
Development of OPK: A new state program will increase the competitiveness of military products. Documentation

The complexity and insecurity in the reality of the innovative path of development contributes to the fact that, despite the adoption of a number of conceptual, doctrinal and program documents, a clear economic Strategy, including defense and industrial priority policies national Security, Russia has not worked out. This confirms the dynamics of changes in the share of expenditures from GDP and total expenses federal budget By section "National Defense" (Table 1.5) [Arbatov, Romashkin, 2003].

The relative growth of defense expenditures has no proactive dynamics to enter a legislatively established barrier in 3.5% of GDP and strongly correlates with the growth of total expenses of the federal budget as a whole. The insignificance of public investments sent to improving the structure of fixed assets of the OPK industries illustrate the data of the Federal Address Investment Program (FAIP) [TC MIC], presented in Table. 1.6. In the annual labor "Military Balance", experts of the London International Institute for Strategic Studies noted that the scale of the real military spending of the Russian Federation is difficult to evaluate - their main part, as always, is closed.

In addition, in the volume of allocations to military department does not include some expenses related to national security [Ivanov, 2004]. The re-equipment plans of the Russian military organization are formulated in the state program of weapons for the period 2002-2012. The main emphasis in the program is made on military research and development. For these purposes until 2006, it is supposed to allocate the main part of the appropriation.

After that, most of the funds will be directed to the purchase of new samples of PVNs. how positive factor Funding for military construction in the Russian Federation Experts of the London Institute noted the consistent increase in the allocations for GOZ MO, including purchases, research and development, repair and modernization of the IWT. However, experts of the institute believe that the annual increase in military spending of the Russian Federation does not provide grounds for the successful implementation of the state program of developments and procurement of arms in 2002-2012. They express doubts about meeting the deadlines established by this program. It should be noted that some leaders of defense enterprises in Russia also express such serious concerns about this. The main indicators of the budget of MO in 2000-2005 financial years are presented in Table. 1.7.

These figures indicate a significant increase in defense and goz expenses, gLP growth. However, they do not take into account inflation. At the same time, even according to the most "gentle" estimates, inflation in the Russian Federation was 16.5% in 2001, in 2002 - 15.7, in 2003 - 14.3, in 2004 - 11.7% And in 2005 it is predicted at the level of 11.5%. Based on this, for the period from 2000 to 2005, inflation will be at a minimum, 90%. Taking into account this amendment, the growth of budgetary expenses for national defense for all five years old is 58%, which roughly corresponds to the planned GDP growth (60%). At the same time, the appropriations on this article never approached the level of 3.5% of GDP indicated by the presidential decree, moreover, this figure could not even overcome the mark of 2.9%.

Among the factors that have recently have a positive impact on the financial situation of the ECP enterprises, the following [Moscow, 2004] should be transferred:

settlement accounts payable Ministry of Defense in front of the enterprises of the OPK, which has a steady tendency to reduce;

improving the situation with the provision of complete, stable and rhythmic financial support of the GOZ.

Competimate issues of financing goz for OPK are quite obvious:

limited financial opportunities states on the maintenance of their military organization; The disadvantages of the price policy carried out in the state, which are manifested in the absence of compensating and regulatory mechanisms for the linking of prices at various stages of the development and implementation of scientific and technical products in the framework of the GOZ and GPV with permanent and not always predictable changes in taxes, energy, transport, customs tariffs;

since a number of industrial stages of sectoral cooperation remained in the countries of near abroad, funds are needed to recreate lost links; The limit prices for PVNs established by the state do not allow enterprises to conduct an active strategy for technical re-equipment of their fundamental funds;

the state practically does not allocate the targeted appointment of funds to these important goals, which is extremely negatively affected by the technical capabilities of enterprises and the quality of their products.

The influence of these factors directly affects the slowdown in the rate of implementation of the GIP and GOZ, and a number of their tasks are carried out with the lag relatively installed deadlinesWhat was mentioned above. In a situation, lack of funds for the technical equipment of the country's military organization, only the state defense order cannot stimulate high growth rates and its modernization. Other factors are also acquired by other factors: foreign orders for PVNs, bringing significant profits, overhaul and modernization of technology in power structures, a strategic reorientation for the production of civil and dual-use products, the production volumes and the range of which is constantly growing.

An important political decision, which directly affects the increase in exports, was the introduction of the internal prices of Russian manufacturers on products that came to Member States of the Collective Security Agreement (CSTO) from January 1, 2004. If we consider the fact of deficiency of the GOZ financing from the position of enterprises of the OPK, it should be noted that the lack of funds for modernization entails the impossibility of creating modern means of computer modeling and inventory stands for working out new products, the use of which repeatedly reduces the design time and minimizes the costs at the development stage. These products, especially at the stage, for example, their flight tests, when experienced expensive samples are irretrievably lost.

At the meeting of the government dedicated to the adoption of the GOZ-2005, his chairman voiced the point of view, which is important for PCP enterprises. According to this opinion, the GOZ is a very important tool for stimulating the economic development of the country as a whole. The state defense order is a key mechanism for the implementation of military-technical policy, the development of weapons and military equipment, but its value is not exhausted. At the goz, every tenth budget ruble works, "which turns it into an effective regulator of the country's socio-economic development, as well as the support of regions on the part of the federal government. It should be noted that as a whole, it made it possible to change the situation with the size of wages. According to Rosprom, in 2004 its increase was more than 20%, while in scientific organizations - about 25%. average salary At the Department of OPK at the end of 2004 was estimated at 7.2 thousand rubles. [Economics of the MIC, 2005].

One of the main problems of the complex is in definition of funding. In this area, generally accepted in world statistics are indicators of annual military expenditures per serviceman and one resident of the country. In 1997, military spending per serviceman was equal (thousand US dollars): in Russia, approximately 14, Great Britain -200, Germany - 98, USA - 176. In the same year, military expenses per capita were, US dollars: In Russia - 233, USA -978, the United Kingdom - 578, France - 756, Greece - 517.

The costs of the state budget of the Russian Federation for defense needs amounted to 4.4% of GDP; In 1994 - 5.6; In 1995 - less than 4; In 1996 - 2.7%. At the same time, the volume of GDP itself has continuously decreased.

The limited possibilities of financing the state defense order for the supply to the armed forces of specific IWT samples led to the idea to concentrate most of the resources allocated for these goals in the field of creating new types of weapons. The implementation of the idea would allow to create scientific and technical and technological grounds for the subsequent re-equipment of the Russian armed forces on qualitatively new IWT systems.

Today for Russia, the backlog in this area from the leading countries in economic and militarily countries is unacceptable. The world is on the threshold of the next military-technical revolution, which should lead to a significant high-quality jerk in the modernization of the currently active IWP samples, the emergence of fundamentally new types of weapons that will be based on new physical principles and high-tech technologies. Moreover, the dual purpose will have much more technologies than those that are used in the production of current weapons.

However, in practice, the reform of military R & D was not supported by the relevant budget resources. So, only for 1989-1995. There has been more than 10x reducing financing for R & D in the field of military production. Today in Russia from the budget for this, it is allocated in dollar terms in fact, 30 times less than in the United States 5 and 10 times less than in NATO European countries. In addition, budget allocations are a planned indicator that last years - never performed. The percentage of real allocations for R & D defense nature differs significantly from the initial plans.

Of course, budget financing is not able to solve everything. economic problems OPK.

For example, rocket and space activities are funded from different sources:

  • · From the state budget - state space programs;
  • · Such state or extrabudgetary structures, for example, as RAO Gazprom;
  • · Regional authorities;
  • · Developer enterprises;
  • · Foreign customers under contracts.

The main sources of financing and income of enterprises and organizations of the industry are the budget financing of projects from a rocket and space agency, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1998, sales of space products on foreign orders amounted to 880 million dollars.

The international partnership has received widespread, except for the effect of capital mobilization, serves as a means of penetration into overseas markets. Russia for the preservation and growth of rocket and space potential requires a targeted state scientific and technical policy, a regulatory framework, the development of the industry development strategy.

