
If there is a delay in the loan - how long can the payment be delayed and what can the bank do? Arrears on a loan - what to do, how to avoid interest and bad credit

The procedure for repaying loan debt should be approached responsibly, paying each payment on time. Otherwise, the borrower runs the risk of creating trouble for himself, the amount of which depends on the duration of the delay, the behavior of the payer himself, and other factors. So, let's discuss what to do if the loan is overdue, is it possible and how to fix the current situation?

Assessment and analysis of the occurrence of delays

The reasons for the delay can be very different. For example, a person got sick, got into medical institution and could not repay the debt on time. Or you were fired from your job due to staff layoffs, there is no other income yet, there is nothing to pay the loan with. There may also be such a situation when a bank client in urgent order left the country and simply did not have time to warn the creditor, did not manage to pay the bills, and when he returned about a month later, he was blacklisted by the bank, ruined his CI.

It is possible that a variant of elementary forgetfulness is possible, which led to a slight delay in the payment of the loan - one or two days. In addition, some people think that the payment made by them goes to the bank account immediately and you can make it at any time of the last day (the end date prescribed in the payment schedule). This is not entirely true. So, for example, the arrival time Money in some banking organizations up to 2 days. And, if you arrange a transfer through the post office or in electronic system, then the period can take up to several days. This should be taken into account when paying for a loan.

And sometimes even proven instant enumeration methods did not work due to a failure in the program. It happens. The conclusion is not to make it to the last day. And what will happen if the loan payment is delayed? It doesn't matter why you failed to pay the debt on time. The result is the same - the accrual of penalties, interest, "black mark" in credit history. If you ignore the debt, problems with the creditor will only add up to the point of going to court or selling your debt to collectors.

What if the delay is 1-3 days?

It is customary in banks to divide delinquencies by duration. So, the longer the period of non-payment of the debt becomes, the higher the likelihood of default on the credit obligation for the lender. Accordingly, the methods of working with debtors will differ.

If the loan delay is 1-3 days and does not exceed 5 days, then such a loan is not considered problematic. It is possible that the delay could arise for technical reasons, and many bankers mark this information in the BCH. Specialists banking organization usually remind borrowers to make payment by:

  1. SMS messages.
  2. By phone call.
  3. Internet bank notification.

There are some banks that lay a delay of 1-2 days in loan agreements in order to avoid financial losses for the borrower. However, if you continue to allow delays in payments in the future, then the lender may draw conclusions that are unfavorable for the borrower.

And yet, even minor delays should not be ignored. Do not delay and make the payment as soon as possible, or contact the bank with a request for a deferred payment. A short period of delay, in principle, is not terrible, but it can become a reason for refusal to receive a large loan from a demanding lender in the future.

What if the delay is from a week to a month?

If there is a delay in the loan - what to do? Do not run away from the bank, do not ignore its reminders, but try to solve the problem peacefully without trial and investigation. Believe it is possible. A delay from a week to a month will already alert the bank more seriously, but this period is not critical. The creditor will start calling the debtor, politely reminding the debtor to repay the debt, warning about possible consequences... Information on the occurrence of debt will naturally be sent to the BCH, credit rating will automatically deteriorate.

Do not let your delay reach the level of 30 days. Better contact the bank in advance, listen possible ways solutions to your problem. State the reasons for the delay (change of job, illness, etc.), documenting your arguments. For example, by presenting a medical certificate, work book, etc. You can agree with the bank to pay while small amount cash, for example 300 rubles instead of 1,000 rubles, and pay the rest later.

Remember, the greater the delay, the less chances there will be to achieve loan restructuring, obtaining a loan vacation, deferral, moratorium, loan prolongation, and other methods. The status of your credit history has a huge influence on the bank's decision. The presence of problem loans with delays in several banks does not inspire confidence and the lender's desire to make concessions.

Overdue for more than 60 days is already dangerous

Arrears over a period of more than 1 month are a clear violation of payment discipline. For a bank, such a borrower becomes problematic. Failure to meet credit obligations may lead to arrival bank employees to the client's house. Attacking letters from the bank with a reminder to repay the debt will become regular. Do you ignore it? Then get ready for possible cooperation with collectors in about 3-6 months after the delay, because the bank has the right to transfer or even sell your debt collection agency on the basis of an assignment agreement concluded with him.

