
Where to open an account with a bank for IP. How to open a settlement account for IP. What is a settlement account of the entrepreneur and what it differs from "ordinary"

Greetings to you, dear friend! Alexander Berezhov, an entrepreneur and founder of the project "Pope" and expert on banking issues.

Two years ago I opened a settlement account for my IP. In this article I will tell you, in which bank it is better to open it and why. I will also give step-by-step instructions, with the help of which even a novice entrepreneur can do it quickly and on the best conditions.

I will tell you how the list of documents is needed to open the current account and will answer the frequently asked questions on the topic.

Settlement account IP - "Ponte" or necessity?! Tell me!

What is a settlement account of the entrepreneur and what it differs from "ordinary"

You as an individual entrepreneur will be able to get percentages to the rest in its RS, to make revenue from the sale of goods and services.

PC is convenient to use for calculations with counterparties and partners, paying current expenses: rent, employee wages, utility bills.

Settlement account may have only commercial enterprises (IP, LLC and others). For physicals, an ordinary (current) bank account opens or contribution.

It is understood that the individual will not take money on it, obtained as income or profits from business activities.

Also an important distinction of the PC is that he necessarily browsing the tax. Based on revolutions, this account is calculated and taxes tax.

When committing questionable non-cash operations, the tax is entitled to block the PC of the entrepreneur before finding out all circumstances.

For example, if there are significant amounts from companies with a "gray" reputation or you systematically pay taxes.

If this happens, it will be necessary to come to the tax at the place of residence, resolve the disagreement and write an application for unlocking PC. In most cases, it can do it on the same day and you will continue to work without any problems with non-cash.

Why do Ip need a current account and how much it costs to open it

Entrepreneur Settlement account is needed to work with non-cash payments. Legal entities and IP are in most cases paying goods and services by transfer to PC.

Pay taxes and produce other payments more convenient from your business account.

The cost of opening a settlement account of the PI in 2019 depends on the bank and varies from "free" to several thousand rubles.

But it is not necessary to immediately give preference to the bank who will offer such a service for Zero rubles . Further maintenance of this PC can cost much more expensive.

First I appreciate the terms of the banks, then I will accept the decision

How to open an account for IP - Step-by-step instruction from practice

PC You can open yourself according to the instructions below or entrust it by a third-party company. I myself use reliable service - the Internet accounting "My case".

Here, in addition to the RS, you will help you, will take on accounting or advise on tax issues.

Step 1. Determine the purpose of opening the current account

Once again, it will list, for which you need PC for IP:

  • non-cash payment of goods and services for entrepreneurial activities;
  • receiving pay from the population through bank cards (acquaring);
  • payment of employees in non-cash form;
  • fast enrollment of funds to legal entities, including large sums (over 100,000 rubles).

According to the law, Jurlitz cannot receive cash more than 100,000 rubles at a time.

Sometimes when taking large amounts, a legal entity does several checks up to 100 000 rubles. I had so when buying an apartment.

The advantages of the settlement account are obvious.

Step 2. Choose the bank

Choosing a bank, you need to pay attention to several main criteria.

Here they are:

  1. The time of the bank's existence and its "size", the larger and the most famous bank, the better.
  2. The cost of opening the PC itself.
  3. The cost of the monthly subscription fee for service.
  4. The cost of sending a payment order.
  5. The amount of the amount that can be removed in cash per month without percentage and the percentage size for removing the utmost rate.
  6. Accrual interest on the balance sheet: if there is, then what.

If you have individual "wishes" to the jar in which you will open a settlement account, it is also worth considering the decision.

In the section of this article "where it is better to open an account for SP," I brought several good banks for this purpose.

Step 3. Ready Package Documents

In different banks, the list of documents for opening a current account may differ, but here are those that will definitely need:

  • passport;
  • extract from EGRIP (issued from January 1, 2017 instead of certificate of registration of IP);
  • Reduss;
  • printing IP;

To clarify the list of documents for a specific bank, refer to it hot line or directly to the department.

Step 4. Open the current account in the selected bank

After submitting documents to the bank, the PC will be discovered during the day. Some banks take all documents remotely via the Internet and will be ready after 20-30 minutes after consideration of your securities.

Step 5. Enjoy non-cash payments

From the moment of opening an account, you can receive non-cash payments and connect the acquiring - receiving payment by plastic cards. You can also conveniently manage money on your PC and make the necessary payments.

Tax recommends that IP operations, indirectly confirming the conduct of the real activities of the entrepreneur. If millions come every month in cashlessly, and your expenditure part over PC is 1000 rubles, you will be likely to be credited to the tax for the "conversation".

You will need to confirm the economic meaning of large operations and "prove" its innocence to laundering money, illegal "cash" and other unlawful operations.

Where better to open an account for IP - choose a reliable bank with favorable conditions

List of banks for opening PC:

. One of the best banks under conditions (tariffs) and convenience for entrepreneurs.

Tinkoff Bank . Excellent bank, I am in it as IP opened RS. I have been using for 2 years, there are no complaints.

. Very reliable and solid bank, but there is quite expensive service.

Alfa Bank . One of the largest. Relatively low cost of service IP.

Eastern Bank. Reliable bank, rates inexpensive, suitable for conservative entrepreneurs.

Bank "Point" "Tinkoff" "Alpha" "Oriental"
The cost of opening RS. Is free Is free 3 000 rubles. Is free Is free
Service cost per month 500 rubles 490 rubles 1700 rubles 490 rubles 490 rubles
Payment costs counterparties for accounts Free 10 payments, over - 10 rubles for 1 payment order Free 10 payments, over - 29 rubles per 1 payment order from 11 rubles (on the accounts of Sberbank) to 32 rubles for the payment order to other banks Free 3 payments, over - 50 rubles per 1 payment order Free 5 payments, over - 49 rubles per 1 payment order
Fee for transfer to individuals of individuals up to 200,000 rubles - free, over: from 1% to 3% 1% + 79 rubles from 11 rubles to 32 rubles for the payment order up to 100 000 rubles - free, over: from 1% to 3% up to 5 payments - free, over: 49 rubles for payment order
PC replenishment fee 0.2% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles 0.25% of the amount, but not less than 290 rubles 0.3% of the amount, but not less than 220 rubles 0.25% of the amount, but not less than 250 rubles up to 30 000 rubles - free. Over: according to the tariff
Cash Removal Commission up to 50,000 rubles: 1.5%, but not less than 100 rubles. Over 50 000 rubles: 3% up to 400,000: 1.5% + 100 rubles. Over: from 5 to 15% + 100 rubles 1.4% of the amount. Minimum 5 US dollars up to 100 000 rubles: 1.5%, but not less than 300 rubles. Over: from 2% to 11% up to 300,000: 1.5% + 100 rubles. Over: from 5 to 15% + 100 rubles
Income on the minimum balance of the account per year 3% 6% 0% 3% 3%

