
What are the bank cards. Payment cards: legislation, types of cards, registration. How are bank card payments made?

My blog is mostly read by smart people who have a good understanding of Internet marketing. Imagine the following picture when for your business:
1. Work has been done to optimize the site
2. Optimized and ongoing contextual advertising
3. We are working closely with social networks

Those. you have covered the three pillars of internet marketing: SEO, contextual advertising and SMM.

How else to collect leads? Here it is more difficult. The remaining channels, although they can be used, as a rule, their effectiveness is lower than those listed above. But with the right approach, you can build a good flow of leads (oh, this slang from business training).

One of our clients had a similar question and how it was proposed to organize a new channel affiliate program.

By an affiliate program, we mean a certain system when third-party people (for example, owners of thematic sites) attract customers to you. They attract you applications from customers, and for this you share part of the profit with them.
Applications from specific webmasters are controlled by so-called referral links. In fact, it's very close to UTM tags. It's just that the links themselves look like http://site.ru/?ref=12345, where 12345 is the partner ID.

Let's take a closer look at affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs (affiliate programs) are conventionally of two types:

1) Affiliate program integrated with the site. Such affiliate programs are popular with large online stores. Examples of affiliate programs from well-known sites:

Technically, to do this, you need to install an affiliate program script on the site. The market has turnkey solutions, but they all need to be “finished” by the programmer. Thus, you will need a familiar programmer to install. More details about the scripts themselves will be below.

2) Cooperation with CPA affiliates. Good information about CPA affiliate programs is described here (http://mygoldpartners.ru/cpa-partnerki/).
In short, this is an exchange in which site owners post their offer, and webmasters choose where to participate. The CPA affiliate program itself has already integrated personal panels of the webmaster and site owner, with statistics, etc.

B) The percentage of markups is very high, while the affiliate program itself is on the side of the webmaster (it is beneficial for the affiliate program to turn off the client’s money as much as possible, because it earns on commissions). Often this ends in scandals and courts with large claims. In general, the topic is extremely ambiguous.

In my opinion, the only advantage of CPA affiliate programs is that they already have a large database of webmasters. But each prominent CPA affiliate program has about 50-200 clients, so there is still competition. Moreover, these are the same clients in all CPA affiliate programs, the intersection of the client base is 80 percent. As a rule, these are large well-known brands in the online retail market.

Therefore, let's consider only the first option. Having your own affiliate program for a small company is much better than a CPA affiliate program because you are in complete control of the process. You are king and god. The only important disadvantage is that you will have to look for partners to attract applications yourself.

What do you need to launch your affiliate program?

1) Panel for partners
As I wrote above, there are ready-made solutions. They just need to be added. As a result, partners get a convenient panel from which they can see all the statistics on their traffic: how many clicks, how many leads, how many rejected. All this can be filtered by date. It is convenient to withdraw earned money through the panel. And you, as the site owner, control all clients through the admin panel. Those. everything is centralized and quite convenient.
Well, you need a cool design, webmasters are spoiled people.

Of the ready-made scripts, the most famous is Postaffiliatepro.ru. Real harvester. You will have to spend a lot of time learning and customizing for yourself. Those. it’s quite problematic to figure it out, your programmer will swear 🙂 But if you figure it out, you can set up an affiliate program very flexibly, for almost any whim.

2) Promotional materials
Be sure to need advertising banners of various formats. I also highly recommend making 1-2 beautiful landing pages where partners will send potential customers.
Pay attention, put landings on a separate domain, and not on the main site! It is important. Because there are many spammers among webmasters, and it is important that the site is not banned by search engines, and the mail domain is not included in the spam database. And let them ban landing pages, they still rank badly in search results.

