
Military mortgage if. Preferential mortgage for servicemen - what are the conditions? Video Consultation on Military Mortgage

With the adoption in 2004, the state program of providing military housing acquired the nature of the cumulative and mortgage system. Until that time, the state provided a serviceman to the housing for the same program, which was allowed for the year to provide apartments no more than a thousand applicants for square meters.

Features of the military mortgage

The so-called mechanism, as, comes down to the need to have a service of at least 20 calendar years. After that, the NIS participant gets the opportunity to use accumulated funds at its discretion.

Military mortgage at housing for military - Budget programs for housing are provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Defense. Means from a nominal account can be used not only to pay housing purchase, but also to repay the existing mortgage loan, or to pay a fee with participation in equity construction. for everyone will be individual due to different period Silews.

The program is regulated by federal law of December 30, 2004 No. 214-FZ "On participation in shared construction apartment houses and other real estate objects and the amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation. "

The servicemen at the same time are not limited to any conditions in the choice of location and the area of \u200b\u200bfuture real estate. In addition, the program in which the NIS participant lives does not contradict each other.

The size of the annual subsidy coming to the agreed account of the participant of the program of the military mortgage is determined by the relevant law on the budget and every year is indexed with inflation.

How to use a personal account

To use the accumulated funds, those servicemen who have accommodation in military mortgage, independently choose the appropriate property and a bank that has the right to provide a loan for the military in army mortgage.

After registration necessary documents and the conclusion of a contract between the seller and the creditor bank, the entire package of documents is transferred to the department the Ministry of Defense - Rosvoenipotek. It, in turn, is engaged in the transfer of the necessary funds of the credit institution.

It is also necessary to take into account that they establish the amount of the Czep, which in practice does not exceed 2.3 million rubles.

Based on what is actually in quantity and pace housing constructionbut real estate prices here significantly exceed the size of the Czep. Therefore, the NIS participant who wants to acquire a living space in the very capital or Moscow region will need to use additional funds - own or borrowed.

In addition, the profession of a serviceman is often conjugated with hazardous activities and risks. Therefore, an important condition and the main difference of military mortgage before ordinary, civil, is mandatory conclusion contract.

For which categories should be housing

  • Mandatory - ensigns and officers who have entered into their first service contract in the Armed Forces after January 1, 2005;
  • Possible to which include:
  • - officers who are in stock, which voluntarily or call served with the conclusion of the first contract after January 1, 2005;
  • - Michmans and ensigns, whose contractual service term at the time of January 1, 2005 is already three years or more;
  • - soldiers, sailors, elders and sergeants who have a second contract in their hands after January 1, 2005;
  • - graduates of universities of military specialties, who after training signed a contract for passing service until January 1, 2005

Persons related to the second category of NIS participants can join the program, only exploring their own desire.

For example, military is available after 3 years of contract service. This right is enshrined in the FZ117 program: "For ensigns and Michmanov, the total duration of military service under the contract of which will be three years since January 1, 2005, if they have concluded the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005 - in writing appeal On their inclusion in the register of participants; ".

It raises questions the possibility of compulsory participation in the Housing Program of a graduate of an average special educational institution. For example, graduates of which are available on the general reasons specified in the FZ 117. The law states only about graduates of the highest military institutions, and Sergeants participating in the NIS is available only after the second contact.

It is worth noting that not only military, but also housing for military mortgage can be involved in the accumulative and mortgage system, but representatives of other power structures where military service is provided. For example,

  • Russia (militarized rescue formations),
Procedure for paperwork

There is spent on the program inclusion in the register of participants.

To become a member of NIS and receive contributions to the account, the serviceman of the corresponding category is obliged to submit a report to the commander of the part.

Next, a mark on the report of the report, after consideration of which, a list of applicants for participation in NIS is drawn up. The consolidated list of selected participants of the program is formed in hasional organ Management and heads for final approval to the Ministry of Defense.

Each participant of the program receives a personal and registered accumulation account, where cash receipts will be accrued.

