
Introduction Means of implementation of exchange relations, universal equivalent. The spontaneously stood at a certain historical stage. In rewarding formations a role. Money - the history of confidence of the implementation of exchange relations Universal equivalent




Means of implementation of exchange relations, universal equivalent. The spontaneously stood at a certain historical stage. In prepalistic formations, the role of money was performed by various goods (skins of animals, grain, cattle), gradually it moved to noble metals (gold, silver), which inhibit the requirements of the monetary product. The complication of modern payment and settlement relations led to the replacement of metal money by credit, having a form of money for paper and various records in bank accounts. Main functions of money: means of circulation, cost measurement and means of savings (p. 65)

Mandatory payments levied by the state (central and local authorities) from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets. Are one of the forms financial relationsproviding distribution and redistribution national income In accordance with the economic and social tasks. Taxes are divided into direct, which are subject to income and property ( income tax, value added tax, etc.), and indirect taxes For goods and services installed in the form of premiums for the price or tariff (excise) (p. 59).

(it. Wechsel, letters - exchange), type of security, monetary obligation. Unconditional and indisputable debt paper strictly established by law. There are a simple and transferable bill (Tratta). The transfer of bills from one person to another is drawn up by the transfer inscription - the indorse (p. 65).

Materials for study. "HISTORY OF ECONOMY"

1. Classification of economic knowledge - One of the most important methodological problems of science.

It has long been known that research in applied sciences lead to reforms, and in fundamental - to scientific revolutions, as the English physicist J.J.Tompson spoke.

This provision applies to the system of economic sciences. What economic sciences play the role of fundamental? These include political economy or economic theory (generally accepted that it plays a central role), as well as the history of national economy and history economic exercises (Historical and economic sciences).

Knowledge of the history of the economy and economic theory Allows you to form a scientific understanding of real economic processes and the vision of long-term economic development trends, instills the skill of the "volumetric", systemic vision of socio- economic processes In a particular country.

Economic history is at the junction of three areas of scientific research: a) stories; b) economic theory; c) specific economy.

It is highlighted in it: a) economic history different countries, regions and the world as a whole; b) the history of the national economy; c) the history of economic thought.

Structure of historical and economic science includes:

1. Economic aspect Civilian history, including:

Economic history of countries and regions of the world;

Economic causes and consequences of historical events;

Economic policies of states and classes;

Economic psychology of classes and social groups in various historical epochs.

2. Economic history (farm), including:

History of development of production methods;

History of economic mechanisms;

History of the sectors of the national economy;

The history of individual economic processes;

The history of economic institutions.

3. The history of economic thought, including:

History of political economy;

The history of industry and functional economic sciences;

The history of individual theories;

History of methods economic Analysis, categorical apparatus.

Such a structure as well as integrative economic History Explains the diversity of research objects, depending on which cut is studied.

Metallic or paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and carrying out the role of universal equivalent, i.e. Expressing the cost of all other goods and exchanged on any of them.

In the distant past, the universal equivalent for a short period of time and in limited territory was the goods that have an individual consumer value (cattle, fur). With systematic exchange, when the goods began to transport a long distance, the use of such money caused great inconveniences. The role of money proceeds to metals (first copper, then silver and, finally, gold).

Money - goods by origin, but differ from it, speaking as a special privileged product that plays the role of the universal equivalent. Hence,

The function of money as a means of accumulation and savings. Money, being a general equivalent and ensuring their owner to obtain in the market of any product, become the universal incarnation of public wealth. Therefore, people arise a desire for treasure. The treasure is money seized from the treatment of their savings and accumulation.

All five functions of money are a manifestation of a single essence of money as a universal equivalent of goods and services they are in close connection and unity. Logically and historically, each subsequent function involves the known development of previous functions.

Historically, there are two types of monetary systems depending on money (metal or made of paper) performing the role of universal equivalent.

Universal equivalent, with which the costs of associated manufacturers are measured

Alcoholic beverages, first of all, vodka domestic, during the period of inflation play the role of a peculiar universal equivalent, national currency. Vodka pay for work in countrysideSince the purchasing power of the ruble falls, and the consumer value of vodka remains constant.

Money - category more ancient than finance. Money appeared in various forms already at the dawn of human development as a spontaneous product that plays the role of universal equivalent. The appearance of finance is due to the emergence of the state.

Money is a universal equivalent that measures the labor costs of associated manufacturers.

As the productive forces develops, there has been a public need for better information on the basis of compulsion of quantitatively heterogeneous economic operations. The emergence of money as a universal equivalent made it possible to summarize the facts of economic activity, their grouping and proceed to their analysis.

Money represents a special product, spontaneously allocated from the commodity world and has become a universal equivalent. With the emergence of money, they began to perform several functions.

