
VTB 24 official credit. Consumer loans of VTB Bank. Credit Bank VTB for individuals

Loans to individuals in the VTB 24 bank are issued in different types on the favorable conditionsdepending on the amount of loans and the period of payments, as well as a number of certain factors, which will be mentioned in more detail now.

Types and conditions of loans for individuals

For 2019, VTB 24 is one of the leading banks of Russia and is in second place after Sberbank. Credit programs for individuals One of the activities of the Bank. VTB 24 issues customers credit cards, mortgage loans and consumer loans. Credit conditions will depend on its type.

Today for individuals lending is one way to solve financial difficulties. Depending on what purpose and in what size person wants to take a loan, he can choose a consumer loan by examining the supply of VTB 24, on more favorable conditions with the lowest interest rate.

Credit programs

VTB 24 may offer individuals the following types of loans, differing in certain parameters.

Type of creditCredit amountThe term of paymentsInterest rate for salary customersInterest rate for other citizens
LargeHalf a year - 5 years15% 15,5%
400 thousand rubles. - 5 million rubles. (for not salary customers 3 million rubles.)6 months - 5 years13,5% 13,5%
Comfortable100 thousand rubles. - 399 999 rub.6 months - 60 months.From 16%Up to 22%

Lending service for individuals is provided by VTB 24 Bank for quite a long time. This bank more often preferred by people, as interest rates on credit Products Much lower than other banks.

Physical Requirements

The credit program is not available to every resident of the country, and the physical person can make a loan appropriate to such requirements:

  • Age at the time of credit takes to be at least 21 years.
  • Age at the time full repayment The loan must be no more than 70 years.
  • The overall work experience should be at least 1 year.
  • At the last workplace, a person should work for at least three months.
  • It is desirable to have a positive credit history, since otherwise more likelihood of bank failure.
  • A person should be a citizen of Russia and have a permanent residence in the Region of the Credit Region.
  • The income of the future borrower must be at least 20,000 rubles, and for residents of Moscow and the region - 30,000 rubles.
These requirements are imposed on all PHS. Persons who are going to issue a loan in VTB 24. The Bank tries to protect themselves and rarely refuses to customers in the issuance of a loan, so the main task of a person to convince VTB 24 in its responsibility and solvency. This may contribute to this:
  • Previously taken and fully paid loans without overdue.
  • Getting a salary by a client in VTB 24.
  • The presence of the current mortgage without overdue payments.
  • Stable and good income.
  • Availability protection property (at the request of the client).

List of documents

To obtain a consumer loan, a person must collect certain documents:

  • Passport confirming the Russian citizenship of an individual.
  • Income certificate (or standard - 2-NDFL).
  • SNILS.
  • Certified copy labor bookor an extract from it.

All documents must necessarily have a seal from the enterprise of the borrower, or be notarized when they are delivered without the original.

Documents can be brought to the bank immediately at the time of the loan, or bring after VTB 24 will confirm the online application.

Upon receipt of the loan, the "Basic" package is always drawn up with standard conditions specified in the submission of documents. Also, at the request of the Bank, insurance may include, the acquisition of which is mandatory when issuing a loan.

How to make a loan in VTB 24?

To make a loan, the borrower must write a statement and submit documents to the bank.

The application can be served in three ways:

  1. Via online service from VTB 24. It is necessary to go to the official website of the bank to the loan section and choose the you are interested in, further click " Fill out an application" In the proposed questionnaire, it should be accurately and competently specify all the data, after which you expect a response from the bank.
  2. By calling on which works around the clock by number 8-800-100-24-24. The application should be applied using the Bank's employee, answering his questions.
  3. Personally visit the nearest branch of the Bank and fill out the proposed questionnaire. In such a situation, it is best to have all the documents in your arms, then the answer does not have to wait a long time, especially if you are a salary client VTB 24.

Depending on the application of the application will depend on the decision of the Bank, as well as the maximum loan amount.

If VTB 24 takes a positive decision on the issuance of a loan to an individual, then if you submit an application, you will receive a notice via SMS, or a bank employee will call you back.

After that, you should come to the bank branch with the package of documents and sign the contract. If the documents were already attributed to the bank, then in the event of a decision on the issuance of a loan, funds will go to the account of the borrower on the third day.

You can get a loan in cash or on the VTB 24 card.

Credit calculator

Credit percentage is something that always scares borrowers. The overpayment in the event of a loan is inevitable, that's just the amount of it may vary in significant adhesives. On the official website of VTB 24 there is a special credit calculator. A person can see interest rates in advance on loans, then enter the required amount in the calculator and the estimated period of payments. Next, the system itself will offer the most profitable loan option, the amount of monthly payments will be indicated there and total amount overpayment.

The calculator on the site VTB24.RU will automatically pick up the appropriate program.

If you are a salary client VTB 24, or already pay a mortgage, then you have a privilege. For such individuals in VTB 24, promotions are valid, and the interest on the loan will be smaller, which can significantly reduce the amount of payments.

To find out what interest will be in this case and how little is the amount of overpayments, it is worth putting ticks in the corresponding fields and see the calculator. Often the loan amount becomes less by more than 50 thousand rubles.that is very good for the borrower.