3) Attracting webmasters
It is necessary to lure webmasters through those sites where they communicate. Here's what's most effective:

  • Placing an advertising topic on specialized forums. Type in the search engine "forum for webmasters" and go through the list. The largest one: http://searchengines.guru/forumdisplay.php?f=35
  • Placement of an advertising post on specialized publics. Here is the finished selection:

Plastic cards occupy a significant place in the settlement system of many industrial developed countries. AT last years different kinds plastic cards began to be used in Russia.

plastic card- is a plate of standard sizes (85.6 mm, 53.9 mm, 0.76 mm), made of special plastic, resistant to mechanical and thermal influences. From the above, it is clear that the main function of a plastic card- ensuring the identification of the person using it as a subject.

Classification of plastic cards of banks

There are many features by which plastic cards can be classified.

According to the material from which they are made:

  • paper (cardboard);
  • plastic;
  • metal.

At present, almost ubiquitous spread of plastic cards. However, paper (cardboard) cards sealed in a transparent film are often used to identify the cardholder. These are laminated cards. Lamination is a fairly cheap and easily accessible procedure, and therefore, if the card is used for payments, then in order to increase security against counterfeiting, a more advanced and complex technology for making plastic cards is used. At the same time, unlike metal, plastic can be easily heat treated and pressured (embossed), which is very important for personalizing a card before issuing it to a client.

For general purposes:

  • identification;
  • informational;
  • for financial transactions.

This division is not mutually exclusive. For example, big company may issue a card to each of its employees, which:

  • is a pass allowing access to certain areas of the enterprise (identification function);
  • on the same card, some important information about the cardholder can be recorded in coded form - an information function;
  • in addition, such a card can also be used for settlements in canteens and shops of this company - a settlement function.

System using multifunctional cards really exists abroad, and it is obvious that combining many functions in one plastic card is promising, since such a multifunctional card is convenient for the issuer and for the holder.

Based on the calculation mechanism:

  • bilateral systems— arose on the basis of bilateral agreements between participants in the settlements, under which cardholders can use them to purchase goods in closed networks controlled by the card issuer (department stores, gas stations, etc.);
  • multilateral systems- provide cardholders with the opportunity to buy goods on credit from various merchants and service organizations that recognize these cards as a means of payment. Multilateral systems are led by national bank card associations as well as travel and entertainment card companies (such as American Express).

By type of calculations:

  • credit cards associated with the discovery credit line in a bank, which enables the owner to use credit when buying goods and when receiving cash loans. Owner credit card a special card account is opened and a credit limit is set for the loan account for the entire validity period of the card and a one-time limit for the amount of one purchase; within the one-time limit, payment for the purchase can be made without authorization;
  • debit cards designed to receive cash from ATMs or to pay for goods with settlement through electronic terminals. The money is debited from the cardholder's bank account. Debit cards do not allow you to pay for purchases in the absence of money in the account.

Some authors single out payment cards as a type of credit cards in a special category. The difference is that total amount debt when using payment card must be repaid in full within a certain time after receipt of the statement without the right to extend the loan.

By category of clientele the issuer is targeting:

  • ordinary cards;
  • silver cards;
  • golden cards.

Ordinary cards are intended for an ordinary client. These are Visa Classic, Eurocard / MasterCard Mass (Standard).

Rice. 14. Visa Classic and Eurocard/MasterCard Mass

Silver card (Silver, Business) is called a business card and is intended for individuals, employees of companies authorized to spend their company's funds within certain limits.

Rice. 15. Visa Business and Eurocard/MasterCard Business

Gold card (Gold) is intended for the wealthiest wealthy clients.

Rice. 16. Visa Gold and Eurocard/MasterCard Gold

The VISA and Europay systems have cards that can only be used at ATMs to receive cash and electronic terminals: Visa Electron, Cirrus/Maestro. They are valid within the limits of the account balance, as a rule, they do not provide credit to the cardholder, and therefore they can be issued to any client, regardless of his level of security or credit history.

By nature of use:

  • individual card, issued to individual bank customers, can be standard or golden;
  • family card issued to family members of the person who has entered into the contract, who is responsible for the account;
  • corporate card issued legal entity, on the basis of this card, individual cards can be issued to selected persons (managers, chief accountant or valuable employees). They open personal accounts linked to a corporate card account. Responsibility to the bank corporate account has an organization, not individual owners of corporate cards.

