
Financial reserves of credit institutions. Mandatory reserves of banks. Insurance reserves for possible losses

Creating such reserves is governed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The main obligations to which most of the reserves accounted for are deposits of individuals, payments for which guarantees deposit insurance agency (DCA).

Mandatory reserves

Compulsory reserves of commercial banks, the presence of which is due to the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, are funds stored at the CBC correspondent account. The amount of deductions is determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it is published in the official edition of the Central Bank - the Paper and Electronic Version of the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia".

This system is necessary for the commercial bank made obligations, as well as to regulate the revolutions of the money supply.

The mandatory redundancy system solves the following tasks:

  • Providing opportunities to commercial banks to use attracted lending tools.
  • Support by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of commercial banks, if necessary. Reserve funds can be directed in the form of loans to a financial institution to strengthen solvency when urgent deposit payments must be made.

Obligations on reserving reserves arise from a banking institution immediately after obtaining a license to carry out activities. Means for backup accounts are translated in rubles, interest on them are not accrued.

When opening a deposit account in a bank by an individual or legal entity, some of this amount is translated into a special account in the Central Bank and is stored there before the deposit money from the bank.

Some types of obligations of banking institutions are exempt from reservation, they can be attributed to them:

  • deposits of legal entities who have invested funds for a period of 36 months;
  • bonds, maturity more than 36 months;
  • loan obligations expressed in non-cash (securities, precious metals);
  • obligations to other financial and credit institutions;

Reserve Fund

In addition to mandatory reserves, each commercial bank must have a reserve fund formed at the expense of interest from net profit. This is an asset that is its own capital of a financial and credit institution. This reserve is created to cover losses, losses from inefficient investments. The minimum amount of the reserve fund is established at the legislative level, there are no restrictions on the maximum size. The percentage contributed from net profit is determined at the annual meeting of shareholders.

Other reserves

Having issued loans to individuals and legal entities, commercial banks carry certain risks of non-return of funds. To ensure financial sustainability, the banking institution has a reserve fund. When the debtor is recognized as insolvent, and there is no possibility of recovering funds for its obligations, the amount of the loan (without percentage and penalties) is debited due to this reserve.

Commercial banks can also form other reserve funds: reserve coverage of the value of securities, which fell in price, reserve to reduce the cost of balance assets.

Bank reserves - means of commercial banks and other credit institutions that they are obliged to keep in the Central Bank as ensuring some of their operations in accordance with the norms of mandatory reserves. Bank reserves depending on sources of coating are divided into special and general. Special reserves We need in order to reimburse possible losses on receivables or loans. BUT general reserves - just an addition to special. They are formed depending on the decision of the Bank's General Meeting for different types of risks. Create them at the expense of the Bank's profit, which remained after the payment of dividends to shareholders. Special reserves go to the costs of banking organizations. Therefore, general reserves contribute to an increase in the size of the bank's funds, and special, on the contrary, reduce it. Formed reserves - This is an indicator of the quality of bank loan portfolios, as well as portfolios receivables and securities.

In Russia, the Central Bank establishes mandatory reserves of banks in the form of a percentage of the amount of funds raised. The highest are mandatory reserves of banks on deposits of individuals in currency and rubles. Reserves of banks sufficiently guarantee the return of contributions to the population. In addition, the obligatory reserves of banks play a stabilizing role in difficult economic circumstances.

Primary reserves are called cash assets that are in their own bank repository or on deposits in other credit institutions where they are placed in a mandatory or voluntary manner. If the creation of mandatory reserves is provided for by banking legislation, then such primary cash reserves are called legislative reserve requirements.

A commercial bank is obliged to carry out the classification of assets, highlighting dubious and hopeless debts, and create reserves (funds) on the coverage of possible losses.

Thus, the standards of mandatory reserves cannot exceed 20% of the obligations of the credit institution and can be differentiated for various credit institutions. However, the standards of mandatory reserves cannot be further changed by more than five points.

In violation of the standards of mandatory reserves, the Bank of Russia has the right to write off in an indisputable order from a correspondent account of the credit institution opened at the Bank of Russia, the amount of non-subsequent funds, as well as to recover from the credit institution in court a fine.

