
Goals of investment activity of the enterprise. Objectives and objectives of investment activities The purpose of investing is

Investments - the long-term investment in assets of the organization, in order to expand the scope of activity, increasing profits, increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the enterprise.

Investment Management Includes: the formation of a portfolio of investment projects, entry into them, the implementation of control over investment objects and the subsequent way out of investment transactions in order to fix the profits of the investor. Usually the investment portfolio includes several businesses and financial instruments (Diversification of the investment portfolio), which reduces the general risks.

Purpose of investment It is to find and identify such a method of investment investment, which would ensure the required level of profitability and minimal risk.

Various factors have impact on investment:



Uncertainty or risk factor.

Temporary factor. Investing, in fact, means a refusal to use revenue to current consumption to have a large amount in the future. In other words, the investor intends to receive in the future the amount of money, superior to the current moment, as a fee for the fact that he did not spend money on herself, but gave them to debt.

Inflation factor. Inflation is a steady, steady increase in the overall level of prices. Investor, expecting the prices of goods you need and services to rise, must compensate for such an increase in prices when it invests its funds to one or another type of investment. Otherwise, it is unprofitable to invest.

Risk factor. Risk is the possibility of not receiving the desired result from investments. When investing is associated with a risk for an investor, then for the latter, reimbursement for risk is important when investment in an investment facility.

The main task of investment It is determined by the fact that the Investor himself direct investment should bring the alleged income at a minimum risk level.


It is believed that an enterprise should be for attracting investment:

1. - Have a well-worked and promising plan of activity for the future. Investors want to know that their deposits will bring profit in the future.

2. - Have a good reputation in society. Investing in a shadow enterprise, investors risk to stay without profit, so only those enterprises that cause trust are chosen.

3. - Move open, that is, transparent activities. For this necessary financial statements And work with the media.

4. - Much depends on the internal policy, conducted in the country in which the company is located. For deposits, investors choose the most stable countries.

To know just in case

In economic practice, three centers of capital investment can be distinguished: Profit, Venchur, Cost Center. Profit this center, income, whose activities sustainably exceed the cost of this activity. Venchurthis is a center that has not yet brings sustainable income, but may soon bring it soon. This is a risky investment in the center, which can over time, become stable and turn into a profit.

Cost Center- This is a center through which passes cash flow And the result of exit from it is information.

Classification of investments

On the investment object:

Real investment (Direct purchase of real capital in various forms):

1. In the form of material assets (fixed assets, land), payment for construction or reconstruction.

2. Overhaul of fixed assets.

3. Attachments B. intangible assets: Patents, licenses, rights of use, copyright, trademarks, know-how, etc.

4. Providing working capital.

Financial investments (indirect purchase of capital through financial assets):

1. securities, including through blows

2. Loans provided

3. Leasing (for the lessor)

Speculative investments (Buying assets exclusively for the sake possible change Prices):

2. Precious metals (in the form of impersonal metallic accounts)

According to the main goals of investment:

1. Direct investment

2. Portfolio investment

Direct investments - Investing of funds (investments) in order to participate in the management of the enterprise in which money is investing, and receiving income from participation in its activities.

Portfolio investment- Investments in securities formed in the form of a securities portfolio. Portfolio investments are passive ownership of securities, such as stocks of companies, bonds, etc., and does not provide for the investor participation in the operational management of an enterprise that issued securities.

In terms of investment:

1. Short-term (up to one year)

2. Medium-term (1-3 years)

3. Long-term (over 3-5 years)

At the form of ownership of investment resources:

1. Private

2. State

3. Foreign

The content of the article:

What is the goal? The goal is called a material or intangible object, which is desirable for the subject. In other words, the goal may be all: from money (material), to glory and respect (intangible).

In this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, the purpose (result) is not always the material benefits.

Objectives of investment activity These are the guidelines to which he seeks and plans to achieve for its own financial success and commercial consistency. The main investment objectives of the activity should always be clearly formulated and defined both in short and in the long-term period. This is done to understand what an investor moves to what the investor is moving and that this path has to be implemented and overcome

Classification of goals: basic, long-term, strategic

Key value have strategic goals of investment activity. It is the strategic goals that form the vector of economic entity development. Focusing on them in general, it is possible to imagine what will be represented, and what the subject will deal in the future. This allows us to evaluate development prospects. Knowing the direction of attachments can be made of their effectiveness and implementation dynamics.

