
Visa Business Corporate Cards. Corporate Sberbank Cards for Business: Functions, Benefits, Tariffs. What is a business card

Regardless of the nature of the company, on a certain stage There is such a need for the spending of finance for various needs of the organization. These can be a business trip, expenses for corporate events, the current needs of the company, etc. And if earlier for such purposes there was a kind of piggy bank, which was headed by an accountant, today it is more convenient and most advantageous to use such a means as a corporate Sberbank Card for legal entities. What it is?

Money is listed in a certain amount within the framework of strict reporting, and then spent at the discretion of the company's management. Any operations naturally have a documentary confirmation.


To date, Sberbank offers corporate bank cards visa systems and MasterCard.

Despite the fact that the card is considered "public", it is issued strictly to the name of a particular person, an employee of the company. To get it in the bank, first of all, you must open the current account. Also, the employee must write an application for a corporate card on the Internet or separation of Sberbank. It is necessary to attach constituent documents, as well as to make a certain amount for service for 1 year.

Sometimes there is a challdorm question: is there a risk that an employee, who has been issued by a corporate Sberbank corporate card for use by legal entities, can eliminate the amount that significantly exceeds the necessary expenses, or is it not intended to use it? When decomriage, it is always initially determined by the limit expendable Operations For specific people. To do this, the Bank provides a register with a list of employees and their passport data, if necessary, proceedings for funds are made.

The card is issued within 1-2 weeks and is issued in the Bank's Office.

After registration, a person gets the right:

  • remove cash in Russia and abroad;
  • calculate in stores and other trading institutions;
  • translate finances to other employees of the company.

Advantages of plastic "piggy bank"

  1. Even when stored on account large sums The risk of their loss is eliminated in the event of a lost card legal entity, just call on hot line Bank and make blocking.
  2. It is possible to receive money abroad in the currency of the country without opening an additional account - conversion occurs automatically, according to the current course of the bank.
  3. A corporate card issued by Sberbank for IP allows you to enjoy a reduced commission for most operations.
  4. There is an opportunity to use the funds in the account as an advance.
  5. It is noticeably simplified by monitoring the movement of finances, since the manual at any time can trace all operations in online mode, get an SMS message when the money is removed.
  6. Being abroad, an employee can independently pay for the hotel, buy tickets online, get a translation, rent money from Sberbank corporate card.
  7. It is possible to enjoy a large set of discounts on goods and services of partner companies.

In order to pay online, no special skills are required. Any shopping operation is made after entering a special password, which can be obtained by using the Sberbank terminal and printing the check.

No matter what goals will be spent with a corporate card and to whom it is framed, it goes without saying that all finance belongs to a legal entity - a company or a group of entrepreneurs. Account replenishment is made by an accountant of the enterprise with the purpose of transfer.

How to use the card? Employee non-cash in a way or through cash withdrawal, receives receipts or checks and then reported on them to the accounting department, which is a spent report on the tools.

Thus, the calculation processes are significantly accelerated, the cost of various passing costs and other current costs for payments, translations, etc., is also convenient for anyone who is engaged in business, leads a Ltd. or any other organization.

The current individual account to which the card is attached is free. If the Visa or MasterCard Business class is produced, it is necessary to pay an amount of 2,500 rubles. As an annual payment for the service, as well as to make the first installment. All tariffs can be found in design.

Planning to discover the current account in Sberbank of Russia? We offer you to learn more about the main product that you have to use the business card. We are talking about the methods of obtaining, current tariffs, how to remove cash and about a lot.

Sberbank today is one of the leaders in the service sector of small and medium-sized businesses. It is here that entrepreneurs who decide to open an account for their own needs and get at affordable prices.

In order to have convenient access Cash, managers are issued a business card with special conditions. It is worth noting:

  • Ease of use - you get quick access to your accounts on your account,
  • Office online - design is possible using sending online applications through the official website of the bank, while you can set a limit on operations,
  • Optimization of expenses - you will be purchased for goods and payment for services without additional fees.

Main advantages:

  • Cash made through payment terminal or ATM, come to the account online,
  • You have the ability to control cash turnover, analyze your costs, and also effectively manage expenses,
  • You do not need to open an additional account for accounting for operations, a card is manufactured to an open PC,
  • Convenient management using the system. You can order the release and reissue, install available limit, change the data of the holder,
  • You will learn about all operations from SMS notifications.

How to issue a business card:

  • You need to fill out an application in the Sberbank Business online system or in the department where you are serviced,
  • Install expenditure limits that are convenient to you,
  • The card will be released within a few days, getting will occur in your compartment. Please note that when receiving, you will need to pay the Commission for annual service.