One of the negative results of deterioration of the financial situation of defense enterprises is a sharp obsolesis equipment. The insufficient level of investment in the technical re-equipment of functioning and mobilization facilities leads to their rapid physical and moral aging, which in the near future will inevitably affect the ability to produce modern weapons and military equipment. Analysis of the technical condition of the active part of the main production assembly funds of the defense industry shows that the sectors there was a negative tendency to obsolet the equipment fleet and a situation may arise when the number of equipment with age for more than 20 years will be almost 50%.

As a result of the reduction in the current production of weapons and military equipment and the complex financial situation of the enterprises of the complex deteriorates the financial situation of labor collectives. In the defense industry, the average decreased dramatically wage: Today it is 30-40% lower than in general industrial production. This trend is associated with the fact that in the OPK, the decrease in the number of working hours is more slow compared to the fall in production volumes, as well as with a large number of city-forming enterprises.

Currently, in many enterprises of the OPK there is a significant hidden unemployment. The complex has significantly declined the personnel potential of labor. Thus, the average age of the employee reached 43 years (in research organizations and design bureaus - 45). The youth up to 30 years at the enterprises of the defense industry accounts for only 16% of personnel (in Research Institute and KB - 12%). High the share of women -52% and working retirees - 11.5% (in Research Institute and KB - 15.5%). The total number of doctors and candidates of science has decreased.

April 20, 2019, Higher, Postgraduate and Continuing Education On budget allocations for the completion of construction and reconstruction of MSTU hostels them. N.E. Bauman Resolution of April 16, 2019 No. 455. On completion of the construction of a complex of hostels in 2019-2020, budget allocations are allocated in the amount of 1085.3 million rubles. This will create an additional about 1350 seats in the hostels for students.

19 April 2019, State Statistics Updated federal statistical work plan Order of April 10, 2019 №680-p. The purpose of the decisions made is to optimize the composition of statistical work performed by Rosstat and other subjects of official statistical accounting, improve the quality of the provision of information needs for official statistical information, reduce the report on respondents.

April 18, 2019, protective measures in foreign trade On protective measures in trade and economic relations with Ukraine Resolution of April 18, 2019 No. 460-25. Government Decree of December 29, 2018 No. 1716-83 was introduced a ban on the import of goods into the territory of Russia, the country of origin of which is Ukraine, or moved through the territory of Ukraine, and a list of such goods has been approved.

April 16, 2019, National Project "Demography" On budget allocations to support families at the birth of children in the Far East Order of April 13, 2019 No. 743-p, №744-p. In order to implement the federal project "Financial support of families at the birth of children" of the national project "Demography" in the subjects of the Federation, which are included in the Far Eastern federal DistrictFrom the Government Reserve Fund allocated 3146.26 million rubles for a one-time payment at the birth of the first child, providing regional maternal capital at the birth of a second child, monthly payments at the birth of the third and subsequent children.

16 April 2019, budgets of the subjects of the Federation. Intergovernmental relations On the provision of subsidies to the Trans-Baikal Territory on the payment of wages to employees of the budget sector Order of April 11, 2019 №698-p. The Trans-Baikal Territory is sent tools to ensure the payment of wages to employees of the budget sector.

April 16, 2019, individual issues of national defense On indexation in 2019 individual payments to military personnel and staff of power departments Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 435. Approved the decision on the indexation from January 1, 2019 the sizes of insurance amounts, one-time benefits and monthly compensation special categories military personnel and those equivalent to them by 4.3%.

April 16, 2019, Insurance Regulation On the procedure for compensation for damage for lost as a result emergency Accommodation using a voluntary insurance mechanism Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 433. The minimum amount of obligations of the insurer at risk of loss of residential premises as a result of an emergency and approved the rules for calculating maximum size Damage to be reimbursed in the framework of damage programs for damage to residential premises using the Voluntary Insurance Mechanism.

16 April 2019, Railway Transport Increased authorized capital of Russian Railways OJSC Order of April 12, 2019 No. 718-P, RESOLUTION of April 12, 2019 No. 438. Authorized capital Russian Railways increased by 7.02 billion rubles in order to increase the level of economic connection of the territory of Russia, creating a basis for the development of high-speed and high-speed railway communication between large cities. Relevant financial resources The federal budget is provided.

15 April 2019, Public Finance Management Tools Approved the procedure for forming a list tax expenses And their estimates Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 439. It has been established that the feasibility and effectiveness of tax expenses will be accounted for.

April 15, 2019, Organization of Health System. Health insurance About changes in the program of state guarantees free provision Citizens of medical care for 2019 and on the planning period 2020 and 2021 RESOLUTION of April 12, 2019 No. 440. The program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care for 2019 and on the planning period 2020 and 2021 amended aimed at improving the availability of palliative care, as well as to concretize guarantees in passing by citizens of preventive medical examinations, including within the framework of dispensarization.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of the advanced socio-economic development "White Holucan" in the Kirov region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 432. The creation of the Tor "White Holucan" will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of the ahead of the socio-economic development "Borovichi" in the Novgorod region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 431. The creation of Tor Borovichi will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of the ahead of the socio-economic development "Aleksin" in the Tula region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 430. The creation of Tor Aleksin will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of an advanced socio-economic development "Mountain" in the Novosibirsk region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 429. The creation of Tor "Mountain" will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of the advanced socio-economic development "Mikhailovka" in the Volgograd region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 428. The creation of Tor Mikhailovka will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, to reduce dependence on city-forming enterprises, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created the territory of the advanced socio-economic development of Miass in the Chelyabinsk region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 427. The creation of the Miass will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, Monogorod Created a territory of an advanced socio-economic development "Mtsensk" in the Oryol region Resolution of April 12, 2019 No. 426. The creation of the Mtsensk torus will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on city-forming enterprises, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

April 15, 2019, monetary policy. Financial markets ABOUT social payments using national System payment cards Resolution of April 11, 2019 No. 419. Decisions are aimed at further promotion and popularization of national payment instruments, the development of the national payment card system. Approved the procedure for making changes in the design of cars Resolution of April 6, 2019 No. 413. The decision makes it possible to make state supervision in the field of checking the fulfillment of requirements for vehicles in operation, in the event of changes in their design more transparent and understandable.


Federal Agency for the Education of the Russian Federation

Kuban State University

Faculty of Management and Psychology

Department of State and Municipal Administration

Course work According to government regulation of the economy on the topic:

"Regulation of the defense and industrial complex"


Introduction ........................................................................ ... 3

1 Theoritical aspects in the study of the defense and industrial complex: .......................................... ..5

1.1. The concept, composition and state of the defense and industrial complex ..................................................................... ... 5

1.2. FINANCING OPK ...................................................... .13

1.3. Features of the privatization of enterprises of industries .................. .16

2. Analysis of state regulation and management of the OPK of Russia ................................................... 26

Conclusion ........................................................................48

List of literature used ....................................... ... 50


The relevance of the topic chosen by me is that the defense and industrial complex is the highest quality, high-tech sector of the economy in which the largest part of the Russian potential of innovation is concentrated, i.e. It largely determines the development of the country's economy, and which is necessary to ensure the guarantee of strategic stability and protection of national borders. All of the above provisions are the main indicators of the country's development and determining its position among other countries of the world. Therefore, the improvement and development of the defense and industrial complex is very relevant for individual industries and countries as a whole.

The object of research in this work is the defense and industrial complex.

The subject of my research is the study of various components of the defense and industrial complex.

The purpose of this work is, as far as possible, a complete study of the defense and industrial complex, its roles and values \u200b\u200bfor the country as a whole.

The main tasks of my work are: determining the structure of the defense and industrial complex, its state today and possible options for further development.

The structure of this work includes 3 chapters. The first chapter is theoretical, it addresses the main provisions of this topic. In the second chapter I spend the analysis state regulation and managing the defense and industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The third chapter is devoted to the recommendations on the further development of the defense industry.

