
Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Fencing according to GOST 23407 78

GOST 23407-78



Official edition





Fencings for building sites. Specifications

Date of introduction 01.07.79

This standard applies to inventory fences designed to allocate territories construction sites and sites for the production of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

Installed to allocate construction zones protected under the terms of a special regime.


1.1. Fences by functional purpose subdivided into:

Protective and security - designed to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and to ensure protection material assets construction;

Protective - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. Fences by constructive solution subdivided into panel, panel-rack and rack-mount (Fig. 1 a, b, c).

Fencing panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should be only solid.

1.3. According to the design, fences are divided into fences with additional elements: a protective canopy, sidewalk, railings, struts (Fig. 2) and fences without additional elements.


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fencing must comply with the requirements of this standard and the working drawings approved in in due course, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide for standard projects gates for the passage of construction and other vehicles and gates for the passage of people.

2.2. Design requirements

2.2.1. Fencing must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fasteners.

2.2.2. Panel height should be:

Protective and security (with a peak and without a peak) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Official publication Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing, 1978 © IPK Standards Publishing, 2002

Protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fencing of work areas - 1.2 m.

The height of signal fence posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the posts of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh ones), the clear distance (sparseness) between the details of filling the panel web should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk decks are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Peaks and sidewalks of fences should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of canopy and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the railing panels.

2.2.7. The protective canopy should be installed on the top of the fences with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or the roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (on the side of traffic) by 50-100 mm.

FENCE SCHEMES Panel fences

Fences with additional elements

1 - fencing panel; 2 - panel brace; 3 - support (lying); 4 - sidewalk panel; 5 - horizontal railing element; 6- handrail; 7- handrail post; 8- visor panel; 9- brace of the visor; 10 - fence post; 11 - hemp or nylon rope, wire

2.2.9. The design of the pavement panels must provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of canopy panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located in the areas where the construction site adjoins the streets and driveways must be equipped with railings installed from the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The railing structure should consist of posts attached to the top of the railing or canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m respectively from the sidewalk level.

Handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological approvals geometric parameters fencing elements must be at least the 6th accuracy class according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repairs.

2.2.15. The design of the fastening of the fencing elements should ensure the possibility of its installation on terrain with a slope of up to 10% along the installation line of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be anti-septic. Metal parts of joints and fasteners must have anti-corrosion protection.

2.2.17. Fencing must be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.4.026*.

2.2.18. On the elements and details of the fences, sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are not allowed.

2.3. Resilience Requirements

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken as 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. The velocity head of the wind should be taken:

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover per 1 m 2 of the area of ​​​​the horizontal projection of the visor should be taken;

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload factor when determining the design snow load should be taken

equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability Requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. The service life of pavement panels is at least five years.

2.5. Material Requirements

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or specifications (TU).

2.5.2. Compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - by test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid fencing panels, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber no higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of details of connections and fasteners.


3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 applies in the Russian Federation.

The batch is considered the number of fencing elements of the same type, manufactured using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to control check, for which 5% of the fencing elements are selected from each batch. In case of non-compliance of at least one element with the requirements of the standard, a double check of the double number of elements from the same batch is carried out.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the double number of samples, the lot is not subject to acceptance.


4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using a measuring tool and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated on the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of painting, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.


5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked, which indicates:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking must be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. The fencing elements of the same type should be delivered to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences when they are

transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading on vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the mounting joints must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinged joints must be covered with preservative grease.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk shields, gates and gates should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, beds and struts should be stacked on wooden linings in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.


6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Designation of the standard or TU;

Name, quantity and mass of elements;

Instructions for the installation and dismantling of the fence (if necessary);

Date of issue of the passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage specified in the standard.


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs by the Main Architectural and Planning Department of Moscow

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree No. 232 of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated 12/13/78



Item number

GOST 12.4.026-76 GOST 21779-82


Editor V.P. Ogurtsov Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Proofreader M. S. Kabashova Computer proofing L.A. Circular

Ed. persons. No. 02354 dated 07/14/2000. Handed over to the set 08.08.2002. Signed for publication on 12.09.2002. Uel. oven l. 0.93.

