
Drops on clusters and cluster policy. Adaptation of cluster policy instruments to the conditions for the development of propulsive clusters in the regions. Cluster policy directions

1. Introduction

The creation and development of a network of territorial production clusters, as a way of realizing the competitive potential of subjects, is one of the points of the Concept for the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020. The relevance of an effective cluster policy is primarily due to the importance of the transition of the Russian economy to an innovative type of development and the need to maintain a high level of competitiveness in connection with the unstable external economic situation. Such major events in recent world history as the economic crisis, Russia's accession to the WTO, and the economic consequences of the political crisis in Ukraine create conditions in which economic development becomes a priority. An effective cluster policy can become one of the ways to maintain the country's competitiveness at the global level and create conditions for stable economic growth.

The policy pursued at the level of the constituent entities is of predominant importance for ensuring the development of the country's economy, since the development of individual regions contributes to their competition within the country, stimulates the development of entities and, as a result, increases the overall level of competitiveness of the country.

The implementation of cluster projects is among the strategic tasks of many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, since it contributes to the economic development of regions and an increase in the level of innovative development of enterprises that are part of the clusters. However, the most important task for the development of the subject is to determine the degree of implementation of the developed cluster projects, to measure their effectiveness and impact on the welfare of the subject. The objectives of this work are to study the key features of the cluster policy in Russia, as well as to determine the effectiveness of ongoing projects as ways to increase the level of competitiveness of the subjects. In the process of achieving the set goals, the theoretical aspects of Russia's cluster policy will be studied, examples of the implementation of regional cluster projects will be considered, and conclusions will be drawn regarding the effectiveness of the implemented policy, its strengths and weaknesses. For the implementation of the listed tasks, both print and Internet sources will be used, including official decrees of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, programs for the development of constituent entities, official websites of constituent entities, as well as modern scientific research literature and expert articles.

2. Cluster policy: advantages and types

According to Michael Porter, popularizer of the notion of a cluster, it is "a group of geographically adjacent interconnected companies and related organizations in a particular field, characterized by a commonality of activities and complementary to each other." In his famous book International Competition, Porter wrote that there is a direct relationship between the competitiveness of a cluster, subject (or entities) in which it is located, and the competitiveness of the entire country. That is, to ensure the country's competitive advantages, it is necessary to develop its constituent entities - subjects, or even smaller production constituent clusters. The advantage of the cluster policy, in comparison with the policy of industrial development in general, is that the development of clusters presupposes intersectoral interaction, in the process of which multipolar development of production and intensive growth of industries is carried out, achieved through the synergistic effect of mutually beneficial cooperation.

When studying the cluster policy of a particular country, it is necessary to take into account the existing types of implementation of this policy throughout the world. So, M. Enright, like Porter, who analyzed the competitiveness of countries and regions, identified several types of cluster policy, depending on the participation of the state in the activities of the cluster. First, it is a catalytic cluster policy, in which the state acts as an intermediary between cluster organizations, contributing to the establishment of cluster interaction without further participation in the implementation of their cooperation. Secondly, it is possible to conduct a supportive cluster policy, where an element of control over the further development of enterprises and stimulation of growth by the state through various mechanisms is added to the catalytic functions. The third type of cluster policy provides for an even more prescriptive type of control, where the state can participate in the internal affairs of the cluster concerning the specialization of enterprises. The greatest role of the state is achieved in an interventionist policy, in which the government's sphere of influence extends to all issues related to the development and growth of the cluster.

3. Analysis of cluster policy in Russia

To determine the type of cluster policy in Russia and identify its most characteristic features, development programs of federal and regional significance were studied, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn regarding ways to stimulate the development of clusters in the Russian Federation. As it was revealed earlier, the efficiency of the cluster and its development increase the competitiveness of the region in which it operates. Thus, ensuring a competent cluster policy is one of the primary tasks for the stable economic growth of an entity. The Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation list the main directions for the implementation of measures to organize the effective operation of clusters and maintain their competitiveness. The main goals, the need to achieve which is confirmed in the studied document, are associated with the innovative development of clusters, namely the development and implementation of the latest technologies and equipment, the use of modern management methods, the acquisition of special knowledge, as well as the identification of new ways to enter highly competitive world markets.

For the development of clusters, tasks have been set, including: identifying the strengths of the cluster and prioritizing their financing, eliminating production constraints and unnecessary links in the product production chain, establishing points of sale, and effectively managing cluster enterprises. However, the most important tasks are, as already mentioned, the development of the innovative component of production, maintaining investment attractiveness, developing the infrastructure of the cluster, including transport and energy, as well as pursuing an effective policy of attracting highly qualified personnel and educational events. It is important to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region, as they contribute to the development of the industry, the attraction of new technologies and possible cooperation with the enterprises of the cluster.

State actions aimed at maintaining and developing clusters can be extremely diverse.

  • Firstly, this is the provision of the cluster with highly qualified specialists, for whose training secondary vocational and higher educational institutions are needed. To maintain the high quality of education, the state analyzes the needs of the cluster, identifies the most in-demand specialties, contributes to the development of new educational programs, and also stimulates the passage of industrial practices and internships for students and graduates.
  • Secondly, the state can ensure the development of the region's infrastructure as a way to create favorable conditions for the influx of young specialists.
  • Thirdly, the practice of creating industrial parks, technoparks in the region, which are engaged in providing cluster enterprises with the necessary transport, leased land plots, premises, as well as means of logistics and telecommunication infrastructures, is important. This practice allows you to reduce the costs of implementing cluster projects and increase the speed and scale of their implementation.
  • Fourth, it is possible to establish tax incentives for enterprises that are part of the cluster, as a measure to stimulate production and expand the activities of organizations. Currently, reducing the income tax rate is one of the most effective tools for stimulating cluster growth and attracting investment.
  • Fifth, the method of reducing administrative barriers, which implies such transformations as reducing the time for examination of documents, speeding up the decision on the results of inspections, and simplifying obtaining a building permit.
  • The provision of financial assistance from the state is also a strong incentive to increase the pace of development of the cluster. One of the most common methods of financial assistance is the provision of subsidies to the regions of Russia for the development of certain industries that are most beneficial for increasing the country's competitiveness or for creating and applying the latest technologies necessary for scientific and innovative development.
  • Important for the effective functioning of the cluster is also the competent drawing up of development programs of federal, regional and local significance, the goals and objectives of which should not contradict, but complement each other.
  • The development and compilation of theoretical materials describing the general approaches to strategic planning for improving clusters are necessary to provide a stable theoretical base, on the basis of which activities are carried out aimed at maintaining the competitiveness of entities.
  • Creation of science cities to improve the scientific and technical base of clusters and the timely introduction of the latest technologies in the production process.
  • Conducting educational activities aimed at preparing for the implementation of cluster projects and managing them.

Fulfillment of the listed tasks will ensure high efficiency of the clusters and increase the competitiveness of the subject, as well as the country as a whole. However, despite the fact that all of the above criteria are mentioned in development programs at the federal and regional levels, to assess their effectiveness, it is necessary to consider specific examples.

4. Distinctive features of Russian clusters: advantages and disadvantages of the current policy

To analyze the cluster policy of the Russian Federation, let us consider the Samara region, as the first region of Russia in which the cluster approach was used. The main reason for the emergence of clusters in the Samara region is the high industrialization of the region, the concentration of a large number of processing enterprises on the territory of the subject and a promising scientific and innovative potential. For a long time, 8 clusters functioned on the territory of the region, including both mining and processing, recreational and innovative clusters. Large-scale development prospects contribute to a large inflow of state funding to the region, however, it should be noted that there is practically no stage-by-stage development plan for the region's clusters in the public domain, which greatly complicates the assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken. The Decree on the approval of the state program of the Samara region "Creation of favorable conditions for investment innovation in the Samara region" for 2014-1018 lists some measures to increase the investment attractiveness of the region's clusters, however, the program does not indicate specific goals and objectives, the achievement of which will make it possible to consider the program has been completed, there are also no quantitative and qualitative criteria for determining the effectiveness of the changes being made and their results.

Taking into account the generally recognized typologies of cluster policies, the policy of the Samara region can be characterized as the so-called “first generation” policy, that is, one that is aimed at identifying and maintaining clusters at the country and regional levels, and not at finding an individual approach to each of the existing clusters. ... This statement can be explained by insufficient research base, as well as high risks of individual policies. The introduction of a special approach to each of the clusters requires large expenditures on research work to assess the potential of the cluster, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as to identify the necessary incentive methods for a particular business combination.

The clusters of the Samara region, as the earliest and most typical examples of the development of cluster projects for Russia, allow us to draw a conclusion about the catalytic nature of the policy, which means the minimum role of the state in the development of cooperation between enterprises and determining the development strategy. The experience of cluster initiatives in Russia is rather small, since more attention is currently paid to extensive development rather than intensive. In most cases, the government plays the role of an intermediary, facilitating the establishment of contacts between enterprises capable of forming a cluster, rather than coordinating internal processes and controlling stable growth. It should be noted that most of the clusters are formed on the initiative of the authorities, and not the enterprises themselves, which allows us to conclude that the practice of clusters is underdeveloped and that enterprises are weakly interested in the formation of associations.

Among the criteria for the effectiveness of a cluster in many regional development programs, the definition of the growth rate of labor productivity, the volume of investment receipts, exports, the number of new clusters, as well as the share of the budget of the subjects directed to the implementation of cluster projects are indicated. However, there are no specific numerical indicators in most of the programs considered, which significantly complicates the identification of the results of the implemented activities.

