
As the mortgage rate changes. What a subsistence minimum in Russia

Subscessary minimum (PM) - minimum size Monthly man's income needed to meet its physiological, social and cultural needs. This value is used for economic calculations, as well as the basis for the accrual of social benefits.

Why do you need?

Every year, the Russian government compares real incomes of the population with the established subsistence minimum. Persons whose earnings turned out to be lower than the PM bar, are below the poverty line and can claim to receive state subsidies.

Also living wage Used in the following cases:

  • evaluation of living standards in the country;
  • calculation of the minimum amount of benefits and wages;
  • definition minimum income citizens not subject to taxes;
  • formation of state and local budgets.

In accordance with legislative Base RF monthly income The adult population of the country can not be lower than the set minimum. In this regard, on the basis of PM, the following payments are formed:

  • social surcharges to pension - regular government subsidies covering the difference between a real pension and subsistence minimum;
  • baby benefits - Monthly payments to minors in cases where their family's income does not reach the level of PM;
  • benefits poor - surcharges to the main income to the level of PM;
  • subsidies for housing and utilities services;
  • baby allowance to young families;
  • a one-time payment for reimbursement of adoption costs;
  • monthly subsidies of lonely mothers due to price increases;
  • compensation for persons who found themselves in a difficult life situation.

PM also allows you to identify citizens eligible for the following types of assistance:

  • increased scholarship to poor students;
  • queue to improve living conditions;
  • free legal advice.

When the value of PM changes, the recalculation of subsidies is automatically produced. From the recipient, there are no documents or confirmation of consent.

What does it depend on?

The cost of living is the cost of the consumer basket. In connection with these, the PM values \u200b\u200baffect:

  • consumer basket composition;
  • current prices on food, housing and communal services, fare public transport;
  • price increase indexation;
  • statistical data on the size of mandatory payments and fees.

In turn, the consumer basket consists of 3 sections:

  • food (bread products, sugar, meat, fish, milk, fats, fruits, vegetables potatoes, spices and drinks);
  • non-grocery goods (essential items, medicine, clothing, office);
  • services (housing and communal services, transport, cultural).
  • The last revision of the consumer basket was held in 2013, the next appointed on the second half of 2018.

For what categories of citizens is calculated?

For each of the categories listed below, PM is calculated individually:

  • juvenile children under 16;
  • workable citizens aged from 16 to 54 years old (women), or 59 years old (men), as well as persons with disabilities I and II groups;
  • pensioners.

The amount of the subsistence minimum also depends on the region of residence.

Size of the subsistence minimum in Moscow in 2018

The value of PM in Moscow in 2018 approved by Government Decree No. 176 of PP and is:

  • per capita - 15,786 rubles;
  • for people of working age - 17,990 rubles;
  • for disabled guests I and II groups - 17,560 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 11,570 rubles;
  • for minors - 13,787 rubles.

For pensioners registered in the capital for more than 10 years, there is a special financing program. Their income level should not be descended below 17 500 rubles.

Summary of the family

The subsistence minimum on the family is calculated on the basis of PM each of its members. The average income per person is called averages. When it is determined, such income is taken into account as:

When calculating the total family income are not taken into account:

  • revenues of adult children living in a separate territory;
  • earnings of parents devoid of parental rights;
  • revenues of children in public security;
  • parental earnings, consisting of military service / retraining / learning;
  • the income of the parent who is in correctional institutions.

The calculation of the average per capita income is made by the formula:

SD \u003d d / km / hWhere:

  • SD - middle income;
  • D. - Common family income;
  • KM - 3 months of calculation;
  • C. - The number of family members.

If during the calculations it will be established that the monthly income of family members is below the subsistence minimum, citizens have the right to receive subsidies.

What documents do you need for subsidiaries?

Statements for state subsidies are accepted in social protection bodies. With you, the applicant must have a package of documents in which:

  • certificate of concluding / termination of marriage;
  • a request for recognition of the family of the poor;
  • original and a copy of the child's birth certificate (if available);
  • applicant's identity card;
  • extract from the house book about the family composition.

Social security bodies may also require the following additional documents:

  • copies of labor books of workable family members;
  • conclusion of ITU on the assignment of disability;
  • income certificate.
  • The application is under consideration to 10 working days. By the expiration of the specified period, the organization's specialists assign the fact the status of poor and draw up all the necessary subsidies.

Maroths in Moscow

Mrots - fixed pay for a certain period of time. In accordance with the Legislative Base of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee's monthly salary may not be lower than the established minimum wage. For Moscow, its size in 2018 stopped at the level of 18,742 rubles.