Rice. 17. Cirrus/Maestro and Visa Electron

By affiliation with the issuing institution:

  • bank cards issued by a bank or a consortium of banks;
  • commercial cards issued by non-financial institutions: commercial firms or a group of commercial firms;
  • cards issued by organizations whose activities are directly the issuance of plastic cards and the creation of an infrastructure for their maintenance.

By area of ​​use:

  • universal cards are used to pay for any goods and services;
  • private commercial cards are used to pay for a specific service (for example, hotel chain cards, petrol stations, supermarkets).

By territorial affiliation:

  • international, operating in most countries;
  • national, operating within a state;
  • local, used in part of the territory of the state;
  • cards valid in one specific institution.

By time of use:

  • limited by any time period (sometimes with the right to prolong);
  • unlimited (unlimited).

According to the method of recording information on the card:

  • graphic record;
  • embossing;
  • bar coding;
  • magnetic stripe encoding;
  • laser recording (optical cards).

The earliest and simplest form of recording information on a card was and remains graphic image. It is still used in all cards, including the most technologically sophisticated ones. Initially, only the surname, first name of the card holder and information about its issuer were applied to the card. Later, a sample signature was provided on universal bank cards, and the surname and name began to be embossed (mechanically squeezed out).

Embossing— drawing data on the card in the form of embossed characters. This made it possible to process a card payment operation much faster, making an imprint of a slip on it. Information embossed on the card is instantly transferred to the slip. The method of transferring information embossed on the card is mechanical pressure. Embossing has not completely replaced the graphic image.

bar coding- recording information on a card using barcoding was used before the invention of the magnetic stripe and was not distributed in payment systems. Cards with barcodes, similar to those applied to goods, are quite popular in special card programs where no calculations are required. This is due to the relatively low cost of such cards and reading equipment. At the same time, for better protection, barcodes are covered with a layer opaque to the naked eye and read in infrared light.

Magnetic cards have the same appearance as ordinary plastic cards, only there is a magnetic stripe on the back of the card, and a photograph of the holder and a sample of his signature are also possible.

See further:

It is clear that the magnetic stripe no longer provides the necessary level of information protection against fraud and counterfeiting. Experts began to look for more reliable way recording information. It turned out to be chip(from the English chip - a crystal with an integrated circuit) or a microcircuit. Chip cards are also often referred to as smart cards.

See further:

In 1981, J. Drexler invented optical card. Optical memory cards have a larger capacity than memory cards, but data can only be written to them once. These cards use WORM (Write Once, Read Many) technology. Recording and reading information from such a card is performed by special equipment using a laser (hence another name - a laser card). The technology used in cards is similar to that used in laser discs. The main advantage of such cards is the ability to store large amounts of information. Such cards are banking technologies distribution has not yet been received due to the high cost of both the cards themselves and the reading equipment.

Requisites and means of protection of international bank cards



old design

New design

old design

New design

old design

New design

Front side

Payment system logo (emblem)

In the upper right or lower right corners, a tricolor rectangle consisting of horizontal stripes of blue, white and yellow with the word VISA in blue on the white stripe. Along the perimeter of the logo there is a microtext containing the first four digits of the card number and the code of the issuing bank (may consist of letters and numbers)


  1. A stylized letter E with a red tongue instead of the middle element and the inscription EUROCARD below it, enclosed in an oval.
  2. Truncated version: EUROCARD inscription only

INTERNATIONAL: two intersecting circles in red and yellow with MasterCard written in white over the circles

In the lower right corner under the hologram is the Maestro logo in the form of two intersecting circles of blue and red colors with the Maestro inscription made in white paint

