
What are the details of the card. Seven Great Ways to find out the details of the Account Card accounts

Question How to find out the bank card details? In theory and there should be no. All the necessary information relating to the plastic means is contained in the contract, which lies between the cardholder and the Bank.

However, the following situation is quite typical: when there is a need to learn the details of a bank card, it turns out that the contract is lost. Such negligence in relation to the documents can not be allowed - according to the rules, the contract for registration of the card should be kept throughout its entire period. But, as they say, what we have, we have ...

Especially often the need to learn the details of the card occurs at the holders of the "salary" plastic. Having received the cards at its enterprise (in the organization) to which employers list the salary, they for a long time use them to remove cash in ATMs or to pay for purchases in retail outlets. And about the details are thought only when, for example, there is a need to transfer money to the card.

What to do if the contract on the map (or envelope in which is issued salary card) Lost, and props are needed?

There are no special causes - there are several ways learn the bank card details.

1. The most reliable is to contact the Issuer Bank, who issued a map. Moreover, it is necessary to branch, which directly made issuance is dictated by the safety rules. In addition to the card, it is necessary to provide the operational passport - without a document confirming the person, the details of you will not inform you (again for security reasons).

2. Sometimes the card holder does not have the opportunity to visit the bank branch - for example, it is beyond its settlement. Then you can try to find out the details of the bank card by phone hot line financial organization. But this is not always easy.

First, not all clients know the number of phone numbers of their banks (however, this problem can be solved with the help of banks - there, as a rule, such information is published).

Secondly, some banks may demand from the client so that he calls the code word, which was indicated in the contract (and we conditionally assume that he is lost). For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the Code word is not always required to identify the cardholder - it is often enough to provide such information as the card number, passport data, the date of the client, and sometimes only the phone numbers attached to the map.

3. Some financial organizations (for example, Sberbank) send clients the details of maps after an email request. You can try to take advantage of this way. To do this, you need to send an email to the Financial Organization Message in the form with a request for providing necessary information and indicating the number of the card, the full name of its holder, the room of the bank, where it was issued.

4. Many are interested in the question: how to find out the bank card details through the Internet? Let's just say that on the websites of banks such information is not provided. The ability to recognize the details of its plastic payment tool have only those clients who connected the online banking system (with authorization using a login and password).

What details of the cards may be required?

For implementation money transfers The map most often requires the card account number. In this context, it should be noted that the card holders are often mistakenly taken at the expense of the card its number, which is applied on the front side of the plastic medium. In fact, these are two completely non-coinciding numeric values.

The number is intended to identify the map in the implementation of payment transactions in retail outlets or on the Internet. It consists of 16 digits (as a rule, of this species - XXXH-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX) and in fact is the protection of plastic from the fake. In the card number, the identification data of the bank is laid.

The map account number is a twenty-digit number, which is a billing account of the card holder in a bank similar to any other bank account. It is impossible to detect it on the plastic medium, since it is not safe. It is applied only on a magnetic strip, and only a technical device can be considered when conducting operations. If the card is reissued due to the expiration of the validity period or in case of loss, its number will be changed. But the account number will remain the same.

If you are planning to carry out a more serious operation using a card (for example, transferring money from some organization), then you may need additional details - bik, TIN, OKATO, bank account, etc. It is necessary to decide in advance with all these information and make a request to the bank already with their account.

Is it possible to find out a pin code in the bank?

Surprisingly, some naive customers believe that financiers can provide such information. It should be known that the value of the PIN code of four digits knows only the cardholder and for security reasons, it is not seated anywhere and is not stored anywhere. Alas, if you are not able to remember the PIN code with your cards card, then the output is only one - reissue. To do this, contact the Issuer bank with the relevant statement.

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Each bank card holder should know exactly all the features of the product, its functions, operations of operations. Be sure to explore which details have a bank card, for which they can be needed, where you can get information.

Under bank details imply a set of data that allows operations. To make payments, receive money for a card account, the bank's client should know the bank and recipient / payer of funds.

The bank's details includes the following data (with the example of details PJSC Sberbank):

  • Name of the bank - PJSC "Sberbank of Russia".
  • Bik - Bank identification code, which includes the country code, region, the number of the Bank's division, the sequence number of the bank's separation - 044525225.
  • Corsche - correspondent accountopened by the respondent bank in the most banking organization Other correspondent for another correspondent - 301018104000000225 in GU Bank of Russia in the Central Federal District, Moscow.
  • Inn - taxpayer identifier - 7707083893.
  • KPP - Code of the cause of registration - 773601001.

