
Help on open facial accounts. Application to the tax inspectorate on issuing an open accounts in banks. Who can order and get a certificate

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Help on open settlement accounts from the tax gives a lot of information on the business reputation of an entrepreneur or a legal entity. According to accounts, you can learn about the presence of blockages, sanctions, encumbrances and restrictions imposed on the owner of the specified payment details. That is why this certificate may request, for example, a potential investor who wants to invest in the development of a third party company. How is the certificate of settlement accounts from the tax, for what time it is prepared, should it be paid to pay a fee?

What is needed for such a certificate

The most common situations when a certificate from the tax on the availability of current accounts can be useful, the following:

  • conclusion of contracts with third-party companies;
  • appeal to the court;
  • initialization of the process of liquidation of the legal entity;
  • credit registration in the bank;
  • apply for participation in electronic trading and / or auctions.

Help from IFTS on open settlement accounts allows the recipient of the data to learn more about the reputation of the owner of the payment details. After all, according to payment details, it is not difficult to find out whether debt claims are available to the legal entity from the state or investors, partners.

But with all this, the data that provides a certificate of open settlement accounts, it is closed information. The owner of payment details may refuse to indicate such data at their discretion. And the disclosure of this data (without the consent of the authorized person) may be regarded as damage to business reputation.

Where to get a document

The certificate of the availability of current accounts can issue a tax, as well as a bank in which these hosts and open. But in the latter case, the document will not be legal force. In addition, in the certificate issued by the Bank, information is indicated only about those accounts that are served exclusively in it. And every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to open a lot of settlement accounts, and each of them can be issued in individual banks. In general, the bank certificate indicates information not about all existing accounts.

Help on open settlement accounts (sample how to fill)

FTS also issues a certificate at the request of the physician himself or a representative of Jurlitsa. The service is free. The document is assigned to print and signature the head of the regional branch of the tax, so the certificate is legal.

To prepare a certificate, you can contact the nearest representation of the FNS, and not just where the registration of Jurlitsa took place. The territorial binding does not matter in this case.

Who can get

Get a certificate of all settlement accounts of the entrepreneur may:

  • himself owner or authorized to represent his person (by proxy);
  • judicial and law enforcement;
  • bailiffs.

The information specified in the document is considered confidential. In abbreviated statements from the State Register of Jurlitz or IP, it is not contained, to third parties, even according to a written request it is not provided.

In certain cases, the debt challenger may require such a certificate. But this is relevant only in the presence of an actuator. The tax such information will provide if there is evidence that the owner of the settlement accounts is hidden from the payment of debt obligations.

What information is contained in the reference

In addition to full List active settlement accounts, in the help indicates:

  1. Type of currency for each account.
  2. The name of the bank, which serves each of the specified accounts.
  3. Inn owner / owners (if an account belongs not to an individual, but, for example, LLC or JSC, several people can immediately manage).

Clear requirements for the design of this document are not provided. That is, information is fed in free form, but is necessarily fixed by the signature of the representative of the FTS and the seal. The sample of the help of open settlement accounts can be obtained in the tax.

By the way, all of the above data is also contained in the extended statement from EGRIrip / EGRUL. In some situations, it is better to request them, but it can only make it the owner of registered accounts. The discharge is also prepared on request, you can request it in in electronic format (in abbreviated information about open settlement accounts is not contained).

What documents should be submitted to the FTS

To appeal to the tax, you should prepare the next set of papers in advance:

  • statement (in free form, on behalf of the head of the legal entity or an authorized personality);
  • passport;
  • information from the State Register of Jurlitz or IP.

Previously, the tax also requested a document-explanation on behalf of the help subsequently and is provided for familiarization. Now it is not necessary, you can immediately contact the IFTS at any convenient time.

The application also needs to specify the following information:

  • INN of the organization, on which the certificate is requested;
  • the address to which the finished document will be sent (you can pick it yourself);
  • personal data to which the help will be handed.

Explanation, for what purposes the document is requested - it is not necessary. Even if the tax representative indicates that this information is necessary - it is not necessary to provide it, such data is considered confidential.

