
What are the conditions for servicing a settlement account in Raiffeisenbank. How to open the Raiffeisenbank's settlement account for IP and LLC. Monthly payment, r

Exercise cash Operations - this is an integral part of Each business, for each entrepreneur, the speed of opening an account is important, the availability of a complex of necessary services for acceptable prices. Ryfaisenbank Raiffeisenbank tariffs for SP will start from 990 rubles a month, which is very attractive for small businesses. The bank can also offer a full range of services for large companies.

RKO OT Raiffeisen Bank. Provides opening a current account, its service. As well as a whole range of services that both small businesses and large companies are needed:

Why yru person choose RKO from Raiffeisen Bank:

  • This is a large and reliable international bank, enters the top10 on russian market;
  • Payments are carried out quickly, without delay;
  • The possibility of booking an account number after filling out the application on the site;
  • The opening of the account is provided in any currency;
  • The additional fee for the opening of several accounts is not charged;
  • The bank can collect and transporting money / valuable cargo;
  • Acceptable value on Raiffeisenbank to small businesses cash service, as well as the integrated satisfaction of all the needs of LLC;
  • For all available updated Internet banking, through personal Area Users can view the balance and history of operations, sign payments using SMS and USB tokens, create on the template and import with 1C payments, create reports and unload them in 1C.

What you need to connect the service. Conditions and documents

Eripably in the bank simply simply and quickly, you can fill out an application on the Internet in 10 minutes, book an account number and get details.

Procedure for the design of RKO:

  1. At www.raiffeisen.ru, choose the RTO section and click Open Account;
  2. Fill out the online application (figure in the figure below): phone number, company name, TIN, organization type, name, e-mail, city, no separation;
  3. You can order a call for additional consultation, the specialist will contact you within 10 minutes;
  4. After agreeing, the terms account will be booked (available for residents of the Russian Federation and IP), and email details will be sent;
  5. Mandatory step - activation of the account, this can be done in the bank's separation or agree with the departure manager.

List of documents for signing the contract:

  1. For IP:
  • Statement;
  • Copy of the passport of the entrepreneur;
  • Extract from Egrip.
  1. For residents of the Russian Federation:
  • Statement;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Samples of seals;
  • Decision on the appointment of the head, his passport;
  • Confirmation of powers of persons who can sign documents, their passports;
  • License.
  1. For non-residents additionally need certificate of registration foreign organization And maybe other documents on request of the bank.

Tariffs and Service Commission

Raiffeisenbank offers customers comprehensive tariff proposals that can meet the needs of each company.

In different regions, tariffs may differ slightly. On the site you can choose your own region and download a detailed tariff book, note - from 05/28/2018. There is an updated version.

Raiffeisenbank RTO tariffs for legal entities (Moscow):

  1. For beginners - start - 990 ₽ / month;
  2. Basic - 1900 ₽ / month;
  3. Optimum - 2900 ₽ / month;
  4. Maximum - 7500 ₽ / month.

Tariffs differ among themselves by the number of free payments counterparties - from 0 to 300 operations, each transaction over the limit is paid separately - 25 rubles / pcs. Also varies the limit of the amount available to translate cards individuals - 100-700 thousand rubles.

All tariff plans provide for opening a current account, access to the Internet and mobile banking, Only in the starting package for mobile banking, if desired, you need to pay 190 ₽ / month. The two most expensive packages provide SMS service for business, as well as the opening of corporate maps and privileges for the head - Gold Service Package (Cashback for gas stations 5%, free opening account and travel insurance).

For all accounts of the enterprise in Raiffeisen Bank, you can choose only one tariff plan. It can be changed without restrictions at any time, the cost of such a service is 1000 rubles.

Raiffeisen Bank has been working on the Russian market since 1996. During this time, he managed to show himself as a reliable supplier banking services. And favorable conditions of service even more attract not only individuals, but also small business entities. Depending on the scale of the company, the revolutions of the revenue and the volume of operations, an entrepreneur or organization can be in Raiffeisenbank within one of the 4 tariff plans. But it is necessary to first explore all the terms of the cash service (RKO) in this institution.