Recovers / Payer Requirements:

  • Recipient - Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Score No. - 40817810xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Additionally, the Bank's Division Code can be required at the place of account of the card account, the address of the Bank's division.

The details of the bank card details include its number available on plastic, month and year of completion of its action, CVC2 or CVV2 code (for payments on the network).

The user needs to know that the PIN code is not included in the details of the card, and its no one has the right to request, this is a personal information of the card holder, which opens access to the account.

When committing currency transactions Additional record details may be required:

  • Account recipient;
  • sWIFT code - international system interbank translation;
  • the name of the bank in international transliteration.

Details of a bank card

Under the details of the bank card, information is implied to carry out an operation from the bank card account. At the same time, the number is set in the account number card account. It should not be confused with the number of the card, which is indicated on the plastic itself.

When it may be necessary

Get cash from account or calculated plastic in stores with the help of a pin-code card. You can translate money more often using the map number and other details located on the plastic.

Perform operations through full details of the bank may be required in the following cases:

  • The mortgagee is set to work and gives the details of the card, in order for the employer to be credited to the payroll card.
  • If you need to transfer a large amount money.
  • To repay loans from other banks.
  • If money is translated between frequent and / or legal entities.

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Where you can see the bank card details

Memorial details do not make sense, they can always be obtained from the bank site. Registered users of Internet banking companies will be able to recognize the details of the cards in the Personal Account. When conducting operations in the Internet bank, the system will automatically form payment order and insert plastic props.

Map data are displayed in the menu item " Information on a map" If you need to transfer details to enumerate funds, it is better to print them or make a screenshot of the page in the data and forward at the preview address.

Additional ways to obtain information are:

  • Getting information from a service contract. At the end of the document, the parties will be configured before the signatures of the parties.
  • You can find information by contacting directly to representation credit organization With a passport. In the Sberbank system it is better to contact the office where the account was opened.
  • By calling a hotline bank. To get the account information, you will need to go through the identification procedure.
  • If the client is near With ATMHe will be able to get information by entering the card into the self-service device and logged in in the system.
  • Customers who are not registered in the online bank do not understand how to get data can be advised to write a letter in the Bank Support Service. Having received a written response, print it and transfer to the counterparty.

It is worth carefully refer to the transfer of their record details. When an error assisted, the payment will not pass, the money will be returned to the payer or The bank will ask for confirmation of information. This will increase the transfer of money. If the account number is incorrectly entered, the money can be enrolled to another person and recover them will be only through the court.

Bank details are a number of information necessary for performing various operations, such as the transfer of funds, transferring obligatory payments, etc.

The importance of these data is extremely large. Fill bank details It is necessary very carefully. At best, errors can be identified by bank employees, then you will have to rewrite at worst - cash will not go there, where necessary. Of course, this error can be corrected by writing a statement to the bank, but a considerable amount of time will take back to the refund, which is no longer possible. Especially since the erroneous listing that needs to be made at a certain time may go to the middle (its direct consequence is fine).

What include bank details? The main, without which it is impossible to carry out a single operation, the details are: a bik of the bank, the name of the recipient's bank (sender), correspondent. This is followed by those data that indicate a certain type of Inn Recipient (sender) and, of course, the personal data of the recipient.

Consider in more detail the main bank details. They indicate what kind of bank it is an invoice to be opened to be transferred. The bik (or bank identification code) has nine digits, to know from which only last seven, since the code of any bank of Russia begins with numbers 04. As a rule, in any bank, operations should be able to "read" the necessary information on these numbers. By such a code, you can install the city in which the bank you need, and the time of its opening (registration and license issuance). The correspondent account indicates the account number of the bank you need in the Bank of Russia. The accounts of all institutions are identical, only four digits (last three and ninth) are changed.

What are bank card details? This is the information necessary for monetary operations With your card. For example, account replenishment, translating funds from one card to another, listing wages and other receipts. What include bank details for the card? This includes: OKPO, calculated bick and personal account number. These are all details necessary for the transfer of wages, translations. And the main details of the bank card are: personal account - to make cash and PIN-code - to identify your personality.

How can I find bank details? Methods - Mass! The first and easiest - look at the envelope in which there was a plastic card. Although the bank immediately warn that the envelope is best destroyed so that the PIN code does not get into other people's hands. If you got rid of the envelope, then details should be viewed on the Bank's website. But here you will naturally do not know. Only details are available. In this case, you can call the phone indicated on the back of the plastic card. Only write numbers need very carefully! Another way is to go to any separation of your bank. You will tell you here, and show!

