
What you need to know about the checkbook. Sample checkbook filling. An example of filling checkbook

Who would have thought that the famous phrase from the American film "I don't have cash, but I can write a check" will become so in demand in our reality. And indeed, if you do not have cash, you can always arrange a check on the bearer and specify the appropriate amount in it. However, not everyone knows how to fill it correctly. We offer you a sample filling checkbook.

Brief information about checkbooks

Checkbooks are a kind of financial document consisting of 25 or 50 sheets. As a rule, they are tied to bank account book owner and allow you to exercise non-cash payments followed by the purpose of their cashing in credit institutions.

The book itself visually resembles a small oblong notebook. Each it is divided into two parts. These are checks, one of which subscribes and gives up to the bank for subsequent issuance of the specified amount in it, and the second is a copy. It is he who remains in the book and fulfills the role of a kind of document for reporting when writing off funds from the account. You can get a book by writing an appropriate application in the bank. How is the checkbook filling?

What to write in a statement to issue a book?

The application form may also have a disruptive coupon "for the cash register" and the main part where such information is indicated:

  • company name;
  • the number and month of writing a statement;
  • organization account number;
  • please give 1 book with a specified number of sheets (25-50);
  • initials responsible for receiving a person's book;
  • signatures of accountants, economist, cashier and head of the bank.

This is how about and looks like a sample of filling out an application for receipt of a checkbook.

Simple rules when filling checkbooks

Check records usually lead the same people to the same type of handwriting. Filling a form of a document is performed by a handle containing the same ink color. Therefore, its owner will initially choose whether it will only be black, purple or blue color paste.

Another important moment When working with a book lies in the complete absence of corrections and errors. All words and details must be listed in a strictly defined order and only in the graphs allocated for them. To perform for the fields of cells and the graph is categorically prohibited. In addition, each blank of the checkbook contains a sign for signature and print owner. At the same time, his account number in the bank, the name of the enterprise or the initials of the entrepreneur is written manually (at the end of the filled tear root) or is indicated on the prints of the print itself.

What important lines is in the check letterhead?

The book form, as a rule, contains several lines, each of which is filled in accordance with the existing rules of the financial organization. For example, in the column "Cash check is issued to ..." you need to specify the amount first by numbers, and then in words. What should be a sample of filling the checkbook can be seen in the photo.

The date and month of completing the document is also put in words. In the case of the use of digits, during the indication of the amount of the check, a double underscores of the gaps before writing numbers and after. In the column "to give" or "allowing to issue" Full-FIRs are fully indicated.

What does the checkbook filling pattern look like?

The appearance of the majority of checkbooks issued different banksmay differ. However, the principle of filling them is almost identical. We give an example of such a design.

So, we open your book and see the unfilled blank. We bring to your attention a sample of a checkbook. He has two sides: facial and revolving, and also there is a cut line and a tearful root. First fill it. To do this, perform the following actions:

  • we specify the numbers of the amount, for example, "150,000 \u003d rubles. 00 cop. ";
  • we write to whom the check is issued;
  • put signatures of responsible persons;
  • fill in the date of receipt and put the recipient's signature.

It looks like this and looks like a ready-made checkbook filling.

How to fill the front side of the check blank?

  • name of an enterprise or private person;
  • number bank account check;
  • the amount of numbers;
  • place of issue (city, settlement);
  • date and year of issue;
  • the name of the financial organization indicating the corporate account number;
  • initials of the Chekopoller (for example, Ivanova Irina Petrovna);
  • summary in words;
  • signatures of responsible persons.

Sample checkbook with an option to fill its front side you will find in our publication.

How to fill the circulation side of the check form?

On the reverse side of the check, you can see a small plate in which the following data is indicated:

  • goals of consumption (for example, payment of travel or wage for such a month and year);
  • costs of expenses;
  • signatures of responsible persons;
  • the signature of the checkpoint;
  • the name of the document presented to obtain a document indicating the number, series, dates and locations of the issue;
  • signatures of the cashier, accountant and controller.