Need to open a current account in a reliable bank

Representatives of the small business sooner or later face the need to open the current account (for legal entities this procedure is at all mandatory, IP also discover the R / s at will - everything depends on the specifics of entrepreneurship). - Difficult task for many businessmen. Stand standing on large banksproven to themselves with positive and having a high level of reliability.

What can threaten the opening of the account in a new, untested, unreliable bank? For example, hidden commissions that no one will warn about in advance. If the bank suddenly go bankrupt or loses its license, then you can lose your savings on accounts at all. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate the reliability of the financial institution. Raiffeisenbank is just one of those. This bank has different rates of tariffs, discounts and promotions for customers, a wide range of services, convenient mobile and Internet banking.

Advantages of RTO in Raiffeisenbank

Many business representatives open a settlement account in Raiffeisenbank due to the presence of a mass of advantages:

  • comprehensive provision services (not only standard services of RKO, but also favorable conditions for deposits, lending);
  • a variety of corporate maps and favorable conditions for their service;
  • free open account;
  • a large selection of tariffs (and the grids are distinguished for large cities and other regions);
  • the ability to reserve an account in 5 minutes and get details immediately;
  • a full range of remote banking services (SMS-informing, mobile Bank RAIFFEISEN BUSINESS, INTERNET BANK RBO, Service Bank-Client ELBRUS);
  • availability of active discounts and shares, additional bonuses (advertising money, gift certificates for accounting etc).

Conditions for the opening of the current account in Raiffeisenbank

To connect settlement and cash service in Raiffeisenbank, an entrepreneur or organization is necessary:

  1. Examine in detail the bank's tariff net. For novice businessmen, it will be quite enough to open an account according to the "Start" or "Basic" plan. Other tariffs can be beneficial to larger entrepreneurs.
  2. Leave an application for opening an account. You can do it right on our website, ordering the callback of the specialist.
  3. Wait for a call from the bank employee. He can ask additional questions, give advice.
  4. With the consent of the client, an account is formed for it (details are sent, which can be transferred to their partners and counterparties immediately for payment operations).
  5. Agree of meeting with a bank specialist.

After it remains to prepare a mandatory package of documents and transfer them to the manager during the visit.

Required documents

To open a settlement account in Raiffeisenbank, and an individual entrepreneur, and ooo, you need to provide a specific package of documents. The list will be somewhat different, including due to differences in registration and business.

For IP

IP to open a settlement account in Raiffeisenbank, be sure to provide the following documents:

  • an application for opening an account (it is necessarily visited by the signature of the entrepreneur, it is placed only if it is presented);
  • certification of the identity of the IP itself and its authorized persons (for Russians enough passport and registration information, for foreigners, additional paper that would confirm the fact of their legitimate presence on the territory of the Russian Federation, for example, a residence permit, migration card or visa);
  • card with signature samples (if more than two people will have the right to sign payment documents, then an additional application will be required in two copies);
  • confirming the right to conduct activities, if the type of selected entrepreneurship requires this (for example, licenses, permits, patents, certificates).

If the interests of the PI represent a trustee, it should provide a notarized power of attorney to the bank. Additionally, other documents can be requested when opening a regular account with a private entrepreneur (an extract from Egrip, a certificate of registration in Rosstat and Others).


For legal entities, an advanced package of documents required to open a current account in Raiffeisenbank is provided. This includes:

  • statement in the form of a bank for opening an account;
  • Articles of association;
  • identity documents of all persons authorized by the right signature of settlement papers (the originals of passports or notarized copies);
  • card with sample signatures and print prints (+ additional application, if more than 2 people will have the right signature);
  • paper, testifying to the presence of authority from the president, general Director or other sole executive body (can be registered in the Charter, the minutes of meetings / meetings and other documents);
  • documents confirming the existence of authority in persons from cop (orders or administrative acts on appointing a position, power of attorney);
  • list of LLC participants or an extract from it;
  • licenses and other permits if they are needed to conduct an organization's activities.

