It will include:

  1. Cookopia of papers certifying both the personality of the borrower himself and all his households: Russian passports, "children's" certificates;
  2. Documents that will confirm that it belongs to one of the categories of Russians with the right to repay the mortgage with the help of the state:
    • certificates for children (if these presence gives the right to state support);
    • veteran certificate of the established form;
    • help of MCEC on the presence of disability - he himself or his child;
    • paper is educational institutionconfirming the fact of the teaching of the son or daughter for full-time, etc.;
  3. Documents indicating the amount of the income of the borrower or solidarial debtors, as well as the total income of his family members - over the past 3 months:
    • photocopies of labor book pages;
    • help 2-NDFL;
    • certificate of receipt of unemployment benefits (for able-bodied, but non-working citizens);
    • extract Pension Fund RF about the magnitude of the pension for last year (for pensioners / disabled or upon receipt of a manual for a disabled child);
    • extract about the size of the "guardian" payments, etc.;
  4. The current mortgage agreement concluded with the creditor bank (it should be issued at least a year before applying for debt restructuring);
  5. Monthly payments schedule - to the repayment of the target loan;
  6. Form number 9 (provided in the passport office at the place of registration);
  7. The statement of the established form in which the borrower announces its own property status and members of his family - concerns their other real estate (its form can be downloaded and look at the official website of AHML).

And even such a long list, most likely, will be incomplete, since different banks participating in the mortgage subsidy program from the state establish their list of required documentation. It is usually laid out on electronic portals of credit institutions.

We pay attention to: Extract from EGRN on the right of ownership of the borrower (s) for the pledge, that is, the real estate acquired on credit, banks no longer require applicants. Previously, they had to take, but now AHML itself requests this document in Rosreestre.

Scheme of helping

So, the borrower experiencing difficulties in repaying the loan must be applied to the creditor bank, and lend whether the creditor participates in this state program.

With a positive response, the debtor will have a number of actions to get help AHML:

  1. It is necessary to know which department of the bank is engaged in this issue. This is usually a division for working with debtors (or with overdue debt). By phone or through the site you need to find out its location and contact details.
  2. By calling the department or traveling personally, the borrower clarifies what documents he will have to be collected for submission to the bank.
  3. Colmia whose paper, citizen directs them to financial organization Together with the questionnaire. It indicates the reason why the borrower is addressed for state help.
  4. After receiving a packet of papers from the debtor, the financial institution sends them to AHML - to check. It is believed that on average it lasts about a month. However, it is better to tune in for a longer expectation, as many citizens complain that they had to wait for a response and for six months.
  5. Often, AHML requests additional documents that the applicant must provide him.
  6. With a positive decision of the Agency, the bank informs the debtor about him and appoints the meeting time for registration of a new loan agreement.
  7. The meeting is issued either a completely new contract with changed conditions, or an additional agreement is drawn up to the current document. The adjusted schedule of regular payments is also being developed and signed, paper is drawn up to change the mortgage content.
  8. From the archive of the bank, the former mortgage is requested. She has to wait 2-4 weeks.
  9. Then all the modified, supplemented and newly drawn documents are issued for registration. This procedure can be considered completed.

List of banks

IN new program About 100 Russian banks are involved in the help of mortgage debtors. Them full list Located on the AHML website - together with the phones in which borrowers can clarify the information you are interested in. You can notice almost everything financial institutionspopular in our country.

Let's call only some of them:

  1. Directly AHML;
  2. Sberbank;
  3. Bank VTB
  4. Alfa Bank;
  5. Bank opening;
  6. VTB 24;
  7. Bank UniCredit;
  10. Raiffeisenbank;
  11. Rosselkhozbank;
  12. Credit Bank of Moscow;
  13. Bank "Saint-Petersburg;
  14. Absolut Bank;
  15. Far Eastern Bank;
  16. OTD Bank and others.