Required documents for the purchase of housing:

  • original and a copy of the passport of the participant of the transaction;
  • the original and a copy of the certificate of the right to receive a target housing loan;
  • copy of marriage / divorce certificate;
  • notarized consent of the spouse (a) for the purchase of housing on the terms of the loan and subsequent transfer of it to the deposit;
  • application for obtaining a target loan.
Terms of Use of NIS

The target use of funds is possible under the following conditions:

  • the overall term of military service from twenty years and more;
  • - dismissal of a serviceman who served more than ten years:
  • - reached the limit age in the service in the aircraft;
  • - due to the planned decrease in the number of staffing by reducing;
  • - due to death or recognition missingly absent;
  • dismissal due to the recognition of the unsuitability of the serviceman for military service to conclude the appropriate GDK;

In the latter case, the repayment of a housing loan occurs at the expense of family members, but is carried out by the Commissioner federal District Due to the obligations of the state before the participant of the program.

Rights of the accumulative and mortgage system

After three years since the signing of a military service contract, the NIS participant gets the opportunity to dispose of accumulated funds.

You can use them for purchase and design of housing using a mortgage loan or other target loan.

Also accumulated funds can be used for improvement housing conditions Or purchase accommodation on the usual sale and sale scheme without using borrowed money.

Another right to participant NIS is that it is possible. That is, according to Tax Code, in the amount of additional funds used when buying a living space, it is possible to deduct in the amount of 13%.

Regarding the use of additional funds, you can also use borrowed funds. That is, to arise the question, arise? The answer will be unambiguous that it is not prohibited by law.

NIS Rights may also be addressed? Such a variant of the property of the property acquired for the TSGS participant NIS is not provided. The main reason is that the living space is under double deposit: the bank and military department.

And finally, the servicemen who bought the apartment in a military mortgage in another city, and which is now idle empty, wonders - bought? In this situation, the housing will be the subject of pledge and therefore all lease issues need to be solved with the creditor bank, if such conditions are not prohibited directly in the housing lending contract.

If, at the time of joining the program, its participant already has a mortgage "civil" credit, then the use of the funds obtained can be paid to its repayment.

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What are the conditions of military mortgage in 2018? In which banks can you make a mortgage serviceman? Who can help get housing in military mortgage?

Hi Hi Permanent readers of the Site "Khitirbobur" and those who opened our blog for the first time! With you Denis Kudarin.

The topic of the new publication - military mortgage. This article will be interested in servicemen, members of their families, as well as anyone who wishes to increase their personal education.

So, proceed.

1. What is a military mortgage

Military mortgage (VI) is a way to obtain housing servicemen on a cumulative-mortgage system (NIS), operating throughout the Russian Federation.

Economic I. social principles We are identified and installed federal laws. The program was adopted on state level More than 10 years ago in order to provide housing for military, undergoing a contract service.

Historical reference

Until 2004 worked old system Supporting servicemen specially built houses after dismissal of service. This mechanism acted with failures - there were difficulties of financial and technical plan.

As a result, a new system came to replace the imperfect housing program, allowing the military to acquire full-fledged her own housing over 3 years after participation in NIS.

The law on the cumulative system adopted in 2004, which gave the start of mortgage lending for the military. Using the accumulative system, serving the Russian Armed Forces now have the right to buy housing in installments under government security.

Differences from civil mortgages

The federal support tool for the military is more profitable than the usual (civil) lending.

The main advantage of whether the money on the loan is paid not from their own pocket, but from state budget. True, for this, the military must serve as faithfully by its country about 20 years.

Other differences between military mortgage from normal:

  • the right to preferential lending is available exclusively to military personnel, participants of the NIS program;
  • the mortgage debt is repaid not by the borrower, but the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (this structure also appears as a pledgee);
  • the loan size is limited and equal to 2.2 million rubles. (if the object is more expensive than this amount, the borrower itself pays additional costs);
  • the acquisition of housing increases, since funds from the Ministry of Defense are not listed immediately;
  • credit contract It is necessary to sign before the sale agreement.

The right to obtain housing on preferential conditions does not disappear even if the military already has an apartment or a house. Purchase property of real estate Member of the accumulative system can in any region of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Defense excludes any risks in the lending process - the organization fully monitors the procedure for acquiring housing and makes an initial fee.

Military required to find the developer or seller independently and choose a bank with the most favorable conditions. mortgage lending.

Why are mortgage conditions so important if the calculation still implements the Ministry of Defense? The fact is that in case of early dismissal, pay the amount of the loan and interest on it will have to be the most military: for this reason, the borrower is desirable to choose the most optimal credit option.