Money is a special product, the main function of which is the fulfillment of the universal equivalent. They are given a public role to express the value of all other goods. With the advent of D. All goods began to measure their cost in them. On one side - D. as a direct and universal incarnation of the cost, on the other - all other goods. In D., as in any other product, public relations are expressed between people in the process of production and exchange. However, the simple exchange turned into exchange through D.

D. appeared as a result of the development of commodity and market, when noble metals were chosen for the role of the universal equivalent - gold and silver. However B. modern world D. functions everywhere performing paper D. - defective gold substitutes. Paper D. (bills) - signs that are replaced in the process of purchase-sales gold. They are issued by the state and have a compulsory course, i.e., the officially established gold content of the paper monetary unit. Paper D. function in the form of treasury tickets, which were initially issued to finance the needs of the state and were withdrawn through taxes, and banknotes arising from credit relations and issued for servicing the real flow of goods and services. Until the 30s of the XX century. The difference between treasury tickets and banknotes, which consisted in the fact that the latter were provided with gold and other state assets, and their release was limited to the size of its gold stock. In the USA until 1971, 25% of banknotes were supposed to be provided with gold. To date, the distinction between treasury tickets and banknotes actually erased.

Money is a special kind of product that fulfills the role of the universal equivalent.

Gradually, the role of the universal equivalent entrenched for gold. This facilities contributed to

Gold as a universal equivalent has the properties of a special product product, i.e. It has a special consumer value and a special form of value. Special consumer cost consists in the property to equate the cost of all other goods. OCO-

If the money, being universal equivalent, are the category of all stages of the reproduction process, and can show themselves in different conditions From different sides (as a measure of cost, means of communication, etc.), the finance, the nature of which is determined by the framework of one stage of the reproduction process - distribution, are characterized by the simultaneous action of two of its functions. This is explained by the fact that the control

The legality of the expansion interpretation of finances is questionable. Distribution and exchange are different stages of reproduction having their own, special economic forms of expression. Therefore, the monetary relations arising from different stages of the reproduction process, to the same category of the reproduce process, are illogical. It is more legitimate to assume that different types Cash relations are expressed in various economic forms of relations associated with the distribution of the cash form of the value of the public product, constitute the content of the category of finance, and the relationship arising in the process of commercial circulation based on systematically accomplished acts of purchase and sale, take the form of settlements carried out through money as a universal equivalent and prices as a monetary expression value.

Imagine that we need to compare the mass of many objects - pears, apples, other fruits, vegetables, grains, and so on. Every time weighing in pairs all these items would be very uncomfortable. Therefore, people agreed to weigh them relative to the same conditionally selected object - liter of water (taking that 1 liter of water \u003d 1 kilogram). Instead of water, it would be possible to choose any other standard, any other universal equivalent.

The same happened with the cost. Instead of expressing the cost of a multitude of goods in each other, they were expressed in relation to the universal equivalent - a rolling. Also, it is believed that apples weigh 10 kg (that is, 10 liters of water), it began to assume that 10 kg of apples in exchange are equivalent, for example, 1 gram of gold.

Subjectivity of the Universal Equivalent of Cost

When gold was crowded with paper money, then the possibilities of manipulating the universal equivalent, that is, the cost meter was generally unlimited.

I needed a certain universal equivalent of goods, which would be difficult to fake. They became gold.

As we remember, gold was just one product, which became over time the universal equivalent of goods. Accordingly, the perfect gold should also be a kind of goods.

Two subtypes of monetary systems are distinguished - bimetaglism and monometallism - depending on how much metal (one or two) is accepted as the universal equivalent and the database of money circulation.

Money is a special product, spontaneously allocated from the commodity world and performing the role of universal equivalent. Their essence is expressed in functions

Money, means of implementing exchange relations, universal equivalent. The spontaneously stood at a certain historical stage. In prepalistic formations, the role of money was performed by various goods (skins of animals, grain, cattle), gradually it moved to noble metals (gold, silver), which inhibit the requirements of the monetary product. The complication of modern payment and settlement relations led to the replacement of metal money by credit, having a form of money for paper and various records in bank accounts. The main functions of the money: means of circulation, cost measure and means of savings.

All this is what we use every day, all that plays very important role In relations between social groups and inside each of them.