For such simple operations as removing funds, the requisites of the Sberbank card do not need. However, if there is a need to pay for the purchase on the network or make interbank translate, without specifying these details it is not necessary. Most of the necessary data is present on the most plastic Map, Therefore, if the card is stored in a wallet, payment turns into formality.

Another thing is when there are no cards at hand, and the translation of money needs to be done urgently. Before the owner of the map there is a task to find out the data as soon as possible. You can do this in several ways - the owner of the bank card is entitled to choose which it is more convenient.

Details of the Sberbank Maps - what does it go about?

First of all, it is important to realize that between the concepts " details of the Sberbank card"And" banking details of Sberbank"There is nothing in common. When ordering goods in the network requires the details of the card, namely:

    Surname and name of the owner of the account on Latin.

    Full card number. Card numbers Visa. and Master Card contain 16 digits, Maestro. - 18 digits.

    Month and year ending card.

    Security code CVC. 2 consisting of 3-digit. The code CVC. 2 Banks recommend memorizing and erased, and not to leave on the plastic - it means that this props on the map will most likely not.

Bank details are the data of the Sberbank Office, where the card was framed. These details include:

    Bika bank - unique identificator financial institution.

    Inn - Tax number.

    The name of the bank is full and abbreviated.

    Department number in XXXH / UUU format.

    Corrective and correspondent accounts.

Bank details The card user is rarely required. They can be requested, say, an employer for listed wages or an insurance company to transfer compensation. In addition, bank details are sometimes used to withdraw funds from electronic wallets - in conclusion in this way, the Commission is minimal.

We learn the details of the Sberbank card

There are not so many ways to clarify the card number in its absence. For example, on a call to a hot Sberbank line for a free number 8-800-555-55-50 do not know these data- The operator will give only bank details if the card holder will be able to name the code word.

In Sberbank Online, earlier the card number was shown, but now only 4 last numbers of this number and the date of expiration date of the card are now available.

The same 4 Final numbers are contained in SMS, which comes in response to the request. info. to number 900.

The full number (key props) can be obtained only in two ways:

    Find the envelope at home where the documentation for the card is. All data is prescribed in these papers.

    Take a passport and personally appear in the Sberbank division. In the office, the account owner will be able to not only find out the data, but also apply for a card restore, change the code word and perform other operations.

How to find out the bank details of Sberbank: all the ways

Through Sberbank online

Most fast way Receive the details of the Sberbank branch that emitted the card - use the service "Sberbank online". Start by authorization in the Personal Account - enter the login and password:

On the main page Service Select the tab " Cards».

Click on the name of the card in the block " Cards».

Go to the " Information on a map».

Here is only the number of the calculated account. For getting all Bank details should click on the link " Requisites for translation card».

Page with details will appear in a new window. From this window, you can print a sheet with data, send details by e-mail or save them in Doc or PDF format.

Through the Sberbank website

Another way to specify bank details is to use the service on the official Sberbank website. but the result will be able to receive only if the counting number is known to which the map is tied. Find the service is not easy: first on the main page you need to go down to the most basement site and select the " About Bank.».

On the next page in the main menu, find the section " Requisites».

In this section there is a subsection " Checking a 20-digit account"- It is necessary.

There will be a form in which physical lick Be sure to complete such details: the name, name, the address of the bank, who issued the card (may be replaced by the INN), the 20-digit account number. After entering data, click " Shape».

If the data was indicated correctly, a receipt will appear with requisites.

Note: legal entities need to indicate the name of the organization, the Inn and the account number.

Through the Sberbank's Contact Center

Get details through the contact center - the option is also not simple, but quite efficient. Need to dial a free hotline number 8-800-555-55-50 And act on such instructions:

    Listen to the introductory information that the mechanical voice reads, and select Option No. 3 (click the appropriate figure) - " Connection with a specialist».

    Listen to pleasant music and wait for a specialist. Mechanical voice will inform you how much you have to wait. Waiting time rarely exceeds 2-3 minutes - Call-center employees act rather quickly.

    After the connection, ask the employee requisites on the map.

An employee will ask a question if you need a number of the calculated account to which the map is attached. Specialist separates this props, because his contacting person will have to write his own personnel - The rest of the details will send an SMS message to the room from which they call. The message will appear the name of the bank, the bik, correspondent account, the Inn. CPP will not - The SMS clarifies that this code is not a mandatory props. The message comes from the number 900 and looks like this:

Note: Requisites can anddictate - In the event that the use of SMS for you is an uncomfortable option (for example, when handling someone else's phone).

Despite the fact that the autoinformer notifies the need to prepare a passport and a card, all this is not necessary. It is enough just to call the operator 4 final numbers of the card number - you will not ask passport details. Bank details are not personal data, they are "secret for seven seals" are not.