Also, this sample of filling the checkbook includes a tear-off tube, which refers to the number of the credited order, the number and year of the operation performed, is the signature of the chief accountant.

What are the difference between checks of different banks?

The principle of filling the check in any bank is almost the same and has common features with the above sample. However, forms of different banks, all important information can be recorded in a completely different sequence, as well as change the location of the tear-off coupon.

For comparison, we give an example of filling out the checkbook of Sberbank. So, there is also a facial and working facility in the check form of this financial organization, and the tear-off coupon is placed on the right of you. In the form first indicates the name of the enterprise, then, the number of the check number of the checkbook, the check number, the amount of numbers, and after - the place, date and year of issue. Further indicates the full legal name of Sberbank, and in the column "Pay" it is necessary to mention the checkpoint. Below is the signature and printing of responsible persons.

In the Blanche of the Bank "St. Petersburg" (former "European") tear-off coupon is located on the left, and all other columns are present as from Sberbank.

What is the shelf life of the filled check?

Each completed check has its own shelf life. It is believed that since its fill and appeal to financial organization It should not pass more than 10 days.

Dear customers when filling checks for cash money In rubles, you need to pay attention to the following essential details:

  • the money check must be filled from hand with a ballpoint handle or ink of one color (black, blue, purple);
  • the sum of the numbers is written at the very beginning of the line;
  • in the case when the amount of payment is expressed in the whole ruble, then the penny is not indicated, and the corresponding graph is firing two horizontal lines (see footnote 1);
  • the sum will be written at the very beginning of the line with a capital letter in the nominative case; The word "ruble" ("rubles", "ruble") is written completely (without abbreviations); kopecks are indicated by the numbers and the word "kopeck" ("kopecks", "kopecks") is written completely (without abbreviations);
  • transfer rules to observe optional, i.e. It is allowed to transfer one letter;
  • free places that remained after filling the fields "sums of numbers" and "amount in words" , Be sure to bother with two smooth horizontal lines (see Footage 1);
  • in the field "Pay » It should be indicated, starting from the capital letter , Familia, name, patronymic (in the duty case) of a person who issued a check; Between the surname, the name, patronymic can not be accomplished; Transfer rules to observe optional, i.e. It is allowed to transfer one letter; Free places that remained after filling in the field are necessarily bother with two smooth horizontal lines (see Footnote 1);
  • in the "Signature" field of signatures of authorized persons should not cross the amount specified on the issue on the check; print prints should be made clearly (without "lubrication"); print print should not fall on a special blue field (see footnote 2); The signatures of the account managers are affixed in strict accordance with the signature card signatures and print printing (see footnote 3);
  • in the case when the cash will be spent on other purposes, rather than indicated on the reverse side of the check in the field "Goals of the flow" , It is necessary to enter the actual goal (goal) of the consumption in the empty graph of this field; The sum of all costs must correspond to the sum in the words and figures indicated on the front side of the check;
  • the field "Markers, Certification Personality of the Recipient" is filled in strict accordance with the data specified in the passport; The month of issuing a passport is prescribed by words (see Footage 4);
  • the signature of the recipient of the means is affixed directly at the time of receipt of funds (at the checkout); The signature of the recipient of funds must correspond to the signature of the suspension in the passport (see Footage 5);

Checkbook a is a tool that allows you to obtain cash in cash on the current account using a monetary check. About, how to get and enjoy It can be found below.

Plus Bank OJSC issues checkbooks on the basis of a client's application that is in the banking service in the bank. The cost of the checkbook depends on the number of checks in it, for example: the cost of a checkbook of 50 sheets (checks) is 100 rubles, out of 25 sheets - 50 rubles. Also the tariffs of Plus Bank OJSC provides for the urgent issue of the checkbook.

Check is valuable papercomprising the disposal of the Chettaster Bank to make the payment of the amount specified in it by the Check holder.