If the client fell into a difficult life situation, it can use the AHML program from Sberbank, providing for various options for the restructuring of the current debt, including the exchange of currency mortgage to the ruble with a decrease in interest rate.

What is a program of assistance to mortgage borrowers

The increase in mortgage debt becomes a fairly large problem for Russia, especially tangible against the background of revenues and price increases. Loading generates a whole range of interrelated difficulties, for example, a decrease in purchasing power and slowdown in the economic growth. To solve this problem, a federal assistance program for mortgage borrowers was launched.

What the client receives

As mentioned above, the AHML assistance program for mortgage in Sberbank is a debt restructuring. In the usual situation, restructuring is possible only for conscientious payers who fulfill their obligations without overdue throughout a certain period (from six months). In this case, it is possible to combine several loans in one and even the transfer of debt from one bank to another.

In a preferential program, debt restructuring is possible only in Sberbank, i.e. To be removed, for example, in VTB, it will not work. In addition, the refinancing of the mortgage is possible for certain categories of people who fell into a difficult financial situation, i.e. "By default" with no sufficient funds for maintenance of a loan.

The state in the face of AHML under the Help Program of Mortgage Borrowers in 2018 in Sberbank guarantees not only the revision of the loan conditions, but also additional features:

  • the write-off of accrued penalties and fines if the borrower could not fulfill obligations on the circumstances independent of him;
  • revision of the terms of the contract in favor of a decline in interest rates to the minimum possible at 9.23%;
  • recalculation of the currency mortgage to the ruble on a more favorable rate than the current market;
  • payment of compensatory nature, no more than 600 thousand rubles to one borrower.

Program validity period

The term of the AHML program in Sberbank is determined - it is possible to obtain restructuring until the end of 2017. Whether the program is extended further, entirely depends solely on the intentions of the government.

The bank can not provide less benefits than provided by the state, since its costs are funded by the state. Nevertheless, Sberbank is ready to offer loyal customers with good credit history even more profitable terms. What exactly - will be decided at the negotiations.

In addition, Sberbank is ready to provide restructuring not only on the mortgage, but also in the car loan, and on the usual consumer loan. However, in these cases, it is not necessary to count on state assistance, this is exclusively the Sberbank initiative.

Another point is important: despite the fact that the Mortgage Help Program is implemented by AHML, to seek the revision of the treaty of the contract to Sberbank himself.

Who can count on state support

As mentioned above, only solvent borrowers can apply under normal restructuring. In the case of state support, the situation is diametrically opposed: socially unprotected segments of the population can be counted for help on the AHML program on the Sberbank Mortgage:

  • disabled people of any group;
  • participants in hostilities, including warriors - Internationalists, participants in Chechen campaigns, etc.;
  • "Chernobyls".

Conditions for helping

Mandatory conditions for receiving in Sberbank under the AHML assistance program are:

  • decline in all family income by more than 30% with a ruble mortgage or increase the amount of payments by more than 30% with currency (for comparison two running three-month periods are used, i.e. the last six months, while the size of the average per minute for one month is not may exceed two subsistence minimums in the region);
  • the implementation of loan payments for a period of at least 1 year (i.e. the treaty must be issued earlier than 12 months before applying for financial assistance in Sberbank);
  • the bank must be a member of the AHML Program (Sberbank is it).

For example, a family with two minors with the dollar mortgage in 2012 may claim to receive assistance, which has increased by 2 times, i.e. 100%).

Criteria for borrowers

According to the program AHML of state support for borrowers, Sberbank's criteria as a whole duplicate the provisions of the federal program, while introducing additional grounds for the restructuring:

  • dismissal from work (on the initiative of the employer or in connection with the bankruptcy of the enterprise);
  • translation to the lower position with a salary reduction;
  • an increase in the costs caused by death or a relative disease (or cooked);
  • the loss of property that causes income on the conditions independent of the borrower (for example, the hijacking of a rental car or fire in the apartment);
  • calling to the army of the payer itself or its closest relative / co-coacher, helping to pay a loan (for example, a mortgage is framed on his wife, but a husband called);
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • obtaining disability;
  • long disease.