You can compare several credit offers and choose for yourself the most profitable.

On the this moment In the group of companies VTB 24 there are several suggestions for lending to individuals. All of them are divided according to their intended, the proposed conditions and interest rates will depend on the goal of obtaining and spending the loan.

How to choose the offer you need? Need to watch on target orientation. What kind of goals will be issued cash. Rates are installed in Compassion depending on the product you chose.

The main offers are divided into three blocks:

1. Cash

Available for any purpose, i.e. You do not need to confirm the expenditure of funds. Overpayment differentiates depending on the size borrowed money and belonging the borrower to one of the groups: the client on general conditions, corporate company employee, salary client.

The following ranges are provided for:

  • Cash loan - you can get from 100 thousand to 3 million rubles. (for salary customers - up to 5 million rubles), the interest rate varies from 11% to 19.5%, it is possible to return up to 84 months. Commissions, insurance and deposit are also not provided;
  • Refinancing is the possibility of combining up to 5 different consumer debts in different companies in one payment. Provided for a period of 6 to 84 months., The amount of 100 thousand to 5 million, overpayment - 11.5% -12.5%.

In order to reduce its overpay, you can use the credit to which the "borrower" option must be connected. The more you make purchases, the lower your percentage. Maximum reduction - on 3 pp

The greatest advantages use customers receiving wages through the bank. For them - the most attractive rate. Calculate monthly payment You can right here:

Calculate credit:
The rate% per year:
Term (month):
Credit amount:
Monthly payment:
Total pay:
Overpayment on credit

You can use our expanded calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculating early repayment on this page.

There are three approaches at the request of the client:

  • Standard (autostandart). In this case, you will be asked to confirm the income and wait for the solution for several days, overpaid from 11.9%. The final figure depends on the specific conditions of the contract in part initial contribution, insurance and other nuances.
  • Simplified (extra) - here income do not have to confirm, but the fee for such a product will be installed from 3.5% per annum.
  • Fast (autoexpress) - also without confirmation of income, but in the thirty minutes it will be decided on your application. Rate - from 18.9% and small sum up to 1.5 million.
  • Mototransport - allows you to purchase a motorcycle, scooter and the rest of the motorcycle. Interest rate from 15.9% per annum, perhaps lending without CASCO.
  • Auto mileage - can be purchased from individuals, damage from 8% per annum and first installment from 5%, as well as in the cabin at the Bank's partners, and then the rate will start from 5%. Lending lasts up to 5 years.

In total, 36 car loans programs are presented. Perhaps today it is one of the most "rich" companies on proposals for purchase vehicle.

It is possible to take advantage of special conditions for buying such brands of cars as:

  1. Cadillac,
  2. Hyundai,
  3. Jaguar,
  4. Lada
  5. Lifan
  6. Niva
  7. Subaru,
  8. Suzuki,
  9. Volvo,
  10. UAZ, etc.

Here you can buy commercial transport, buy a car without a hull, take a loan without confirmation of income. It is also advantageous to issue preferential car loans with state subsidy, which is expressed in the provision of a discount of 10% of the vehicle value. You can get it with the participation in the program "First Car" or "Family Car", description you will find software.

How to get a loan in VTB Bank?

Today it has become very convenient to interact customers and bank. Most operations are automated, and do not require constant personal participation. In particular, fill out an application for a loan is possible very quickly and easily on the official website of the bank VTB.RU.

A preliminary solution comes to a quick, for existing customers - for 15-20 minutes, the rest of customers - for an hour, by mortgage a little longer. After you collect documents, bring them to the department, after their study, the bank makes a final decision, and you are invited to the office for signing the contract.

What requirements put forward to a consumer loan borrower:

  • age from 21 to 70 years old. If you have a bad credit history, and banks refuse you, then you must read this. If you want to simply make a loan on favorable terms, then click here.
    If you want to make a credit card, then go through this link. Other entries on this topic are looking for.

The Bank "VTB 24" was formed in 2004 on the basis of Guta Bank. The establishment is included in the 5th leaders financial market Russia.

99.93% of VTB 24 shares belongs to the VTB banking group. The main specialization of the bank is work with individuals and legal entities.

In 2017, VTB 24 will fully join the VTB Bank.

The popular area of \u200b\u200bthe Bank is lending to individuals. Despite the unstable situation in the economy, every second citizen of Russia needs a loan.

With the help of borrowed funds, different problems are solved: buying housing and cars, pay for training, repair, etc. VTB 24 offers products for individuals to different needs.

Features of lending to individuals in VTB 24

Loans to individuals from VTB remarkable in the following conditions: The minimum loan amount is 100,000 rubles, the maximum is determined individually.

Preferential Conditions low rates And the big limit is available to salary and corporate banking banks.

Credits for individuals in the VTB 24 Bank are issued in the following areas:

Cash loans;
Car loans;
Loans for education;

Cash loans

In "VTB 24" individuals, it is possible to obtain a cash loan in the amount of 100,000 to 3,000,000 rubles at a rate of from 14.5 to 23%. The term of the loan is 5 years. Loans are issued in 3 programs.