When issuing a checkbook, the Bank will tell a specialist in detail, how the check is filled, Sample will show. How to fill the check: From hand, handle of the same color, indicating the amount of numbers and in words. Also indicate the data of the person receiving cash on the check. The check consists of a tear-off part and the root. The tear-off part is transmitted to the bank, the check root remains from the client. By writing checks, you need to consider: they are strict reporting form, errors and corrections in which are not allowed.

Registration monetary checkbook The company's current account has some features and nuances, whose knowledge will help you during the passage of this procedure.

If you decide what you need checkbook , To do this, you need to solve a few questions.

Order a monetary checkbook

First, it is necessary to come to the bank and fill the appropriate request request form for receipt of a checkbook. It will be provided to you by the employees of a financial organization.

Secondly, it will be necessary to make payment for this banking service. Cost of checkbook You can easily find out in your bank. Issue is paid once, regardless of the period of using the book. Only after all the forms in the book run out, it will be necessary to order a new checkbook and re-pay her issuance.

Payment can occur both in cash and by writing off the required amount from the company's account. This will be informed by the Bank's employees.

When making a book, you need to know in advance:

  • the necessary details of your company - what print and whose signatures should be on circulation and on the checkbook itself;
  • dates of consideration by the Bank's Bank;
  • place of issuing a checkbook.

When receiving a checkbook, you need to ask what removal limit with account without notice. This parameter is installed individually in each bank. This limit is the amount within which you can provide a cash receipt to the bank without prior warning, if the amount is more, then you must first call or warn the Bank's employees in any other specified way (for example, by e-mail).

Issuing a checkbook

After consideration by the Bank of your application, an authorized employee will issue a checkbook tied to the current account of your company. Getting it, it is important to familiarize yourself with the sample of filling the blanks.

remember, that cash check - this is strict reporting document, and even such, it would seem that the insignificant moments as a capital or small letters in some Check graphs are of great importance. With incorrectly filled check, the bank employees will rewrite it, which will take extra time (in business time - money).

In bank checks forbidden any corrections . Print and signatures On the check letterhead must comply with the fact that the company's constituent documents are. The identification bank creates a special card sample signatures and seals of each client company.

When issuing a checkbook, find out what will need to be done with it when changing officials or printing an enterprise.

As you can see, the procedure for obtaining a monetary checkbook in the bank is not very complex. The main thing to know in advance the necessary conditions For her extradition in the bank. It will also not be prevented to learn the rules for use and filling the checks, which will always help the Bank's employees.

Almost every normally functioning enterprise has one or even several open in banks. With the help of these accounts, the enterprise can carry out the necessary non-cash payments. But what to do if you need to pay cash? There are three basic ways of cash settlements approved by the current legislation.

The checkbook is the most common means of replenishing cash at the enterprise checkout. Previously, a book must be purchased in the serving bank. There are books for 25, 50 or more sheets. In order to make money from the account, you must fill in the check and present it to the bank. A check can be discharged in the name of any person who will receive money. The bank will pay money on a check only if this check is completed in strict accordance with the established procedure for filling and using checks. This procedure includes several items:

  • The check is filled from hand only in ink or ballpoint handle. The check amount is indicated by numbers and in words. When specifying the payment date, the check month is set in words.
  • When filling out the field "sum of numbers", it is necessary to double the battalization of the free places before and after the amount of rubles.
  • On the name check, after the printed word "Pay", the name, name, and the patronymic of the person, in the name of which this check is issued, in the parental case.
  • I will definitely need to start writing from the very beginning of the line. After the sum, the word "rubles" puts the word, while there should be no free space between them.
  • The checkbook signs a check exclusively with a ballpoint handle or ink.
  • It is forbidden to sign a check until it fill in all its details.
  • Any amendments in the check make this check invalid.
  • The completed and signed check is bonded by the organization of the organization. Printing is not required only if the bank presented when opening an account is present that the organization is not assigned.
  • The bank takes the receipt to receive money only on the nominal check, on his turning side.
  • All details of the root of the check are mandatory to fill.
  • The receipt of the check is at the root of this check and is selected by the owner of the bank account.
  • The checkbook is obliged to keep the roots of the paid checks, as well as all the checks spoiled by them and their roots for at least three years.
  • When closing the current account, its owner must return all available checkbooks with the remaining unused roots and checks with a statement in which the numbers of the checks are indicated.