The calculation of the minimum amount necessary to maintain normal life is made quarterly. Statistical authorities in Moscow collect information obtained from different outlets. Cost of living in Moscowit depends on the category to which a citizen belongs. Economists in different ways assesses the costs of people relating to different social groups.

What is the purpose of the subsistence minimum?

When calculating minimum payments, specialists determine the list of goods and services required for normal life:

  • the body needs a constant flow of nutrients;
  • the list includes funds that are used in hygienic purposes;
  • experts take into account the costs of shoes and upper clothes;
  • the basket takes into account the cost of paying utilities services, taking into account standards.

Economists assess the parameters that affect the size of the subsistence minimum:

  • salary that local residents receive on average;
  • rising prices for goods that buy local residents.

Cost of living in Moscowused when calculating benefits that are paid at the birth of children to young families. This indicator affects the size of subsidies laid down by poor citizens. The income level of some citizens does not even reach the subsistence minimum. In such people, the state provides financial assistance.

Minimum costs are calculated for all groups of people living in the capital. Several categories of Muscovites can be distinguished:

  • people who work at the enterprises of the capital;
  • older people who made a pension;
  • children who have not yet turned 18 years old.

When calculating this indicator, information provided by state statistian authorities are used. It takes into account the price level in large retail chains. Separately determines the cost of different product groups.

Cost of living in Moscow per capita depends on their income level. This indicator in January is 16160 rubles. People who work in various organizations of the capital have the right to receive 18453 rubles. Elderly, the state pays 11420 rubles. Children put payments in the amount of 13938 rubles.

Important! The update of the above indicators will occur in March 2019. Information about this should appear on the website of the Moscow Government.

What expenses are taken into account when calculating the consumer basket in the capital of Russia 2019?

When calculating the cost of the consumer basket, you need to consider the following types of expenses:

  • about 50% of costs fall on the food group;
  • experts calculated the number of pairs of shoes required by Muscovites;
  • the basket includes the cost of things in which residents of the capital need;
  • payment of services required for normal residence.

The needs of people affect not only social status. Much depends on the floor and age of the applicant. Experts share residents of the capital for 3 main groups:

  • people who receive official salary;
  • senior citizens;
  • minor children.

In March 2019, the composition of the food basket will change. Now the inhabitants of the capital have to spend 41.4% on the purchase of food costs. To buy non-food products Muscovites spend 16.4% of the cost of a food basket.

When calculating the cost of the basket, it is necessary to take into account the composition of food products. The choice of non-food products depends on the floor.

When preparing a list of hygienic devices, the peculiarities of the female and male organism are taken into account. Specialists when calculating the product basket need to achieve the right balance of beneficial substances. A person needs a certain ratio of protein and fat components. For the construction of cells, minerals and vitamins are needed.

What is included in the daily food rate of Muscovite?

How much food is needed for the normal life of Muscovite (annual consumption)
Potatoes are considered the main product of residents of the capital. In the year, Muscovites eat 1 ton of potatoes.
The proportion of vegetable products is 115 kg.
A person cannot live without vitamins. Annual norm in fruits, laid Muscovites, is 65 kg.
On the bakery products accounts for 130 kg.
The annual need for meat is 60 kg.
When calculating the basket, specialists take into account the annual sugar rate, which is 20 kg.
Fishing accounts for 20 kg.
Each person has the right to eat 180 eggs per year.
The share of oil is 13 kg.
According to the calculations of economists, the need for milk is 220 kg.

At the same time, the daily need for bread from Muscovites is 300 g. There is a large proportion of potatoes in the nutrition of the capital. On the day, the person eats 280 g. On dairy products fall 80.

To maintain normal life, Muscovites laid 50 g of fish. The share of meat products on the table of the capital is 180. How you can make sure the amount of products absolutely does not match modern conditions. View of non-food products, which is used when calculating the subsistence minimum.

Non Food Group

Important! In 2019, the cost of a consumer basket is expected in Moscow by 10%. Food monitoring is made by statistical authorities on a regular basis. Specialists estimate the price level of 105 trade organizations of the capital.

LCD services are vital. The cost of the consumer basket economists include:

  • 300 liters of water, which are on average spent Muscovites per day;
  • during the month, a resident of the capital consumes 10 cu. gas meters;
  • the monthly need for electrical energy is 55 kW.

When calculating the subsistence minimum, it is necessary to take into account 620 trips on urban transport.