It is possible that the lender will sue the irresponsible borrower, which will oblige the client to pay the debt by calculating money from his wages, seizure of debit accounts, seizure of property if necessary, etc.

When the situation reaches a dead end, you cannot do without the help of an experienced lawyer. If you can prove your innocence by submitting documents to the bank justifying the fact of the delay, then hurry to do it. Under other circumstances, consult a specialist. It is not necessary to look for a paid lawyer at the place of residence, you can ask a question on one of the legal forums, specialized sites.

Additional solutions to the problem

When the borrower has nothing to pay the loan with, bankers can offer different variants solutions to the problem already mentioned in our review (deferral, debt restructuring, credit holidays, etc.). There are several more ways to deal with a difficult situation. For instance:

Debtor's behavior Peculiarities
Declaring yourself bankrupt Having started the bankruptcy procedure, the worries on the part of the bank and collectors cease. However, you will need to incur some clearance costs. You also need to meet certain standards: have a debt of over 500,000 rubles, a delay of more than 3 months, no previous convictions. After rendering judgment it is not allowed to leave the country, hide the fact of bankruptcy when applying for a loan, hold leadership positions, and other restrictions.
Applying for a new loan to refinance other loans A fairly common behavior among borrowers who are unable to pay off their current debts. New loan issued under more low interest and is able to cover all or part of the debt that has arisen. Having made such a decision is not worth delaying, because people with a bad credit history are not given a loan to refinance other loans.
Waiting for debt cancellation Overdue debt can be written off according to the statute of limitations (3 years). We do not recommend waiting for this period on purpose, but if you decide to follow this path, get ready for multiple stresses and worries on the part of the lender. If the debt is small, then it is unprofitable for banks to go to court, therefore, most often the case goes to the collectors, and it is more difficult to negotiate with them.

Note: the amount of the fine for allowing the borrower to delay the loan does not depend on its duration. For each day of the pass, depending on the tariff of the banking organization, approximately 0.5-2% of the total debt is charged. There are also one-time fines, the amount of which is 500-1,000 rubles for delay in a calendar month. Credit neglect is the result of bad credit history, additional costs, and litigation at the collector and court levels.

Many citizens have credit loans... Therefore, the question of what will happen for loan delinquencies in 2018 is always relevant. Of course, credit policy, including the policy of dealing with overdue debts, changes from time to time. The changes taking place can be both in favor of the borrower and against him.

You should familiarize yourself with the issue of delay in detail before committing to it.

It is very important to know all the nuances of cash loans before placing a bet on the purchase of necessary things, accessories or real estate on credit. Each potential borrower can obtain detailed information on loans from the selected financial institution.

  1. As a rule, a regular consumer loan is given for 3 years. If this is a loan for real estate, then the term can be five years or more, depending on the financial capabilities of the loaned.
  2. Debt on loans can be repaid under several programs. Annuity (payment in equal monthly installments) or decreasing payments (the first year, in this case, the credit load is higher than the next, every month the payment becomes slightly less).
  3. Conditions for early closure of credit obligations also vary. In some financial structures, a penalty is imposed for delay, since in this case the bank loses interest from the use of funds.
  4. And, of course, all financial institutions have their own requirements and conditions regarding late payment of payments. You should definitely ask the lender about this nuance, because no one can be sure of financial stability after 1, 2 or 3 years.

What troubles can arise in case of delay

Of course, if a client regularly or periodically has a debt, that is, a delay in payment, from a bank or other lender, there are a number of penalties for such borrowers:

  • Fine;
  • Penalty;
  • Requirement for early repayment the entire loan amount;
  • Raising the original interest rate.

It is clear that all these measures can completely empty the wallet and lead to the financial abyss of borrowers who already have a difficult financial situation. Therefore, you need to try to pay the obligatory payments on time, so as not to increase the amount of loan obligations.

What innovations were introduced in 2018 regarding debtors

State with understanding crisis situation in the country in 2018 adopted some restrictions regarding penalties under the loan agreement. Therefore, if a situation suddenly happened in which the borrower cannot temporarily pay, banks or other financial institution are limited in possible measures taken in relation to those who have a loan delay.

