
Geographical position of the central black earth. Central Black Economic District. Transport and Economic Ties

by discipline: Economic geography and reginalistics


2 student students

groups 6-12TD2 / 8

Queen I.

Nezhdenova A.

g. Arzamas 2009

1. Features of the economic and geographical position of the Central Black Economic District.

The Central Black Economic Economic Area includes:

Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk and Tambov regions with an area of \u200b\u200b167.7 thousand km2 (1% of the entire territory of Russia) and the population living in them as of 09.10.2002 7,517,456 people. (5.3% of the total population of Russia). According to the number of residents, cities (thousand) are allocated: Voronezh (903), Lipetsk (375), Kursk (373), Tambov (265), Belgorod (227), Elets (113) and Michurinsk (102).

The Central Black Economic Economic Area is central in the Black Earth Strip of the Russian Plain and borders with the leading industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe country - central, and also conveniently located in relation to the fuel and energy bases of the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Ukraine. The territory of CER is located on a watershed, according to the top flow of the Oki, Don and Seimas rivers (the inflow of the gums on which Kursk is standing). The western part of the district (Orlovskaya, Kursk and Belgorod region) is located on the Central Russian hill, the average (Voronezh, Tambov, Lipetsk region) - on the window-donal lowland. A feature of the modern relief is a lot of ravines, the development of which contributed to both natural factors (sobmnost, light-impaired soils) and socially economic (excessive cutting of forests, flattering meadows). Using the advantages of its geographical location between the most important economic regions of the country, as well as large natural and human resources, the Black Earth Center is a highly developed industrial-agricultural area.

In the interdistrict territorial division of social labor Central

The Black Earth region is highlighted by the production of products of the ironing and metallurgical complex associated with it mechanical engineering, chemical and food industries. In the formation of the economic complex of the Central

The Chernozem Economic District is an important role to play the presence of richest reserves of iron ores, arrays of fertile black earth earth in combination with favorable agro-climatic conditions and a convenient economically - geographical location. Primary conditions of the region are characterized by moderate continentality. Despite dryness, conditions are favorable for agriculture.

In agriculture, the market specialization sectors are the production of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, ethereal and oil crops, fruits, berries, milk and meat. Having 1% of the territory of Russia and 5.3% of the population, the area produces 49.3% of the commodity iron, 17.2% cast iron, 18.8% steel, 19.4% of the finished rolled steel of ferrous metals, 2.2% of the forge-painting machines, 12.4% cement, 25.2% of vegetable oil and 35.4% sugar sand.

The Central Black Earth region occupies a very favorable transport and geographical position, and has a developed transport complex: in the thickness of the transport network, it significantly exceeds the average indicators in Russia. The Central Black Earth area has developed economic relations with
Central, Ural, West Siberian and Volga Regions of Russia and
Ukraine. Iron ore, mineral-building materials, ferrous metals, bread, sugar are exported from the region. Since the region's economy is strongly experiencing a shortage of energy, and technological types of fuel, the importation of coal, coke, oil and petroleum products prevails, and mineral-building cargoes, mineral fertilizers, ferrous metals, etc. are imported in large volumes.

2. The natural resource potential of the Central Chernozem region.

The main natural wealth of the area is the iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which occur in its territory with two stripes: Eagle - Schigra - Stary Oskol - Valuyki (Oryol and Tula region) Width from 1 to 25 km and Lgov-Belgorod (Kursk and Belgorod region) Width from 2 to 40 km with reservoir capacity of 70-350 meters. Two main types of ores are developed: poor, but largely cost-effective, with iron content of 36% and rich, iron content in which is over 60% with a slight amount of sulfur and phosphorus. Poor ores are represented by ferrous quartzite, their depth of occurrence ranges from several meters to 700 m (southwestern part of the Kursk magnetic anomaly). Rich ores belong to magnetite, hematite and martitite species and are located in the Belgorod region. Currently, the most famous fields in the Belgorod region are: Yakovlevsky, Gashevskoye, Saltykovskoye, Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Pommetsky, Chernyanskoye; In the Kursk region - Mikhailovskoe, Kurbakinskoye and Dichnyansky-Reuttskoy. Shallow RUD (at a depth of 35-40 to 400-500 meters) and deeper allows them to be prey in open careers with significantly less capital and current labor costs, and funds. Mine mining ore at a depth complicated here with an abundant saturation of underground horizons. The construction of underground mines is carried out with the help of special refrigeration units for freezing rocks during the penetration of mine stems. The high quality of rich ores at a depth can not only fill out the cost of this technique, but also ensure the high efficiency of the KMU mining industry. In addition to the high content of iron, these ores contain only tenths of the percentage of sulfur and hundredths of phosphorus.

The district also has large reserves of non-metallic fossils: granites, refractory clays, chalk, mergels, dolomites; There are stocks of copper-nickel ores and bauxite.

In the iron ore fields of the Belgorod region, industrial boxes are found - Vistula field, but due to the high depth of the occurrence and complex hydrogeological conditions, it is not yet exploited.

Copper-nickel deposits of the Voronezh region form the third in value (after Norilsk and Kola) copper-nickel province of the Russian Federation. In addition, there are cement raw materials deposits, refractory clay, sand, construction stone. The most famous Latahn deposit of refractory clays and Pavlovskoye - building materials are most famous.

In the Kursk region there are deposits of peat, phosphorites, building materials.

Lipetsk region has deposits of building materials and dolomites. The most famous deposits of building materials, such as student, Sokolsko-Sith, and Dolomites - Dankovsky.

In the Tambov region there are stocks of building materials, phosphorites, mineral paints, peat; The most famous sand deposits are Tambov and Polkovsky.

The Central Chernozem region is sharply deficiently on fuel and energy resources and uses almost completely imported fuel.

The climate of the area is moderately continental, in a given part, a sufficiently moistened, in the southeast - more dry, frequent drought. The average temperature of July + (19-20) 0s, January - (9-11) 0s. Number of annual precipitation 400-500 mm per year. The duration of the growing season with a temperature above 50c - 175-200 days, with a temperature above 100c- 140-170 days. The hydrographic network is poor. The only major river is Don with tributaries Voronezh and the Northern Donets. Don only in the lower current to Pavlovsk is shipping. The rest of the rivers shallow water, their main use - water supply of the population and industrial enterprises. Currently there was a tense water balance in large cities.

The most valuable wealth of the area are soils: only in the west of Kursk and in the north of Tambov regions, gray forest and podzolic soils are common, throughout the rest of the territory - a different type of black soil with a content of humus from 4-6 to 10-12% with the power of the horizon in separate areas up to 120 - 130 cm. These are the most fertile soils. Blackloons here were formed on the loose soils of sand sandy loams, so they are easily amenable to water erosion leading to the formation of ravines. In some areas of erosion, up to 60% of the lands are susceptible, so the fight against ORAGOs is the most important task of the farmers of the district. The actual means of this struggle was special treatment of fields and artificial frisms, which constitute about half of the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe area. The middle forestry in the area is 8%. Industrial logging of forests almost everywhere is prohibited. Forest resources have mainly soil-protecting, recreational significance. Industrial exploitation of forests does not play any significant role in ensuring the area of \u200b\u200bbusiness wood. Forest and woodworking industry uses imported raw materials, in the area produce furniture, lumber, chipboard, fane. The products of the industry ensures the internal needs of the region in the goods of folk consumption.

3. Population and labor resources.

Population Ts.ch.E.R. It is 7.9 million., Or 5.3% of the population of the Russian Federation. The cities live 61.6% of the population, in rural areas, 38.4% of the population. According to the population density (47.0 people. At km2), the region takes one of the leading places in Russia. Due to the intensive development of the iron ore metallurgical complex in the region, as well as in the fact that during a long time the district has delivered employment reserves to other regions of the country, in the Ts.Ch.R. An intact structure was broken, which resulted in a decline in fertility and an increase in the mortality rate of the population. As a result, a natural settlement of the population began in the area, one of the first in Russia. In subsequent years, the situation improved somewhat due to a small increase in fertility in 1985-1987. And at the expense of emigrants from the areas of interethnic conflicts and the Russian-speaking population from the countries of the neighboring countries, but continues to be critical.

The number of labor resources tends to reduce and the area from the discharge of employment, perhaps will be transferred to the category of employees.

4. Demographic situation and population placement

Fertility, mortality, natural increase determines the total number

the country's population as a whole. In the context of individual regions natural and

mechanical gains can affect the change in the total number

country and territory population

Consider common fertility coefficients. The table shows

the data of fertility in the Central Black Earth region by regions included in these regions.

Common fertility coefficients (the number of those born per 1000 population)

Central blackness. district

Belgorod region

Voronezh region

Lipetsk region

Tambov region

After analyzing the data of the table, you can make the following conclusion that

the last decade was observed a decrease in the number of born in all

regions of this area. Today, according to individual observers, the demographic catastrophe collapsed on the country, it only entered a number of European countries, as Germany, Italy, Spain, which is not in a state of crisis.

Fertility depends on a very large number of factors, among which,

probably there are those that can be affected and thereby several

increase its level. Similar features, not, it is necessary to identify and

use. But to calculate the birth rate capable

fundamentally change the position with natural increments, hardly

Mortality - the second component of the form of natural population growth.

It is known that in Russia it is very high.

Consider mortality data in the Central Black Earth area in the table.

Central blackness. district

Belgorod region

Voronezh region

Lipetsk region

Tambov region

The situation that established in the area with mortality is also not the best. The increase in mortality in this area compared with 1985 on average

amounted to about 20-30%. It is a little more than in a number of other areas, but in

the whole in Russia there is a tendency to increase mortality.

In Russia, in the early 1990s, mortality of men aged from 30 to 40 years

it was 3.4 times higher, women - 2 times than in the West. With the Russian mortality structure of 1990, from each thousand born boys, early or later 147 will die from the accident.

In 1995, a new turn was outlined, this time - for the better. By top

1998. The life expectancy of men increased by 3.6, wives - for 2.1 years. But now, the life expectancy in Russia is still very low: in women - at the level of the 1970s and 1980s, men - even less than this is extremely low

The deformed age structure of the population is the third factor, from

which depends on its natural increase. In the Central Black Earth region, and in Russia as a whole, its influence has masked depopulation trends for a long time and contributed to the preservation of the number of births over the number of deaths, when the age-related birth rate and mortality have no reason for this reason. Generally speaking, for the period of rapid decline in the birth rate and the aging associated aging is the usual situation.

Nowadays the potential of demographic growth, in the considered Central Black Earth region, has been exhausted, can not play the former masking role and de the age pyramid. Natural growth in these areas, all pain depends directly from the age-related birth rate and mortality, and the birth must be crucial, which is very low here, and its significant increase is not enough. Thus, the current demographic situation and predictions do not leave high hopes for a positive natural increase in the foreseeable future.

State Committee on Statistics of the Russian Federation on the basis of the current

time trends and their possible changes in the future made forecast

calculations of the population until 2010. At the same time were taken three

hypothetical variation of demographic development - medium pessimistic

and optimistic.

The average option is based on the assumption of the country's slow output from

the economic crisis that, on the one hand, will have a positive effect on the dynamics

mortality, and on the other - will allow families to fully realize their

reproductive intentions identified during micropreps 1994.

The pessimistic script is likely if the crisis is delayed. It

is based on extrapolation of mortality growth dynamics, which began in the middle

60s, until the end of the predicted period. Birth is stabilized by

the maximum level is below which it cannot fall.

The optimistic vision of the future is based on the fact that crisis phenomena

recent years will be able to neutralize enough, as a result of which

the coming years will occur positive shifts in the dynamics of mortality. Level

fertility will come close to the pre-crisis indicator, and in the future in Russia

a smooth transition to a new stage of demographic development will begin.

The forecast of the prospective population is made with the possible possible

applications of migration flows. It was assumed that during the whole period

migration processes will serve a deterrent to a significant reduction

population due to negative natural increase.

So, for 1996-2010 The migration component may exceed 2.6 million.

human. At the same time, the influx of migrants from the former republics of the USSR to Russia will be

more than 3.6 million people, and the number of Russians who left for a permanent place

residence in foreign countries - almost 1 million people.

According to forecast estimates, the number of migrants from the former Union Republics

will gradually decline. Until 2000, the excess of entry into Russia

departure from it on average will be at about 400 thousand people in

year, at the beginning of the new millennium (2000-2005) - a little more than 200 thousand.

man, and subsequently (2006-2010) - most likely will not exceed 150 thousand.

man per year. The main influx of the population from the former Union republics

will have to central, centrally black earth, North Caucasian and

Volga regions. Migration processes within Russia will

characterized by the mass departure of the population from the Northern and Eastern areas

European part of the country. Until the end of the millennium, over 300 thousand people will abandon

these territories.