How the emerging minimum of the capital's resident is calculated

Specialists in determining the subsistence minimum take into account the following indicators:

  1. Consumer basket is rated.
  2. The minimum amount is influenced by the size of payments for hygienic accessories. A person needs shoes things.
  3. Residents of the capital pay for various services every month. It is necessary to take into account the tariffs that exist in the city.

The share of food products in the basket should be 50%. About 25% Moskvich spends non-food products. The remaining 25% falls on the share of services. Economists take into account the rise in prices for goods of the food and food group.

At the same time, they determine the minimum costs of essential goods. The monthly income of the family living in Moscow is divided by the number of people. When calculating the income of the family, only close relatives are taken into account.

How to determine the cost of living that the Moscow family? To do this, it is necessary to calculate the annual amount of products consumed. The resulting amount is divided by 12 months and multiply on the average cost of goods and services. After that, the obtained values \u200b\u200bare folded.

As a subsistence minimum affects the possibility of obtaining social benefits

When making social benefits, specialists evaluate all the costs of Muscovites. These include the costs listed in the NFFL Declaration. It is necessary to take into account the funds that were spent by working citizens.

To determine the level of family wealth, you need to fold the salary of all members. Moreover, the income is influenced by the number of disabled citizens. It can be children, elderly people and disabled. The cost of living, laid by babies, exceeds the costs of pensioners.

Parents spend on funds for food their children in school canteens. A fairly serious item is the purchase of clothing and stationery.

To determine the amount of family income, you can use the formula:

PM \u003d ((PM TN X n TN) + (PM P X N n) + (PM D x N D)) / (n t + n p + n d), where:

PM is the amount of the subsistence minimum operating in the region.

PM TN - how much gets worm-bodied citizens.

PM P - Size of the subsistence minimum

PM D - the minimum amount required to accommodate children, taking into account the cost of food in educational institutions and education costs.

N - the number of close relatives living in 1 apartment.

First you need to determine how social groups include family members. After that, you need to estimate the cost of living in a particular region. We will analyze the procedure for holding calculations on the example.

Father works on municipal enterprise As a worker. Mother settled in the accounting department. These 2 family members belong to the able-bodied population. Parents raises 1. a minor child. Pensioners turned 70 years.

The cost of living citizens in the region is 11,569 rubles. The size of minimal payments put on older people is 10 144 rubles. The size of the subsistence minimum on children is 10 715 rubles.

PM \u003d (11 368 x 2) + (10 131 x 2) + (10 612 x 1) / (2 +2 +1)

From here, we get:

PM \u003d (22 736 + 20 262 + 10 612) / 5 \u003d 10 722 rub.

As of January 1, 2019, the values \u200b\u200bof the subsistence minimum operating in the 4th quarter of 2017 will be relevant. Its value must comply with the Resolution No. 952-PP. You can estimate the changes in the subsistence minimum of Muscovites on the following table.

For what period was calculated by the subsistence minimum of the metropolitan residentThe size of the indicator taking into account the category of Muscovites, rub.
How much is the cost of living per capitaWhat a minimum amount is necessary for living citizensMinimum amount of payments for older people who made a pensionWhat amount is needed for accommodation in the capital of children
Estimated value for the III quarter of 2017 (values \u200b\u200bwill be relevant in January 2018)16 160 18 453 11 420 13 938
How much it was necessary for a normal stay in Moscow in the second quarter of 201716 426 18 742 11 603 14 252
Indicators of the subsistence minimum for different categories of citizens in the first quarter of 201715 477 17 642 10 965 13 441

The subsistence minimum in January 2019 will count on previous indicators. The reason for this approach is that, in order to obtain objective digits, statistical information is needed on all groups of citizens. For their processing, a certain time is necessary. Due to this indicator, the state guarantees the fulfillment of its obligations.

The capital administration establishes a certain level necessary to ensure the minimum human needs. Family receiving less subsistence minimum can count on surcharge.

In 2019, Muscovites who work in various organizations will have to receive at least 18,453 rubles. For the elderly, the minimum level of income is 11,420 rubles. The costs of children are much higher than that of pensioners.

Parents need to constantly spend money on food in a school canteen. For most Russian families, the preparation process for the new school year is a test. It is necessary to buy clothes and various accessories. At the calculations of economists, minimal expenses on the Moscow schoolchild make up 13,938 rubles.