The bank reserves the right to request additional documents (an extract from the EGRUL, certificate of registration in Rosstat and others).

Raiffeisen Raiffeisen Tariffs

For representatives of small businesses, Raiffeisenbank has developed a line of products for servicing RKO from 4 tariffs - "Start", "Basic", "Optimum" and "Maximum". All of them imply the following servicesincluded in the price:

  • opening account;
  • access to the Internet bank;
  • issue Card Business 24/7 "Basic" and "Optimal";
  • listing wages and other payments by statement.

The main terms of service on the available tariffs look like this:

Start Base Optimum Maximum
The cost of monthly service (Moscow, MO, St. Petersburg) 990 rubles 1 900 rubles 2 900 rubles 7 500 rubles
The cost of monthly service in other cities 790 rubles 1 490 rubles 2 490 rubles 6 500 rubles
How much can I translate individuals without commission per month? 100 000 rubles 200 000 rubles 500 000 rubles 700 000 rubles
Number of free payment orders per month 10 60 300
Free online bank (Elbrus.) Not provided, you will have to pay 190 rubles per month when connecting the service + + +
Free SMS information about operations Not provided, paid separately when connected - 190 rubles per month + +

If necessary, you can go to another tariff, a one-time paying a bank of 1,000 rubles.

Additionally, Raiffeisenbank offers its customers to save on servicing the current account by paying the service for 1 or 2 years ahead. In this case, 3 or 6 months of use of the P / C are provided by IP and Ltd. free.

Until December 31, 2019, the action is valid, allowing to get 1 month free maintenance Your account. To do this, you must bring a friend for corporate services. You can activate the bonus by introducing information about yourself and the other in a special application:

Bonus in the form of free maintenance is obtained by both friends and a client Raiffeisenbank, who led him.

Settlement and cash services

The weighty advantage of Raiffeisenbank is the provision of comprehensive cash service services within the framework of the selected tariff plans. For IP and LLC, a wide range of operations is available:

  • free issuing corporate cards and their service on favorable conditions;
  • shopping and Internet acquiring;
  • salary project;
  • currency control;
  • collection services;
  • deposits.

See also: Settlement account for LLC in 2019

For representatives of small businesses, other services are provided on favorable terms - loans, overdrafts, bank guarantees and letters of credit.

Corporate maps

Customers of Raiffeisenbank, who opened an account, is able to release a card for free, attached to P / s. The program provides for two types of cards:

  1. "Business 24/7";
  2. Metro Cash & Carry.

Both cards are available free of charge in the presence of a current account in the bank. The bank does not charge the commission and for reissue after the expiration date. If the map is reassured at the initiative of the owner, then the operation will have to pay 300 rubles. But for SMS-informed you do not need to pay extra.

Regardless of the type of map, the client gets the opportunity to make cash to an account with a commission of 0.19% of the amount. The cards provide for money - for this service will have to pay a commission in the amount of 1.5% (but at least 90 rubles), regardless of which the bank is being carried out.

The cost of service includes card delivery - you can pick it up in the bank separation or get with the courier.

Business 24/7.

"Business 24/7" is a corporate card attached to the company's settlement account. It is perfect for making and removing money and will help your owner to save on these operations. From the advantages can be noted:

  • instant crediting of funds to the account;
  • unified Commission for removing any bank in ATMs;
  • ability to use around the clock without days off;
  • payments for purchases online.

Service costs and some other features of the use of the map depend on the type of product. In total, 4 varieties are provided:

Metro Cash & Carry

Map Metro Cash & Carry - excellent payment tool For those who often make purchases in retail outlets. It can be used in any stores, and when paying purchases in the Metro shopping center, additional discounts are provided with the client, with which you can save up to 25,000 rubles.

The cost of monthly service is 390 rubles. But if for a month, purchases are made in Metro shopping center for more than 10,000 rubles, then the card is served for free. Additionally, you can get discounts in this trading network:

  • welcome - in the amount of 10,000 rubles when making purchases in the amount of 100,000 rubles per quarter;
  • regular -up to 15,000 rubles, depending on the amount of purchases in the quarter (for example, by purchasing goods in Metro shopping center in the amount of from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles, you can count on a discount of 2,600 rubles).