Hologram On the right side of the map in the center is a three-dimensional mirror image of a flying dove. When the card is turned from right to left, the left wing of the dove increases, the right one falls (the dove flaps its wings) Against the background of horizontal lines containing the word MasterCard, made with microtext, three-dimensional images of the hemispheres the globe, on which, when the map is rotated, the grid of parallels and meridians changes to the outlines of the continents Two intersecting flat circles with three-dimensional images of moving continents against the background of horizontal lines containing the word MasterCard. The contours of the circles are made with microtext containing repeated MasterCard symbols Three-dimensional image of the brand name of the Security Council of the Russian Federation with the inscription Sberbank of Russia in white over it against the background of alternating horizontal lines consisting of the inscriptions Sberbank of Russia and Sberbank
Issuing bank logo top of the card in the right or left corners the inscription SBERBANK in black printing ink In the upper right corner of the card, the inscription SBEBANK RUSSIA in black printing ink
Number Starts with a number
4, divided into 4 groups, consists of 16 numbers (4-4-4-4) or 13 (4-3-3-3) with the last group of numbers on the hologram
Starts with the number 5, divided into 4 groups, consists of 16 numbers (4-4-4-4) with the last group of numbers on the hologram Consists of 18 digits divided into 2 groups (810 digits) with the last 4 on the hologram
Term data
Embossed start date and end date of the possible use of the card in the format month/year or month/day/year (10/02 or 10/15/02) Only the expiration date is embossed in month/year format (12/02)
Information about the bank that issued the card On the VISA cards(Classic, Cold), Sberbank-Maestro, 8 or 9 digits are embossed in the XXXXYYYYY format (XXXX is the branch number, YYYYY is the branch number). On the maps VISA Business, Eurocard/MasterCard Business this line is missing
Holder data The name and surname of the card holder are embossed (it is possible to apply the personal data of two persons) in Latin script. On the corporate cards the name of the organization in Latin letters can be embossed. The name and surname of the cardholder are embossed (IVAN PETROV)
microprinting In the frame of the logo, the first four digits are the card numbers and the code of the issuing bank (from numbers and letters) On the bottom layer of the hologram, in horizontal lines, the word MasterCard is written MC is repeated in the contours of the circles of the hologram Not
Four digit number It is printed with indelible ink in a contrasting color above or below the 1st group of digits of the card number. The printed digits must completely match the 1st group of digits of the embossed card number It is printed with indelible and color-contrasting ink under the first digits of the embossed card number and completely matches the first four digits of the card number. Not
Image in UFL In the center of the card - an image of a blue-violet flying dove (for cards of the Security Council of the Russian Federation) or pink At the bottom of the map, the letters M and C: M - in the left corner and through the gap in the middle - C Not
Special symbols

Beyond the expiration date of the card:

The symbol V (flying V) is embossed, having a non-standard format with an inclination to the right, with limited upper undercuts directed to the left side;

Pairs of letters CV, PV, BV are embossed;

C, P, B printed + V embossed

After the expiration date of the card, a sign (floating M) is embossed, consisting of elements of the letters M and C Not
Back side
Panel for sample cardholder signature White stripe filled with diagonal lines with the word VISA in light blue/blue (for cards of third-party issuing banks). Gaps appear when attempting to forge sample signature White stripe filled with diagonal lines with the word VISA in blue/blue and gold and a 19-digit number printed in a special left-slanted font that includes 16 digits of the card number and
3 digit security code. Gaps appear when attempting to forge a sample signature. The word void appears in spaces - invalid
White stripe filled with diagonal lines with the word MasterCard or MC in red, blue and yellow and a 19-digit number printed in a special left-slanted font that includes 16 digits of the card number and
3 digit security code. Gaps appear when attempting to forge a sample signature. The word void appears in the prodela - invalid
White stripe filled with diagonal lines with the word MasterCard or MC in red, blue/cyan and yellow and a 7-digit number in the center of the panel, printed in a special font slanted to the left, which includes the last four digits of the card number and 3 digits of the code security. Gaps appear when attempting to forge a sample signature. The word void appears in spaces - invalid White stripe filled with repeating zigzag lines and SAFESIG lettering. If you try to falsify the sample signature of the cardholder, the lines and inscriptions are erased
magnetic stripe A black or dark brown magnetic strip soldered into plastic containing information about the cardholder, his account number, bank and additional encoded data printed electronically

Plastic cards of banks have long been a part of everyone's life modern man. And there are a number of reasons for this. Someone - a salary, others - a scholarship or financial assistance receives on bank cards.