Loans are not meager. Insurance is not required. Credits are issued to individuals, citizens of Russia aged 21 to 70 years. The applicant must have a positive credit history And working experience from 1 year.

From the documents you will need:

Certificate in form 2-NDFL;

If the loan amount exceeds 500,000 rubles, the Bank will ask a copy of the workbook or employment contract certified by the employer.


Mortgage loan to individuals is issued in the amount of from 600,000 to 60,000,000 rubles. The credit rate varies from 10.4 to 12.25%. Mortgage in the bank is drawn up for 20 years. You can get a mortgage one of 8 programs.

The table shows the minimum thresholds of credit rates and the size of the initial contribution.
Application for mortgage from individuals, the Bank considers within 14 days.

Confirmation of the solvency of the borrower must. Cell rental is 2,000 rubles. Real estate acts as collateral.

Registration of personal, title and property insurance is mandatory. When insuring only the deposit, the loan rate automatically rises by 1%.

Mortgage from the Bank "VTB 24" is issued to citizens aged 21-70 years.

In addition to the passport, certificates in form 2-NDFL and SNILS, the physical person needs documents for real estate. The composition of the package of documents is determined depending on the credit and status program.

Car loans

Bank "VTB 24" invites individuals of car loans on favorable terms. The minimum rate is 6.9% (with the program state support). Credits are issued to buy foreign and domestic cars.

Car loans are available to Russia's citizens aged 21 to 65 years. Permanent registration, employment and experience of 1 year - mandatory conditions.

It is also important to have an earnings from 30,000 rubles (for Moscow) and 20,000 rubles (for other regions).

The documents will require a passport, an income certificate, a copy of the employment record.

Loans on education

Credit for training is a joint project of the Bank "VTB 24" and Russian universities. Its size ranges from 250,000 to 3,600,000 rubles. The rate is 13-16%, and the term is 5 years.

For registration I need a certificate 2-NDFL. The credit can count individuals, citizens of Russia aged 25-50 years. Mandatory requirement - the existence of an experience in MBA - from 1 year and in EMBA - from 3 years.

From the documents you will need: passport, INN, Treaty for training and payment for payment. Credit funds are credited directly to the university account. Provided early repayment loan.


The rate on the overwriting of individuals in VTB 24 is 14.5-15%. The amount is equal to 100,000 or 3,000,000 rubles, the loan period is from 6 months to 5 years.

Refinancing allows you to combine up to 6 loans or credit cards. To get a loan, the physical person needs to be a citizen of Russia aged 21 to 70 years.

It is necessarily for the presence of registration in the region where the bank is located, and constantly income. Income size must be confirmed documented.

The process of issuing a loan for an individual

In the Bank "VTB 24", the client may submit an online application for a loan for individuals, fill out the questionnaire in the department or by phone hot line. Filling on the online application is a convenient way.

The decision on it is preliminary. If, after consideration of the electronic questionnaire, the Bank will give consent, the manager will contact the client.

It clarifies the formality and will invite the interview to the bank. When passing the interview, the applicant will be offered to sign an agreement.

Before putting the signature, you need to carefully examine the conditions, obligations and rights. After signing the contract, the loan loan will be issued in the established form: in cash, in the form of credit card or translating to the current account.

Credit for individuals received at the VTB 24 bank on an online application can be pre-calculated. For this, a credit calculator has been created.

The service will determine the approximate amount of overpayment, compare the conditions of different programs and will make a payment schedule. Evaluating the information received, you decide whether to apply or not.

According to experts, loans from the Bank "VTB 24" for individuals are beneficial and accessible.

The bank offers many programs, trying to please different categories of citizens.

To date, several large players can be distinguished among the banks of Russia, the trust in which among citizens is quite high. Credit in VTB can take any person. Among them and VTB Bank, which, among other services, provides consumer loans for physicists. You will find out what you need to get a reading, who can take them, what is required for this and how much money gives.

Types of cash loans in VTB

There are several types of loans with different conditions and interest rates on the loan in VTB 24. Now consider what VTB Bank offers.

VTB Bank has such types of consumer loans:

  1. "Mortgage Bonus" is issued to a private person with a mortgage and ongoing it to pay off;
  2. "Large": a large amount at a low rate;
  3. "Comfortable": loan payment.

Such loans are issued without collateral and guarantors, and each of them has its advantages.

The "Mortgage Bonus" allows people to pay a mortgage, to get money under a reduced percentage, which is quite convenient, when taking into account that they are so lied by the financial burden on the payment of mortgages.

The offer "Large" allows you to take great amount Low interest rate.

At the tariff "Comfortable" you can take a loan and pay the same fixed amount Every month (the borrower gets the opportunity to plan its expenses).

Interest rate, use of use, the amount of receipt

The value of the interest rate of the consumer loan depends on the amount that the Bank issued, and the term of use of these funds. Thus, the amount that the bank can give under the credit program "Mortgage Bonus" will be from 400,000 to 5,000,000 rubles, it is possible to obtain it for a period of six months to 5 years under profitable interest, which make up 13.5%.

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