Through a mobile application

The Sberbank online application is present in the AppStore (for iPhone) and Google Play (for Android). In the AppStore link to this application is such - https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/sberbank-onlajn/id492224193?mt\u003d8.

To find out the details via the application, first log in and install the 5-digit security code. Then on the main page click on the item with the name of the plastic card.

The section will open My cards»- Here you need to click on the darkened item" Actions with the card».

A menu appears in which you click on " Show details».

The following screen will see the details of the banking institution, speaking the issuer of the card - TIN, PPC, bik, correspondent and settlement accounts.

Note: Data can be sent by e-mail or SMS, as well as save in the memory of the mobile device.

Through the Sberbank branch

This option is for those who do not seek light paths: you can come to the local Sberbank branch and ask the printout of the map details. Personal visit is not a problem for those users of the cards that live in major cities. But the residents of villages and villages that are not covered by the Sberbank network will have to go to the nearest major locality For information. To decide on a personal visit to the Bank's office for the details of the card, it is recommended after the rest of the ways for any reason have not given the result.

Please note that through the Sberbank branch, you will most likely not be able to get bank details on the map, which was issued in another, distant region. The structure of the Sberbank network involves division into 16 territorial zones, each of which is capable of operating only by its own data.

Every day, using a bank card, people often do not even represent what details are, because to make the simplest operations to enroll or remove funds through ATMs they are not required. However, sooner or later such a situation may occur when necessary full details bank card. How to find out the details of the Sberbank card and why can they need? Most often, complete record details are required for non-cash or for transfers between individuals and legal entities, or to repay loans, or to replenish their own contribution.

Speaking of bank card details, you need to know the difference between the concepts of "Details of the Map" and "Banking Discussits of Sberbank".

Bank card details are the data that is partially displayed on the map itself. These include:

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  • FULL NAME Latin letters (if it is nominal);
  • month and year of expiration;
  • (directly on the plastic card is not specified).

Bank details of the Sberbank branch are information regarding which the map was issued, and the accounts to which it is attached. This information allows you to perform any operation with the card and with the account. These include:

  • name of the bank (full and abbreviated);
  • Inn Bank is an individual taxpayer number;
  • PPC - Code of the reason for registration;
  • correspondent account number of the bank;
  • the branch number of the bank has the appearance of XXXX / YYYY (where XXXX is the regional bank number, Yyyy - the additional office in the region).

How to find out the details of the Sberbank card

    In the Sberbank branch.

    The easiest way is to contact the nearest branch of the bank. With you need to have bank card And the passport, upon presentation of which a bank employee issues complete information on details. You can get several instances of printing with bank data cards.

    Online Sberbank.

    If there is access to the Internet and connected, then the details of the card can be viewed in the Personal Account. It will take no more than 5 minutes.

    First you need to enter personal Areausing personal and password. Dealer choose the desired map, Select the Information on the map tab, and then select "Requisites of Translation Card". New window opens detailed information With the details of your card. It can be rewritten or printed.

    Attention: if the card is credit, salary or opened in another territorial bank, then information on facial account It will not be displayed, there will be an empty field. It will be necessary to know the number of the personal account with one of the alternative proposed methods.

  1. Official Sberbank website.

    On the official website, you can find out the details of the territorial bank or full details of their card, if you know the account number and the Inn Bank.

    1st way. On the official website you must first select and install your region, then find the "On Bank" tab. It is located at the bottom of the page on the left. Next to the right of a small list, select the Requisites tab. This opens a new window with the necessary information on the territorial bank.

    2 way. This method allows you to learn the details of the card by the account number. On the official Sberbank website at the bottom of the left, we find the tab "On Bank". Next, in the left menu, we find the "Details" tab, and "Checking a 20-digit account". You must fill out the following data: FULL NAME, INN, or DIRECTION OF THE BANK OF THE BANK, where the map was framed, the 20-digit account number to which the map is tied. Next, click "form" and get information on the details of the map.

    Self-service terminals.

    Sberbank card details can be found through ATMs or terminals that support the appropriate function. To do this, you need to insert a card into the terminal, enter the PIN code, select "My Payments" in the "Account Details" menu. The screen displays all the necessary information. For convenience, details can be printed in the check.

    Thus, if necessary, there are several ways to find out the details of the Sberbank card. This can be done as without leaving the house and is in any place outside the house. Full bank details can only get the owner of the card in the presence of a passport, secret code information and the most plastic card. Such measures are accepted for the safety of Sberbank's customers themselves, as information on the details of the card provides full access To her and its account and allows you to perform any operations.

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