Summary of the population

This value is calculated by adding minimal payments over all groups of residents. In the first quarter of 2019, the size of the subsistence minimum in the capital will be 16 160 rubles. The minimum amount of income required to accommodate a able-bodied citizen. The level of salary of a working person can not be less than 18 453 rubles. This amount should be enough for the most necessary things and food.

Subsistence minimum of an elderly person

The amount of the income of a pensioner living in the capital is 11,420 rubles. Older people need not only in food. Poor health forces them to buy various medicines. Often, pensioners get less subsistence minimum. In this case, they are supplements.

Minimum payments for a child in Moscow

Funds are used to purchase school supplies and clothing. Children are hurt much more often than adults, since they have not yet formed the immune system. For treating parents are forced to buy expensive medicines.

How much money is needed to provide minimal needs to people living in the Moscow region?

In January 2019, people working at enterprises have to spend no less than 12,156 rubles per month. The costs of parents on the maintenance of children are 11,881 rubles. Older people may claim minimum payments in the amount of 9,071 rubles. The incomes of the subsistence minimum depends on the incomes of the population. His value in the suburbs reached 13,750 rubles. Employers do not have the right to pay a smaller amount to their employees.


When calculating the subsistence minimum, the costs associated with the payment of services are taken into account. Moreover, experts take into account differences related to different social status of people. With age, people are significantly changing food. People who work at Moscow enterprises are experiencing the greatest load.

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Some are mistaken when they believe that the subsistence minimum is a monetary value that exists only in our country. Actually, living wage - This is the minimum level of income that is required to maintain a certain standard of living in the state.

The standard of living develops from those needs that we experience daily. It is easier to divide into food needs and non-food. TO food The product set is minimally necessary to ensure and maintain a person's life, to non-food - Goods and services that are not included, but also an integral part ensuring human activity. These include, for example, clothing, hygiene objects, as well as mandatory state payments and fees.

Summary of the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation


September 8, 2016
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a bill, according to which new subsistence minimum values \u200b\u200bcame into force: 9956 rubles (per capita), 10722 ruble (for the working-age population), 8163 rubles (for pensioners), 9861 ruble (for children).
PeriodPer capitaFood-bodied citizensPensionersChildrenNormative act
II quarter 2016. 9956 10722 8163 9861 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/06/2016 №882
Q2 2016.9776 10524 8025 9677 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/09/2016 №511
Q2 2015.9452 10187 7781 9197 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/10/2016 №178
III quarter 2015.9673 10436 7951 9396 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2015 №1291
Q2 201510 017 10 792 8210 9806 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.08.2015 №902
Q2 2015.9662 10 404 7916 9489 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2015 №545

The subsistence minimum is essentially designed to justify the magnitude and equal to the value of the consumer basket.

Consumer Basket 2016.

In essence, the cost of living is minimum cost The so-called "consumer basket", which includes food and non-food products.

What exactly the assessment commission defines. Suppose if you think that visit the SPA-Salon is the necessary procedure for the implementation of your life in the state, believe these visits in any case will not be included in the consumer basket. It combines exclusively the goods and services, the absence of which can affect the health of citizens.

Roughly speaking, so that a person does not get sick and not died, he needs something, then. It takes into account even the moral and cultural needs of a person. For example, an approach to a cinema is laid in a cinema or some exhibition. True, attend such institutions will have to visit once a month if you put the goal to put your budget into a certain state subsistence minimum.

As well as the subsistence minimum, the consumer basket varies depending on the category of citizens: able-bodied population, pensioners and children. According to our state, pensioners eat less than all. It is difficult to say, the truth is or not, but the cost of the consumer basket is always calculated below, rather than for two other categories of citizens.

This table is easy to make calculation that, for example, one pants should be enough for approximately 4 months, and fish and other marine products on your table will have 50 grams per day. These calculations are made for the working-age population (that is, for a full-fledged working man), for children and pensioners, of course, these numbers will be lower.

How to live?

Is it possible to live on the subsistence minimum, using exclusively products offered by the consumer basket? We offer you a very curious experiment, showing the features of life on the funds of the use of the basket. As it is hard or easy, everyone will appreciate it individually.

Subsistence minimum pensioner

Pensioners in our country in the opinion of those who constituted the consumer basket for them consume less than all. Therefore, absolutely in each region the significance of the subsistence minimum will be lower than in children or a able-bodied population. On the one hand, the rational grain is in this, on the other hand, the pensioner is deprived of any income, except for a pension, which in turn will directly depend on the subsistence minimum.

In other words, the pension cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum of the pensioner, but the size of this pension is the cost of living and determines.