Investment, financial, economic strategy of the enterprise in the development process is based on the goals having a strategic (fundamental) character for the company.

Investment management allocates other groups of goals and objectives to be implemented by the investor. Immediately it is worth a reservation, whatever tasks faced the company's investment committee, they are all directed, directly or indirectly, to achieve main and main goal:

  • achievement of the most favorable effect from the implementation of the investment strategy
  • an increase in net profit
  • ensuring the financial stability of the company at the stage of its functioning and further development
  • increasing the level of welfare of owners, an increase in the cost (capitalization) of the company.

It is so arranged that in the course of the way to achieve basic investment purposes, the management of the company should take care of the implementation of related and equally important tasks:

  • maintaining the company's solvency at an acceptable level
  • providing all the necessary volume of investment resources
  • achieving a favorable social, environmental effect on investment
  • maintain liquidity investment assets Enterprises
  • permanent work on improving the company's investment tools to increase their effectiveness.
Now we can identify the types of investment purposes on the basis of their importance for the enterprise (investor):
  • main / main (landmarks for which the company seeks)
  • related (help to achieve the main tasks)
  • indirect (here includes all the tasks approved by the investment strategy, including those that do not affect financial condition Subject).

In the direction of use investment fundsAllocate:

  • internal objectives (solving any issues related to the improvement of the Company's activities. This may include re-equipment of production, solving problems associated with the organization of labor and improving working conditions, everything that can increase the performance of the enterprise)
  • external goals (increasing profits, expansion of the network of partners, mastering new markets, expanding production by buying or absorbing competitors).
The above classification can be slightly expanded and clarified:
  • current (reconstructive) objectives (the object of investments are assets that have exhausted stocks of their strength and time useful useor just morally outdated)
  • defined investment strategy of the enterprise.

Any investment is capable of bringing the effect material benefitsOr the effect in which they are missing, based on this, allocate:

  • economic results of investments (increase in income, receiving material goods, increase capitalization of the company)
  • neeconomic results (performance of social debt, advertising and PR of their own brand, charity).

According to the investment orientation, experts formulate the following objectives of investment activities:

  • direct (real) investments (development of production, its technical and technological component)
  • financial (portfolio) investments (additional sources of passive income)
  • formation of investment resources (accumulation of funds for future investment projects. This reduces their cost, improve efficiency and returns.)

The listed list of the main tasks of investment is of an unfair character and are always allowed adjustments depending on the real activity of the company. All this imposes its specifics on its investment activities.

Rules for making investment purposes

Rules for the adoption of investment goals in the enterprise:
  • investment goal should not interfere with other business tasks
  • clarity and definition of interpretation of investment activities for all its participants (establishing general periods in the implementation, general assessment system and counting results, general measurement units, etc.)
  • flexibility and mobility in achieving (in case of changes in external or internal situation, the enterprise must have ways to partially adjust or even change the purpose of investment)
  • reality achievement.

Not one state with developed market system It is not possible to effectively carry out economic development without active investment activities. Therefore, the investment is advisable to consider: first, as the process of value movement, secondly, as economic category, that is, relationship about the movement of value.

The economic meaning of investment is justified by the goals that the initiative is involved associated with the investment of any funds.

The main purpose of investments is to receive income by placing assets to a certain type of business.

Investment purposes can be classified in accordance with the strategy that has been developed at the enterprise, according to which all investment investments are divided into the following groups:

  • investments sent to obtain additional profits;
  • investment investments in order to diversify activities;
  • investments increasing capital;
  • investments that contribute to an increase in liquidity of free funds at the maximum acceptable level for the investor himself;
  • investments related to reducing entrepreneurial risk.

The achievement of the first goal implies a stable receipt of additional income in a certain period of time. Tools of this goal are mainly short-term investment projects in which the frequency of financial income is calculated. For example, receiving interest on the banking contribution or the accrual of dividends on securities. Usually, this species Revenues are taken into account when drawing up a plan for cash flows, as it has a direct impact on the solvency of the enterprise and its financial stability.

