
Consumer loan 4,000,000 rubles at 10 per annum. Benefits of obtaining a long-term loan

A loan at 10 percent per annum is a rather rare offer on the market, minimum rate v Russian banks for today. Usually, to obtain it, you need to meet special criteria, and on general conditions money is issued at a higher interest rate. Below is a list of banks that give their customers the opportunity to get a loan with such a low overpayment.

BanksTermMin amountMax. sumBid
up to 5 years10 000 2 000 000 10%
from 13 months to 20 years 300 000 30 000 000 9,90%
Raiffeisenbank 1-5 years old90 000 2 000 000 9,9% - 11,99%
(with security) up to 7 yearsnot limited3 million10,00%
Svyaz-Bankfrom 6 to 60 months30 000 3 000 000 10%
ATBfrom 6 to 60 months5 000 3 000 000 9%

To choose a bank with the most optimal conditions, it is necessary to consider in detail all the nuances of the service provided in each institution.


The bank in question provides consumer loans with and without collateral, the rate for which has been reduced and is 10% or higher. This condition valid only for salary clients in the case of an amount over 200 thousand rubles.

  1. There are some peculiarities when obtaining a loan from Rosselkhozbank:
  2. If a person applying for a loan to a bank carries out activities under an employment contract of a fixed-term type, then the period for which it is credited must be equal to or less than the term of this contract.

If necessary, you can provide security: a guarantor (1 physical and entity), as well as a pledge of property in the most liquid form.

Main advantages:

  • the ability to repay ahead of schedule;
  • commission or others additional charges absent;
  • provision of a repayment scheme at the choice of the borrower (annuity or differentiated payment);
  • any lending purposes;
  • the loan amount can be increased by attracting a co-borrower.

Loan approval is valid for 45 days after acceptance.

Cons: preferential terms apply only to salary clients.

Bank "Vostochny"

Lending rate from 9.9%. Issuance takes place under the program on the security of the borrower's property, which may be:

  • apartment;
  • land ownership;
  • cottage;
  • private house with a land plot;
  • commercial property owned by the borrower.

The peculiarity of receiving funds from Vostochny Bank is the fact that the borrower and the pledger can be either different persons or one.

The submitted application for receipt is considered within 4 working days.


  • inappropriate lending;
  • long term;
  • no commissions.


  • the need for documentary evidence of income;
  • high minimum loan amount.


Raiffeisenbank offers its clients to arrange online application on consumer credit under 9.9%. However, there are a number of features:

  • short credit interest 9.9% is valid only from the second year, in the first it will be 11.99%;
  • the maximum number of loans and credit cards no more than 5;
  • the loan is not provided to some persons, which include: individual entrepreneurs; lawyers who are not members of the Bar Association; business owners.

Terms of provision: over 23 years of age; the presence of a stationary and mobile phones; citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Loan from Raiffeisenbank

Credit amount

from 90 thousand rubles to
2 million rubles

loan terms

from 1 year
up to 5 years

loan rate

from 9.9%

* - low interest 9.9% is valid only from the second year


  • minimum package of documents;
  • quick decision on the application;
  • the ability to take into account additional income;
  • with an amount of up to 500 thousand, the loan is issued only on 2 documents;
  • the opportunity to get a deferral of the first payment for 2 months.

Of the shortcomings, only the need to acquire financial protection, although the lending terms do not specifically indicate the impact of refusal from it on the interest rate.


The provision of a consumer loan is carried out under compulsory security, which can be: individual(surety); Bank deposit; real estate or vehicles. A feature of this type of loan can be considered the fact that the maximum amount that the institution agrees to issue depends on the type of security. Most of all, up to 3 million, can be obtained on the security of real estate.

The 10% rate is available only to the bank's depositors.

Terms of issue: registration and permanent place of work; over 20 years old; work experience more for work should be about six months or more.


  • the possibility of receiving large amounts;
  • long term;
  • differentiated payments.


  • high rates for regular customers (not included in the preferential categories);
  • mandatory security;
  • for retirees refusal personal insurance increases the rate by 2.5%.


To obtain a loan from this bank, the borrower does not need to provide guarantors or mortgaged property, which is a significant advantage among other banks. The maximum available amount in this case is 3,000,000 rubles. If there is a need to increase it, a second borrower should be attracted concurrently.

Loan from Svyaz-Bank

Credit amount

from 30 thousand rubles to
3 million rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 60 months

loan rate

from 10%

* - the ability to increase the amount by attracting a co-borrower

Feature - the provision of preferential conditions that are available to a certain list of persons: the holder salary card, VEB staff, public sector employees, people with good credit history, etc.

