
Sample checkbook filling. Checkbook

What actions to do to get it, as happens filling a cash check (sample, example), Answers to so many topical questions, you can find in our article.

Checkbook - This order is ordered by the bank registered in the check. As a rule, JUR is usually used. Persons for calculations. With the help of a check, any organization has the ability to take cash from a personal account or pay with counterparties. As for Physs. Persons, then check records in this case, have not yet received mass distribution. IP and organizations are actively used by checks, as it is quite convenient, safely and securely, only the removal of cash on the money check takes a sufficient time, and this is a direct disadvantage.

How to have a checkbook?

To write cash checks, you need to get a book in the bank. To do this, you will need to apply for the provision of a checkbook in the bank where you have an open current account. After that, for a certain amount of money, the applicant will issue a checkbook, which will contain a certain number of checks, for example 60. From this, the moment you can write cash checks and on them to receive cash in the bank.

Checkbook Filling Sample

Fill the money check is necessary very neatly and carefully, as this is a form of strict reporting, it is impossible to allow corrections and errors. If an error was made during the checkout, it is considered invalid, and the form itself is crossed and writes "canceled". The spoiled check check out of the book should not. Check blank consists of a tear-off part and the root. It is necessary to fill both parts, after that, on the cutting line, the right side is broken down and is transmitted to the bank separation for issuing money, the root (left part) remains in the book.

The procedure for filling the money check

The check should reflect the specific amount (in words and numbers), which is issued to the bearer. From the beginning of the line, the amount is prescribed by in words, the currency is also indicated and the amount in the form of a number, an empty place that remains in the line is hard,
IN obligatoryThe check indicates the details of the owner of the book and details of the bank,
The date of filling the blank and the place of compilation should also be prescribed. The check is considered valid within 10 days.
In the line "Who" indicates the name of the recipient who issued a cash receipt, as well as to whom the bank is obliged to pay the prescribed amount,
The check must contain the indication of the presenter of the Cordential
Must be necessary to present the seal of the Chekodator and the signature of authorized persons
The recipient must be written, as a sign of confirmation that the money check is obtained,
In the checkbook, the goal of consumption is prescribed in accordance with the need to spend the planned amount
The checkbook is filled with black or blue.

The annual and used checkbook should be kept in organizing 3 years, after that it is transmitted to the archive.

Accounting checkbooks

The opening of the checkbook and the subsequent checkout of the check is reflected in accounting. When issuing monetary sums Applied 25 account accounts 55. In addition, the checkbook is at the off-balance account 006. The costs that are related to receiving the books are written off by Wiring D91 / 2K51 as other expenses. When a cash check is issued, the Wiring D60 / K55 / 2 is issued. The used check is necessarily written off the loan. If at the end of the year unused checks, they are given to the bank, as for the balances of funds, they are listed on the account (Wiring D51 K55 / 2.. To properly and without errors, make a check, you can use our recommendations on

To get finance in cash equivalent from the account, you must have a cash check. This documentation is located in a special book of checks, which is issued. commercial Bank. The blank of this check has the composition:

  • Root.
  • Check himself.

The first element is located in the book, in it partial information, but it is created almost the same as the check. Before has the following data: Number of Finance, Date, Full name Cashier, whose check is discharged.

Finance to the account should be made using a special document - the declaration of cash contribution.

What should be considered when you need to fill the check from the book?

With its design it is impossible to make fatal errors. If errors were found in the process of design, then such a check is considered invalid, it is crossed and write what it is spoiled. Next, it makes it up, then by returning to the client is attached to the root.

During the registration of the checks, it is necessary to use only a certain type of handle.

An example of how cash check is filled

The checkbook is drawn up as follows:

  • The exact name of the company.
  • The numbering sign of the current account, on the basis of which the book of checks is created.
  • The amount of money for issuing. Putting in the form of numbers, if there are unfilled lines, then they are written by solid lines (2nd).
  • In the place where the location is issued, commercial organizationThe date is also fixed when the check from the book was filled.
  • The name of the commercial organization is fixed by the Organization itself. If this line is empty, then the one who gives the check itself fills.
  • Full name of man who receives finances. Must be indicated completely.
  • The amount of money is prescribed without abbreviations, even a penny is written in the form of numbers. Write from the very beginning of the line.
  • Consideration of signatures responsible.
  • On the rear, the table is filling out the appointment of finance, while dealing in directions, the amount of money of each direction is specified. The table is assigned, as well as on the front of the check.
  • It is assumed by a person who is listed on the front and its passport data.

Obtaining cash in a bank is carried out on a check for a bank.

The shape of the money check is not legally established, so each bank has the right to develop its own form itself, while maintaining compulsory details.

To receive a checkbook, the Organization should submit an appropriate application to the bank, which carries out its cash service.

Typically, the checkbook contains 25 or 50 pages, each of which consists of two parts: the actual check, subject to delivery, and the root, which remains in the organization.

The monetary checkbook is stored at the chief accountant under the key, and the roots of paid and spoiled checks (as well as the spoiled checks themselves should be kept by the check of at least three years.