Essence and conditions

A brief scheme of the military mortgage is announced on the official website of Rosvoenipotki: "I served - I copied - I bought an apartment."

Now more about how the accumulation of funds occurs. The NIS member regularly serves to his state, and on its mortgage account at this time the monthly monetary amounts are translated.

3 years after joining NIS, the military has the right to buy housing in a mortgage loan. Of the available funds, the first installment is repaid and the other money is paid in the timing established by the banking institution.

On the this moment The maximum loan amount on V is 2 200 000 rub. Approximately so much or a little more will be accumulated on a mortgage account for 15-20 years of service. According to expert estimates, this amount should just be enough for the purchase of housing with an area of \u200b\u200b54 m 2, sufficient for family residence of 3 people.

If a military 2-3 child has, he can purchase a larger accommodation. However, if its value will exceed the amount of government subsidies, the difference will have to pay from its own pocket.

It is allowed to acquire real estate on the secondary market, but at the same time housing should not be veterging or in emergency condition.

Read more about that, and what its advantages, read in a separate article of our blog.

2. Who can apply for a military mortgage

All employees in the Armed Forces in Russia are entitled to participate in the accumulative program, in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB.

Officers, ensigns, Michmans enter the system with a machine gun, and ordinary can become participants only after the conclusion of a professional contract.

The official list of automatic NIS participants looks like this:

  • Officers who are 1 second officers assigned after 01.01.2005;
  • Michmans and ensigns with a service for more than 3 years from 01/01/2005.

Officers, Michmans, ensigns who concluded contracts and received ranks until 2005 have the right to voluntary membership in mortgage program. Private, sergeants, sailors and elders who concluded contracts after 1.01.05 also have the right to become voluntary NIS participants.

3 years after registration in the program, the military person acquires the right to get housing loan In the amount of accumulated funds. These accumulations are made as a primary payment of mortgage.

The credit itself is repaid by the state until the military continues the service. Ideally, to retirement at 45 years, the employee is fully calculated with the debt and has a full-fledged housing.

If the military is dismissed before paying the full amount of the mortgage, then he will have to be repayed independently with percent.


The serviceman Major Kovalev bought an apartment for 2 million rubles. After 5 years of service, the state paid 1.2 million debt. Major decided ahead of time to quit from the ranks of the Armed Forces and teaching.

After a resignation, it remains a debt of 800,000 rubles., Which he needs to pay independently, otherwise the Ministry of Defense has the right to pick up real estate in its favor.

The body that is responsible for the military mortgage is called "Federal Department of the NIS".

It is this structure that carries out:

  • accumulation accounting;
  • management of means (investment and multiplication);
  • issuing mortgage resources;
  • help in buying housing (consultation, choice of real estate object).

The size of the military mortgage does not depend on the position being held and official salary Military. Explores out federal budget The mortgage account is the same for everyone; Their sizes are revised annually taking into account inflation.

Details about - in a separate publication.

3. How to purchase housing servicemen on a mortgage loan - step-by-step instructions

Each military who participates in NIS is more than 3 years old, decides himself when it takes the right to acquire real estate. It depends on housing conditions, age and other objective factors.

A brief shopping scheme of housing on video looks like this:

  • the participant of the program decides to buy an apartment for accumulated funds and finds a developer or seller of housing;
  • having enlisted with the purchase of an apartment, the military negotiates with the Bank for the Taking Mortgage Credit;
  • with the participation of the Ministry of Defense, a contract with a financial organization is signed;
  • an apartment is purchased for a loan.

As far as such a scheme is effective and convenient, solve the military itself. Of the minuses, the need to "work out" the debt for years of impeccable service, even if a person has a desire or need to quit early to quit.

And one more important nuance: concern for the design of the transaction, the search for the bank and work with the documentation is managed directly by the military without help from the part, which also takes strength and time.

And now we will analyze the procedure for step by step.

Step 1. Participation in the mortgage program

Take advantage of accumulations on a personal account can only those who have it. You can still become a member of NIS, if you are an officer, or submit the appropriate report to the authorities.

The project participant receives a certificate and the right after 3 years to acquire housing, paying for it from budgetary funds. All activities for loan and disposal cumulative account Controlled by the Federal Office of the NIS.

Step 2. Search for a developer or seller

The developer or owner of housing, ready to sell real estate for military mortgage, the participant of the program is looking for independently.