Types of bank cards, conditions for their opening, use, methods of closing, as well as the history of this financial product you can find out by reading this article. The most popular international systems involved in the issuance and support of plastic cards will also be presented.

Origin and further history of development

Consider plastic cards, starting from the moment when the first bank cards began to appear.

Before the trading boom in America in the fifties of the last century, as well as throughout the world, money was used in two forms: cash and non-cash.

If everything is clear with the first form, then we will focus on the second.

Non-cash money then consisted of checks and checkbooks. A modern user of a plastic card understands all the negative aspects of using a checkbook:

Possibility of forgery;

Long registration of each operation;

You should always carry a paper check with you, which can be easily ruined.

During that very American trading boom, when the number of trading transactions multiplied several times, the need to have a remedy that would be more reliable than checks became very acute.

The choice should depend on the needs

Knowing all the listed features of the cards, you can easily choose the right one for yourself. The most important thing is to correctly identify your needs. For example, why do you need a “credit card” if you are a wealthy person, as well as a “Corn” card if you do not use the services of Euroset or its partners?

Also keep in mind: the higher the class of the card, the more expensive its maintenance will cost you. If you are a student then golden card you obviously don't care. And with frequent trips abroad and a fairly large turnover personal funds you cannot do without a platinum bank card, considering all the services that will be available to you.

Types of bank cards and their features are of interest to many owners. To ensure the safety of your money, you should not rely only on the bank.

Payment cards are gaining popularity every year for making payments between people and organizations. After all, it is very convenient to carry a small rectangle with you and not put money in your pockets. Credit card holders get more options than cash lovers.

Currently, there is a wide variety of plastic cards and payment systems.

Plastic cards first began to be used in the United States in the mid-1950s. They came to replace uncomfortable checkbooks. The magnetic strip, from which information about the account and its owner was read, appeared from the 60s, and the chip from the 90s.

In 1987, in the USSR, one of the private banks issued the first credit card and presented it to Mikhail Gorbachev. Individuals wishing to become owners of an innovative product had to pay $20,000.
According to statistics, every day around the world, virtual scammers steal about $ 2.5 million from plastic cards. To protect their customers, banks are developing security programs. But scammers are always one step ahead.

A tiny chip in a bank card stores information about the owner, all transactions made. New types even contain fingerprints and the shell of the eyes of their owner.

Main differences

Types of bank cards differ in the following characteristics.

Depending on the type of funds (own or borrowed) in the account:

  1. Debit card. It contains the owner's own money. If he needs to make a payment for a completed purchase, then this will be possible only with a positive balance. This type of card is in most cases ordered by employers to transfer salaries to their employees.
  2. Credit. This is plastic with the money that the bank provided to its client for temporary use. It has a limit and you can't go beyond it. Usually, banks issue cards of this type with an interest-free period (on average 2 months), during which you can deposit a debt into your account without overpayment.
  3. Overdraft. With this credit card, the owner has the opportunity to pay off the bill, even if he does not have enough money. The bank that issued the card allows its client to spend more, with the condition of returning funds at a certain percentage.

The MIR payment system was released recently, but is already gaining popularity in the Russian Federation

By class, the types of payment cards differ mainly in the level of service and the privileges provided:

  • classical– the most common cards with standard conditions;
  • virtual- are not handed out, are used for electronic payments, as well as making purchases via the Internet;
  • golden- these cards are provided on favorable conditions. By paying with them, you can get a discount or the provision of services as a matter of priority;
  • platinum- issued for selected depositors and have a large set of bonuses: service by a personal manager, the ability to pay worldwide, booking tickets, etc.;
  • black- the most privileged cards issued by a small number of banks. Their holders are the richest clients. It is known that having a black card in hand, you can get access to a private event, the right to enter the airport recreation area for business clients. In this case, no one will ask about the category of the ticket.