Additional advantage card - availability of use credit funds To make purchases in the amount of from 30,000 to 250,000 rubles. Within 45 days, percentages are not charged for a lessed amount, after this period, 26% per annum will be accrued to the amount of debt. Returns taken funds needed within 12 months from the date of purchase.

Map "Travel 24/7" - this a great opportunity cut travel expenses, Simplify calculations and control over employees. With the help of it, you can pay for economic, travel and executive needs. Organization, making this card, receives a number of advantages and bonuses:

  • reduction of the enterprise's overhead;
  • practically complete lack of risk of loss money;
  • free SMS informing;
  • the ability to make funds to the card without commission;
  • exclusion of the probability of fraudulent actions by unscrupulous employees (fictitious checks, the substitution of payment documents);
  • receiving additional discounts on the discount program "Discounts for you!" ( for example, until August 31, 2018, you can book a car with a 10% discount inRentcars.).

Map maintenance, regardless of the tariff plan, will cost 1,200 rubles per year. You can take money from it in ATMs of Raiffeisenbank with a commission of 1.2% or in ATMs and cash desks of other banks with a commission of 1.4% (but not less than 150 rubles).

Salary project

Within salary project All employees of the organization receive personal plastic cards. Maintenance of salary transfer operations will be free in the event of a salary service package. Moreover, the issuance of money will be carried out automatically when granting a salary statement (extract) and transfer the required amount.

All 4 tariff plans imply that wages will be listed on employees' cards for free - this service is already included in the price. Do not have to pay for maps and employees, even if the bills are not open in rubles, but in dollars or euros. Removing money in Raiffeisenbank ATMs are produced without additional commissions, in third-party financial institutions - 1% of the amount. But for SMS-informing employees will have to pay 60 rubles per month.


Customers entering the cash service contract in Raiffeisenbank are able to connect several types of acquiring at once:

  • internet acquiring;
  • trading acquiring;
  • mobile acquiring.

Each of them has its own characteristics and tariff rates, on the basis of which the Commission for holding payments between the Organization and Clients is charged.

Internet acquisition

Internet acquiring allows you to receive payments from customers online. Connect to the system organization can absolutely free. Do not have to pay and fixed subscriber fee - Raiffeisenbank takes only a commission from a turn of 2.7%. Enrollment of funds received through the Internet acquiring system occurs no later than 1 day from the date of payment.

To connect the service, it is not enough to have a current account in Raiffeisenbank, it is necessary that the site itself, through which payments will be made, consistent with the requirements of payment systems, had mandatory information (payment process, contact details, warranty, and return conditions).

On the connection of Internet acquiring goes about 4 days. The process itself looks like this:

  1. opening an account (if it is not yet);
  2. sending an application for connecting an Internet acquiring;
  3. installing templates for the site;
  4. receiving registration data;
  5. adding a payment page to the site.

After that, it will be possible to accept online payments on your website in mode: 24 hours 7 days a week.

Connecting trading acquiring allows you to accept payments from customers using special payment terminals in retail outlets. Raiffeisenbank offers its customers service at the "Standard +" tariff. Installation of equipment is made by specialists of the institution for free, and for the registration of each terminal the symbolic fee in the amount of 1 ruble is charged.

Terminals Raiffeisenbank take to pay the maps of the following payment systems:

  • Visa;
  • Master Card;
  • American Express;

For each terminal per month, the amount is charged from 0 to 1,990 rubles, calculated by the following formula:

Additionally, a commission of 1.79% of the payment amount is charged. Thus, the final size of the monthly commission is folded from two indicators.

Trading acquiring allows customers to take part in the District Raiffeisenbank discount program, which saves their money.

Mobile accuming

When connecting a mobile acquiring for the M-POS terminal (reader), a single commission of 900 rubles is paid. The reader is able to completely replace trade terminal. With it, you can read information from customer cards by connecting it to a mobile device.