As part of this program, the acquisition of apartments at the construction stage becomes more and more popular. However, no one bothers the military to buy an apartment in the secondary market if a suitable object is found and banks will give their consent to such an acquisition.

There are a number of requirements for apartments and homes:

  • location in the Russian Federation;
  • availability of separate kitchen and bathroom;
  • availability of water supply;
  • good condition of doors and windows.

The building itself must stand on a solid foundation and have the status of a full-fledged residential facility.

Step 3. Search for a bank to obtain a loan

Selecting the housing, the military cannot immediately sign the contract of sale. To begin with, he needs to get the right to issue a target housing loan (CZP) and contact the full package of documents to the credit institution, that is, to the bank.

Exemplary Document List:

  1. Application form for issuing a loan.
  2. Passport.
  3. Military ID.
  4. Document certifying the right to the Czep.
  5. Paper on the property.

About 70 financial companies of the Russian Federation operates with military mortgage loans. Choose a bank ideal for military mortgage purposes - the task is not from the lungs. Institutions impose certain requirements for borrowers themselves and offer different interest on loans.

The Bank decides after the study of documents and expert opinion on the object of real estate. If employees satisfy everything, the client documents are sent to the Ministry of Defense to verify from state bodies.

Step 4. Registration of the target loan

The ministry documents are checked again. If the solution is positive, paper is signed and wrapped in print.

The main stage of the entire process is to sign a document for issuing the Czep.

The procedure involves 3 sides:

  1. The soldier (he is the borrower).
  2. An organization representing MO of Russia.
  3. Bank issuing a loan.

When all signatures are delivered, funds are listed from government accounts to the bank's account as a primary loan contribution. After that, the Bank is calculated with the developer or the seller of housing and receives monthly payments from the state budget within 10-20 years.

Step 5. Registration of property rights

The case has been done, the military remains only to register property on its name and hover a housewarming. Of course, to keep in mind that it is worth paying for the apartment for a few more years, fulfilling your official duties.

The Ministry of Defense will pay a loan, only until the borrower serves in the army or in other military government agencies. If he breaks up to paying the amount of debt, it will have to have their own personal savings.

4. Which banks work with military mortgage - top 5 banks with profitable percentages and conditions

Almost all large banks Russia is carried out financial operations with accumulative means. Loan and interest calculated each financial Company According to the unique formula, known only to her.

I advise you to choose for partnership well-known and reliable banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Communication bank;

These institutions offer special mortgage products servicemen and guarantee complete transparency of transactions.

The most reliable version is Sberbank. Branches of this company are in all cities of Russia, and detailed information Under the terms of the loan, there is on the corresponding page of the official website of the bank.

The table below shows the percentage of annual and characteristics of loans in each of the listed banks:

Banks Interest rate Features
1 Sberbank10,5% The bank does not require the insurance of the transaction, but strictly refers to real estate objects
2 VTB 248,7% You can buy housing of any type, including private homes
3 Gazprombank10,5% High demand for housing and credit history of the military
4 Bank connection9,5% As an initial contribution, the Bank takes any amount accumulated on the account
5 ROST OF BANK9,5% Acquisition of a private house is allowed

5. Who can help in the mapping of mortgage - professional assistance to the military

Above, I have already mentioned one of the substantial minuses of W - the need for borrowers independently search for banks, real estate objects and collect the necessary documents.

Fortunately for military personnel, there are companies ready to come to the rescue.


One of these firms is Morton. This institution It will help the military to find an apartment in the desired area of \u200b\u200bMoscow and the region and will help in the loan.

Pros of such cooperation:

  • a large selection of apartments in new buildings at the construction stage;
  • it is possible to issue an additional loan (up to 3 million) for up to 15 years;
  • assistance in re-obtaining military mortgage;
  • help in making a loan in any of the large banks of the Russian Federation.

You can find the tariffs and familiarize yourself with the partnership conditions on the website of the company www.kvartira-voennym.ru.

6. Alternative to Military Mortgage - receiving funds at the end of the service

Money on a nominal account Military has the right to use with the sole purpose - buying housing. Nobody will pay cash on the hands of the military.

However, there are 2 ways to spend accumulation:

  1. Receive housing loan 3 years later From the moment of membership in the program.
  2. Get the total amount of savings At the end of the service and buy an apartment for this money without a long-term loan.