Payment systems of bank cards are divided into several types. Their difference is in the geography of use. Some can be paid almost all over the world, others - only in one country:

  • VISA– focused on making transactions in dollars;
  • master card– on the products of this PS you can transfer money in $ and €;
    Many Russians do not know what are the differences between these types of cards. But in fact, MasterCard unites approximately 1,000 more banks for settlements than VISA;
  • Maestro- developed in Russia and it operates only on its territory;
  • American Express- cards of this type are accepted all over the world, but are practically not used by Russians;
  • WORLD- the youngest of all existing ones, designed to replace foreign payment systems. Cards with this PS have just begun to be issued.

You can easily find out which payment system applies to a credit card, despite the logo placed on the front side. If the card number starts with the number 3 - to American Express, 4 - Visa, 5 - MasterCard, 6 - Maestro, 2 - MIR.

3D-Secure technology allows maximum protection of the card from fraudsters

To attract more depositors, banks are innovating and inventing additional features for cardholders:

  • co-branded- are issued by the bank jointly with the partner company. The essence of the action lies in the fact that when calculating with such cards, depending on the amount spent, points are accumulated on the account. As they become available, they can be exchanged for goods or services of a bank partner;
  • cashback- the point is to return a certain percentage of purchases back to the cardholder.

The main issue that is constantly being addressed by bank security services is the degree of protection for credit cards:

  • microchip– to pay for goods or services, the card must be inserted into the terminal and the PIN code must be entered;
  • pay pass- this protection allows you to pay with one touch of the card to the cashier's reader. Payment up to 1000 rubles will not require the introduction of a PIN code;
  • 3D Secure- a special type of protection that helps to protect the cardholder from fraudsters as much as possible. Its essence lies in the fact that when making payments on the Internet, on mobile phone an SMS message arrives with a code that must be entered in a special window for successful payment.

Payment scheme

Many of the owners of bank cards thought about how the system of cashless payments works. The principle is the following:

  1. The seller, accepting the plastic from the buyer, inserts it into the terminal, which checks its authenticity by the credit card number.
  2. The bank that performs all non-cash transactions through this terminal (acquiring bank) checks the information on the card with the database. If there are no discrepancies, then a request is submitted to the payment system.
  3. The PS, in turn, contacts the bank that issued the card (issuing bank) to obtain information about the account balance or the possibility of buying using credit funds. If the money is available, then they are transferred to the seller's bank account.
  4. The terminal prints two checks with data on the completed transaction, then the seller puts his signature on them. The first copy remains with the cashier, the second is taken by the buyer.
  5. At the end of the day, all information about non-cash transfers are sent to the acquiring bank, which recalculates with the store.

Instant processing of information allows you to quickly make transactions on the account

How not to fall for the tricks of scammers

Almost every Russian thought about the security of his account. Many are scared off by the idea that money can be used by attackers and use credit cards only for cash withdrawals.

To protect funds stored on plastics, you need to know their features and follow the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to disclose the PIN code to unauthorized persons, even bank employees. When entering at ATMs and terminals, you need to close the keyboard with your hand. Password information should be hidden not only from nearby people, but also from CCTV cameras.
  2. There is a CVV code on the back of the card. It can be used to pay online. Often in SMS mailings and social networks They ask you to provide this code, which is absolutely impossible to do.
  3. Fraudsters come up with new ways to steal money from cards. One of them is a special overlay for the ATM keyboard. Before entering the PIN code, it is worth checking if it rises. If you find an extra part, it is recommended to calmly leave the store and report it to the police by phone. As a rule, the overlay is guarded by a couple (or trinity) of dubious personalities standing nearby.
  4. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser settings for the survey to work.

Bank cards can be used to pay for any goods and services, as well as to withdraw cash. The owner is the bank that issued the card, and the holder is the bank's client.