To date, it is almost impossible to increase the fertility to sharply, and it is also unrealistic to reduce mortality, i.e. It is necessary to look for other outputs from the current situation. One of these solutions can be called a migration process observed today. In recent years, the population of the Central Chernozem

The district is replenished only by migration processes. And here already

there is a shortage in state regulation of chaotic migration.

The state is obliged to interfere in migration processes. Unfortunately on this

there is no question of a clear concept yet. Meanwhile, the Russian society should

to protect yourself from the negative social consequences of illegal migration.

It is clear that in the conditions of "transparency" of the borders of Russia yet

put a durable barrier to the illegal penetration of migrants to its

territory. Therefore, the legislative framework of migration processes is the main

the problem is on the way of regulating social problems in Russia. They are diverse

and difficult, but it is necessary to solve, because by means of migration Russia

will be able to redistribute its population population with messenger

countries benefit.

5. Industry of the Central Chernozem region

In the industrial complex of the Central Chernozem region, the leading place is occupied by ferrous metallurgy, which is a branch of market specialization. Commercial iron ore, cast iron, steel, finished rental is widely exported to other regions of Russia, to the countries of the neighboring countries. The largest enterprises of the metallurgical complex include Lebedinsky, Mikhailovsky, Staplensky Goki, the association "Kmaruda", Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine, Plant "Free Falcon", Ostksky Electrometallurgical Combine, Semiluk Plant for the production of refractories and others. The cost of production of iron ore in the region is lower by 20% than the average for the Russian Federation, even despite the extensive costs of land reclamation and other environmental activities. The development of the industry in the Central Chernozemie goes in two directions: expanding the production and enrichment of iron ores and an increase in the production and assortment of metallurgical products due to the reconstruction of the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine and the introduction of new capacities at the Ostroscopic Electrometallurgical Combine. The area is the main supplier of electrical, autolistan and tubular steel in Russia. The technical level of production and productivity of labor in the ferrous metallurgy of the district is higher than on average in Russia; In many positions, the products of the industry meet international standards.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is also a branch of the market specialization of the Central Chernozem region and is characterized by a multi-industrial structure. In the region, complex labor-intensive industries were developed: electronics, aviation, instrument making and metal industries: mining engineering, production of excavators, forge-pressing machines, metal-cutting machines, tractor construction and agricultural engineering, chemical and petrochemical engineering, production of metal structures. The placement of the machine-building complex in the region is extremely uneven and focused mainly in the Voronezh region (42% of the total production of products), mechanical engineering centers are also allocated: Lipetsk, Kursk, Belgorod, Tambov, Elets, Dankov, Michurinsk, Zheleznogorsk and others. It is not enough in the area of \u200b\u200bdeveloped engineering for the food industry.

Food industry

The branch of the district's market specialization is the food industry. It has a powerful developed its own raw material base and is also a diversified. It is important to sugar, meat, oil, butterfluous, alcohol, tobacco, fruits, fruit. These industries supply their products to the All-Russian food market. The food industry in the region is characterized by technical retardation, large depreciation of the main production funds (up to 70%), a high proportion of manual labor. The power of enterprises lags far behind the volume of brewed raw materials. Therefore, even in the middle of the yield years, some of the raw materials remains undeveloped.

Chemical industry

The chemical industry in the Central Black Earth region also belongs to the sectors of market specialization. But it is contained in the lack of its own raw material base and a shortage of water and energy resources. Nevertheless, the industry in the area has gained significant development and most of its products enters interregional exchange. It is synthetic rubber, tires from Voronezh, rubber products from Tambov and Kursk, synthetic fibers from Kursk, synthetic detergents from Shebekino aniline dyes from Tambov. Perspective in the area of \u200b\u200bproduction of mineral fertilizers and production of synthetic materials.

Cement industry

For other subproduces, the increase in capacity is inappropriate due to the limited resources. Cement industry - a branch of the Construction Complex of the Central Chernozem region also refers to the sectors of market specialization. Its development in the area is due to the presence of major resources of raw materials, the integrated use of overlap breeds in the development of Iron RUD KMA. Large cement plants are accommodated in Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk. Other industries in the Central Black Earth region are complementary by the complex.

Electric power industry

The electric power industry has a specific structure. More than 80% of electricity produce nuclear power plants. Here are built and constantly expanding Novovoronezh and Kursk NPPs. Large thermal power plants work in regional centers. Part of the electricity comes from the UES of Russia, but the area is still deficiently on electricity, and this factor restrains the development of the economy of the Central Black Earth.

Forest and woodworking industry

Forest and woodworking industry uses imported raw materials, in the area produce furniture, lumber, chipboard, fane. The products of the industry ensures the internal needs of the region in the goods of folk consumption.

Light industry

The light industry of the Central Black Earth region is developed weakly and posted very unevenly. Enterprises are focused mainly in Tambov and Kursk regions. The Tambov region specializes in the production of woolen fabrics, in the Kursk region there is a Glushkovsk woolen factory and built a large knitted combustible plant using chemical fiber. The further development of the industry is associated with the improvement of its territorial structure and is aimed at a more complete satisfaction of the needs of the population of the district. The sewing industry is located everywhere, leather-shoe enterprises are located in Kursk, Voronezh.

6. Agriculture of the Central Black Earth region

The agro-industrial complex specializes in the framework of the all-Russian division of labor on the product, which is most profitable to receive in the area. Here they cultivate cereals (the most important among them - wheat), technical (sugar beets, sunflower, mahorka, hemp, etc.), potatoes and various vegetable, fruit and berry cultures. The share of industrial crops in the structure of the sowing space is almost 13%, i.e., two more times more than an average of the Russian Federation, more here is also the proportion of vegetable and fruit crops.

The most important economic prerequisite for the development of the APK is the position of the district in the center of the European part of the country, near the developed areas with a large share of the urban population and, therefore, in great demand for food. Residents of the Central Chernozem region have tremendous experience and skills in the production of various agricultural products. The created potential of the area allows us to provide APK by cars and mechanisms, repair their repair, supply spare parts. District Chemical Industry Significant part of products delivers agriculture.

The district accounts for only 6.3% of the agricultural land of Russia. At the same time, it produces in different years from 9 to 12% of the grain (grain yield fluctuates at 21-23 cm with 1 hectare, which is 7-8 ° C longer than on average in Russia), approximately 50% sugar beets, 15-17% of sunflower seeds, 7-11% of potatoes, 7-8% of gross collection of vegetables, 11-13% fruit and berries. The production of the main types of crop products per capita in the area is much higher than the average indicators in the Russian Federation. For example, per 1 person, grains produce more than 4 tons here (on average 600 kg), sand sugar - more than 160 kg (on average in Russia - 20 kg), vegetable oil-25 kg (on average Russia is about 6 kg).

The area is widely represented by the flour and feed industries. Based on the processing of grain and potatoes, starch-dine and alcohol production are developed. A large base for processing breeding raw materials was created, primarily in Voronezh, Belgorod and Kursk regions. In the production of sugar, a large amount of waste is formed (fum, diffusion water, jet wax, melasse, etc.), their disposal is beneficial in economic relations.

Oil-fat production is one of the oldest in the central chernozem. Raw materials for him serves sunflower. According to its cultivation area, the area is inferior to the Russian Federation only by the North Caucasus and Volga. Allocated by the large scale of his crops Voronezh, Tambov, Belgorod and Lipetsk region. The area is the main producer of essential oils based on the processing of Coriander and Anisa (Alekseevsky Etheric Bar).

The Central Chernozem region is distinguished among other developed animal husbandry. For the production of meat per capita, he ranks first in the country. The highest rates in this respect has the Belgorod region. In the structure of the meat produced, pork and beef prevail; Share of poultry meat and lamb are small. Processing capacity is insufficient. The problem of rational use of by-products and waste production is maintained. According to the production of milk production per capita, the district also ranks first in the Russian Federation. Satisfying their needs for food, the area is significant part of them.

The release of light industry goods (leather-shoe, knitted, sewing and some other industries are developed) concentrated in regional center centers. Used mainly imported raw materials.

7. Transport complex of the Central Chernozem region

The Central Black Earth region occupies a very favorable transport and geographical position, and has a developed transport complex: in the thickness of the transport network, it significantly exceeds the average indicators in Russia. Main types of transport - Railway and automotive; The area also received the development of river, pipeline and aviation species. Through the area there are large flow of transit cargo, reflecting the connections of the northern and central regions with southern, oriental and western. In recent years, the flow of goods from the TCHER itself, associated with the development of the territorial and production complex of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (CMA TPK) (iron ore, ferrous metals, mineral-building raw materials). Therefore, the bandwidth of individual lines is already insufficient, the technical equipment of transport is weak, it is necessary to improve the interaction of various types of transport in the region.

In the central chernozem, the transport network has developed, the configuration of which resembles a grille. Its base is Meridional and latitudinal highways of inter-district values4 Meridional (Bryansk - Kharkov, Eagle - Kharkov, Elets - Valuyki, Mud - Millerovo) and 3 latitudinal (Sukhinichi - Tambov, Elets - Middleo, Vorozhba - Snage) Railways and numerous compounds and branches. In the southeastern outskirts, Valuyki line passes - Roworino, providing output from Donbass. The importation of goods in the area prevails over the export. Imports determine coal, petroleumous, mineral building materials, forest loads; Export - iron ore, cement, black metal rental, various shipping goods.

Great transit transport network function. Large work in the carriage is carried out by railways. The density of their network here is much more than an average of Russia, and is 27.4 km per 1000 km2. The density of the network of public roads with a solid coating is 179 km per 1000 km2, which is 6 times more than an average of Russia's territory. The territory of the district pass the highways of international importance: Moscow - Simferopol (through Kursk), Moscow - Caucasus, Moscow - Volgograd ( through Voronezh) and the motorway Kharkov - Volgograd and Bryansk - Volgograd (through Voronezh); On local roads are transported by ore and fluxes to metallurgical plants, building materials, sugar beets, cereals.
A large influence on the transportation process has pipeline transport having an extensive network of product pipelines. The largest of them are: Ufa - Western direction, Samara - Bryansk, steel horse - West direction, Nikolskoye - Voronezh - Belgorod - Sumy. In addition, the Friendship pipeline connecting the oil-producing regions of the Middle Volga region with the countries of Europe, and gas pipelines: Stavropol - Moscow, Urengoy - Pomara - Elets - Uzhgorod.

Voronezavia Airline OJSC is a practically the only civil aviation company in the Central-Black Earth Region, carrying out domestic and international transport. Taking into account the alleged reduction in international airports, the airport "Voronezh" may remain the only one in the region that has the status of international. The activity of the airline in 2001 and 2002 is characterized as stable. Statistical reporting shows that along with the deterioration of some indicators defined by the demand for aircraft, there is an improvement in quality indicators. The financial condition of the airline is sustainable. The incomes of the airline in 2002 amounted to 226 million rubles, which is almost 30 times for almost 30 percent, and the profit amounted to 7 million rubles.

River transport is poorly developed. Shipping is carried out on Don, Hopra and the Northern Don. In 2001, 0.18 million tons were transported by all owners of river vessels (on a state and commercial basis).

8. Regional difference in the standard of living of the population

Four years ago there were 148.5 million people.

Since 1992, the population reduction began to be celebrated, first small, then increasing. If it were not for the influx of immigrants from other CIS countries, the population would reduce 1 million per year, and so - 0.5 million / year. A special reduction is allocated in the areas of the non-sinor band, recently also in Siberia and the Far East (population outflow due to the economic crisis). In addition to changes in the natural movement of the population, the birth rate is reduced, mortality increases, the role of migrations in reducing has increased. Migration balance - Excess entry into Russia over the departure is about 500,000 people, which only half compensates for a natural settlement of the population. All major economic areas of Russia at the contribution of the two main components of the population growth can be divided into 4 groups:

1. Rays with a positive value of both natural movements and migrations. Only one - North Caucasian.

2.Ryon with a negative value of natural growth, but positive migration - central, Volga-Vyatsky, centrally black earth, Volga region.

3.Rones with a positive value of natural growth, but negative migration - Siberia (Far Eastern), Far East

4. Rays with negative increase and migration - sever and northwespad.

In recent years, approximately 60 of the 80 districts recently the birth rate has also increased mortality rate. 16 people per 1000 per year. The largest - Pskov region - 24/1000. Not only elderly, but also able-bodied. The average duration of men is 57 years old, women - 63.