That is, the amount of bread, fish and oil, which pensioner is left per month, will be completely and completely depend on the consumer basket, because the accrued pension is generally identical to the subsistence minimum.

The size of the subsistence minimum of the pensioner as a whole in the Russian Federation and by regions.

Subsidation minimum for a child

A separate column highlighted the cost of living, which is necessary for the maintenance of the child. In this case, the proper separation by age is not available. It is assumed that the children of junior preschool age and at a teenager, the parent must fit into the minimum amount that is determined by the state. It is assumed that the cost of diapers in the younger age bastifies the costs of pants for a schoolboy, and vice versa.

The size of the subsistence minimum of the child as a whole in the Russian Federation and by regions.

Table of subsistence minimum in the regions of Russia

In each region of Russia, the subsistence minimum has its personal importance. This is due to the income of the population, as well as with the value of the product basket differing in each region. The values \u200b\u200bin the table are shown in rubles.

Note: The table below shows the values \u200b\u200bof the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation for the II quarter of 2016, the relevance of information is September 2016. You can also download the XLS file with the data for previous periods.

Download the data of the subsistence minimum for II quarter 2016, I quarter 2016, IV quarter 2015, III quarter 2015 in a single file xLS.

Table of quantities for the II quarter of 2016. All amounts in rubles.

Subject of the federation Per capita Food-bodied citizens Pensioners Children
Cities of federal significance
1 Moscow 15382 17561 10883 13259
2 St. Petersburg 10356,5 11375,7 8294,2 9986,2
3 Sevastopol 9809 10503 8056 10375
4 Adygea 8722 9302 7142 8866
5 Altai 9634 10019 8033 9832
6 Bashkortostan 8839 9363 7167 9018
7 Buryatia 9628 (I quarter) 10005 (i quarter) 7607 (I quarter) 10074 (i quarter)
8 Dagestan 9145 9425 7220 9250
9 Ingushetia 9041 9309 7123 9145
10 Kabardino-Balkaria 11266 11596 8650 12560
11 Kalmykia 8522 8907 6835 8651
12 Karachay-Cherkessia 8823 9305 7072 9030
13 Karelia 12985 14064 10958 12334
14 Komi. 12128 12914 9827 12336
15 Crimea 9794 10456 8033 10405
16 Mari El 8996 9576 7342 9266
17 Mordovia 7985 8555 6557 8218
18 Sakha (Yakutia) 16095 16974 12880 16704
19 North Ossetia Alania 8942 9501 7161 9115
20 Tatarstan 8141 8686 6656 8097
21 Tyva (Tuva) 10193 10510 8036 10656
22 Udmurtia 8510 9017 6926 8560
23 Khakassia 9233 9727 7398 9776
24 Chechnya 8926 (I quarter) 9700 (I quarter) 8701 (I quarter) 7717 (I quarter)
25 Chuvashia 8434 8922 6873 8596
The edges
26 Altai region 8956 9572 7275 9011
27 Transbaikal region 10775,98 11259 8572,88 11140,87
28 Kamchatka Krai 19192 19965 15239 20641
29 Krasnodar region 9958 10764 8219 9603
30 Krasnoyarsk region 11111 11746 8641 11708
31 Perm region 9594 10251 7857 9754
32 Primorsky Krai 12767 13459 10226 13860
33 Stavropol region 8407 8916 6810 8742
34 Khabarovsk region 13174 14010 10664 13674
35 Amur region 11852 (I quarter) 12487 (i quarter) 9471 (I quarter) 12505 (I quarter)
36 Arkhangelsk region 13346 14319 11118 12877
37 Astrakhan Oblast 8987 9414 7220 9783
38 Belgorod region 8221 8826 6822 8150
39 Bryansk region. 9223 9889 7659 9068
40 Vladimir region 9398 10183 7856 9495
41 Volgograd region 9216 (I quarter) 9898 (I quarter) 7477 (I quarter) 9331 (I quarter)
42 Vologodskaya Oblast 10506 11337 8642 10382
43 Voronezh region 8317 8990 6938 8277
44 Ivanovo region 9650 10429 8026 9697
45 Irkutsk region 10146 10753 8171 10370
46 Kaliningrad region 10223 10965
8382 9914
47 Kaluga region 9429 10124 7842 9345
48 Kemerovo Region. 9032 9545 7267 9516
49 Kirov region 9276 9943 7598 9318
50 Kostroma region 9345 10112 7780 9262
51 Kurgan region 9333 9962 7707 9841
52 Kursk Oblast 8456 9060 7015 8562
53 Leningrad region 9068 9624 7901 8877
54 Lipetsk region. 8523 9144 7092 8721
55 Magadan Region 18575 19455 14576 19716
56 Moscow region 10916 (i quarter) 12082 (i quarter) 8178 (I quarter) 10697 (I quarter)
57 Murmansk region 13731 14281 11439 14223
58 Nizhny Novgorod Region 8891 9531 7329 9204
59 Novgorod region 9936 10778 8223 9909
60 Novosibirsk region 10614 11281 8516 10995
61 Omsk Oblast 8787 9294 7071 9065
62 Orenburg region 8467 8942 6920 8750
63 Oryol Region 8967 9604 7435 9035
64 Penza region 8522 9151 7003 8960
65 Pskov region 10648 11550 8786 10481
66 Rostov region 9734 10337 7869 10281
67 Ryazan Oblast 8930 9647 7424 8905
68 Samara Region 9810 10755 7751 9785
69 Saratov region 8384 8983 6886 8672
70 Sakhalin Oblast 13938 14650 11037 14773
71 Sverdlovsk region 9675 10309 7976 9964
72 Smolensk region 10599 11392 8696 10541
73 Tambov Region 8403 9096 7031 8385
74 Tver region 9747.25 (I quarter) 10468.37 (I quarter) 8052.75 (I quarter) 10215.7 (I quarter)
75 Tomsk Oblast 10753 (I quarter) 11303 (I quarter) 8588 (I quarter) 11203 (I quarter)
76 Tula region 9212 9854 7926 9113
77 Tyumen region 10285 10803 8229 10630
78 Ulyanovsk region 9029 9678 7403 9285
79 Chelyabinsk region 9538 10184 7857 9881
80 Yaroslavl region 9095 10078 7454 9354
Autonomous region
81 Jewish AO 12794,50 13509,19 10224,53 13482,66
Autonomous districts
82 Nenets AO 19493 20270 15821 21076
83 Khanty-Mansiysky JSC - Ugra 15072 15652 11855 14514
84 Chukotky AO 18576 19032 14325 19387
85 Yamalo-Nenets JSC 15993 16567 12519 15763

