
Construction accuracy system. The main provisions established by this standard are developing with a complex of standards for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Purpose of control methods

The system of ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction

(ST SEV 3740-82)

State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs

State Standard of the SSR Union

Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of December 13, 1983 No. 320, the deadline is established

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and the procedure for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish the features of calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures of various types.

The standard corresponds to ST SEV 3740-82 in the part specified in the reference application 1.

The terms used in this standard and explanations are provided in the required Appendix 2.

1. Basic concepts

1.1. The calculation of the accuracy of geometric parameters should be carried out in the design process of typical, experimental and individual structures of buildings and structures and their elements in order to ensure the collection of structures with specified operational properties at the lowest costs.

1.2. The calculation of the accuracy is based on:

functional requirements for building structures of buildings and structures;

data on the accuracy of the technological processes applied and the production of elements, breaking axes and assembling structures.

1.3. In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the calculated scheme, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the accurate values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, which are then compared with the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof this parameter established on the basis of functional requirements (by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with the test results Or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements).

1.4. Compliance with the accuracy of the resultant parameter functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where and the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter x;

and - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter x. The difference is a functional admission.

1.5. The task of calculating accuracy can be:

direct, when the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the parameters (verification calculation);

reverse when, according to the resultant limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter, the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the parameters are determined.

1.6. In accordance with the results of the calculation of accuracy:

in the regulatory and technical documentation for the construction structures of buildings, structures and their elements and in the work drawings, they specify, if necessary, the rated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting and components of the parameters, establish the requirements for the accuracy of these parameters and the rules for the accuracy control;

in technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of the axes and the production of construction and installation work, we establish ways and the sequence of technological processes and operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy.

2. Methodical principles for calculating accuracy

2.1. The accuracy made as a result of the calculation should provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements.

For this purpose, the maximum possible values \u200b\u200bof tolerances should be provided, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the effect of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resultant parameters.

2.2. The calculation of accuracy should be carried out, as a rule, from the condition of the total collection of structures.

In some cases, under technical capabilities and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. At the same time, for cases when the actual values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are outside the limits, additional operations should be provided for the selection of elements or fit of individual sizes.

2.3. The initial equation for calculating accuracy is equation (3), expressing the relationship between the resulting and components of the parameters included in the calculation scheme:

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

The number of components of the parameters in the calculation scheme;

The coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resultant parameter X from the component of the HK parameter.

As the resulting parameters in drawing up the calculated schemes, the sizes in the elements conjugation nodes and other dimensions, which, with a sequence of the construction assembly, a certain cycle of technological operations are completed, which determine the accuracy of the components of the parameters, and in which the errors of these operations are compensated for. ).

As components of parameters, the size of the elements, dimensions that determine the distances between the axes, high-speed marks and other benchmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the execution of these technological operations, the accuracy of which affect the accuracy of the resultant parameter is considered.

If the components of the geometrical parameters are statistically dependent, then when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, this dependence must be taken into account. Statistical dependence is allowed to be characterized by the correlation coefficient.

2.4. The calculation of the accuracy is based on statistical methods. In general, with the statistical calculation, the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter and to verify the conditions (1) and (2) are determined by the following accuracy equations

where - the nominal value of the resulting parameter x;

Systematic deviation of the resulting parameter x;

The average quadratic deviation of the resulting parameter x;

and - the values \u200b\u200bof a standardized random variable, depending on the allowable probability of appearing the values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter below and.

Determining the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter on statistical characteristics using equations 4 and 5 are produced in accordance with the obligatory application 4.

2.5. In most practical cases, the calculation of accuracy should be carried out on tolerances with a simplified statistical method, the use of which allows for the complete collection of design when applying the validated standards of the receiving control plans of the accuracy of the parameters with an acceptable defective level of 4% according to GOST 23616-79.

At the same time, the accurate equations for determining the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter takes the form:

where - the nominal value of the resulting parameter;

The calculated deviation of the middle of the admission field of the resulting parameter;

Calculated admission of the resulting parameter.

2.6. Nominal values \u200b\u200band calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter with statistically independent components are determined on the basis of the original equation (3) according to the following formulas:

where - the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters;

Deviations of the middle of the fields of technological tolerances of the components of the parameters;

Technological tolerances of component parameters.

2.7. With a small number of components of parameters (up to three) and the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of their distribution, the calculation of the accuracy is allowed to be performed using the minimum-maximum method in accordance with the obligatory application 5.

3. The procedure for calculating accuracy

3.1. To calculate accuracy in accordance with clause 2.2, the resulting geometrical parameters detect, on the accuracy of which it depends on the provision of functional requirements for building structures of the building and structure, and in accordance with paragraph 1.3 determine the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof these parameters.

At the same time, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for the calculation, the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of which can be obtained by the greatest absolute value.

3.2. For each of the selected resulting parameters in accordance with the projected technology and the sequence of the breakdown and assembly works, it is established a database that serves as a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the components of the parameters are detected and the calculated scheme and the original equation are determined .

3.3. For each calculation scheme, the calculation method is chosen and the accurate equations are chosen, as well as the equations for determining the nominal size and characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter.

Characteristics of the accuracy of the components of the parameters resulting from the execution of a certain technological process or operation, are based on the requirements of the relevant standards or appoint software. In cases where the parameter component is the result of several technological processes or operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When drawing up equations to determine the characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, it should also be taken into account its own deviations of the components of the parameters arising during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

3.4. Depending on the type of problem by the method of trial calculations, the accuracy equations are solved based on the condition of fulfilling the requirements (1) and (2).

With a direct task based on the accepted characteristics of the accuracy and the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter determine and check the accuracy conditions.

With a feedback based on accuracy conditions using the allowable limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, the nominal values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the accuracy of some components of the parameters are determined.

3.5. If the calculation establishes that with a constructive solution taken, production and other source data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical capabilities and economic expediency, one of the following decisions should be taken:

increase the accuracy of the components of the parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resultant parameter, due to the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

reduce the effect of component parameters to the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the calculated scheme due to the change in the orientation method (base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

6. GOST 23615-79. System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. - M.: Gosstroy USSR, 1979.

7. GOST 23616-79. System for ensuring geometric accuracy in construction. General Accuracy Control Rules. - M.: Gosstroy USSR, 1979.

8. GOST R 21.1701-97. Rules for performing working documentation of roads.

9. Fedotov G.A. Engineering geodesy: Textbook / GA. Fedotov. - 2nd ed., Fixed. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2004.-463 p.

10. Kushino E.B. The engineering geodesy. Tutorial for universities / E.B. Klutsin, M.I. Kislev, D.Sh.Mikhelev, V.D.Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikheleva. - 4th ed., Act. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2004. - 480 p.