  • The authorities authorized by the state issued an order that in the financial institutions issuing loans, set the maximum threshold by which to increase interest rate... That is, banks and credit unions can raise the rate for delay by 3-4%. But they are not 100% eligible. This was invented so that the loan obligations of borrowers with temporary financial difficulties do not grow to an unrealistic amount to be repaid.

True, specialized companies that issue loans have come up with other tricks in order to stay in the black in any case. Namely, after the adoption of such a law, they began to raise the initial interest rate. At least from this perspective, the borrower will immediately be able to understand what obligatory payment must be paid from a personal budget and will not face burdensome surprises during the period of the contract.

  • And also the authorized structures decided to exclude from the loan agreements such an item as the requirement for early repayment. This column has little meaning in the legal medium. After all, a person who, for one, two, three, or more months, cannot pay obligations on time, is unlikely to be able to pay off the full amount of the debt.
  • Another solution that does not yet have legal force, the return of a clean credit history may become, even if during the term of the agreement there was more than once an overdue payment from the borrower. That is, the authorized structures put forward a proposal to lend even to those who had 1 or 3 years of arrears. Lending institutions did not support such a decision, because there is every chance that such borrowers will continue to be irresponsible in terms of timely payment.

Read also

Delays on loans: what are the penalties and how to get out of the situation

However, state structures firmly believe that delays arise only temporarily, due to financial difficulties... In the future, in their opinion, with stabilization monetary situation, borrowers would timely pay their obligations to the bank or other financial institutions.

What penalties can be applied in case of delay

Different banking and other financial institutions, of course, have their own requirements and conditions regarding the measures taken to borrowers who have an overdue payment. These can be, as mentioned above, fines and penalties, in addition, if the delay is 3 months or more, the following influences can apply:

  • Solving the issue of repayment of loan obligations in judicial procedure... As a rule, even if the borrower does not appear in court, the decision is made in favor of the banking organization, and the requests of the lender are satisfied;
  • And also such a measure as filing a request to tax office in order to find out the level of the borrower's income. After that, the bank can submit a claim to the employer that an amount of up to fifty percent should be collected from the debtor's salary in favor of the creditor. Conditions can be disputed when the borrower contacts judicial authorities with the submission of a counter request to reduce the amount of the deduction, if arguments are provided for which it is not possible to lose half of your salary;
  • The creditor may file a claim for the seizure of the property. If this happens, then the property is put up for sale, and the proceeds are completely sent to pay off the arisen overdue debt;
  • Measures such as the seizure of accounts at all banking and financial institutions may be applied. This is possible if the overdue debt has not been repaid for 3 or more months. Depending on the amount of the debt, the court can determine how much money must be seized in order for the loan to be repaid in full.

All these measures are unpleasant and lead to many negative consequences, including deprivation of property, business and other material benefits. However, there are clauses in the contracts, by virtue of which a borrower who is in a difficult financial situation may receive some conditions of loyalty. For example, credit holidays, temporary suspension of obligations and others. In each structure, these capabilities can vary significantly.

Peculiarities of debt collection from natural persons of borrowers

There is a difference between the terms of lending and measures in the event of a delay, between individuals and legal entities. The procedure for collecting overdue debt from individuals is as follows:

  • The bank can submit a request to tax office... In this case, the amount agreed upon by the court will be deducted from the person's salary on a monthly basis, until full repayment debt;
  • If the loan was secured against real estate or other property, the bank or credit union may demand a full or partial sale collateral to pay off loan debt;
  • If the loan delay of 2 years has not been repaid even to the extent possible, the lender has the right to submit a request for the arrest of the accounts in court. natural person... In this case, all funds available on card and other accounts will be transferred to pay off the debt under the loan agreement;
  • Individuals at the registration address can be visited by authorized employees of companies that charge debentures and carry out an inventory of property for the purpose of its sale.

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Obtaining an urgent private loan at favorable interest rates

In any case, the borrower should familiarize himself with the terms of the agreement in detail. This will help you understand whether creditors are authorized to do certain things. And also, be able to defend your rights as a borrower.

Features of debt collection from legal entities of borrowers

It is clear that the debt is collected from legal entities in a slightly different way. After all, not one individual is at stake here, but entire enterprises or corporations. Banking institutions are well aware that there is a business in which the peak of profitability is summer. And there are also organizations that make the most of their income in winter. However, regardless of the circumstances, creditors have the right to take punitive measures against those who have gone into delay.