1. Regulation of the defense industry


1.1 The concept, composition and state of the defense and industrial complex

The defense and industrial complex of Russia (OPK), the previously called "military-industrial complex" (military-industrial complex), is the most qualitative, high-tech sector of the economy. The greatest part The Russian potential of innovation is concentrated in the defense complex. It includes the newest achievements of the country both in the organization of production and, especially in the field of technology and the best personnel of scientists, specialists and workers.

Throughout the years of the existence of Soviet power, the economy has experienced a burden of militarization. The military-industrial complex developed programs that are often not related to the real needs of the civil economy.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the tasks, functions and results of the OPK acquire significant changes: military doctrine changes, the role of the OPK in the dissemination of high technologies in civil industries increases, the participation of the OPK in foreign economic relations is increasing, etc.

Thus, the OPK begins to work for a real economy, and not only consumes the highest-quality material, labor resources and priority financing. The defense industry should become a sphere of market and profitable.

The military power of the Soviet Union relied on a significant general economic foundation. From the point of view of the possibilities of the operation of the MIC, the economy was self-sufficient. The manufacture of the latest weapons practically did not depend on the external economic connections. Indicators The role of the military-industrial complex in the economic structure of the state are the proportion of military expenditures in GDP, the volume of military production, the number of employed.

In the USSR in the 80s. The share of defense expenditures was 9-13% of GDP. The complex was employed 10 million people. The sectoral structure and high scientific and technical potential of the industry allowed to provide strategic parity with the country's leading economically and militarily (USSR was about 1/3 of the US GDP). GDP absorbed a huge share of all the recovered and qualitative resources of the country. It was consumed by 30-50% of the most effective types of metal products and plastics. The prevailing part was spent on his needs. intellectual Potential countries.

The development of the military-industrial complex, the arms race became completely incommensurable with the economic opportunities of the country. The defense industry did not know the resource and financial constraints that arose in other sectors of the economy, which led to the technological lag of the civil industry.

Increased in the amount of the proportion of the military sector was specific feature Soviet economy. As a result of this sectoral structure It was deformed and needed improving. The overstrainance of military programs has become a serious obstacle to the economic and social progress of the country.

According to many specialists, the USSR economy has been tangled on excessive militarization of the economy. Already at the beginning of the 80s. XX century There was an urgent need to reduce military efforts, which led to a decrease in military spending in comparison with the United States. So, in 1980 - 1986 The United States has increased military costs by 6.7%, and the USSR is 5.5%.

Russia inherited 80% of the Defense Industry of the USSR. This means that the degree of militarization of the economy turned out to be higher compared to the rest of the former union.

The defense and industrial complex is the most important part of the military potential of Russia. The basis of the OPK is about 1280 enterprises and organizations located in 72 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 58% of them are federal state unitary enterprises (FSUE), 19% of joint-stock companies (AO) with a state-owned shares of at least 59%, 23% of the JSC - with a state share of less than 50%.

The composition of the OCC includes the following industries, the subordinate defense industry of Russia:

· Aviation industry (AP);

· Production of ammunition and special spruce (BP and CX);

· Production of arms and military equipment (IWT);

· Production of rocket and space technology (RTC);

· Communication industry (PSS);

· Shipbuilding industry (SP);

· Electronic industry (EP);

· Radio industry (RP).

The scientific and technical complex of Russia and now in its effectiveness exceeds the United States, if the number scientific results Estimated by a single financing, for example, $ 1. Today, Russia on one embedded dollar produces 4 times more products than in the United States.

OPK enterprises are extremely unevenly located on the territory of most subjects of the Russian Federation. Some areas and more than 70 cities factories, including closed administrative and territorial entities, are completely dependent on the work of the complex, since they are practically lacking other areas of labor.

This situation is most difficult in the Udmurt Republic (55.3% of the employed public operates at the defense industry enterprises), Saratov (50.9%), Novosibirsk (43.5%) regions, the North-West and Ural regions (30.7 %).

Regions with a high share of employed at the enterprises of the OPK form a large potential for massive labor migration to other areas, which in the absence of sufficient investments in the production and housing and communal sphere creates economic and social tensions. Therefore, in these regions, it is important to take into account the local opportunities for employment released from the defense branches of workers. Since 1991, the production of military products in the country fell by almost 90%. Government procurement of weapons decreased by the same amount. In fact, the three stages of the state conversion of the OPK were conducted in unsuccessful. From this period, the collapse of the world's unique scientific and technical potential began.

In 1992, the defense sector was deprived of the order. The government sharply reduced his investment and thus left the OPK without livelihoods and prospects.

The reduction of military spending, first of all, affected the procurement of IWT and orders for R & D, the decrease in which in 1991-1997. Every year on average about 30% (only in one 1993 - 68%). As a result, the cost of purchasing the IWT decreased at 14, and on military R & D - 13 times. This, naturally, automatically led to a decrease in public procurement in the military industry. Annual defense order during this period never exceeded a 10% level of 1991. Sale of weapons in the foreign market has not changed, and he could not change the situation. Exports of military products for a long time declined simultaneously with domestic demand.

As a result, a situation was created, in which it was almost impossible to carry out the relevant restructuring of the defense industry. World practice shows that normal restructuring, i.e. Adaptation to the civil market occurs when a decrease in the volume of Introduction of the IWT is no more than 5-7% per year. In Russia, the pace was several times more, besides, only for 1991-1992. The conversion was undergoing 1238 enterprises of the complex and 1.08 million people were dismissed from it.

The main causes of difficulties in the OPK were due to:

· Ill-conceived conversion;

· Inefficient privatization of OPK objects;

· Insufficient financing;

· Imperfection of management.

In January-October 2009, the production volume of the OPK products amounted to 103.8% to the corresponding period of 2008. The increase in the production of civilian products was observed only in the shipbuilding industry. In the other sectors of the complex there is a significant drop in the production of civilian products.

1.2 Financing of the OPK

One of the main problems of the complex is in definition of funding. In this area, generally accepted in world statistics are indicators of annual military expenditures per serviceman and one resident of the country. In 1997, military spending per serviceman was equal (thousand US dollars): in Russia, approximately 14, Great Britain -200, Germany - 98, USA - 176. In the same year, military expenses per capita were, US dollars: In Russia - 233, USA -978, the United Kingdom - 578, France - 756, Greece - 517.

The costs of the state budget of the Russian Federation for defense needs amounted to 4.4% of GDP; In 1994 - 5.6; In 1995 - less than 4; In 1996 - 2.7%. At the same time, the volume of GDP itself has continuously decreased.

The limited possibilities of financing the state defense order for the supply to the armed forces of specific IWT samples led to the idea to concentrate most of the resources allocated for these goals in the field of creating new types of weapons. The implementation of the idea would allow to create scientific and technical and technological grounds for the subsequent re-equipment of the Russian armed forces on qualitatively new IWT systems.

Today for Russia, the backlog in this area from the leading countries in economic and militarily countries is unacceptable. The world is on the threshold of the next military-technical revolution, which should lead to a significant high-quality jerk in the modernization of the currently active IWP samples, the emergence of fundamentally new types of weapons that will be based on new physical principles and high-tech technologies. Moreover, the dual purpose will have much more technologies than those that are used in the production of current weapons.

However, in practice, the reform of military R & D was not supported by the relevant budget resources. So, only for 1989-1995. There has been more than 10x reducing financing for R & D in the field of military production. Today in Russia from the budget for this, it is allocated in dollar terms in fact, 30 times less than in the United States 5 and 10 times less than in NATO European countries. In addition, budget allocations are a planned indicator, which in recent years has never been performed. The percentage of real allocations for R & D defense nature differs significantly from the initial plans.

Of course, budget financing is not able to solve all the economic problems of the OPK.

For example, rocket and space activities are funded from various sources:

· From the state budget - state space programs;

· Such state or extrabudgetary structures, for example, as RAO Gazprom;

· Regional authorities;

· Developer enterprises;

· Foreign customers under contracts.

The main sources of financing and income of enterprises and organizations of the industry are the budget financing of projects from a rocket and space agency, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1998, sales of space products on foreign orders amounted to 880 million dollars.