In which bank, I opened a settlement account for my IP and why - Share experience

Alexander Berezhnov - the founder of the project "Dad helped"

When the question arose about the opening of the PC for his IP, I did not think for a long time, because I did not prevent big requirements To the future partner bank.

I have a simplified taxation system ( 6% on income). The revolutions for the year were also planned small: from 300,000 rubles to 1500 000 rubles.

Frequency of transactions: 1-2 times a month in the amount 20 000-100 000 rubles.

Prior to that, a debit card of Tinkoff Bank has long been enjoyed, so decided open RS in Tinkoff Bank.

I interviewed familiar businessmen who had already had an entrepreneurial account in Tinkov. The guys said that they were arranged.

The unit that is engaged in serving Jurlitz and IP in this bank is called "".

What do I like here:

For 2 years I have been using RS in Tinkoff Bank and me, like my friends, everything suits. Now when I ask me if I can recommend this bank to open the PC, I say that yes.

Frequently asked questions on the topic

Himself asked them and regularly heard them from acquaintances.

Settlement account can be opened online straight from the office or at home!

Question 1. Is it possible to open an online bill account? Anatoly, 29 years old, Vologda

Yes, now almost all large banks Offers customers to open a current account online without visiting the physical office. My partner a year ago opened the PC in this way.

To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents, provide the bank with an impression of your printing of PI and signature (in scanned form) on a sheet of paper.

By the Bank, a personal manager with which you can solve all organizational questions about your RS in remote mode will be enshrined.

After 10-60 minutes, you will become a full-fledged owner of the PC.

Question 2. Where to open a settlement account for IP in 2019? Maria, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

In them, I and my friends opened the RS for ourselves and are quite pleased.

Question 3. Is the IP obliged to open a settlement account in principle? Alexander, 35 years old, Samara

By law, an individual entrepreneur not obliged to open PC. But in some cases it is simply necessary. First of all, such an account is needed if you are working with legal entities and other IP. This is called the B2B sector (B. B.) or Business for Business.

If you plan to work with tenders and quotes, participate in state contracts, the presence of PC will be a prerequisite.

Working in the field of trade and accepting payment cards (acquiring), the current account will have to open.

Question 4. How to quickly open the RS? Marat, 27 years old, Kropotkin

If the steps then:

  1. Decide with your entrepreneurial tasks.
  2. Choose a bank with the possibility of opening a PC without a visit to the office.
  3. Submit documents to the bank in electronic form.

This is the fastest way.

Question 5. What service tariffs are considered normal? ZAUR, 32 years old, Makhachkala

Here I will give the tariffs of MODULBANK for 2019 (in it, my friend has opened RS):

Opening an account: is free
Monthly subscription fee: 490 rubles
The cost of sending a payment order: 19 rubles
Cash withdrawal to 50 000 rubles per month: without interest
Payment costs to an individual to 500,000 rubles: 19 rubles, (over 500 000 rubles: 1%)
Monthly interest accrual for the account balance: 3% per annum

These rates can be focused on both the average. I believe that the conditions described are rather beneficial for IP.

Question 6. Is it possible to open an account without a service fee? Nina, 23 years old, Cherepovets

Yes, you can. In a number of banks, the service fee for PC is not charged. But, often under such conditions, the cost of sending a payment order is significantly higher than in other banks.

Carefully read the terms of the contract with the bank, as it will definitely remain in the workplace. Try to predict the volume of future operations and their frequency. Based on these criteria and make a decision in favor of this or that bank.

Question 7. Is it possible to tie a map to your accounting account of the PI and pay for her purchases? Nikolai, 29 years old. Volgograd

Now in almost all banks of the RS opens with the card, which is "tied" in it. It turns out that you have another plastic card. You can pay in stores as any other.

Question 8. Why can refuse to open an account? Ivan, 41 years old, Murmansk

There are several such reasons. In most cases, this is a banal problem with documents: does not get necessary securitiesThey are issued incorrectly or have lost legal force.

The most common cause of failure - suspicion of committing in the past illegal operations (money laundering or terrorist financing). IN lately On the Internet and the media sharply rises the topic of "surveillance" for the movement of non-cash money of entrepreneurs and individuals.

On unofficial information from banks single base "Miscellaneous Commercials." Once upon a time, it is difficult to prove that you are an honest and law-abiding entrepreneur.

If the Bank fails to open the RS, the company (IP) on a relative and business management on his behalf becomes extreme measure. If this you happened you can turn to a lawyer or a lawyer.

Sometimes in difficult legal situations, I myself use third-party help. Solve complex legal questions Specialists of the online service "Legal" will help.

He himself periodically appeal to these guys and responsibly recommend this company as a proven "dad".

Question 9. Do I need to notify the tax and retirement fund to open the current account? Svetlana, 34 years old, Elektrostal

Indeed, earlier, within 5 days after the opening of the PC, it was necessary to notify the tax and retirement fund by submitting an application. For non-fulfillment of this requirement, a fine was provided.

Now do it Not required. From May 2014, the law entered into force, which canceled the procedure of compulsory notice government agencies On the opening / closing of the PC.

Now the bank for you does automatically.


The current account is required by an entrepreneur to implement cashless operations. Every bank interested in the new client tries to offer better conditions on the opening of the current account. At the same time, it is important to watch where it will be more profitable to open the RS in the long run.

Remember: "Strategic miscalculations cannot be compensated for tactical successes!"

First, specify the criteria and requirements based on which the decision to open the PC in a particular bank will be made.