11. Kushino E.B. The engineering geodesy. Studies. For universities / Е.Б.K. Kloshin, M.I. Kiseliev, D.Sh.Mikhelev, V.D.Feldman; Ed. D.Sh.Mikheleva. - M.: Higher. Shk., 2000. - 464 p.

12. Measurement of horizontal and vertical angles: Methodical instructions for laboratory work on the discipline "Engineering geodesy" / Sost: Yu.V. Pillars, A.A. Coast. - Omsk: Publishing House Sibadi, 2005. -19c.

13. Methodical instructions for laboratory work "Building a longitudinal profile", "Building a project line of a longitudinal profile" / Sost: T.P. Sienutin, L.Yu. Mikolishin. - Omsk: Publishing House Sibadi, 2006. - 27c.

14. Tracing of linear structures: Methodical instructions for the implementation of settlement and graphic work for students of the construction specialties of full-time and correspondence forms of training / Sost.: T.P.Synytina, L.Yu.Mikolishin, T.V.Kotova.- Omsk: In Sibadi, 2007. - 34 p.

15. Solving tasks on topographic maps: Methodical instructions and tasks for laboratory work for students of construction specialties full-time and correspondence forms of training / Sost.: T.P.Syunutin, L.Yu.Mikolishin, T.V.Kotova.- Omsk: ed - Sibadi, 2007. - 37 p.

16. Manufacture of topographic filming: Methodical instructions for students of 1 course for a period of summer geodesic practice / Sost: A.V. Vinogradov, T.P. Sinutin. - Publishing house Sibadi, 1997.-16 p.

17. Methodical instructions for practical exercises on the discipline "Engineering training of territories" / Sost.: N.S. Lonovnik, T.P.Sinutin .- Omsk: Publishing House Sibadi, 2006.- 28C.

18. Methodical instructions and tasks for students "Engineering Exquisites for Construction" / Sost: T.p. Sinutin, L.Yu.Mikolishin, T.V.Kotova.- Omsk: Publishing House Sibadi, 2009.- 38c.

19. Engineering support for construction (geodesy): educational and methodical manual / T. P. Sinutin, L.Yu.Mikolishin, T.V.Kotova, N.S. Lonchik. - Omsk: Sibadi, 2012. - 96 p.

20. Significant signs for topographic plans of 1: 5000, 1: 2000,

1: 1000, 1: 500. M. "Nedra", 1989

21. Matveev S.I. Engineering geodesy and geoinformatics - M. Fund World 2012.

22. Topographic shooting instructions 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000 and 1: 500 (GKINP-02-033-82). Gugik, 1983

23. Instructions for carrying out technological verification of geodesic devices. Roskartography, 1999

Introduction 4.

General provisions 4.

1.1. Objective, tasks and procedure for conducting training practice 4

Accuracy system
Geometric parameters
In construction

Calculation of accuracy

Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission
According to standardization, technical rationing
And certification in construction


Objectives, basic principles and the main procedure for working on interstate standardization are established GOST 1.0-92. "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and MSN 1.01-01-96 "The system of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 Developed by an open joint-stock company "Center for the Methodology of Regulation and Standardization in Construction" (OJSC "CNS")

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission on Standardization, Technical Registration and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Protocol No. 30 of November 23, 2006)

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the National Standardization Authority

MintorGeconomy Development


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard

the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology





State StandStandart of Ukraine

4 by the order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of March 30, 2007 No. 59-stage Interstate Standard GOST 21780-2006 was introduced as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2008

5 instead GOST 21780-83

Information on the introduction of (termination) of this Standard is published in the National Standards Index.

Information about the changes to this standard is published in the National Standards Index, and the text of these changes - in the information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information indicator "National Standards"

1 area of \u200b\u200buse. 2.

3 Terms and definitions. 3.

4 Basic provisions. four

5 Methodical principles for calculating accuracy. five

6 The procedure for calculating accuracy. 7.

Appendix A. Basic Types of resulting parameters. eight

Appendix B. Preferred values \u200b\u200bof the level of collection of structures and acceptance level of defectiveness of components of parameters. nine

Appendix B. Determination of the estimated limit deviations of the resultant parameters and provided by the level of assembly in the general case of a statistical calculation. 10

Appendix G. Defining the estimated limit deviations of the resultant parameters and provided by the level of assembly in a simplified statistical calculation. eleven

Appendix D. Determination of the estimated limit deviations of the resultant parameters when calculating the minimum maximum method. 12

Bibliography. 12

Interstate standard

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and the procedure for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish specific methods and features of calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures of various types (with examples of calculations).

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documents for construction. Characteristics of accuracy

GOST 21778-81 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Basic provisions

GOST 21779-82 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances

GOST 23615-79 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Statistical analysis of accuracy

GOST 23616-79 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy control

GOST 26433.1-89 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Terms of measurement rules. Elements of factory manufacture

GOST 26433.2-94 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements of buildings and structures

GOST 26607-85 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Functional tolerances

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to verify the action of reference standards on the "National Standards" indicator, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and on the relevant information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and Definitions

The present standard applies terms GOST 21778.As well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

calculation scheme: The graphic representation of the continuous chain of the components of the geometric parameters, successively implemented in nature in a specific cycle of technological operations of the construction of the building (facilities), which is completed by receiving the resulting parameter.

the component parameter: The geometrical parameter included in the calculation scheme implemented directly as a result of the execution of a certain technological operation of a centering work, the manufacture or installation of elements.

result parameter: Incoming the design scheme, the geometric parameter of the building of the building (facilities), implemented by the latter in a certain cycle of technological operations on the construction of this design and depending on a number of components of the parameters obtained as a result of the center, manufacturing or installation of elements.

random value: In probability theory, the value resulting from experience as a result of something, and in advance is unknown which one. In this standard, only those geometric parameters are considered as random variables, which should be implemented in kind and then measured to assess the compliance of the (valid) values \u200b\u200bspecified in the project documentation to the limit values.

collectability: The possibility of building structures (facilities) with valid values \u200b\u200bof their resulting parameters not exceeding the limit values \u200b\u200bestablished for them as for functional geometric parameters, and compensation of deviations accumulating during the construction projects without performing special selection operations, fit or regulation of position Elements.

collectivity level: The probability that the real values \u200b\u200bof the resultant design parameters will not exceed the valid values \u200b\u200bset for them (the inverse probabilities of the output of the real values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter for the allowable limit values).

functional geometric parameter: By GOST 26607..

4 Basic provisions

4.1 The calculation of the accuracy of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures and their elements is carried out in the development of working documentation and technological regulations for the production of construction work. The aim of providing structures with the required operational properties in real technological conditions at the lowest costs.