Borrower requirements: over 21 years of age; work experience at the current job should be from 4 months and more; the presence of registration of the Russian Federation.


  • the opportunity to increase the amount by attracting a co-borrower;
  • no need for security;
  • preferential terms for bank clients.

The disadvantage is a 1.5% increase in the rate if personal insurance is canceled.


The bank operates credit program"Light" with interest rate from 9%. At the same time, the requirements for the borrower are quite loyal:

  • age 21-70 years;
  • work experience at the last job from 1 month. (for individual entrepreneurs - activity for six months);
  • registration on the territory of the bank;
  • Russian citizenship.

The advantages are presented in the form of:

  • calculating interest in a simple and understandable form;
  • a large amount of available credit;
  • approvals in a minimum amount of time;
  • availability special conditions for retirees, government workers, military personnel, etc.

The peculiarity of the loan is the presence of shares that have a positive effect on the credit history (receipt of coupons for attracting other borrowers to the bank, due to which it is possible to repay the loan).

Loan from ATB

Credit amount

from 5 thousand rubles to
3 million rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 60 months

loan rate

from 9%

* - approval in a minimum amount of time


  • the loan is not issued if family members of the borrower have arrears in the bank;
  • for clients over 65 years old, the amount cannot be higher than 100 thousand.

Comparison of loan conditions

The table below shows the conditions under which the considered banks issue loans. The calculation is made using special credit calculators located on the official websites.

BanksSumTermMonthly paymentOverpayment
Rosselkhozbank 100 000 36 months3346 20 456
"Oriental"100 000 36 months2875 3507
Zapsibkombank 100 000 12 months3540 27 440
"ATB"100 000 12 months3793 36548
Raiffeisenbank 100 000 36 months3686 32 696

The table does not include Svyaz-Bank, due to the fact that it does not provide pre-settlement services on its website. Interest rates for many banks differ from those stated: "Rosselkhozbank" counts at 12.5%, for "Zapsibkombank" and "ATB" 16.5-19%. Raiffeisenbank calculates at the claimed 9.9%, but at the same time includes the cost of insurance in the amount, which significantly increases the overpayment, making this loan one of the most expensive in the table.

Thus, having studied all the calculations, we can conclude that the most favorable conditions are presented in the "Eastern Bank". Taking a loan for 100,000 rubles for 3 years, the client will overpay 3507 rubles. This indicator is the smallest among all the others presented in the table. But it is worth noting about the bank's clause that a specific calculation will be provided to the client only after the loan is approved.

The decrease in the key rate in 2017-2018 allowed banks to take a softer approach to the formation of the interest rate and offer customers more favorable conditions. In the process of choosing credit service people tend to look at three criteria - rate, term, and available amount. But if the goal is to get a loan at 10 percent per annum, difficulties arise. This primarily concerns consumer loans.

In 2018, interest rates on loans are distributed as follows:

  • Mortgage lending - from 6.5 to 11-12%.
  • Consumer loan - from 10% (more often from 11.99%).
  • Car loan - from 14-15%.

It turns out that it is possible to get money at a low rate for two services - a mortgage and a consumer loan. The downside is that for the second option, such a percentage is rare. As a rule, the lower bar is from 11.5%.

Where to get a loan at 10 percent per annum?

The optimal solution is to take out a loan at 10 percent per annum from Rosselkhozbank. At the beginning of 2018, this is the only lender offering a service for such favorable terms... The money is issued in rubles, and the upper amount available to customers reaches a million rubles. Lending period - up to 7 years. It is worth noting that the rate depends on the amount that the person takes. If it is from 0.5 to 1 million rubles, it is 10%, and if it is up to 200 thousand rubles - 16.5%.

Of the features of the service, it is worth highlighting the need for surety and the provision of a pledge. The loan is intended for state employees and civil servants with a positive reputation in the banking sector. The age at which borrowers can count on a loan at 10 percent per annum is from 23 to 65 years. To receive money, you need to confirm the length of service in the last place (from 4 months).

Of the bank's requirements, it is worth highlighting registration in the Russian Federation (must be permanent), work experience of 4 months or more (confirmed by a work book), income (2-NDFL certificates, in the form of a bank). You will also need a package of papers, which includes an application, a passport, an employment agreement, a military ID (for men under 27), a work book and other documentation (if required).

A consumer loan at 10 percent per annum at Rosselkhozbank has a number of features:

  • The application is considered up to 72 hours.
  • The period of validity of a positive decision is 1.5 months.
  • The signing of the agreement is at the bank's office.
  • The payment procedure is an annuity, differentiated scheme.
  • Early repayment is allowed.
  • Breach of obligations - 20% per year.