These criteria include: the volume and frequency of operations performed, the size of the cash remained in the account, work with foreign currency other.

Remember that some banks open an account for IP for free, but then "get" your own, providing you with more expensive services for using PC.

To take a weighted decision regarding a bank, compare the conditions for the opening of the PC in each of them. Open an account in a proven bank, do not be fed by tempting proposals on the freebies of small and new "players" of this market.

If the bank in which you have money on the RS IP, "burst", then the Deposit Insurance Agency will reimburse you up to 1,400,000 rubles.

However, if you are private lawyer or notary, then money related from professional activities When recalling a license from the bank, you Losing!

As a result, whatever the bank you have chosen, the risk of force majeure is always. After all, this is an entrepreneurial activity, and here the strongest wins.

Any entrepreneurial activity is closely related to banking system. Each novice entrepreneur after registration of IP or LLC is thinking about what bank to choose to open a calculated account.

Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 490 - 4 990 p.
Up to 4 months of free maintenance


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 2 500 p.
Best offer


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 899 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 490 - 9 900 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 14 400 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 5 990 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 2 100 p.
6 months service: is free


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 480 - 4,700 p.
12 months service: free
Cashback: up to 4%


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 490 - 3 190 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 1 990 - 9 990 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 2 000 r.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 490 - 7 500


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 4 990 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 1 200 - 3 200 p.
3 months of service: is free


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 7 590 p.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 10 000 r.


Connection: Free
Maintenance per month: 0 - 6 900 p.


On the territory of Russia there is a huge number of banks providing financial services to small and large business owners. Among them, 17 of the most popular banks with a large client base can be distinguished, thanks to many years of experience, reliability and advantageous tariff plans for opening and maintaining conschange accounts.

Bank opening

Opening is one of the major commercial banks of the Russian Federation working with individuals, small and medium-sized businesses and major corporate clients. The Bank specializes in pension, insurance and investment services, and also has settlement and cash services And has flexible tariffs for servicing accounts.

The main features of the bank include:

  1. Online score reservation.
  2. No lunch break.
  3. Mobile application for entrepreneurs.
  4. 24-hour transfers and payments.
  5. SMS informing.
  6. Mailing notifications to the email address.
  7. No commission for tax and customs payments.

Connection and maintenance cost

Bank Point

"Point" - a branch of the Bank "Opening", operating exclusively with entrepreneurs. Remote work with IP and Ltd. from all regions of Russia is the main advantage of the bank. This bank has the greatest duration of the operational day: Intrabank payments are departed around the clock, external - from 12 nights to 21:00 per MSK.

The dot point differs:

  • high reliability rating;
  • the presence of an Internet bank to which any accounting program can be connected;
  • rapid design package of services - less than an hour;
  • carrying out all obligatory payments (taxes, fees, duties) without a commission;
  • free assurance of documents;
  • service with 70% discount in the first 3 months;
  • the "Exit Manager" service for the opening of the R / s.

Existing tariff plans and their cost (in rubles):


MODULBANK is the only bank in Russia, cooperating only with the owners of small businesses. This is the first bank that has launched such a convenient and useful service as, opening a conschange account by phone and via the Internet. In addition, IP, working on simplified system Taxation, have a chance to use the service "Free Accountant". With this service, it is possible to produce tax calculations, engage in the preparation and filling of tax declarations.

The main advantages of modulebank are:

  1. P / s opens quickly and completely free.
  2. The presence of a personal office, enter which you can only on the telephone number.
  3. Special application for finance management through a smartphone.
  4. To open the service package, IP will need only a passport.
  5. Technical support service works 24 hours a day.
  6. Commission for money transfer - 0 rubles, for removal of cash - from 0% (the exception is the tariff "Start").
  7. Deposits under 8% per annum for the money that are not used for various reasons.

Existing tariff plans:

Connection0 0 0
Service (15% discount when paying for 6 months)0 690 (4680 rubles for 12 months). There is a possibility of one-time payment forever4900 (47 040 rubles for 12 months). There is a possibility of one-time payment forever
Payments90 p.19 r.0
Cash withdrawal2,5% 0% (up to 50,000 rubles)0% (up to 100 000 rubles)
Percentage on the residue0% 3% up to 7%


Tinkoff is one of the most popular and large commercial Russian banks. Initially, the Bank specialized only on providing loans to individuals. But from recently, Tinkoff has expanded the range of services within the framework of payroll services (RKO) and began to actively recruit customers in the field of business. In addition to the free opening of the accounting account, the Bank provides free service in the first three months.

Tinkoff Bank has other features:

  • operating day lasts from 04:00 to 21:00;
  • payments depart instantly;
  • there is an application for remote operation;
  • any accounting program can be connected to the personal account;
  • you can exercise many interbank payments, and at the same time not to pay the commission;
  • percentages are accrued to the balance of funds by P / C (return to 6%).

Existing tariff plans:

Connection0 0 0
Service (2 months for free)490 (4,900 when paying for the year)1990 (19,900 when paying for the year)4990 (49 900 when paying for the year)
Payments0 (from 4 - 49r.)0 (from 11 - 29p.)19p.
Cash withdrawalfrom 1.5 to 15% + 99rfrom 1 to 15% + 79rfrom 1 to 15% + 59r
Percentage on the residueup to 4%until 6%until 6%


Sberbank is one of the most oldest and reliable Russian banks. The bank offers optimal conditions and favorable tariffs Not only for successful businessmen, but also for beginner entrepreneurs. Sberbank has the largest number of branches and ATMs in the country. Tariff plans for the discovery of P / C depend on the Region of the registration of IP or LLC, and the prices for services can be found in public domain on the official website " Business environment from Sberbank. "

The main advantages of Sberbank include:

  1. Tariff with completely free maintenance - "Light Start". This includes a free discovery and maintenance of P / C, the first three payments, Internet banking and a mobile bank.
  2. Account replenishment with ATMs located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. The score opens in 1 day.
  4. You can manage cash with mobile banking or through the online service.
  5. SMS informing about each performed operation.
  6. You can reserve the score in 5 minutes.
  7. You can make payments on any day, including on weekends.
  8. Commission for cashing - from 1.4% of the total amount.