4.2 The calculation of accuracy is performed on the basis of:

Information on the permissible variability of the resultant geometric parameters of the structures of buildings and structures established on the basis of functional requirements. The range of permissible valid values \u200b\u200bof the resultant geometric parameter considered as a functional GOST 26607., limit the smallest and most allowed limit values \u200b\u200bof this parameter set by design by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with the results of tests or on the basis of insulating, aesthetic and other requirements;

Information on the accuracy of the technological processes used and the production of elements, center works and build structures.

4.3 In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the calculated circuit, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the accuracy of the resulting parameter, which then compare with the valid limit values \u200b\u200bof this parameter installed on the basis of functional requirements.

4.4 Compliance with the accuracy of the resultant parameter functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are followed:

x. min? x. min f. ; (1)

x. Max? x. MAX, f. , (2)

where x. min i. x. MAX - Calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the result parameter x.;

x. min F. and x. MAX, F. - Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the result parameter x., the difference of which x. MAX, F. - x. min F.makes a function tolerance D x F by GOST 26607..

4.5 The task of calculating accuracy can be:

Direct, when the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the parameters (verification calculation);

Reverse when, according to the required permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, the necessary characteristics of the accuracy of the components of the parameters are determined.

4.6 In accordance with the results of the calculation of accuracy, set:

In working drawings - requirements for the accuracy of the resultant and components of the parameters in accordance with GOST 21.113, clarify, if necessary, the nominal values \u200b\u200bof these parameters, establish the rules for monitoring the accuracy of these parameters by GOST 23616.;

In technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of the axes and the production of construction and installation work - methods and the sequence of technological operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy, as well as the methods of controlling accuracy GOST 23616. and measurement rules for GOST 26433.1. and GOST 26433.2..

5 Methodical precision calculation principles

5.1 The calculation of accuracy includes the parameters considered as random variables that, upon completion of the corresponding technological processes and operations, are obtained by specific valid values. x I.differing from the draft nominal values x. NOM to the unknown to perform the measurement value of valid deviation D x I.. Since these deviations are unknown in advance, the calculations are performed on the basis of the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the components of the parameters.

5.2 The statistical methods made as a result of the calculations of the statistical methods can provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements. To this end, when performing calculations, the maximum possible values \u200b\u200bof tolerances should be provided, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the impact of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resultant parameters.

5.3 Calculation of accuracy should be performed from the condition of the full collection of structures.

In some cases, under technical capabilities and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. At the same time, for cases when the actual values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter will be outset for valid limit values. x. min F. and x. MAX, F.The working documentation should provide additional operations on the selection of elements, fit for individual sizes or, if necessary, design solutions for strengthening structures.

5.4 The initial equation for calculating the accuracy is the equation expressing the relationship between the resultant and component parameters included in the calculation scheme:


where x. - resulting parameter;

x K. - component parameter;

n. - the number of components of the parameters in the calculation scheme;

c K. - coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resulting parameter x. from the component x K..

5.5 As the resulting parameters, as a rule, the distances between the elements of structures (including in the nodes of their conjugations), deviations of the position and the mutual position of the elements in the structures (see Appendix A) for which when designing on the basis of functional requirements in accordance with GOST 26607. Install valid limit values. When drawing up the calculation scheme, the resulting parameter is considered as the final cycle of technological operations on the breakdown of axes, manufacturing and installing elements (erending elements), while the resulting parameter is the compensator of the errors of these operations.

5.6 The dimensions of the elements, dimensions that determine the distances between the center axles, high-speed marks and other benchmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the execution of these technological operations, the accuracy of which affect the accuracy of the resultant parameter is considered. Nomenclature of components of parameters - GOST 21779..

The characteristics of the accuracy of the components of the parameters can be obtained as a result of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615 Or adopted in accordance with the requirements:

Standards and (or) technical conditions for supplied materials, products and structures;

Other operating regulatory and technical and instructive methodological documentation for geodesic work in the construction, technological documentation of the manufacturer of works agreed with the designer;

Technological documentation of the manufacturer of works on the implementation of construction and installation works agreed with the designer.

5.7 If the components of the geometrical parameters are statistically dependent, then when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, this dependence must be taken into account. Statistical dependence is allowed to be characterized by the correlation coefficient.

5.8 Estimated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting geometric parameters x. min i. x. Max is calculated by formulas:

x. min \u003d x. NOM +? x inf; (4)

x. Max \u003d. x. NOM +? x sup., (5)

where x. NOM is the nominal value of the calculated parameter determined by the equation of nominal values;

d. x inf and D. x sup. - The bottom and upper estimated limit deviations of this parameter, respectively, determined by the accuracy characteristics equations.

5.9 The equation of nominal values \u200b\u200bis constituted in accordance with the initial equation (3):

where x. NOM, K. - The nominal value of the component parameter.

For the resulting parameters, representing deviations of the shape, position and position in space, the nominal value is zero.

5.10 Accuracy characteristics equations are in accordance with the initial equation (3), taking into account the selected method of calculation.

5.11 The calculation of accuracy is based on statistical methods. In the general case of a statistical calculation of the calculated limit deviations of the resultant parameters in formulas (4) and (5) and the provisional level of collection is determined in accordance with Annex V.

5.12 In case, to perform the calculation of the accuracy, the accuracy of the components of the geometrical parameters are taken by appropriate regulatory documents or project (technological) documentation, where control plans with the same acceptance level of defectiveness are established to control accuracy, the estimated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in the formulas (4 ) and (5) and the provisional collection level is determined by simplified statistical calculation in accordance with the Appendix G.

5.13 In the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of the distribution of components of the parameters for the approximate determination of the estimated limit deviations, the minimum maximum method can be applied. In this case, the estimated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined in accordance with the application D.

This calculation method provides complete collapse in compliance with conditions (1) and (2).

5.14 design (nominal) distance (including gap) between the elements, the depth of the element, sufficient to compensate for the deviations of the components of the geometric parameters without performing special selection operations, fit or regulate the position of the elements, are calculated by the formula

x. nom \u003d. x. min f. + D. x inf, (9)

where x. min F. - The allowable smallest limit value of the size of the distance (gap) between the elements or the depth of the element is necessary to provide any operational property depending on the actual value of this size.

For gaps (spans) between two parts of a building or structure consisting of several elements, where the allowable smallest limit value of the size of the gap (span) must be guaranteed throughout its length, for example, in a deformation-sediment, the elevator mine, design (nominal) dimensions Calculate by formula

x. nom \u003d. x. min F. + ?x sup. , 1 + d x sup. , 2 , (10)

where D. x sup. , 1 and D x sup. , 2 - the estimated limit deviations of the position of the elements of two parts of a building or structure that reduce the actual size of this gap.

If it is allowed to closes the elements, accept x. min F. = 0.