The M-POS terminal has a small weight and size, due to which it is convenient to use it for receiving payments at frequent movements. But the reader is able to read maps not all payment systems (Visa and Master Card only). Additionally, the Bank charges the commission for an operation of 2.7% of the total amount.

The development of any business involves the opening of the current account. The reason for this is not only a state policy in the field of control cash flowsproviding for restrictions on cash flow between enterprises. There are other reasons for which the score opens.

  • Constantly growing amount of payments to counterparties.
  • Increasing the number of staff that makes it difficult to issue in cash.
  • The need to regularly enumerate taxes in budgets of all levels.
  • The demand of payment terminals from retail customers.

When interacting with banks, entrepreneurs and companies arise a number of problems.

  • Reliability of the credit institution. The media regularly inform about the revocation of licenses from banks. In such cases, business risks placed in them. Their remnants in accounts are not insured and are not compensated for the bankruptcy of the financial institution.
  • Tightened policy of banks when opening accounts. The state actually placed on credit institutions to prevent one-day firms. In order not to incur liability, banks refuse a variety of companies in opening an account. The basis for this is the most insignificant suspicion of illegal activities.

Service in Raiffeisenbank as a way to secure enterprises

Raiffeisenbank provides a number of convenient and safe mechanisms for doing business. In addition to the advantages of cooperation with this credit institution, the client who ordered us the establishment of partnerships with the Bank will receive additional benefits described above.

Procedure for opening an account

The interaction with the client provides for several stages.

1. Preliminary consultation. The manager of the CPU "Empire" clarifies the needs of the applied entrepreneur or organization and helps to choose the most suitable tariff plan. In the presence of special offers, the client receives all the information about them.

2. Preparation of package of documents for the bankwhich includes collecting copies and filling all the questionnaires provided.

3. Application collected documents to the bank. The manager conveys everything you need to open an account and interacts with specialists. credit organization. The result becomes customer approval by the bank.

4. Communication of the opening process. The client receives all the documents and software provided for by the Bank with the Bank.

After completing all these steps, an entrepreneur or company will be able to use the current account.

How to open an account in Raiffeisenbank with our help

To open an account, you need to contact us by any of the following ways:

  • by calling the phone indicated on the site;
  • writing a letter and sending it to our email address;
  • by making a call or writing with Skype;
  • by filling out the application form for feedback, briefly specifying the information you are interested in.

Call or email us about the intention to open a current account in Raiffeisenbank, and we will help you to do it as quickly and profitable.

Information about the bank

This loan institution has been operating in Russia since 1996. It is subsidiary Austrian financial Group. Rating agencies Reaffirm the ability of Raiffeisenbank to fulfill its financial obligations. He is recognized as one of the system-forming credit organizations in Russia.

Benefits of service in Raiffeisenbank

Entrepreneurs and companies that concluded a service agreement in this credit institution receive a number of advantages.

  • A wide choice among tariff plans, each of which is focused on a certain type of business.
  • Bank branches are located in the largest Russian regions. This will allow the customer to personally contact one of them in case of a business trip.
  • Raiffeisenbank ATMs are located in Moscow and other regions of presence. Customers have the ability to remove cash with their help without using cash services in the department.
  • Payments on customer assignments are performed on the day of their receipt.
  • Due to the presence of the Bank-Client system, entrepreneurs and companies can dispose of funds in the account without visiting their separation.
  • Raiffeisenbank policy provides regular special offers. During the period of shares, customers can significantly save at the cost of maintenance.

The use of products for business offered by Raiffeisenbank will allow the enterprise to get an efficient and convenient mechanism for managing its cash flows.

Bank services

Customers who have discovered a settlement account in Raiffeisenbank receive all the necessary associated services.

  • Conduct operations in rubles or foreign currency.
  • Providing electronic banking.
  • Receiving and issuing cash.
  • Accepting the client's units and moves its valuable items.
  • Night Recise.
  • Conducting calculations for mandatory payments with budgets of all levels.
  • Registration of loans to the company.
  • Salary projects.

Bank tariffs

Raiffeisenbank offers a line of tariff plans focused on entrepreneurs and companies of various types.