For many millennia, humanity has enjoyed the most diverse forms of money. Long before the emergence of the need to pay for the purchase, for many millennia before the first merchants and buyers, an ancient man drew attention to the shiny pieces of yellow metal. Because of the excessive softness, he was not suitable for the manufacture of tools of labor and weapons, but quite liked the girlfriends of the ancient hunters, who decorated themselves with brilliant trumps. Next began a long and bloody epic chase for this metal. However, our ancestors realized that they should not exterminate each other because of brilliant trochers, all problems can be solved by a peaceful exchange. So the trade was born. The idea of \u200b\u200buniversal commodity equivalent was gradually born, actually means of payment. The first page in the history of money was written by the Egyptian pharaoh Menes I, in 3400 BC. e. The commandless branding of the gold bars of a certain weight with their titlatura. Various weights of precious metal pieces began to match various purchasing power This money, that is, become their face value.

Ancient Indo-Europeans on their way from India to Europe as money used copper axes and tripods. In many exotic peoples of south - East Asia Until recently, the tread is the tea and tobacco tea. Kaurins were used on the Islands of the Indian Ocean and West Africa. American Indians with exchange operations used cocoa grains. With the arrival in the XVI century. The Spaniards with a payment tool with trade contacts between the aliens and the aborigines of the steel beads and red rags. True, in response, Conquistadors received all the same gold. In Slavic antiquities, such money is known in the form of aeronautics. The rulers of the Lidia of the Lidia in V c. BC e. Made a real coup in the history of money: payment funds adopted the most convenient form for them - round, it was more convenient to minimize small gold bars, which were applied with symbolic images. Ancient believed that the gods do not neglect to receive victims in the form of money. So the term "coin" himself appeared: the Romans donated in 275 BC. e. A considerable amount of the money Junon Soviech (Latin Junona - Moneta), which helped them in the battle against the Haling of the Pyrrhrian commander. So on the coins appeared images of the gods. In fact, then the lords released coins were afraid of numerous counterfeiters. One of these "false people" found archaeologists during excavations in the Amber Coast: an observer cereal of the Viking era made in the form of a silver cash ingot of a fake from high-quality tin (by weight and color to distinguish from the original even now not easy).

However, the story played evil jokes and with the fakes themselves. For example, the lack of Arab silver coins - Dirhemov, who went to the ancient Russia of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, forced the Pridneprovskie craftsmen to establish the production of local imitation of Muslim money. But the game did not cost the candle. As archaeological finds show, these fakes minted from such a high-quality metal that at their cost significantly exceeded Dirham. For our ancestors, this action was very ruined, and therefore subsequently they switched to other money surrogate - to the skins of fur animals. A variety of cases with money was going on at the moments of financial crises, during the period of emergency emissions, that is, "printers" of coins. So, for example, the Roman emperor Caligula at the beginning of I in n. e. The lack of money in the state decided to compensate the seashells collected on the seashore. Of course, it caused quite explained to the wrath of buyers. Many later lack in exceptional circumstances of high-quality metal forced European rulers to make coins from base raw materials (in the third Reich - from far from a varietal zinc), of leather and even porcelain. In the end, this led to the appearance paper money - Banknotes and appliances.

Paper money.

Colored paper, called money, occupy a familiar place in our pockets and wallets, and, it seems that it was always. The history of the creation of money has ancient roots, because the first paper money appeared in China even during the Yuanhe dynasty (806 - 821 G.). True, it should be noted that in countries with a developed civilization by that time, for the course of 14 centuries, a coin of gold, silver, copper and their alloys have been widely used as money, no wonder the Chinese nicknamed paper money with "flying coins". And to the coins for several more centuries, ingots and noble metals were used in the trade, so the history of paper money is much "younger," rather than the history of metal. In addition, Chinese experience was limited in scale and very short.

The second attempt to use paper from paper was undertaken, and successfully, again in China during the reign of the dynasty of the Yuan (1280 - 1368 g), when they became a slightly director of payment in the monetary circulation. The bills were quadrangular, of different sizes, and their value increased in proportion to the nominal. The text on them was applied by engraved copper boards, and on each bill, special officials put their names and fastened with seals. After that, the chief official put the red stamp. Certifying its authenticity. Then the paper money first settled in the wallets, but not our ancestors, and the residents far from them. A description of the Chinese life, and in particular paper monetary signs that went into circulation made by the famous Venetian Marco Polo, was perceived in Europe as fiction. The first experiment on the use of paper money was brought only at the end of the seventeenth century, and not in Europe, but by the efforts of English colonists in Massachusetts (North America).

Based on this experience, the Economist - the Experimentator John Lo substantiated the possibility and the need to introduce a paper-money circulation both from financially economic and from the technical side. His arguments were so convincing that at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the British Treasury began to gradually introduce into the turnover of paper banknotes.

John Lo's ideas became interested in Austria, Holland, France. Peter I persistently tried to invite him to Russia, but in 1720 in France, hasty and poorly thought out of paper money suffered a complete failure. As a result, the interest in them is UGAS, but continued, although limited. The functioning of England's credit tickets revived attempted to introduce paper money first in France, then in Austria, and then in 1762 and in Russia. In France, the case with the Syrridge went, in Austria, they were limited to the release of nonien bank notes (Zettel), and in Russia, in connection with the overthrow of Peter III, it stalled for another 7 years.