6 Accuracy Calculation Procedure

6.1 To calculate accuracy in accordance with 4.2, the resulting geometrical parameters detect, on the accuracy of which the provision of functional requirements for building structures of the building or structure depends, and determine the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof these parameters.

At the same time, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for the calculation, the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of which can be obtained by the greatest absolute value.

6.2 For each of the selected resulting parameters in accordance with the projected technology and the sequence of the breakdown and assembly works, it is established a base that serves as the beginning of a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, detect the components of the parameters and make up the calculated scheme and source the equation.

6.3 For each calculation scheme, the initial equation (3), the equation of nominal dimensions (6), select the calculation method and in accordance with the application for the adopted calculation method, make up the accuracy equations, as well as the characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter.

The characteristics of the accuracy of the components of the parameters that are the result of the implementation of a certain technological process or operation, are based on the requirements established by the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, technical conditions, project (technological) documentation, as well as obtained as a result of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of similar technological processes and operations in accordance with GOST 23615or prescribe GOST 21779.. In the event that the parameter component is the result of several technological processes and operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When drawing up equations to determine the characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, it should also be taken into account its own deviations of the components of the parameters arising during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

6.4 Depending on the type of problem by the method of trial calculations, the accuracy equations are solved, based on the condition of fulfilling the requirements 4.4.

With a direct problem based on the accepted characteristics of the accuracy and the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values \u200b\u200b(deviations) of the resultant parameter determine and check the accuracy conditions.

With a feedback based on accuracy conditions according to the permissible limit values \u200b\u200b(deviations) and the nominal value of the resulting parameter, the nominal values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the accuracy of some components of the parameters are determined.

6.5 If the calculation establishes that with a constructive solution taken, production technology and other source data, accuracy conditions are not respected, then, depending on the technical capabilities and economic feasibility, one of the following decisions should be taken:

Increase the accuracy of the components of the parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resultant parameter, due to the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

Reduce the effect of component parameters to the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the calculation scheme due to the change in the orientation method (replacement of the base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

Revise the constructive solutions of the building structures of the building, structures and their elements in order to change the permissible limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter;

Provide incomplete collection of structures.

Appendix A.

The main types of resulting parameters

Table A.1.

Type of resulting parameter

Distance, including the gap between the elements

Depth of design element

Inconsistency of elements ( x. nom \u003d 0)

Missing the surfaces of the elements ( x. nom \u003d 0)

The non-certifiedness of the element ( x. nom \u003d 0)

Note - x. Nom is the rated value of the resulting parameter; x. min F. and x. MAX, F. - Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the result parameter.

Preferred values \u200b\u200bof the level of collection of structures and acceptance level of defectiveness of components of parameters

Table B.1.

Values t.

The level of collection of structures (when x. min f. ? x I. ? x. MAX, F.),%

Probability a. MIN appearance x I. beyond x. min f. , %

Probability a. MAX appearance x I. beyond x. MAX, f. , %

Acceptivity of the defectiveness of the components of parameters when monitoring GOST 23616., %

Note - bold fonts highlighted values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the standard values \u200b\u200bof the acceptance level of defect GOST 23616..

Determination of the estimated limit deviations of the resultant parameters and provided the level of collection in the general case of a statistical calculation

B.1 In general, with the statistical calculation, the calculated limit deviations of the resultant parameters in formulas (4) and (5) are determined by the following accurate equations:

d. x inf \u003d D. m X. - t. min f. S. X.; (IN 1)

?x sup. \u003d D. m X. - t. MAX, f. S. X., (AT 2)

where? m X. - systematic deviation of the result parameter;

s. X. - the rms deviation of the resulting parameter;

t. min F. and t. MAX, F. - values \u200b\u200bof standardized random variable t.selected in Appendix B depending on the probability allowable when designing a. min i. a. MAX output valid values x I. Resulting parameter for valid limit values x. min F.and x. MAX, F. respectively; a. min \u003d a. Max? 0.13% corresponds to complete collections.

B.2 Statistical accuracy characteristics? t X. and S. X. The resulting parameter is determined by equations based on the original equation (3):

where D. t. X. , K. and S. X. , K. - systematic and rms deviations of the component parameter, respectively.

B.3 Characteristics D. t. X. , K. and S. X. , K. Depending on the initial data available, it is determined by the results of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the corresponding technological processes and operations for GOST 23615 Or on the limit deviations of the components of the parameters, as well as the plans for their control, established in the relevant standards, other regulatory and technical documents, technical specifications or project (technological) documentation. To move from limit deviations and control plans to the statistical characteristics of accuracy, expressions are used:

d. t. X. , k. \u003d D. x C. , k. \u003d (D. x sup. , k. + D. x inf , k.) / 2; (AT 5)

s. X. , k. \u003d (D. x sup. , k. - D. x inf , k.)/2t K., (AT 6)

where D. x C. , K.

d. x sup. , K. and D. x inf , K. - limit deviations of this parameter;

t K. - the value of a standardized random variable corresponding to the acceptance of the defectiveness of the AQL component of the parameter adopted in the control plans of the accuracy of this parameter in accordance with GOST 23616..

V4 Value values t. min f. and t. MAX, f. In determining the calculated limit deviations by formulas (B.1) and (B.2), they are selected according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) depending on the probability allowed when designing a. min i. but Mach output valid values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter for valid limit values x. min F. and t. MAX, F.. At the same time, the value (100 - a. min - but Mach)% determines the level of collection; a. min \u003d but Mach? 0.13% corresponds to complete collections.

V.5 In case, for this resulting geometric parameter, with calculated limit values x. min i. x. x inf and D. x sup.calculated by formulas (B.1) and (B.2), and accuracy conditions (1) and (2) are not respected, the level of collection can be determined corresponding to the initial data adopted for calculating. To this end, determine the values

t. min \u003d ( x. min f. - x. NOM - D. m X.) / S. X., (AT 7)

t. max \u003d ( x. MAX, f. - x. NOM - D. m X.) / S. X.. (AT 8)

t. min i. t. Max in the table of Appendix B Define the corresponding values a. min i. but Mach probabilities of output valid parameter values \u200b\u200bbeyond x. min f. and x. MAX, f. . Provided assembly level is determined by these values \u200b\u200bas

(100 - a. min - a. MAX)%. (AT 9)

In the event that the values \u200b\u200bcalculated by formulas (V7) and (V.8) t. min i. t. t. = t. min \u003d t.

Determination of the calculated limit deviations of the resultant parameters and the level of assembly level in a simplified statistical calculation

G.1 The calculated limit deviations of the resulting parameters in formulas (4) and (5) in accordance with simplified statistical calculation are determined by the following accuracy equations:

d. x inf \u003d D. x C. - D. x./ 2; (G.1)

?x sup. \u003d D. x C. + D. x./ 2, (g.2)

where? x C.