Northwest, central areas recently have a permanent settlement of the population. In addition to the natural movement, the strengthening of the urban type of population should be noted - the Murmansk region - 89-90% urban population). Milk families (not more than the 1st Child) are increasingly characteristic. For Russia, in recent years is characterized by an increase in population mobility.

The following features can be distinguished:

· Preservation of a high positive balance in Russia with all CIS countries (except Belorussi);

· Increase in the outflow of Russian population from the CIS countries and the Baltic States in Russia;

· An increase in the poverty of the refugees who arrived in Russia;

· Strengthening of outflow from the northern territories, especially from the Asian North;

The age structure of the population of Russia (for the 2000th year):

1. Up to 16 years - 22.4%

2. 16-65 (able-bodied) - 57.3%

3. More than 65 years (above the working age) -20.3%. According to territorial differences, then the youngest (according to the composition of the population) is the Far East, the most elderly - Central Black Earth region.


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Composition, geographical position, natural resource potential potassium.The Central Chernozem region (CCD) includes Belgo-Rodana, Voronezh, Kurskaya, Lipetsk and Tambov region. This is the smallest area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian area - 167.7 thousand km2. The name of the area comes from its location - it is located in that part of Central Russia, where black-earth soils prevail. In the north and northwest, the district borders with the central district of Russia, at the pre-current - with the Volga region, in the south - with the North Caucasus region, in the south-west - with Ukraine.

Most Central Czech is held by the Hilly Middle Russian elevation, in the east, turning into the window-Don lowland. Relief rosen contributes to the development of soil erosion, which negatively affects agriculture. Soil-climatic conditions of the forest-steppe, on the contrary, are very favorable for the development of agriculture. It combines a moderate moderately continental climate with warm summer, relatively warm winter, sufficient amounts of precipitation and extremely high natural soil fertility. For most of the territory of the area, the content of humus in the soil reaches 10% at the power of the black epic layer to 120-130 cm. Located on the waterproofs of the Don River, Oci and Dnieper, does not have large watercourses on its territory. Therefore, specific water supply (stock of rivers per capita) is minimal in Russia and in large cities, the water-zyidal balance is very tense.

Only two types of mineral raw materials are common on the territory of the Central Committee on a large scale, but their reserves are very high. First, these are iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (CMA), which conporates almost 60% of iron ores in Russia. The fields are located in Belgorod (Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Yakovlevsky, etc.) and Kursk (Mikhailovskoy) regions. Secondly, there are large deposits of cement raw materials in the area. According to the reserves of non-amineral natural resources - forest, water and hydropower - Central Commissars, it takes the last place in Russia.

The EGP of the Central Chernozem region is profitable, as it is located at the intersection of transport routes from the center to the south of Russia and Ukraine, as well as from the Volga region to European countries. Favorable the presence of huge stocks of iron ore and good conditions for the development of agriculture. Negatively affects the absence of access to the world ocean.

Population.The population of the Central Committee, according to the 2002 census, amounted to 7.5 million people. Population density - 45 people per 1 km2 (third place among the regions of Russia after the Central and North Kav-KazSky). Unlike the rest of the country, the differences in density are large. The share of urban population in the Central Committee is 62% - preliminar place in Russia in front of the North Caucasus. This is due to good conditions for the development of agriculture and settlement. There are no millionaire cities in the area, although more than 1 million inhabitants live in the city-agglomeration of Voronezh.

Natural population decline in the area is large (up to 10% o), and in majority of years during the 1990s, it did not overlap the migration-inen influx. A significant proportion of immigrants of recent years - refugees and forced displaceders from new independent states. As a result, the population is currently in the area less than in 1989, by 3%. In contrast to the situation of the 90s in the previous decades from the area there was an intense migration outflow of Nasya. Therefore, the age structure of the population is old. The share of the population in working age is minimal among the country's regions. The level of qualifications of labor resources CCD is quite high. At the same time, due to the strong decline in the industrial production and the influx of forced migrants, the unemployment rate in the Tambov, Voronezh and Belarusian regions is higher than the average Russian. CHR on the ethnic composition of the population is the most uniform in the country. The share of Russians exceeds 90% in all regions. The proportion of Ukrainians is also significant. The confession of both nearby peoples - Orthodoxy.

Leading industries. The following set of branches of inter-district specialization has developed in the Central Chernozem region:

In industry: ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, building materials and food;

In agriculture: growing grain, sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, milk-meat cattle breeding.

Black metallurgy leads in the farm area, producing more than a third of industrial products (the maximum proportion of the industry in the countries of the country). Its value is determined by the district championship in Russia for iron ore extraction (almost 60%), as well as its high weight in the production of steel and rolled products (about 20%). The largest careers for the extraction of poor ore (iron content in ore 20-30%) are near the cities of Old Oskol (Belgorod region) and Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region). The mines are mined ore Yakovlevsky Mission-Dénia near Belgorod. This is a more expensive method, but the iron content is much higher here - up to 60%. A large novolypeetsk metallurgical combine of a full cycle producing more than 7 million tons of steel per year is located in Lipetsk. In Stary Oskol, an electroometallurgical combine, producing steel from iron ore concentrates, bypassing the stage of cast iron. This is the most advanced enterprise industry in the country, giving steel and high quality rental.

The main subproduces are sugar, oil, flourish, cereal, vegetable raw oil, milk-canning, meat industry. About 40% of sugar sand 25% of vegetable oil are produced in the Central Committee on the All-Russian production, 10-15% flour, croup, animal oil canned food, meat. Especially well developed (more than 50 plants) Sugar sub-sectors, processing not only local raw materials, but also imported raw sugar.

Mechanical engineering gives about 15% of industrial products in Raio-not well developed metal-domestic production, using the site-noble metal: the manufacture of steam boilers in Belgorod, equipment for the chemical industry in Tambov, excavators in Voronezh. Lipetsk is a large tractor factory. In Voronezh (the head of the head of the district) there was a complex of factories of accurate and military engineering. Planes, spacecraft, metalworking machines, appliances, radio equipment and electronics are made here. In the 90s, large production of refrigerators appeared in Lipetsk (Stinol Plant).

The chemical industry produces about 10% of the area products. Mineral fertilizers are available on a large scale: nitrogen - in Lipetsk (production originally originated on the basis of the use of coke gas of ferrous metallurgy), phosphate from chiban apatitis - in Uvarov (Tambov region). In the Voronezh region (Rossosh), nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are available. Chemical products that goes to other areas - synthetic rubber and tires from Voronezh, chemical fibers from Kursk, Plastics and Laco-colorful products from Tambov.

The building materials industry produces about 5% of the industrial products of the area. Interdistrict importance has the production of cement, formed on the basis of the use of the field of limestone and dolomites, as well as the processing of overlapping breeds and waste of ferrous metallurgy. Main production centers - Belgo-Rod, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk.

The main branch of agriculture in the area is a plant-water plant.

Central Chernozem District

Growing grain (winter wheat, barley, buckwheat), sugar beets, potatoes. Many gardens and planting vegetable crops. In the southern part of the district, ether-oil cultures are grown in the southern part of the district. In the northern part of the area there are crops of cannabis. The main subproduction of animal husbandry is milky-meat cattle breeding. Widely distributed pig breeding and poultry farming, which use plant waste and food industries. A sharp problem for agricultural district is a large-scale seizure of fertile land and a reduced level of groundwater in the career development of iron ore deposits.

The work of the field of specialization of the area is provided by electro-cycling and transport. In contrast to other areas of the country, two atomic power plants produce most of the energy: Kurski - one of the most powerful in Russia (4 million kW) and Novovoronezhskaya. There are no hydroelectric power plants. At the same time, energy in the area is not enough. The Central Black Earth area has a thick network of iron and auto-mobile roads. According to the density of public roads with the TSC, the CCR is leading in Russia - about 200 km per 1000 km2, the density of railways divides first place with a central area. Through the territory of CCP, the main gas and oil-dyes are laid, the following from the Volga region and Western Siberia towards Ukraine and yes to Europe.


See more:

Central black earth area.

Composition, geographical position, natural resource potential potassium.The Central Chernozem region (CCD) includes Belgo-Rodana, Voronezh, Kurskaya, Lipetsk and Tambov region. This is the smallest area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian area - 167.7 thousand km2. The name of the area comes from its location - it is located in that part of Central Russia, where black-earth soils prevail. In the north and northwest, the district borders with the central district of Russia, at the pre-current - with the Volga region, in the south - with the North Caucasus region, in the south-west - with Ukraine.

Most Central Czech is held by the Hilly Middle Russian elevation, in the east, turning into the window-Don lowland. Relief rosen contributes to the development of soil erosion, which negatively affects agriculture. Soil-climatic conditions of the forest-steppe, on the contrary, are very favorable for the development of agriculture. It combines a moderate moderately continental climate with warm summer, relatively warm winter, sufficient amounts of precipitation and extremely high natural soil fertility. For most of the territory of the area, the content of humus in the soil reaches 10% at the power of the black epic layer to 120-130 cm. Located on the waterproofs of the Don River, Oci and Dnieper, does not have large watercourses on its territory. Therefore, specific water supply (stock of rivers per capita) is minimal in Russia and in large cities, the water-zyidal balance is very tense.

Only two types of mineral raw materials are common on the territory of the Central Committee on a large scale, but their reserves are very high. First, these are iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (CMA), which conporates almost 60% of iron ores in Russia.

Central - Chernozem District (p. 1 of 4)

The fields are located in Belgorod (Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Yakovlevsky, etc.) and Kursk (Mikhailovskoy) regions. Secondly, there are large deposits of cement raw materials in the area. According to the reserves of non-amineral natural resources - forest, water and hydropower - Central Commissars, it takes the last place in Russia.

The EGP of the Central Chernozem region is profitable, as it is located at the intersection of transport routes from the center to the south of Russia and Ukraine, as well as from the Volga region to European countries. Favorable the presence of huge stocks of iron ore and good conditions for the development of agriculture. Negatively affects the absence of access to the world ocean.

Population.The population of the Central Committee, according to the 2002 census, amounted to 7.5 million people. Population density - 45 people per 1 km2 (third place among the regions of Russia after the Central and North Kav-KazSky). Unlike the rest of the country, the differences in density are large. The share of urban population in the Central Committee is 62% - preliminar place in Russia in front of the North Caucasus. This is due to good conditions for the development of agriculture and settlement.

There are no millionaire cities in the area, although more than 1 million inhabitants live in the city-agglomeration of Voronezh.

Natural population decline in the area is large (up to 10% o), and in majority of years during the 1990s, it did not overlap the migration-inen influx. A significant proportion of immigrants of recent years - refugees and forced displaceders from new independent states. As a result, the population is currently in the area less than in 1989, by 3%. In contrast to the situation of the 90s in the previous decades from the area there was an intense migration outflow of Nasya. Therefore, the age structure of the population is old. The share of the population in working age is minimal among the country's regions. The level of qualifications of labor resources CCD is quite high. At the same time, due to the strong decline in the industrial production and the influx of forced migrants, the unemployment rate in the Tambov, Voronezh and Belarusian regions is higher than the average Russian. CHR on the ethnic composition of the population is the most uniform in the country. The share of Russians exceeds 90% in all regions. The proportion of Ukrainians is also significant. The confession of both nearby peoples - Orthodoxy.

Leading industries. The following set of branches of inter-district specialization has developed in the Central Chernozem region:

In industry: ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, building materials and food;

In agriculture: growing grain, sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, milk-meat cattle breeding.

Black metallurgy leads in the farm area, producing more than a third of industrial products (the maximum proportion of the industry in the countries of the country). Its value is determined by the district championship in Russia for iron ore extraction (almost 60%), as well as its high weight in the production of steel and rolled products (about 20%). The largest careers for the extraction of poor ore (iron content in ore 20-30%) are near the cities of Old Oskol (Belgorod region) and Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region). The mines are mined ore Yakovlevsky Mission-Dénia near Belgorod. This is a more expensive method, but the iron content is much higher here - up to 60%. A large novolypeetsk metallurgical combine of a full cycle producing more than 7 million tons of steel per year is located in Lipetsk. In Stary Oskol, an electroometallurgical combine, producing steel from iron ore concentrates, bypassing the stage of cast iron. This is the most advanced enterprise industry in the country, giving steel and high quality rental.

The main subproduces are sugar, oil, flourish, cereal, vegetable raw oil, milk-canning, meat industry. About 40% of sugar sand 25% of vegetable oil are produced in the Central Committee on the All-Russian production, 10-15% flour, croup, animal oil canned food, meat. Especially well developed (more than 50 plants) Sugar sub-sectors, processing not only local raw materials, but also imported raw sugar.