The international partnership has received widespread, except for the effect of capital mobilization, serves as a means of penetration into overseas markets. Russia for the preservation and growth of rocket and space potential requires a targeted state scientific and technical policy, a regulatory framework, the development of the industry development strategy.

One of the negative results of deterioration of the financial situation of defense enterprises is a sharp obsolesis equipment. The insufficient level of investment in the technical re-equipment of functioning and mobilization facilities leads to their rapid physical and moral aging, which in the near future will inevitably affect the ability to produce modern weapons and military equipment. Analysis of the technical condition of the active part of the main production assembly funds of the defense industry shows that the sectors there was a negative tendency to obsolet the equipment fleet and a situation may arise when the number of equipment with age for more than 20 years will be almost 50%.

As a result of the reduction in the current production of weapons and military equipment and the complex financial situation of the enterprises of the complex deteriorates the financial situation of labor collectives. In the defense industry, the average salary decreased dramatically: today it is 30-40% lower than in general industrial production. This trend is associated with the fact that in the OPK, the decrease in the number of working hours is more slow compared to the fall in production volumes, as well as with a large number of city-forming enterprises.

Currently, in many enterprises of the OPK there is a significant hidden unemployment. The complex has significantly declined the personnel potential of labor. Thus, the average age of the employee reached 43 years (in research organizations and design bureaus - 45). The youth up to 30 years at the enterprises of the defense industry accounts for only 16% of personnel (in Research Institute and KB - 12%). High the share of women -52% and working retirees - 11.5% (in Research Institute and KB - 15.5%). The total number of doctors and candidates of science has decreased.

1.3 Features of the privatization of enterprises of industries

The general objectives and objectives of state privatization programs did not take into account the characteristics of enterprises of the defense industry. The transition to the market economy of enterprises of the Defense Industry sectors was held in conditions of general economic crisiscomplicated by the conversion conducted. Already at the initial stage of privatization of enterprises of the OCK, along with individual positive moments Revealed and negative, including the rejection of profile products.

Privatization at the enterprises of the OPK was accompanied by the termination of government financing, which is quite natural. However, new owners, first of all, labor collectives were unable to invest production, especially his defense part. Privatization was accompanied by a large-scale and difficult state-controlled process of the care of former defense enterprises from the Introduction of the IWT, an unjustified narrowing of the nomenclature of military products, which was practically no progressive by the progressive unification of IWT samples. In subsequent years, this situation has deteriorated even more. Privatization goals were not achieved.

The privatization of OPK enterprises pursued the goal not only to preserve, but also further improve their scientific and technical and personnel potential. The main tasks of privatization in this area included:

Minimizing the cost of manufacturing and the development of weapons and military equipment, taking into account the requirements of the military doctrine and ensure that Russia's defense capability is provided on this basis;

The creation of an optimal structure of production in an OPK corresponding to market conditions;

The most efficient use of the personnel, scientific and technical and production potential of the OPK to achieve the fastest stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the country.

The privatization of OPK enterprises was supposed to be carried out on the basis of the following principles:

· Coordination of the interests of the Russian Federation, national-state and administrative and territorial entities under the Russian Federation;

· Differentiation of powers and functions when conducting privatization between government and management bodies;

· Priority of labor collectives in the privatization of OPK enterprises to mitigate social tensions and preserve the high scientific and technical and industrial potential of the enterprises of the defense complex;

· Providing financial support to enterprises undergoing denationalization and privatization - the creation of special fund support funds, providing additional benefits to labor collectives, etc.

The process of privatization of enterprises, OPK influenced a complex of factors. First, this is a valid management system for defense enterprises based on the rigid centralization of administrative functions that significantly limited their production and economic independence.

Secondly, the scale of production, which made it difficult to buy property by labor collectives; non-uniformity of the placement of the scientific and technical and production potential of the defense industry within Russia; Diversification of production, manifested in the structure of products manufactured by enterprises (military and military-technical, as well as dual-use products, general consumer goods, non-food consumption goods).

Thirdly, the presence of mobilization capacities and reserves, significantly limiting the process of denationalization and privatization.

Fourth, the conversion of military production, the change in the structure of the products and the status of the defense enterprise; Expansion of privatization capabilities.

It should also be borne in mind that there were no fundamental legislative and legal documents defining the development of the OCP: the laws on the defense order, the status of the defense enterprise; Consistent decisions with the states of the CIS on the joint production of military and military-technical products, which made it difficult to prepare the concept and programs for the privatization of enterprises of the complex.

The beginning of the denationalization of property and privatization in the defense complex can be attributed to 1990-1992, when various forms of ownership appeared within the framework of a multi-way economy, and the privatization and privatization of property were not legalized and were carried out in accordance with individual solutions at the level of power structures.

Spontaneous privatization that happened in a number of industries national Economy, I should not spread to the OPK, as she could lead to their complete collapse. In 1993, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the peculiarities of privatization and additional measures of state regulation of enterprises of defense industry enterprises" of August 19 was signed on August 19 No. 1267 and a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On enterprises and organizations of defense industries, not subject to privatization in 1993-1995 years, as well as transformed into joint Stock Company"Dated December 11, 1993 No. 1285, which allowed to translate into an organized process privatization in the defense complex. These documents were envisaged:

· Retreat for enterprises of defense industries (OPK) from standard privatization procedures provided for by the State Privatization Program;

· Drawing up a list of enterprises in federal property and not subject to privatization, for the obligations of which the state is responsible - ensuring the fulfillment of defense order and defense R & D, the guarantee of relevant wages, the preservation of state secrets, the content of mobilization capacity, etc.;

· Establishment of the procedure for managing state packages of shares of defense enterprises and the use of dividends on the specified shares;

· Fastening the entry of defense enterprises and organizations in the lists of enterprises:

a) not subject to privatization in 1993-1995;

b) to be privatized on the basis of concepts specially designed for them;

c) converted to joint stock companies control package shares for three years in federal property;

d) transformed into joint-stock companies with the consolidation of the "Golden Action" for a period of three years beyond the state;

e) privatized without restrictions.

The pace of privatization, especially at the initial stage, constantly increased. If in 1991-1992 About 6.5% of the total number of enterprises of the OPK were privatized, in 1993 - 25, then in 1994 - 60%. In 1995, the share of privatized enterprises of the OPK amounted to over 70% of the total number of them. The most active privatization process was held at the enterprises of the aviation, radio and electronic industry.

The most common method of privatization in the OPK is the sale of shares of open-type joint-stock sockets. Among other methods of privatization, the redemption of leased property was used, the sale of enterprises in the commercial competition and the sale of property (assets) of existing and liquidated enterprises and objects. The results of the activities of privatized enterprises worsened.

According to various estimates, the structural restructuring of the enterprises of the defense complex, including the modernization of production and the conversion of the defense industry, will require from 150 to $ 300 billion. The adaptive response of the defense complex enterprises, closely cooperating among themselves on the basis of scientific, industrial and cooperation ties, was the desire to form various integrated structures with the predominance of recently joint-stock-industrial companies and financial and industrial groups.

Creating an extensive network of financial and industrial groups is one of the most effective ways to attract extrabudgetary sources of financing for the withdrawal of OPK from the crisis, the implementation of structural restructuring, reorientation industrial enterprises and scientific organizations on their own funds. The FPG formation based on OPK enterprises increases the stability of enterprises of enterprises to external influences, contributes to the expansion of enterprises in all areas of activity, reduces the likelihood of bankruptcy, promotes the redistribution of management functions.

The emergence of FIGs should be regulated and regulated by the state, especially when combining enterprises that have a significant impact on the defense capability of Russia, since, otherwise, group interests that are in incision with the state industrial policy in the OPK may prevail. At the same time, according to other, less significant areas of operation, the FPG can consolidate enterprises on a voluntary basis.

Privatization of OPK enterprises should contribute to the development new system Ownership of ownership aimed at efficient management. However, a positive result from institutional transformations in the OPK can be achieved only in a complex with measures for the conversion of military production, its demonopolization, financial stabilization, development financial markets, as well as when creating conditions for the emergence of a competitive environment, etc.