So it turns out that the paper money in the pockets of the Europeans close to us appeared only two and a half years ago, and only in two countries and a very small part of the population. Why the paper from paper was still unavailable for ordinary people for a long time, and how technically their production was carried out, we will consider mainly on the example of Russia. The need to introduce a paper-money circulation was dictated by many economic reasons, one of which is a huge weight of coins, which affected the transportation of large sums. This concerned first of all, trade favored by England and France with their colonies scattered throughout the world, and, of course, immensely off-road Russian empire.

For the production of paper money, a technical base was required to contribute to the release of bills, rather durable in circulation and protected from fake and externally responsible task assigned to them. This in England and France was already quite wide, and in Russia, its "narrowness" was compensated by a large number of craftsmen - nuggets collected on the largest Krasnoselskaya paper manufactory near St. Petersburg, which for 50 years he has supplied the coat of arms and writing paper.

In the first decades of its existence, paper money was serviced by large trade and industry, rich landowners and expenses of the treasury. Therefore, their denominations were large, and it was for this reason that they could not get into the pockets of most of the population for a long time. So, in Russia, in the first issue of Paper money, 1769, which was called "Assignments", there were four nominal 25,50,75 and 100 rubles. The lowest nominal exceeded the annual income even the middle hand.

Paper for the first Russian appliances was manually manufactured, quite a time consuming. The raw material for her served hemp. She was trepal, then they kept three days in the water, pressed, quarreled again and twice 2 hours were cooked in liquor to weaken the natural color. Welding hemp was placed in chains for whitening, then washed off and once again cooked in liquor. This path of hemp passed three times and only after that it was loaded into the role of the roles, where the fibers of the hemp in a homogeneous mass were grinding out for eight hours. About 20 thousand sheets were obtained from one roll of hemp mass. For this, the mass was buried specially prepared forms. Equally distributed over the surface of the shape of the mass and formed paper with a watermark (where there were protrusions on the form, the thickness of the paper turned out to be thinner and, respectively, he was shifted). Sheets from the shape of a pile dumped on the cloth, covered with others, then put the sheet again, and it was cloth and so on. Climbed by cloth 500 sheets of paper accounted for the so-called "masonry". It was placed under the press, after which the raw sheets were separated from Sukna and attributed to the hot "dried", where she is. Wailed on the ropes, "ventilated" at least three days after the paper dried, the sheets were stripped and manually impregnated with adhesive animals, thereby reducing the ability of the paper to absorb water, jammed again in the screw presses and then covered with a large cloth, "so that she scared." The next day, the sheets again saw on the ropes - already in the cold room, taking off, divided into small piles, who were picked up in the press between copper boards for the night. And only the next day the last stage of the preparation of one batch of paper began. The sheets were purified from sauo and clots, once again rebelled and folded in packs over a thousand pieces. Then these packs were transferred to the typographical compartment, where again, until it reaches the queue, clamped between copper boards. Paper was obtained white, slightly with a yellow, dense, thin, withstanding increased humidity and heat. But breaking with beggars. Since the amount of the assegnation was 190 x 250 mm, then the calculation was. Apparently, on the boxes, lars, office books, but not on the pockets.

The design pattern consists of a patterned frame and text performed by black paint in one run, and two oval artistic embosses (so-called medallions). The reverse side of the assignments remained clean. The text necessarily indicates the Bank - St. Petersburg or Moscow, because each of them changed the "ringing" coin only on its off-standing. Each sourcing contains signatures (ink) of two senators, adviser and director of the bank. All over the perimeter, the assignment has a complex waterfront - in the framework of the text "State treasury" and "Love for Fatherland acts to the benefit of it", and in the corners of the four kingdoms of Russia: Astrakhan, Kazan, Moscow and Siberian.

Externally appreciated was quite primitive, so attempts to manufacture fakes began to be undertaken immediately as only these securities appeared in the Russian Empire. Since the assignments had only one significant difference, namely the nominal, then the simplicity of the fake was the "transformation" of 25 - ruble appliances in 75 rubles. On a twenty-boilers, the figure "2" and the word "twenty" and was replaced, respectively, on the figure "7" and the word "seventy". Therefore, in 1771, the issue of assemilization of 75 rubles was discontinued, and the extension was subject to exchange. Fake-based assignments, made by handicraft, very quickly recognized, and the attackers went to the cautious way. For mass "production" of false assegnants, a serious technical base was required, and therefore, and considerable capital. Thus, in 1782, General-Maor Zorich General-Maor Zorich, and their printing in Brussels and delivery to Russia organized the wealthy brothers in Brussels and delivered to Russia to Russia, who had foreign citizenship were organized in the spread of fake.