Uch.-ed. l. 0.55. Circulation 78 copies. C 7276. Law. 248.

IPK Publishing House of Standards, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. e-mail: Typed and printed in the IPK Publishing House of Standards

State standard of the USSR GOST 23407-78
"Inventory fences for construction sites and sites for the production of construction and installation works. Specifications"
(approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of December 13, 1978 N 232)

Fencings for building sites. Specification

This standard applies to inventory fences designed to highlight the territories of construction sites and areas for the production of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

established for the allocation of construction zones protected under the conditions of a special regime.

1. Classification

1.1. Functional barriers are divided into:

protective and security - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and to ensure the protection of material assets of construction;

protective - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

signal - designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. According to the constructive solution, fences are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack-mount (Fig. 1a, b, c).

Fencing panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should be only solid.

1.3. According to the design, fences are divided into fences with additional elements: a protective canopy, sidewalk, railings, struts (Fig. 2) and fences without additional elements.

2. Technical requirements

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fencing must comply with the requirements of this standard and working drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide for gates made according to standard designs for the passage of construction and other vehicles and gates for the passage of people.

2.2. Design requirements

2.2.1. Fencing must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fasteners.

2.2.2. Panel height should be:

protective and security (with a visor and without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

the same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

protective fencing of work areas - 1.2 m.

The height of signal fence posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the posts of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh ones), the clear distance (sparseness) between the details of filling the panel web should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk decks are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Peaks and sidewalks of fences should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of canopy and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the railing panels.

2.2.7. The protective canopy should be installed on top of the fence with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or the roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (on the side of traffic) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the pavement panels must provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of canopy panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located in the areas where the construction site adjoins the streets and driveways must be equipped with railings installed from the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The railing structure should consist of posts attached to the top of the railing or canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m respectively from the sidewalk level.

Handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of the geometrical parameters of the elements of the fences must be at least the 6th accuracy class in accordance with GOST 21779-76.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repairs.

2.2.15. The design of fastening elements of the fence should provide the possibility of installing it on the ground with a slope of up to 10% along the installation line of the fence.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. Metal parts of joints and fasteners must have anti-corrosion protection.

2.2.17. Fencing must be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76.

2.2.18. On the elements and details of the fences, sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are not allowed.

2.3. Resilience Requirements

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken as 200.

2.3.2. The velocity head of the wind should be taken:

for fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100;

for fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 .

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover on 1 area of ​​the horizontal projection of the canopy should be taken:

for fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150;

for fences operated in other regions of the country - 70;

The overload factor in determining the design snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability Requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. Service life of sidewalk panels - not less than 5 years.

2.5. Material Requirements

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or specifications (TU).

2.5.2. Compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - by test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid fencing panels, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber no higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of details of connections and fasteners.

3. Acceptance rules

3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

A batch is the number of fencing elements of the same type, manufactured using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check, for which 5% of the fencing elements are selected from each batch. In case of non-compliance of at least one element with the requirements of the standard, a double check of the double number of elements from the same batch is made.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the double number of samples, the lot is not subject to acceptance.

4. Quality control methods

4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using a measuring tool and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated on the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of painting, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.

5. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage

5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked, which indicates:

trademark of the manufacturer;

lot number;

date of manufacture;

weight (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking must be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. The fencing elements of the same type should be delivered to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences during their transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading onto vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the mounting joints must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinged joints must be covered with preservative grease.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk shields, gates and gates should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, beds and struts should be stacked on wooden linings in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.

6. Manufacturer's Warranties

6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

name and address of the manufacturer;

lot number;

designation of the standard or TU;

name, quantity and mass of elements;

instructions for the installation and dismantling of the fence (if necessary);

GOST 23407-78

UDC 62-758:624.05:006.354

Group G07


Inventory fences for construction sites

and sites for the production of construction and installation works


Fencings for building sites.

Introduction date 1979-07-01

1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

Main architectural and planning department of Moscow

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

2. APPROVED and PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of 13.12.78 N 232




This standard applies to inventory fences designed to highlight the territories of construction sites and areas for the production of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

established for the allocation of construction zones protected under the conditions of a special regime.