D. x.

G.2 Characteristics of accuracy D x C. and? x. The resulting parameter is determined by equations based on the source equation (3):

where? x C. , K. - deviation of the middle of the admission field of the component parameter;

D. h. K. x sup. , K. - ?x inf , K. established by the relevant standards, regulatory and technical documents, technical conditions.

G.3 When calculating the estimated limit deviations with a simplified statistical method, the collection level is determined by Table B.1 (Appendix B) by value t K.corresponding to the same acceptance level of defectiveness of AQL components of the parameters adopted in the monitoring plans for the accuracy of these parameters in accordance with GOST 23616.. In case another level of collection of structures is required, the admission value of the resultant parameter in the formulas (G.1) and (G.2) should be counted according to the formula

D. x.? = (t.?/t K.) D. x.; (G.5)

where D. x.? - the value of the estimated response parameter corresponding to the required level of collection;

t.? - Value t.received according to Table B.1 (Appendix B) depending on the required level of collection;

?h. - Estimated admission of the resulting parameter calculated by the formula (G.3).

G.4 In case, for this resulting geometric parameter, with calculated limit values x. min i. x. Max calculated by formulas (4) and (5) based on the calculated limit deviations D x inf and D. x sup.calculated by the formulas (G.1) and (g.2), and the accuracy conditions (1) and (2) are not respected, the level of collection can be determined corresponding to the specific characteristics of the accuracy of the parameters. To this end, determine the values t. min i. t. Max by formulas:

t. MIN \u003d 6 ( x. min f. - x. NOM - D. x C.) / D. x.?, (G.6)

t. Max \u003d 6 ( x. MAX, f. - x. NOM - D. x C.) / D. x... (7)

Next by calculated values t. min i. t. Max in Table B.1 (Appendix B) Select Values a. min i. but Mach. Provided collection level is determined by these values \u200b\u200bas

(100 - a. min - a. MAX)%. (G.9)

In case the values \u200b\u200bcalculated by the formulas (G.6) and (G.7) t. min i. t. Max are equal, the level of collection, corresponding to the value t. = t. min \u003d t. MAX, without additional computing, take on Table B.1 (Appendix B).

Determination of the estimated limit deviations of the resulting parameters when calculating the "minimum maximum" method

D.1 Calculated limit deviations of the resultant parameters in formulas (4) and (5) when calculating the minimum-maximum method are determined by the following accuracy equations:

d. x inf \u003d D. x C. - D. x./ 2; (D.1)

?x sup. \u003d D. x C. + D. x./ 2, (d.2)

where? x C. - the estimated deviation of the middle of the admission field of the resultant parameter;

D. x. - Estimated admission of the resulting parameter.

D.2 Characteristics of accuracy D x C. and? x. The resulting parameter is determined by equations based on the original equation (3):

where? x C. , K. - deviation of the middle of the admission field of the component parameter;

D. h. K. - admission of the component parameter, defined as the difference of limit deviations D x sup. , K. - ?x inf , K.established by the relevant standards, regulatory documents, technical specifications.


Snip 3.01.03-84 Geodesic work in construction

SNiP 3.03.01-87 Bearing and enclosing structures

Keywords: Functional geometric parameter, resulting parameter component parameter, calculation scheme, source equation, collection, collection level, full collection

Geometric accuracy system
Parameters in construction

Calculation of accuracy

GOST 21780-83

(ST SEV 3740-82)

State Committee of the USSR
For construction affairs


State Standard of the SSR Union

Geometric accuracy system
parameters in construction

PAYMENT Accuracy

System of Ensuring The Accuracy of Geometrical
parameters in Construction. Accuracy Calculation


(ST SEV 3740-82)

GOST 21780-76

Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of December 13, 1983 No. 320, the deadline is established

from 31.01.84

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and the procedure for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish the features of calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures of various types.

The standard corresponds to ST SEV 3740-82 in the part specified in the reference application 1.

The terms used in this standard and explanations are provided in the required Appendix 2.

1 . Basic concepts

1.1 . The calculation of the accuracy of geometric parameters should be carried out in the design process of typical, experimental and individual structures of buildings and structures and their elements in order to ensure the collection of structures with specified operational properties at the lowest costs.

1.2 . The calculation of the accuracy is based on:

functional requirements for building structures of buildings and structures;

data on the accuracy of the technological processes applied and the production of elements, breaking axes and assembling structures.

1.3 . In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the calculated scheme, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the accurate values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, which are then compared with the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof this parameter established on the basis of functional requirements (by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with the test results Or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements).

1.4 . Compliance with the accuracy of the resultant parameter functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

( 1 )

(2 )

where and - the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter h.;

And - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the result parameter h.. The difference is a functional admission.

1.5 . The task of calculating accuracy can be:

direct, when the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the parameters (verification calculation);

reverse when, according to the resultant limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter, the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the parameters are determined.

1.6 . In accordance with the results of the calculation of accuracy:

in the regulatory and technical documentation for the construction structures of buildings, structures and their elements and in the work drawings, they specify, if necessary, the rated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting and components of the parameters, establish the requirements for the accuracy of these parameters and the rules for the accuracy control;

in technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of the axes and the production of construction and installation work, we establish ways and the sequence of technological processes and operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy.

2 . Methodical principles for calculating accuracy

2.1 . The accuracy made as a result of the calculation should provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements.

For this purpose, the maximum possible values \u200b\u200bof tolerances should be provided, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the effect of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resultant parameters.

2.2 . The calculation of accuracy should be carried out, as a rule, from the condition of the total collection of structures.

In some cases, under technical capabilities and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. At the same time, for cases when the actual values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are outside the limits, additional operations should be provided for the selection of elements or fit of individual sizes.

2.3 . The initial equation for calculating accuracy is equation (3), expressing the relationship between the resulting and components of the parameters included in the calculation scheme:

(3 )

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

The number of components of the parameters in the calculation scheme;

The coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resultant parameter h. from the component parameter h. k. .

As the resulting parameters in drawing up the calculated schemes, the sizes in the elements conjugation nodes and other dimensions, which, with a sequence of the construction assembly, a certain cycle of technological operations are completed, which determine the accuracy of the components of the parameters, and in which the errors of these operations are compensated for. ).

As components of parameters, the size of the elements, dimensions that determine the distances between the axes, high-speed marks and other benchmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the execution of these technological operations, the accuracy of which affect the accuracy of the resultant parameter is considered.

If the components of the geometrical parameters are statistically dependent, then when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, this dependence must be taken into account. Statistical dependence is allowed to be characterized by the correlation coefficient.

2.4 . The calculation of the accuracy is based on statistical methods. In the general case, with the statistical calculation, the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter and to verify the conditions (1 ) and (2 ) Determine the following accuracy equations:

(4 )

(5 )

where - Rated value of the resulting parameter h.;

Systematic deviation of the result parameter h.;

- Average quadratic deviation of the resulting parameter h.;

and - the values \u200b\u200bof a standardized random variable, depending on the allowable probability of appearing the values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter below and.