In Rosselkhozbank, there is another option for a loan - without collateral. The main features are a decrease in the upper loan amount to 750 thousand rubles, as well as an increase in the interest rate to 17% when receiving up to 200 thousand rubles. If taken from half a million rubles, the loan is issued at 10% per annum. The rest of the conditions remain unchanged.

Can I get a cash loan at 10 percent per annum?

Despite the loyalty of the banking institution of rates, at the beginning of 2018 it will not be possible to get a cash loan at 10 percent per annum. Such loans are issued with more than high rate... As an example, it is worth mentioning B&N Bank, where a loan is issued for 12 months at 10.99%. Requirements - work experience from 4 months, age from 23 years and the provision of the required package of papers. Raiffeisenbank issues loans at 11.99% and higher, and Eastern bank- at 12%. As for Sberbank, consumer loans are issued at 12.5% ​​or more.

Many people are interested in a loan at 10 percent per annum. This is true for Moscow, the Moscow region and other large cities. These conditions are considered one of the lowest in the country, although they imply special requirements. You can take out a consumer loan and not overpay too much if you choose wisely.

Profitable consumer loans for 5 years in Moscow and other types

If we talk about the need for financial assistance to buy an apartment, when it comes to large volumes, then it is natural that the amount of overpayment per month will be lower. If we are talking about help for household needs, then the overpayment is higher. That is why it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice, analyze the offers of a loan in cash or non-cash methods. Peculiarities:

  • If we are talking about a low rate, then you may need a certificate of income. Moreover, regardless of whether there is a need to obtain a loan in cash or in another way.
  • Annual rate suggested assumes age matching. As a rule, from 21 years old.
  • If you need financial assistance at a rate of ten percent, then it will not be difficult to issue it. In any case, the processing time is fast.

Other features

This percentage makes the offer very attractive. Especially if you need money not for one year, but more: from 3 years. Financial assistance is usually issued for up to five years. In the process of cooperation with the bank, you can adjust this period up or down, depending on the circumstances. There are options designed not for 5, but for 10 years.

Such proposals are typical both for Moscow and the Moscow region and other large cities. On the site, you can choose the appropriate option by comparing the conditions, taking into account the required documents. If it is not possible to provide a certificate of income, then more lenient options can also be found. It is necessary to take into account the competition among banks fighting for paying customers.

There are also loyalty programs. If the client has already applied, he has impeccably fulfilled all the requirements, did not allow delays, debt restructuring, then in the next appeal he can count on more loyal conditions. This is also one of the ways to attract new customers.

The size of the interest rate is the first thing that clients pay attention to when choosing loan product... This is the most significant factor that determines total amount loan and the level of overpayment for the entire period. The lower the interest rate, the better offer... A loan at 10 percent per annum is one of the most attractive banking products precisely due to a small overpayment. There are such offers in most banks, however, most often the minimum rate is indicated, and the final interest is calculated for each client separately, taking into account his financial characteristics.

Low interest loan terms

The following categories of citizens can apply for loans at a reduced rate:

  • payroll clients of the bank;
  • pensioners;
  • bank depositors;
  • persons who have repaid loans in this bank without delays.

The final interest rate in most cases is calculated individually, taking into account the client's solvency, availability of collateral, amount, term and other conditions. Clients with a good credit history, without debts and violations, can count on a trusting attitude and loyal lending conditions.

Where to get a loan at 10% per annum?

The table below shows a list of banks where you can take out a loan at 10% per annum for up to 20 million rubles for up to 3 years without a guarantee, but with proof of income:

To approve the loan, you will need to provide certificates confirming a sufficient level of income, and several additional documents (at the request of the lender). It is possible to take out a loan at a low interest rate only in a few banks without certificates.

How to calculate a loan at 10 per annum?

You can calculate a loan at 10 percent per annum using the built-in loan calculator on the page of a specific banking product... In the field "Loan calculation" you must enter the value of the amount and term, and then click on the button "Show calculation by months". A table will open showing the amount of monthly payments, the loan balance and the amount of the total overpayment. You can find out in advance how much you will pay per month, and you can easily select the most convenient option by changing the term or amount of the loan.

Loan registration procedure

You can find offers from banks and apply for a consumer loan at 10 percent per annum on our website:

  1. Enter the value of the loan amount and term in the columns of the search form. To specify specific conditions, click the More Options button. In advanced search mode, you can mark additional conditions loan issuance: age, availability of collateral, length of service, etc.
  2. Among the proposals selected by the system, choose the one that is most convenient for you and click on its name. A product card will open with detailed conditions and requirements for obtaining a loan. To apply online for a loan, click on the appropriate button.
  3. An application form will open in a new window. Carefully fill in all required fields and include up-to-date contact information.
  4. Expect a call from a loan officer. He will inform you of the preliminary decision and instruct you on further actions.