Place of application

Depending on the place of application, the cards can be local, international and virtual.

  • Local

Local cards are intended for transactions in the system of the bank that issued the card. You can withdraw money or pay for a service / goods with such a card only at ATMs and terminals of this bank. Also, using such a card, it is impossible to carry out transactions on the Internet, with the exception of operations on the website of the issuing bank, if it provides such an opportunity. These cards are now quite rare.

  • International

International bank cards are cards of international banking systems. The most popular are Visa systems and MasterCard. Cards of these systems are of several types and differ in their functionality. With such cards, you can withdraw cash from ATMs and terminals around the world (with a commission). You can also pay for purchases via the Internet. International bank cards are used in international systems payments. The most popular are Visa (Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Gold, Visa Platinum), MasterCard (Cirrus, Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold, MasterCard Platinum), American Express, JCB and China Unionpay.

  • Virtual

These are cards designed for transactions on the Internet. They do not have a magnetic strip and a chip, they cannot be used in ATMs and terminals. The owner will not be able to receive cash at the bank's cash desk, except when the card is closed if there is a positive balance on it.

Fund type

According to the type of funds placed on the card, they are debit and credit, prepaid and with an allowed overdraft.

  • Debit

The owner of such a card is limited only by the money that is on it. And the money must be his own. For such cards, the bank can set a minimum balance level: a certain amount, upon reaching which the client cannot make transactions until the account balance is replenished.

Debit cards come with an overdraft: they allow you to make transactions, exceeding the limit own funds, i.e. go negative. The amount of the overdraft is fixed and negotiated in the contract. Such cards are often tied to accounts. salary projects. The issued loan is repaid automatically upon transfer wages. The fee for the loan begins to accrue from the moment the limit of own funds is exceeded until the required amount is credited to the account.

  • Credit

Credit cards have a certain amount of funds provided by the bank to the client. From ordinary loan products these cards, firstly, differ in that they almost always have a grace period (from 30 to 100 days), during which no interest is charged on paid purchases. Second, the percentage credit cards(which is charged after the expiration of grace period) is several points higher than for a conventional loan.

The amount of money loaned on a credit card is individual for each client. The cardholder can use the funds as needed, and interest will only accrue on the amount actually used. A feature of this card is that it does not assume the presence of a positive balance. For periods when loan funds are not used and there is no debt on the account, no commission is charged (except for payment additional services, For example, mobile bank). Note that when withdrawing cash from an ATM, a fee may be charged.


Bank cards have categories, they depend on financial investments bank customer. If the client makes multiple transactions with large sums or he has a lot of money in his account, he can be offered (or he can issue such a card himself if he wants) Gold, Platinum, VIP and other statuses. In most cases, all clients receive Classic status when they open an account. The higher the category of the card, the more opportunities it has and the more privileges it provides to the holder (discounts, service priority, concierge services, etc.). But at the same time, the cost of service increases in proportion to the category of the card.


Depending on the purpose, cards can be salary, corporate, prepaid, pre-issued and gift cards.

Salary cards are issued to employees of companies within the framework of salary projects.

Corporate cards are issued for the purpose of making operational purchases and paying for services by company employees in its interests (for example, paying for restaurants, gas stations, car washes, etc.). Cash the card account belongs to the company, and employees using it must provide reports confirming intended use funds.

A prepaid bank card is a card on which there is a certain amount, and payments are made on behalf of the issuing bank. Such cards, as a rule, have a short validity period, do not allow you to cash out funds and replenish your account.

A pre-issued bank card is a card that is issued even before an application for receipt is written and is attached to an account that is opened for a specific client. Such a card initially does not contain information about its owner, it does not indicate the full name. The card makes it possible to perform the same operations as a regular debit card, including using an online bank, and receiving interest on the balance of funds. Making payments using such cards does not require the presentation of documents.

Gift cards are non-rechargeable and do not allow you to withdraw cash. The funds available on it can only be used to pay for the purchase.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state