The goal of the borrower is to show that he found himself in a difficult financial situation, but at the same time he does not refuse his obligations and is ready to execute them if the bank provides him with more loyal conditions.

How to become a member of the program

For financial assistance or conduct profitable restructuring The mortgage premises of the borrower should also correspond to certain parameters.

Conditions put forward to mortgage housing

So, in Sberbank according to the support program AHML Criteria mortgage apartment Such:

  • It should be the only housing of the borrower. In order for the premises to fit this criterion, the payer should not have more than 50% of the share in any other apartment, even by privatization conditions.
  • Housing area should not be more than 45 square meters For an apartment with 1 room, 65 "squares" - for two-bedroom housing and 85 - for a three-bedroom apartment.
  • The price of one "square" should not be larger than the average for 60% at the date of the mortgage. Moreover, the calculation on the primary and secondary housing is carried out separately, the information is taken from the regional branch of Rosstat.

It is worth noting that in Sberbank on AHML, the program of support for mortgage borrowers is not made differences between housing types - benefits can be obtained on apartments in the primary and secondary markets, as well as participation in equity construction (Even if the housing is not yet completed).

Documents for the program

In accordance with the requirements of the AHML Program Sberbank, the documents must be prepared by the borrower independently. The minimum package includes:

  • a statement in the form of a bank (issued at the end under the control of a specialist in mortgage programs);
  • certificate of belonging to payer preferential category participants of the program (for example, a veteran certificate, certificate from a hospital about the establishment of disability or chronic illness, a birth certificate in the family of the baby, etc.);
  • evidence of falling into a difficult financial situation (a copy of the employment contract, a certificate from the employment department on registration, the death certificate of the coacher, a copy of the military ticket, etc.);
  • certificates of revenue to revenue or the loss of the profit of property;
  • documents on the apartment - an extract from Rosreestra or a copy of the certificate of ownership, assessing property (a document performed at the time of mortgage design), a copy of the sale contract, receiving-transmission act, etc.;
  • bank documents - a contract with payment schedule, mortgage, account statement, etc.;
  • extract from Rosreestra about the number of property in the property of the borrower (the certificate should not be "older" 30 days);

If the payer will be included in the AIHM Sberbank Aerk Borrowers Program, he will receive a new agreement on the hands providing more loyal mortgages. You can use only once.

Restructuring options

To date, there are two options for providing financial assistance to needy payers:

  1. Providing one-time financial assistance at the expense of AHML. At the same time, no more than 10% of the debt is written off and no more than 600 thousand rubles. The bank considers it as early repayment And it can either reduce the mortgage time, or recalculate the amount of the monthly payment based on new data.
  2. Restructuring.

Note that the second option is implemented in the overwhelming number of cases. According to the Mortgage Borrowers' Program, AHML and Sberbank offer the following types of restructuring:

  • decreased payment 2 times for 18 months (the missing amount instead of the payer introduces AHML), after payment continues in normal mode;
  • "Stretching" of the mortgage period, due to which the size of the monthly payment is reduced;
  • deferral of the payment of the principal debt for up to 6 months (i.e. the borrower pays only interest in these six months);
  • transfer of the date of payment;
  • a decrease in interest rates to a minimum of 9.23% (with a decrease in the key rate of the Central Bank, an even more intensive reduction in the bet is not excluded);
  • recalculation of the currency mortgage to the ruble at a fixed preferential course.

It should be noted that the first type of restructuring is always applied by the bank, the rest is at will.

The borrower must be calculated which of the types of assistance is a decrease in total debt or a temporary reduction of the amount of payments - it turns out to be more profitable for it. Perhaps, a specialist Sberbank for Mortgage or a lawyer will help to take the right decision.