The concept of "minimal cost of living", perhaps heard every citizen of our country at least once. However, not everyone understands its essence. And in general, why do you need this very "minimum"? What purpose are it used? How it is calculated, what depends on? Find answers to these and other similar questions, as well as learn the amount of the subsistence minimum for today and the next year will allow this article.

Minimum cost of living: the essence of the concept

Under this definition, the cost of the conditional consumer basket is meant. In other words, how much money Need to man to, so to speak, do not die of hunger. The term "subsistence minimum" is used only for statistical purposes and helps to divide the population at level 2:

  • Poor (family's income per person is less than the amount of subsistence minimum).
  • Sainted (wealth for a family member exceeds the amount under consideration).

In general, judging by the numerous opinions of consumers, the size of the subsistence minimum is not enough to provide themselves with essential goods. Most approves that they will need much more cash for full life. Whether this can be understood by assessing a set of that consumer basket.

What is included in the "minimum" grocery basket

Conditionally, it can be divided into 2 categories: food, non-food products and services. The first one implies a purchase in the year of the next product list (values \u200b\u200bare given for the working-age population):

  • Bread (including bakery products, pasta, cereals, bean) - 126.5 kg.
  • Potatoes - 100.4 kg.
  • Vegetables and bulbs - 114.6 kg.
  • Fruits - 60 kg.
  • Sugar (including confectionery) - 23.8 kg.
  • Meat and meat products - 58.6 kg.
  • Fish and fish products - 18.5 kg.
  • Milk and dairy products - 290 kg.
  • Eggs - 210 pieces.
  • Butter ( different types: Vegetable, creamy, margarine) - 11 kg.
  • Other foods (salt, spices, tea) - 4.9 kg.

Non-food basket should contain such goods:

  • Outerwear - 3 pieces for 7.6 years.
  • Light outerwear (dresses, costumes) - 8 pieces for 4.2 years.
  • Linen - 9 pieces for 2.4 years.
  • Socks, stockings, etc. - 7 pieces for 1.4 years.
  • Headwear, Galanmaneie Items - 5 pieces for 5 years.
  • Shoes - 6 pairs for 3.2 years.
  • Written accessories - 3 pieces for 1 year.
  • Bed linen - 14 pieces for 7 years.
  • Household and household goods - 19 pieces for 10.5 years.
  • Objects of hygiene, sanitation; Medicines - 10% of the amount of the amount spent monthly into non-food products.