Pros of the use of the checkbook are:

  • strict control over the removal of cash from a bank account (because removal is made only on a check);
  • a very high degree of security (money will not be issued by the Bank in the absence of the necessary details, signature of the check and print print).

Cons checkbook:

  • additional costs in the form of the Bank's Commission for cash withdrawal;
  • the urgent time required to travel to the Bank and making money;
  • in the case of the slightest violation of the rules for filling the check, this check will not be adopted by the bank for payment.

The method of the second. Corporate Plastic Card (Electronic Checkbook)

Many banks, keeping up with the times, offer our customers to open corporate map. It can be a nominal or an impersonal plastic card, equipped with a PIN code. Quite often, enterprises applying a corporate card provide it with a material-responsible person to pay for current purchases. An employee who pays to the use of a corporate card must be reported before its company for each consumed amount. Confirming documents in this case are shabla strict reporting, cash and commodity checks.

Each bank gives its cards with certain capabilities or impose some restrictions. Some banks, for example, do not allow cash withdrawal in an ATM on a corporate map. And other banks whose range of services is much wider, allow, for example, to set certain limits on each card.

Pros of corporate plastic card:

  • absence banking Commission when spending funds;
  • round-the-clock access to the means located on the settlement account;
  • significant time savings on receiving funds in the bank and the subsequent issuance of them under the advance report;
  • monitoring the use of funds by extracts received in the bank;
  • the ability to pay for the expenses of various kinds: Executive, travel or expenses on the business needs of the enterprise.

The third way. Personal plastic map

This option is most suitable for individual entrepreneurs.

In this case, the entrepreneur is given the right to choose one of two options:

  • each time separately translated the required amount from its current account on plastic card;
  • provide in servicing bank Application with a request to list all means entering the current account, on the labeled plastic card. In this case, the card will be attached to the account, and it can be used to spend funds within the existing ones.

The disadvantage of this method may be a ban on the transfer of funds from the current account to the nominal plastic card individual entrepreneur. In this case, the service bank, as a rule, offers IP to open a corporate card (such as organizations open).

If the recipient of the money expresses the desire to polistly recalculate the resulting amount, the cashier issues full packs of cash tickets, without cutting the seals (warranty seams). Recalculation cash cash The client is produced in the counting room or in a specially reserved place under the supervision of a cash register or other employee, while the delivery of the amount in the recalculation room is carried out by the Bank's cashier.

Money from incomplete roots, as well as from packs with damaged packaging are issued by cashiers with polystive recalciation. When opening the roots with cash tickets for issuing money by individual sheets, the cashier's cashier is obliged to predict them.

The cashier's cashier is prohibited at the time of issuing money to customers at the request of the latest exchange of money on other advantages.

All necessary for committing expendable Operations The cashier's cash cash upon receipt is recorded in the book form No.0482155. The same book records the number and amount of paid documents for the operating day and the balance of cash at the end of the day.

The remaining at the end operating day The cashier's cashier's cash tickets have separate cash tickets, packed by other cashiers, should be a cashier politically recalculated and packaged in the prescribed manner.

Calculation fees and checks must be completed simultaneously with the preservation of all components of the form. Name of account holder, account number and name credit organization In checks and ads may be denoted by stamps.

Cash checks are selected receipts of recipients (ink or ballpoint). In addition, these documents should make a mark on presenting a passport or replacing his recipient's document. It is allowed to fill these marks by the recipient himself, the correctness of the passport mark or another document is assigned to the operating officer's signature. On the circulation of cash checks, the client must indicate the appointment of the amount of payment. Information on the appointment of payment amounts is assigned by the checklist.