1.1. Functional barriers are divided into:

protective and security ¾ designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and to ensure the protection of material assets of construction;

protective ¾ designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

signal ¾ designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. According to the constructive solution, fences are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack-mount (Fig. 1, a, b, c).

Fencing panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should be only solid.

1.3. According to the design, fences are divided into fences with additional elements: a protective canopy, sidewalk, railings, struts (Fig. 2) and fences without additional elements.


Panel fences

Fences with additional elements

1 - fencing panel; 2 - panel brace; 3 - support (lying); 4 - sidewalk panel;

5 - horizontal railing element; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing post; 8 - visor panel;

9 - brace of the visor; 10 - fence post; 11 - hemp or nylon rope; wire


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fencing must comply with the requirements of this standard and working drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide for gates made according to standard designs for the passage of construction and other vehicles and gates for the passage of people.

2.2. Design requirements

2.2.1. Fencing must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fasteners.

2.2.2. Panel height should be:

protective and security (with a visor and without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

the same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

protective fencing of work areas - 1.2 m.

The height of signal fence posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the posts of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh ones), the clear distance (sparseness) between the details of filling the panel web should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk decks are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Peaks and sidewalks of fences should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of canopy and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the railing panels.

2.2.7. The protective canopy should be installed along the top of the fence with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or the roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (on the side of traffic) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the pavement panels must provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of canopy panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located in the areas where the construction site adjoins the streets and driveways must be equipped with railings installed from the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The railing structure should consist of posts attached to the upper part of the railing or a canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m respectively from the sidewalk level.

Handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of the geometrical parameters of the elements of the fences must be at least the 6th accuracy class according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repairs.

2.2.15. The design of fastening elements of the fence should provide the possibility of installing it on the ground with a slope of up to 10% along the installation line of the fence.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. Metal parts of joints and fasteners must have anti-corrosion protection.

2.2.17. Fencing must be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.4.026*.


* GOST R 12.4.026-2001 applies in the Russian Federation.

2.2.18. On the elements and details of the fences, sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are not allowed.

2.3. Resilience Requirements

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken as 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. The velocity head of the wind should be taken:

for fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

for fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover per 1 m 2 of the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the visor should be taken:

for fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150 kgf / m 2;

for fences operated in other regions of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload factor in determining the design snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability Requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. Service life of sidewalk panels - not less than 5 years.

2.5. Material Requirements

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or specifications (TU).

2.5.2. Compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - by test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid fencing panels, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber no higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of details of connections and fasteners.


3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

A batch is the number of fencing elements of the same type, manufactured using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to carry out a control check, for which 5% of the fencing elements are selected from each batch. In case of non-compliance of at least one element with the requirements of the standard, a double check of the double number of elements from the same batch is made.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the double number of samples, the lot is not subject to acceptance.


4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out with a measuring tool and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated on the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of painting, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.


5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked, which indicates:

trademark of the manufacturer;

lot number;

date of manufacture;

weight (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking must be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. The fencing elements of the same type should be delivered to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences during their transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading onto vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the mounting joints must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinged joints must be covered with preservative grease.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk shields, gates and gates should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, beds and struts should be stacked on wooden linings in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.


6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

name and address of the manufacturer;

lot number;

designation of the standard or TU;

name, quantity and mass of elements;

instructions for the installation and dismantling of the fence (if necessary);

date of issue of the passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

GOST 23407-78

Group G07




Fencings for building sites. Specification

Introduction date 1979-07-01


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs by the Main Architectural and Planning Department of Moscow

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of 13.12.78 N 232



Item number


This standard applies to inventory fences designed to highlight the territories of construction sites and areas for the production of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

Installed to allocate construction zones protected under the terms of a special regime.



1.1. Functional barriers are divided into:

Protective and security - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and to ensure the protection of material assets of construction;

Protective - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. According to the constructive solution, fences are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack-mount (Fig. 1a, b, c).