To combat similar phenomena since 1786, the assignments began to be printed on the paper of another, strictly classified composition and a new sample. Significantly reduced their size, and in the watermark began to indicate a denomination. Along the way, Introduced with dignity in 5 and 10 rubles, but, despite the already "pocket" size of a five-member (170 x130 mm), the amount of its owners increased slightly, as it was equal to the semi-annual income of a small artisan. New items decided to make color: 5 rubles - blue, and 10 pink. A new paper manufactory was founded in the Tsarskoye village to produce color assigning paper, and a single state appointence bank with offices in many major cities was organized for the exchange of assembly.

In 1794, during the uprising of Kostysheko in the territory of the Russian Poland, which lasted only a few months, the issuance of own banking tickets was made in Warsaw. The stamp for embossing was damaged in the manufacture, however, it was used, since its irregular shape was an additional measure of protection.

At the beginning of the XIX century. The first large-scale fake of paper money on state level. In order to undermine the finance and economy of their opponents, Napoleonic France, in large quantities, first produced fake tickets of England and Austria, and then Russian appliances. Basically it was 25 - ruble tickets dated 1806 - 1811. , very similar to real, although there are a significant part of them with a typo - the letter "L" instead of "d" in the words "state" or "walking".

To improve the quality of assignments in 1818, a single integrated organization for the manufacture of paper money is being created - the expedition of the preparation state securities (Ezgb). From next next year, the release of the applements of the new sample began - at a less breaking paper, with a very complex pattern and eagle - the coat of arms of the Russian Empire, and the year of release also indicated in the watermark.

The high quality of the new source attracted the close attention of foreign specialists, especially German and Swedish, but all their attempts to penetrate the technological mystery were broken about the wall of secrecy. In turn, Ezgb sought to learn and master the most promising European achievements, but mostly advanced domestic ideas were mainly introduced.

So, open in 1838 by the Russian physicist, Academician B. Jacobi, Galvoplasty immediately facilitated monetary reform, Replacing the appliances to state credit tickets. Their complete uniformity and accelerated steel production is possible only due to the preparation of galvanoplastic stereotypes. Credit tickets were introduced in 1843. Nominal 1 and 3 rubles appeared among them. And it was they who appeared in the pockets of the already noticeable part of the population. All nominal differences differed in size and color were double-sided, with a watermark throughout the area. In the creation of a complex, with overflows of shades of the picture, a beautiful medaler and portraitist - miniaturist Ya was taken part - Miniaturist Ya. Rehel.

With the invention, a well-known engraver - Litographer of the city, who worked in Ezgb, the method of heliogravira was the possible printing of highly artistic portraits. In the release of Credit tickets, the sample of 1866, the front portraits of Dmitry Donskoy (5 rubles), the founder of the Romanovsky Dynasty - Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (10 rubles), Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (25 rubles), Peter I (50 rubles) and Catherine II (100 rubles ).

As the state puts the traps on the path of countercourse.

"Money is the most brilliant invention of humanity. Thanks to them, the economy develops, they are the engine that moves the world. "

"There is nothing worse than money in the world, they are the reason for many crimes. "

Both statements are true. Money carry with me and good, and evil, - it all depends on a person, in whose hands they were.

Monetary bills absolute recordsman in the number of achievements of science and technology included on 1 g of their own weight. It was inserted into her work and knowledge of forest rollers, papermaking machines, chemists, engravers, artists, retauses. Printing and so on. in the list of involved in the manufacture of money - a good hundred specialists. I think that the indicator of the country's level of development is not only space, an atom, microelectronics, but also the money we use every day.

So what traps the state puts on the path of counterfeiters?

Trap first - paper protection. The state uses special varieties, and it contains the secrets of manufacturing secret. Such paper has a specific density, shine, roughness, rustling, etc. High-grade specialists in most cases are not required to study water signs, inscriptions and drawings. They feel the fake to the touch. But such specialists there are either in every bank, yes, and the criminals guys are inxis.

The second trap is a watermark. On the current rubles, these are the corresponding drawings and numbers (at rates of bills).

It is manufactured so. In the paper machine, raw mass is fed to a metal grid having embossed patterns, inscriptions, various images. These sites fall into the masses less than the rest. As a result, they turn out thinner, and there is more transparent to the clearance.

Third trap is the introduction of various fibers into paper. They are poured on the crude mass and pressed into its surface. IN lately Attachments are treated with special fluorescent compositions - then they are glowing in ultraviolet rays.