Filling and checking a checkbook

The check is filled only by hand (ballpoint or ink) and one handwriting (i.e. by one person).

Filling the front side should avoid mistakes and blots, because in this case the check will be considered invalid. Spoiled forms should remain in the checkbook, jerk to the root and repaid the inscription "spoiled".

The name of the checkbook, that is, the owner of the current account and the checkbook, and the number of his accounts is affixed when receiving a book in a bank from hand or the ottis of the organization's stamp simultaneously on all checks.

In the line "Check ... on ..." indicates the amount (figures) to which it is discharged. At the same time, free spaces ahead and after the amount of rubles should be burned with two lines.

The following line indicates place (in some banks it is already filled) and the date of issue of the check. In this case, the release date is indicated as follows: the number (numbers), month (in words) and the year (numbers).

After the word "pay" the surname, the name and patronymic of the cashier (employee), on which a check is issued, in a dutiful case, and free space is bored with two lines.

The following line indicates the summary of the check on the check. The amount is prescribed in the string without indents (from the edge itself) and from the capital letter, free space is stuck with two lines. An indent even a few millimeters is not allowed. The word "rubles" should be indicated after the sum in the words without leaving the free space. If the number of the amount in the check was written using a dashboard in a column for kopecks, the record of the amount in words ends with the word "rubles". If the designation "00 kopecks" was used, it should be applied in the amount of words: "Seventeen thousand four hundred rubles 00 kopecks."

The check signs the personnel organization employees who have the right of the first and second signature, be sure to ink or a ballpoint handle.

Families and signatures of these employees must be fixed in "". Usually the first signature belongs to the head of the organization as a manager of loans, and the second is the chief accountant. To not be suspended financial activities Enterprises in their absence, you can specify in the card in two first and two second signatures. For example:
The first signature is the director, deputy. Director.
Second signature - chief Accountant, deputy. Chief Accountant.

In the lower left corner of the front side of the check, the organization is stamped, which is also fixed in the card. Printing should not go beyond the boundaries of the intended area.

On the turning side in the table indicate the goals of the consumption of obtained money (in the form of the symbols corresponding to them), and the signatures of the employees of the Chekodator (having the right) are set. The following should be the signature of the cashier (recipient of the funds) on obtaining the amount specified in the present check.

The lower part of the reverse side is designed to simply draw the identity of the recipient. An accountant, which written a check, enters into the appropriate lines Passport details of the person who is entrusted to receive money on this check in the expenditure office of the Bank's operating department.

The location under the bottom horizontal feature is used for the marks of the Bank's employees to check, the payment of payment and directly payment of cash through the consumables of the Bank's operating department.

The root remains in the checkbook, being a confirmation of the use of a check for a certain amount. The facial side of the root is filled with the issuance of a document on the hand of the organization's cashier.

It indicates:

  • amount to cash receipt in the bank;
  • date of issuing a check in cashier;
  • surname and Cashier initials (cash recipient).
The front side of the root must be signed by the first and second signature of the personnel organization employees, as well as the cashier by the recipient, with an affiliation of the receipt date.

The cashier presents the completed check by the Bank's operationalist, which checks its authenticity (the correctness of the design). If there is no comments on the design, the operator cuts the control stamp in the upper right corner and gives it to the recipient, and the check itself transfers to pay in the bank's office.

The recipient of the money makes the cashier of the bank document certifying the person, gives the control mark and calls total to getting.

The bank's cashier checks the named sum indicated in the check. Then sticks the control mark into a special place on the front of the check and gives out the cash to the recipient, which, in turn, checks the amount issued here in the bank's expenditure office.

The procedure for receiving cash from the current account in different banks May differ. In some banks, cash in advance or by telephone should be ordered, in other banks a check should be handed over to the operator on the eve of cash receipt.

Money received in the bank come to the office of the organization

Dear customers, when filling the checks to receive cash in rubles, it is necessary to pay attention to the following essential details:

  • the money check must be filled from hand with a ballpoint handle or ink of one color (black, blue, purple);
  • the sum of the numbers is written at the very beginning of the line;
  • in the case when the amount of payment is expressed in the whole ruble, then the penny is not indicated, and the corresponding graph is firing two horizontal lines (see footnote 1);
  • the sum will be written at the very beginning of the line with a capital letter in the nominative case; The word "ruble" ("rubles", "ruble") is written completely (without abbreviations); kopecks are indicated by the numbers and the word "kopeck" ("kopecks", "kopecks") is written completely (without abbreviations);
  • transfer rules to observe optional, i.e. It is allowed to transfer one letter;
  • free places that remained after filling the fields "sums of numbers" and "amount in words" , Be sure to bother with two smooth horizontal lines (see Footage 1);
  • in the field "Pay » It should be indicated, starting from the capital letter , Familia, name, patronymic (in the duty case) of a person who issued a check; Between the surname, the name, patronymic can not be accomplished; Transfer rules to observe optional, i.e. It is allowed to transfer one letter; Free places that remained after filling in the field are necessarily bother with two smooth horizontal lines (see Footnote 1);
  • in the "Signature" field of signatures of authorized persons should not cross the amount specified on the issue on the check; print prints should be made clearly (without "lubrication"); print print should not fall on a special blue field (see footnote 2); The signatures of the account managers are affixed in strict accordance with the signature card signatures and print printing (see footnote 3);
  • in the case when the cash will be spent on other purposes, rather than indicated on the reverse side of the check in the field "Goals of the flow" , It is necessary to enter the actual goal (goal) of the consumption in the empty graph of this field; The sum of all costs must correspond to the sum in the words and figures indicated on the front side of the check;
  • the field "Markers, Certification Personality of the Recipient" is filled in strict accordance with the data specified in the passport; The month of issuing a passport is prescribed by words (see Footage 4);
  • the signature of the recipient of the means is affixed directly at the time of receipt of funds (at the checkout); The signature of the recipient of funds must correspond to the signature of the suspension in the passport (see Footage 5);