Thus, the analysis made it possible to identify the most characteristic features of the cluster policy in Russia. First, on the basis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that there is a significant amount of work that was carried out to draw up programs for the development of entities and cluster projects. However, the indisputable fact is that in the theoretical base, foreign experience is presented in a small volume, that is, the most modern and innovative components of cluster policy are not reflected. The fact that the initiative to create a cluster in most cases comes "from above", that is, from regional authorities, which does not imply the stimulation of cluster initiatives, but their artificial, mechanical creation, also testifies to the inconsistency with the demands of the time. In many European countries, the practice of encouraging the creation of cluster projects by the enterprises themselves is increasingly used, the most promising of which receive funding on a competitive basis. Such a procedure contributes to the natural identification of the most competitive industries and the creation of cluster associations at the initiative of the enterprises themselves, whose internal motivation and interest will significantly increase the efficiency of functioning and the pace of development.

The lack of a directive nature of the creation of clusters is aggravated by an insufficiently developed monitoring system, which provides only partial control over the activities of clusters and the pace of development. The most common numerical indicator of the effectiveness of cluster policy is the number of clusters, rather than the degree of their development and the share of the industry market. It is important to note that effective monitoring plays an important role in determining the strengths and weaknesses of cluster policy, and therefore for the development prospects and increasing the number of competitive advantages.

5. conclusions

The analyzes of approaches to understanding cluster policy, as well as the examples considered, allow us to conclude that the mechanism for creating and stimulating clusters is underdeveloped. Despite the developed programs to improve competitiveness, the declarative nature of most of the theses does not contribute to the significant development of cluster projects in Russia. However, it should be noted that the current attempts to create Cluster Development Centers are the first step towards the formation of cluster initiatives at the enterprise level and an important milestone in the process of forming Russia's cluster policy. Shifting the focus of government attention from the initiative to create clusters to stimulating it can change the structure of the country's cluster policy and give a powerful impetus to the development of competitiveness at the global level.

In addition, significant simplifications were identified in the system for monitoring the effectiveness of clusters, which contribute to a slowdown in growth and impede the realization of the benefits of entities. Greater control over the implementation of cluster projects and the results of their implementation will provide information on the strengths and weaknesses of industry associations, and therefore predict possible difficulties and maximize the potential of the cluster.

Thus, for the most effective implementation of cluster policy and ensuring a high level of competitiveness, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the emergence of cluster initiatives and monitoring of their activities, as well as to promote the use of foreign experience. At present, the cluster policy of Russia is not sufficiently developed, however, there are all the prerequisites for effective development and ensuring competitiveness at a level that meets the needs of the time.

Bibliographic list
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  2. Gallyamova D. Cluster policy as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the regional economy // Ekonomichny chasopis-XXI. - 2014. - No. 03-04 (1. - S. 12-15.
  3. Methodological recommendations for the implementation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (signed by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.N. Klepach dated 26.12.2008 No. 20636-AK / D19).
  4. Borisenko O.K. Cluster development of regions of Russia // Vestnik MGTU. - 2012. - T. 15. - No. 1. - S. 143-148.
  5. Pilipenko I. V. Conducting cluster policy in Russia / Appendix 6 to the 2008 Annual Economic Report of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia" "Strategy 2020": from the economy of "directives" to the economy of "incentives" [Electronic resource] // Access mode: URL: http: // www. biblio-globus. ru / docs / Annex_6. pdf. - 2012.
  6. Decree of the Government of the Samara region dated 01.12.2014 No. 734 "On amendments to the decree of the Government of the Samara region dated 14.11.2013 No. 622" On approval of the state program of the Samara region "Creating favorable conditions for investment and innovation in the Samara region" for 2014 - 2018 "

In scientific developments, we are talking about the cluster policy of two generations. Cluster policy first generation consists in the implementation by federal and regional authorities of measures to identify clusters, determine the field of activity of firms forming clusters, create state bodies to support clusters and implement a general policy for maintaining clusters in the country and the region.

Cluster policy second generation is based on an individual approach to the development problems of each cluster separately. At the same time, regional authorities can carry out the following activities:

  • 1) create platforms for dialogue between various cluster participants;
  • 2) to diversify local demand by placing government orders with local companies; 3) improve the qualifications of the local labor force through the implementation of programs of additional education and retraining of personnel; 4) create a brand of the region to attract foreign investment.

According to the role of the state, four types of cluster policy are distinguished:

  • 1) catalytic, when regional authorities facilitate the interaction of stakeholders (for example, private companies and research organizations), but provide limited financial support for the implementation of the project;
  • 2) supporting, in which, along with the catalytic function of regional authorities, investments are made in regional infrastructure, education, training and marketing;
  • 3) directive, when the supporting function is supplemented by conducting special programs aimed at transforming the specialization of regions through the development of clusters;
  • 4) interventionist, in which the regional authorities, along with the implementation of the directive function, take over from the private sector the responsibility for making decisions on the further development of clusters and through transfers, subsidies, restrictions or regulation, as well as active control over firms in the cluster, form its specialization.

At the same time, the researchers noticed a trend; the closer the authorities are to the regional cluster, the more intensively they pursue the cluster policy.

Along with the cluster policy pursued by the authorities, there are also cluster initiatives - programs to stimulate the development of clusters offered by local business associations. A cluster initiative is an organized attempt to increase the growth rate and create a competitive cluster in a specific region, involving cluster firms, government and / or research institutions in the process.

The directions of cluster policy are largely determined by the fact that regional clusters are formed independently as a result of the spatial manifestation of market forces and are mainly the concentration of small and medium-sized enterprises. In other words, it is impossible to create a cluster from scratch and force firms to interact with each other if it is not profitable for them. A cluster can appear, for example, on the basis of an already functioning technopark. Its development can be facilitated by the provision of information and marketing services by regional authorities, the promotion of cluster products to international markets, etc.

Thus, among the directions of the cluster policy, the following can be distinguished:

  • identification and monitoring of the situation of formation and development of regional clusters;
  • support of cluster initiatives aimed at achieving effective cooperation of organizations;
  • formation of communication platforms for potential participants of territorial clusters, including through their integration into the process of developing and discussing strategies for territorial development; facilitating the exchange of experience between regions on the formation of cluster policy;
  • promoting the consolidation of cluster members, implementing programs to facilitate the entry of cluster enterprises into foreign markets; conducting joint marketing research and advertising campaigns, implementing an educational policy agreed with the main representatives of the cluster, providing opportunities for communication and cooperation of enterprises and research and educational institutions;
  • development of information, communication and market infrastructure in the regions;
  • development of engineering infrastructure;
  • the formation of an institutional environment for the development of territorial economic clusters;
  • development of a competitive environment in domestic markets.

Cluster policy areas include the organization of networking between research organizations and the manufacturing sector through the implementation of research programs for the benefit of several clients in “knowledge centers” B or “virtual institutes”; development of research programs by representatives of the manufacturing sector; joint research programs; partial financing of research by companies in exchange for the rights to its results; advisory boards made up of representatives from the manufacturing sector.

  • See, for example: IV Pilipenko. Cluster policy [App. 6] // Results of 2006 and the future of the Russian economy: potential of the non-resource sector: report of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia" / B. Yu. Titov, A. V. Danilov-Danilyan. M., 2007 URL: http://www.docme.ru/doc/1835/pr06-pilipenko
  • Solved O., Lindquist G 'Ketels Ch. The Cluster Initiative Greenbook. The CompetitivenessВ Institute / VINNOVA. Gothenburg 2003; Andersson T., Hansson E., Serger S. S., Soivik J. The Cluster Policies Whitebook. Malmo: IKED, 2004.

S. N. Kotlyarova

formation of cluster policy in the regions of russia1

The problems of legal regulation of cluster development in the Russian Federation and at the regional level are considered. The main regulations governing the formation and development of clusters have been systematized. The conclusion is made about the weak development of the regions' own regulatory framework and the use by the regions of generally federal approaches to the formation of cluster policy. The practice of clustering the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is generalized. The prerequisites for the formation of clusters in the regions and their subsequent development are highlighted. The comparison of approaches to the formation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out, the features of the territories are highlighted in terms of determining the types of clusters and measures of state support for their formation. The main reasons for the development of regional clusters are formulated: building according to the type of a dominant firm; mutually beneficial cooperation of cluster members; active support from state and regional authorities (public-private partnership and personal participation of the regional leadership); initiative from below.

Key words: cluster, regional development, the concept of cluster development, cluster policy

One of the most effective solutions to the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the economy is the implementation of measures of state support for the formation and development of clusters. The instrument for the implementation of these activities is the cluster policy, approved at the state or regional level.

The creation of a cluster model of the economy, involving the creation of an optimal combination of competition and cooperation, is one of the promising areas in regional development. In the Russian Federation, the clustering process develops, as a rule, spontaneously and spontaneously, at the initiative of the regions or individual large companies.

Today, many regions of the Russian Federation not only plan to create and develop clusters on their territory, but also believe that they already exist.

The prerequisites for the formation of clusters and their subsequent development are:

1. Scientific potential: the presence of world-class scientists, large scientific centers, university and factory science. This is especially true of the conditions for creating innovative clusters.

1 The article was prepared with the financial support of the project No. 12-P-7-1001 "New tools and methods for forecasting the innovative and technological development of regions", carried out within the framework of the Basic Research Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 34.

2. The innovative potential of the territory (the presence of a developed innovative infrastructure).

3. The political prerequisite is the leadership's determination to develop innovative activities as one of the strategic priorities in the region (which should be enshrined in strategic documents for the development of the territory, the development of cluster documents).