Investment investments in order to diversify the activities of the enterprise not only to increase profitability, but also a means of reducing entrepreneurial risk. For example, in the case of loss of income from the main activity, due to the impact of external or internal factors, the probability of full loss of income during diversification is significantly reduced. The tool for achieving this goal is an investment project aimed at activities other than the main type of production (provision of services, performance).

The purpose of investment investments, which is aimed at increasing capital achievei am by financial investments to objects that for some time increase their initial value. A vivid example of such investment investments is the acquisition of shares of young companies whose activities have a positive effect on the cost of their securities. Also, as an example, in this case, an investment project for the acquisition or construction of real estate facilities can be brought to further use them (rent, resale in parts, etc.).

Ensuring the liquidity of funds provides The possibility of rapid conversion of cash investment without significant losses in the cost, as well as if necessary, the rapid implementation of the investment project. This goal is quite achievable only when investment (free) funds are invested in financial assets that have sufficiently steady demand in stock and other markets.

The purpose of investmentsaimed at reducing entrepreneurial risk is ensured by investing in state programs. That is, as world practice shows, the most secure are the various debt obligations of the government. In this case, the investment in state priority programs in order to obtain additional income is purely conditional in nature, since income on government debt liabilities does not exceed the current average level. However, the goal justifies the funds, therefore investment resources minimizes the risk of unforeseen losses, because it is supported by state guarantees.

The shares of the remaining issuers contribute to obtaining more income, but in this case there is a risk of not only the incompleteness of the profits, but also the loss of investment resources.

Whatever the purpose of investment activity, all of them unites the only direction - the use of free funds for additional income. And as any type of business, investment is associated with a certain risk, in which an investor operates. Naturally, the higher the expected income, the greater the likelihood of risk. Therefore, every investor, choosing a goal, acts within the borders of an acceptable riskiness individually. Reducing investment risks, that is, the achievement of the goal is possible in the case when a careful selection of objects that guarantee the return of invested capital and profit on the level planned earlier.

An attachment of funds to such objects not only reduce the risks from new investments, but also have a direct impact on reducing the risk of losses from the main activity. However, do not forget that the reduction of risks to the minimum level does not always allow to eliminate the likelihood negative consequences fully. This goal is designed to achieve a permissible loss level while ensuring the profitability expected investor.

Introduction .................................................................................... ... 3

Causes, meaning and purpose of investing in a market economy ............ .4

Conclusion ................................................................................................16

References ........................................................................ 17


Investing is an investment of capital, financial means Programs and projects, entrepreneurship, securities, which are expected to receive income exceeding costs.

Investments - the most important and most deficit economic resource, the use of which contributes to the increase in the efficiency of production and competitiveness of enterprises, creating new jobs, raisee. employment of the population and the level of its well-being. Successful activities of enterprises in the long run, ensuring high rates of theirz. vitia is largely determined by the level of investment activeabout and the scale of investment activity, the expansion of which Tre. buet the creation of special conditions, and first of all an increase in investment and increase their effects.

The term "investment" in Russia became widely used during the years of markete. forms. The most common, often occurring is the concept of investment: it is a long-term investment of cash and other capital in your own country or abroad to objects of various dei entrepreneurial projects, socio-economic programsm. we, innovative projects in order to get income or tofrom tension other useful effects.

Thus, investments express all types of property and intentl. lectual values \u200b\u200bthat are invested in the objects of the investment sphere withe. lew gain economic (profit) and social effects.1

Causes, importance and goals of investment in a market economy

At any economic system Investments are created additional conditions For the development of fixed capital, which, being a specific form of manifestation of scientific and technological progress, predetermines the possibility of economic development.

Conditioned B. russian economy The deformed investment model was characterized by the separation of the financial and real sectors of the economy and ineffective investment infrastructure as the links of the transformation of savings transformation in the investment.

The purpose of investment is to find and determine such a method of investment investment, which would ensure the required level of profitability and minesand the risk.

An important component of investment is the maximum increase inn. funds. In absolute values, it is difficult to judge the degree of profitability of alternative investments, so it is desirable to uset. reliable value - profitability.

Yield is defined as the ratio of total cash flow from the Investe. stylant object to investment costs. The total cash flow will develop from the ultimate price (investment sales prices), elemental prices (price of buying investments), as well as income, toabout some receives an investor in the form of dividends when buying a shares or in the form of a percentage that receives andn. vessel, acquiring a bond.