Mechanical engineering gives about 15% of industrial products in Raio-not well developed metal-domestic production, using the site-noble metal: the manufacture of steam boilers in Belgorod, equipment for the chemical industry in Tambov, excavators in Voronezh. Lipetsk is a large tractor factory. In Voronezh (the head of the head of the district) there was a complex of factories of accurate and military engineering. Planes, spacecraft, metalworking machines, appliances, radio equipment and electronics are made here. In the 90s, large production of refrigerators appeared in Lipetsk (Stinol Plant).

The chemical industry produces about 10% of the area products. Mineral fertilizers are available on a large scale: nitrogen - in Lipetsk (production originally originated on the basis of the use of coke gas of ferrous metallurgy), phosphate from chiban apatitis - in Uvarov (Tambov region). In the Voronezh region (Rossosh), nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are available. Chemical products that goes to other areas - synthetic rubber and tires from Voronezh, chemical fibers from Kursk, Plastics and Laco-colorful products from Tambov.

The building materials industry produces about 5% of the industrial products of the area. Interdistrict importance has the production of cement, formed on the basis of the use of the field of limestone and dolomites, as well as the processing of overlapping breeds and waste of ferrous metallurgy. Main production centers - Belgo-Rod, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk.

The main branch of agriculture in the area is a plant-water plant. Growing grain (winter wheat, barley, buckwheat), sugar beets, potatoes. Many gardens and planting vegetable crops. In the southern part of the district, ether-oil cultures are grown in the southern part of the district. In the northern part of the area there are crops of cannabis. The main subproduction of animal husbandry is milky-meat cattle breeding. Widely distributed pig breeding and poultry farming, which use plant waste and food industries. A sharp problem for agricultural district is a large-scale seizure of fertile land and a reduced level of groundwater in the career development of iron ore deposits.

The work of the field of specialization of the area is provided by electro-cycling and transport. In contrast to other areas of the country, two atomic power plants produce most of the energy: Kurski - one of the most powerful in Russia (4 million kW) and Novovoronezhskaya. There are no hydroelectric power plants. At the same time, energy in the area is not enough. The Central Black Earth area has a thick network of iron and auto-mobile roads. According to the density of public roads with the TSC, the CCR is leading in Russia - about 200 km per 1000 km2, the density of railways divides first place with a central area. Through the territory of CCP, the main gas and oil-dyes are laid, the following from the Volga region and Western Siberia towards Ukraine and yes to Europe.


See more:

Nechuro-earth, or, more precisely, an unborn zone is a huge territory extending from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the forest-steppe zone in the south with its black erect soils and from the Baltic Sea to Western Siberia. There are 28 regions and republics, as well as the Perm region, the Nenets Autonomous District and the two cities of federal significance. It includes an unborn zone in four major economic areas - North-West, North, Volga-Vyatsky and Central. The total area is 2824 thousand km2. It is more than France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Germany, combined. There are about 60 million people in the nonhernozem, that is, more than 1/3 of the population of Russia. Since the most ancient times, the olden-ground zone has played and plays a large role in the history of our Motherland, in its economic and cultural development. Here, in the interflucery Oka and Volga, at the end of the XV century. There was a Russian centralized state.

Centrally Chernozem Economic Area Contents 1 Composition

A Russian national culture has been created in the non-black earth, from here the Russians settled in a vast country. On this territory, for centuries, the Russian people defended their freedom and independence. The industry of Russia originated here, large Russian cities have grown and develop.

And in our time, the Neckochinee retained a primary role in the political, economic and cultural life of the country. The center of Nechrennohemia, St. Petersburg, the Urals are the most important industrial bases, the forge of scientific and working personnel. The capital of our Motherland is the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, the second on economic and cultural significance of the city - St. Petersburg and the largest cities and industrial centers as Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Yaroslavl, Izhevsk, Tula, and others.

Nechrophone - an important agricultural area of \u200b\u200bRussia. Here is 1/5 of the country of agricultural land.

The development of agriculture here is favorable by the presence of huge arrays of arable land, many meadows and pastures, as well as good moisturies, almost complete abuse. True, the soil here is poor humus. However, the soils of non-sinomime in climate favorable areas during the necessary land reclamation (drainage, limeting, making mineral fertilizers) can give up to 80 c grains and up to 800-1000 c potatoes with hectares.

The development of agriculture of non-black earth extension based on its intensification, land reclamation, complex mechanization and chemicalization is the level of the national problem.

The development of non-black earth will take more than a decade. It is necessary to increase the production of a variety of agricultural products.

But the accelerated growth of grain production, meat, milk, potatoes, vegetables, other products is only one of the parties to raise agriculture of non-black earth. After all, all the products obtained need to be preserved and recycled. Therefore, new elevators for grain, meat processing plants, dairy plants, storage facilities for potatoes and vegetables are being built here.

It is especially important to organize large mechanized farms in milk-meat animal husbandry - the main branch of agriculture of the non-black earth. The population of this zone is the largest consumer of milk and fresh meat.

Work is underway to change the structure and geography of cultivated cultures. Thus, they are expanding due to wheat area under oats and barley, as more crop and, moreover, work suitable for feeding, work is underway on a more rational placement of industrial crops (primarily flax), on the concentration of potato and vegetables landings.

The priority task is to master new non-black earth lands under arable land, improve existing arable land, increase its fertility. Another important task is to create cultural pastures.

In front of the non-black minced task, the transformation into a district of highly productive farming and animal husbandry, as well as the development related to them, industries.

Perform the tasks of conversion of agriculture of non-black earth definitely without the active participation of young people. This goal will be attractive for young men and girls, there is an opportunity for everyone to attach their knowledge, energy, to show love for work on Earth.

by discipline: Economic geography and reginalistics


2 student students

groups 6-12TD2 / 8

Queen I.

Nezhdenova A.

g. Arzamas 2009

1. Performance of the economic and geographical position of the Central Black Economic Area.

The Central Black Economic Economic Area includes:

Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk and Tambov regions with an area of \u200b\u200b167.7 thousand km2 (1% of the entire territory of Russia) and the population living in them as of 09.10.2002 7,517,456 people. (5.3% of the total population of Russia). According to the number of residents, cities (thousand) are allocated: Voronezh (903), Lipetsk (375), Kursk (373), Tambov (265), Belgorod (227), Elets (113) and Michurinsk (102).

The Central Black Economic Economic Area is central in the Black Earth Strip of the Russian Plain and borders with the leading industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe country - central, and also conveniently located in relation to the fuel and energy bases of the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Ukraine. The territory of CER is located on a watershed, according to the top flow of the Oki, Don and Seimas rivers (the inflow of the gums on which Kursk is standing).

Central Chernozem District Composition

The western part of the district (Orlovskaya, Kursk and Belgorod region) is located on the Central Russian hill, the average (Voronezh, Tambov, Lipetsk region) - on the window-donal lowland. A feature of the modern relief is a lot of ravines, the development of which contributed to both natural factors (sobmnost, light-impaired soils) and socially economic (excessive cutting of forests, flattering meadows). Using the advantages of its geographical location between the most important economic regions of the country, as well as large natural and human resources, the Black Earth Center is a highly developed industrial-agricultural area.

In the interdistrict territorial division of social labor Central

The Black Earth region is highlighted by the production of products of the ironing and metallurgical complex associated with it mechanical engineering, chemical and food industries. In the formation of the economic complex of the Central

The Chernozem Economic District is an important role to play the presence of richest reserves of iron ores, arrays of fertile black earth earth in combination with favorable agro-climatic conditions and a convenient economically - geographical location. Primary conditions of the region are characterized by moderate continentality. Despite dryness, conditions are favorable for agriculture.

In agriculture, the market specialization sectors are the production of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, ethereal and oil crops, fruits, berries, milk and meat. Having 1% of the territory of Russia and 5.3% of the population, the area produces 49.3% of the commodity iron, 17.2% cast iron, 18.8% steel, 19.4% of the finished rolled steel of ferrous metals, 2.2% of the forge-painting machines, 12.4% cement, 25.2% of vegetable oil and 35.4% sugar sand.

The Central Black Earth region occupies a very favorable transport and geographical position, and has a developed transport complex: in the thickness of the transport network, it significantly exceeds the average indicators in Russia. The Central Black Earth area has developed economic relations with
Central, Ural, West Siberian and Volga Regions of Russia and
Ukraine. Iron ore, mineral-building materials, ferrous metals, bread, sugar are exported from the region. Since the region's economy is strongly experiencing a shortage of energy, and technological types of fuel, the importation of coal, coke, oil and petroleum products prevails, and mineral-building cargoes, mineral fertilizers, ferrous metals, etc. are imported in large volumes.

2. The natural resource potential of the Central Chernozem region.

The main natural wealth of the area is the iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which occur in its territory with two stripes: Eagle - Schigra - Stary Oskol - Valuyki (Oryol and Tula region) Width from 1 to 25 km and Lgov-Belgorod (Kursk and Belgorod region) Width from 2 to 40 km with reservoir capacity of 70-350 meters. Two main types of ores are developed: poor, but largely cost-effective, with iron content of 36% and rich, iron content in which is over 60% with a slight amount of sulfur and phosphorus. Poor ores are represented by ferrous quartzite, their depth of occurrence ranges from several meters to 700 m (southwestern part of the Kursk magnetic anomaly). Rich ores belong to magnetite, hematite and martitite species and are located in the Belgorod region. Currently, the most famous fields in the Belgorod region are: Yakovlevsky, Gashevskoye, Saltykovskoye, Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Pommetsky, Chernyanskoye; In the Kursk region - Mikhailovskoe, Kurbakinskoye and Dichnyansky-Reuttskoy. Shallow RUD (at a depth of 35-40 to 400-500 meters) and deeper allows them to be prey in open careers with significantly less capital and current labor costs, and funds. Mine mining ore at a depth complicated here with an abundant saturation of underground horizons. The construction of underground mines is carried out with the help of special refrigeration units for freezing rocks during the penetration of mine stems. The high quality of rich ores at a depth can not only fill out the cost of this technique, but also ensure the high efficiency of the KMU mining industry. In addition to the high content of iron, these ores contain only tenths of the percentage of sulfur and hundredths of phosphorus.

The district also has large reserves of non-metallic fossils: granites, refractory clays, chalk, mergels, dolomites; There are stocks of copper-nickel ores and bauxite.

In the iron ore fields of the Belgorod region, industrial boxes are found - Vistula field, but due to the high depth of the occurrence and complex hydrogeological conditions, it is not yet exploited.

Copper-nickel deposits of the Voronezh region form the third in value (after Norilsk and Kola) copper-nickel province of the Russian Federation. In addition, there are cement raw materials deposits, refractory clay, sand, construction stone. The most famous Latahn deposit of refractory clays and Pavlovskoye - building materials are most famous.

In the Kursk region there are deposits of peat, phosphorites, building materials.

Lipetsk region has deposits of building materials and dolomites. The most famous deposits of building materials, such as student, Sokolsko-Sith, and Dolomites - Dankovsky.

In the Tambov region there are stocks of building materials, phosphorites, mineral paints, peat; The most famous sand deposits are Tambov and Polkovsky.

The Central Chernozem region is sharply deficiently on fuel and energy resources and uses almost completely imported fuel.

The climate of the area is moderately continental, in a given part, a sufficiently moistened, in the southeast - more dry, frequent drought. The average temperature of July + (19-20) 0s, January - (9-11) 0s. Number of annual precipitation 400-500 mm per year. The duration of the growing season with a temperature above 50c - 175-200 days, with a temperature above 100c- 140-170 days. The hydrographic network is poor. The only major river is Don with tributaries Voronezh and the Northern Donets. Don only in the lower current to Pavlovsk is shipping. The rest of the rivers shallow water, their main use - water supply of the population and industrial enterprises. Currently there was a tense water balance in large cities.

The most valuable wealth of the area are soils: only in the west of Kursk and in the north of Tambov regions, gray forest and podzolic soils are common, throughout the rest of the territory - a different type of black soil with a content of humus from 4-6 to 10-12% with the power of the horizon in separate areas up to 120 - 130 cm. These are the most fertile soils. Blackloons here were formed on the loose soils of sand sandy loams, so they are easily amenable to water erosion leading to the formation of ravines. In some areas of erosion, up to 60% of the lands are susceptible, so the fight against ORAGOs is the most important task of the farmers of the district. The actual means of this struggle was special treatment of fields and artificial frisms, which constitute about half of the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe area. The middle forestry in the area is 8%. Industrial logging of forests almost everywhere is prohibited. Forest resources have mainly soil-protecting, recreational significance. Industrial exploitation of forests does not play any significant role in ensuring the area of \u200b\u200bbusiness wood. Forest and woodworking industry uses imported raw materials, in the area produce furniture, lumber, chipboard, fane. The products of the industry ensures the internal needs of the region in the goods of folk consumption.