Manufacturing time

According to the established standards, the permissible workshop of public accounting accounts is limited, it cannot exceed 1 month from the moment of circulation. In most cases, the document is issued within 5 working days. The delays may occur if there are a large number of registered current accounts in different banks, as well as due to technical problems (for example, the implementation of preventive work on the FSS servers).

As a rule, when a certificate is submitted, a tax representative indicates when the document is ready or sent to the address specified in the application.

If more than a month has passed since the appeal, but there was no document or written explanation from the tax, then this is a sufficient reason to appeal to law enforcement agencies or the prosecutor's office. And even written explanations from the FTS are not taken into account. If, due to the lack of reference in the entrepreneur, for example, a profitable deal broke down, he will be able to demand compensation in the amount of potential profits that he lost. But in practice such cases are a rarity. The final amount of compensation establishes the court in which the case was considered.

Obtaining an electronic help

Currently, the certificate can be obtained in electronic form. The appropriate request can be filed on the website www.nalog.ru, which is the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (and refers to the public services portal). From a legal point of view, these documents are identical interchangeable.
So, it will take:

  • go to the portal www.nalog.ru;
  • perform authorization using an electronic signature (you can use a qualified or unqualified);
  • in the "Documents" section, select the requested type of reference document;
  • enter the requested data (name or INN of the Organization for which the data is requested).

Naturally, when using this portal, you can request a summary about open settlement accounts of only the company that owns a person who has submitted a request (identification of the personality occurs through an electronic signature).

Estimated bank account, unlike deposit, opens in order to obtain reliable and quick access to money. Its current state shows how much the subject can spend. In business relationships, it is no longer taken to demonstrate cash, gold bars or precious stones to confirm their consistency. They were replaced by the Help from the IFTS on open settlement accounts. It is also used in many other cases to confirm various aspects of conducting activities, the material situation of a person or organization.

Order certificate

Who needs and why?

A document on the status of accounts in banks may be required both legal and individual entrepreneurs and individuals in Moscow. It allows you to determine financial opportunities, human ability or enterprise quickly get a certain monetary sum And be able to dispose of it. Certificates of accounts from tax need:

  • in the formation of a package of documents to participate in tenders, competitions;
  • when making entrepreneurs of business plans for development or exit from the crisis;
  • in negotiations on attracting investments in the enterprise;
  • to obtain licenses;
  • for appointing subsidies, other benefits;
  • when issuing loans;
  • for presentation in consulates and embassies when issuing visas;
  • when considering cases in courts, the opening of enforcement proceedings;
  • when liquidation or reorganization of legal entities.

Who gives?

You can get a certificate of open settlement accounts in a bank or tax. In the first case, the information is given urgently, but this service is paid. In addition, the banking institution can only give information about the accounts that were opened in it. Those who work with several banks need to be applied for the appropriate certificate of each.

But if the information is needed to provide in the state institution, to the prosecutor's office, to the court, its source may be exclusively IFTS. A request to the tax authority should be submitted at the place of registration of the place of residence of the individual or the legal address of the enterprise, the organization. His issuance is provided for by law. Refusal for various reasons (workload work, errors in the database, the presence of the applicant of debt, etc.), as well as delays in the preparation of information in excess of the statutory time, are illegal.

Independent receipt of reference

Order a certificate in the IFTS open accounts You can independently. To do this, you need to submit a written request in free form, printed or written by hand. But it must be in it:

  • in the upper right corner - the name of the institution, its number and address, the head of the head;
  • applicant data - for individuals: FULL NAME, INN, address; For Yurlitz: Title, Inn, PPC, legal address;
  • requirement for issuing a certificate of open (closed) settlement accounts, bank data, where accounts were open;
  • the reason for petition;
  • the desired method of obtaining a certificate is simple postal departure, email, issuance to the applicant's hands or his representative;
  • date and signature.