Four trap - Applying paper painted paper. Let's say, the specks of different colors scattered on white banknotes. Or a quarter of the sheet did one color, the rest of the other.

Fifth trap - protect against relief. Applicable special presses, stamps, etc. On the touch, slaves, convex patterns and other roughness feel on the surface.

The sixth trap - protection of attachments, for example. Colored stripes that are embedded in paper in the manufacture. They often printed the names of the bank. Now apply tapes from metal foil.

Of course, all traps do not count. And they are known to be a narrow circle of specialists. But I had an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to protect paper.

Printing protection. Print methods.

High seal. The high print form is designed in such a way that the embossed printing elements are located in the same plane and higher than the space elements. When printing, a sheet of paper is pressed to the print form, and the paint is extruded on the edges of the elements on the print elements. At the same time, on the edges of the obtained images, a typical "side" is formed from paint, and a small strain of paper is created. It is thus the images of the series and numbers of bills on Russian rubles are made.

Deep metal printing. Deep prints are arranged in the opposite way. Image elements are deepened in printed form. When printing, the paint sticks to the paper and the colorful layer of a sufficient thickness protruding above the surface of the paper is formed, which is easy to feel on the touch. With the help of metallographic printing, high accuracy and clarity of the picture playback is achieved. The smallest elements of images on bills are made precisely this way.

Offset printing. In the forms of offset printing, the printed and space elements are located in the same plane. The printing process with such forms is based on the selective wetting of the space elements with water, and printing fatty paint. Thus, magazines, booklets, books, etc. are printed.

Oryol printing. It is a type of offset printing, in which the transition of one color to another is present in the elements of the obtained images. For Oryol Print, the most complex high-precision equipment is used. Playing the Eagle printing effect is impossible in the usual way.

Iris print. Also is a type of offset printing. When the iris printing in the elements of the obtained images, there is a smooth transition of one color to another. In this case, there is no clear boundary of the transition.

The procedure for identifying a fake monetary sign of the Russian Federation.

The overwhelming majority of fake bills when compared with authentic detect a significant visual difference. Most simple to reveal a fake if you put this and carefully compare them next to the dubious ticket. For greater confidence, you can use a magnifying glass (with an increase of 8 times) and a portable UV lamp. For the fastest and most reliable authentication of bills (without the use of special devices), the following procedure for its consideration is proposed:

1. Consider bills on the lumen and make sure the presence of a watermark as well as the protective strip (there must be a repeated text "CBR5" (10.50,100,500,1000) depending on the nominal bills. If there are no such - the likelihood that the fake bill is close to 100 %.

2. Make sure there are protective hairs in paper bills, believe me, they are not given on a banknote.

3. If you have a special flashlight available, highlight UV bills. If you see the glow of protective hairs, as well as the elements of the facial and back pattern - it is very likely that the bill is genuine, if you see a bright bluish glow - the bill is most likely a fake.

4. Try to see Kipp - the effect (the letters of PP at the bottom of the front side of the bill). To do this, place a bill on the palm (parallel to the earth and in length from myself) and, considering the bill under the usual angle of view for this position. Fill the far side of the bills to the ground. If you saw letters, then this is a weighty argument in favor of the authenticity of the bills, if not, then do not despair, it is not always possible to do on a genuine bill.

5. Consider bills with the front and back side and make sure that there are no paint vagues on the bill, the images are clear, the solid lines (do not consist of points), no glossy bills.

6. On the back of the bill, on coupon fields, try to consider the protective grid. The lines must be clear, subtle, not to have breaks, not consist of points. If you have a magnifying glass, consider the serial number of bills and micro. The serial number must have characteristic signs of high printing, and the microsist should be read. These are the most faithful signs of authentication of bills.

If you, for any reason, could not be convinced of the authenticity of the bills, and doubts remained, try to remember the person from which you got it.

You got fake money, how to do?

1. From the point of view of a law-abiding citizen, you are obliged to immediately take steps to the withdrawal of fake money from turnover. For this, it is necessary or to personally come to the OBP, or, entering the bank, ask to check the authenticity of the money, after which, if your suspicions are confirmed. Bank employees will cause the police. In the extreme case, just brush or burn fake money and accept the loss. Do not try to sell fake money, otherwise you can immediately become on the path of crime. Any attempt to correct your financial situation by selling the resulting fake bills puts you on the other side of the law (Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

2. If you are working in the field of trade or service, or your activity is related to the reception of money from the population, then when you try to sell you fake money, you need to:

Take steps to delay the solder under any pretext and immediately report the police. ;

If there is no such possibility - try with the maximum accuracy to remember the signs of criminals, what transportation they use, the state number color, etc., who helps the soldplots, where they went and other little things that would help in the future to delay them - and immediately inform By the police.