4. Institutional prerequisites (the status of a science city of the Russian Federation, support from the federal budget and various funds, federal and regional support for the idea of ​​forming clusters).

5. Initiative from below (interest of enterprises - potential cluster members).

The problem of the need to form clusters in the Russian economy was first voiced in 2005. Thus, the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015 identified the tasks of modernizing the economy in the form of stimulating demand for innovations and the results of scientific research, creating conditions and prerequisites for the formation of sustainable scientific and industrial cooperation ties, innovation networks and clusters.

In the Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation for the Medium Term (2006-2008) as one

from the ways of mobilizing the available resources of economic growth in the regions for a dynamic, increasing competitiveness and diversification of the regional economy, the development of industrial clusters is determined.

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 defines the formation of new centers of socio-economic development as the main direction of economic development through the creation of a network of territorial-production clusters that realize the competitive potential of territories. At the federal level, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation acts as the coordinator for the implementation of cluster policy in the regions.

In 2008, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia adopted the Concept of cluster policy in the country and developed "Methodological recommendations for the implementation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation", which defines the main directions of assistance to the development of clusters, implemented by government and local authorities; a system of measures for the implementation of cluster policy; mechanisms of financial support for the implementation of cluster policy at the federal level.

The implementation of cluster policy should stimulate innovation, foreign direct investment and economic growth in regions with potential clusters. The concept of cluster policy consists of three main blocks: departmental support for clusters, measures to develop the competitiveness of cluster members, and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of clusters.

At the federal level, a number of mechanisms have been formed to provide flexible funding for cluster development activities. So, for example, the provision of federal budget funds envisaged for state support of small business on a competitive basis are regulated by the relevant rules that determine the possibility of providing subsidies to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to finance the activities provided for in the corresponding regional program. This mechanism creates opportunities for flexible use of financial support for entities

Russian Federation in order to implement a wide range of cluster projects.

In a number of regions, separate programs for the development of clusters are being adopted or organizational structures for their development are being created. However, there is a problem of insufficient elaboration of regulations governing cluster policy.

Thus, the formation of clusters is mainly envisaged in the laws governing general issues of socio-economic development: in the laws that approve strategies for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the republics of Mordovia, North Ossetia, Chuvash; Krasnodar, Primorsky Territories; Voronezh, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Samara, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk and other regions); programs of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the republics of Tatarstan, Buryatia, Udmurt; Rostov, Sverdlovsk, Tambov, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Voronezh, Chelyabinsk and other regions); concepts (Pskov Region, Stavropol Territory).

In the Republic of Tatarstan, the program "Development and deployment of the productive forces of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the cluster approach until 2020 and for the period until 2030" automotive industry), as well as in the educational complex on the territory of the republic.

The formation of clusters is also provided for in the laws governing the development of small and medium-sized businesses (Moscow, Orenburg, Murmansk, Tula regions) in terms of providing financial and credit support to small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in industrial clusters.

The laws on industrial policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation also contain a number of provisions governing the formation of clusters. In particular, in the law "On industrial policy in the Orenburg region" non-financial measures of state support for industrial entities include providing conditions for the creation of industrial clusters, stimulating the development of a network of innovative infrastructure and infrastructure of services for industrial enterprises.

The formation of clusters in certain industries is reflected in separate regulations. For example, the creation of tourist clusters is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10/14/2010 No. 833 "On the creation of a tourist cluster in the North Caucasian Federal District, Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea"; in the Republic of Buryatia, a concept for the development of tourism has been adopted under the title "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Republic of Buryatia for 2011-2016." The main goal of the program is to form and improve the competitiveness of the Tourism cluster. The formation of tourist and recreational zones and tourist clusters is enshrined in the Regional Target Program "Development of Tourism in the Sverdlovsk Region for 2011-2016". In the Yaroslavl region, by a decree of the regional government, a coordination council was created for the creation and development of a tourist and recreational cluster.

The creation of pharmaceutical clusters is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2011 No. 91 "On the federal target program 'Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and beyond" "," Concept of creating a pharmaceutical cluster in St. Petersburg ”.

Proposals for measures for the development of automotive clusters are contained in the Strategy for the Development of the Automotive Industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. At present, three key automotive clusters have practically formed: 1) Privolzhsky (Togliatti - Samara, Naberezhnye Chelny - SEZ "Alabuga", Ulyanovsk, - Nizhny Novgorod); 2) Central (Moscow - Kaluga, Vladimir); 3) North-West (St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod - Pskov).

The formation of an agro-industrial cluster is laid down in the strategic documents of the Altai Territory, where the grain cluster is the most formed and prepared for development in the new conditions and there are conditions for creating a dairy cluster, as well as the Stavropol Territory.

The application of cluster policy is regulated by the laws on innovation activity

a number of subjects of the Russian Federation. In particular, in the Law "On the policy of the Novosibirsk region in the field of development of the innovation system" one of the tasks is the formation and development of scientific, industrial and technological clusters on the basis of scientific, technical and innovative programs and projects. The law "On innovative activities in the Altai Territory", adopted by the resolution of the Altai Regional Council of People's Deputies dated 07.09.2006 No. 453, states the need to promote the formation and development of clusters, including in the science cities of the Russian Federation located in the Altai Territory.

The cluster policy is more broadly reflected in the programs and strategies of innovative development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Cluster policy mechanisms are present in the innovation strategies of the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions; the innovation-cluster scenario of socio-economic development is laid down in the Strategy for the Development of Innovation Activity in the Kamchatka Territory. In the long-term regional target program "Development of innovative activities in the Voronezh region for 2011-2015", the development of innovative industrial clusters is designated as one of the main tasks. The regional target program for the development of innovative activities in the Samara region for 2009-2015 sets the main goals for the development of territorial-production clusters, high-tech sectors of the economy on the basis of the introduction of innovative technologies.

In the last two years, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have begun to develop and adopt their own concepts of cluster policy.

One of the pioneers of cluster development is St. Petersburg, which developed a draft resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg "On the foundations of the cluster policy of St. Petersburg for 2010-2015", which was sent to the Ministry of Economic Development and received an official positive response. A pharmaceutical cluster has been created and is functioning in St. Petersburg, the development of which is one of the priority areas of the government's work. The creation of pharmaceutical clusters is regulated by the Federal Target Program "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020

and further perspective ", the Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg" On the Concept of creating a pharmaceutical cluster in St. Petersburg. " Since the creation of the pharmaceutical cluster of St. Petersburg in 2010, 11 domestic and foreign companies have been its residents, which have initiated investment projects to create laboratory complexes, research centers and pharmaceutical industries with a total investment of more than 29 billion rubles.

In the Yaroslavl Region, the concept of cluster policy until 2015 has been approved and is in effect, according to which it is planned to create 3-5 promising clusters on the territory of the region, organize 5-7 industrial parks and large investment sites with the necessary infrastructure, increase the volume of investments in fixed assets by 2015 50%, develop up to 10 regional investment projects and attract co-financing for their implementation from Russian development institutions, increase the share of production of end products that are competitive at the Russian and international level.

The cluster of the pharmaceutical industry and modern innovative medicine on the territory of the Yaroslavl Region has been developing since July 2009. The initiative to create a pharmaceutical cluster in the Yaroslavl Region immediately received the support of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Following the consultations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade included the Yaroslavl Region in the Pharma-2020 Strategy as one of the priority regions for the development of the modern pharmaceutical industry. At the initial stage of its formation, it was only about two industries; by mid-2011, six large companies had already started implementing their projects in the Yaroslavl land. These are Nycomed, R-Pharm, NTpharma, Farmoslavl, Vitafarma, Bentus Laboratories. Today this list has been expanded by TEVA Pharmaceutical Enterprises Limited.

Since the adoption of the regional government decree "On the coordination council for the creation and development of a tourist and recreational cluster in the Yaroslavl region" dated August 14, 2009 No. 850-p, which approved the position and composition of the council under the leadership of the regional governor, the countdown of the implementation of the class has begun.

thorny policy in the field of tourism. The tourist and recreational cluster was created with the aim of increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the tourism industry of the Yaroslavl region, rational use of the cultural and natural heritage of the region.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, the Concept of Cluster Development of the Sectors of the Economy and Social Sphere for 2011-2015 was approved (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 925 dated 23.11.2010), the purpose of implementing the cluster policy is to increase the competitiveness of the Tatarstan economy based on its modernization and diversification.

In the Moscow region on June 21, 2011, a resolution was approved "On the draft law of the Moscow region" On Amendments to the Law of the Moscow Region "On the Investment Policy of the Moscow Region Government Bodies", according to which the participation of the Moscow Region government bodies in the creation and development of industrial districts, special economic zones and other development areas.

In Moscow, the “Concept of the Moscow City Cluster Policy in the Sphere of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses” has been developed to ensure the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses.

Stimulating the creation of clusters in the Republic of Bashkortostan is one of the priority areas of the socio-economic policy of the region. The republic adopted the document "Cluster policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan", which defines program-targeted measures for the implementation of cluster policy in the region. The republic also has an action plan for the implementation of the Cluster Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan until 2012.

The Kamchatka Territory has developed a draft regional law "On cluster policy in the Kamchatka Territory", which is an appendix to the regional development strategy until 2025.

In the Voronezh region there is a Departmental target program "Formation and development of cluster formations in the Voronezh region in 2011-2013". The goal of the program is to create favorable conditions for the effective formation and development of cluster formations in the industrial com-

plexus of the Voronezh region. The regional government proposes activities aimed at the formation of sectoral clusters in the industry of the region: in the field of oil and gas and chemical engineering, electromechanics, aircraft and radio-electronic industries.