At the same time, the amount of the subsistence minimum includes a different type of service. So, it is assumed that one adult is required:

  • Ensuring housing - 18 square meters. m. per person.
  • Housing heating - 6.7 Gcal per year.
  • Water (cold, hot + drainage) - 285 liters per day.
  • Gas supply - 10 cu. m. Monthly.
  • Electricity - 50 kWh. Monthly.
  • Transport services - 619 times a year.
  • Culture services - 5% of the amount of the monthly value provided for on the payment of services.
  • Other services - 15% of the month of the monthly value provided for for payment for services.

The magnitude of "minimal": variation of the amount

Depending on the category of the population, the size of the minimum consumer basket is calculated individually. Thus, there are only 3 types: the cost of living for the working-age, children and pensioners. The smallest amount is assumed to representatives of the last category, the maximum - for working people. To date, the country is equal to such values:

  • For a working bed of the population - 10678 rubles.
  • For children - 9668 rubles.
  • For pensioners - 8136 rubles.

Such a difference in sums is due to the number and volume of demanded goods and services for some categories mankind.

Cost of consumer basket in Moscow

Many argue that the capital of Russia is a fairly expensive city. Yes, this is the case, therefore the living wage in Moscow is somewhat higher, and amounts to:

  • For the working-age population - 17561 ruble.
  • For children - 13259 rubles.
  • For pensioners - 10883 rubles.

The magnitude of the indicator under consideration depends not only on the category of citizens, but also on what region they live in. After all, there are both socially and economically developed areas and a little poorer. The table below will show which amount is the cost of living in the most densely populated regions of the Russian Federation.

City, region

For the working-age population, rubles

For children, rubles

For pensioners, rubles

Moscow region

Krasnodar region

St. Petersburg

Sverdlovsk region

Rostov region

Republic of Bashkortostan

Republic of Tatarstan

Tyumen region

Chelyabinsk region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Samara Region

The Republic of Dagestan

9,425 9,250 7,220

Krasnoyarsk region

11,747 11,525 8,642

Stavropol region

8,916 8,742 6,810

Novosibirsk region

11,281 10,995 8,516

Kemerovo Region.

9,608 9,439 7,293

Perm region

10,251 9,754 7,857

Volgograd region

9,845 9,302 7,434

What to expect in 2017

Every year the size of the subsistence minimum changes: one year becomes more, to the other - less. A number of factors are affected on its magnitude, including the availability of inflation in the country, the cost of food, etc. So, to compare with the previous year, in 2016 the size of the index under consideration increased somewhat. What should be expected in 2017?

Unconsciously answer this question is impossible. After all, as indicated, the amount of the subsistence minimum strongly affects the economic "weather" in the country, and no one is capable of predicting it. Therefore, you can only assume the approximate cost of the consumer basket equal to 10600 rubles. This value is an average value in all regions and categories of the population.

Many our fellow citizens are wondering what we will try to understand this matter in more detail.

Probably, every Russian has heard of such a thing as the minimum living permissive minimum. But not everyone understands what exactly it means why it is necessary and how this amount is calculated.

What it is?

The cost of living in our country implies a definition real value The so-called conditional consumer basket. In other words, it is the amount of the amount monthly to a person in order to satisfy the most minimal needs in the sense of nutrition and ensure required conditions For survival.

The concept of "subsistence minimum" is mainly statistical and serves to identify the standard of living and income of the population. Thus, two main groups of people are distinguished - poor and not poor. The first category includes citizens whose monthly income is below the minimum subsistence level. The second category of the population is citizens whose income exceeds the amount established as a "subsistence minimum".

in Moscow

If we consider the question from the point of view of the realities of Russian citizens, in particular people living in the capital, then the amount recognized by the state as a "subsistence minimum", is not enough to ensure that Moskvich can provide himself with the most essential goods. Most of the inhabitants of our main metropolis, according to numerous social polls, argue that this amount is not enough to live on them one calendar month.

In addition, it is believed that in Moscow heavily understated.

Nevertheless, the state clearly defined the list of needs that experience russian citizen, and the satisfaction of which is the main condition for its survival. These needs and "filled" the so-called minimum consumer basket.

The composition of the minimum consumer basket

This concept conventionally includes two categories of the most simplest needs of Moscow citizens per person. The first category includes the necessary food, and the second - non-food products, as well as services. The table in the subsistence minimum in Moscow will be presented below.