3. What are the main distinguishing features of fake Russian money?

More often, bills are manufactured using copying and multiple technology. Therefore, with a moisture, the dye, as a rule flashes. Paper density is not withstanding, it is somewhat loose. There is no relief, watermarks. That is not yet able to do, so this is a microtext. It can be easily read using a magnifying glass. When checking with the use of detectors, fake money lumsement is bright - blue, which you will not say about the authentic rubles.

Responsibility for the manufacture and selling fake money.

In 1929, the International Convention on Combating Mechanical Signs was concluded in Geneva. In 1932, the USSR joined this convention. This convention established the basic principles of the fight against counterfeitness and provides for punitive measures to the manufacture of fake money, regardless of whether it affects the national monetary system or the monetary system of other countries.

In Russia, as the Properentiation of the USSR, it is a duty to unify national legislation on this issue, to ensure the coordination of the activities of the bodies in combating counterfeitness, ensure the exchange of information on the identified cases of manufacturing and sales of fake money.

Russian legislation introduced criminal liability (Article 186 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for the manufacture of fake banking tickets of the Central Bank in order to sell or market Russian Federation, metal coins, state valuable papers or other securities in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency or securities in foreign currency.

1. Production in terms of sales or sale of fake banking tickets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, metal coin, state securities or other securities in the currency of the Russian Federation or foreign currency or securities in foreign currency - is punished with imprisonment for a period of five to eight years With confiscation of property or without such.

2. The same acts committed in a large scale or face, previously convicted for the manufacture or sale of fake money or securities, are punished with imprisonment for a period of seven to twelve years with confiscation of property.

3. The acts provided for by the parties of the first or second of this article committed by the organized group are punishable by imprisonment for a period of eight to fifteen years with confiscation of property.

According to the prevailing judicial practice In cases of explicit inconsistency of fake bills genuine. As well as in the presence of other circumstances of the case, testifying to the direction of the intent of the guilty of a rough deception of a limited number of persons, such actions can be qualified as fraud. (paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On judicial practice on making or marketing fake money or securities" of April 28, 1994)

Money is a means of implementing exchange relations, universal equivalent. encyclopedic Dictionary
Money - Specific product maximum liquidity ... Wikipedia
In our age of the rapid flowering of digital technologies in the struggle for the future, the world order will come up with completely new forms of money. What will it be - "Blood" of the economy of the future? To understand the prospects, you need to realize the story. I suggest to start a little refreshing the main facts.

Evolution from source

A variety of funds for calculations at the dawn of its existence was limited only by the varieties of girlfriend: shells, pearls, stones with holes, cattle, fur and animal skins. In ancient Russia, for example, skins, salt, honey, cattle were used on a row with coins. Metals in coins, ingots and, even, in the form of scrap, are later popular during trade.
So throughout the time, people tried to find a certain equivalent of their work, taken in the entire environment of their existence. And what is the difference in the ingot of noble metal from a leaky pebble? Yes, of course, the universality - the ingot is more likely to be applicable not only within the framework of one island, on which people have given such stones with purchasing power. Gold became the most versatile payment tool and the first AntiFraud system appeared - "Checking tooth". The calculation means turned out to be quite reliable, universal, but very heavy for regular transport and everyday calculations.

100 Dallers from Stockholm Bank, 17th Century

In the 17th -18 centuries, a system of walking of banknotes began to be installed, allowing to get rid of the constant wearing of gold with him. Getting such a piece of paper, a person clearly understood that its value corresponds to the volume of precious metal stated on it, which was stored in the bank, authenticity confirmed complex stamps and paintings that, of course, caused non-sex confidence in the sheet.
This happened the emergence of fiduciary (from Lat. fiducia.- Trust) of money. The degree of protection on them gradually became more complicated, the control of the release is centralized. The main banks of the state began to regulate the issuance of monetary signs, managing monetary policyAnd the money themselves found another adjective - fiat (from Lat. fiat.- Decree, indication, "Let it be so").

Our days

The Bretton Woods Agreement, achieved by a number of countries in 1944, was becoming the most important milestone in the development of the monetary system and the formation of modern defendant in 1944, which left the Golden Standard in the past and approved the dollar produced by the US Federal Reserve, as a key currency. Further events developed rapidly.