The Bank is obliged to fulfill the standard of mandatory reserves deposited in the Bank of Russia, including in terms of terms, volumes and types of drawn money.

In the case of a review of a commercial bank license to carry out banking operations, compulsory reserves deposited by him in the Bank of Russia are listed at the expense of the liquidation commission (liquidator) or the competitive manager and are used in the manner prescribed by federal laws and the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia issued in accordance with them.

In the reorganization of the commercial bank, the procedure for re-issuing its mandatory reserves, previously deposited in the Bank of Russia, is established in accordance with the regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia.

When using the Bank's reserves tools, the bank should make the same amount to replenish the reserve. The norm of mandatory reserves of banks is differentiated and depends on the size of the financial institution, the type of funds raised, the citizenship of depositors and some other conditions. Regulating the rate of mandatory reserves in some limits, the Central Bank carries out its financial policy.

No institution, outstanding loans, cannot fully insure itself from the losses associated with finance. In this regard, while such organizations operate, financial institutions must regulate bank risks. For this, they disseminate the serious role of activities that reduce the likelihood of losses. It is for this that the obligatory reserves of the bank are created.

Ensuring reliability

In order for the Bank to be financially reliable for its customers, according to the law, it must create reserves of various types that can cover any losses associated with lending to citizens. For the creation and definition of specific amounts in most cases, the Bank of Russia is replied, this issue is also regulated by legislative acts. This is what formulates mandatory reserves of banks. The definition of the minimum reserve of any organization is responsible for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The deductions to these reserves are carried out before the size of the organization's income tax is calculated, and it is regulated by federal laws.

Types of reserves of the bank

The amount reserved to cover losses has a certain purpose: it is used in case of acute necessity. Nevertheless, the reserves are directly related to expected costs and losses. They are customary to divide into different categories. At the same time, the rate of mandatory reserves of the Bank is regulated directly by the legislation of the state.

Mandatory reserves

The concept of reserve requirements imply an economic instrument created to regulate the liquidity of the country's banking system. It uses his Bank of Russia in order to control financial resources, reducing the cash accumulation of commercial organizations. Thanks to this mechanism, you can limit the credit capabilities of these companies and resolve the money that are in the back of the population.

Mandatory reserves of central banks are funds collected in one place of commercial banks and other companies of this sphere, which should be maintained in the Central Bank. This is the so-called warranty monetary fund, with the help of which the state ensures reliability of organizations of organizations with their clients. At the same time, no bank is interested in creating a similar tool - it is completely neutral and fulfills the function of the implementation of the country's financial and credit policy.

Such reserves are customary to be asset with high liquidity, but the Bank does not have the right to use them completely if it has difficulty in work or other circumstances that adversely affect its operation. Suppose if an outflow of clients appeared in the financial organization, the organization may use reserves of banks limited. That is, only the part of them, which is permissible in accordance with regulatory acts. An increase in mandatory reserves for a particular organization will not give her the opportunity to become more reliable. This is due to the fact that the change in regulations will entail withdrawn from the revolutions of an additional amount of money.

Reserve Fund of the Bank

Under this concept, it is customary to understand some of the company's own funds, which is formed due to the annual deductions of financial resources from its profits. It is created in order to cover the losses of the organization, which arise in connection with its activities.

The second appointment of the Creation of the Reserve Fund is the increase in the authorized capital. To determine the issue of deductions, the general meeting of shareholders of the organization is collected, but they cannot reduce a certain amount of the authorized capital.

When calculating the company's capital, this fund is taken into account. That is, the norm of mandatory reserves of the Central Bank must be taken into account for this type. The only case when a loan bank can make payment to this fund, is when he has a profit after his working year.

Creating a reserve fund is fully due to the increase in net assets. Thus, there may be assets obtained by the organization due to its activities. At the time of deductions, the Financial Institute can use part of its assets solely for certain purposes, and the main one is coverage of the losses of the organization.

Reserves for possible losses on loans

Under this concept, the special reserve of the Central Bank is meant, which is formed in connection with the occurrence of credit risks, and they necessarily arise during the organization's activities in this area. Thanks to this reserve, the company prevents fluctuating the amount of profit of commercial organizations. This result is achieved by writing off the money to cover losses on loans. Thus, the magnitude of the final capital of the company is regulated.