Bank expert

Expert Bank - the most large bank In the Omsk region specializing in support for small and medium-sized businesses. The main advantage of the bank when opening P / C is a discount on accounting service from 1C. Each new client can get one of the bonuses: free online bookkeeping for 45 days or express audit financial reporting Enterprises over the past two years.

Service in an expert Bank has such advantages as:

  • instant online reservation p / s;
  • cash issuance up to 700 thousand rubles is made without commission;
  • commission for one payment - from 0 rubles;
  • accrual of 5% per annum on the balance of cash;
  • connecting automatic notification of upcoming payments in favor of counterparties;
  • unlimited Number of Intrabank Operations by P / C.

Existing tariff plans:

TariffsEconomical onlineOptimal onlineAll inclusive online
Connection0 0 0
Service (first month for free)0 790 4790
Payments85 p.from 18 r.0 p.
Cash withdrawalFrom 1 to 15%Up to 100,000 rubles. free, then up to 15%Up to 700,000 rubles. free, then up to 15%
Percentage on the residueUp to 1.5%Until 3%Up to 5%

Loko Bank

Loko Bank - takes one of the leading positions on assets in the top 100 Russian banks. The Bank works with small and medium-sized businesses, is engaged in the placement of cash in deposits, opening and servicing settlement accounts, consumer lending, works with securities.

Among the main advantages of opening P / s in Loko, the bank can be noted as follows:

  1. The counting account number is generated in a minute after sending an online application.
  2. All documentation for opening a score can be sent with the help of courier service.
  3. Intrabank payments for all tariffs are free.
  4. All customers are connected by free SMS informing.
  5. You can control the score remotely using the application.

Bank Sphere

Bank Scope - Comfortable digital Bankproviding financial services to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. A settlement account can be reserved and open for free through the Bank's website, and Internet banking works for the convenience of making payments and control over cash receipts. Also without commission, the bank customers may take debit card up to 300 thousand rubles.

In addition, the Scope Bank offers free:

  • accounting at USN;
  • preparation of the necessary documentation for the registration of IP and LLC;
  • electronic signature;
  • corporate card.


Promsvyazbank is one of the reliable Russian government financial institutions, which has 20 years of experience in the banking industry. The bank operates both with an IP, just starting their own business and with major Ltd., which has settlement accounts in other banking institutions. Open an account in Promsvyazbank can be in remote mode. Also on the official website there are round-the-clock technical support and consulting customers in a chat or by telephone.

Promsvyazbank has the following distinctive features:

  1. Intrabank payments are departed on any day of the week and without a commission, external payments - until 21:00.
  2. Internet banking for organizations carrying out non-cash calculations in large quantities.
  3. Calcution Commission is from 0.15% of the total amount.
  4. SMS informing about each operation.
  5. Help a banking specialist in collecting documentation.
  6. Free money transfers individuals.

Existing tariff plans:

TariffsPay lessBusiness StartBusiness LightBusiness 24x7.Business checkMy case
Service (discounts up to 25% when paying for the year)400 rubles.0 1200 rub.1800 rub.2100 rub.2100 rub.
PaymentsFree only 5 payments, then - 100 rubles. for one paymentFree 3 pay, then - 100 rubles. for one paymentThe first 10 payments on 0 rub., Then - 100 rubles. for one paymentUp to 15 payments on 0 rub., Then - 25 rubles. for each paymentFree 15 payments, then - from 25 rubles. for each payment10 payments on 0 rub., From 11 - 100 rubles. for each payment

Alfa Bank

According to Alfa's assets, the Bank is among the ten large commercial banking organizations of the Russian Federation. The bank is distinguished by a wide range of tariff plans and a flexible system of discounts on the conduct of calculated accounts. In addition, Alpha Bank offers its counterparties around the clock access to the score, you can manage the tablet, computer or telephone using a tablet.

To other advantages of the bank include:

  • intrabank payments are held until 23:30, interbanks - until 20:30;
  • free SMS informing;
  • 20% discount for each month at annual account assurance;
  • payments to the budget and tax plates Not subject commissions.

Bank East

The Eastern Bank is included in the list of 100 reliable banking organizations of the Russian Federation. The bank offers comprehensive calculation and cash services, registration credit cards, opening deposits, lending for private and legal entities. When opening a ruble account in Eastern Bank The Commission is not charged, and with the annual payment for the maintenance of the P / C are provided for 3 months as a gift.

The East Bank offers a list of such services as:

  1. Remote control by a conschange account.
  2. Free certification of documentation.
  3. Free intrabank payments.
  4. The ability to independently form a suitable package of services.

Tariff plans for new customers:

TariffsYour startYour onlineYour successYour scale
Connection0 0 0 0
Service (discounts up to 25% when paying up to the year)490 1390 1990 3190
Payments0 (from 6 payment 79 r.)0 (from 16 payment 49 r.)0 (with 31 payments 39 p.)0 (from 61 payment 29 p.)
Cash withdrawalUp to 10 000 r. is freeUp to 30 000 r. is freeUp to 50 000 r. is freeUp to 150 000 r. is free

Vesta Bank

Vesta Bank - commercial BankThe office of which is located in Moscow, and its branches are located in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan and in other major regions. Basic bank customers are small business owners. Vesta Bank is distinguished by advantageous tariffs and high-quality service, engaged in renting banking cells and provides training and cash services and mobile acquiring.

Service P / C in Vesta Bank has such advantages as:

  1. The score is drawn up for 1 day.
  2. Documents can be sent to the bank through the courier service.
  3. Free online banking on all tariffs.
  4. Bank operation mode: from 9:00 to 20:00.
  5. Money transfers are credited to the account within 24 hours.

Existing tariff plans:

Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development (Ubrir)

The Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development is a popular and large Commercial Bank of the Urals, working not only with individuals, but also with small business owners. In addition to opening and conducting settlement accounts, this financial organization provides legal entities such services as a salary project, business cards, Internet acquiring.

Ubrir has the following advantages:

  • p / C can be opened using online registration;
  • there is a remote account management function;
  • interbank payments can be carried out in unlimited quantities;
  • put money on p / s can be through ATMs.