Individuals are applied to request a copy of the passport and INN, legal - an extract from the register and a copy of the passport of the head. Read more about independent receipt:

Features of the legislation regulating this issue

The issuance of certificates from IFTS on the opening (closing) of current accounts is provided for by Art. 64 NK RF. But if the request is incorrect, there are no documents confirming the identity and rights of its submitter, it is possible to refuse to provide information.

But most often those who want to order a certificate independently, are faced not only with queues in the tax inspections of Moscow, but also with the problem of completeness and reliability of information. The responsibility for collecting and issuing information about open (closed) accounts in credit institutions is entrusted to the tax.

But it must be remembered that in accordance with P.P. 2, 3 tbsp. 23 taxpayers should report to the IFTS at the place of registration about opening and closing the current accounts.

Such responsibility is assigned to bank institutions (paragraph 1 of Article 86 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

But sometimes information is applied not fully or is lost and distorted during the processing process. Submit reliable information to request a request.

What information should be specified in the help?

After receiving information prepared on the basis of the tax inspection data, you must make sure that the help is properly executed and contains all the necessary information. A special form and a clearly installed form is not provided for it, but it must contain:

  • the full name of the organ, which was given it, its address and contact phone;
  • date and document number;
  • a list of open (closed) settlement accounts;
  • for each of them it is indicated - category, opening date of the current account, number, currency, details of the banking institution, closing date (if the account is closed);
  • position and surname of the employee who signed information;
  • signature and printing institutions.

Production time

The term of references from the tax inspection is the same as to consider other appeals of citizens and organizations. Legislation requires that the answer is given within 1 month.

But if you have all the necessary information in the database of institutions, drawing up, printing and checking this document takes less than 30 minutes.

In practice, the period for preparing information depends on the organization of work in a specific tax. It can be 2-3 days, and 2-3 weeks. This is not a problem if the package of documents for any purpose (participation in the tender, the receipt of a loan or subsidy, the preparation of a business plan, the design of the visa, etc.) is formed in advance. But if information is needed urgently - you can only ask for employees of the IFTS to enter the position of the request's submitter and go to meet it. Alternative option - contact the company offering order a certificate from the tax.

Who to entrust receipt of information from the tax?

Many companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals in Moscow offer a wide variety of services for the design and receipt of any documents. But the choice should be approached carefully. First, you should not trust random people who have given an ad in the newspaper or on the Internet confidential information. It is more reliable to choose a company that already exists long enough, earned a good reputation and values \u200b\u200bit. Professionalism is also important.

When you need to get an urgent certificate from the IFTS (about open accounts), you should contact the one who is ready to do is, and will provide a specified certificate for all the rules and containing all the necessary information.

Find out other people's bank details It is possible, but only in a certain case.

Other people's accounts

Paragraph 8 of Article 69 Federal Law from 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" It is provided that if there is no information about the availability of the debtor, then judicial punching performer Requests this information from tax authorities, other bodies and organizations.

Charger If he has an executive list with a non-dedicated period of presentation, it is entitled to apply to the tax authority with a statement on the presentation of this information.

Consider the specified information of the recoverer may anythe territorial tax authority, including the IFTS (or UFNS) at its location.

When contacting the tax authority with a request for obtaining information about the debtor's accounts to confirm its rights to obtain this information it is necessary to prevent simultaneously The original or certified in the prescribed manner (by a notary or court who issued the executive list) a copy of the executive list with a non-dedicated period of presentation.

In the case of submission to the tax authority, a copy of the executive list certified by an authorized officer of the Organization, which is a recoverer, simultaneously presented script Executive Sheet.

The properly designed query can be sent by mail (if you need to receive confirmation of the addressee - by registered letter with the notification), or was filed in a tax authority personally (through an authorized representative - by proxy).

Upon presentation of the record personally in the tax authority of the executive officer's executive person, the tax authority after documenting the fact of its presence returns the original of the executive list to the recoverer.

In all other cases, the request directions with the application of a copy of the executive list, certified by an authorized officer of the Organization Organization, the tax authority will check the accuracy of the received copy of the executive list (by sending a relevant request to the court, issued this executive list).