The cost of services will depend on what the tariff plan you use:

  • Visa Business / MasterCard Business - opening an account for free, card maintenance costs 2500 rubles. The initial minimum contribution to the business account of the enterprise is at least 2400r. Changing funds for free. Cash issuance through the cashier - a commission in the amount of 1% of the amount is charged in Sberbank, in other organizations - 1% of the amount, but not less than 150 rubles. Cash through - 1% of the amount. Emergency issuance of funds abroad - 6000r. Limit - 170.000 per day, not more than 5,000,000 rubles per month.
  • Visa Business "Budget" / MasterCard Business "Budget" - free opening account and card service, an initial fee Do not need. Enrollment is also free. Cash issuance through cash register or ATMs of Sberbank is carried out without commission, through others credit and financial organizations The cash service is not provided. You will also have a limitation: per day you can remove no more than 300 thousand rubles.

Corporate Sberbank Card is used to store the company's funds, but is issued in the name of the employee who has the right to use this money for the needs of the company. Such funds are allocated under the report, therefore, it is necessary to provide documents to the accounting documents confirming the use of finance for its intended purpose.


The main purpose of such a card - facilitate the process of spending funds and simplify control over these expenses.

From the technical side it is a regular debit cardHowever, there is an option to open a loan account for an enterprise, which will also perform the functions of corporate.

Such a tool for storing and managing the means of the enterprise is relevant for persons traveling on business trips, where there may be a need for planned or unforeseen expenses.

There is a release of one of the four types of "plastic":

  • Visa Business;
  • MasterCard Business;
  • Special option "Corporate";
  • Option "Budget".

In the latter case, an employee can cash out any amounts. The first two options are considered the most common and manufactured for all organizations that have their own personal account. If necessary account can be replenished with currency and use "plastic" in other countries for non-cash payments.

Standard duration - three years. Depending on the limits established by the organization, you can spend either unlimited amounts or use a specific budget. At the same time, for the option of the Corporate Card Sberbank "Budget" there are certain limits for the removal and issuance of cash.

Planning to take a loan? Then you will be interested to know about the difference between annuity and differentiated loan payments -!

What are the advantages for the company and employees

When using such cards, the management of the organization does not need to issue cash with commoded employees. This is especially true in cases when it is impossible to immediately determine how much money will be needed on executive and economic costs or when the man's departure is left abroad.

In addition, the following advantages can be noted:

  • Possibility to do detailed analysis Expenditures through Internet banking service and on the basis of information on the write-off of funds.
  • Reduction of temporary and financial resources for operational and cash costs.
  • Easy account management and limits.
  • No need for sent to constantly keep cash with money.
  • The ability to save the company's funds even when the card is lost by blocking it.

All transactions related to money are carried out in protected mode using masterCard technologies SecureCode and Verified by Visa, which guarantees additional protection against intruders when carrying out non-cash payments and conducting operations on the Internet.

Corporate Sberbank Card is payment card international importance, which is based on purposeful for employees of various enterprises. Open this kind of card can be both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

This card allows you to perform the following operations:

  • Produce cashless calculations, paying goods and services
  • Take money from senders not only in Russia, but also from abroad
  • Do cashless payment Travel and Executive Expenditures
  • Make a cashless payment of economic costs
  • Removing cash on economic expenses

The corporate card is beneficial not only for a certain firm as a whole, but also for each employee separately. For employees, the card has the following advantages:

  • You can get money in any currency and at any time
  • There is no need to transport large cash savings with them
  • Analyze the tools spent very convenient
  • When traveling to other states no discovery of the currency account is required
  • With the help of a map you can book a hotel or tickets for travel
  • If a bank card For some reason, it is lost, its blocking will not cause difficulties

The map indicates personal data of the user (name and surname) and the name of the organization in which it works. The map is valid for three years from the date of registration.

Procedures required for corporate card registration

To make a corporate Sberbank Card, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Exercise the opening of a special account that allows you to keep accounting with corporate action cards
  2. Transfer the starting amount to open account
  3. Make a submission of an application that you want to get a corporate card
  4. Get ready-made card


Corporate maps For legal entities from Sberbank, you can place free. A corporate bank card of a legal entity is serviced at a cost of 1,200 rubles per copy. Cost service on accounts foreign currency It is 50 US dollars or 50 euros.

Tariffs also provide for the initial contribution to the company account, which is at least 2400 Russian rubles or 100 American dollars or 100 euros. A plastic card payment systems Visa and MasterCard Business with special charges "Budget" has an advantage in the form of free design and the ability to do the initial contribution.

Information about the Card Account of the Individual Entrepreneur

After an individual entrepreneur opens a settlement account in Sberbank, it can synchronize it with a plastic card.

Business card Sberbank for IP allows you to carry out the transfer of funds that can be easily cash if necessary. Offer with individual entrepreneurs to open a settlement account in Sberbank is more profitable than in most other organizations engaged in banking activities. Business card Sberbank for IP allows you to pay in a convenient wayboth on the territory of our country and in other states.