In case of a positive decision, you will be invited to the office to complete the transaction.

The list of available options for obtaining and repaying a loan is indicated on the card of a specific loan product.

Choosing a loan at 10 percent per annum, consumers understand that they can cope with monthly payments and do not have to overpay to a financial institution for the provision of services. But where to get a loan at 10 percent per annum? Which bank provides loans on such favorable terms? What documents do I need to submit to get approval? What can you get a loan with such an interest rate?

Loan documents at 10 percent per annum

One simple rule should be taken into account: the easier it is to draw up an agreement, the higher the interest rate on debt obligations. For example, microfinance organizations are ready to give a loan in just half an hour if you have only one passport. At the same time, when repaying a debt, the organization will have to pay up to 90% of the original money.

In 2017, the average interest on consumer loans is 20-40%. Therefore, in order to take out a loan at 10 percent per annum, the amount of financing must be significant, the term of the agreement is several years, and the list of documents provided is quite extensive. Here's what you may need to complete such obligations:

  • Help 2-NDFL. This document confirms the state of finances of an entity wishing to take a loan from a bank. You can get it in the accounting department at the place of work or in tax office... You can view the completion of the form at the following web address: http://e.glavbukh.ru/form.aspx?fid=28702&fmid=140
  • A copy of the employment contract is a confirmation that the client has a stable position in the labor market and his income will not fall below the current level throughout the entire duration of the contract.
  • A copy of the work book and the presence of records of places of work in it shows the bank employee how often the consumer changed his profession, and, consequently, how stable his income is. If in work book there are many entries with a regularity of two to three months, and the positions held do not require special skills and are poorly paid, then from the manager's side the borrower looks unreliable and it is very risky for the bank to enter into an agreement with such a person.
  • The documents for the pledged property serve as a guarantee that the financial institution will receive the issued funds back. If the client is the owner of an apartment, house, car, yacht or other property that can be profitably sold on the market, then a lending specialist is more willing to agree to a deal with a reduced interest rate.
  • Maternity capital can be used to pay for a child's education, improve living conditions, or form a maternity pension. In the event that the purpose of obtaining a loan meets the listed conditions, the balance maternity capital can be a guarantee that a woman will cope with the debt obligations assumed.

The documents listed above are the most common samples requested by department employees from clients. Nevertheless, the list can be expanded depending on the consideration of each individual case. To provide all the necessary papers, you should consult with the bank operator from whom you decided to take a loan.

For what purposes you can take financing

How more money you need to get it and the longer the client is ready to cooperate with the bank, the more willingly the company will go to conclude a deal. In this regard, a loan at 10 percent per annum is most often issued for such significant purchases as a house, apartment or car. Registration of a private business is associated with high costs and significant risks, so the interest for such loans is always overstated.

However, not all organizations are ready to issue such tempting loans. To receive financing for the purchase of housing at ten percent per year, you must comply following conditions:

  • Primary housing. A house or apartment purchased with financing from a bank must be sold on the primary real estate market, that is, it must be new, without previous owners.
  • The term of the contract should not exceed thirty years. Many consumers prefer to get a mortgage for 40 and 50 years, as monthly payments in this case are significantly reduced. But such a long period of financing is associated with a great risk for the organization issuing the loan: the client can lose his job, become seriously ill and even die, thus not fulfilling his debt obligations.
  • An initial fee also goes a long way in making a decision. If a person has at least a tenth of the amount that he wants to receive from a financial institution, then the loan manager is more willing to agree to conclude an agreement. The presence of the initial amount confirms the solvency of the potential borrower.

Another guarantee when concluding agreements on additional financing can be attracting guarantors with a good credit history. When another entity stands behind a person, ready to insure in case of impossibility of monthly payments, the risk for the bank is significantly reduced. The more guarantors the borrower has, the more stable their financial position and better credit history, the more willingly the bank will go for a deal with a reduced interest rate.

Which banks offer the best conditions

V this moment you can take out a loan at 10 percent per annum from such reliable banks as:

  • Sberbank: http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/credits/home
  • VTB 24: https://www.vtb24.ru/mortgage/
  • Rosselkhozbank: http://www.rshb.ru/natural/loans/mortgage_all/


Counting on a loan at 10 percent per annum for consumer needs, the population will have to face certain difficulties. In 2017, the lowest percentage is offered by Alfa-Bank (11.99%): https://alfabank.ru/get-money/credit/credit-cash/. But current conditions are relevant only for those who receive wages to the Alfa-Bank card - that is, the organization can control cash receipts subject.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state