Tax authorities represent the requested information in for 7 days From the date of receipt of the request.

Your accounts

The applicant - a citizen (physical), organization of information about their bank accounts Can be provided with tax authorities on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Informatization, Information Technologies and Information Protection". In accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 8 of Law No. 149-FZ:
  • citizen (Physly) has the right to receive information from state agencies, local government information directly affecting his right and freedom;
  • the organization has the right to receive information from state bodies, local government information, directly related to the rights and obligations of this organization, as well as the information necessary in connection with the interaction with the indicated authorities in the implementation of this organization of its statutory activities.
At the same time, it was found that the owner of the information, in this case, the FNS, which exercises the authority of the owner of the information on behalf of the Russian Federation, has the right to allow or restrict access to information, to determine the procedure and conditions for such access, as well as in carrying out their rights, is obliged to comply with the rights and legitimate interests of other Persons, restrict access to information, if such a duty is established by federal laws.

By virtue of the provisions of Article 84 and Article 102 of the NC, the taxpayer information from the date of registration with the tax authority is the tax secret, which is not subject to disclosure by the tax authorities, their officers, except in cases provided for by federal law.

The procedure for access to confidential information of tax authorities approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 03.03.2003 No. BG-3-28 / 96.

In accordance with paragraph 11 of the Procedure, a request for confidential information is issued and sent in writing on the form of the established form.

When sending requests for TKS, the applicant's signature is confirmed by an electronic digital signature.

A citizen to get information about his bank accounts is entitled to personally contact the request made in arbitrary form, presenting a document certifying the identity; Apply, through the service "Personal Cabinet of the Taxpayer for Individuals" (section: "Creating Free Form") or send a request for TKS, signed by its strengthened by a qualified electronic signature.

To apply for information about your bank accounts applicant may anyterritorial tax authority, including at the place of its location (residence (stay)).

When contacting the request, the applicant needs to take into account the fact that information about invoices (deposits) of individuals is submitted by banks in the tax authorities from July 1, 2014. Information about previously open personal accounts in banks (if such accounts were not closed or there were no changes for them) tax authorities do not have. Also tax authorities do not have information about the movement money on accounts. Such information the applicant may request from the bank in which the account is opened.
Explanations on this issue, in particular, are given in the letters of the FTS ,.


Currently, the obligation to notify the tax inspectorate on the available settlement accounts of legal entities is canceled.

Financial institutions in which an economic entity will independently inform the tax authority. But the moments arise when information about open accounts must be obtained for one reason or another.

The process of obtaining a certificate in the IFNS o P / s

The company's head, his representative or other persons (the arbitration manager, bailiff) is entitled to contact the territorial division of the tax inspectorate to obtain data on the settlement accounts of the enterprise.

For this, the corresponding request is issued, receiving which, FNS staff will prepare the necessary certificate.

Personal appeal to the tax authority will take a certain amount of time to speed up the request process allowed in "Online" mode.

To do this, go to the official website tax Service and pass authorization through personal Area Taxpayer. If the registration record has not yet been done, then the registration procedure should be followed.

But when sending an open account request, a legal entity must be prepared electronically digital signature, Its presence is required when sending a document.

It is also allowed to send a request by mail. It will be more correct to compile a document in 2 copies with the description of the attachment in the envelope.

Similarly, the request is transmitted through the Office, the second set with a mark on acceptance remains from the applicant.

This certificate can be obtained in the bank. This option is suitable for applicants who need soon receiving information. But this service is paid.

For information from different banks, you need to send a request to each of them.

In the Help from the FNS, all available information on open accounts of the organization will be collected.

Some state structures (Prosecutor's Office) take exclusively a document issued by the Tax Inspectorate.

The lack of appeal to the tax authority is a long wait time.

Declarms must be borne in mind that upon completion of the deadline for presentation executive document To satisfy, account information will not be provided.

How to make an application for issuing information?

An application for information on the company's accounts is drawn up on the basis of generally accepted standards on paper A4 format. It is allowed to make a document using a computer and hand.