Automotive clusters are an example of successfully developing clusters.

The Samara-Togliatti automobile cluster, known since Soviet times, is located in the Samara region. The automotive industry is one of the backbone industries in the region, in which about 40% of the production volume, 40% of the employed, 65% of the fixed assets of the industry, 25% of R&D costs, and 20% of exports are concentrated. The Samara automotive cluster includes AvtoVAZ (Renault), GM-AvtoVAZ, 700 component manufacturers, more than 300 organizations in the field of cooperation, 2 million people employed in the industry. Thus, the Volga automobile cluster refers to clusters built like a dominant firm, around which suppliers and consumers of products are united.

A similar type of industrial cluster for the production of household appliances was formed in the Lipetsk region on the basis of Indesit International CJSC (an enterprise with 100% foreign capital). Indesit International CJSC is the largest European manufacturer with a full cycle of production of refrigerators and washing machines. The industrial cluster includes small and medium-sized enterprises of the Lipetsk region for the production of components for "white equipment". At present, 12 enterprises of the Lipetsk region participate in the supply of components for CJSC Indesit International. This cluster also includes the Indesit Company, which was opened in October 2005 - the first logistics center for household appliances in Russia, which is also the largest in Europe in its sector. The logistics center is located on an area of ​​55 hectares and serves for storage and distribution across the CIS of the entire product range of Indesit Company with a total amount of 3.0 million pieces per year. In the future, the Italian side is considering the possibility of organizing the production of kitchen stoves in the Lipetsk region.

Thus, both the Samara automotive cluster and the Lipetsk cluster for the production of household appliances are examples of the formation of clusters around dominant firms.

End product manufacturers. The role of large companies (especially at the stage of cluster formation) is to “connect” potential cluster members.

Another example of a successfully developing cluster is Kaluga, where a cluster for the production of cars and auto components is actively developing, the core of which is Volkswagen, Volvo Truck, the Peugeot Citroen alliance and Mitsubishi Motors.

Along with the automotive cluster, four more innovative clusters are being created in the Kaluga Region: biopharmaceutical, nuclear technology and radio medicine, production of new materials, and nanotechnology. To coordinate this activity, JSC "Agency for Innovative Development

Center for Cluster Development of the Kaluga Region ". The departmental target program “Comprehensive development of the innovation system of the Kaluga Region” was adopted. An important task in this work is also the interaction of the Kaluga Region with the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies State Corporation and the Skolkovo Foundation. The region has created the main elements of the innovation infrastructure - five business incubators, a technology transfer network, a venture fund, three centers for the collective use of instruments and equipment and two innovative and technological.

In the Ulyanovsk region, the direction of the cluster policy development is actively supported. Thus, by the decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region "On the approval of the regional target program" Ulyanovsk - the aviation capital "for 2009-2011" dated September 23, 2009 No. 35/342-P, a project was implemented to create an aviation cluster "Ulyanovsk-Avia", a regional target the program "Ulyanovsk - the aviation capital" for 2009-2011. "The aviation cluster in this document is defined as a group of interconnected companies (suppliers, manufacturers, etc.) and related organizations (educational institutions, infrastructure companies) operating in the field of aviation industry and complementary to each other.

There are now 19 enterprises and organizations in the region. The successful results of the region's aviation cluster provide a positive example for the possibility of forming clusters in other industries. In particular, work is underway to prepare a project to create an automobile cluster in Ulyanovsk, which is at the stage of approval. The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant will become the center of the automotive cluster. The other most important components of the cluster will be the Dimitrovgrad Automotive Aggregate Plant (one of the main suppliers of VAZ) and more than 70 enterprises engaged in the production of automotive components, including the Ulyanovsk Motor Plant and Avtodetalservice, as well as educational institutions (UlGU, UlSTU, technical schools) that train personnel for the automotive industry.

The unification of small and medium-sized enterprises on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation and the formation of clusters on this basis is the experience of the functioning of the Altai Biopharmaceutical Cluster (ABFC). The project of creating a biopharmaceutical cluster with a center in the science city of Biysk is due to the fact that a number of enterprises in the city are focused on the production of pharmaceuticals, have extensive research experience and stable relationships with suppliers of raw materials. The structure of the ABFC from the point of view of the nature of the activities of its enterprises corresponds to the European poles of competitiveness: scientific organizations, educational and industrial organizations with the active participation and support of city and regional authorities.

One of the actual examples of the formation and functioning of clusters in the Russian Federation is the creation of a flax cluster in the Vologda region. Flax producers received the official cluster status after a meeting of the State Council in Ivanovo on June 20, 2008, when four pilot projects for the development of flax production were formed: in the Vologda, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Ivanovo regions. In the Vologda region, a long-term target program "Development of the flax complex of the Vologda region for 2009-2012" was formed.

The basis and locomotive of the cluster forming in Vologda today is the plant, which has been operating at two sites since 2008.

kakh: in Vologda (fabrics of basic weaves) and Krasavino (jacquard fabrics). Horizontal integration, typical for the cluster, around a large industrial core of suppliers of raw materials, small companies, service, manufacturing (applied materials, accessories), trade and logistics firms, homeworkers, tradesmen, vocational educational institutions can give the Vologda Oblast thousands of new jobs. And the participants of the Russian market of the fashion and home textiles industry can benefit from the developed market infrastructure, which they are used to dealing with when buying goods in Italy or placing production orders in Turkey and China.

Another factor in the success of cluster development is public-private partnership. The aggregate investment budget of the Vologda linen project in 2008-2013 (before the development of production capacity) exceeds 6.5 billion rubles. The State Development Institute should contribute 3.23 billion rubles to it, the region - 2.354, private investors - 0.9. At the first stage (through November 2010) federal subsidies amounted to 45 million rubles. (14 - for the agricultural sector, 31 - for textiles). Regional funds (including contributions to the authorized capital of Vologda Textile OJSC, more than 60% of whose shares belong to the region) - 1.7 billion rubles. (of which 1.2 billion went to textiles). Private investments amounted to RUB 967 million. ...

Another driver of the development of this cluster is the human factor. In our country, he dominates technology, trends, techniques, laws and regulations. The Vologda governor became the initiator and soul of this project, thanks to his will, perseverance and common sense, and the cluster mechanism began to spin up in the region.

In the Sverdlovsk region, a project of the regional cluster policy has been developed, which is currently undergoing approval.

The Sverdlovsk Region is the center of concentration of information technology manufacturing companies and higher educational institutions that produce specialists in demand on the market. And here you can see an example of clusters created on the initiative from below - these are 1T and pharmaceutical clusters.

The 1T cluster was initially positioned as an association of software companies producing a circulated product. There are about a hundred of them in the region, their turnover is small. But in 2011, the strategy changed: equipment manufacturers were allowed into the cluster, and several large companies operate in this segment in the Sverdlovsk region. Within the framework of the cluster, working groups have already been created (to work with start-ups, schoolchildren, universities, clients), educational events are periodically held, a mentor club has been created, areas have been identified that, at a reduced price, should mainly be received by small IT companies.

In 2010, the Ural pharmaceutical cluster was created, which is a complex of enterprises and companies united with the aim of forming a high-tech complex of interconnected industries in the region for the development, production and sale of modern medicines, medical equipment and high quality medical products. Currently, the cluster members are the Yunona holding, scientific institutions (Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections), innovative companies (Skolkovo Innovation Fund, Ural Center for Biopharmaceutical Technologies LLC, Ural Medical Nuclear Center LLC - residents of Skolkovo), financial institutions (GC Vnesheconombank), trade-purchasing and service companies (LLC Pharmaceuticals, LLC Splav-2) and, of course, basic enterprises - manufacturers of pharmaceutical and medical products (LLC Medsintez Plant, Dizet Plant LLC, Berezovsky Pharmaceutical Plant CJSC, Pharmaceutical Factory OJSC, Kopeysk). The cluster is an open structure, all applications for membership are considered without exception. The peculiarity of the project is that it can become interregional. Today, negotiations are underway to locate new industries and laboratories in the Chelyabinsk Region: in Ozersk (construction of a medical technopark, research clinic, production of dialysis filters) and Kopeisk (appearance of a laboratory at the site of the Kopeisk Pharmaceutical Factory and production of new drugs).

However, it is questioned that the declared chemical cluster is actually a cluster. At this stage, in fact, it fits into the investment program of the Uralchimplast holding (although the authorities imply the creation of a mythical second stage at a new infrastructure site).

But even in those projects where there is a community of enterprises, sometimes the main feature of a cluster is lacking - competition. It is she who requires an increase in production efficiency and product quality, which gives rise to the need for innovation. And the authorities are striving to create a technological chain similar to the Soviet territorial-industrial complexes - several enterprises producing non-overlapping end products with a network of contractors-suppliers.

In other regions, the situation with the creation of clusters and information about them is worse. Basically, all projects are just general words, without specific numbers and action plans.

Approaches to the formation of cluster policy in the regions are different. The current existence of relations associated with the creation and development of clusters of enterprises is confirmed by the fact that this term is actively used in sectoral by-laws of the Russian Federation.

In the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (letter dated December 26, 2008, No. 20615-AK / D19), the concept of a territorial cluster is used - an association of enterprises, suppliers of equipment, components, specialized production and service services, research and educational organizations connected by relations of territorial proximity and functional dependence in the production and sale of goods and services. Moreover, clusters can be located on the territory of one or several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The same definition is contained in the concept of cluster policy of the Russian Federation, however, it is used to define a territorial production cluster.