Determining the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter on statistical characteristics using equations 4 and 5 are produced in accordance with the obligatory application 4.

2.5 . In most practical cases, the calculation of accuracy should be carried out by admission to a simplified statistical method, the use of which allows for a complete collection of design when applying the accuracy of the components of the parameters with an acceptable level of defectiveness of defectiveness of 4%GOST 23616-79.

At the same time, the accurate equations for determining the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter takes the form:

(6 )

(7 )

where - nominal value of the resulting parameter;

The calculated deviation of the middle of the admission field of the resulting parameter;

- Calculated admission of the resulting parameter.

2.6 . The rated values \u200b\u200band the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter with statistically independent components of parameters are determined on the basis of the source equation (3 ) According to the following formulas:

(8 )

(9 )

(10 )

where - n.the magnifications of the components of the parameters;

- deviations of the middle of the fields of technological tolerances of the components of the parameters;

Technological tolerances of component parameters.

2.7 . With a small number of components of parameters (up to three) and the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of their distribution, the calculation of the accuracy is allowed to be carried out using the minimum-maximum method in accordance with the obligatory application5 .

3 . The procedure for calculating accuracy

3.1 . To calculate accuracy in accordance with P.2.2 Receive the resulting geometrical parameters, on the accuracy of which depends on the provision of functional requirements for building structures of the building and facilities, and in accordance with paragraphs.1.3 Define the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof these parameters.

At the same time, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for the calculation, the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of which can be obtained by the greatest absolute value.

3.2 . For each of the selected resulting parameters in accordance with the projected technology and the sequence of the breakdown and assembly works, it is established a database that serves as a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the components of the parameters are detected and the calculated scheme and the original equation are determined .

3 .3 . For each calculation scheme, the calculation method is chosen and the accurate equations are chosen, as well as the equations for determining the nominal size and characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the components of the parameters that are the result of the implementation of a certain technological process or operation, are based on the requirements of the relevant standards or are prescribed according to GOST 21779-82. In cases where the parameter component is the result of several technological processes or operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When drawing up equations to determine the characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, it should also be taken into account its own deviations of the components of the parameters arising during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

3.4 . Depending on the type of problem by the method of trial calculations, the accuracy equations are solved based on the condition of fulfilling the requirements (1) and (2).

With a direct task based on the accepted characteristics of the accuracy and the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter determine and check the accuracy conditions.

With a feedback based on accuracy conditions using the allowable limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, the nominal values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the accuracy of some components of the parameters are determined.

3.5 . If the calculation establishes that with a constructive solution taken, production and other source data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical capabilities and economic expediency, one of the following decisions should be taken:

increase the accuracy of the components of the parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resultant parameter, due to the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

reduce the effect of component parameters to the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the calculated scheme due to the change in the orientation method (base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

revise the constructive solutions of building structures of buildings, structures and their elements in order to change the permissible limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter;

provide incomplete collection of structures.



Information data on accordance with GOST 21780-83 ST SEV 3740-82

The first paragraph of the introductory part of GOST 21780-83 corresponds to the introductory part of ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.1 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 1.1 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.2 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to paragraph 1.2 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.4 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to 1.4 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.5 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to p. 3.4 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 1.6 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to paragraph 1.5 ST SEV 3740-82.

The first paragraph of paragraph 2.1 of GOST 21780-83 corresponds to paragraph 1.6 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 2.3 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of P.P. 2.4 and 2.10 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 2.4 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of P.P. 1.7 and 2.3 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 2.5 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of P.P. 2.6 and 2.7 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 2.6 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 2.8 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 2.7 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 1.7 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 3.1 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 3.1 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 3.2 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of P.P. 2.1 and 3.2 ST CEV 3740-82.

P. 3.3 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 3.3 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 3.5 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to clause 3.5 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 2 GOST 21780-83 includes an information application 1 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 4 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 2.4 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 5 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 2.11 ST SEV 3740-82.

ETC AND Location 2.


Terms and their explanations

The calculated scheme is a graphic image of links between the resulting and components of the geometric parameters, which take into account the design and technological features of buildings, structures and their elements, including methods and the sequence of technological processes and operations.

The parameter component is the parameter obtained directly when performing a certain technological process or operation and included in the calculation scheme.

The resulting parameter is the parameter incoming to the calculation scheme and depending on a number of components of the parameters.

Collectability - according to GOST 21778-81.

Complete collection - collectability, the level of which is equal to or exceeds 99.73%.

Incomplete collection - collection, the level of which is lower than 99.73%.

The base is the surface or axis relative to which the position of other surfaces or axes is determined.

Attached AND E 3.

Basis Type of resulting parameters

Names e the resultant parameter



1. Clearance between elements

Nominal value of the gap;

Permissible gap values;

Functional gap tolerance

2. Depth of the element

Nominal value of the depth of the support;

Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the depth of the content;

Functional admission depth of support

3. Inquireness of elements

Nominal value of inconsistency;

Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof inconsistency;

Functional admission of accommodation

4. Missing the surfaces of the elements

Nominal value of the incompleteness of the alignment;

Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof surface mismatch;

Functional admission of coincidence of surfaces

5. Neverthentile

Nominal value of non-certificate;

Permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof non-certificate;

Functional tolerance of verticality

Note. When considering the parameters characterizing the position of the elements, it should be borne in mind that, and are equal to the absolute value and determine the limit deviation of the elements relative to each other. MIN and MAX indices are taken conditionally to indicate the direction of displacement.

Appendix 4.


OPR Entry the estimated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter on statistical characteristics

(General case of statistical calculation of accuracy)

1 . In the general case of the statistical calculation of the accuracy of the design and elements of buildings and the construction of the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter to verify the conditions (1 ) and (2 ) are determined by formulas (4 ) and (5 ) This Standard.

2 . The calculated nominal value of the resulting parameter based on the original equation (3 ) are determined by the formula (8 ) of this standard, and the calculated performance characteristics and - by formulas:

(1 )

(2 )

where - systematic deviations of the components of the parameters;

- The average quadratic deviations of the components of the parameters.

3 . Characteristics and, depending on the initial data available, should be determined by the results of a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the corresponding technological processes and operations forGOST 23615-79 or according to the accuracy characteristics and control plans established in the relevant standards or other regulatory documents.

4 . For the transition from the characteristics of accuracy and control plans set in standards and in other regulatory and technical documents, expressions are applied to statistical characteristics:

(3 )

(4 )

where is the deviation of the middle of the field of technological tolerance of the component parameter;

- technological admission of the component parameter;

- The value of a standardized random variable characterizing the acceptance level of defectiveness plan for controlling the accuracy of the parameter according to GOST 23616-79.