In addition, if the client fell into a difficult financial situation and made a delay, he may ask for the write-off of accrued fines. As a rule, banks willingly go to such a step, especially if the client was able to become a member of the AHML program.


Thus, the AHML program from Sberbank is designed for mortgage borrowers who collided with financial difficulties. They can get one of two types of financial assistance: a decrease in the principal debt or restructuring on preferential terms. The main thing is to show that the applicant is a conscientious borrower, who needs to help a little, and he will continue to pay for its obligations in the same time.

The economic crisis in the country added many problems to citizens. Therefore, the state is developing special assistance programs for the population. Help programs for mortgage borrowers help people not lose their housing loan previously purchased on credit, and also help to purchase real estate.

What is a federal program assistance to mortgage borrowers

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the Assistance Program of Borrowers, previously issued housing in the mortgage. Citizens who fell into a difficult financial situation could claim some privileges.

People who have managed to submit documents on this program until March 7 have the right to count on the help of mortgags from the state.

The specifics of the program was that citizens could get the amount of 600 thousand rubles. You needed to handle documents in AHML.

Since 2017, a new resolution has been approved concerning the restructuring of mortgage of citizens in a difficult financial situation.

Restructuring mortgage

The Government of the Russian Federation established the action of the Program by Resolution No. 961 of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2017

The maximum amount of compensation for each restructured mortgage loan is equal to 30% residue, but not more than 1500 thousand rubles.

Due to the refinancing, the loan rate is reduced and installments are provided for payment.

If the refinancing program participates state Help, It is it that it pays the bank more than half of interest. It turns out that the bank reduces the financial load of the client and at the same time does not lose its money.

According to the refinancing program must be executed additional condition - a year has passed, from the date of the conclusion of the loan agreement.

Large families do not apply to the condition of the program on the level and cost of housing.

Only bona fide borrowers who have occurred under the restructuring program can financial difficulties With loss of labor or income reduction. At the same time, it will have to documented the deterioration of the material situation.

Algorithm of action during restructuring:

  1. Contact AHML, with a statement of restructuring. List of documents for participation in the program:
    • passport;
    • mortgage agreement;
    • extract from the provision of real estate;
    • certificate of family earnings over the past 3 months;
    • certificate of debt bank;
    • documentation confirming the valid cause of restructuring.
      This is an exemplary list of documentation. A more accurate list is recommended to be specified in place.
  2. Within ten days, a refinancing application is considered.
  3. If a positive solution is received, the client will pay a mortgage for a new schedule.

The financial crisis is not yet a reason to panic. You can always find a way out of a difficult situation. Mortgage with state support will always help solve the problems of citizens. The main thing is to ask for help.

To whom the state's assistance is provided to write off the main mortgage debt

  • Young families under 35 years old having children.
  • Participants in hostilities.
  • Disabled people and citizens raising children with disabilities.
  • Large families.
  • Persons who are guardians of trustees of one or more children.
  • etc.

Exclusive citizens of the Russian Federation can count on mortgage benefits. Also for the privileges of the apartment must comply with certain requirements:

Therefore, in order not to receive a refusal, it is necessary to check whether a person is suitable under the above conditions.

Requirements for borrowers

The main conditions that the borrower must be configured to design a subsidy:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • The income is below the subsistence minimum.
  • Credit taken in Russia.
  • A significant reduction in income over the past three months or dismissal from the place of labor.

If we consider monetary mortgageYou can ask for help if the debt increased with increment of the course.

Here are the basic requirements for subsidizing and restructuring mortgage loans. However, if a person only wants to issue preferential mortgage, It must be solvent, respectively have a good salary, which should exceed the cost of living.