The number and amount of these needs for the working-age population is determined for the year. This list includes:

  • bread, as well as other bakery products, cereals, pasta, legumes, etc. - 127 kg;
  • potatoes - 101 kg;
  • vegetables - 115.5 kg;
  • fruits and berries - 61.5 kg;
  • sugar, as well as confectionery - 23 kg;
  • meat and meat semi-finished products - 57.5 kg;
  • fish - 19.5 kg;
  • dairy products - 295 kg;
  • eggs - 220 pieces;
  • various types of oil (vegetable, creamy, etc.) - 12 kg;
  • tea, coffee, spices, salt, etc. - 5.5 kg.

Non Food Group

What else affects the minimum subsistence minimum in Moscow? Non food basket. It contains, as a rule, clothing, household items and personal hygiene, as well as of various types Services, including utilities. This group includes:

  • outerwear - 3 pieces for 7.5 years;
  • lightweight outerwear - 7 pieces for 4.5 years;
  • linen - 10 pieces for 2.5 years;
  • socks, tights, etc. - 6 pieces for 1.5 years;
  • hats, haberdashery - 4 pieces for 6 years;
  • shoes - 5 pairs for 3.5 years;
  • written accessories - 2 pieces for 1 year;
  • economic, as well as various household goods - 18 pieces for 11 years;
  • bed linen and accessories for sleep - 13 pieces for 8 years;
  • sanitation and personal hygiene objects, as well as drugs - 11% of monetary sumwhich is spent monthly on non-food products.

In Moscow, in addition to food and non-food products, also includes some services. In accordance with the legislation and the size of the "subsistence minimum" in the capital, one adult able-bodied person is annually necessary:

  • providing residential area - 18 square meters;
  • heating of residential premises - 6.9 Gcal;
  • water (both cold and hot, including drainage) - 285.5 liters per day;
  • electricity - 50 kW * h;
  • gas supply - 11 cubic meters (monthly);
  • use vehicles - 628 times a year;
  • services of culture, sports, etc. - is 5% of monthly sumprovided for payment for services;
  • other services - 16% of the monthly amount coming to pay for services.

What a minimum cost of living in Moscow, knows not every resident of the capital.

Minor advantages

In accordance with the legislation and regulatory actsapproved specifically for residents of the capital, the size of the subsistence minimum is also applied to calculate the citizens social paymentswhich are provided federal laws and other regulatory legal acts. It can be:

  • additional cash benefits for the birth of children to young families (in order to stimulate fertility in the country);
  • monthly monetary assistance to people who were in a difficult life situation a one-time payment in the form of compensation for reimbursement of expenses that are associated with the adoption of children;
  • monthly child manual;
  • subsidies for utility payments;
  • monthly payouts of lonely mothers in the form of compensation due to the increase in the cost of life.

The size of these benefits can also influence the amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow.

Objectives for establishing a subsistence minimum

In addition to the above payments, the subsistence minimum is also taken into account when accrualing social scholarships to students from low-income families, when registering on improved programs housing conditions, calculation of subsidies for payment of services residential premises, providing legal assistance in free, etc.

The magnitude of the minimum cash payments for life is also calculated for different categories of the population to which include:

  • able-bodied citizens;
  • pensioners;
  • children.

For each of them, there is a separate subsistence minimum in the capital, the significance of which is determined in accordance with the special needs of citizens within a certain category. Subsequently, this value is taken into account in the process of assessing the standard of living of Moscow residents, as well as to plan to implement social support in need.

Features of calculating the minimum subsistence minimum in Moscow

This amount Calculated in accordance with the results of the past quarter and relies on special data obtained government agencies Statistics in the city of Moscow about the level of food prices, as well as non-food products necessary for citizens.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is determined by a quarterly decree of the government, and comes into force from the date of its publication in official sources.

Value for different categories of Muscovites

This amount is calculated individually for different categories of the population of Moscow. Thus, three types of subsistence minimum differ:

  • for able-bodied citizens;
  • for pensioners;
  • for kids.

For the last subsistence minimal minimal, it is maximum for the working population of the city of Moscow.

The cost of the conditional consumer basket in the capital is somewhat higher than in other regions of Russia. This is explained by the fact that life in this city is much more expensive.

As a result, the magnitude of the subsistence minimum here is 17,674 rubles for worm Muscovites, 13,453 rubles for children, and 10,874 rubles - for people of retirement age.

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