The other component is the risk. In investment activity there is a danger of monetary losses. Inserting funds to one or another investment object, an investor can only with a certain share ofn. predicting the future return on investment. Investor perfectly understands that the investment expected by him canw. differ from the actual return, which will be observed after investmentn. period. Let's say he acquired shares in the hope of rapid growth of their ce. us, and in fact the stock price decreased and, accordingly, changed dabout oclineal stock. Actually, the lack of a 100% guarantee among the investorw. of the planned income from investment and is the basis of the risk of investmentand activity.

Market transformations in Russia led to the revision of the main models of the investment process.

Now, besides the state, it includes various structures: domestic and foreign legal and individualswhich can act as direct or portfolio investors as well economic subjectspromoting investment - commercial banks, Financial institutions, equipment suppliers, export loans insurance agencies, information and consulting firms.2

New economic conditions changed the state investment policy, the main task of which is becoming a favorable investment climate For the growth of investment activity, supporting competitive production, infrastructure facilities.

IN public Policy Activation of investment sources has allocated two directions.

First, the improvement of traditional sources: own funds of enterprises, depreciation deductions, budget resources, target loans, funds extrabudgetary funds.

The second direction is associated with the development of new sources: medium-term loans of commercial banks, funds from the issuance of enterprises, funds of pension, insurance and other non-state funds.

The folding of the investment supply system on macro- and meso-levels is inextricably linked with the transformation of Russian economic regionalism (with the strengthening of the power vertical, redistribution of resources and powers in favor of the federal center, further expansion of large business in the regions, an increase in the influence of transnational network structures, etc.) and is accompanied by deepening Asymmetry in a subject, sectoral and territorial context, strengthening competition for investment, actualizes the search for effective forms and mechanisms for investment support of the Russian mesoeconomic periphery.

In the decentralization of investment support, it was observed an expansion of the independence of economic entities to the use of investment resources, as well as the redistribution of part of the property rights on the meso and micro level.

The formation of regional investment resources through the profit of enterprises and organizations coming through taxes and contributions to local budgets and extrabudgetary funds has begun.

The development of regional support has had its own difficulties: in some regions, investment programs have been suspended, as a result of which the volume of unfinished construction increased, others were in a difficult situation due to the concentration of fundaust and low-cost industries in them, and the third - oil and gas distribution regions, using state support, managed Intensify the investment process and improve the socio-economic situation.

Analysis of funding sources makes it possible to identify regional features of investment provision and determine due to which in some regions the investment situation has developed more safely in contrast to others. Regional investment has two main sources: own means of subjects of the Federation (profit, depreciation deductions, internal resources, funds paid by insurance bodies) and attracted, which in turn can be budget (RF and region) and extrabudgetary.

Extrabudgetary include: own funds of enterprises, borrowed, funds of extrabudgetary funds, individual developers, foreign investments, specific funds.

As a result of decentralization of sources of financing in 1990-2003. Investments in fixed assets decreased by more than 4 times. From 1996 to 1999 In the financing of investments of Russia dominates own funds enterprises, and the share of borrowed and attracted funds decreases.

As part of raised funds in 95% of regions, funds dominate federal budget. Since 1998, the situation has changed: the number of regions with the predominance of attracted funds is growing. The importance of state targeted programs and national projects increased.

In 2000-2008 The federal budget funds prevail in the amount of funds raised in 54-66% of the regions, and the amount of funds of regional budgets is constantly decreasing, and the share of other funds involved (funds from the issuance of enterprises, the funds of pension, insurance and other non-governmental funds) increase. The share of bank loans in the attracted means increases and by 2008 they dominate budget funds in 15 regions, mainly from the Central District. All this indicates the strengthening of extrabudgetary sources of investment support of the regions.3

The Russian economy, including due to foreign investments, developed in the direction of the raw material appendage of industrialized countries, and its economic and financial Systems Steel super-sensitive to fluctuations and speculative operations on the world stock marketsthat manifested itself during the financial crisis in Southeast Asia and in Russia in the summer of 1998

IN transition economies A necessary condition for the growth of investments, as a rule, is an increase in the norm of savings, for example, in the Eastern European countries, the main problem of activization was the search for additional resources for investment (through the reduction of government spending, stimulating corporate savings, export growth), since in these countries the rate of savings by 4- 5 percentage points were below the rate of accumulation.