Sovcombank - the largest credit Financial Organization RF, the main office of which is in Kostroma. The main activity of the Bank is related to the service of private and legal entities, support for corporate and investment business, carrying out stock operations.

The opening and maintenance of P / C in Sovcombank has several advantages:

  1. Intrabank payments depart 24 hours a day.
  2. No commission for money transfers up to 600 thousand rubles.
  3. There is a SMS service service.
  4. When crediting money at the expense, the Commission is not charged.
  5. There is the possibility of remote banking services.


Raiffeisenbank is a popular commercial bank, which is a branch of a large Austrian bank Raiffeisen International. Bank customers are over 12 thousand entrepreneurs. Raiffeisenbank is engaged in emission, credit, investment and calculating operations.

Among the features of the settlement account in Raiffeisenbank can be noted:

  • the minimum commission for crediting cash will be 290 rubles;
  • the transition to another tariff will cost 1000 rubles;
  • the monthly fee for the use of the SMS banking service is 190 rubles (only on the Tariffs "Optimum" and "Maximum");
  • 3 months for free when paying for the year, and 6 free months when paying for 2 years;
  • interbank payments included in the selected package of services are free.

Existing tariff plans:

Connection0 0 0 0
Depending on the region (discounts when paying for the year)
490 - 990 1490 - 1900 2490 - 2900 6500 - 7500
Payments190 10 free (with 11 payment - 25r)60 free (with 61 payments - 25r)300 free (with 301 payments - 25r)
Cash withdrawalFrom 0.5%From 0.5%From 0.5%From 0.5%


PJSC BINBANK is one of the largest federal banks in Russia. It has a wide network of offices throughout the country. The main shareholder from March 2018 is the Bank of Russia.

Among the features of the settlement account in Binbank can be noted:

  • the minimum commission for crediting cash will be 100 rubles, and on the tariff "Business" 150,000 - for free;
  • free intrabank payments;
  • 2 months for free for new customers;

Delobank (draft SKB-Bank)

Delobank - branch of SKB-Bank, one of the largest banks of the country. Small and medium business main destination Delobank. An online bank for entrepreneurs has no own branches. All Delobank Services are available online. SKB-Bank entered the top 40 banking organizations in the size of assets. The Bank's client base includes about 2 million individuals and more than half a million large enterprises. SKB-Bank has tremendous experience in the provision of financial services and favorable tariffs for conducting a conschange account for small and medium-sized businesses.

Among the advantages of opening a settlement account in Delobanka can be allocated:

  • sending reports to government agencies and accounting for 3 months for free;
  • accrual to 5% per annum per balance;
  • discounts up to 20% when paying for the year;
  • opening an account in online mode:
  • you can use the score a few minutes after reservation;
  • documentation for opening a score can be sent through the courier;
  • instant sending and receiving payments and translations;
  • 24-hour technical support for customers;
  • free SMS informing.

Existing tariff plans:

TariffsFavorable startActive growthReliable solutionMajor League
Connection0 0 0 0
Service (discounts up to 20% when paying for up to 12 months)0 (always)990 (2 months for free)3100 (1 month for free)7590 (1 month for free)
Payments87 p.0 (with 11 payment 25 r.)0 (with 101 payment 25 p.)Is free
Cash withdrawal2 - 3% 2 - 3% 2 - 3% 2 - 3%
Percentage on the residue- 0 - 5% 0 - 5% 0 - 5%


The choice of the bank is the individual case of each client. All of the above banks have advantageous tariff plans for the opening and maintenance of settlement accounts, both for individual enterprises and for LLC. All these banks have a shared list of advantages:

  1. Free discovery p / s.
  2. The most favorable prices for calculating cash services.
  3. Application registration as soon as possible.
  4. Wide selection of tariffs.
  5. Fast money transfers.
  6. Remote Financial Management.
  7. Round-the-clock technical support.

Required documents

For the opening of P / C will be needed:
The questionnaire that will be fill out;
Extract from Jerip;
A copy of the IP registration document in statistical authorities (Rosstat), certified by a notary;
A copy of the passport (notarized) or the original passport;
Licenses and permits for business activities
To open the R / s, legal entity must be provided:
Filled questionnaire;
Extract from the register;
Copies of constituent documents certified by notary;
Order appointment by the manager;
Cards with sample signatures and print prints (signatures of all authorized persons must be certified by the notary);
Copies of passports of all founders. If the application is submitted by the representative by proxy, then you need to provide the original passport

The list of documents may vary depending on the requirements of one or another banking institution. For example, in Alpha Bank to open the account will require a certificate of the lack of debt on tax collects from the FTS.

Can IP or LLC work without a calculated account

Individual entrepreneurs can open settlement accounts at will. Before choosing the bank must be considered:

  1. The reasons why IP and counterparties are not satisfied with cash calculations.
  2. There will be a contract for the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles.

Ltd. does not necessarily open a settlement account, but it will still have to open it for the following reasons:

  • there is a restriction on cash for cash - up to 100 thousand per contract;
  • to store cash, you need to equip the cashier or buy a safe, as well as assign a cashier;
  • we'll have to constantly monitor the installed limit on the cashier;
  • according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, LLC can carry out tax payments only in non-cash form.

Until recently, each entrepreneur who opens a settlement account was supposed to notify tax inspection About your intention. Today, this duty is canceled, and the Bank itself informs the Federal Tax Service.

Reasons for rejecting an application for opening an account

To the most common reasons for which a legal entity can get a refusal of the bank when opening P / C, belong:

  1. An erroneous completed statement.
  2. Providing unreliable information.
  3. Signed incomplete package of documents.
  4. No passport when designing.
  5. No reporting in the FTS.

Individual entrepreneurs are not required to open, but under current conditions work without banking accompaniment complicated. Opening the RKO's account in the Bank for IP, you will increase the list of counterparties, you can remotely make any payment transactions. You will have the ability to connect acquiring, you can enter into credit agreements On personal conditions. All this will ensure profit growth.

Choose a bank for opening a current account

For a businessman, the main thing is to do. He must offer not only high-quality, but also profitable services of RKO. On the russian market Dozens work, if not hundreds of banks that offer IP their cash services. But among them you can allocate only several really advantageous offers. It is in these banks that entrepreneurs are most often addressed to open a current account.