In other words, the military, who has no special problems with housing, do not hurry. They have the right to use the entire amount of funds when retirement and purchase an apartment or a house without communicating with bank mortgage programs.

I will list all the circumstances under which the soldier can get to the disposal of the funds accumulated on the personal account:

  • long service in the amount of 20 years and more;
  • dismissal of a serviceman who served more than 10 years and not having a housing (in this case The size of the savings will, naturally, less);
  • achievement of 45 years;
  • resignation for health or in connection with organizational events in the structures of the Ministry of Defense.

If the listed circumstances occur, the military can open an account in any bank operating with the military state savings, and submit a report to Rosvoenipotek for receiving a participant's document.

Welcome! Today we will talk about what a military mortgage is and for whom it is intended. Military mortgage is relatively new program According to the issuance of military personnel and their families of housing. Military Mortgage 2019 is one of the effective tools to solve the issue of military and military pensioners. Read the post to the end, and you will learn whether to take a military mortgage, whether a mortgage is possible for military pensioners, whether the military mortgage is issued a second time, as well as current proposals for banks for the current day.

What is the military mortgage different from the usual? The military mortgage for servicemen differs from the classic in that while the borrower is in military service, its mortgage debt is repaying the Ministry of Defense, and not he himself. The difference will be in lending and decoration stages. The requirements for the borrower will differ. You will learn about them.

Military Mortgage What is this as a result?

The essence of the military mortgage is as follows: the state annually lists additional subsidies to the account of the military person who has reached the age of at least 22 years, and the borrower can subsequently subsequently used to make the first contribution.

It is possible to get no more than 3,000,000 rubles, but if he prefer to take housing more expensive, it can add its own accumulation to this amount. In military mortgage, you can purchase both secondary housing and the real estate under construction and even redeem the share in the construction of the LCD.

In order to become a member of the military mortgage, it is necessary, first of all, to register in the so-called cumulative and mortgage system (NIS). This system is engaged in the provision of military mortgage and is designed for the fact that during the participation of a soldier in it (and participate in this program can borrowers from 22 to 45 years old), a sufficient amount of funds should be accumulated in account in order to buy real estate on average 54. square meters. According to the Ministry of Defense, such an area is enough to stay spouses with a child.

To participate in NIS, all servicemen are allowed, but there are restrictions for ordinary soldiers: they get the opportunity to become participants in military mortgage only when the second service contract is concluded. All other layers of servicemen (i.e., officers, ensigns, Michmans, etc.) are credited to participate in the program automatically, some of them need to report to the military mortgage. Military mortgage for servicemen in 2019 can also be issued for the second time.

There is a myth that the borrower can buy housing over military mortgage only at the place of registration or service - but it is not. For the territorial location of "official housing" in military mortgage lending there are no restrictions.

Very often used such a scheme. Since buying accommodation can be in any region, the serviceman takes an apartment in Moscow or Moscow region. Next gives it to it, and the service housing itself uses. Thus, it turns out a peculiar additional pension from the state for the service period.

Requirements are prescribed only to the types of housing: it is impossible to purchase apartments in dilapidated homes, in "communals" and in Khrushchev.

There are also no restrictions on the choice of a bank, which will provide a loan in military mortgage: the registry of the military mortgage today has 77 Russian banks. Most profitable offer You can find at the end of this article.

Sevastopol became a very popular city to implement this program, like the whole Crimea. Next, you will learn what banks credited this region.


Military mortgage tax deduction. Do not forget that there is a tax deduction for military mortgage. You can get it, but only with your own payments for an apartment. The stumbling block here is that the money of the Russian Federation will be given to the purchase of an apartment. So, if you bought an apartment for 5 million and the state paid 3 million at the expense of funds to the NIS account, then from the remaining two million. You will be able to obtain a tax deduction of up to 260 thousand rubles. Will also be available return interest on the mortgage loan.

Military mortgage judicial practice. Arbitrage practice In military mortgage, there are many cases when the borrower on dismissal issues of the borrower flared up from the Russian army, including those associated with changes in the conditions of conclusions of military mortgage agreements. In case you seem to be able to defend the right to the military mortgage, even after dismissal from the Russian army, it is worth contacting a lawyer in military mortgage (fill in the form for advice in the right corner).