Name of sentence Service cost Cost of payment Cash
Start 1090 rubles per month

8916 rubles at one time per year

17832 ruble at one time payment for 2 years

25 rubles
Base 1900 rubles per month

17112 rubles at one time per year

34224 rubles at one time for 2 years

10 payments per month - free

11 and subsequent payments - 25 rubles

0.25% of the amount introduced, but not less than 290 rubles
Optimum 2900 rubles per month

26,100 rubles at one time per year

52200 rubles at one time for 2 years

60 payments per month - free

61 and subsequent payments - 25 rubles

0.25% of the amount introduced, but not less than 290 rubles
Maximum 7500 rubles per month

67500 rubles at one time per year

135000 rubles at one time for 2 years

300 payments per month - free

301 and subsequent payments - 25 rubles

0.25% of the amount introduced, but not less than 290 rubles
Monetary 4100 rubles per month

42300 rubles at one time per year

76,500 rubles at one time for 2 years

60 payments per month in rubles - free

Payments in the currency - 0.05% of the amount transferred, but not less than 20 USD and not more than 300 USD

0.25% of the amount introduced, but not less than 290 rubles
Small business 950 rubles per month From 30 rubles 0.25% of the amount introduced, but not less than 290 rubles

The opening of the CPU account does not require a large package of documents. You will be able to prepare them on your own, without assistance. Here full list Documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of an individual entrepreneur:
  • license (if any);
  • questionnaire in the form of the bank;
  • bank account agreement;
  • card with signatures and print samples.

Blanks of contracts are posted on the official website of Raiffeisenbank, you can download them for free.

Legal entities are obliged to grant the following documents to the bank:

  • statement;
  • company Charter;
  • documents on confirmation of the powers of the EEO;
  • certified copies of passports of the persons specified in the cop;
  • all licenses and permits for the implementation of trading activities;
  • extract from the list of participants LLC.

How to open a settlement account for IP and LLC

Connect to the Raiffeisenbank RFFAYSENBAN system individual entrepreneurs can without visiting the office financial organization. Provoto Leave the application on the bank's website, enter the name of the director, company name, number mobile phone and email address.

Wait for the operator's call - the manager will contact you as soon as possible and report the number of the current account. From this point on, you will already be able to translate money on the specified details. For full-fledged work, you need to sign a service contract. This can be done in the office of the bank or order courier to the house or office. When paying an advance payment, you will receive a discount of up to 25% on any of the tariff plans.

Entrance to Personal Cabinet Raiffeisenbank

Ltd. and IP can use the Raiffeisen Business Online business client, which is available only after signing the contract for servicing the calculated account. To activate in the system, you need to fill out the application and connect to the client bank system. Each user is issued a unique login and password for which the entrance to the personal account on the Raiffeisenbank website is carried out. You can get data for access to the account by telephone, inviting the personal manager to the office.

To enter the RTO, you will need to enter into a login and password and wait for authentication. If you forget the password, then access restoration is possible through a special form, the new data will be sent to the email specified during registration.

Internet Bank and Mobile Application

Internet Bank Raiffeisenbank provides for IP and legal entities all the necessary functions: full account management, reception and dispatch payment orders, exchange of documentation with the Bank, submitting applications for loan or connecting other products within the framework of the tariff. For operational communication with Bank employees there is an online chat operating from 9 to 18 per Moscow time.

For emergency account operations need to be connected mobile app. You will be able to monitor the flow of cash from any mobile device.

Salary project

If you have hired employees, RFC Raiffeisenbank provides for the function of transferring wages from the settlement account of LLC or IP. The process is fully automated - you need to create a registry and payment templates. Employees receive free salary cards International Payment Systems Visa, Mastercard or World.

Corporate Card

For full-fledged business, LLC and IP can order release corporate card. This convenient payment instrument guarantees cash withdrawal in ATMs of third-party banks, pay for online purchases, as well as setting up a daily or monthly consumable limit.

Map "Business 24/7" allows you to make money on an IP and LLC account from any receiving device.