Checkbook a is a tool that allows you to obtain cash in cash on the current account using a monetary check. About, how to get and enjoy It can be found below.

OJSC Plus Bank issues checkbooks on the basis of a client's application that cash service cash service in the bank. The cost of the checkbook depends on the number of checks in it, for example: the cost of a checkbook of 50 sheets (checks) is 100 rubles, out of 25 sheets - 50 rubles. Also the tariffs of Plus Bank OJSC provides for the urgent issue of the checkbook.

Check is valuable papercomprising the disposal of the Chettaster Bank to make the payment of the amount specified in it by the Check holder.

When issuing a checkbook, the Bank will tell a specialist in detail, how the check is filled, Sample will show. How to fill the check: From hand, handle of the same color, indicating the amount of numbers and in words. Also indicate the data of the person receiving cash on the check. The check consists of a tear-off part and the root. The tear-off part is transmitted to the bank, the check root remains from the client. By writing checks, you need to consider: they are strict reporting form, errors and corrections in which are not allowed.

Cash check A company will be required to withdraw money from the current account for various purposes. Consider the rules and sample of filling the money check.

Read in the article:

A monetary or banking check for funds is contained in the checkbook issued by the Bank. As a rule, it contains from 20 to 50 empty money check blanks with check roots.

The document will allow the firm to quickly take out cash for different purposes from its current account. It may be a purchase of stationery, household goods, salary payment, the provision of travel agents, matsiness, etc.

Checkbooks are two types: to cash out checks and for settlement checks.

Where and how to get a checkbook

This financial document issues a bank in which you have a current account. To get write a corresponding statement. Legislation does not contain a strict application form. As a rule, bank approves and it is in his internal documents. Specify with the credit institution employee, the presence of a developed form.

If it is not installed by the bank, write a statement in free form.

You can get a checkbook in a bank by submitting a corresponding statement

Make a document in the following order.

  1. Specify the name of the company.
  2. Assign the number (not required).
  3. Enter in an arbitrary form of a request for the provision of a checkbook bank. At the same time, you must specify the account number from which you will withdraw cash. Also indicate that we undertake to store the book properly and provide its safety. Specify the full name of the recipient.
  4. Make it signature.
  5. Ask the Gondira and the Glavbukh to put in the statement of signature with decoding.
  6. Put the organization of the organization when it is used.

It may look like this:

Sample application to the bank for receipt of a checkbook

A checked book can receive a company director or an authorized person. In the second case, make a notarized power of attorney to the representative.

The term of the checkbook is not legally limited. As a rule, it is used before that moment until empty forms of monetary checks end. But some banks are introduced at their discretion.

Keep the used checkbook with roots for 3 years.

If you decide for any reason, it is necessary to use it early, return the document to the credit institution.

How to fill money check

Money from a current account can be removed from the company's director or his legal representative by proxy, submitting a document certifying his identity.

For the amount you need to correctly fill the money check. The filled check of the bank worker will break out of the checkbook and leaves himself. You will have a check root. They contain identical information. But in the root it is presented in abbreviated form.

Requirements for completing cash checks establish banks. As a rule, the list of requirements includes:

  1. Filling start with rows edges. Free space is burned with two solid lines.
  2. Filling is made exclusively ballpoint ink ink ink.
  3. Damage and correction are not allowed. If they are presented, the bank employees put on the check "spoiled" or "canceled".
  4. The amount of receipt indicates in words and numbers.
  5. Months indicate in words.
  6. The recipient indicates its name and signature. Check without specifying name is invalid.
  7. The signature in the check is entitled to put only the person specified in the contract with the credit institution and the autograph of which is in the bank card sample signatures.
  8. The recipient necessarily puts its signature on the root.
  9. The check should contain the seal of the recipient's company. Other conditions may be provided in the Agreement with the Bank.

As a rule, banks take a well-filled cash check within 10 days from the date of registration. The term begins to flow from the day following the discharge.

Banks usually have samples of cash checks. You may ask about the availability of employees of a specific credit institution.

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