Other types of mortgages subsidies

There are several subsidy programs for citizens of the Russian Federation. Often they depend on the region of residence. Therefore, it is recommended to specify about their availability at the place of residence. The main types of subsidies are:

  • Reduced percentage of the loan.
  • Assistance programs to young families up to 35 years.
  • Replacing a currency loan to ruble.
  • Different types of dwelling programs.
  • The participation of maternal capital in repayment of the mortgage or the initial contribution.

A person may refuse to grant subsidies or using a specific program. However, usually, this is due exclusively with an incorrectly submitted package of documentation or failure to fulfill the terms of the loan agreement.

Subsidies of housing lending for young families

This program applies to young families under 35 years old. With a specific packet, it is necessary to go to the Office of the Housing Policy Department under the administration in the city of residence.


  • Certificates of identity of all family members, including children.
  • Documents confirming unsatisfactory housing conditions.
  • There is a statement on the spot.

If the family is suitable for the requirements of the help of mortgage borrowers, for ten days it is issued a certificate that can be used as an initial contribution or repayment of the current mortgage loan if it is already decorated.

Family can participate in the program for the payment of subsidies, if:

  • The actual squares per person are less than the law by law.
  • One of the family members is less than 35 years old.
  • Housing conditions did not deteriorate over the past 5 years.

Program can compensate for 30% of the cost of housing, if there are children then 40%.

The rest of the borrower pays independently.

You can get help from the state for such a program if the family is recognized as in need of housing. At the same time, the income of the society of society should be sufficient to repay the loan.

Subsidy to the mortgage at the birth of the second child

When the second child is born in the family, it has the right to claim the program "Young Family - Affordable Housing" and repay the mortgage with the help of the state. However, if earlier this right was no longer used.

Additionally, at the birth of the second offspring the cell of the Company receives a certificate for using " Maternal capital" It can be used as an initial fee With a mortgage or for repayment of the previously taken mortgage. Now, the size of this aid from the state is 453,026 rubles.

How to take a mortgage to pensioners

Banks revised their attitude in terms of mortgage retirees. Some of them now issue housing categories to such citizens. However, you should not count on long-term credit at the age of 60. Pensioners banks give out a mortgage no more than 10 years. Exceptions are citizens who have retired before the deadline.

Citizens who came to the well-deserved rest can count on a mortgage in two documents:

  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Passport.

However, the decisions of the bank will have to wait for quite a debt. If the borrower's pension allows you to pay a mortgage, it will approve a loan.

More chances to get a mortgage to a working pensioner.

Reduced mortgage interest rates

To reduce interest rates on the current mortgage from the state in Sberbank in two ways:

  • Personal appeal;
  • Online application.

To do this, it is necessary to approach the manager of the credit institution and write an application for a decrease in interest rate.

The manager must be reported that you want to reduce the interest rate on the loan on the basis of a decline in the key rate of the Central Bank.

In general, there is enough copy of the passport and application for the appeal. However, sometimes the manager may request:

  • Mortgage agreement.
  • Documents on the apartment.

Therefore, so as not to go to the bank twice, it is better to call the manager and clarify: what you need to take with you.

The ability to reduce the rate is prescribed in mortgage agreement. If the borrower did not find such an item there, you can still try to reduce the bet. After all, write a statement will not be much difficulty, but you can send it online in 20 minutes.

Subsidization of mortgage interest rates

State help in paying mortgages is also carried out as tax deduction. A person who bought an apartment in the mortgage, and having an official employment place can claim to refund the percentage paid in the amount of 13%.

How to get help, there are main steps:

  1. Collect documents:
    • Passport;
    • Mortgage agreement;
    • Receipts confirming the payment of the loan and interest;
    • Declaration for the year;
    • Help with work on the paid income tax per year.
  2. Come with documents in IFTS and write an application for deduction.
  3. Within two to three months, the inspection will pay compensation for 13% from the percentage bank paid.

The state is trying to help its citizens. Therefore, various state programs are being developed annually. material assistance, in the numbers relative to the mortgage. After all this species Loan on mortgage loans - for many people is the only option to purchase real estate.

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