3. Population and labor resources.

Population Ts.ch.E.R. It is 7.9 million., Or 5.3% of the population of the Russian Federation. The cities live 61.6% of the population, in rural areas, 38.4% of the population. According to the population density (47.0 people. At km2), the region takes one of the leading places in Russia. Due to the intensive development of the iron ore metallurgical complex in the region, as well as in the fact that during a long time the district has delivered employment reserves to other regions of the country, in the Ts.Ch.R. An intact structure was broken, which resulted in a decline in fertility and an increase in the mortality rate of the population. As a result, a natural settlement of the population began in the area, one of the first in Russia. In subsequent years, the situation improved somewhat due to a small increase in fertility in 1985-1987. And at the expense of emigrants from the areas of interethnic conflicts and the Russian-speaking population from the countries of the neighboring countries, but continues to be critical.

Central black earth area.

Composition, geographical position, natural resource potential potassium.The Central Chernozem region (CCD) includes Belgo-Rodana, Voronezh, Kurskaya, Lipetsk and Tambov region. This is the smallest area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian area - 167.7 thousand km2. The name of the area comes from its location - it is located in that part of Central Russia, where black-earth soils prevail. In the north and northwest, the district borders with the central district of Russia, at the pre-current - with the Volga region, in the south - with the North Caucasus region, in the south-west - with Ukraine.

Most Central Czech is held by the Hilly Middle Russian elevation, in the east, turning into the window-Don lowland. Relief rosen contributes to the development of soil erosion, which negatively affects agriculture. Soil-climatic conditions of the forest-steppe, on the contrary, are very favorable for the development of agriculture. It combines a moderate moderately continental climate with warm summer, relatively warm winter, sufficient amounts of precipitation and extremely high natural soil fertility. For most of the territory of the area, the content of humus in the soil reaches 10% at the power of the black epic layer to 120-130 cm. Located on the waterproofs of the Don River, Oci and Dnieper, does not have large watercourses on its territory. Therefore, specific water supply (stock of rivers per capita) is minimal in Russia and in large cities, the water-zyidal balance is very tense.

Only two types of mineral raw materials are common on the territory of the Central Committee on a large scale, but their reserves are very high. First, these are iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly (CMA), which conporates almost 60% of iron ores in Russia. The fields are located in Belgorod (Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Yakovlevsky, etc.) and Kursk (Mikhailovskoy) regions. Secondly, there are large deposits of cement raw materials in the area. According to the reserves of non-amineral natural resources - forest, water and hydropower - Central Commissars, it takes the last place in Russia.

The EGP of the Central Chernozem region is profitable, as it is located at the intersection of transport routes from the center to the south of Russia and Ukraine, as well as from the Volga region to European countries. Favorable the presence of huge stocks of iron ore and good conditions for the development of agriculture. Negatively affects the absence of access to the world ocean.

Population.The population of the Central Committee, according to the 2002 census, amounted to 7.5 million people. Population density - 45 people per 1 km2 (third place among the regions of Russia after the Central and North Kav-KazSky). Unlike the rest of the country, the differences in density are large. The share of urban population in the Central Committee is 62% - preliminar place in Russia in front of the North Caucasus. This is due to good conditions for the development of agriculture and settlement. There are no millionaire cities in the area, although more than 1 million inhabitants live in the city-agglomeration of Voronezh.

Natural population decline in the area is large (up to 10% o), and in majority of years during the 1990s, it did not overlap the migration-inen influx. A significant proportion of immigrants of recent years - refugees and forced displaceders from new independent states. As a result, the population is currently in the area less than in 1989, by 3%. In contrast to the situation of the 90s in the previous decades from the area there was an intense migration outflow of Nasya.

Central Black Economic District

Therefore, the age structure of the population is old. The share of the population in working age is minimal among the country's regions. The level of qualifications of labor resources CCD is quite high. At the same time, due to the strong decline in the industrial production and the influx of forced migrants, the unemployment rate in the Tambov, Voronezh and Belarusian regions is higher than the average Russian. CHR on the ethnic composition of the population is the most uniform in the country. The share of Russians exceeds 90% in all regions. The proportion of Ukrainians is also significant. The confession of both nearby peoples - Orthodoxy.

Leading industries. The following set of branches of inter-district specialization has developed in the Central Chernozem region:

In industry: ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical, building materials and food;

In agriculture: growing grain, sugar beet, sunflower, potatoes, milk-meat cattle breeding.

Black metallurgy leads in the farm area, producing more than a third of industrial products (the maximum proportion of the industry in the countries of the country). Its value is determined by the district championship in Russia for iron ore extraction (almost 60%), as well as its high weight in the production of steel and rolled products (about 20%). The largest careers for the extraction of poor ore (iron content in ore 20-30%) are near the cities of Old Oskol (Belgorod region) and Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region). The mines are mined ore Yakovlevsky Mission-Dénia near Belgorod. This is a more expensive method, but the iron content is much higher here - up to 60%. A large novolypeetsk metallurgical combine of a full cycle producing more than 7 million tons of steel per year is located in Lipetsk. In Stary Oskol, an electroometallurgical combine, producing steel from iron ore concentrates, bypassing the stage of cast iron. This is the most advanced enterprise industry in the country, giving steel and high quality rental.

The main subproduces are sugar, oil, flourish, cereal, vegetable raw oil, milk-canning, meat industry. About 40% of sugar sand 25% of vegetable oil are produced in the Central Committee on the All-Russian production, 10-15% flour, croup, animal oil canned food, meat. Especially well developed (more than 50 plants) Sugar sub-sectors, processing not only local raw materials, but also imported raw sugar.

Mechanical engineering gives about 15% of industrial products in Raio-not well developed metal-domestic production, using the site-noble metal: the manufacture of steam boilers in Belgorod, equipment for the chemical industry in Tambov, excavators in Voronezh. Lipetsk is a large tractor factory. In Voronezh (the head of the head of the district) there was a complex of factories of accurate and military engineering. Planes, spacecraft, metalworking machines, appliances, radio equipment and electronics are made here. In the 90s, large production of refrigerators appeared in Lipetsk (Stinol Plant).

The chemical industry produces about 10% of the area products. Mineral fertilizers are available on a large scale: nitrogen - in Lipetsk (production originally originated on the basis of the use of coke gas of ferrous metallurgy), phosphate from chiban apatitis - in Uvarov (Tambov region). In the Voronezh region (Rossosh), nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers are available. Chemical products that goes to other areas - synthetic rubber and tires from Voronezh, chemical fibers from Kursk, Plastics and Laco-colorful products from Tambov.

The building materials industry produces about 5% of the industrial products of the area. Interdistrict importance has the production of cement, formed on the basis of the use of the field of limestone and dolomites, as well as the processing of overlapping breeds and waste of ferrous metallurgy. Main production centers - Belgo-Rod, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk.

The main branch of agriculture in the area is a plant-water plant. Growing grain (winter wheat, barley, buckwheat), sugar beets, potatoes. Many gardens and planting vegetable crops. In the southern part of the district, ether-oil cultures are grown in the southern part of the district. In the northern part of the area there are crops of cannabis. The main subproduction of animal husbandry is milky-meat cattle breeding. Widely distributed pig breeding and poultry farming, which use plant waste and food industries. A sharp problem for agricultural district is a large-scale seizure of fertile land and a reduced level of groundwater in the career development of iron ore deposits.

The work of the field of specialization of the area is provided by electro-cycling and transport. In contrast to other areas of the country, two atomic power plants produce most of the energy: Kurski - one of the most powerful in Russia (4 million kW) and Novovoronezhskaya. There are no hydroelectric power plants. At the same time, energy in the area is not enough. The Central Black Earth area has a thick network of iron and auto-mobile roads. According to the density of public roads with the TSC, the CCR is leading in Russia - about 200 km per 1000 km2, the density of railways divides first place with a central area. Through the territory of CCP, the main gas and oil-dyes are laid, the following from the Volga region and Western Siberia towards Ukraine and yes to Europe.

Problems of the Central Chernozem region:

The forefront of the energy saving of communication with the complete lack of fuel resources, the end of the service life of a number of reactors of the Novovoronezh NPP with large energy consumables in ferrous metallurgy and chemistry.

The deterioration in the quality of the Earth is the main natural wealth of the area - due to a decrease in humus in the soil due to the use of irrational agricultural engineering, reducing the volume of mineral fertilizers and intensive development of erosion processes into the soil.

It is necessary to restore and further development in the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural production - grain, sunflower, potatoes and vegetables, fruits and berries, sugar beets, as well as animal husbandry products.

The restructuring of the mining industry is urged. Currently, the profitability of iron ore raw materials is reduced due to the development of high iron reserves, an increase in production depth, an increase in environmental costs and reducing revenues from recycling overlap and mining waste into building materials.

The problem of conversion and restructuring of machine-building enterprises, producing aircraft and aviation engines, means of communication and radar, forge-and-press equipment and machines, television and radio engineering machines are essential.

Acute competition from Ukraine and other manufacturers of sugar, as well as the lack of funds for the technical re-equipment of sugar factories put on the edge of the crisis, this leading area in Russia for the release of the cheapest sugar.

The production potential of tractor engineering enterprises is partially lost due to prolonged cost of enterprises, as well as due to the lack of funds to complete major projects of the 80s, primarily on the Lipetsk Tractor Plant and a number of enterprises of the Voronezh region. Voronezhselmash practically ceased existence due to the loss of solvent demand for its products.

It is urgently necessary to improve the environmental situation in industrial centers with a high concentration of metallurgy and chemistry. This problem is most acute in Lipetsk in the territories adjacent to the coke-chemical workshops of the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine.

For the economic development of the Central Chernozem region there are the following prerequisites:

cost-effective metallurgical production and highly efficient iron ore base - a Kursk magnetic anomaly field;

potential competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets of enterprises of aircraft enterprises and electronics (Voronezh region), chemical engineering (Tambov region), tractor engineering (Lipetsk region), industrial construction materials (Lipetsk, Belgorod region);

monopoly position in the transport direction Center - North Caucasus - Transcaucasia;

favorable natural climatic conditions for high yields and low costs when growing and collecting grain, industrial crops, vegetables and potatoes.

In the future, the Central Black Earth region should remain one of the main agricultural regions of Russia and significantly increase food production.

The prospects for the development of the area are primarily connected with the metallurgical complex, mechanical engineering and agriculture.

In the metallurgical complex, the main promising task is to invest part of the income of this industry in the development and restructuring projects of the district economy .. to implement major modernization programs inside the metallurgical industry, to update the technical base of mining enterprises and increase the volume of geological exploration and preparation of new sites; Introduce energy-efficient processes, to derive the most environmentally dangerous productions on the Novolipetsky Metallurgical Combine.

The long-term forecast for the development of the productive forces of the Central Chernozem region should primarily be based on the prospects for the development of Mineral resources of the CMA. But the further development of the KMA must be carried out with minimal costs for the extraction of iron ore and the maximum preservation of fertile chernozem. In this regard, measures are extremely relevant to prevent soil pollution, water and air pools with industrial waste.

In mechanical engineering, chemistry and other manufacturing industries, the creation of large financial and industrial groups with the participation of foreign capital is promising.

In the agrarian sector of the economy, it is necessary to implement such prerequisites as a relatively low level of costs at high yields of grain, industrial crops, vegetables; high level of maintenance of the road network and the lack of restrictions in capacity on transport outputs from the area; relative excess of labor resources on the village; soil fertility; Satisfactory water supply, the presence of highly qualified personnel and infrastructure of agricultural science. The main task in the agricultural sector of the economy is investing in the processing industry. Intensification of agriculture requires a clear specialization of farms and establishing rational relations between them. One of the first tasks is to increase the yield of sugar beet, the growth of sugar factories and the full use of waste of these enterprises for fattening livestock.

All-Russian importance will have programs for the formation of networks of sales enterprises and enterprises equipped with modern equipment and the latest technologies that can compete in the Russian market primarily in the Russian food market.

In the future, the agro-industrial complex of the Central Chernozem should be along with ferrous metallurgy the main industry of the region's specialization.

economic characteristics Economic complex district

Economic and geographical characteristics of the Central Black Economic Economic Area.