The investment support system in Russia consists of limited unity of sources and financing methods (budget, credit, combined and self-financing). The structures that implement these methods are various market entities: investment funds, commercial banks, budgets of two levels, enterprises, foreign investors.

In the context of globalization, which has intensified in Russia in the process of market transformations, there is a gap of institutions of investment from expanded reproduction of fixed capital (real sector of the economy).

There is a high-quality shift in the socio-economic structure of capital and property. Now priority belongs to investments, which means financial capital, not a productive.

Financial Capital As a new economy basis put productive potential in the functional dependence on the volume and structure of strategic investments, regardless of the origin of financial resources (internal or external).

Investing in Russia is a sphere that is experiencing a period of formation. The main major investors are today foreign companies. Our investment sector suffers from poor quality management, lack of a specific work technique, underdevelopment of legislation that protects the investor's right. But, despite these shortcomings, the Institute of Investing In Russia has recently become a zone of increased attention and domestic, and foreign investors.

The most popular investment zones in Russia traditionally remain areas of oil -, gas and metal products. But recently there has been a tendency of intensive increase in the growth of investors' interest in the Russian industry of information technologies.

It is important to invest enterprises. In the development of many modern enterprises Investments in production, which allow to update technical equipment, establish modern devices for the production of a particular product, as well as to reconstruct the entire enterprise as a whole.

At the same time, the influx of capital will allow enterprises:

  • significantly improve the equipment of production;
  • use more modern technologies;
  • improve product quality
  • create new sales markets.

A special place is occupied by venture investment of enterprises, which makes it possible to develop new, high-tech production. In this case, investors must remember the high degree of risk of such investments.

The purpose of investing in the enterprise is to make a profit, while investing an enterprise may provide for several ways of investing capital:

  • the acquisition of the entire enterprise to the property;
  • investing funds B. statutory capital;
  • purchase of shares or other securities;
  • acquisition of equipment, licenses, trademarks and other property.

The right way to develop an enterprise is the basis of strategic management, for which a clear, developed mechanism for the organization of the organization is needed in the current economic conditions. The factors affecting the level of the policy of the investment organization, primarily depend on the activity of investments in the economy of our country, is the level of inflation and taxes, the low performance of investment investments, as well as an increase in investment risk.

The key basics of the investment enterprise policy is to identify the size, direction and organization of investments for a more effective result. Analyzing the type of activity of the enterprise, you can see two pronounced types of investment policies - these are capital-forming capital in portfolio investment, investment and investment. Both policies have their own features. Based on this, for the normal functioning of the investment organization policy, regular research is needed in the field of internal and surrounding enterprise, to determine the needs, search and generation of investment prospects.

As part of the development of the financial economy, the state acquires the properties of one of the macroships of this economy.

By joint efforts, they form a strategic investment market that creates an entrepreneurs of economic growth extending to all spheres and market levels.

The strategic investment market becomes the function of intensifying the process of incorporating Russia into globalization.

From the industrial and territorial (regional) structure of capital investments depends on economic efficiency. In the development of the investment structure in transitional period The following stages were distinguished.

The first stage is "creative destruction" - to the financial crisis of 1998 (reduction of investment costs) - was characterized by intense structural breakdown: the share of the production sector in investments fell from 56.7 to 40.5%, but the share of transport and communications increased, trade , services services, which was not typical for the Soviet period of investment development.

The second stage - after 1998, the investment structure has sharply increased the share of industry at the expense of the fuel component, in the fall of the manufacturing industries, and in 2001-2003. The growth rate of investment in mechanical engineering increased noticeably. The feature of the investment lift was the rapid growth of investments in overhaul outdated equipment.

The third stage - since 2003, the distribution of investments in the economy has changed: the share of investments in the fuel and food industry has slightly decreased, in trade and financial - stabilized, and in transport - steadily increased, which corresponds to global trends.4

Analysis of investment security on meso-level includes sectoral and regional aspects.

The latter is very important for Russia due to the extensity of the territory, the diversity of conditions, as well as the lack of a clear regional policy.

As a result, in the process of market transformation, the investment climate differentiation was observed, enhancing the unevenness of the regional distribution of domestic and foreign capital.