The trends in the creation and development of clusters of enterprises on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are reflected in the regional legislation. The documents on the formation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation apply

the concept of a cluster, which is understood as a set of economic entities of a related profile, interconnected and complementary to each other, closely located and contributing to the overall development and growth of each other's competitiveness.

The main goal of the implementation of cluster policy at the level of the Russian Federation is to ensure high rates of economic growth and diversification of the economy by increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, suppliers of equipment, components, specialized production and service services, research and educational organizations that form territorial production clusters. In the documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as a rule, the goal of cluster policy is to increase the competitiveness of the economic entities themselves - participants in clusters and the economy of the region as a whole. Competitiveness in the constituent entities will be achieved through the creation of conditions for the formation and development of clusters (Sverdlovsk, Yaroslavl regions), based on the modernization and diversification of the economy (the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan), in addition to increasing competitiveness in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the task is also to develop the innovative potential of enterprises and individual industries. , small and medium business.

In regional concepts of cluster policy to determine the types of clusters. At the federal level, taking into account the industry specifics, the following types of clusters are distinguished: discrete, process, innovative and “creative”, tourist, transport and logistics, mixed clusters. A similar approach to identifying regional clusters is used in the Republic of Tatarstan and St. Petersburg. In the Sverdlovsk region, clusters are proposed to be grouped according to the level of development (functional, latent and potential) and for each type to form their own special methods and forms of state support. In the Republic of Bashkortostan, a different approach is used to distinguish groups of clusters - from the point of view of priority directions of cluster policy and forms of support, the following types of clusters are proposed for creation: industrial regions; radial, "satellite", state clusters. For each type

clusters are offered special cluster policy efforts and support mechanisms.

Identifying clusters and using them to stimulate innovative development are characteristic of the cluster policy of the Leningrad Region. In St. Petersburg, there are 9 main clusters: power engineering, shipbuilding and ship repair, food, transport, tourism, woodworking, software and information technology, optical instrumentation, metallurgy.

The approaches to measures to support cluster development in the regions are also different, although they correspond to the main directions of promoting the development of clusters stated in federal documents:

1. Promotion of institutional development of clusters.

2. Development of mechanisms for supporting projects aimed at increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and promoting the effectiveness of their interaction.

3. Ensuring the formation of favorable conditions for the development of clusters.

As already noted, in the Sverdlovsk Oblast and the Republic of Bashkortostan, forms of support for cluster initiatives have been developed for various types of clusters. At the same time, Bashkortostan offers activities aimed at increasing the competitiveness of cluster companies in foreign markets and developing cooperation within the cluster itself. And in the Sverdlovsk region, support measures are different depending on the level of cluster development and their sectoral orientation. In the Yaroslavl Region, an emphasis is placed on creating conditions for the formation of promising (pilot) clusters.

Thus, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the processes of forming a cluster policy are underway, however, there is a problem of insufficient elaboration of normative acts that regulate it. In most regions, the cluster policy is reflected in the strategic and program documents for the development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as separate mechanisms for the formation and support of cluster initiatives are present in various kinds of regulations governing innovation and investment development, industrial policy, etc. And only a few constituent entities of the Russian Federation went along the way

development of their own concepts of cluster policy, which use federal approaches to its formation with a

the peculiarities of a particular territory in terms of determining the types of clusters and measures of state support for their formation.

List of sources

1. Bugrova EA Linen cluster: affordable luxury // Light industry market. - 2010. - No. 82. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://rustm.net/catalog/article/1908.html (date accessed: 11.12.2011).

2. Burlyansky SV, Sinitsyn AO Industrial clusters in the Ulyanovsk region // Regionology. - 2011. - No. 3. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://regionsar.ru/node/767 (date of access: 21.01.2012).

3. Ermak C. Bunches of meaning // Expert Ural. - 2011. - No. 12 (459). [Electronic resource]. URL: http: //www.expert-ural. com / 1-482-9778 (date accessed: 10/23/2011).

4. Lavrikova Yu. G. Conceptual framework and practice of the implementation of the cluster approach in the regions of Russia // Regional economy. Theory and practice. - 2008. - No. 22. - S. 21-31.

5. Methodological recommendations for the implementation of cluster policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Approved. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation December 26, 2008 No. 20615-ak / d19). [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.economy.samregion.ru/ klaster_rossia / npa_klaster_ros / metod_klaster_ros (date of access: 12.12.2011).

6. Nazarov D. M., Kalayev D. V. IT-cluster as a tool for reducing the risks of an innovative economy // News of the Ural State University of Economics. - 2011. - T. 35, No. 3. - S. 85-89.

7. Petrov AP, Petrov AA The concept of the formation of the Ural pharmaceutical cluster // Economy of the region. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 213-220.

8. Romanova OA, Lavrikova Yu. G. Potential of cluster development of the region's economy // Problems of forecasting. - 2008. - No. 4. - S. 56-70.

9. Tatarkin AI Industrial policy as a basis for systemic modernization of the Russian economy // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. - 2008. - No. 19. - S. 5-17.

Kotlyarova Svetlana Nikolaevna (Yekaterinburg) - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (620014, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya str., 29, e-mail: [email protected]).

S. N. Kotlyarova

Formation of cluster policy in Russian regions1

This paper deals with the problems of legal regulation of cluster development in the Russian Federation at the regional level. Basic regulations governing the formation and development of clusters were put in a system. It is concluded that own regulatory regions, and regions using mainly general federal approach to the formation of cluster policy are poorly developed. The practice of clustering of the Russian Federation was generalized. Prerequisites for the formation of clusters in the regions and their subsequent development were identified. A comparison of approaches to the formation of cluster policy in the Russian Federation was made, particularities in the areas of the clusters were highlighted and the types of state support for their formation were determined. The basic reasons for the development of regional clusters are: construction of the type of dominant firms, mutual cooperation of cluster members, active support from government and regional authorities (public-private partnerships and personal involvement of management in the region) and bottom-up approach.

Keywords: cluster, regional development, concept of cluster development, cluster policy

1. Bugrova E. A. (2010). L "nyanoyklaster: dostupnayaroskosh". Rynok legkoy promyshlen-nosti, 82. Available at: http://rustm.net/catalog/article/1908.html (accessed on 12/11/2011).

2. Burlyanskiy S. V., Sinitsyn A. O. (2011). Promyshlennye klastery v Ul "yanovskoy oblasti. Regionologiya, 3. Available at: http://regionsar.ru/node/767 (accessed on 21.01.2012).

3. Ermak C. (2011). Grozd "ya smysla. Ekspert Ural, 12 (459). Available at: http: //www.expert-ural. Com / 1-482-9778 (accessed on 10/23/2011).

4. Lavrikova Yu. G. (2008). Kontseptual "nye osnovy i praktika realizatsii klasternogo podkhoda v regionakh Rossii. Regional" naya ekonomika. Teoriya i praktika, 22, 21-31.

5. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po realizatsi iklasternoy politiki v sub "ektakh Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Utv. Minekonom-razvitiya RF 26.12.2008 No. 20615-ak / d19. Available at: http://www.economysamregion.ru/klaster_ rossaster_ros / npa_kldros (accessed on 12.12.2011).

6. Nazarov D. M., Kalaev D. V. (2011). IT-klaster kak instrument snizheniya riskov innovatsionnoy ekonomiki. Bulletin of the Ural State University of Economics, vol. 35, 3, 85-89.

7. Petrov A. P., Petrov A. A. (2011). Kontseptsiya formirovaniya ural "skogo farmatsevticheskogo klastera. Ekonomika regiona, 2, 213-220.

8. Romanova O. A., Lavrikova Yu. G. (2008). Potentsial klasternogo razvitiya ekonomiki regiona. Problemy prognozirovaniya, 4, 56-70.

9. Tatarkin A. I. (2008). Promyshlennaya politika kak osnova sistemnoy modernizatsii ekonomiki Rossii. Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University, 19, 5-17.

Information about the author

Kotlyarova Svetlana Nikolaevna (Yekaterinburg, Russia) - PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor, senior research scientist, Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (620014, Yekaterinburg, Moskovskaya st., 29, e-mail: [email protected]).

UDC 325.1 (470.54)

E. V. Nekrasova

optimization of internal migration as a mechanism for solving the problems of single-industry towns in the Sverdlovsk region1

The problems of single-industry towns and the ways of their solution are considered. The analysis of the internal mobility of the Russian population is carried out on the basis of sociological research by the Gallup Institute and the Institute for International Family Studies. The necessity to optimize the commuting between the territories of the municipal level to solve the problems of single-industry towns has been substantiated. A mathematical model has been developed for the problem of optimizing migration flows between municipal-level territories for commuting by road. The model was tested on the example of six typical representative single-industry towns of the Sverdlovsk region (Revdinsky district, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, the cities of Krasnoturinsk, Krasnouralsk, Serov, Sukhoi Log). Taking into account the current situation on the labor market and the future demand for labor, the division of the considered municipalities in the territory of employment and departure of migrants was made. An optimal plan of employment in the territories of monotowns of the Sverdlovsk region has been built, for the implementation of which a traffic pattern from north to south of the Sverdlovsk region has been developed with the organization of a transfer hub in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Key words: single-industry town, internal mobility of the population, commuting, optimization problem, employment plan

Currently, 70% of cities in the Sverdlovsk region are single-industry, 44% of the population live on their territory. The reduction in demand for the products of metallurgical and machine-building enterprises in 2008 led to a decrease in the profitability of the

1 This work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for the Humanities (No. 12-32-01201a2 "Modeling of internal and external migration flows in the regions of Russia: factors of influence and optimization of development").

production, the forced layoffs of personnel, the curtailment of investment and social programs, the stagnation of the cities of the Sverdlovsk region, which specialize in it.