1 Features of the economic and geographical position of the Central Black Economic District

The Central Chernozem Economic Area includes: Belgorod, Voronezh, Kurskaya, Lipetsk and Tambov region with an area of \u200b\u200b167.7 thousand km2 (1% of the whole territory of Russia) and living in them by the population as of 09.10.2002 7,517,456 . (5.3% of the total population of Russia). According to the number of residents, cities (thousand) are allocated: Voronezh (903), Lipetsk (375), Kursk (373), Tambov (265), Belgorod (227), Elets (113) and Michurinsk (102).

The central black earth area is almost three times, and in terms of population, almost four times inferior to the central one. However, it is characterized by a high degree of mastery and population, the development of transport infrastructure (it is crossed by many lines of iron and highways, power lines, pipelines). It has huge iron ore resources and arrays of fertile chernozem. A favorable economic and geographical position of the area located next to the industrial "vertex" of the European part of the country is a central area, as well as with the Volga and the North Caucasus.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. The central chernozem with the historically established major landowing was a resident of Russia. His "noble nests" played an important role in the cultural development of the country. Of these, a lot of Russian writers came out, who with a huge artistic force challenged nature, man and spiritual values \u200b\u200bin Russia.

In 1880-1890 In Russia, new areas of trade farming have arisen - in the south of its European part and in the Volga. In these areas, the capitalist system of the economy prevailed, with which the operating system of the Central Black Soil could not compete on labor productivity, nor in wheat fees, nor profitability. Central black earth with its unnecessary plowed, highly eroded chernozem and a thick peasant population, crushed by the workshops, tied to "its" landowners and devoid of opportunities to get away from them to the factory, with a small-earth, the most low productivity of agriculture in Russia, with insignificant urban The population and industry was at the end of the XIX - the first third of the XX century. Weak economically area.

During this period, it became the most important source of peasant migration to the East and south. So there was a vicious circle of decline: the more active inhabitants left the area, the nearest it was his economy, the yield decreased, the increasing network grew stronger, and this led to the new coat of agricultural overpopulation.

After the revolution of 1917, a permanent outflow of the population was still from the district, and only survival remained the main goal of the local peasant.

2 Population and labor resources

The population in the Central Black Earth region from 1959 to 1986. Reduced by 1.4 million people. This happened as a result of the resettlement other areas of the country's part of the inhabitants, mainly from the countryside, where the population decreased and absolutely, and relatively. But since 1991, there has been a slight increase in the population of the area, primarily associated with a positive balance of inter-district migration. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russians rushed here for permanent residence, who lived before this in some republics of Central Asia, in Kazakhstan, as well as refugees from the territory of Chechnya. This became an important factor in the dynamics of population growth, since its natural increase here is not only negative, as in the whole country, but even below the average in Russia. In 1996, 7.8 million people lived in the Central Committee. The greatest population has the Voronezh region (2.5 million people), then the Belgorod, Kurskaya, Tambov and Lipetsk region are coming.

During the post-war years, the share of the urban population has notarly increased under the influence of internal migration, although it remains in the area of \u200b\u200bless than on average in Russia. The share of citizens amounted to 61.6%. This indicator is currently at present in Belgorod and Lipetsk regions, below all - in the Tambov region.

According to the sexual composition of the population, the area has about the same indicators as Central Russia as a whole: the share of the male population is less than the female (46.1%). The population in working age is 54.5%. It is 2.1% less than in the central area, and 2.5% less than an average of Russia. Such a situation is explained by a large proportion of the rural population: from the village during the post-war years there was an outflow of young people.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe population is comparatively high in the area - 47 people per 1 km2. This indicator is 5.4 times higher than the average in Russia, but 1.3 times lower than in the Central region. The territory is intensified more or less evenly, and, as before, the most - in the south-west (Belgorod region), and the minimum - in the northeast (Tambov region). The population density in the Kursk and especially Belgorod regions increased noticeably due to the influx of immigrants from other areas of Russia (in connection with the development of the CMA and the emergence of new enterprises).

Among the numerous villages and the villages of the district are city settlements: 50 cities and 83 urban-type settlements. The biggest cities (with the population of more than 100 thousand people) - regional centers - Voronezh (903.8 thousand), Lipetsk (519.2 thousand), Kursk (441.2 thousand), Belgorod (336.9 thousand .), Tambov (314.1 thousand), as well as Stary Oskol (211.8 thousand), Michurinsk (121.8 thousand), Elets (120.3 thousand). Average (with a population of 50 thousand to 100 thousand people): Zheleznogorsk (96.9 thousand), Gubkin (86.9 thousand), Borisoglebsk (66.3 thousand), Liski (56.5 thousand) , Morshansk (49.9 thousand) and Rasskazovo (49.6 thousand).

The remaining urban settlements relate to small. Among them are old cities, lost their former importance (Ostrogozhsk, Pavlovsk, Rylsk, Dankov, Chaplygin, etc.), new, which have not yet managed to "gain strength" (Kurchatov, Shebekino et al.).

3 Natural resource potential of the Central Chernozem region

The main natural wealth of the area is the iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which occur in its territory with two stripes: Eagle - Schigra - Stary Oskol - Valuyki (Oryol and Tula region) Width from 1 to 25 km and Lgov-Belgorod (Kursk and Belgorod region) Width from 2 to 40 km with reservoir capacity of 70-350 meters. Balance reserves of iron ore
Kursk magnetic anomaly within the central black earth
Economic district as of 01.01.90 by category A + B + C1
estimated at 31.7 billion tons, including in the Kursk region 9.3 billion tons,
Belgorod 22.4 billion tons developed two main types of ores: poor, but in
considerable degree cost-effective, with iron content of 36% and
rich, iron content, in which over 60%
Minor sulfur and phosphorus. Poor ores are represented
ferrous quartzits, their depth of occurrence is from several
meters up to 700 m (southwestern part of the Kursk magnetic anomaly). Rich
ores belong to magnetite, hematite and martite species and are in
Belgorod region. Currently the most famous fields
In the Belgorod region are: Yakovlevsky, Guest, Saltykovsky,
Lebedinsky, Stalenskoye, Pommet, Chernyanskoye; in the Kursk region -
Mikhailovskoe, Kurbakinskoye and Dichnyansky-Reuttskoy. Shallow running ore
(at a depth of 35-40 to 400-500 meters) and deeper allows them to be prey
in open careers with significantly less overhaul and current
labor costs, and funds. Mine mining ore at the depths complicated here
abundant water saturation underground horizons. Construction underground
Rudnikov are conducted using special refrigeration units for
freezing rocks during the penetration of mine stems. The high quality of rich ores at a depth can not only fill out the cost of this technique, but also ensure the high efficiency of the KMU mining industry. In addition to the high content of iron, these ores contain only tenths of the percentage of sulfur and hundredths of phosphorus.

The district also has large reserves of non-metallic fossils: granites, refractory clays, chalk, mergels, dolomites; There are stocks of copper-nickel ores and bauxite.

In the iron ore fields of the Belgorod region, industrial boxes are found - Vistula field, but due to the high depth of the occurrence and complex hydrogeological conditions, it is not yet exploited.

Copper-nickel deposits of the Voronezh region form the third in value (after Norilsk and Kola) copper-nickel province of the Russian Federation. In addition, there are cement raw materials deposits, refractory clay, sand, construction stone. The most famous Latnhenskoye
Field of refractory clays and Pavlovskoye - building materials.

In the Kursk region there are deposits of peat, phosphorites, building materials.

Lipetsk region has deposits of building materials and dolomites. The most famous deposits of building materials, such as
As student, Sokolsko-Sith, and Dolomites - Dankovsky.

In the Tambov region there are reserves of building materials, phosphorites,
Mineral paints, peat; The most famous sand deposits -
Tambov and Polkovsky.

The Central Chernozem region is sharply deficiently on fuel and energy resources and uses almost completely imported fuel.

The climate of the area is moderately continental, in a given part, a sufficiently moistened, in the southeast - more dry, frequent drought. The average temperature of July + (19-20) 0s, January - (9-11) 0s. Number of per annum
atmospheric precipitation 400-500 mm per year. The duration of vegetative
period with a temperature above 50c - 175-200 days, with a temperature above 100c-
140-170 days. The hydrographic network is poor. The only major river
It is Don with tributaries Voronezh and Northern Donets. Don only in Lower
The flow to Pavlovsk is shipping. The rest of the rivers shallow water, their main
Use - water supply of the population and industrial enterprises. Currently there is a tense water balance in large

The most valuable wealth of the area are soils: only in the West Kursk and on
North of Tambov regions are common gray forest and podzolic soils,
On the rest of the territory - a different type of chernozem with humus content
From 4-6 to 10-12% with the power of the horizon in separate areas up to 1 cm. it
The most fertile soils. Blacklooms here formed on loose soils
sandland loams, so they are easily amenable to water erosion leading to
The formation of ravines. In some areas of erosion, up to 60% of land,
Therefore, the struggle with ORAGOs is the most important task of the farmers of the district. The actual means of this struggle became special
Treatment of fields and artificial frisms that make up about
Halves of wood paint area area. The middle forestry in the area is 8%.

Industrial logging of forests almost everywhere is prohibited. Forest resources have mainly soil-protecting, recreational significance. Industrial exploitation
Forests do not play any significant role in providing the area
Business wood. Forest and woodworking industry uses
Bridal raw materials, in the area produce furniture, lumber, chipboard, Phaneur. The products of the industry ensures the internal needs of the region in the goods of folk consumption.

4 Structure and placement of leading branches of farms

The development of the productive forces of the Central Chernozem region has traditionally relied on the use of resource potential. Crisis phenomena that developing in Russia in Russia as a whole and in the Central Black Earth region, in particular, in the period from the beginning of the 1990s, led to the decline in production in almost all sectors of the material sphere, aggravated by the disproportions in the development of the economic complex. The greatest decline in production was characteristic of mechanical engineering and metalworking and aggravated by the loss of state orders for defense products, in ferrous metallurgy, construction industry, light and food industries. Another important reason for the decline was the rupture of economic relations. After the crisis, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry and agriculture became sectors of market specialization.

The electric power industry has a specific structure. More than 80% of electricity produce nuclear power plants (Kursk 4.0 million kW and Novovoronezhskaya - 1.8 million kW). The completion of the fifth block of the Kursk NPP is expected. The readiness of the reactor is about 70%. This is the only B.
The world of the Chernobyl type reactor, which is under construction. Large thermal power plants work in regional centers. In 1997, 37.3 billion kW / h of electricity was developed in the region, part of the electricity still comes from the UES of Russia, but the area is still deficiently on electricity, and this factor restrains the development of the economy of the Central Black Earth.

In the industrial complex of the Central Chernozem Economic Area, the leading place is occupied by ferrous metallurgy, which is a branch of market specialization. Commercial iron ore, cast iron, steel, finished rental is exported to other regions of Russia, to the countries of the near and far abroad. In the future, in the presence of funds, iron ore mining is possible at the Yakovlevsky mine (Belgorod region) in the amount of up to 1.5 million tons. The main consumers of the ore of the Kursk magnetic anomaly are the metallurgical plants of the center, the most Central Black Earth region, the Urals. About 7 million tons of iron ore goes to export to near and far abroad.

The ferrous metallurgy of the region is represented by the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Combine and the Flood Falcon Plant, located in the Lipetsk region. The Novolipetsk Plant is the main supplier in Russia of autoly and tubular steel. According to qualitative parameters, only 20-26% of Russian metal products from ferrous metals is competitive in the Western market. However, a number of rolled types manufactured by the Novolipetsky Combine JSC are certified by the German Tuff and the Lloyd British Register (i.e. meets international standards). Plant "Free Falcon" specializes in the production of cast iron, water pipes, heating radiators and shaped casting. In the Belgorod region, ferrous metallurgy is represented by an OscC electrometallurgical plant (EMK), which produces high-quality steel and rolling through the homeless scheme by direct iron reduction. Black metallurgy creates the basis for the development of mechanical engineering. The share of mechanical engineering and metalworking accounts for 15.5% of the industry structure of the industry. Mechanical engineering is characterized by a diversified structure. The region was developed as complex labor-intensive industries - radio electronics, aviation, instrument making and metal industries - mining machinery, production of excavators, forge-painting machines, metal-cutting machines, tractor construction and agricultural engineering, chemical and petrochemical engineering, production of metal structures.

In the period 1991-1997 In Russia, the issue was constantly declining
metalworking machines, especially high-tech, high-precision,
automated. Over the years, the production of machines decreased in Russia more than 7 times. By 1997, Russia found itself in the 20th place in the world for the production of metalworking machines. The decline in their production in the Central Black Earth region during this period was 35 times, and in the Lipetsk region - 60 times.