Over the years of Russia's reforms, it was not possible to attract none expected volumes or ensure the proper "quality" of foreign capital. In general, the volume of foreign direct investment in the Russian economy was insignificant and was characterized by unstable dynamics, as in relations with other countries

Russia relied on insufficient competitive advantages (mainly on natural resources).

According to UNCTAD, Russia is estimated to the group of countries with high potential to attract FDI and their low inflow. The country has not yet been able to turn the inflow of FDI into an effective factor in the activation of the investment process. It is lagging behind the monthly level, and from a number of "emerging markets" for the share of accumulated FDI in GDP.

The basic framework of the globalization process is trade and economic and financial integration. This affected the types of foreign revenues to Russia: from the late 90s. A large share in foreign investments is occupied by other investments, and at the expense of trade and other loans.

In the distribution of FDI, a mesoeconomic aspect is viewed.

So, in the Primorsky Territory, almost two thirds of accumulated FDI are carried out by firms from Japan, the Republic of Korea, the USA and the PRC. In 1998, Russia has become a full member of APEC, a member of which are another 20 states (avant-garde is US, Canada, Japan; NIS: Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, as well as China). The complementarity of the economy contributes to this: the APEC region is rich in the raw materials and necessary Russian sources of capital and modern technologies. Russia is included in integration processes due to its resources, technology, seabed and fishing fleet, telecommunications and recreational potential. And the territorial proximity of the countries of the region and the Far Eastern regions of Russia contributes to economic partnership, in particular, at the expense of savings on transport costs.

The territorial distribution of foreign investment is largely determined by: 1) the comparative advantages of the regions, their equipped with traditional basic production factors (abundant natural resources, cheap qualified labor, the concentration of their industries); 2) the competitive advantages of the regions (scientific and technical and infrastructure potential, the development of market institutions).

For foreign investors From remote states, the decisive factor is the economic leadership and infrastructure setting of the territory of Moscow and the region. In the Moscow region there are many scientific and production complexes and pilot experimental industries. Here, the highest concentration of "Naukogradov" in Russia.

therefore territorial accommodation FDI was distinguished by their concentration (almost 80%) in the Central District, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions. Analysis of the provision of foreign investments has shown that foreign investors attract large industrial and resource-producing regions, as well as a high diversifying of their industry.

For geographically close meals, the Neighborhood effect allows to save on transport costs (assembly from foreign components), inform potential investors participating in foreign trade in border areas, as well as coordinate and manage from the parent enterprise.

Therefore, the first investments of TNK from neighboring countries are placed already in major cities border regions, not in Moscow: FDIs from Estonia and Latvia prevail in the Pskov region, in Karelia - from Finland, and the Swedish, Danish, Dutch and British investors prefer North-West FD. What requires a developed manufacturing and transport infrastructure.

In the 90s. There were serious changes in the field of production infrastructure.

The new stage in the development of infrastructure required gigantic investments (4-6% of GDP), the source of which private capital became increasingly, while maintaining the position of the state. It is this aspect that requires the differentiation of financial incentives in Russia in the regions and the development of government infrastructure investments. Governmental support Infrastructure, its investment is taking private investment.

Interregional differences in the admission of FDI are associated with regularities when choosing the first places of location of enterprises and further directions of diffusion of foreign capital. Regional strategies of almost all investors from EU countries are described by the schemes of hierarch-wave diffusion (except for projects for raw materials), which leads to a gradual decrease in the territorial concentration of foreign business in Russia.

Analysis of the specifics of development by foreign firms russian marketshowed that the shifts in investment relations between Russia and the EU are determined not only by changes in the investment climate in the regions and the country as a whole, but also the action of general patterns of spatial diffusion of foreign investment: the number of regions of FDI objects is growing complicated sectoral structure FDI, new forms of investment interaction appear.

Thus, the modern system of investment supply of Russian regions is characterized by the instability of processes flowing in it, a combination of elements of an old and new model, which fundamentally distinguishes it from stationary regional economies.5


Investments play a very important role in the economy. The main assbut chami, which is to stimulate the development of the economy and ensurefrom toyful economic growth.

Constant investment in the highest degree contributes to maintaining the stable development of the economy asj. an invested enterprise or organization individually and the whole state as a whole.

Thus, investments guarantee permanent and pagee. the benefit development of organizations in the long term, raising ren. tableness and competitiveness of their products in the market, which in their verye. the edge provides the creation of new jobs, reducing the level of scopeand tSI, improving the welfare of the population and improving its living standards.