Mass unemployment in monotowns has its own sad specifics. Since employment at the city-forming enterprises is almost one hundred percent, the population of single-industry towns has no choice of place of work. The solution to the problem of employment of the population of single-industry towns is possible through effective internal migration.

Oborina Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World and Regional Economy, Economic Theory
Russia, Perm National Research University
[email protected]


The purpose of the article is to improve the methodological foundations for the formation and implementation of cluster policy at the regional level. To achieve this goal, the author analyzed the experience of foreign countries in strategic planning in the field of the cluster approach, considered the main components of cluster policy, as well as the stages of formation and implementation of cluster programs, proposed a model of regional cluster policy. The practical significance lies in the possibility of application by the state authorities of the findings obtained in the course of the study for the formation and implementation of cluster policy in the region.


cluster policy, the process of developing and implementing cluster policy, principles of cluster policy, agents of cluster policy


The publication was prepared in the framework of the scientific project "The effectiveness of the cluster spatial development of the region in the conditions of the transition to an innovative economy" supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation No. 16-12-59011

Recommended link

Oborina Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Methodological foundations for the development and implementation of regional cluster policy // Regional Economics and Management: Electronic Scientific Journal... ISSN 1999-2645... -. Article number: 5226. Publication date: 2017-12-31. Access mode: https: // site / article / 5226 /

Oborina Ekaterina Dmitrievna
PHD, associate professor of the department of world and regional economy, economic theory
Russia, Perm National Research University
[email protected]


The aim of the article is to improve the methodological foundations for the formation and implementation of cluster policy at the regional level. In order to achieve this goal, the author analyzed the experience of foreign countries in strategic cluster planning, examined the main components of cluster policy, as well as the stages in the formation and implementation of cluster programs, and proposed a model for regional cluster policy ... The practical significance lies in the possibility of the government bodies applying the findings of the study to the formation and implementation of cluster policy in the region.


cluster policy, the process of developing and implementing cluster policy, the principles of cluster policy, cluster policy agents

Project finance

Article is based on research carried out with the financial support of the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund. Project "The efficiency of cluster spatial development of the region in conditions of transition to innovative economy" №16-12-59011

Suggested Citation

Oborina Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Methodological basis for the development and implementation of regional cluster policy. Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal. ... Art. # 5226. Date issued: 2017-12-31. Available at: https: // site / article / 5226 /


In the context of an unstable macroeconomic situation, maintaining the competitiveness of the national economy is one of the main goals of Russian state policy. The implementation of effective cluster programs can become one of the ways to strengthen the position of the state in the world arena and create the necessary conditions for the transition of the economy to an innovative path of development. However, today, within the framework of the Russian practice of cluster development, there are a number of problems associated with the formation and implementation of regional cluster policy. The main ones include the lack of elaboration of the regulatory, methodological and conceptual aspects of the clustering policy; imperfection of the institutional environment; weak business activity of economic entities; insufficient level of development of cooperation between government agencies, representatives of business and science. The need to improve the efficiency of the formation and implementation of domestic cluster policy at the regional level, as well as to find ways to solve the above problems, gives rise to interest in the analysis of foreign practice of cluster development of territories.

Foreign experience in the formation and implementation of cluster policy

Analysis of foreign experience shows that the methodological aspects of the formation and implementation of cluster policy are not sufficiently developed. Foreign authors, as a rule, focus on certain elements of the cluster policy.

Benner M. systematized the existing in the literature ideas about the agents of cluster policy.

Raines P., Benneworth P, Charles D., Aranguren M.J. in their works, the stages of cluster policy are distinguished.

The European Commission has determined the basic rules (principles) of cluster policy, as well as identified activities (tools) that are advisable and not advisable to implement within the framework of cluster programs.

In the works of Christensen T.A., Lämmer-Gamp T., Rosenfeld S.A. , Andersen T., Bjerre M., Hansson E. W. various classifications of indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of cluster programs are presented.

The most comprehensive view of the process of formation and implementation of cluster development programs is presented in the work "Clusters and clustering policy: a guide for regional and local policy makers", in which the authors tried to answer questions related to the need to form a cluster policy, as well as to determine basic tools and stages.

The author's approach to the development and implementation of regional cluster policy

Based on the foreign experience of cluster development and a scientific approach to policy formation, it is proposed to improve the methodological aspects of the formation and implementation of the regional cluster policy. At the regional level, it is necessary to form a specific management system for regional cluster development.

The model of this system should include the following elements (Fig. 1):

  1. which can be defined as a set of methods and ways of influencing cluster structures used by regional authorities in order to increase the efficiency of their functioning (Fig. 2). The mechanism includes the subjects of regional development management (ministries, departments, agencies); management objects (cluster companies, universities, research centers); the tools through which the subject of management influences the object to achieve the set goals (financing, creation of innovation centers, assistance in obtaining patents, etc.); management resources (material, human, financial, institutional, etc.).
  2. The process of developing and implementing cluster policy. Particular attention should be paid to the algorithm for the formation and implementation of the policy, which can be presented in the form of the following stages.

At the first stage the goals of the regional cluster policy are being defined. The main goal of the policy is to increase the competitiveness of the region's economy. The sub-goals include: the development of the social sphere through the effective use of the scientific and human potential of the region, ensuring sustainable economic growth, attracting external and internal investments. Second phase is to define the principles of cluster policy. In the third stage a comprehensive analysis of external and internal factors influencing the development of regional cluster structures is carried out.

Fig. 1.

The main factors include: the state of the institutional structure, the economic potential of the region, macroeconomic factors, factors of the international environment, in particular international technologies and features of the development of the world market, the cluster management system, the system of interaction between the participants of the cluster structure.

Fig. 2.

Fourth stage consists in identifying criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the development and implementation of cluster policy. The result of passing the stage is the formation of a system of criteria, including performance indicators of both the cluster management system and indicators of the efficiency of the functioning of cluster structures. Fifth stage is to determine the main activities through the implementation of which the main objectives of the cluster program will be achieved. The result of this stage should be the creation of a document reflecting the main provisions of the regional cluster policy. Sixth stage involves the implementation of cluster programs by all participants in cluster development. After the implementation of the cluster program, a mandatory step should be evaluation stage the effectiveness of the measures taken over a certain period of time. At the same time, it is necessary to assess both the effectiveness of the implementation of the cluster program itself and the effectiveness of the cluster policy management system, which should be represented by a certain mechanism. As a result of the assessment activities carried out, the policy is being adjusted.

  1. The principles of cluster policy. The main principles of cluster policy at the regional level include:
  • The principle of consistency, assuming that the issues of cluster development of the region should be solved systematically by all stakeholders (agents of cluster policy);
  • Principle of scientific validity implies the use in the process of formation and implementation of the regional cluster policy of the achievements of modern domestic and foreign science in the field of cluster development of territories;
  • The principle of the unity of state control assumes the presence in the region of a developed system of cluster development management bodies, as well as their active participation in the development and implementation of cluster programs at all stages;
  • The principle of consistency of interests of all agents of cluster policy determines the need to identify the interests of all interested groups of cluster development and search for ways to harmonize them;
  • The principle of the unity of public policy involves the development and implementation of a regional cluster policy based on the definition of common goals, as well as with the participation of both the state authorities of the region and federal structures, taking into account the interests of all interested parties (representatives of government agencies, business, the public);
  • The principle of social orientation associated with taking into account the interests of the society of the region in the development and implementation of cluster development programs, which are primarily associated with improving the welfare of the region, development of human and scientific potential;
  • The principle of innovation implies, on the one hand, an orientation towards the use of modern approaches in the development and implementation of cluster policy, on the other hand, the creation of conditions by regional government bodies for the development of R&D and the creation of innovations;
  • The principle of responsibility implies the assignment of rights and obligations to each participant in the cluster policy through the implementation of a model of a social contract between the state, business structures and society;
  • Feedback principle (efficiency), indicating the importance of assessing the effectiveness of regional cluster policy at all stages;
  • Funding Principle for Potentially Successful Clusters involves promoting the development of not only large regional cluster structures, but also those clusters that can achieve success in the future.
  1. Cluster Policy Agents, which include companies; government agents (ministries, departments, agencies); universities, research institutes.
  2. Key success factors. The main factors for the success of the cluster policy include the creation of a forum or platform for communication of all stakeholders in the development of the cluster; the formation of a system of private and public administration, which reflects the interests of cluster agents at various levels; awareness of the main cluster members about the problems of the cluster and its potential advantages / disadvantages for the region; the existence of previously implemented “reference” cluster policies; the ultimate goal of cluster policy is to strengthen regional competitiveness; cluster policy should be combined with other regional policies that are focused on the development of certain aspects of cluster activities; participation in the cluster policy of subjects of various administrative levels; understanding the need for cluster policy.
  3. Policy effectiveness criteria. A number of criteria can be distinguished, in particular, an institutional criterion that includes indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of regional institutions; an economic criterion, consisting of indicators of the economic activity of the structures included in the cluster and the cluster as a whole; social criterion, consisting of indicators reflecting the impact of the cluster on the development of the social sphere of the region; an innovative criterion that includes indicators of the innovative activity of cluster structures.