In market conditions, the rebirth and the development of domestic machine-tool construction is an urgent problem. The defense industry continues to be one of the most high-tech and significant industries.

The development of market relations forces enterprises and organizations, including the defense complex, look for other ways and more and more diversify production.

Voronezh Mechanical Plant - the head plant of the rocket engine building, using advanced aerospace technologies, managed for the first time in the CIS to organize a serial release of fountain equipment for oil and gas production, which is not inferior, and in some parameters exceeds European and American. The main mechanism for reforming the defense industry The Government of the Russian Federation has determined the federal target program for the restructuring and conversion of the defense industry for 1998-20. (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.06.98 № 000).

Many regions have already joined this work. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in particular those included in the Chernozem Association, are actively involved in the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework. The accommodation of the machine-building complex is extremely uneven and focused, mainly in the Voronezh region, and machine-building centers are also allocated: Lipetsk, Kursk, Belgorod, Tambov, Elets, Dankov, Michurinsk, Zheleznogorsk and others. It is not enough in the area of \u200b\u200bdeveloped engineering for the food industry.

Building materials industry has all-Russian importance. This refers to the production of refractories. Factory capacity 1500 thousand tons, products - clay refractory, consumers: metallurgical, refractory, chammed and cement plants. The construction industry of the Chernozem is based on the complex use of overlapping rocks in the development of iron ores of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the presence of large resources of raw materials and the use of slags of metallurgical production. The SSCC Metallurgical Combine includes a combination of building materials and household appliances, which includes four plants and is one of the most powerful complexes of Europe for the production of products from ceramics. Products shipped to consumers without the import of it to the warehouse, from the wheels. There were new consumers from the Baltic States and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A promising policy is based on the displacement from the domestic market for foreign manufacturers of similar products. Building materials production makes it possible to improve its financial condition. Suffice it to say that the large-scale production of building materials and ceramics at the Ostoc Metallurgical Combine gives 50% of the entire mass of the profits received by this largest enterprise in Russia.

Large cement plants are accommodated in Belgorod (Oskolcement JSC, SP "Belgorod Cement"), Voronezh (JSC Podgorensky Cementnik) and Lipetsk regions (Lipetzent JSC). The construction industry mainly satisfies the internal needs of the region. In the placement of the industry, the consumer factor has great importance, so enterprises are concentrated, mainly around regional centers.

The chemical industry in the Central Black Earth region belongs to the sectors of market specialization. It accounts for 8.5% of industrial area products. But it is contained in the lack of its own raw material base and a shortage of water and energy resources. Nevertheless, the industry in the region has gained significant development, and most of its products enters interregional exchange. According to 1997, this is a synthetic rubber - 141 thousand tons, tires - 1.6 million pcs. From Voronezh, rubber products - 1.2 million m2 from Tambov and Kursk. Synthetic fibers - 1.7 million m2 from Kursk, aniline dyes - 77.2 thousand tons of Tambov, synthetic detergents from Shebekino. Perspective in the area of \u200b\u200bproduction of mineral fertilizers and production of synthetic materials. For other subproduces, the increase in capacity is inappropriate due to the limited resources. The branch of the district's market specialization is the food industry, it accounts for 16.1% of the industry structure of industrial production. It has a powerful developed own raw material base and also
is a diversified one. Of great importance is sugar, meat, oil, butterfluous, alcohol, tobacco, fruits-complex industries, which supply their products to the All-Russian food market. Beetroot production is one of the oldest and leading sectors of the food and processing industry with a high level of industrialization and energy-intensive technological processes. Of those operating in Russia, 95 sugar factories 46 are located in the Central Black Earth region. The transition to a market economy introduced radical changes in the form of ownership. Most enterprises changed the form of ownership and became joint-stock companies. Rural producers became co-owners of sugar factories. The share of shares in rural producers in the Belgorod region is over 51%, in Kursk and Voronezh regions - 50%. At the same time, the high results that were calculated, starting reforming were not achieved. Lack of working capital, instability of production and economic relations, inflation, budget deficit, reduction of state support, lending restriction, appreciation of products through the use of credit resources, reducing the purchasing power of the population and other negative factors do not allow the enterprises of the beetroot complex to function normally and develop.

The results of the 1997 sugar company showed that the production of sugar from its own raw materials in the Black Earth Center was 35% of the All-Russian production and turned out to be the lowest in the last 40 years. An extremely unsatisfactory situation in Voronezh, Kursk and Lipetsk regions, where the raw material harvested provides loading of sugar factories from 30 to 50 days (with a value of 100-110 days). In addition to sugar beet, a raw sugar is processed into the off-day period on sugar factories.

The highest yield of sugar in 1997 had sugar factories: Alekseevsky (Belgorod region) - 15.3%, Znamensky (Tambov region) - 15.03%, Rzhevsky (Belgorod region) - 14.6% at the exit of sugar on average in Russia - 11.72%.

To solve the accumulated problems of the complex, the government was developed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation "The program for increasing the Sahara production in the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation. And for the period until 2005. (Program "Sugar").

The light industry of the Central Black Earth region is developed weakly and posted very unevenly. Enterprises are concentrated mainly in Tambov and Kursk regions. The Tambov region specializes in the production of woolen fabrics, Kursk region - silk fabrics and knitwear using chemical fiber. The further development of the industry is associated with the improvement of its territorial structure and is aimed at a more complete satisfaction of the needs of the population of the district. The sewing industry is located everywhere, leather-shoe enterprises are located in Kursk, Tambov, Belgorod.

The agro-industrial complex of the region creates 7.8% of the agricultural products of Russia. The volume of gross agricultural products made per capita in the area at least one and a half times more than in Russia as a whole. The agro-industrial complex of the Black Earth has interdistrict importance and is the food base of the center and the north of the Russian Federation: it exports in significant quantities of grain, sugar, essential oil, vegetable oil, meat, milk, vegetables, fruits and berries. The main link in the APC is agriculture, the industry of the market specialization of which are presented by the production of grain, sugar beet, sunflower, essential oil crops, milk and meat.

In the Central Black Earth region produced 10% of the grain, 9% of potatoes, 18% sunflower, 43% of sugar beet of Russia. From grain crops in all areas, except for Kursk, overlooking wheat prevails, and in the Kursk region - winter rye. In the area also cultivated millet, buckwheat, corn on grain and silage. The leading place among industrial crops belongs to sugar beets. The most favorable conditions for its cultivation have Belgorod, Voronezh and Kursk region. In general, the Central Chernozem Economic Area ranks first in Russia in the size of the sowing areas, sugar, and the volume of billets of sugar beet. However, the transition to a market economy could not but affect the beetroot production. In the period from 1991 to 1997, the sowing squares of sugar beets in the region decreased by 74 thousand hectares, yield - by 27 c / ha, gross fees - by 5025 thousand tons. The volume of production and billets of beets in recent years that the work of most enterprises is unprofitable.

The main crops of sunflower are concentrated in Voronezh and Belgorod regions. This culture also has interdistrict meaning. Sunflower is grown on the seeds, processed into the oil (40% of oil is exported from the area), production waste - meals and cake are used as feed in animal husbandry. Voronezh region is the main manufacturer in the country of essential oils: coriander and anise (Alekseevsky Etheric) are grown on its territory and processed. In the Voronezh region, Machork is also grown. Grown in the area potatoes partially goes to the production of starch and alcohol. In all areas, vegetable growing and gardening has been developed. The area has great potential to increase production of crop production through the introduction of scientifically based crop rotations, increasing the share of the possibilities of agrochemistry, conducting measures to preserve and increase natural fertility of land.

Livestock is represented in the chernozem cattle breeding of a dairy-meat direction, pig breeding and poultry farming, beekeeping developed. The Voronezh region has long been famous for the roots and stubborn breeds of horses. Despite the small share in the production of agricultural products, the farming has received the greatest development of farming in Tambov and Lipetsk regions. The main problem of the agro-industrial complex A of the Central Chernozem region is the inconsistency of the capacity of processing volumes of agricultural raw materials, which leads to large losses of agricultural products. For the agro-industrial complex, a low level of technical equipment of recycling enterprises is characterized, a large proportion of manual labor, a weakly developed infrastructure. However, the agro-industrial complex of the district has great potential development opportunities, turning into a crucial resident of Russia.

On the territory of the Central Chernozem region (Kursk and Belgorod regions), a software-target territorial production complex based on mineral resources of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the development of ferrous metallurgy, nuclear energy and an agricultural complex. The main goal of the state policy regarding the Central Black Earth region is to promote its specialization in the all-Russian territorial division of labor on those sectors that are most effective in its natural and economic conditions, and, above all, in the branches of the agro-industrial complex, on the production of ferrous metals (including Export supplies), agricultural and defense engineering. Economic growth will also contribute to the reform
Agrarian enterprises and solving the problem of creating a single market
Food within the regions of the European part of Russia and development on this basis, branches of processing of agricultural raw materials.

5 Characteristics of the transport network of the Central Black Economic Economic Area

Railway transport

The southeastern railway runs through areas located in the southern and southeastern part of European Russia, Belgorod, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Kursk, Ryazan, Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Tula, Rostovskaya. The length of the main routes is 6.8 thousand kilometers, of which 52% on the concrete basis. The road has predominantly two-way lines. The southeastern railway binds the southern regions of Russia with the central region, the Volga region and the Urals. It is no wonder called the Metal and Bread Master. It provides the carriage of the sword-producing enterprises of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, Novolipetsky Metallurgical and Ostrocal Electrometallurgical Combines, enterprises of the chemical and processing industry, the areas of developed agriculture. In addition, significant amounts of freight work have stations on the border of Russia with Ukraine, the nightingale and red farm (Belgorod region) and through which transport and economic ties are carried out with countries of near and far abroad.

The southeastern road serves the needs of industry, agriculture and the population of Tambov, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Belgorod regions and in a small section of the Kursk region. On ore (iron ore of the Kursk magnetic anomaly) accounts for more than 40% of the total departure. In second place in terms of loading (24%), mineral-building materials are facing (mainly stripped rocks, waste of metallurgical production and nonmetallic materials of Pavlovsky career). In addition, ferrous metals (13%) are sent from the railway network stations (13%), oil products after pouring from the pipe (st. Nikolskoye) and a wide range of cargoes of the "Other" group (products of various mechanical engineering, chemical, food and light industry). The needs of most Kursk region and in a small section of the Lipetsk region serves the Moscow road. Rail transport provides both internal relations between the district and relations with other regions of the country. Road management is located in the city of Voronezh.

The convenient position of the Central Chernozem region between the center, the Volga, the North Caucasus and Ukraine led to the meridional latitudinal configuration of its railway network. The network of the Central Chernozem region consists of four meridional highways: (Bryansk) - Arbuzov - Lgov - Putty; (Eagle) - Kursk - Sarayevka - Belgorod; (Moscow - Efremov) - Elets - Kastornaya - Valuyki and (Moscow - Ryazhsk) - Michurinsk - Snage - Liski - (Lyhaya - Rostov). These highways intersect four lines. Two of them: (Eagle) - Mesh - Dirt - Bill-BU - (Filonova - Volgograd) and Kochetovka - Tambov with branches on the bundle - (Balashov) and Tonovka - (Rtishchevo) go from the North-West to the southeast, and Snage lines - Castor - Kursk - Lgov - (Vorozhba) and (Balashov) - Roworo - Liski - Valuyki - from northeast to south-west. These D. highways make up the core of the network of the Central Black Earth region with the branches of deadlock and naughty local lines.

The area has a developed system of intra-ignition connections. The share of local communication accounts for 29% of the volume of transportation with the predominance of loading-unloading of iron ore - 17.3 million tons. (48% of the local communication) and mineral and building materials - 10.7 million tons (29.5%) . The proportion of the local communication is sent to the shipment of these goods: according to ores - 54%; Mineral-building materials - 56%.

As an example of the largest intra variations in separate loads, the following can be distinguished: according to ores: Belgorod region sends 9.9 million tons to metallurgical enterprises; According to mineral-building materials, it should be noted a characteristic feature of relations, namely, 50-60% of local traffic falls on intraregional connections: the Voronezh region out of 4.4 million tons of departure in local communication 2.7 million tons (more than 60%) unloads on your own stations; Belgorod - from 2.6 million tons of departure in the local communication unloads 1.6 million tons for their own needs (more than 60%) and the Lipetsk region, respectively, from 3.4 million tons by itself unloads 1.8 million tons ( more than 50%).