Checking (voucher) Stage of privatization in the OPK ended on July 1, 1994, did not bring positive results. However, he revealed a number of the following problems:

The fall in production volumes and especially the decline in defense studies as a result of a significant reduction in the state defense order.

Loss of mobilization capacity due to the lack of public financing. Enterprises that have in their composition mobilization capacity should finance the latter in accordance with prisoners, within the framework of which mobilization capacity contains partially at the expense of enterprises, and in part - states. The last constantly violated its obligations, which led to the loss of mobilization capacity.

Bankruptcy of part of joint-stock (privatized) enterprises. In carrying out the privatization program, it was assumed that privatization and incorporation will save defense enterprises from bankruptcy. However, bankruptcies are currently found among public and among privatized enterprises.

Lack of control mechanism for the use of intellectual property when privatizing enterprises and scientific organizations.

According to regulatory documents on privatization, intellectual property should be assessed separately during the overall assessment of the value of the property, but also due to the lack of relevant mechanisms and control over the use of intellectual property of the enterprise, in many cases, the assessment was not carried out. This provision often led to its lubrication, transfer to other industries and commercial structures. Foreign firms are also great interest in intellectual property of Russian defense enterprises.

· The destruction of scientific, technological and cooperation links between enterprises as a result of the privatization of individual enterprises united in a single complex; Weakening of the research potential of scientific organizations with a separate privatization of the scientific and experimental production base.

Exercising in the process of privatization policy of demonopolization, the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation and the GCAP of the Russian Federation used the principle of separate privatization of scientific organizations and industrial enterprises belonging to a single complex. This led to the destruction of the relationship between science and production, technological and cooperation bonds both inside the OCC and between the adjacent industries. At the initial stage of privatization, the largest scientific and production complexes (for example, OKB them were actually deprived (for example, OKB. A.N. Tupolev, etc.).

· Weakening of state control over the activities of privatized defense enterprises involved in the implementation of the state defense order. Due to the lack of 1995, the Law on State Defense Order did not establish the effective interaction of government bodies with privatized defense enterprises. This led to the fact that the incorporate enterprises released from the State Committee of Russia, as well as enterprises, whose shares package was fixed in state owned, refused to fulfill the defense order due to its disadvantage.

· The system of voucher privatization did not create effective owners capable of ensuring the influx of the necessary investment in the defense complex. Privatization did not stimulate additional investments. Foreign investors preferred to participate in the creation of joint ventures whose co-founders are state defense enterprises, since in this case the risk of loss of nested capital is reduced.

· The collapse of the case social sphere As a result of the transfer of social and cultural and domestic facilities to municipal property. The Social Committee of the State Committee of Russia included more than 70 cities-factories with separate scientific and industrial units and a closed social infrastructure, which in the context of the crisis suffered to the greatest extent. The transfer of social and cultural and domestic objects to municipal ownership in this case could not help preserve these objects, since the defunnel enterprises were insignificant to local budgets. Municipal bodies did not have the necessary funds to maintain social infrastructure.

Privatized enterprises, without having sufficient funds for the maintenance of their social facilities, also sought to replicate these objects that ensure profit.

Thus, most privatized OPK enterprises, as well as state, turned out to be in a difficult economic and financial position due to a significant reduction in the defense order and lack of investments. The privatization of property in the OPK in the absence of proper management did not lead to an increase in production efficiency. Now the needs of defense are half provided by private enterprises, including joint-stock companies with the participation of the state. It is important to use the competitive system of public procurement.

The preservation and activation of the scientific and industrial potential of the OPK under current conditions should be concentrated in the following directions:

· Providing the priority of state support for the conversion of the knowledge-intensive industry and the stimulation of NTP, bringing government spending for these purposes to the regulatory level established by the current legislation;

· Completion of work on the reorganization of defense industry enterprises in state enterprises and joint-stock companies with the repayment of debt formed due to the underfunding of the state defense order and the restructuring of other overdue debt obligations;

· Phased repayment of the accumulated debt of the state for the defense order, ensuring the strict execution of allocations for the purchase of military equipment and the implementation of the R & D, provided for in the federal budget law;

· Ensuring the state protection of domestic producers of space and aircraft equipment, other high-tech products, preventing benefits to importers and foreign manufacturers of these types of products, the implementation of adopted regulatory acts and programs as priority areas of state structural policy.

The measures taken by the Government of Russia in 1998-2001, allowed mainly to suspend negative trends in the OPK. In particular, in a number of industries, the volume of production increased, in almost all industries its fall was significantly slowed down, some indicators of the economic activity of defense enterprises improved. However, in the future it is necessary to solve such important tasks as preservation of scientific schools working on defense, advanced technologies; Determination of the most promising Military-technical programs of the XXI century.

2. Analysis of state regulation and management of the OPK of Russia

In Russia, the reform of the OPK began in 1991 in fact outside the regulatory framework. The literal following the slogan "is allowed everything that is not prohibited by the law" led to the elimination of large production associations, the rupture of relations between the assembly enterprises and the CB profile, in contact with foreign competitors or the bankruptcy of a number of strategically important enterprises of the second and the following levels of cooperation. By eliminating the Soviet system of management, the state lost real leverage of regulating sometimes spontaneous processes.

The effective work of enterprises of the domestic OPK is almost impossible today without a cardinal revision regulatory frameworkEspecially in the field of state support and the functioning of the formed integrated structures. For the real conditions for the activities of defense enterprises in the country, characterized by the transition to market conditions and the presence of a powerful public sector, a three-level control system (with a clear partition of functions) is optimal:

First level - level government controlled.

The second level is the level of corporate governance in the framework of the created integrated structures that make up the redundant functions of the state.

The third level is direct management at enterprises.

At the state level, the following main tasks are solved:

1. Formation and implementation of state military-technical policy.

2. Development and implementation effective mechanisms State regulation and software target management of defense production.

3. Maintaining a reasonable real level of production facilities.

4. Formation and implementation of long-term government weapons programs. Program-targeted defense production management in specific weapons programs.

5. Comprehensive state support.

6. Ensuring the unification and standardization of weapons and military equipment.

7. Formation of a unified product quality assurance system.

8. Implementation of the rights to order by the results of intellectual activities in the field of military products and dual-use products.

9. Organization of military-technical cooperation with foreign countries.

10. Creating conditions for equal integration into world economyAttracting large investments of strategic partners and investors.

11. Organization of training engineering and technical personnel of the required specialties in state universities and in the institutions of the professional formation system.

12. Ensuring socio-economic stability in the defense and industrial complex.

Tasks solved at the corporate level (Corporation, Holding):

1. Formation and implementation of a strategy for the development of a corporation, main production departments (businesses) and enterprises.

2. Consolidation of financial, material and intellectual resources in priority activities. Signing contracts with customers, state submits and adjustments.

3. Restructuring and sanitation of enterprises (liquidation of duplicate services and industries, excessive physically and morally obsolete facilities), production diversification. Qualitative updating of the Scientific and Production Base of the OKB and serial plants. Acquisition of necessary assets.

4. Attracting the financing of commercial projects for the development and production of high-tech products of civilian purposes of financial resources of domestic and foreign businesses.

5. Implementing a single product quality assurance system.

6. Ensuring reliable after-sales service to the customer supplied.

7. Inclusion of the results of intellectual activity in the economic turnover.

8. Formation and ensuring the implementation of social policy at the enterprises of the Corporation (Holding).

Tasks solved at the enterprise level:

1. Implementation of the Corporation Strategy for the Development and Production of Profile Products, the introduction of advanced technologies, improving the quality of products, diversification and profitability of production.

2. Qualitative fulfillment of state defense and work on the BTS.

3. Implementation of social policy.

The state of the defense and industrial complex is largely determined general Regulations in the economy, the development of industry, technologies and the scientific and educational sphere. Reforming OPK in 1992-2001 It was irregular and unsystematic character, led to a sharp decrease in the share of products produced in the manufacturing industries. A decrease in the amount of state defense order for 10 years almost 100 times led to the degradation of the production base of many defense enterprises and even entire sub-sectors. So, if in 1985 the country's aviation received more than 600 aircraft from different classes from industry, then for 1991-2001 - only a few units. Russian Ministry of Defense due to lack of funding is not able to purchase new aircraft samples for troops, for example, Su-30. SU-30MKI airplanes supplied to India and China in their tactical and technical characteristics are superior to aircraft that have Russian armed forces.

The Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Federal Target Program "Reforming and Development of the Defense and Industrial Complex (2002-2006)". The program is aimed at building vertically integrated structures and FIGs to concentrate resources on solving certain tasks. The strategic goal of reforming the defense industry is to form a new appearance of the defense and industrial complex by reforming it in accordance with the tasks of military construction and taking into account the main parameters of the state program of weapons for 2001-2010, predictive assessments of military-technical cooperation and the need to maintain the required level of mobilization capacity , as well as the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the defense and industrial complex, the development and production of competitive in the internal and foreign markets of high-tech products of military and civilian purposes.

As a result of the program, the following main results are expected:

· Creating an effective structure of the defense and industrial complex, including by forming the main system-forming research and production complexes that can most fully satisfy the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern systems, complexes and samples of weapons and military equipment;

· Increasing the loading of production capacity of the system-forming integrated structures occupied in military production, an average of up to 70 percent (taking into account mobilization tasks);

· Improvement age structure active part of the main production facilities of the organizations of the defense and industrial complex;

· Improving the structure of exports, an increase in the share of the innovative component in it;

· Ensuring the release of additional products in the amount of about 80 billion rubles;

· Ensuring the increase in the share of the participation of the state in the capital of the headquarters of the system-forming integrated structures before the test package of shares.

By the end of the program implementation, a new composition of the defense and industrial complex on the basis of the system-forming scientific and production complexes should be mainly formed.

The reform of the OPK seems to be large-scale. It includes the restoration of broken production chains and the creation of large holdings, eliminating excessive enterprises and mobilization facilities, an increase in financing by optimizing military and technical cooperation and increasing the internal defense order.

Foreign experts note the greatest realism of the program, which will achieve the level of stability that has not observed over the past ten years. It makes it advantageous of it from the previous program, calculated for 1996-2005. And 80% of weapons and military equipment envisaged modernization, but less than 25% of the necessary funds were allocated to its implementation.

At the same time, many practices believe that the OPK reform program is not fully worked out. In particular, among the shortcomings of the regulatory framework for the reform of the OPK, the non-irregularities of the Holding Act are noted. Without the relevant law, it will be pyramids, not holding a head firm, located in Moscow, will be renewed by regional enterprises and will redistribute financial resources. Without such a law, the association in Holdings follows the stations that it does not allow enterprises belonging to the concerns effectively develop. It is possible to disagree with this thesis, but, of course, the basic principles of economic activity should be established by law. In addition, according to the leaders of defense enterprises, the new Federal Law on State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises imposes absolutely unrealistic requirements. But with this position you can argue. Indeed, the director of FGUPOV often feel the owners of the enterprise and therefore in every way resist the development of clear criteria for work and transparent reports on the results achieved.

The defenders also propose to make a change in the law on insolvency (bankruptcy) of the changes that take into account the features of the PCK enterprises, in particular, the fact that the deterioration of their financial condition is primarily due to the debts on state defense and the cost of maintaining mobilization capacity.

The Federal Target Program "Reform and Development of the Defense Industrial Complex (2002-2006)" should also be aimed at preserving strategically important production facilities, critical technologies created in defense industries, and their personnel potential. In addition, the key link in the reform of the OPK should be the creation of an effective management system of this complex. Perhaps it will be necessary to create a special state body, which would have authorized the procurement of armaments at high knowledge of military needs and production capabilities of the complex.

The intersectoral approach has great potential compared to the industry. In Russia, the reform of the OPK until recently was based on sectoral principles.

The state policy and state support for this sector of the economy plays a decisive role in the development of the OPK.

Along with this program, the following programs have direct impact on the development of OPK:

· National Technological Base for 2002-2006 (State Customers: Ministry of Industry of Russia - Coordinator, Minatom Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, MPR of Russia, Russian Ministry of Communications, Gosstandart of Russia, Gosstroy Russia, Rosavihakosmos, Rosboyprips, Ravation, Ross, Rossostroita);

· Global navigation system (state customers: Rosaviacosmos - Coordinator, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Industry and Communications of Russia, Ministry of Transport of Russia, Raskartography);

· Development of civil aviation equipment for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015 (State Customer: Rosaviacosmos);

· The Federal Space Program of Russia for 2001-2005 (State Customer: Rosaviacosmos);

· Destruction of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation (State Customer: Rosboyprises);

· Nuclear and radiation safety of Russia for 2000-2006 (subprogramme "Nuclear and radiation safety at shipbuilding enterprises", state customer: Rossudruption);

· Electronic Russia (2002-2010, state customers: Rosaviakosmos, RAS);

· World Ocean (subprogrammes "Creation of technologies for the development of resources and spaces of the World Ocean" and "Creation of high-tech installations, machinery and equipment for marine oil production, gas and the development of hydrocarbon fields on the continental shelf of the Arctic for 2003-2012", State Customer: Rossostroita ).

In addition to these FDPs, the state accounts of which are departments who supervise the military industrial complex, enterprises of the military-industrial complex participate in the implementation and other non-core programs, but contracts for the implementation of orders for these programs are part of a part, and the FTPs themselves do not have the target orientation and development of the military-industrial complex.

Important for the development of OPK is given to the following regulatory and legal acts, doctrines and concepts:

· Basics of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology development for the period up to 2010 and the future perspective;

· Sea doctrine of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020;

· Basics of the Policy of the Russian Federation in the Development of the Defense and Industrial Complex until 2010 and the Further Prospect (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on November 10, 2001 No. FR-1991);

· Military doctrine of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21.04.2000 No. 706);

· The concept of foreign policy of the Russian Federation;

· The concept of national security of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24);

· The concept of government property management and privatization in the Russian Federation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.09.1999 №1024);

· The concept of innovative policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.24.1998 g №832);

· State Arms Program (2001-2010);

· Plans for the mobilization development of the Russian economy.

In addition, another number of regulatory documents should be allocated:

· Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 1998 No. 54 "On the implementation of state policy in the field of rocket - space industry";

· Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.06.2002 No. 456 "On licensing activities in the field of armament and military equipment";

· Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.10.1999 №1109 "On approval of the Regulation on the implementation of the federal authorities of the executive authority of military-technical support and control of the development, production and supply of military-purpose products";

· Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 1100 "On the provision of public interest in conducting bankruptcy procedures against large, economically or socially significant organizations, as well as organizations with strategic importance to ensure national security";

· Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.02.1998 No. 143 "On the procedure for financing investment programs for the conversion of the defense industry at the expense of the federal budget and the conditions of their competitive selection";

· Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 02, 19988 No. 1017 "On approval of the procedure for providing funds allocated from the federal budget for social support for employees of the defense complex organizations in connection with the restructuring and the conversion of the defense industry for 1998-2000";

· Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 24, 2002 No. 630 "On Federal Research and Production Centers";

· Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.05.1996 No. 688 "On the priority measures for supporting enterprises of the defense complex of the Russian Federation";

· Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.10.2000 №1768 "On measures to ensure the concentration and rationalization of defense production in the Russian Federation."

The feature of the OCK is a special combination of closed and open technologies, the production of military and civilian products. In Russia, in 1992, a law on conversion was adopted. He processed and currently operates the Federal Law of April 13, 1998 No. 60-FZ "On the Conversion of the Defense Industry in the Russian Federation". This law establishes the principles of state policy in the implementation of the conversion of the defense industry and is aimed at carrying out the conversion of the defense industry based on the most efficient use of production capacity, scientific and technical potential and labor resources Converted organizations and ensuring the social protection of employees of these organizations.