TO legal entities the following sanctions may be imposed:

  • Demand for the sale of the pledged property. Such a penalty can be applied to the property for which the loan obligations were originally drawn up. And also, a financial institution has the right to seize property belonging to the company. This becomes impossible if the requested property is already pledged at the current moment by a third structure.
  • Arrest bank accounts(deposit, card, current). In this case, a court decision is sent to banking institutions with a request for information on the current banking products from the debtor. After receiving the above information, the court sends a request to the bank or other structures to freeze accounts for the amount necessary to fully pay off the debt in arrears.

The procedure for seizing and sending money to the creditor can be processed in either one day or three weeks. It all depends on the urgency of the request and on the workload of the authorized employee financial structure... In general, the process takes place in the same way as with individuals, the only difference is that in the first case, the accounts of an individual are arrested, and in the second case, the accounts of the company.

  • The requirement for early closure of credit obligations. This is possible only if the borrower has not been in touch for 3 or more months, and even partial repayment of credit debts has not occurred on his account.

Knowing their rights and obligations, the owner of the company or an authorized person will be able to protect their own interests and find a way out of any situation. But, again, you should try to timely fulfill obligations to banking structure or credit union so as not to face unpleasant moments in the process of cooperation.

December 24, 2016

Greetings! Have you read the latest news about simplified debt collection from individuals? Delay by bank loans now it is possible to collect without a court on the basis of a notary's executive note. Raiffeisenbank, Russian Standard, HCF-Bank, VTB24, Rosbank and Sberbank already include this clause in their loan agreements.

I am translating it into human language: it is now possible to seize the debtor's property in favor of the creditor without a trial. There is an executive letter of the notary - the bank can directly contact bailiffs for debt collection. True, the new mechanism for working with debtors concerns only consumer loans with a delay of two months.

Once again, I bring up the current topic of delinquency on my blog ... How to solve the problem with overdue debt? Delay on a loan what to do, and what does it threaten the borrower?

First, banks punish the "forgetful" borrower with a ruble. All Russian creditors apply penalties from the first day of delay. The size and method of calculating fines and penalties are detailed in small print in the loan agreement. Unfortunately, few borrowers carefully study this item before signing the documents.

There are four forms of fines:

  1. Percentage of the amount of delay for each day. Many large banks Russia (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB24) practice exactly this method
  2. A fixed amount of a fine for the fact of delay (for example, 500 rubles one-time)
  3. Cumulative fixed fines. Relatively speaking, for the first delay, the borrower must pay 500 rubles, for the second - 700 rubles, for the third and subsequent - 1000 rubles each.
  4. Penalty in the form of a percentage of the total loan balance (for each day of delay or once a month). Russia almost does not use this option of punishment (like other countries the former USSR: Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others)

But many Russian banks apply a combined penalty scheme. For example, a penalty for each day of delay plus a one-time fine.

Examples of late fees

I warn you, the real numbers may be slightly different. Banks are extremely reluctant to publish detailed terms of penalties in the public domain. And in fact, you can see them only in the loan agreement (any banking forum is also useful).

But the order of numbers and the conditions for calculating fines will be approximately the same as those I give below. Almost all banks from the list apply penalties not to the balance of the debt, but to the amount of overdue payments!

So, Alfa-Bank charges 2% of the amount for each day of delay.

For consumer loans, Home Credit Bank "turns on the meter" from the 10th day of delay: 1% of the amount for each day. Penalty on a credit card is charged in a different way: on the 15th day of delay, the borrower is charged 300 rubles, on the 25th day - another 500 rubles, after 10 days - another 800 rubles. For 60 days and subsequent months, another 800 rubles are added to the amount of fines.

In Credit Europe Bank, the penalty is 15% of the monthly payment, but not less than 300 rubles.

Russian Standard Bank also practices a system of “phased” fines. The first loan delay will cost the borrower 300 rubles, the second - 500, the third - 1000, and the fourth - 2000 rubles.

In Sberbank, every day of delay will "cost" 0.5% of the amount of the delayed payment.

What can not be done if there is already a loan delay?

The worst thing you can do is wait for the situation to "resolve" by itself. Try to make at least some payments on the loan, since not paying at all is a guaranteed loss.