Damn.1. Fencing schemes: panel fencing, panel post fencing, post fencing

Panel fences

Panel and rack railings

Rack railings

Fencing panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should be only solid.

1.3. According to their design, fences are divided into fences with additional elements: a protective canopy, sidewalk, railings, struts (Fig. 2) and fences without additional elements.

Damn.2. Fences with additional elements

Fences with additional elements

1 - fencing panel; 2 - panel brace; 3 - support (lying); 4 - sidewalk panel;
5 - horizontal railing element; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing post; 8 - visor panel;
9 - brace of the visor; 10 - fence post; 11 - hemp or nylon rope, wire


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fencing must comply with the requirements of this standard and working drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide for gates made according to standard designs for the passage of construction and other vehicles and gates for the passage of people.

2.2. Design requirements

2.2.1. Fencing must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fasteners.

2.2.2. Panel height should be:

Protective and security (with a peak and without a peak) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fencing of work areas - 1.2 m.

The height of signal fence posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the posts of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh ones), the clear distance (sparseness) between the details of filling the panel web should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk decks are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Peaks and sidewalks of fences should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of canopy and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the railing panels.

2.2.7. The protective canopy should be installed on the top of the fences with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or the roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (on the side of traffic) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. The design of the pavement panels must provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of canopy panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located in the areas where the construction site adjoins the streets and driveways must be equipped with railings installed from the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The railing structure should consist of posts attached to the upper part of the railing or a canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m respectively from the sidewalk level.

Handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of the geometric parameters of the elements of the fences must be at least the 6th accuracy class according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repairs.

2.2.15. The design of fastening elements of the fence should provide the possibility of installing it on the ground with a slope of up to 10% along the installation line of the fence.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. Metal parts of joints and fasteners must have anti-corrosion protection.

2.2.17. Fencing must be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 *.
* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.4.026-2001 applies.

2.2.18. On the elements and details of the fences, sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are not allowed.

2.3. Resilience Requirements

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken as 200 kgf/m.

2.3.2. The velocity head of the wind should be taken:

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100 kgf / m;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 kgf / m.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover per 1 m of the horizontal projection of the canopy should be taken:

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150 kgf / m;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 70 kgf / m.

The overload factor in determining the design snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability Requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. Service life of sidewalk panels - not less than 5 years.

2.5. Material Requirements

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or specifications (TU).

2.5.2. Compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - by test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid fencing panels, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber no higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of details of connections and fasteners.


3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

The batch is considered the number of fencing elements of the same type, manufactured using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a control check, for which 5% of the fencing elements are selected from each batch. In case of non-compliance of at least one element with the requirements of the standard, a double check of the double number of elements from the same batch is carried out.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the double number of samples, the lot is not subject to acceptance.


4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using measuring tools and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated on the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of painting, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.


5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked, which indicates:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking must be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. The fencing elements of the same type should be delivered to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences during their transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading onto vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the mounting joints must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinged joints must be covered with preservative grease.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk shields, gates and gates should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, beds and struts should be stacked on wooden linings in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.


6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Designation of the standard or TU;

Name, quantity and mass of elements;

Instructions for the installation and dismantling of the fence (if necessary);

Date of issue of the passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

The standard applies to inventory fences designed to allocate territories for construction sites and areas for construction and installation works. The standard does not apply to inventory fences: designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures; established for the allocation of construction zones protected under the conditions of a special regime.

Designation: GOST 23407-78
Russian name: Inventory fencing of construction sites and sites for the production of construction and installation works. Specifications
Status: valid
Text update date: 05.05.2017
Date added to database: 01.09.2013
Date of entry into force: 01.07.1979
Approved: 12/13/1978 Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction) (USSR Gosstroy 232)
Published: Standards Publishing House (1991) Standards Publishing House (1978) Standards Publishing House (1979) IPK Standards Publishing House (2002)
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GOST 23407-78






Introduction date 01.07.79

This standard applies to inventory fences designed to highlight the territories of construction sites and areas for the production of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Designed to prevent people from falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

Installed to allocate construction zones protected under the terms of a special regime.