Table 1 presents the main components of the regional cluster development management model, as well as their relationship.

Table 1 -


The development and implementation of regional cluster policy is a continuous and sequential process that covers the entire cycle of cluster policy from the development stage to the adjustment stage. The model of regional cluster development proposed based on the analysis of foreign experience will allow solving the following tasks, namely, to establish links between all stakeholders in the implementation of cluster programs; to form a single information space; to increase the speed of decision-making in the field of cluster development; to increase the level of openness of the system of state management of the region's economy; to increase the level of loyalty of the residents of the region to the state authorities. In general, the implementation of the above measures will increase the effectiveness of regional cluster policy and, as a result, will ensure sustainable economic development of the region.

Bibliography / References

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  2. Aranguren M. J., Larrea M., Navarro, M. The Policy Process: Clusters versus Spatial Networks in the Basque Country. In C. Pitelis (Ed.): Clusters and Globalization. The Development of Urban and Regional Economies. With assistance of R. Sugden, J. R. Wilson. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006.
  3. Benner M. Clusterpolitik: Wege zur Verknüpfung von Theorie und politischer Umsetzung: Modellanhang A: Tabellen zum Modell der Clusterpolitik für die regionale und lokale Ebene, 2012 URL: http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/md/chemgeo/md/chemgeo geog / forschung / wiso_ clusters terpolitik_modellanhang_a.pdf (date accessed: 15.08.2017).
  4. Benneworth P., Charles D. Bridging Cluster Theory an Practice: Learning from the Cluster Policy Cycle. In OECD: Innovative Clusters. Drivers of National Innovation Systems, OECD, 2001.
  5. Christensen T.A., Lämmer-Gamp T. Let’s make a perfect cluster policy and cluster program. Smart recommendations for policy makers. Berlin / Copenhagen, VDI / VDE, Innovation + Technik GmbH, 2012. URL: https://www.cluster-analysis.org/downloads/Clusters_web_singlepagepdf (date 13.10.2017).
  6. Clusters and clustering policy: a guide for regional and local policy makers. INNO Germany AG. European Union, 2010. URL: http://cor.europa.eu/en/documentation/studies/Documents/Clusters-and-Clustering-policy.pdf (accessed 24.08.2016).
  7. Raines P. Euro-Cluster: Final Report. Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, 2000. URL: http://home.furb.br/wilhelm/COMPETIV/Euro_Cluster_Report.pdf (accessed date).
  8. Rosenfeld S.A. Creating smart systems - a guide to cluster strategies in less favoured regions. European Union-Regional Innovation Strategies, Regional Technology Strategies Inc., Carrboro, North Carolina, April 2002. URL: http: //led.co.za/sites/default/files/documents/154.pdf (accessed 11.09.2017 ).
  9. Smart guide to cluster policy. European commission, European Union, 2016. URL: https://www.clustercollaboration.eu/sites/default/files/news_attachment/gb11_-_smart_guide_to_cluster_policy.pdf (accessed 28.09.2017).

Regional cluster policy (RCP) is a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the region. The cluster approach for the Russian economy is a new tool for regional governance. Methodological approaches to identifying clusters and practical mechanisms of their support are not yet sufficiently developed here. RCP implies vigorous activity of the state to create and stimulate regional clusters. The cluster approach to the development of regions is enshrined in the regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels.

It should be borne in mind that industrial policy at the current stage of the country's development is not sectoral, but regional in nature, that is, in the modern economy, the high competitiveness of the territory is supported by the strong positions of individual clusters, which represent a community of geographically concentrated industrial organizations and enterprises. , closely related industries, mutually contributing to the growth of each other's competitiveness. Therefore, stimulating the emergence of innovative clusters should be related to the priorities of the state policy of regional development.

The main directions of the regional cluster policy of the federal and regional authorities include:

  • - identification and monitoring of the situation in the development of economic clusters at the territorial level, including the identification of the structure of the cluster, the territorial localization of its individual links, co-financing of analytical studies of the prospects for the development of the cluster in the external market, assessment of the impact of the cluster on the territory and social sphere;
  • - formation of communication platforms for potential participants of territorial clusters, including through their integration into the process of developing and discussing regional development strategies, facilitating the exchange of experience between regions on the formation of the RCP;
  • - consolidation of cluster members, implementation of programs to facilitate the entry of cluster enterprises into foreign markets, joint marketing research and advertising activities, implementation of educational policy agreed with the main representatives of the cluster, ensuring communication and cooperation of enterprises and educational institutions;
  • - development of information and communication infrastructure in the regions;
  • - formation of an institutional environment for the development of regional clusters.

Today, Russia is gradually forming a regulatory framework in the field of cluster development, which creates the basis for the effective implementation of the cluster approach in the regions. In the process of clustering, it is important to define the role of government authorities as one of the subjects of cluster policy. It is important for the government to focus on strengthening and developing, as well as improving all clusters, and not just a select few (for example, in Skolkovo). The governments of Moscow and the Moscow region should contribute to the growth of existing and emerging clusters in close areas.

New clusters are best created from existing ones. Efforts to develop clusters should go through achieving competitive advantages and specialization, and not through repeating the experience of other regions, which requires building clusters based on local differences and sources of advantages, turning them into strong facets of Kazakhstan.

Based on the systematization of theoretical provisions and practical experience, the following can be formulated: regional cluster policy- this is the activity of public authorities aimed at solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness of the region and the country as a whole through the implementation of a system of measures to promote the development of clusters.

Cluster policy is multi-level and includes two levels of implementation: federal and regional (Figure 4.2).

Rice. 4.2.

Federal authorities act as initiators of cluster projects, creating institutional conditions for using the cluster approach, and ensuring the creation of the infrastructure necessary for the functioning of federal clusters and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Relying on the best foreign experience, the authorities in various regions are trying to repeat the success of the well-known “best practices” of clustering (for example, Silicon Valley), which leads to the formation of regional policy with similar goals and instruments. Therefore, among the most pressing problems facing cluster policymakers is the dilemma of so-called best practices (benchmarking). Cluster development measures used in one case may be useless or even undesirable in another. This implies the need to assess the feasibility of using cluster policy tools in relation to a specific territory.

The complexity of the implementation of the regional cluster policy lies in the fact that it is designed to unite and interconnect the interests of various parties involved in the clustering process, to stimulate their development, taking into account the diverse priorities of the participants of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A feature of cluster policy in developed countries is the implementation of cluster projects based on state support for research and development. Another important point is that the clusters were formed due to the close interaction of science and industry.

The domestic experience of the formation of clusters in the Volga Federal District is interesting (Table 4.1).

Clusters in the Volga Federal District

Table 4.1


Priority clusters



Republic of Bashkortostan

Engineering, petrochemical

Ufa, Sterlitamak, Neftekamsk, Salavat



Car building, lighting industry, agro-food



Automotive, aircraft, petrochemical, power, timber

Kazan, Elabuga, Nizhnekamsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Zelenodolsk



Automotive, forestry, agri-food

Izhevsk, Sarapul



Engineering, electrical, chemical

Cheboksary, Novocheboksarsk, Kanash, Shumerlya


Chemical, oil and gas, metallurgical, machine-building, timber processing

Perm, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Krosnokamsk


Nizhny Novgorod Region

Chemical, automotive and auto components, information technology

Nizhny Novgorod, Dzerzhinsk


Priority clusters




Gas chemical, metallurgical, cluster for the production of household appliances

Orenburg, Guy, Orsk


Machine-building, instrument-making, timber processing, agricultural, building materials


Automotive, aerospace, petrochemical, innovation and implementation

Samara, Togliatti, Syzran


Agroindustrial, construction industry, metallurgical

Saratov, Engels, Volsk, Balakovo


Transport and logistics, glass, building materials, aircraft

Ulyanovsk, Sengiley

Considering the directions of clustering in individual regions, it can be noted that the formation of clusters is carried out on the basis of industries of specialization.

In the Republic of Bashkortostan, for example, a machine-building cluster is created on the basis of enterprises to organize the production of tractors and engines for agricultural machinery. The core of the petrochemical cluster is made up of enterprises producing synthetic rubber, soda and other chemicals.

In the Republic of Mordovia, a cluster of enterprises of the lighting industry, a car-building cluster and a cluster of the food industry have been developed. For the development of the lighting cluster, there are qualified personnel, a scientific base (Research Institute named after A. N. Lodygin) and an industrial site (plant "Electrovypryamitel" in Saransk).

The formation of clusters in the Republic of Udmurtia is carried out on the basis of large industrial enterprises, as well as through the creation of integrated structures, including enterprises of various technological cycles. The prerequisites for the development of the automotive cluster are the presence of a large manufacturer (OJSC "IzhAvto"), the presence of higher educational institutions engaged in training personnel for the automotive industry (IzhSTU), the creation and operation of a group of enterprises producing components for cars.

The condition for the development of clusters in the Perm Territory is the presence of significant innovation potential. It ranks fourth in the Volga Federal District in terms of research and development expenditures per capita and first in terms of the number of organizations engaged in technological innovation.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the investment policy is focused on the formation of investment territories for the implementation of large-scale projects - technology parks, industrial clusters, industrial and logistics parks.

In the Penza region, the strategic priorities of clustering are mechanical engineering, instrument making, the timber processing industry, agriculture, and the building materials industry. The machine-building cluster is represented by enterprises engaged in the production of equipment for the oil and gas sector, railway transport and energy in the Russian Federation and the CIS.