Along with the introduction of the central black earth area, the transportation of the Central Chernozem region is characterized by an extensive system of inter-district links. About 35% (from the total transportation) of finished products and imported goods is exported outside the region under consideration and more than 20% consumed in the area of \u200b\u200braw materials and various goods exported from Russia are imported from other regions. The Central Chernozem region has a positive transport balance. In 2001, the export exceeded the import of 17.5 million tons or 1.7 times. Close ties on the removal of goods have developed with the central economic area (40% of the overall export of cargo of the Central Black Earth region) and with the Urals (20%). From the area in significant volumes: iron ore (35% of the total export), mainly on the Urals metallurgical enterprises and to the Central Economic region, both for the needs of ferrous metallurgy and exporting through the transfer points (Bryansk region) on the border of Russia with Ukraine; Black metals (22.5%) mainly in the Central and North Caucasus districts with the predominance of supplies to export. In addition, mineral-building materials (19.5%) are exported from the Central Black Earth region, mainly to the Central District with the predominance of unloading in Moscow and the Moscow region; Wide nomenclature of other goods (chemical industry products - synthetic rubber, rubber, synthetic fibers; engineering products - equipment for the food and chemical industry, devices; food industry products) appointment to all regions of Russia and other goods.

The greatest volumes of transport and economic relations on the import of goods to the Central Black Earth region are carried out with the Urals and Siberia (45% of the total importation of the district), as well as with the Volga region (17%) and the center (14%).

Of the total importation of coal, 40% accounted for. This is mainly supplies from Kuzbass (Western Siberia) for both the needs of ferrous metallurgy and export. The proportion of petroleum products in general import is 19%. The main arrivals were carried out with oil refineries of the Samara region (Volzhzhsky district). Cargoes of the "Other" group (17%) are imported from all regions of Russia with the predominance of deliveries from the Central (31%) and North Caucasus (21%) areas. It is both products of our own production and import (products of light and food industry, chemical goods, cars, household appliances). Through the Central Chernozem region, transit transport and economic relations are carried out in messages (in both directions): north - south (north, northwest and central regions in the North Caucasus), which accounts for 40% of the total transit through the area; North - Southeast (North, North-West and Central Districts on the Volga region) - 55%.

In all these connections, transit flows of goods from the south and southeast to the north are dominated. Their share is 70% of the total transit passing through the Central Chernozem region.

The Belgorod region, which is part of the Central Chernozem region, borders Ukraine, and, as a result, through it (the transfer points of the nightingale and red farm) are carried out by foreign trade relations between Russia with neighbor and far abroad. In 2003, their volume was 20.4 million tons (9.4% of the transportation of goods of Russia's foreign trade by rail), of which 11.5 million tons of exports (delivery) and 8.9 million tons of imports (reception ).

In total, 33% exports are fuel and energy (coal and petroleum) and 52% ore-metallurgical (ore and ferrous metals) loads; Chemical and mineral fertilizers account for 7%. The main supplier of coal for export is Siberia, including the supply of Kemerovo region (Kuznetsky coal), account for 82%, Krasnoyarsk region (Catheka coal) - 13% of the total coal for export through the transfer points of the Belgorod region. On 90% suppliers of oilgrowths for export are oil refineries of the Volga Economic Area. Iron ore for export is sent from stations serving the Kursk magnetic anomaly field (Belgorod region - about 90%, Kursk region - more than 10%). Black metals ship the metallurgical enterprises of the Northern, Central, Central Black Earth and Ural Economic Areas, but the main volume of exports sends the Urals (Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk region) - 45% and the Central Black Earth region (Belgorod and Lipetsk region) - 36%.

Chemical and mineral fertilizers come to export also from many manufacturers, but the main ones are: Kuybyshevazot JSC, Togliattiazot JSC and Phosphorus JSC (Samara region, Volga Economic District). Supply from the Volga region accounts for 65% of the total export of fertilizers through the Central Black Economic Economic region. Imports in terms of cargo determines mainly trade and economic relations of Ukraine with Russia.

In accordance with the sectoral scientific and technical program "Development of high-speed passenger traffic on the railways of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2010" On the territory of the Central Chernozem region (2005) was one of the high-speed primary highways (the maximum speed of movement of passenger trains 160 km / h) Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov with a combined passenger and cargo movement. Special attention is paid to the organization of the high-speed movement in the area of \u200b\u200bRyazhsk - Chertkovo. With the completion of the work, the route speed of passenger trains will be brought to 73 km / h.

1630 km of fiber optic communication lines were built. The number of personnel in 2003. amounted to 69830 man.

The Central Black Economic Area has a developed transport complex. The main types of transport in the region are railway and automotive, has been developed by pipeline transport, functions river.

Automobile transport

Automobile transport carries out both local and transit cargo transportation. Transit value: Motorway of international importance Moscow - Kharkov - Simferopol and federal highways Moscow - Voronezh - Rostov and Moscow - Tambov - Volgograd; On local roads are transported by ore and fluxes to metallurgical plants, building materials, sugar beets, cereals.

The length of the road with a solid coating area is 7% of the magnitude of this indicator in Russia as a whole. In 2001, 39 million tons of cargo were transported by all the owners of the cargo transport in all sectors of the national economy (on a state and commercial basis).

The decrease in the production indicators of most large and medium-sized enterprises carrying out freight transportation is due to the decline in the proposed volumes of transportation of construction goods and formed a previously structured structure of the park, in many respects of the commercial demand recently. The complex financial condition of the enterprises does not allow to update the existing rolling stock, and the level of indicators of reproduction of fixed assets of motor transport enterprises is reduced.

In the current infrastructure of the freight transport market, international transportations are most attractive, cost-effective.

Pipeline transport

A large influence on the transportation process has pipeline transport having an extensive network of product pipelines. The largest of them are: Ufa - Western direction, Samara - Bryansk, steel horse - West direction, Nikolskoye - Voronezh - Belgorod - Sumy. In addition, the Friendship pipeline connecting the oil-producing regions of the Middle Volga region with the countries of Europe, and gas pipelines: Stavropol - Moscow, Urengoy - Pomara - Elets - Uzhgorod.

Aviation transport

Voronezavia Airlines OJSC is a practically the only enterprise of civil aviation in the Central Black Earth Region, carrying out domestic and international transport. Taking into account the intended reduction of international airports, the airport "Voronezh" may remain the only one in the region with the status of international. The activity of the airline in 2001 and 2002 is characterized as stable. Statistical reporting shows that along with the deterioration of some indicators defined by the demand for aircraft, there is an improvement in quality indicators. The financial condition of the airline is sustainable. The incomes of the airline in 2002 amounted to 226 million rubles, which is almost 30 times for almost 30 percent, and the profit amounted to 7 million rubles.

In 2002, it was possible to maintain flights that are in favor of the population in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Norilsk, Yerevan, Sochi. Charter flights on a permanent basis in N. Urengoy, and to Khanty-Mansiysk. Improved service quality with the organization of business classes. The markets for the markets of the aircraft service in the Far North, the Far East, in Moscow are sought.

In order to preserve the airline, its prospective development in 2005, it is assumed to resolve issues of reconstruction of the runway, the separation of the airline on independent business entities is an aviation company and the airport.

River transport

River transport is poorly developed. Shipping is carried out on Don, Hopra and the Northern Don. In 2001, all owners of river vessels (on a state and commercial basis) were transported by 0.18 million tons.

6 The main directions of development

The long-term forecast of the development of the productive forces of the Central Chernozem region should primarily be based on the prospects for the development of Mineral resources of the CMA, the rational use of the Earth and the environmental protection against man-made loads.

Further development of the CMA must be carried out with minimal costs for the extraction of iron ore and the maximum preservation of fertile chernozem. In this regard, measures are extremely relevant to prevent soil pollution, water and air pools with industrial waste.

For the area as a whole, the most important task remains a rational combination of the development of heavy industry and AIC, the formation of new links of the production and social infrastructure. Intensification of agriculture requires a clear specialization of farms and establishing rational relations between them. One of the first tasks is to increase the yield of sugar beet, the growth of sugar factories and the full use of waste of these enterprises for fattening livestock.

The development of the productive forces of the area largely depends on solving the problems of water supply and energy.

Finally, in order to improve the territorial organization of the economy, it is necessary to expand the participation of small cities and towns of urban type in the processing of agricultural and other types of local raw materials to meet the demand of the population into consumer goods.

Central Black Earth Region

Area :Population size:
167.7 thousand square meters. km. (1% of the territory of the Russian Federation) 7,674 thousand people. (5.3% of the total population of the Russian Federation)


In the all-Russian division of social labor, the Central Black Earth region (CHD) specializes in the mining, metallurgical, engineering, chemical, food industry and the production of certain types of building materials, as well as in intense agricultural production. Grain crops, sunflower, sugar beets, potatoes are grown here. The proportion of the region and in the all-Russian production of livestock production is significant.

Climate and natural conditions :

The CHR climate is moderately continental, with relatively warm winter and hot summer. The continentality of the climate increases from the west to the east. Territory area relief,
highly complicated erosion (ravines, beams).

For a large part of the territory, a lack of water luxury is characterized. Significant mineral content (railway deposits).

Common geological reserves of ores, mainly iron quartzites, are determined in the region produce tons, balance sheets - at 42 billion tons.

From other minerals, the Central Black Earth region has large reserves of chalk and limestone, significant - mergel, refractory clays, brick clays, especially in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions. Fields of fuel and energy resources are practically absent.

From other minerals, the Central Black Earth region has large reserves of chalk and limestone, significant - mergel, refractory clays, brick clays, especially in the Voronezh and Belgorod regions. Fields of fuel and energy resources are practically absent. The most valuable wealth of the region are soils: only in the west of Kursk and in the north of the Tambov region are common and podzolic soils, throughout the rest of the territory - a different type of chernozem with humus content from 4 to 12% with the power of the horizon in separate areas to L20-130 cm. The average forest science in the region is 8%. Industrial logging of forests almost everywhere is prohibited.

People's Economic Complex

CCD has a relatively harmonious structure of the economy. Along with the heavy industry (ferrous metallurgy, chemistry, engineering), the industry of agrarian-industrial complex and light industry are developed.

The leading industry of the national economic specialization of the Central Chernozem region is the mining and oud and metallurgical industry.

Black metallurgy (28.2% at 7.9% on average in Russia) received its development at the beginning of the XVII century. Currently, Lipetsk has become a major center of metallurgy of interregional value. The development of a powerful mining and metallurgical industry contributes to the development of iron ore deposits of KMU.

KMA iron ores are used in Lipetsk metallurgical plants, Tula, enter Cherepovets, to the Metallurgical plants of the Urals and Ukraine. In Stary Oskol, an electrometallurgical production plant was built by the method of direct iron reduction, bypassing the domain process.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking are important industries of the CCD. At the factories of the region produce mountain cars, machines, chemical equipment, radio engineering and electrical products. In recent years, mechanical engineering has been developing at higher rates than on average in the country. The territory of the region is located the largest center of Russian aircraft construction (Voronezh).

The chemical industry is represented by rather large enterprises for the production of synthetic rubber and tires in Voronezh, rubber products and aniline dyes in Tambov, vitamins and detergents in Belgorod and Shebekino, Superphosphate in the Uvarov of the Tambov region. All these types of production, with the exception of the production of fertilizers, have interregional meaning. But the Central Black Earth region is extremely deficiently on fuel and water resources, which dictates the need to restrain the development of water and fueling chemical industries. The most promising sectors of the chemical industry should be considered vitamin, which has a rich fruit and vegetable base, as well as the production of mineral fertilizers.

On the basis of local raw materials, the building materials industry is developed: cement, the production of chalk and lime - in Lipetsk, Belgorod, Voronezh regions, refractories - in the Voronezh region.

The Central Black Earth region refers to the country's main agricultural regions. The proportion of the agricultural sector in the region in the gross regional product is almost 25%. Fertile soils, secured on a significant part of the region moisturizing, a long warm period create opportunities for high crop yields here. According to the average long-term yield of grain crops, the region is somewhat inferior to the North Caucasus, and on gross products on 100 hectares of agricultural land occupies 1st place in the Russian Federation.

The region is characterized by high agricultural lands. More than 80% of its territory amounted to agricultural land, including Pashnya accounts for almost 70%. Therefore, the growth of agricultural production here is based on the expansion of the land used, but on the intensification of existing agricultural land. The sown area of \u200b\u200bthe region is about 11 million hectares, including grain crops more than half of the area, technical - about 5% and feed crops - over 1/4 of the sown area.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state