1.1. Fences according to their functional purpose are divided into:

Protective and security - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors and to ensure the protection of material assets of construction;

Protective - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors.

1.2. According to the constructive solution, fences are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack (Fig. but, b, in).

Fencing panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should be only solid.

1.3. By design, fences are divided into fences with additional elements: a protective canopy, sidewalk, railings, struts (Fig.) and fences without additional elements.


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fencing must comply with the requirements of this standard and working drawings approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide for gates made according to standard designs for the passage of construction and other vehicles and gates for the passage of people.

2.2. Design requirements

2.2.1. Fencing must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fasteners.

2.2.2. Panel height should be:

Protective and security (with a peak and without a peak) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Protective (without a visor) fencing of the territories of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fencing of work areas - 1.2 m.

The height of signal fence posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fencing panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between the posts of signal fences should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh ones), the clear distance (sparseness) between the details of filling the panel web should be within 80 - 100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk decks are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Peaks and sidewalks of fences should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of canopy and sidewalk panels should be a multiple of the length of the railing panels.

2.2.7. The protective canopy should be installed on the top of the fences with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or the roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlapping of the sidewalk and go beyond its edge (on the side of traffic) by 50 - 100 mm.


Heck. one

Fences with additional elements

1 - fencing panel; 2 - panel brace; 3 - support (lying); 4 - pavement panel; 5 - horizontal railing element; 6 - handrail; 7 - railing post; 8 - visor panel; 9 - brace of the visor; 10 - fence post; 11 - hemp or kapron rope, wire

Heck. 2

2.2.9. The design of the pavement panels must provide a passage for pedestrians with a width of at least 1.2 m.

2.2.10. The design of canopy panels and sidewalks should ensure the flow of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of the fences located in the areas where the construction site adjoins the streets and driveways must be equipped with railings installed from the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The railing structure should consist of posts attached to the top of the railing or canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element located at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m respectively from the sidewalk level.

Handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of the geometrical parameters of the elements of the fences must be at least the 6th accuracy class according to GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repairs.

2.2.15. The design of the fastening of the fencing elements should ensure the possibility of its installation on terrain with a slope of up to 10% along the installation line of the fencing.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. Metal parts of joints and fasteners must have anti-corrosion protection.

2.2.17. Fencing must be painted in accordance with the accepted standard. Signal painting of fences should be carried out according to GOST 12.4.026*.


* In the Russian Federation, GOST R 12.4.026-2001 applies.

2.2.18. On the elements and details of the fences, sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are not allowed.

2.3. Resilience Requirements

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for paving panels should be taken as 200 kgf / m 2.

2.3.2. The velocity head of the wind should be taken:

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 kgf / m 2.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover per 1 m 2 of the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the visor should be taken:

For fences operated in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coast of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150 kgf / m 2;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 70 kgf / m 2.

The overload factor in determining the design snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability Requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. The service life of pavement panels is at least five years.

2.5. Material Requirements

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or specifications (TU).

2.5.2. Compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of supplier factories, and in their absence - by test data of the factory laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid fencing panels, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber no higher than the 3rd grade. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of details of connections and fasteners.


3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the technical control bodies of the manufacturer.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

The batch is considered the number of fencing elements of the same type, manufactured using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a control check, for which 5% of the fencing elements are selected from each batch. In case of non-compliance of at least one element with the requirements of the standard, a double check of the double number of elements from the same batch is carried out.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the double number of samples, the lot is not subject to acceptance.


4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using a measuring tool and templates that ensure the accuracy indicated on the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of painting, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by external inspection.


5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked, which indicates:

Trademark of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking must be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. The fencing elements of the same type should be delivered to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences during their transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading onto vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the mounting joints must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinged joints must be covered with preservative grease.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk shields, gates and gates should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, beds and struts should be stacked on wooden linings in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.


6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Batch number;

Designation of the standard or TU;

Name, quantity and mass of elements;

Instructions for the installation and dismantling of the fence (if necessary);

Date of issue of the passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the fences with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage specified in the standard.


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs by the Main Architectural and Planning Department of Moscow

INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree No. 232 of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated 12/13/78




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