Still not worth it:

  • Draw a visit to the bank until the last day of payment according to the schedule
  • Hiding from the creditor (for example, not answering calls)
  • Refuse to pay for obligations in writing or orally.

What can be done?

Agree with the bank on restructuring

Any bank is interested in the borrower paying off its obligations in full. It is much more profitable than taking and selling collateral, transferring debt to collectors or going to court.

It is imperative to negotiate with the bank about. Well, or at least try ...

Before meeting with a loan manager or branch manager, it is worth preparing a stack of documents. We are talking about indirect or direct evidence that you cannot yet repay the loan on the same terms.

Examples of documents:

  • Child's birth certificate
  • Copy work book with a note of dismissal
  • Medical certificate of a serious illness or costly surgery
  • Death certificate of a co-borrower or a close relative, if the loan was partially repaid at their expense

It's not a fact that the bank will agree to debt restructuring, but it's still worth a try. There may be several options. Keep in mind that each of them only temporarily makes life easier for the borrower, but increases the amount of the final overpayment.

What concessions can the bank make?

  • Increase maturity (reduced monthly payment)
  • Provide "credit holidays" (for six months or a year, the borrower will pay only interest)
  • Convert the loan currency from foreign to national

Go to court

The borrower should not be afraid of the court. Judicial procedure rather, it will make life easier, not more difficult.

First, from the moment the case is considered, the accrual of fines and penalties for unpaid contributions will be suspended.

Secondly, even if the court decides in favor of the bank, the amount of the debt will be divided into a larger number of payments. In fact, the court's decision will force the bank to meet the debtor halfway and restructure the debt. Sometimes, after the trial, the borrower will have to pay only the principal amount of the debt.

Interesting statistics.

Debtors are often sued by large banks with a large staff of lawyers: Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB24, Home Credit, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank. Banks with powerful services for working with problem debts are trying to get by on their own: OTP Bank, Tinkoff Bank, "Russian standard".

How to behave in court?

For a start - in no case should you refuse to participate in the process! To win the case (or at least get the softening of the repayment terms), you will need:

  • Consultation and assistance of an experienced lawyer
  • Documents confirming the deterioration of the financial condition
  • Documents confirming payments made on the loan (checks, receipts)
  • Evidence that you applied to the bank for restructuring and were refused.

An important point! If you stopped repaying the loan "just like that" without a good reason, it is impossible to win the case in court! But, as a rule, court intervention forces the bank to make concessions to the borrower.

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However, if some unforeseen situations happen, then there may be several options for solving this problem with the bank.

In this case, everything will depend on the volume and timing of payments. What are the consequences of delay and how they depend on its term. What to do if you are late in payment.

What is overdue debt

According to tax legislation- these are funds in a certain amount that the debtor did not return to the creditor within the period specified in the contract or law.

As practice shows, clients' debt to the bank may arise due to various force majeure circumstances. The main reasons for debt are serious illness or job loss.

In such difficult circumstances, banks, as a rule, go to a meeting and offer the client to change the payment schedule to a more acceptable one for the debtor. Or, a deferred payment may be applied.

Moreover, the better, the more chances he has for loyalty from the bank's management.

Therefore, in the event of a debt, it is better for the client not to hide from the bank, but to submit to the creditor documents that confirm the reasons for the insolvency that has arisen.

There are several types of delinquencies:

  • short delay - up to 1 month. If you pay off the debt within a month, it will not affect your credit history in any way;
  • long delay in payment of debt - from 2 months to 1 year. With such a debt period, the credit history will already be somewhat damaged, and the bank may impose an additional penalty or fine;
  • significant debt (over 1 year). In this case, banks can sell your debt to collection organizations;

True, if the debtor already has a second short-term debt, then this may negatively affect the credit history. Usually, any bank gives 5 days to pay off the debt, without imposing any late fees.

Delay periods and procedure

In the event of a delay of up to 1 month, banks usually issue an SMS notification, which indicates the timing of payment.

If you pay off the debt in the current month, then there will be no problems.

True, some banks impose small penalties for late payment of 1 month - about 50-300 rubles.

However, the possibility of imposing a fine for the formation of debt up to 1 month should be indicated in the loan agreement.

There are banks that establish in loan agreements a condition on the possibility of requiring the return of the entire loan amount with interest in case of a slight delay in payment. But such sanctions are rarely applied, because it is financially unprofitable for the bank.