The formation of this reserve occurs due to deductions that relate to expenses of banking organizations. This takes into account every issued loan separately. Reserves of commercial banks aimed at probable losses from issuing a loan can only be used to cover the customer's main debt, excluding interest. With this reserve, you can write off the losses for those loans for which customers do not carry out mandatory payments.

It is worth noting that such debt - if it is recognized as hopeless or unreal for recovery from the client - should be written off from the bank's balance sheet due to the reserve itself. And if it is not enough to cover the debt, this amount comes to the number of losses of the reporting year. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the basis of the base of the commercial, credit organization by taxes. But it is worth considering that by forming a similar reserve, the bank cannot use valuable resources.

Bank reserves for the depreciation of securities

At the end of each reporting period, that is, on the last day of the working month, the reassessment of securities should be carried out. That is, the market value is estimated that the bank has invested in these papers. This case implies that the price of one paper is taken into account as a market value, taking into account the transactions that were carried out during the last day of trading on the stock exchange or through the trade organizer. These are exceptional cases when the actual charge of paper is taken for the market price, divided in two.

Special cases

If such a situation has occurred, and the security at the time of the last working day of the reporting month has become lower than its balance sheet price, the organization should create a specific reserve. It is designed to overlap losses that arise in connection with devaluate the security. At the same time, the norms of the reserve of a commercial bank should be lower than half the value of each individual securities.

The formation of this reserve should occur on the last day of the month, when this paper was purchased by a commercial, credit institution. As soon as its disposal occurs, a certain amount in the reserve is written off the bank's account. It does not matter how much the cost and preservation of all securities in the organization changes, the reserve must be done for each of them separately.

When conducting similar revaluation and a reserve is created, capable of overlapping losses in case of depreciation of these assets. In this regard, the reserves of banks intended to reduce risks from the depreciation of securities, are rather adjusting the value of the asset so that the company's balance can be correctly made correctly. Each commercial organization in this area is obliged to adjust the previously created similar reserves, given the number of papers and their market price.

Other types of bank reserves

The above types of reserves are the most basic and mandatory, but these are not all types necessary to preserve the liquidity of the banking organization. Also in order to avoid losses, the organization is obliged to create the following reserves of banks:

  • reserves for balance assets, and completely all their types are taken into account, if there is at least a small probability of risk of capital loss;
  • reserves regarding tools that are reflected in non-balance account accounting accounts for the organization's accounting;
  • reserves concerning all urgent transactions of a banking, commercial organization;
  • an additional reserve that can cover other losses not accounted for earlier.

Possible losses

It is important to realize that in the case of possible losses of the banking organization, the Financial Institute allows for the form of reserves only for hypothetical losses arising under certain circumstances. Here you can consider the following points:

  • if the cost of credit, banking, commercial organization may decrease;
  • if the volume of expenses or the obligations of the organization will increase in comparison with those taken into account in forecasts and accounting accounting;
  • if the counterparties of the bank will not fulfill their credit institution assigned to them, the conditions of transactions concluded and the like will not be fulfilled.


Reserves of the Bank are divided into several species, and each of them plays a role in the implementation of the financial organization's activities. In general, it is necessary to take into account that from all the options considered the most effective remains a reserve fund. The fact is that it is he who can influence the possibility of overlapping its expenses. The remaining types of reserves do not affect the level of the ability of a bank organization to withstand problem periods in carrying out its activities. But they are important for maintaining the solvency and liquidity of the bank.

With the advent of the Central Bank and the development of the financial regulation system at the state level, reserves of commercial banks were created, as well as credit institutions. During their account, the amount of residues on the relevant (spare) accounts or the conditions of their replenishment are controlled. Let us then consider what the bank's mandatory reserves represent.


Reserves of banks provide cash to the uninterrupted execution of payment obligations relating to the return of deposit depositors and settlement with other financial structures. In other words, they act as a guarantee. Reserves should be stored in cash as deposits in the Central Bank or in the form of securities to provide liabilities.