Military Mortgage with Bad credit history It can also be issued by the Bank. Here the main snag is to find a bank who agrees to give a loan on such conditions, but if there is a desire, it is quite possible to get. Specked in detail in our past post.

Military mortgage in the event of the death of a soldier can cause serious damage to his widow, but only if he served in the Russian army less than ten years. If the borrower had a serving of more than ten years, the state continues to pay contributions for military mortgage after his death.

Military mortgage pluses and cons.


  • The state pays plates
  • Low bet
  • Practically do not pay attention to credit history

Cons Military Mortgage:

  • Difficulties with registration and timeline.
  • Limited number of banks
  • Small sum
  • Tax deduction problems
  • Shared construction Military mortgage although approves, but there are restrictions on the choice of developers and houses.
  • The owner is only military.


For 2019, the amount of military mortgage in the amount of 280 009,7 . Based on this amount will be calculated monthly paymentwhich will be repayed for a military personnel. In 2019, it is 23 334.14.

How much money is given to military personnel in military mortgage? The conditions of military mortgage are calculated individually. At the same time, a variety of factors can be taken into account: the Bank takes into account the age of the serviceman, and its experience, and the amount of contributions from the state, etc. Military loan is not issued without initial contribution: Today it is an average of 20% of total amount Loan, although in some banks there are first contributions in size and from 10%. Interest rates are also installed individually.

How to get involved

How to become a member of the military mortgage?

You can get a military mortgage if you:

  • The officer who received his military rank later than 2005. They are automatically credited to participate in NIS.
  • The officer who received an officer's rank earlier than 2005: to them, in order to take part in NIS, it is necessary to submit a report. A sample report on a military mortgage can be requested at the place of service.
  • Michman or Envastor, service life for more than three years.
  • Private soldier, sergeant, foreman, sailor, etc.: People with these titles can become participants in the program at the conclusion of at least a second service contract.

At the same time, it is not necessary to use the military mortgage at the first opportunity. The Ministry of Defense in any case replenishes the account of the serviceman throughout its time of his work. The mortgage member for the military can take advantage of the accumulated funds immediately and buy an apartment or house, bypassing the stage of concluding mortgage contract with the bank. But for this favorable production of mortgage agents, the soldier must have appropriate reasons. For example:

  • The borrower has a length of service for at least 20 years.
  • The borrower is dismissed, served for more than 10 years, and not having its own housing. At the same time, the members of the borrower's family do not have any real estate owned. If the soldier has real estate owned, it is not necessary to count on benefits.
  • The borrower can get accumulations on family circumstances, for health states or due to the decisions taken at the site of its service (for example, in connection with the translation).

If a soldier is at least in one of the listed situations, then, after submitting the relevant report, within three months, all the funds accumulated during the service will receive. According to the same system, a military mortgage is issued for pensioners.

How to arrange a mortgage

How to get a military mortgage: a step-by-step scheme.

For the design of the military mortgage, the borrower should be listed on NIS participants at least 36 months. Such requirements are standard for most banks. If it is suitable for age frames (from 22 to 45 years old), he should count on the loan repayment period, based on its age: at 45 years old, military mortgage must be repaid.

So, if you come to participate in the military mortgage program, you can issue a loan in several stages:

  1. First of all, you should submit documents to the bank you selected (there may be several of them). You can, for example, leave an online application on the bank's website. As a rule, banks require a passport, application and evidence of the NIS member, but in each individual financial institution Additional requirements may be placed. Mortgage without a military ticket is not possible.
  2. The bank manager makes an application and sends it to make a decision. If all requirements for the borrower are satisfied, the bank confirms the application, which immediately reports to the client.
  3. Next, it is necessary to collect all documents required to obtain military mortgages. These may include: Documents of the borrower, seller documents, sales contract, some documents related to purchased housing and so on.
  4. The next step is the decision of the real estate bank. Acquirement housing must comply with the requirements of the military mortgage. If there are no complaints on the bank of the bank, he will make a positive conclusion.
  5. Then the borrower must sign all the documents, including a loan agreement. Mortgage bank Sends a package of signed documents to Rosvoenipotek.
  6. If there are no errors in the documents, then the Rosvoenipotek signs them on its part and sends back to the bank. Also Rosvoenipotek immediately lists to the account of the military personnel for the initial contribution. In the event that the borrower could not get a military mortgage on the amount for which he expected, he can add funds to buy apartments from its own savings.
  7. After the implementation of these operations, the soldier can register housing to property. Documents confirming this registration is obliged to transfer to the bank.
  8. As soon as the bank receives these documents, he sends them to Rosvoenipotku and gives mortgage funds to the borrower. From this point on, RosPenipotek starts to pay the mortgage duty of the serviceman until its full payment or until the employee's dismissal. In this case, the borrower will have to pay all credit on its own and in full.