The development of the economy of the whole state guarantees solving such problems as problems of ecology, health, the development of the education system and others.

In today's severe global economic situation, many orgbut nizations and private investors are afraid to invest capital in variousabout ektes than the establishment of stability and the development of the economy.6


1 Rodimkin A.M. Russia. Economy and society. - St. Petersburg: Publisher "Zlatoust". - 2007. - 160 p.

2 Korchagin Yu. A. Modern economy Russia. - Rostov-on-Don: Publisher "Phoenix". - 2008. - 672 p.

3 EU and Russia: from direct investment to investment cooperation / resp. ed. A.V. Kuznetsov. In-t of the global economy and international. relationship wounds. - M.: Science, 2008. - P. 47-49.

4 Evstigneeva L.P. Economic growth: liberal alternative. In-t International. ECON. And polit. Research Wounds - M.: Science, 2005. - 482 p.

5 Druzhinin A.G., Jubina E. Regional Paradigm of Economic Development: Factor of Intergovernmental Transfers. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of RGU, 2005. - P. 14-50.

6 Great L. S. Economics. - M.: Publisher "Logos". - 2010. - 408 p.

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Socio-economic essence of investment

Investments are cash, securities, other property, including property rights, other rights having monetary evaluationIncluded in the objects of entrepreneurial and (or) other activities in order to profit and (or) achieve a different useful effect.

Economic essence of investments in two aspects of capital movement:

1) Investments are embodied in the established investment entrepreneurial object, forming an investor assets;

2) With the help of investments, the redistribution of resources and funds between those who are in excess, and those who are limited to those who are limited.

The value of the investment is a prerequisite and the basis for:

1) the balanced development of all branches of the economy;

2) expansion of reproduction;

3) acceleration of scientific and technological progress;

4) ensuring the defense capability of the state;

5) Development financial markets, banking services;

6) improve the quality of goods and services, ensure their competitiveness;

7) environmental protection solutions environmental problems;

8) increase the employment of the population, reducing the level of unemployment;

9) international cooperation;

10) development of the social sphere (education, health, culture, etc.).

Investment goals of companies

Investment objectives can be:

1) the company's desire to increase profits;

2) expansion of the company's activities;

3) the desire for the prestige, public influence, power;

4) the solution of social problems (reducing the level of unemployment, an increase in culture);

5) Solving environmental problems, etc.

Investment goals - These are financial tasks that an investor seeks to decide by investing funds in any of the existing investment tools. Obviously, investment goals determine the choice of types of investment instruments and an investment horizon, that is, the time planned to invest.

The widespread investment objectives include:

· saving funds for future major expenses;

· increasing the current income;

· accumulation of funds for retirement.

Saving funds for major expenses - One of the most common investment purposes. Often families are postponing money to accumulate money for the purchase of housing or a car, to teach children, for expensive vacation, to start your own business, etc. When the required amount of money is known, you can choose the appropriate investment type. For such purposes as buying housing or payment of children's education is better to navigate investment riskSince the achievement of these important goals should not, if possible, expose the hazard (best of all to save the necessary amount in the bank deposit). For all other purposes, trust management or investment in mutual investment is suitable, but these options are associated with some risk, since the investor does not know what the cost of this investment in the future will be.

Increase the current income - The purpose of investment is quite common in Russia, as many are still afraid to invest in long-term instruments, but prefer to receive regular income from investment and spend it. Adherents of such an investment goal are often pensioners who want to have an additional source of financing. An increase in current income usually provides interest or dividends. Persons who have retired, as a rule, choose those types of investments that bring high current income at low risk, since the sum of other sources of their pension income, as a rule, are lower than the income level obtained by them before retirement.

Accumulation of funds for retirement period of life - While the purpose of investment is still quite exotic for Russia, as Russian people have accustomed to relying in this regard mainly on the state and the employer. At the same time in the West investment with the aim pension savings are commonplace. It is necessary to clearly represent how much the state will actually be able to provide you as a pension allowance and decide whether these tools are sufficient to meet your needs. If they are not sufficient, these sources should be supplemented with an individual investment program. And further. The higher age you will start to invest, the greater the chance to succeed in the accumulation of the required amount.

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