5 . Values \u200b\u200bvalues: and in equations (4 ) and (5 ) This standard, as well as values \u200b\u200bfor each component parameter, are determined by table.1 Dependingly, respectively, from the calculation of the assembly and acceptance level of the deficacy of the established plan for controlling the accuracy of the component parameter.

GOST 21780-83

(ST SEV 3740-82)

UDC 69.001.2: 006.354 Group Z02

State Standard of the SSR Union

Geometric accuracy system

parameters in construction

Calculation of accuracy

System of Ensuring The Accuracy of Geometrical

parameters in Construction. Accuracy Calculation

Date of introduction 1984-01-31

Approved and commissioned by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of December 13, 1983 No. 320

Instead of GOST 21780-76

Reprint. February 1985

This standard applies to the design of buildings, structures and their elements and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and the procedure for calculating the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction.

Based on this standard, methodological documents are developed that establish the features of calculating the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures of various types.

The standard corresponds to ST SEV 3740-82 in the part specified in the reference application 1.

The terms used in this standard and explanations are provided in the required Appendix 2.

1. Basic concepts

1.1. The calculation of the accuracy of geometric parameters should be carried out in the design process of typical, experimental and individual structures of buildings and structures and their elements in order to ensure the collection of structures with specified operational properties at the lowest costs.

1.2. The calculation of the accuracy is based on:

functional requirements for building structures of buildings and structures;

data on the accuracy of the technological processes applied and the production of elements, breaking axes and assembling structures.

1.3. In the process of calculating the accuracy in accordance with the calculated scheme, the calculated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the accurate values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, which are then compared with the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof this parameter established on the basis of functional requirements (by calculating strength and stability, in accordance with the test results Or based on insulating, aesthetic and other requirements).

1.4. Compliance with the accuracy of the resultant parameter functional requirements is ensured if the following conditions are met:

where and the estimated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter;

And - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter. The difference is a functional admission.

1.5. The task of calculating accuracy can be:

direct, when the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are determined by the known characteristics of the accuracy of the parameters (verification calculation);

reverse when, according to the resultant limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter, the necessary requirements for the accuracy of the parameters are determined.

1.6. In accordance with the results of the calculation of accuracy:

in the regulatory and technical documentation for the construction structures of buildings, structures and their elements and in the work drawings, they specify, if necessary, the rated values \u200b\u200bof the resulting and components of the parameters, establish the requirements for the accuracy of these parameters and the rules for the accuracy control;

in technological documentation for the manufacture of elements, the breakdown of the axes and the production of construction and installation work, we establish ways and the sequence of technological processes and operations, methods and means of ensuring their accuracy.

2. Methodical principles for calculating accuracy

2.1. The accuracy made as a result of the calculation should provide minimal labor and material costs in the construction of building structures of buildings and structures and the manufacture of their elements.

For this purpose, the maximum possible values \u200b\u200bof tolerances should be provided, as well as constructive and technological measures to reduce the effect of the accuracy of technological processes and operations on the accuracy of the resultant parameters.

2.2. The calculation of accuracy should be carried out, as a rule, from the condition of the total collection of structures.

In some cases, under technical capabilities and economic feasibility, incomplete collection may be provided. At the same time, for cases when the actual values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter are outside the limits, additional operations should be provided for the selection of elements or fit of individual sizes.

2.3. The initial equation for calculating accuracy is equation (3), expressing the relationship between the resulting and components of the parameters included in the calculation scheme:

, (3)

where is the resulting parameter;

Component parameter;

The number of components of the parameters in the calculation scheme;

As the resulting parameters in drawing up the calculated schemes, the sizes in the elements conjugation nodes and other dimensions, which, with a sequence of the construction assembly, a certain cycle of technological operations are completed, which determine the accuracy of the components of the parameters, and in which the errors of these operations are compensated for. ).

As components of parameters, the size of the elements, dimensions that determine the distances between the axes, high-speed marks and other benchmarks, as well as other parameters obtained as a result of the execution of these technological operations, the accuracy of which affect the accuracy of the resultant parameter is considered.

If the components of the geometrical parameters are statistically dependent, then when determining the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, this dependence must be taken into account. Statistical dependence is allowed to be characterized by the correlation coefficient.

2.4. The calculation of the accuracy is based on statistical methods. In general, with the statistical calculation, the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter and for testing conditions (1) and (2) are determined by the following accuracy equations:

where - the nominal value of the resulting parameter;

Systematic deviation of the result parameter;

The average quadratic deviation of the resulting parameter;

And - the values \u200b\u200bof a standardized random variable, depending on the allowable probability of appearing the values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter below and above.

The resulting parameter on statistical characteristics using equations 4 and 5 is produced in accordance with the required application 4.

2.5. In most practical cases, the calculation of accuracy should be carried out on tolerances with a simplified statistical method, the use of which allows for the complete collection of design when applying the validated standards of the receiving control plans of the accuracy of the parameters with an acceptable defective level of 4% according to GOST 23616-79.

At the same time, the accurate equations for determining the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter takes the form:

, (6)

, (7)

where - the nominal value of the resulting parameter;

The calculated deviation of the middle of the admission field of the resulting parameter;

Calculated admission of the resulting parameter.

2.6. Nominal values \u200b\u200band calculated characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter with statistically independent components are determined on the basis of the original equation (3) according to the following formulas:

, (8)

, (9)

, (10)

where - the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters;

Deviations of the middle of the fields of technological tolerances of the components of the parameters;

Technological tolerances of component parameters.

2.7. With a small number of the components of the parameters (up to three) and the absence of data on the statistical characteristics of their distribution, the calculation of the accuracy is allowed to be performed using the minimum-maximum method in accordance with the obligatory application 5.

3. The procedure for calculating accuracy

3.1. To calculate accuracy in accordance with paragraph 2.2, the resulting geometrical parameters detect, on the accuracy of which depends on the provision of functional requirements for building structures of the building and facilities, and in accordance with paragraph 1.3 define the permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof these parameters.

At the same time, those of the same type of repeating parameters are selected for the calculation, the calculated characteristics of the accuracy of which can be obtained by the greatest absolute value.

3.2. For each of the selected resulting parameters in accordance with the projected technology and the sequence of the breakdown and assembly works, it is established a database that serves as a certain cycle of technological operations and is the beginning of the accumulation of errors that must be compensated by this parameter, the components of the parameters are detected and the calculated scheme and the original equation are determined .

3.3. For each calculation scheme, the calculation method is chosen and the accurate equations are chosen, as well as the equations for determining the nominal size and characteristics of the accuracy of the resultant parameter.