Today, in almost all states with a market economy, a bank is introduced. The effectiveness of this instrument of financial and credit regulation is confirmed by fundamental research, and world practice. In the Russian Federation, minimal requirements also serve as a source of repayment of obligations to creditors and depositors in the event of a license to the organization for operations. In practice, the return of funds constituting the reserve of the Central Bank is clearly regulated. Minimum requirements are mainly used in the framework of financial and credit regulation when solving a long-term problem to stabilize money turnover and in combating inflation. This tool acts as a limiter to the growth rate of cash and regulation of demand for bank reserves. Its specific purpose is given in position No. 342. In accordance with the definition given in this act, the use of this tool ensures the regulation of the total liquidity of the banking structure of the Russian Federation. Cash control is carried out by reducing the money multiplier.

the main goal

In the practice of financial organizations, there is always a risk of unplanned losses. No institution is insured from them by 100%. In this regard, during the functioning and in the process of risk management, each financial institution needs to ensure the formation of bank reserves. To ensure its reliability, the organization is obliged to create various funds, funds from which will be directed to the coverage of probable damages. The procedure, in accordance with which the formation and subsequent use is carried out, in most cases it is established by legislative acts and the Central Bank. The amount of deductions from profit to the taxation is regulated by the FZ on taxes. The minimum amount of bank reserves is established by the Central Bank. As practice shows, the use of "stock" is appropriate in the presence of objective need to reduce the money supply in circulation (suspend or control the growth) to prevent "overheating" of the economy, if it will be used to achieve this goal to restrict the credit opportunities of financial institutions through the seizure of a certain share of attracted funds (or increase this part). From this it follows that the reserve of the Bank of Russia is the means of financial organizations that accumulate as indefinite contributions that should be excluded from any turnover.


Bank reserves, in general, have one destination - compensate for probable costs or losses if necessary. However, they are divided into species. Thus, the mandatory reserve is a tool by which the overall liquidity of the system is regulated. It is used by the Central Bank to ensure control of funds by reducing the cash savings in commercial banks. This mechanism limits the credit capabilities of financial companies and maintains a monetary mass at a certain level. In essence, mandatory reserves are funds that commercial banks should be stored in the Central Bank. They act as a warranty financial fund, ensuring reliability in the fulfillment of obligations to its customers. Such reserves of banks are created not so much in the interests of the organization itself. They act as a tool of state monetary policy. Being highly liquid, these assets cannot be used by financial institutions fully when adversely appear. For example, if the institution began the outflow of depositors funds, the reserve can be used exclusively within the framework of the established standard.


It is represented as part of its own capital formed by annual contributions from profits. The reserve fund is necessary to cover losses arising in the process of activity of a financial organization. It is also created to increase the authorized capital. The cost of deductions is determined at the general meeting of shareholders. The value can be any of the established amount of share capital. The financial enterprise has the right to deduct funds only when there is profits. His replenishment is thus implemented due to the increase in the net asset. The fund accumulates funds received by the Financial Institute during its activities. By transferring from profits to the Fund, the banking organization provides for the use of the share of its assets exclusively in certain directions. As the main one, the loss is covering.

Bank reserves on probable losses on loans

Their creation is caused by credit risks that may arise in the process of activity. Such reserves allow you to prevent oscillation of profits when debiting losses on loans. Thus, the impact on the amount of capital. The formation of such reserves is derived from deductions that belong to expenses for each loan. These funds are used only when covering outstanding debt on the main obligation. Due to these reserves, the losses on loans are implicitable for recovery. With a lack of funds, the debt recognized as unreal or hopeless is included in the loss of the reporting period. Due to this, the taxable base of the financial institution decreases.

Tools for impairment

Monthly on the last working day there is a revaluation of investments in stock at market value. Under the latter should be understood as the weighted average price of one paper on transactions, which have been completed over the day on the stock exchange or using the Bid Organizer. In some cases, the actual cost of buying a security on the last operating date can be accepted as a market, reduced twice. If it is below the balance sheet price, the financial organization must create a reserve for impairment. Its value should not be more than 50% of the specified value. The formation is carried out in the last working date of the month in which the security was purchased. Her write-off is carried out simultaneously with the disposal of the action. Creating reserves data, as described above, is carried out separately for each paper, regardless of increasing or maintaining their total cost.

The specificity of the stock impairment

When reassessing attachments, there is a need to form reserves. However, the papers remain unchanged. In this regard, these funds are rather considered not so much a reserve as they act as a pricing price adjustment for accounting. At the end of the reporting month, credit institutions should overestimate the reserves created earlier reproduction of investments, taking into account the market value and the number of papers.