Delay from 1 to 3 months

If you have a debt to the bank for 1, 2 or even 3 months, then the bank's department for problem debtors or the security service will deal with the problem.

If we do not have the opportunity to pay off the debt, then there is no need to hide from calls from the bank, it is best to visit a banking institution at least once a month.

If possible, cover the debt with at least small payments and keep receipts for payment. In the future, they may come in handy during the trial.

Also, the bank can make the following concessions:

  • deferral of payment of the loan body;
  • cancellation of penalties, but subject to payment of the principal debt in one payment;
  • debt restructuring.

The latter type of assignment assumes that the bank can change the terms of the loan agreement so that the borrower can pay off the debt.

For example, as part of the restructuring, the accrual of interest on the debt for 1 year may be suspended (however, the principal amount will still need to be repaid), or the bank may prolong the loan repayment period. Thus, the loan burden will be reduced.

Delay from 3 to 6 months

If the client is late in payment from 3 to 6 months, then the bank can file a complaint with the court. If the loan was taken on collateral, then the lender may require you to voluntarily sell the collateral.

To try to solve the problem peacefully, you need to write a letter to the bank indicating the reasons for the delay and offering your option to repay the debt. Remember that without a court decision, bank employees do not have the right to seize the collateralized property.

What to do if you have a debt of 6 months or more

If the client has a debt for 6 months, a year or more, then the following actions of the bank are possible:

  1. The bank can.
  2. Submission of a claim to the court for debt collection.

If your debt is transferred to a collection agency, then such a structure has limited powers. First, it is worth noting that the bank has the right to sell the debt, in accordance with the provisions civil code, such resale is called assignment of the right of claim.

If the debtor does not fulfill the conditions specified in the loan agreement, then the financial institution can sell the borrower's debt not only to the collectors, but also to another bank. However, this is possible if the agreement does not contain a clause prohibiting the assignment of the right to claim a debt.

When transferring a debt to a new creditor, loan agreement continues to operate on the same conditions that existed between the bank and the debtor.

When selling a client's debt, the bank must warn the debtor about this. If the borrower was not warned about the transfer of the debt to another creditor, then the debtor has every reason not to pay the debt. Consequently, the notification of the transfer of debt is the direct responsibility of the bank.

In the second option, when there is a court decision in favor of the bank, the borrower is obliged to pay the loan debt and all imposed fines, interest and penalties. If the debt on the loan is small, then it can be deducted from wages or other types of income, which are allowed to be foreclosed.

If the income of a citizen is not enough, then: real estate, assets, other valuable things.

In addition, if a debt is formed in the amount of more than 1,500,000 rubles. comes responsibility under Art. 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the maximum penalty is 2 years in prison.

The article on fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) will not apply if the borrower did not hide from the bank, made payments (the amount of payments does not matter), did not submit false data about himself during the loan process.

What property cannot be confiscated

Even if there is a court decision on debt collection, some types of property are not allowed to be confiscated:

  • the only thing living quarters debtor and land plots;
  • Food;
  • individual things;
  • honorary badges, prizes and other types of awards;
  • livestock and fuel for cooking and heating.

Bailiffs cannot seize property that belongs to the debtor's relatives.

Debt in the retail lending sector

The retail lending sector includes:

  • consumer loans;
  • credit cards;
  • cash loan without collateral.

Since these types of lending are associated with high risks for the bank, then financial institutions impose high fines, penalties and commissions for delays.

For example, according to consumer credit a penalty may be imposed every day of delay in payment, fines for several consecutive delays, etc.

If the debt is not repaid within the terms specified in the agreement, the bank may go to court. During the court hearing, the borrower needs to prove his insolvency.

Features of the liability of guarantors and travel abroad

A surety is a person who is appointed as a responsible person before the creditor if the debtor is unable to fulfill his obligations.

The guarantor is responsible for paying the debt if the borrower goes missing, dies, or simply becomes insolvent.

If a person is a surety, then it will not be possible to avoid responsibility.

Many citizens who have a debt in the bank are worried that they may not be allowed to go abroad.

In fact, a ban on leaving the Russian Federation can be imposed, but only in cases where it is open enforcement proceedings and there is a decree on the temporary restriction of the right to travel abroad.

If such a resolution has not been issued, then the bank cannot close travel abroad for the debtor at will.

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