The accuracy characteristics of the components of the parameters that are the result of the implementation of a certain technological process or operation, are based on the requirements of the relevant standards or are prescribed according to GOST 21779-82. In cases where the parameter component is the result of several technological processes or operations, the characteristics of its accuracy should be determined by calculation.

When drawing up equations to determine the characteristics of the accuracy of the resulting parameter, it should also be taken into account its own deviations of the components of the parameters arising during the installation and operation of structures as a result of temperature and other external influences.

3.4. Depending on the type of problem by the method of trial calculations, the accuracy equations are solved based on the condition of fulfilling the requirements (1) and (2).

With a direct task based on the accepted characteristics of the accuracy and the nominal values \u200b\u200bof the components of the parameters, the calculated nominal and limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter determine and check the accuracy conditions.

With a feedback based on accuracy conditions using the allowable limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resulting parameter, the nominal values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the accuracy of some components of the parameters are determined.

3.5. If the calculation establishes that with a constructive solution taken, production and other source data, the accuracy conditions are not met, then, depending on the technical capabilities and economic expediency, one of the following decisions should be taken:

increase the accuracy of the components of the parameters that have the greatest impact on the accuracy of the resultant parameter, due to the introduction of more advanced technological processes;

reduce the effect of component parameters to the accuracy of the resulting parameter by reducing the number of these parameters in the calculated scheme due to the change in the orientation method (base) and the sequence of technological processes and operations;

revise the constructive solutions of building structures of buildings, structures and their elements in order to change the permissible limit and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter;

provide incomplete collection of structures.



Information data on conformity

GOST 21780-83 ST SEV 3740-82

The first paragraph of the introductory part of GOST 21780-83 corresponds to the introductory part of ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.1 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 1.1 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.2 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to paragraph 1.2 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.4 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to p. 1.4 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.5 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to clause 3.4 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 1.6 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to 1.5 ST SEV 3740-82.

The first paragraph of paragraph 2.1 of GOST 21780-83 corresponds to paragraph 1.6 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 2.3 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of PP. 2.4 and 2.10 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 2.4 GOST 21780-83 includes PP requirements. 1.7 and 2.3 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 2.5 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of PP. 2.6 and 2.7 ST SES 3740-82.

P. 2.6 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 2.8 ST CEV 3740-82.

P. 2.7 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 1.7 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 3.1 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 3.1 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 3.2 GOST 21780-83 includes PP requirements. 2.1 and 3.2 ST CEV 3740-82.

P. 3.3 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 3.3 ST SEV 3740-82.

P. 3.5 GOST 21780-83 corresponds to p. 3.5 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 2 GOST 21780-83 includes an information application 1 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 4 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of clause 2.4 ST SEV 3740-82.

Mandatory Appendix 5 GOST 21780-83 includes the requirements of paragraph 2.11 ST SEV 3740-82.

Appendix 2.


Terms and their explanations

Estimated scheme - a graphic image of the links between the resulting and components of the geometrical parameters, which take into account the structural and technological features of buildings, structures and their elements, including methods and the sequence of technological processes and operations.

Parameter - The parameter obtained directly when performing a certain technological process or operation and included in the calculated circuit.

Resulting parameter - The parameter included in the calculation scheme and depending on a number of components of the parameters.

Collectability - GOST 21778-81.

Complete collar - Collectability, the level of which is equal to or exceeds 99.73%.

Incomplete collar - Collectability, the level of which is lower than 99.73%.

Base - The surface or axis relative to which the position of other surfaces or axes is determined.

The main types of resulting parameters

The name of the result



1. Gap between


Nominal value of the gap;

; - permissible limit clearance values;

Functional gap tolerance

2. Depth of the element

Nominal value of the depth of the support;

; - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof the depth of the content;

Functional admission depth of support

3. inconsistency


Nominal value of inconsistency;

; - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof inconsistency;

Functional admission of accommodation

4. Missing



Nominal value of the mismatch of surfaces;

; - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof surface mismatch;

Functional admission of coincidence of surfaces

5. Neverthentile

Nominal value of non-certificate;

; - permissible limit values \u200b\u200bof non-certificate;

Functional tolerance of verticality

Note: When considering the parameters characterizing the position of the elements, it should be borne in mind that \u003d 0, A is equal to the absolute value and determine the limit deviation of the elements relative to each other. MIN and MAX indices are taken conditionally to indicate the direction of displacement.

Appendix 4.


Determination of settlement limit values

Resulting parameter on statistical characteristics

(General case of statistical calculation of accuracy)

1. In the general case of the statistical calculation of the accuracy of structures and elements of buildings and structures, the calculated limit values \u200b\u200bof the resultant parameter for testing conditions (1) and (2) are determined by formulas (4) and (5) of this standard.

2. The calculated nominal value of the resultant parameter based on the original equation (3) is determined by the formula (8) of this standard, and the calculated accuracy characteristics and - according to the formulas:

, (1)

where - systematic deviations of the components of the parameters;

The average quadratic deviations of the components of the parameters.

3. Characteristics and depending on the initial data available to calculate the accuracy of the corresponding technological processes and operations according to GOST 23615-79 or according to the accuracy characteristics and control plans established in the relevant standards or other regulatory documents.

4. To move from the characteristics of accuracy and control plans set in standards and in other regulatory documents, expressions are applied to statistical characteristics:

, (3)

, (4)

where is the deviation of the middle of the field of technological tolerance of the component parameter;

Technological admission of the component parameter;

The value of a standardized random variable characterizing the acceptance level of defectiveness plan for controlling the accuracy of the parameter according to GOST 23616-79.

5. The values \u200b\u200bof the values: and in equations (4) and (5) of this standard, as well as the values \u200b\u200bfor each component parameter, are determined by table 1, respectively, from the calculation of the setting level of the accuracy of the component received when calculating the level of collecting and acceptance level of the defectiveness.

Table 1

Construction collection level,%

Acceptivity of defectiveness,%


6. The proportion of assembly works requiring additional operations on the selection of elements or fit of individual parameters is determined separately for cases when and in Table 2.

table 2

Appendix 5.


Determination of settlement limit values

Resulting parameter method

"Minimum - maximum"

The calculated limit values \u200b\u200band the resultant parameter in conditions (1) and (2) by the "minimum maximum" method are determined by the formulas of this standard

, (1)

where - the calculated nominal value of the resultant parameter determined by the formula (8) of this standard;

The estimated deviation of the middle of the admission field of the resultant parameter determined by the formula (9) of this standard;

The calculated value of admission of the result parameter.

The calculated value of the admission of the resulting parameter is determined taking into account the most adverse combination of deviations of the components of the parameters according to the formula based on the original equation based on the original equation (3)

, (3)

where - the admission of the component parameter;

The coefficient characterizing the geometric dependence of the resultant parameter from the component parameter.

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