One ruble 1961-1991

Even stronger the connection of money with precious metals Weakened the Yamaican International Conference of 1973. In accordance with the agreements in the adopted agreement, currency courses stopped rigidly established by states and began to be managed by the market. Almost finally destroyed any influence of metals to estimate the value of the currency collapse of the block of countries of the Warsaw Treaty in 1991, monetary system which was still determined by the gold reserve (although a number of countries, including Russia, still keep the noble metals in ZVR as collateral). The only measure of currencies was the market assessment - his confidence in the purchasing power of the calculation means. Of course, the assessment of the value of monetary signs is influenced by the mass of factors: from specific indicators in the private spheres of the country to the news background, and ultimately the general image of the state.
Is it possible to believe in the image factor that is created by skillful manipulations? How to exclude it when evaluating our solvency? Is it possible to get a single currency for the whole world?
In 1998, an event occurred not particularly seen at that time: a description of the concept called "B-Money" was issued, an anonymous distributed electronic system of monetary signs. Only after 11 years, a certain developer (and possibly not one) under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto was released the first implementation of cryptocurrency - Bitcoin. Read more about Bitcoin can be read in the Concept from the author. Next of the Internet "flooded" by many different altcoin (where, alt. - Alternative). I want to dwell on only some aspects of cryptocurrency.

Blockchain - Trust Protocol

Recently heard this definition of BlockChain technology and I really liked it. Where does faith arise to money that does not have real incarnation, and even created by some developers enthusiasts? Let's go from in common to the private. If you consider the BLOCKCHAIN \u200b\u200btechnology itself, you can select two key properties:

We can say that the basis of the technology is the principles of democracy, I will not be afraid of this word, even though it is already discredited. As for cryptocurrency, here we also receive some interesting characteristics, but sometimes very controversial in terms of their survivors with existing legislation. Let's look at the example of Bitcoin:

About "Gold Stand" in the 21st century

Now we are all at a point of rethinking economic model and finding new solutions that could provide civilizations a stable progressive movement forward. Often you have to hear that one of the right ways to solve the problems accumulated in Russia is a refund to the "Gold Standard", which will make the currency intolerable. Below I brought two graphs of price change dynamics since 2000.

Dynamics of oil prices Brent since 2000

Dynamics of gold prices since 2000

Yes, gold is a much more stable asset than oil, but still prone to oscillations depending on the market state. Like any other metal, gold has long become a product and lost a unlimited trust loan - its own provision. Solving new problems with old methods do not look promising. The digital age requires a digitized economy and, most likely, the digital currency, part of the complex of which can be at least classical forms in the form of noble metals, at least the hydrocarbons, well, if someone else believes, although it was written on the Soviet rules, "All The property of the SSR. "

Special goods, universal equivalent (equivalent) or universal equivalent form of value of all other goods. The specific property of the money product is to express the cost of any other goods, serve as an universal exchange tool. Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • money - metal and / or paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and selling and performing the role of universal equivalent, that is, expressing the cost of all other goods and exchanged on any of them. Large accounting dictionary
  • money - SUB., Number of synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • money - Orph. Money, money, money Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • money - d'Andei, money, money-money, units. (· East.) Money, money, and (· Prost.) Money, money, wives. (· TURK. TAMGA - stigma, print). 1. Only MN. Metal and paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and selling. Copper money. Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  • Money - money - English. Money; it. Geld. Special goods performing the role of universal equivalent and acting as a measure of value, means of circulation and means of payment. Sociological Dictionary
  • money - money, money and money, money and money, about money and money, MN. 1. Metal and paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and selling. Paper money. Change money. Realcate money. Small Academic Dictionary
  • money - about the number of money; About the method of their acquisition, etc. Framy (collapse), large, dirty, darm (spacious.), Green, wild (collapse), torn (spacious.), sealing (spacious. Russian epitets dictionary
  • money - 1. Money, money, money, money, money, money 2. Money, money, money, money, money, money Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • money is money money, money and money, money and money, about money and money. MN. 1. Metal and paper signs that are a measure of cost when buying and selling; This or that their number, amount. Paper d. Money appeal. Exchange d. Recalling ... Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • money - money, money, money and (statute) money. 1. Metal and paper signs (in process-specific formations special goods), which are a measure of cost when buying and selling, a means of payments and the subject of accumulation. 2. Capital, funds. Large ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • money is money MN. 1. Metal coins and paper signs that are the measure of the cost of goods and the means of payment. || This is a number of coins and paper characters. 2. Means designed to be released for anything. 3. Review Fee for labor; the salary. 4. State, wealth; capital. Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • money is a special product that performs the role of universal equivalent when exchanging goods, the product of the natural exchange and the form of the value of all other goods. Financial Dictionary Terminov
  • Money is a special kind of universal product used as a universal equivalent, through which the cost of all other goods is expressed. Money is a product that performs the functions of the exchange, payments, measurement of value, the accumulation of wealth. Economic Dictionary Terminins
  • money - according to the legislation of the Russian Federation monetary signs in the form of banknotes and coins; One of the objects civil rights. main feature d. As the object of civil rights is that they, being universal equivalent ... Big Law Dictionary

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