The presence of synchronized S. settlement account individual entrepreneur Plastic card will not waste time on permanent visits to Sberbank offices for the purpose of conducting and monitoring financial operations. Since almost all of the necessary cases can be solved by means of a card, the stay of an individual entrepreneur in the queues in the bank's separation will be minimized.

Difficulties arising without the use of a corporate plastic card

If the organization decided to send his employee on a business trip, Accounting provides a request for expenses on flights, hotel rooms, daily employee and other expenses. After analyzing this information, a decision is made to issue an employee under the report of a certain amount. money. When an employee returns from a business trip, it is forced to provide many different receipts, overhead and checks as a report.

The reporting procedure may be delayed for a longer period if the commodited employee of the firm spent not all dedicated funds or, on the contrary, spent more than he was allocated and compensation is required. And if the inattention of the employee on a business trip led to the fact that any reporting documentation was forgotten somewhere, the problems already have an accountant. The use of corporate Sberbank cards allows you to avoid this kind of problems.

Why exactly Sberbank?

Sberbank of Russia is recognized as one of the best organizations producing corporate plastic cards. Over the years of its existence, he gained a reputation as a reliable financial partner in the country's population. In addition, convenient geographical position bank branches and ATMs in most settlements Russian Federation Allows you to be sure that the use of corporate plastic cards will be rapid and comfortable.

The service of corporate plastic cards exists in Sberbank of Russia a fairly long period of time, so the reliability and convenience of their operation have already been proven by many firms. Employees of companies with corporate plastic card Sberbank of Russia, become confident that money to pay corporate needs will always be.

The company's expenses become systematic and well visible to the accountant, the workflow of the accounting process is optimized. All these factors make it possible to conclude that Sberbank's corporate maps unambiguously should be issued!

Everyone who ever worked with the company's accountable money (managers, accountant, employees) for the purchase of products, calculation with partners and suppliers, when traveling on business trips, know how many problems may arise because of this (not enough money issued when Buying, there is no confirmation documentation of spending, loss, etc.). Today, most tasks associated with accountable money can be easily solved with the help of a special Sberbank product - a corporate card.

Corporate Banking Map: What is it

Sberbank corporate maps have a special designation: Visa Business and Master Card Business, as well as special options for Corporate and Budget. These are bank payment international Standard Designed for receipt additional features and ease of use by employees of one corporation / company.

The benefits of using a corporate card include the following features:

  1. Quick and convenient management through the Sberbank Business Sberbank Special Service. The ability to check and managing money regardless of the time of day and day of the week.
  2. Allowing to optimize the costs of the company's needs. Buying products, goods and materials without commission, payment for rental office, per room in the hotel, to buy railway and air tickets on business trips. The map allows you to simplify the control of the issuance and spending of accountable funds subordinates. The presence of a card allows you to transfer to the cashless payments most of the operations of administrative and economic purposes, as well as monetary operations with partners and suppliers.
  3. Serious time saving, simplifying the interaction system with the bank. There is no need to go to the bank compartment every time in order to replenish the current account or to get the required amount of cash.
  4. Multi-level protection when performing operations on the Internet. In case of loss, it can be promptly blocked.

Corporate Card Application

An application for a corporate card can be filled out and submitted to the bank in two ways:

  1. Preductantly filling out an application instance in the Bank's Office, which makes the settlement account of your legal entity.
  2. Using the Sberbank Business Online functionality, if you have registered personal Area in system. If not, you should register in Sberbank Business Online.

When visiting the bank you will be given a standard form of filling. In the Sberbank Business Sberbank system, a form with fields will be opened to which all the necessary data will be added and send an application. Mandatory condition is the permission of employees for which the map is produced to use their personal data.

The release date of the card takes several days. After this period, you will be notified of readiness and you can pick up a corporate card at the Sberbank branch.

Corporate Card through Sberbank Business Online

In addition to the possibility of a remote conduct of the procedure for receiving a card, the service allows you to control the status and spending of funds by employees in real time.

Corporate Card Tariffs Sberbank

There are various tariffs for ruble and currency business accounts. Accordingly, they differ from the annual subscription fee:

  • 1200 rubles, if, respectively, ruble account;
  • 50 euros or dollars if a currency account.

With "budgetary" corporate maps, the subscription fee is not charged, but it has serious limitations on the spending limit and cash issuing, they can only be tied to a ruble business account.

Tariff plans of corporate cards Sberbank determine:

  1. "Ceiling" of possible spending (removal) of funds on a map daily and everything, as well as a limit on a daily card replenishment.
  2. Restrictions on the use of ATMs and CASS other banks.
  3. Dimensions of commission fees for the use of funds through a corporate card.

With tariffs can be found on the Sberbank website, in the section " to corporative clients", Downloading the corresponding PDF file.

Until the end of 2016, all customers who made a corporate Sberbank card are provided. free year Her maintenance.

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