One of the first regions in the country to start creating clusters was the Samara Region. The most competitive sectors of the region, representing the core of the emerging cluster system, are the automotive industry, the aerospace complex, and petrochemicals. The creation of an innovation and implementation cluster is also recognized as a priority area.

The automotive cluster of the Samara region was formed back in the 70s. XX century on the territory of the Samara-Togliatti agglomeration, concentrating more than 40 % industrial potential of the region, 65 % fixed assets of industry, 40 % employed. In addition to car and auto component manufacturers, the cluster includes organizations that provide research and development services in this area, as well as specialized educational institutions.

In the Saratov region, the priority area of ​​development is the agro-industrial complex based on the formation of intersectoral interaction between agriculture and processing industry enterprises. As the most important tool for increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex, it is envisaged to include regional enterprises in the clusters of the regional and all-Russian levels.

An example of an innovative cluster is the automobile cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan in the special economic zone of the industrial-production type “Alabuga”.

A feature of the cluster development of the regions of the Volga Federal District is the active policy of regional governments in the field of creating clusters, but the role of business in this process is still low.

Thus, the formation of clusters in the regions largely depends on the effective interaction of government and business structures, the ability of regional bodies to manage this process, taking into account the existing production and economic conditions and the corresponding potential.

In our country, one of the main factors of the region's competitiveness is its investment attractiveness. Scientific knowledge and education are also of great importance in creating a competitive advantage for the region, both as factors in the development of production and as factors in the formation of the innovative potential of the region. Therefore, in modern conditions, there is an objective need for an innovative component of attracted investments.

In the study of the competitiveness of regions, their rating can be determined using the “distance method” developed by A. D. Sheremet. For each region, indicators are calculated that characterize the conditions for the formation and development of business (production potential, labor potential, level of development of small enterprises), conditions for attracting investments (investment and innovation potentials), living standards of the population:

  • 1. Indicators reflecting the production potential:
    • - the volume of shipped goods of own production, works and services performed on their own by type of activity;
    • - volume of work performed by type of activity per capita;
    • - the cost of fixed assets per enterprise;
    • - the proportion of unprofitable organizations.
  • 2. Indicators reflecting investment processes in the economy:
    • - the volume of investments in fixed assets per capita;
    • - the volume of foreign investment per capita.
  • 3. Indicators characterizing the innovative activity of enterprises:
    • - internal expenditures on research and development per capita;
    • - the proportion of organizations engaged in innovative activities.
  • 4. The indicator reflecting the availability of labor resources is the share of the economically active population.
  • 5. Indicators of the standard of living of the population:
    • - average per capita money income of the population per month;
    • - the volume of GRP per capita.
  • 6. Indicators characterizing the development of small business:
    • - the number of small businesses per 1000 people;
    • - the proportion of the population employed in small enterprises.

For each indicator, a “reference region” is determined that has the optimal value of the indicator under study. An example of a study according to this methodology for the Volga Federal District is given in the literature.

Cluster policy includes two directions: creating conditions for the development of clusters and the implementation of cluster initiatives (Fig. 4.3).


Regional cluster policy aimed at creating conditions for cluster development interacts with such types of policies as industrial, foreign economic, innovation, educational, small business development policy.

The choice of the direction of the cluster policy depends on the degree of cluster development. At the initial stage, priority is given to the cluster policy aimed at creating conditions for the effective functioning of cluster enterprises; as they form, it becomes possible to implement cluster initiatives.

State support for clusters is especially important at the initial stages of a cluster's functioning; as it develops, the role of government assistance should gradually decrease and completely stop when the cluster begins to operate steadily. Forms and methods of state support, applicable in the implementation of cluster policy, are reflected in table. 4.2.

Table 4.2

Forms and methods of state support for the development of regional clusters

Forms of state support

Government support methods

Legal support

Adoption of normative legal documents regulating the issues of cluster activities



Providing subsidies, budget investments, government guarantees, preferential taxation to cluster members



Transfer on preferential terms to the possession or use of state property



Providing training and retraining of specialists in the field of cluster development. Providing training for new specialties, taking into account the specifics of the clusters being created



Dissemination of information on ongoing cluster projects



Organization and holding of scientific seminars, conferences, round tables on cluster development.

Organization of exhibitions and fairs. Creation of a body responsible for coordinating the activities of cluster members and exercising control functions

Support for science and innovation

Financing the costs of developing new technologies that meet the requirements of international standards.

Ensuring sustainable demand for high technology products through the use of state orders.

Creation of infrastructure to support innovative business (business incubators, technology parks, etc.).

Development of mechanisms for venture financing of high-risk innovative projects. Development of cooperation between higher educational institutions and manufacturing enterprises in order to facilitate the development and implementation of new technologies in production

Support for foreign economic activity

Assistance in attracting foreign investment to the cluster.

Promoting the export of cluster products

The implementation of the regional cluster policy requires an integrated approach and significant transformations in all spheres of the region's life. Cluster development programs are developed on the basis of a strategic analysis of the sectors of the regional economy and taking into account the interests of all participants in cluster projects. Strong clusters with an effective structure, high competition and active interaction between the participants are the basis of the regional strategy for socio-economic development. In the absence of such clusters, key growth points are identified that can become centers for the formation of new cluster structures.

The main task of the state at the present stage is to create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of cluster initiatives; the solution of this task depends on the formation of an economic mechanism for the implementation of cluster policy, based on a combination of market and government regulation. It should be borne in mind that each region has internal factors of development, therefore, regional cluster policy requires a specific differentiated approach.

The process of creating competitive regional clusters is quite long (according to experts, it takes from 5 to 10 years). At the initial stage of the formation of clusters, the existing production facilities are investigated and the priority directions of clustering are identified. The complexity of this stage lies in the absence of a specific method for diagnosing potential clusters in the region.

It is important to determine the prospects for cooperative cooperation between enterprises in the region with the allocation of value chains, where the interests of the participants in the production process coincide, as well as production and entrepreneurial chains located at the junction of different types of activities, the development of which will contribute to the emergence of new types of production.

When creating a SC, it is necessary to take into account the interests of two groups of participants. First, the state and local government bodies, which have sufficient tools to influence the activities of the cluster. Secondly, the business community, which is represented by various structures that do not always have similar goals.

The goals should be coordinated, taking into account the interests of different groups, and a common goal and ways to achieve it should be developed. At this stage, the role of regional authorities, acting as initiators of the creation of a cluster, is important.

At the next stage, meetings are held with the participation of representatives of business, public organizations, financial institutions, government bodies, at which the issues of combining efforts to create a cluster are resolved. In the process of such meetings, the structure of the cluster is formed, the goals of its activity are determined, functions are distributed among the cluster members, problems are identified, ways of solving them are developed, interaction mechanisms are developed, opportunities are analyzed. An important issue at this stage is the formation of the cluster boundaries.

The result of this work should be the creation of a coordinating council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a cluster management body and includes representatives of various groups included in the cluster, the definition of the organizational structure of the cluster, the creation of a legal framework for the cluster's activities, fixing the main functions, operating principles, rights and obligations of cluster members.

At the final stage of this stage, all participants sign an agreement on the creation of a cluster. It should be borne in mind that a cluster is a set of independent organizations carrying out coordinated and coordinated activities.

At each stage of the implementation of cluster initiatives, public authorities monitor and analyze the results in order to adjust and use the appropriate cluster policy tools. An objective assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of certain areas of cluster policy can be obtained on the basis of the results of activities and self-assessment of the clusters themselves.

The most famous innovation center in the country is Skolkovo. Good examples can be found in the development of its nuclear cluster, more than 40 % whose residents are already selling their new technologies and products. Of its 110 participants, one third are startups from Moscow, at least 10% are from the Moscow region, and the rest are created in the regions: Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, etc.

Companies that take on board this cluster then deploy production in their region, coming there already with a baggage of knowledge, entrepreneurial experience and investments that they were able to obtain thanks to Skolkovo and its fund.

This cluster has been operating for more than three years, and the average period of commercialization in this area is 5-7 years. The Skolkovo project participants are small teams starting from almost nothing, developing and promoting innovations from idea to final result (up to presentation to the market). Some start-ups in Skolkovo are accompanied from the very beginning (from the idea, R&D), others - at subsequent stages, generally engaged in applied solutions in various industries and using the impetus of the developing nuclear industry.

This and similar examples from the field of innovative clustering of production clearly show that our country has not yet developed a system for translating an order from a business into an innovative environment.

Of course, business structures and industrial organizations should apply not only to Skolkovo or other well-known IPKs, but also to the broad innovative community. They need to learn how to formulate their requests, technical, organizational and economic requirements, to convey them to the professional innovation environment with subsequent practical implementation.

In the above case, with the Skolkovo project, with serious government support, an ambitious innovation cluster is practically created, aimed at obtaining maximum efficiency and commercial return from the implementation of innovative projects. At the same time, of course, a particularly noteworthy attempt has been made to establish broad links between fundamental and applied science, as well as it with business; to create around Skolkovo a complex of a significant number of generated regional clusters.

It is obvious that in Russia innovative clusters (including industrial ones) are most often formed today in the environment of already established large scientific and research and production centers, science cities, innovation platforms, etc. Here, for example, science cities can be called promising: Biysk, Dubna , Protvino, Obninsk, Zhukovsky, Korolev and many other well-known Russian scientific centers of the country.

The examples considered confirm the conclusion about the need to organize effective support for the development of regional clusters at all levels of government in order to ensure their innovation and investment attractiveness and favorable conditions for the development of innovative industrial clusters, pilot RK.

  • Sheremet A.D. Complex analysis of economic activity. - M .: INFRA-M, 2008.

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