What we must take into account when choosing a bank for maintaining an IP account:

  1. Runtime tariffs. The bank must offer several ready-made service packages at least 3 service programs. As business changes can be changed from one tariff to another.
  2. Having a start tariff with a service price of 0 rubles. If you need an account in a bank for a new IP, which only starts activities, it will be profitable for it to start connecting to the simplest rate, where there is no monthly fee.
  3. Service cost. Service must be carried out at the terms favorable for you. And we are not only about the monthly fee. You should be interested in the cost of servicing a business card, the cost of revenue operations to account, cash cash. If you plan to connect the acquiring, even if you do not immediately, be sure to look at its fare and the cost of equipment.
  4. Services for service. Access to Internet banking gives almost every bank, but the functionality of the service can be different. Well, if the service organization has developed a separate system for a business, through which you can keep accounting, order and export extracts, references, create instructions, etc.
  5. Range additional services . If the bank provides business all possible services, then this is a big plus. You can always need credit products, deposit programs, Currency control services. Many financial companies Offers customers with accounting, legal support, control services for counterparty, etc.

When choosing a bank for an IP account, consider not only classic stationary banks, but also those workers online. In the Russian market there are several banks for business leading remote activities. All financial services are given to customers remotely, even to conclude contracts to the office of the entrepreneur comes. Such banks also offer high-quality and convenient services, and due to remote work their tariffs are often even more profitable.

Where can I open the most profitable for IP? We offer to familiarize yourself with the financial organizations to conduct an IP account that offer convenient maintenance and at the same time develop optimal tariffs. It is these banks most often choose entrepreneurs to connect RKO.

1. Sberbank

To, do not need to conduct large-scale activities. This bank cooperates with large corporations and small business structures. Sberbank loyally refers to a new business, in its tariff line there is a start-up program for the new IP with a bill for accounting in 0 rubles.

Sberbank has developed five service packages for customers with orientation to different business needs:

  1. Easy Start0 rubles. This is a program for novice businessmen. The package includes three free payments every month, a business card with the free first year of use.
  2. Good season , 590 rubles. But if in the current month there are no movements, the fee is not taken. The package includes 5 free payments.
  3. Good revenue, 1090 rubles. Classic tariff for regular business. Supplements more favorable conditions for making revenue. The package includes 10 free payments.
  4. Active calculations, costs 2390 rubles. The package is created for customers who often make calculations conduct payments through the online bank. It includes 50 payments. If for the month the client does not spend them, they are transferred for the next month.
  5. Great opportunities With a price of 10990 rubles. Program for large-scale activities. Included 100 payments to any banks, all internal free, transfers to individuals without commission - up to 500,000 rubles per month, free contribution and removal, issuing a premium business card.

Comparative table of Sberbank offers:

2. Opening

In this bank, the IP can also use settlement and cash services without charging the board if you connect to the starting rate. , like Sberbank, has developed a wide range of tariffs for business. It also offers interesting conditions:

  1. First step0 rubles. This is a tariff plan that is focused on a new or just a small business. The package includes 3 free payments.
  2. Fast growth, 490 rubles. If the capabilities of the starting package are not satisfied, then this service option can be viewed. It is intended for more financial and active entrepreneurs. Included 7 free payments.
  3. Own business, It costs 1290 rubles. Special program for customers who make many payments work with different counterparties. 15 payments for free, hereinafter - at a reduced price.
  4. The whole world, 1990 rubles. A separate program for entrepreneurs who lead to foreign partners. The tariff provides currency control services, an individual conversion rate.
  5. Open opportunitiesHis price is 7990 rubles. Program for the needs of big business. Payments are free, transfers to individuals up to 500,000 rubles every month without commission.

Important! According to the last three tariffs of the Bank, the opening, if you pay the Quarter immediately, the client receives a discount of 33%.

Comparative Table of Bank Proposals Opening

3. Point

Included in the number of banks for business that are driving remotely. Numerous communication channels and convenient tools have been developed for customer service. Since it can be remotely, then after the application of the online statement you do not go anywhere. The bank manager will arrive in your office. When connecting other services of the bank, a representative of the point will also come to conclude a contract.

To maintain an IP account, three tariffments have been developed with favorable conditions:

  1. Required minimum For 0 rubles. Here, too, there is a starting rate with minor possibilities. At the same time, payments, transfers to individuals and removing cash are always free. If the question of how to open an RKO account in a bank for IP, asks a novice entrepreneur, this option will be extremely beneficial for it. In fact, the board is taken only for the flow of money.
  2. Golden mean, costs 500 rubles. The name speaks for itself is a classic average tariff. It includes 10 free payments.
  3. All the best immediately. It costs 2500 rubles a month, the first three months after connecting the IP pays 500 rubles. It includes 100 free payments, translating to individuals to 500,000 rubles without charging the commission, free removal and replenishment.

Comparative table proposals

4. Alpha Bank

Popular among all forms of business bank. Attracts a large tariff line and a modern approach to servicing all customers. You can open via the Internet, receiving details after 5 minutes. Alpha has high reliability ratings and is a systemically significant bank of Russia.

Proposed tariffs:

  1. Just 1%0 rubles. The easiest start rate for individual entrepreneurs. Service without fee, all operations without commission. The client pays only 1% for money enrollment operation.
  2. Best start, 490 rubles. Another tariff for a small business, but with more opportunities. The package includes 3 payments.
  3. Good choice, 1690 rubles. The tariff for those who are conducting many payments. 10 payments are included, then the cost is 25 rubles per payment.
  4. All that, worth 9900 rubles. Free payments and translations, opening currency accounts, account replenishment, plus interest accrual on the residue.

Alpha Bank also developed separate tariff plans for companies that conduct international activities and wholesale. Packages cost 3200 rubles and meet all the needs of this type of activity.

Comparative Table of Alpha Bank offers

5. Tinkoff

To open the invoice for IP in Tinkoff Bank, even from the office or at home you do not need to go out. This is another bank who has built his work remotely. Moreover, it represents the details of the current account immediately on the day of filing an online application.