In the upper (right) part of the application should contain information about the FNS department number. The document begins with the phrase "head of the FNS No. ...". The following procedure is prescribed below: the name of the legal entity, the INN, CAT, the registration address.

It is necessarily indicated by the reason for the reference. As a supplement, you can refer to Article 64 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which allows this service to receive.

The application is signed by the Director of the Enterprise, another authorized person to commit such operations.

For validity of the request for a request to the tax authority, the recoverer must confirm its right to a positive decision of the court for a return debt.

A copy of the executive document is applied to the last, which is certified by the court. For bailiffs The legitimate statement is executive productionFor arbitration managers - a proceedings in the bankruptcy case.

Help production time - 5 working days. But if the application is filed personally, information about the readiness of the document is better to ask the FTS specialist.

There are situations when the duration of the response ranges from 14 to 20 days. Total time For issuing such papers - 30 days.

Download Sample

Download a sample request for a certificate from the tax on open current accounts -


In addition to the request, the Company's head for obtaining the necessary information should be provided with a document certifying his identity, and an extract from the EGRUL (EGRIP).

Information on the availability of the state of accounting accounts of the debtor, open in the financial institution, help the lender to predict the possibility of repaying the claims.

According to the presented information on the balance of cash on a particular account, the storage values \u200b\u200bof the storage determines the place to send the executive document.

Such actions make it possible to achieve maximum efficiency in the return of unemployed debt from the unscrupulous borrower.

Prices for reference:

Features of receipt:

Help on open accounts contains a list of information established by law. It belongs to the name of the banking institution and the recipient, the document of the document, the name of the legal entity or the name individual entrepreneurwhich opened the current account, as well as information about the accounts themselves (their number, view and currency encrypted by the digital code).

  • Who can get a certificate of open accounts?

Information about the availability of current accounts, about the remains on them financial means and their movement is a bank secret, so order certificate of open accounts A circle of people is strictly defined by the legislation. These include the head of the company, as well as a person acting on behalf of the Organization by proxy. In addition, the certificate may be needed government agencies or officials.

  • Why do you need information about the availability of current accounts?

The state authorities may need to be required to carry out the procedure for collecting taxes and fees in favor of the state, before carrying out an exit audit, as well as, if necessary, to remove entity, stopped maintaining economic activities. Enterprises and IP get a certificate of open accountsrequired in several cases: confirm if necessary financial condition In court disputes, as an addition to the package of documents when negotiating with investors, before applying for lending, to participate a company in auctions and tenders.

  • How to get a certificate in a bank or tax inspection?

The basis for issuing a certificate is a request to a bank or tax institution on behalf of the recipient. You can arrange it on paper. Help on open accounts online issued on the basis of an electronic request. You can make an application yourself, but the optimal decision will be the help of a lawyer "Business Consulting", since when identifying errors in the document, the IFSN authorities have the right to refuse to issue a certificate.

Terms of issue:

The question of granting certificates is considered one of the most serious problems. FNS institutions argue that from the moment of submission of the application and before receiving a certificate, no more than 5 working days. In fact, this period is often stretched for several weeks. In our practice, we faced situations when the preparation date of the document reached 30 days. A more prompt reference is issued by a banking institution. However, it should be borne in mind that the cost of the bank's services can be quite high. In addition, not always this option is suitable. For example, on litigation And the prosecutor's office needs to give a certificate issued by the FTS.

The optimal solution may become open account certificateobtained using specialists "Business Consulting". Our company guarantees the maximum deadlines for issuing and the democratic cost of services. Call, we will be happy to help you!

Most modern enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership have settlement accounts in banks. After completion of the procedure, their opening of the enterprise is notified by the agencies that control financial accounting. Due to this, in the future, every entity of economic activity may at any time gethelp on open accounts, which is high as a banking institution and tax authority Based on the data obtained. Another option is to design a document through the Business Consulting company, where experienced lawyers and a professional approach to solving each problem are waiting for you!

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state