Terms of banks

The best deals of military mortgage from Russian banks:

BankRate,%Amount, thousand rubles.PV,%Bet on ready accommodation,%Note
AHML9 2410 20 9
Bank Russia10,4 2270 10 10,4
VTB 249,3 2435 15 10 if it comes out of the NIS bet + 0.3%
Gazprombank9,5 2330 20 9,5
Bank Zenit9,9 2800 20 9,9 It is possible to make a mortgage of up to 5 million special Program Family, in the complex Sampo rate 9.5
Bank opening10 2300 20 10
RNB9,5 2300 10 9,5
Rosselkhozbank10,75 2230 10 10,75
Sberbank9,5 2330 15 9,5
Bank connection10,9 2220 20 10,9
Absolute bank9,5 2900 20 9,5
Bank "Saint-Petersburg10,9 2200 15 10,9
Uralsib10,6 2600 20 10,6

Changes in 2019 - this is the program "Family" bank Zenit. On it, if both spouses are NIS, then they can get maximum Credit At the primary to 4.6 million, on the secondary, 4 million. Additionally, if you apply the "Mortgage +" option (payment of part of the mortgage of our own money), then the amount increases to 5 million and 4.5 million, respectively.

Online application For mortgage lending on these programs available link. Section "Mortgage". Standing in the queues to the bank consultant will not have.
Changes in the program occur regularly, we recommend subscribing to the project updates.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. Click buttons social networksIf the post was useful to you.

Welcome! The provisional support program of servicemen undergoing service in the Russian army under a contract is an effective measure to improve housing conditions without waiting for retirement. Registration of a preferential mortgage loan for servicemen of any rank or title, subject to the established requirements for the length of service and the term of the contract will help to acquire housing on favorable terms. Read more about what a mortgage for servicemen under contract is read further.

Military mortgage is a state program for issuing preferential mortgage loans for servicemen with a cumulative and mortgage system (abbreviated NIS). The essence of this system is the monthly transfer of funds from the federal budget to the nominal account of the military since its registration as a program participant. The overall account balance directly depends on the size of the approved accumulative contribution and the period for participation in NIS.

The procedure for implementing a program for obtaining a mortgage for servicemen is regulated by the following legislative acts RF:

  • 102-ФЗ dated July 16, 1998 "On Mortgage";
  • 117-FZ dated 20.08.2004 "On NIS Housing Supply of Servicemen";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for the functioning of the NIS housing support of military personnel" No. 655 of November 07, 2005;
  • Housing Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

It is 117-FZ that establishes the rights and obligations of NIS participants, determines the nuances of the functioning of this system and target use accumulated money.

Terms of receipt

In accordance with the current legislation, borrowers under the Military Mortgage program can be:

  1. Servicemen who have entered into service contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation later than 2005.
  2. Elders, Michmans, ensigns with a contract for more than three years.
  3. Graduates of military educational institutionswhich the first military rank was assigned after 2005.

Obtaining a mortgage loan is possible after 3 years after joining NIS. When concluding a mortgage agreement, the funds accumulated in the system of participation in the system are sent to pay the initial contribution. If after such a transaction on the nominal account, the residue was formed, it can be used for current payments for the loan.

Crediting conditions for military differ significantly from standard mortgage programs for conventional categories of citizens and are characterized by providing maximum benefits when buying residential real estate.

Key Military Mortgage Parameters:

  • tariff appointment of borrowed funds - buying an apartment, a private house, room or town house (both on the primary and in the secondary housing market);
  • lack of need to invest equity;
  • reduced interest rate - up to 11% per annum;
  • debt repayment period - from 3 to 20 years;
  • currency - only Russian rubles;
  • the minimum value of the initial contribution is from 15%;
  • restriction on the age of the borrower - from 21 to 45 years.