Shopping acquiring

This service allows you to take cashless payment from counterparties that are calculated bank cards. Trade acquiring from Raiffeisenbank is reliably protected by the PCI DSS protocol. When performing certain requirements, the subscription fee is not charged.

Cash enrollment legal entity It happens on the second day after passing the payment. Connection within the framework of the tariff is only 1 ruble. Rate from 1.99%. You can also increase the revolutions by attracting new customers.

Currency control

Not only companies registered in the Russian Federation can take advantage of the service, but also non-residents of the country leading business in Russia. Using a function monetary monitoring You guarantee yourself the full security of the deal with foreign company. The percentage of operations is 0.15%, according to transactions that do not require a contract formulation - 0.14% (minimum of 290 rubles).

Each JUR. The face is important to first-class service by banking staff. It is from successful string that the development of the business depends in the future. So, choose a credit institution in which it will be necessary to open an account for the IP, it is better more responsible and carefully. Raiffeisenbank - It is the company whose responsibility and attitude to customers above all. In Raiffeisenbank, open a settlement account for business is not so difficult. Consider the highlights.

What you need to open an account with Raiffeisen Bank. Application format and blank and list of documents

Documents for opening a calculated IP account:

  • Completed form.
  • Application for opening an account.
  • Account account in the bank.
  • Certified by a notary card with copy of printing and signature.
  • Documents confirming the identity of the client.
  • Certificate OGRNIP.
  • Identification code.
  • License if there is such.

List of documents in order to open a settlement account for LLC a little different in Raiffeisenbank:

  1. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 from the previous list.
  2. Charter.
  3. Documents confirming the powers of the sole executive body (director, gene, etc.), as well as the powers of people with the right to sign.
  4. Certificate of the main state registration number.
  5. Extract from the register of participants.

With an example of each document, you can find on the portal of Rifaysenbank. Access is not limited, you can download them and pre-fill before feed.

Is it possible to an online application for opening a current account. Where and how to file it

To open an account in Rafayzen Bank online you need to go to category " Corporate business"Or" small business ", depending on the type of your business. Now you need to choose "banking services" in the first case or "Cooling and cash service" in the second. For medium and large businesses - choose the service "Opening and Account Management". For small business - click the "Open Account" button. Today there are 4 tariffs RKO - start, basic, optimum, maximum. The most popular is the Optimum account. On the official website before registration of the application you can explore tariffs.

On the new page now it is necessary to correctly make the following data on your commercial enterprise:

  • Name of the organization;
  • Annual income;
  • Telephone number for communication;
  • E-mail address;
  • Enterprise website;
  • City;
  • Service department.

For medium and large businesses, you need to choose the desired service and leave the application.

Within 24 hours, an employee will be connected to communicate with whom to discuss the details of the meeting to solve all sorts of details and formalities. Usually the representative of the bank comes to your office.

Commission for cash withdrawal account

If you wish in Raiffeisenbank to open a settlement account for IP, the tariffs must be studied necessarily to know what to expect during the service process.

On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow District, the Commission for making funds by the Client is 0.25%. In the rest of the cities, the Commission will be 0.19%. Not depending on the location - at least 290 rubles.

The owners of the "currency" package of services for recalculation and making money to the account must pay a fee of 0.25%, but not less than 290 rubles.

Metro Metro Metro, "Basic Metro", "Business 24/7", "Business 24/7 Optimal", "Business 24/7 Basic", "Business 24/7 Premium" for making money through terminals and ATMs Raiffeisenbank pays a commission of 0.19%.

Operation on making funds to the account, serviced in the UNISTRIM partner network, is free.

How to close the current account in Raiffeisenbank if necessary. How to write a statement

It happens, the client does not plan to further use the current account or such a need to disappear. There is a question how to close the account? To do this, contact the Bank's Office and write a statement. The form is available on the organization's website, with it without problems can be familiar with and pre-fill before serving.

After writing an application for closing on the account, all operations will be completed. The balance of funds can be translated to another account, the details of which are indicated in the closing application, or get cash at the bank's office.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state