Other species

In addition to those listed, there are other reserves of banks. They are combined into a group of likely losses on other assets. To them, in particular, are reserves:

  • For balance assets with risk of losses.
  • For a number of tools reflected in the accounting accounts of accounting.
  • According to urgent transactions.
  • For other losses.

Classification of losses

Under possible losses of the financial institution, the formation of reserves should be understood as hypothetical risks in the upcoming periods associated with the emergence of the following circumstances:

  1. Increased costs or liabilities compared to previously reflected in accounting.
  2. Reducing the value of the assets of the credit company.
  3. Failure to fulfill the obligations adopted by counterparties of the financial institution for perfect operations (concluded transactions) or in connection with the non-fulfillment of the promise of subjects, the proper repayment of the debt of which is provided by the serving banking organization.

From the above bank reserves, only the fund is considered the most effective. This is due to the fact that at the expense of its generation, the financial institution can control their expenses. All other bank reserves are not considered as effective. This is explained by the fact that an increase in their size will not help strengthen the ability of the organization to withstand emerging adverse circumstances.

Zolovolovoy reserves of the bank

They are financial assets distinguished by high liquidity. are managed by the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. Their composition includes:

  1. Monetary gold.
  2. Special borrowing.
  3. Reserve position in the world WF.
  4. Foreign currency.

The cost of these stocks is given at the reporting date in terms of the US dollar.


Zolotovolnoy reserves act as a financial supply, due to which, if necessary, state debt can be paid or fulfilled budget expenditures. Their presence, in addition, allows the Central Bank to carry out control over the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate through interventions in foreign exchange markets. The size of this stock must largely overlap the volume of mass of money in circulation, provide both private and sovereign payments on external debt and guarantee a 3-month-month import. In case of achieving such a magnitude of gold reserves, the Central Bank is given the opportunity to make effective controlling the movement of the ruble and interest rates.

Creating such reserves is governed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The main obligations to which most of the reserves accounted for are deposits of individuals, payments for which guarantees deposit insurance agency (DCA).

Mandatory reserves

Compulsory reserves of commercial banks, the presence of which is due to the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, are funds stored at the CBC correspondent account. The amount of deductions is determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, it is published in the official edition of the Central Bank - the Paper and Electronic Version of the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia".

This system is necessary for the commercial bank made obligations, as well as to regulate the revolutions of the money supply.

The mandatory redundancy system solves the following tasks:

  • Providing opportunities to commercial banks to use attracted lending tools.
  • Support by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of commercial banks, if necessary. Reserve funds can be directed in the form of loans to a financial institution to strengthen solvency when urgent deposit payments must be made.

Obligations on reserving reserves arise from a banking institution immediately after obtaining a license to carry out activities. Means for backup accounts are translated in rubles, interest on them are not accrued.

When opening a deposit account in a bank by an individual or legal entity, some of this amount is translated into a special account in the Central Bank and is stored there before the deposit money from the bank.

Some types of obligations of banking institutions are exempt from reservation, they can be attributed to them:

  • deposits of legal entities who have invested funds for a period of 36 months;
  • bonds, maturity more than 36 months;
  • loan obligations expressed in non-cash (securities, precious metals);
  • obligations to other financial and credit institutions;

Reserve Fund

In addition to mandatory reserves, each commercial bank must have a reserve fund formed at the expense of interest from net profit. This is an asset that is its own capital of a financial and credit institution. This reserve is created to cover losses, losses from inefficient investments. The minimum amount of the reserve fund is established at the legislative level, there are no restrictions on the maximum size. The percentage contributed from net profit is determined at the annual meeting of shareholders.

Other reserves

Having issued loans to individuals and legal entities, commercial banks carry certain risks of non-return of funds. To ensure financial sustainability, the banking institution has a reserve fund. When the debtor is recognized as insolvent, and there is no possibility of recovering funds for its obligations, the amount of the loan (without percentage and penalties) is debited due to this reserve.

Commercial banks can also form other reserve funds: reserve coverage of the value of securities, which fell in price, reserve to reduce the cost of balance assets.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state