Enterprises, organizations and institutions, which in the established cases under the terms of their activities do not decipher their costs represent cash checks without specifying the appointment of the amount of payment.

In the ads on a cash contribution, the date of the actual submission to the bank should be specified. The announcement of the cash fee is signed by depositors.

Introduction of corrections and additions to banking and cash documents not allowed.

The Bank refuses to accept a settlement document if the Certificate of Rights of the Order of the Account is recognized as doubtful or in violation of the requirements for the design of the document. Monetary estimated documents With corrections of such details, as the amount, customer name and numbers of their accounts, at least agreed, are invalid and are not subject to receiving the bank to execution.

3. The procedure for issuing a checkbook.

To obtain a checkbook, the client is submitted to the bank a written application in one copy on the form of form No. 0401017 (Appendix No. 6), signed by persons, which are sampled of signatures of which are included in the card with samples of signatures and print printing. The client may be issued simultaneously several checkbooks in compliance with the sequence of check numbers.

When receiving an application for issuing a checkbook Operational worker:

Checks the correctness of filling out the application and compliance of signatures and printing on it on it with the signatures of signatures of those authorized to dispose of the score;

Signs permission to issue a checkbook and transmits a statement with the ticket to the cashier.

Cashier, having received a statement:

Checks the presence of an operating officer signatures on it;

Notes on the statement and coupon to the application number of checks issued a checkbook (from the number of the number);

Shears the operating worker a checkbook decorated with a bank stamp, together with a statement on receipt in the coupon. Coupon to the application remains at the checkout.

Operational worker, having received a statement and checkbook from the cashier:

Checks all checks in the book;

Located on all checks the account number of the client;

Records numbers of checks in a card with samples of signatures of this client;

Returns a statement with the checkbook at the box office.

The cashier checks the presence of all checks in the checkbook, signs on the coupon. A ticket is returned to the operating worker after issuing a checkbook to extract a robust order, in account of the accounting forms of strict reporting.

The cashier issues a book on a receipt on a statement, after completing the recipient's signature with a sample of its signature on the application. After discharge of the expenditure order, the coupons for statements on the issuance of the checkbook are destroyed.

The rooms of the issued checks must also be entered into a card with samples of signatures and prints of the printing employee.

Applications for issuing checkbooks are stored in documents of the day with consumable Ordere, compiled for the total number of books issued for the day.

Completed checkbooks not received by customers for 30 days are repaid with a mark on the client's statement for signatures of the department of the department (or another employee in accordance with the functions entrusted to it) and the cashier by cutting out the checks of the part of the check, intended for the signature and Consistent consumption. The numbers of redeemed cash checks are crossed out of cards with sample signatures and print prints. Related checkbooks are attached to the expenditure order.

IV. Analysis cash Services Customers of Serpukhov OSB №1554 of the Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow region is one of the leading production and population in the central region. Here are 3.7% of all enterprises in Russia, and the population is about 6.5 million people today.` by volume industrial production It is located at the 10th place among the regions Russian Federation And on the 2nd - in the central region. Currently Moscow regional Bankwhich is part of the Sberbank of Russia, is the lead commercial Bank Moscow region and ranks 1st in the number of branches and 2nd place in the number of population serviced by one institution of the Bank in the Central District of Russia. In the magnitude of the profit, the Bank is among the leaders of the Sberbank of Russia's leaders, and by the magnitude of the assets divides 2-3rd places with St. Petersburg Bank. In addition, the Moscow Regional Bank ranks 8th among other territorial banks on the volume of loan resources placed. Analysis of the formed customer base makes it possible to see that permanent customers Bank are enterprises and organizations of the Moscow region, with which the bank has a close and long-term relationship.

From January 1, 2001. Territorial banks - Tverskaya, Smolensk, Bryansk, Kaluga, Tula and Ryazan were joined to the Moscow Regional Bank. The Central Russian Bank of Sberbank of Russia was created on their basis.

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