Packages of services for business from Tinkoff:

  1. Plain, 490 rubles. There is no free starting package here, but even on this minimum tinkoff tariff Accruals up to 4% per annum on client funds. Included 3 payments.
  2. Advanced, 1990 rubles. The reduced fee for holding payments is accrued to 6% to the balance of funds.
  3. Professional, 4990 rubles. The low cost of payments is every 19 rubles, a reduced commission for replenishment, accrualing to a residue to 6% per annum.

Important! If the client pays at once for 12 months of service, Tinkoff provides 2 months of services of the RKO for free.

Comparative table of offers of Tinkoff Bank


And another bank, which organized remote customer service. How ? First you need to submit an online application on its website. Details are provided immediately, later the manager will come to you to sign the contract. According to Markswebb and Finwin, this organization is recognized as the best for the service of entrepreneurs.

  1. Starting0 rubles. All payments are charged identically - each of 90 rubles each.
  2. Optimal, 690 rubles. If IP pays for a year right, then 390 rubles. Fixed payment for payment transactions - 19 rubles, 3% per annum on the balance of client funds, replenishment without fee.
  3. Unlimited, Cost - 4900 rubles. When paying for 12 months at once - 3920 rubles per month. Payments are made free of charge, there is no payment for replenishment, ModuleBank charges 7% to the rest of the client money.

Comparative table of tariffs of MODULBANK:

All these banking organizations accept contacts to connect to RKO via the Internet. Examine the tariffs, choose the best bank for your business, find out what needs to conclude a contract, and apply.

How to open an account for IP

If details are required here and now, for example, it is necessary for the urgent conclusion of the contract, then choose a bank with the services of reserved details. You will get them immediately after the direction of the Internet application and you can enter the data into the contract. The account will be available only to replenish, all other operations client will be able to hold after the contract.

Standard Connection process to RKO looks like this:

  1. The client chooses the bank and gives it an application. More convenient to do it online. If the bank has a network of offices, the application can be left there, immediately bringing with you all the necessary documents.
  2. After filing a remote application, a manager will call back, which will help to navigate in the tariffs and will tell you what is needed to open the EP's settlement bank account. Typically, only a passport and registration certificate is required.
  3. The parties assign a meeting to transfer the documentation. It can be held in the bank office or the manager himself goes to the applicant.
  4. After the transfer of documents and signing the contract, the client receives full access to the account and Internet banking.

The standard connection procedure to RKO takes 2-3 days, some banks promise to fully access the account within 1 working day. After the conclusion of the contract, it is not necessary to go to the FTS, the obligation to transfer information about the open account lies on the bank itself.

Despite the fact that at the legislative level, the current account is the right, not a duty, its absence can greatly limit entrepreneurial activities. Of course, it all depends on the peculiarities of doing business. So, the account must open entrepreneurs who plan to make transactions from 100 thousand rubles, because Cash calculations on amounts exceeding this limit, the law is prohibited.

How to open an account for IP: short FAQ

  1. Do I do to open an account? No, this is his right, not a duty. But it is impossible to conduct calculations in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles without p / s.
  2. At what time after the registration of the IP, you need to open the R / s? Legislative terms are not established.
  3. Is it possible to open several accounts? Yes of course. Their number can be any.
  4. Do I need to notify the authorities about the opening of the R / s? Yes, if the account is open outside the Russian Federation. If in russian bank, then the credit institution will make it for the entrepreneur. Until 2014, IP had to notify the tax and Pension FundOtherwise, he threatened a fine of 5,000 rubles.
  5. Is it possible to open a free billing account for SP? Can. There are banks that do not take a commission in the absence of revolutions. But often it applies only to tariffs with high monthly payment. And as soon as there is at least some kind of traffic, such a package of services becomes unprofitable.

If the account is optional, then what is it open for?

  • Conduct the calculations online faster and more convenient.
  • Easy to pay taxes and mandatory payments.
  • The ability to conduct transactions in the amount of more than 100 thousand rubles.
  • Most companies prefer non-cash payments, Therefore, they can refuse to cooperate with IP, which has no account.
  • The ability to receive payment from buyers by plastic cards and through systems electronic money (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, Qiwi and others).

How to open an account for IP - Step-by-step instructions

Opening an account for IP is not a quick thing. As a rule, it takes at least 5 working days, not counting the choice of a credit institution. Stages of the procedure can be designated as follows:

  • The choice of the bank, comparing the conditions for the RKO;
  • Collection of documents;
  • Submission of an application in the bank;
  • Opening a current account;
  • Documents receiving.

Step 1. Select Bank for IP

IP can stay at any bank that provides a service of RKO. To compare in objective criteria, before applying to a credit institution, it is necessary to prepare an approximate scheme of financial flows in the company:

  • How many payments are planned per month;
  • What an average of the amount is planned operations (if large payments are assumed, then it should also be considered);
  • Whether funds will be treated for economic needs;
  • How much money in a month will be required to issue wages.

Even if the entrepreneur is just starting, he must represent what revs will be ready to leave, say, after six months.

In each bank, it is desirable to ask for a consultant to calculate the cost of RTO per month based on specific data. It is not necessary to rely only on information about monthly account service. The fact is that in most credit organizations practiced limits. For example, the value of 50 payment orders can be 10 rubles, and starting from the 51st - 100 rubles. For operation. And make calculations more than 50 times a month will be unprofitable.

In addition to the cost of the service, important criteria for the choice of the bank will be:

  • Availability of remote interaction (online bank for IP, mobile application);
  • The convenient location of the Bank's office (still have to ride, especially if there are problems with Internet services, and you need to send payments);
  • Whether state deposits are insured (if the bank is not included in the deposit insurance system, then when responded, he has a license entrepreneur money loses everything without residue);
  • Other offers for entrepreneurs (percentage on the balance, lending on preferential terms, registration plastic card For business, etc.).

Some banks provide an online billing account service. However, without visiting the department, it is not concluded a contract for RKO. In fact, it is only about reserving an account, that is, in any case, you need to submit a package of documents, this requires your personal presence (or you can make a power of attorney).