State conversion planning is carried out on the basis of:

· Military doctrine of the Russian Federation;

· federal program development, creation and production of weapons and military equipment for a ten-year period; mobilization plan of the economy of the Russian Federation;

· Military-technical cooperation programs of the Russian Federation with foreign states In accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation is developing the state privatization program state property In the Russian Federation and projects of federal laws on making changes and additions to this program, taking into account the provisions of the Federal Conversion Target Program.

In the development of the conversion law, government decree was adopted: dated June 27, 1996 No. 754 "Questions state Fund Conversion "and dated February 2, 1998 №143" On the procedure for financing investment programs for the conversion of the defense industry at the expense of the federal budget and the conditions of their competitive selection. "

Federal Law of December 27, 1995 №213-FZ "On State Defense Order" establishes general legal and economic principles, the procedure for formation, placement, financing and execution of the state defense order and regulates relations in this area.

Under the state defense order, refers to the legal act, providing for the supply of products for federal state needs in order to maintain the necessary level of defense and security of the state: combat weapons, ammunition, military equipment, military property, etc., as well as export-import deliveries in Areas of military-technical cooperation with foreign states in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation. The placement of the defense order is carried out on a competitive basis, with the exception of supporting mobilization capacity. Defense order and conclusion state Contract (contract) to maintain mobilization facilities is required for all organizations in case the placement of the defense order does not entail losses from its implementation.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Federal Law of May 6, 1999 No. 97-FZ "On Competitions for Placing Orders for the Delivery of Goods, Performance of Works, Provision of Services for State Needs", regulates relations arising between the organizer of the Competition (State Customer) and participants of the competition (suppliers (performers)) in the process of holding a competition for placing orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services for state needs.

Federal Law of July 17, 1999 №174-ФЗ "On the financing of a state defense order for the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the Russian Federation." The law was suspended in 2003 and 2004. However, we note that it establishes legal norms that determine the composition of the state defense order for the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the minimum necessary volumes and the procedure for its financing for the period from 2000 to 2010 inclusive.

Defense order, the minimum necessary amounts of funding of which are established by this Federal Law, includes:

development, purchase, repair and modernization of weapons and military equipment (rocket complexes with intercontinental ballistic missiles; strategic winged missiles; means of missile defense; other rocket technology; space systems, etc.); capital construction, modernization and repair of special features of SIAS; Preparation of serial production of systems and Syas complexes.

Federal Law of July 19, 1998 No. 114-FZ "On the military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states." The law establishes the principles of state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states, legal and organizational basis of the activities of the authorities, state regulation and financing of work in the field of military-technical cooperation, the procedure for participation in the implementation of military-technical cooperation of developers, manufacturers of military Appointments and other subjects of military-technical cooperation. Under military-technical cooperation means activities in the field of international relations related to export and importation, including the supply or procurement of military products, as well as with the development and production of military products.

Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" establishes a special procedure in the bankruptcy of strategic enterprises. Strategic enterprises and organizations are federal state unitary enterprises and open joint-stock companies whose shares are in federal property and which produce production (works, services), which has strategic importance to ensure the defense and security of the state, the protection of morality, health, rights and legitimate interests. citizens of the Russian Federation; Organizations of the Defense and Industrial Complex - Production, Scientific and Production, Research, Design, Design, Testing and Other Organizations, carrying out work on ensuring the implementation of the state defense order. Thus, strategic enterprises and organizations are considered unable to meet the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) to fulfill the obligation to pay mandatory payments, if the relevant obligations and (or) duties are not executed within six months from the date, when they were to be executed, while for ordinary enterprises this period is three months.

More efficient forms of management are due to various forms of integration of industrial and financial capital. Regulatory regulation In this area, it is carried out by law of November 30, 1995 No. 190-FZ "On Financial and Industrial Groups", which establishes the legal framework for the creation, activities and liquidation of financial and industrial groups in the Russian Federation. Under the financial and industrial group it is understood as a combination of legal entities operating as basic and subsidiaries or in a fully or partially united their material and intangible assets (Participation) on the basis of an agreement on the establishment of a financial and industrial group for technological or economic integration for the implementation of investment and other projects and programs aimed at improving the competitiveness and expansion of markets for the sale of goods and services, an increase in production efficiency, creating new jobs. Among the participants of the financial and industrial group, there are necessarily the availability of organizations operating in the production of goods and services, as well as banks or other credit organizations. In general, this law (as well as the Civil Code) is a framework and does not allow to take into account all possible forms of integration, and joint activities, especially in such a difficult sector of the economy as an OPK. Development regulatory documents The integration formations in the OPK cannot be carried out by a single law and it is advisable to adopt special government decisions. Existing laws do not cover all the legal space of the functioning of the OPK. And the adoption of new laws is extremely slow.

It is obvious the need for special regulation of the OPK in a market economy. At the same time, it is difficult to agree with those experts who prove the impossibility of universal regulation by all enterprises, including the defense complex. Yes, they have a certain specificity, but the rules of economic activity should be distributed at all. In Russian conditions, we need a law on state support The defense and industrial complex, and not only separately for each direction (shipbuilding, space, nuclear industry, etc.), and integrated for the entire OPK. He should imagine all legal protective mechanisms from the current legislation and introduce new ones.

Analysis of applicable legislative and regulatory acts in the aspect of providing conditions for the implementation of program activities allows to distinguish a number of problems in principle, including:

· Legislative unresolved issues on the redistribution of budget payments of enterprises belonging to integration structures, the lack of sufficient tax regulation of transaction taxation within integration formations;

· Ensuring the control of the state over the process of reforming defense enterprises and the effectiveness of their management;

· Achieving the optimal balance between the strategically and economically appropriate concentration of production in the OPK and the development of the competitive environment;

· Expanding the authority to enterprises of the OPK in terms of arms exports and spare parts for them, repair services and arms upgrades.

The development of the OPK is largely due to military reform. Therefore, a number of experts advocate the development of draft laws: on military reform, state policy in the field of reduction and liquidation of weapons, the state program for the development of arms and military equipment, on the defense complex.

It seems appropriate to develop an open program on state regulation of structural reform of an OPK, which does not contain secret information (financing, specific areas of development of the complex). This will allow you to connect to the discussion of structural transformations of legislators, extensive circles of experts and the public.

It should be expanded by the legal framework for the creation of integrated structures. In addition, it is necessary to improve the program of reforming the defense industry, which is based on the principles of a strategic approach for the development of defense industries, given: the economic growth and growth of the defense order in 1999; combining military reform with the restructuring of the OPK and the displacement of the production of priority samples of arms and military equipment; Verifying military threats set forth in the concept of national security and in the military doctrine of Russia and other factors.

The main factor determining the development of the OPK will be the demand for OCK products arising from:

· State Arms Program for 2001-2010;

· Program studies on the export of weapons and military equipment in accordance with international treaties and obligations of Russia with foreign countries;

· Estimated mobilization plan.

The reorientation of the OPK with survival on development is possible only on the basis of an innovative model based on the advanced development of scientific and technical potential and its active use of defense enterprises.

The factors of innovative development of the OPK should be:

· The choice of a limited number of essential basic technologies that have a decisive effect on improving the efficiency of production and competitiveness of products and ensuring the transition to a new technological way;

· Development of dual-use technologies used both for the production of weapons and civilian products;

· Development of the infrastructure of the innovation process, including improvement investment climate and improvement of economic and legal support innovative activity;

· Use of modern methods of management on defense enterprises, modernization of products, development of new markets sales, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to increase the manageability and efficiency of this sector of the economy. To do this, make changes to the laws on state and municipal unitary enterprise, about trust management property, about the state privatization program, etc.

The main problem of the defense and industrial complex is to reduce the possibility of ensuring the national security and defense capability of the country, technical level, the quality and competitiveness of military and civil products.

Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem - ensuring the promising needs of the Russian armed forces in service, military and special technique and expanding the production and export of civilian high-tech products.