A serious disadvantage of the assistance program for military personnel by making a mortgage is a restriction on the amount of borrowed funds. Currently, the military mortgage can be obtained in the amount of no more than 2.8 million rubles. Such a value is calculated individually for each client, taking into account the term of crediting and the established interest rate.

Military at young age, for which the minimum credit rate and maximum maturity will be approved, will be able to count on the greatest amount of money allocated by the Bank.

BankAmount thousand rubles.
VTB 242435
Bank Zenit2300
Bank Russia2150
Absolute bank2220

As for the lower limit of the loan amount, its value starts from a mark of 300 thousand rubles.

Order procedure and necessary documents

The order of the military mortgage looks like this:

  1. Registration in NIS

It can be performed automatically (when complying with key conditions of joining the program) or according to the application. The second option will be relevant for servicemen who do not fall under the requirements of participation in NIS (for example, if the contract for the passage of service was concluded until 2005). To do this, it is necessary to submit a report to the name of the direct supervisor asking for the inclusion in the Register of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In the case of a positive consideration of the request, the request of Rosvoenipotek opens the name of the military nominal cumulative account and assigns a unique an identification number. Participation in the program is confirmed by a special testimony of the NIS participant.

  1. Choosing a specific object of real estate

The potential borrower must decide in advance with housing, which will be purchased using a mortgage loan. Today, the servicemen received the right to independent choice of residential real estate regarding the parameters of the location, area, planning. In the case of buying an object in the secondary market, its compliance with the current standards and standards of the LCD of the Russian Federation is required.

  1. Studying mortgage programs in Russian banks

The conditions of the military mortgage in the banks of the Russian Federation approximately similar to each other. However, in any case, it is necessary to stop at one creditor offering specific conditions and requirements for the borrower and the object of the pledge.

  1. Preparation of package of documents and submission of an application to the bank

The applicant will require the provision of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the testimony of the NIS participant, questionnaires and documents for the deposit. Some banks consider applications for the 2nd documents: a passport and a certificate of participation in the cumulative and mortgage system.

  1. Considering the application by the Bank and the announcement of the decision

On average, each application for military mortgage is considered credit Organization 1 to 10 business days.

  1. Conclusion of a real estate sales contract (in the case of a positive decision of the Bank)

Such a contract will be trilateral, namely, Rosvoenipotek, Bank and a soldier.

  1. Conclusion of a mortgage agreement

After signing the Rosvoenipotek agreement, it will transfer the established amount of the initial contribution due to accumulations from the nominal account of the military.

How to choose a bank

Mortgage for military personnel has the right to engage in a limited circle of banks - 13 credit institutions. Advanced and detailed study of the conditions for issuing a loan and claims will allow you to choose the most optimal version of the program and the creditor.

Consider several proposals for military mortgage.

BankRate,%Amount, thousand rubles.PV,%Bet on ready accommodation,%Note
AHML9 2410 20 9
Bank Russia10,4 2270 10 10,4
VTB 249,3 2435 15 10 if it comes out of the NIS bet + 0.3%
Gazprombank9,5 2330 20 9,5
Bank Zenit9,9 2800 20 9,9 It is possible to place a mortgage of up to 5 million on a special program of family, in the complex Sampo rate 9.5
Bank opening10 2300 20 10
RNB9,5 2300 10 9,5
Rosselkhozbank10,75 2230 10 10,75
Sberbank9,5 2330 15 9,5
Bank connection10,9 2220 20 10,9
Absolute bank9,5 2900 20 9,5
Bank "Saint-Petersburg10,9 2200 15 10,9
Uralsib10,6 2600 20 10,6

Most profitable terms You can get under the program "AHML" - 9% per annum. However, it is possible to buy housing from the Zenit bank's presence regions approved by Zenith.

In addition to those discussed above in the system of military mortgage lending, banks are involved as VTB-24, Sberbank of Russia, the Bank, AB Russia, Uralsib and others.

Mortgage for servicemen is distinguished by preferential terms - low interest rate, loyal attitude to the borrower and the document provided by the package. Such factors will help to purchase accommodation with minimal overpayment and get real financial support from the state. Before choosing a specific bank and the program, a potential borrower is recommended to carefully read the credit parameters, restrictions and requirements, as well as take advantage of visual mortgage calculator We have on the site.

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