In my opinion, the development of the defense and industrial complex should be carried out on the basis of its competitive advantages through broad integration with the high-tech civilian sector of industry. This will create the technological basis for solving the main tasks facing the economy, and above all the formation of a new technological base for a breakthrough in the development of the production of high-tech products determining the pace of scientific and technological progress in the national economy. On the other hand, this will allow for some extent to eliminate the existing problems of non-rational use of OPK resources. According to the calculations of specialists, to solve defense problems, approximately "/ 4 enterprises, institutions and design bureaus of the current OPK will be required. At the same time, it is necessary to have a detailed program for the transformation of the rest of the OPK into a new scientific and technical complex in active state support. In other words, the contribution of conversion to the recovery of the economy should It is not in direct restriction of funding for OPK, but in a large-scale savings of resources in civil industries with an overly high degree of loading by military orders and reservations.

In my opinion, the promising direction in the conversion of the OPK could be the creation of vertical concerns, including production, design, marketing, sales of interconnected sets of innovative and competitive types of products. If necessary, for large-scale production of various equipment, it would be possible to go to the formation of transnational companies, primarily with the participation of enterprises located in the countries of near abroad.

As a promising direction, in my opinion is the formation of centers capable of scientific discoveries and the creation of new high technologies for use in various sectors of the national economy. Some in the past closed cities, focused on nuclear and other military research, can be replicated under such centers. They should create a wide network of small, mainly private, firms using the OPK, as well as R & D branches for the production of new civil goods and technologies. This sphere is predominantly small and medium-sized businesses are considered a very promising direction of the MPK transformations, especially for the near future, while resources are limited for large state-term projects.

The system of orders and pricing in the Ministry of Defense of Russia for purchased products and services is poorly focused on the functioning in a market economy. In the shortest possible time, it is necessary to ensure the legislative framework for reforming the system of state orders in terms of transition to program-target long-term planning, especially with regard to aviation and naval arms, whose acquisition programs are stretched for 20 or more. Planning the main parameters of priority programs for the acquisition of weapons and military equipment, including timing, the number of purchased samples, the total cost of R & D and procurement should be carried out at least for the period up to 2025.

It should be abandoned by the vicious practice of multivariates of the state weapon program, ensure full-fledged state financing and give gpv status federal Law. Planning works for one year does not allow optimizing financing, organization and planning of work at serial plants and seams enterprises, which leads to the rise in the cost of work, tighten the timing of the execution of orders and reduce product quality. In this regard, it is strongly necessary to introduce the practice of detailing the painting of budget funds on priority armament programs for at least 5 years, the conclusions of the five-year contracts of the Customer with the head executors and issuing to the head executors of budgetary powers to sign contracts with adjustments for the same period. Ultimately, it is required to build a fundamentally new defense project management system and required for their implementation by resources with a significant increase in the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the species of the Armed Forces. In particular, it is obvious the need to create consolidated armament programs of new generations with the inclusion of responsible representatives of the Ministry of Defense, interested species of the Armed Forces and Industry.

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that military equipment, weapons and ammunition are produced in the OPK, which are not only the basis for ensuring the national security and defense capacity of the country, but also are exported products that bring no small income into the country's budget. Consequently, it is necessary to develop this direction of the activities of the OPK.

1. Creating large scientific and production structures, an increase in the concentration of production, improving corporate governance, the creation of a system of sectoral and inter-sectoral organizations, which in the future can take on coordination of work on the implementation of large projects (programs).

2. Maintenance and development of critical technologies. The development and implementation of innovative projects in the interests of various fields of economics with solidarity financing of the state, enterprises and non-state investors is envisaged.

3. Forced technical re-equipment of the scientific and production base of the OPK, oriented, primarily to ensure the implementation of the state program of arms, the development of a unique stand and test base.

4. The elimination of acute problems in individual industries. Problem segments are an ammunition industry and special spruce, special materials and electronic component base.

5. Development of the Export Potential of the OPK, including the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of international projects in the field of weapons and military equipment.

6. Diversification of production, ensuring the creation and promotion of import-substituting and export-oriented high-tech products of civilian purposes.

7. Conduct an effective policy to ensure the quality management of the OPK products. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the relevant integrated interdepartmental program, as well as to organize the development and implementation of an interdepartmental innovative program for the development of IPI technologies.

8. The preservation and development of personnel capacity of the OPK, including the improvement of the training system (retraining) of personnel, stimulating the attraction of highly qualified specialists in the OPK.

All of the above should contribute to the compliance with the scientific and production potential of the OPK and its organizational structure to ensure the development of the country's defense and modernization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; providing sustainable financial and economic development of OPK organizations; leading compared to the dynamics of GDP growth rates of production in the OPK; Overcoming the technological lag of the domestic industry from leading countries of the world, the formation of a competitive high-tech sector of civil engineering of the country.


Thus, it can be said that the state of the defense and industrial complex is largely determined by the general provision in the economy, the development of industry, technologies and the scientific and educational sphere. Reforming OPK in 1992-2001 It was irregular and unsystematic character, led to a sharp decrease in the share of products produced in the manufacturing industries. A decrease in the amount of state defense order for 10 years almost 100 times led to the degradation of the production base of many defense enterprises and even entire sub-sectors.

A significant part of the OPK enterprises cannot pay off with debts and falls under the bankruptcy procedure only because at one time they did not receive money earned when performing a state defense order. For russian economy Characteristically widespread and use of outdated technologies, their share exceeds 80% of the technological potential used. Observing is a function of technological competition and demand, and not only the physical state of fixed assets. Therefore, when renewing demand, the obsolescence of the funds may stop.

Survive only those enterprises that were able to establish export deliveries of products and conquered a place in the domestic market of civilian products, successfully carrying out conversion programs. However, in conditions of insufficient and irregular budget financing These relatively prosperous enterprises have largely lost the possibility of creating and producing new military equipment and modern military products.

The volumes of production of military and civil products, as a whole, the OPK are approximately equal. Production facilities previously used for weapons and military equipment, with one degree or another efficiency reassessing the production of dual or purely civilian products. Thus, the aviation industry is released by gas turbine installations and gas-pumping units, oilfield equipment, metal-cutting machines with automated control systems. In the electronics industry, integral chips, electrovacuum and semiconductor devices, and measuring instrumentation are produced. The shipbuilding industry produces fire shirts, tugs, fishing vessels (mainly for export). In enterprises of the rocket and space industry, the production of medical equipment and equipment for multifunctional environmental monitoring is developing. These successes have been achieved by the price of a significant reduction in the volume of weapons and military equipment, and complete cessation of the production of certain types of military products.

When writing this work, I have been studied by me theoretical aspects This topic, as well as the analysis of state regulation and management of the OPK of Russia and developed recommendations on the further development of the defense and industrial complex of the Russian Federation.


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1.3 Tools of state regulation of the defense and industrial complex

Restriction of economic opportunities and the actual place of Russia in the global economic system today and in the future of the two or three coming decades involve the optimization of the structure of the military industry. The essence of it directly follows from the main provisions of the military doctrine of Russia at each individual stage, its priorities in the field of military construction.

In connection with the lack of financial resources, the large-scale re-equipment of the armed forces with new types of weapons is postponed to the future until 2020, then the large-scale structural rearrangement of the country's military industry will begin to correspond to the nomenclature of mass supplies of the IWT into the re-equipped army and the fleet. In the meantime, taking into account the existing realities, the military doctrine comes from the preservation and maintaining the leading role of strategic nuclear forces in the military system.

The emphasis on the development of strategic nuclear forces implies a change in priorities in the OPK of Russia. Speech should be about paramount attention to the development of the rocket and space and nuclear industry, as well as to military aircraft and shipbuilding. Appropriate development is also assumed in related industries producing components of the first group.

Announced by the Government of Russia in 2005-2009. The measures have made it possible to mainly suspend negative trends in the OPK. In particular, in a number of industries, the volume of production increased, in almost all industries its fall was significantly slowed down, some indicators of the economic activity of defense enterprises improved. But there are still very difficult tasks ahead, the main of which are: not to lose scientific schools working on defense; save advanced technology; Choose and concentrate efforts on the most promising military-technical programs in the XXI century. The rebels of the current chaos of Russia will necessarily need a modern army on the standards of the future, and capable of arming its domestic military industry.


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