Step 2. Collection of documents and submission of the application

List of documents for opening an account:

  • Passport IP;
  • Application for opening P / C;
  • Extract from EGRIP (you can download and print in electronic form);
  • Certificate of registration as an IP or a list of records of EGRIP;
  • Sample signatures (if it is not issued in a credit institution);
  • Licenses (when conducting licensing activities)

The card with signatures is easiest to do directly in the bank if IP does not have it. Otherwise - required standard documentsthat the entrepreneur has in his arms. They need to be brought to the bank branch. The application is usually compiled in electronic form, and the operating system on its basis is preparing an agreement that will be signed after consideration of the application. The Bank has the right to also request other documents, as well as printing (if any).

Step 3. Opening the current account

After submitting the application and until the opening of the account passes on average for another 5 days. You need to wait. At this time, the credit institution makes verification of documents. As soon as the decision is made, the Bank's employees must notify the client about it.

Important! Application application does not guarantee an account opening. The Bank has the right to refuse to the Client in providing this service. This is usually happening if there are errors in the application, the information is transmitted incorrect or no additional documents confirming the right to conduct activities, the presence of premises for business, etc.

Step 4. Getting Documents from Bank

After all checks, the Bank sends a notification to the Client with the decision with the decision: to open an account in a bank for IP or refuse RKO. In most cases, approval comes. In case of refusal, it is important to find out its cause and re-submit documents. Perhaps you have to contact another bank.

With a positive solution, it is necessary to sign a contract, pay for the service and start using the current account.

  • An entrepreneur should open a current account for the IP, the advantages of this more than the minuses. This is the possibility of non-cash payments, and carrying out transactions in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and receiving payment cards.
  • When choosing a credit organization, it is important to compare tariffs in detail on the example of the existing business.
  • The opening of the account will require time, this fact must be taken into account and do not plan before signing a contract of payments and income. To the promises of a momentary to open an account in an IP bank should be treated as an advertising trick.

The Bank has the right to refuse to open an account. This is usually due to errors in the application and failure to submit requested documents.

Legislation does not oblige entrepreneurs to open to work bank accounts. But this is necessary if non-cash payments with buyers and customers are coming. List money to the budget as taxes and contributions more convenient through the bank.

Top 8 best banks for opening an IP account


Sberbank can be viewed as one of the most popular credit institutions that entrepreneurs choose and other subjects. economic activity. The flexible system of the proposed tariff plans when opening a current account takes into account the needs of all customers.

Banking service owners meets all the modern requirements of consumers. This is the opening of a business card, electronic document management, the capabilities of the Internet bank and mobile application, protected information transmission systems, preferential lending, participation in the salary project, as well as profitable offer from partners of the bank.

Below are the bank's proposals, valid for May 2019:

Tariff name Easy Start Good season Good revenue Active calculations Great opportunities
Cost of angry Is free
For whom preferred Beginner entrepreneurs For seasonal business If necessary, frequent replenishment of the current account With a large amount of payments For high activity
Payment documents within the bank Free during the entire period of work First 5 free, then according to the tariff The first 10 for free First 50 for free, then 16 rubles per translation Is free
External plates 3 translations for free, then 100 rubles per unit By conditions internal Translations 100 payments for free, then 100 rubles per transaction
Cash Removing on Business Map 3% 1.8% (min. 300 rubles) 500,000 rubles for free, then in accordance with the tariff
Translation to the accounts of individuals In accordance with the tariff, the Commission is charged from 0.5% to 3% depending on the transfer amount Up to 300,000 rubles for free, then according to the tariff

VTB 24

Working with VTB 24 Bank is a guarantee of reliability, transformation and availability relevant information. For customers - entrepreneurs have advantageous offers on tariff plans. Periodically, promotions are held, in which customers receive a number of bonuses when issuing a current account:

  • free open account;
  • free service in the first 3 months;
  • free translations and work with cash when performing a number of conditions.
Tariff name Business Start / Start Business Development / Development Business online / Premium
1200 2200 3200
Cash Free up to 50 000 rubles Free up to 250 000 rubles 0.25% of the amount (min. 150 rubles)
Is free
Number of free payments per month 5 25 100
Internet Bank connection Is free
Connect to a salary project Is free
Request for signatures and printing card 200 rubles. For 1 unit 200 rubles for 1 unit 200 rubles for 1 unit
Cash withdrawal From 0.5% of the amount

According to the provisions of the Bank's tariffs for entrepreneurs and small businesses, the following options are provided free of charge:

  • for the commission of budget payments, including tax;
  • monthly service of Internet banking and mobile application;
  • registration of a salary project.

Alfa Bank

Alpha - Bank as one of the most reliable banks whose impeccable work has been tested for years, rightfully remains for a long time among credit institutions, attractive not only for large corporate clients, but also for small businesses. In 2018, there is an opportunity to open an account and 3 months of service for free. The affordable cost of other services is ideal for novice entrepreneurs.

Tariff plans available for entrepreneurs:

Tariff name Just 1% ELECTRONIC SUCCESS
Who is preferred For new and small business Who makes a lot of payments Who often makes revenue to the account
Is free 1 440 rubles per month 2,300 rubles per month
The cost of monthly service with one-time payment for the year Is free 1 080 rubles per month 1725 rubles per month
The cost of ruble payments Is free 16 rubles Free 10 payments per month, then 25 rubles / payment
% to balance 1% (by calculated account) 3% (account "Tax Piggy Bank")
Free transfers to the Piz bills. Persons per month up to 6 million rubles up to 300 thousand rubles up to 300 thousand rubles
Cash withdrawal Free of charge to 2 million rubles per month From 1% Free up to 50 000 rubles
Cash 1% 0,23% Is free

For entrepreneurs who decided to open an account in Alfa-Bank, the following benefits are provided:

  • the cost of monthly service in the account will cost much cheaper if the amount will be paid in advance for the year;
  • on the rest own funds On account is accrued up to 3% per annum;
  • for beginner entrepreneurs, assistance is provided when doing business, which includes some accounting services and the calculation of tax and other budget payments;
  • for convenience, it is available for Internet banking, a mobile application, there is a SMS feature function of the payments enrollment.

Tinkoff Bank

Advantages of working with Tinkoff Bank are as follows:

  1. An extended operational day, round-the-clock support.
  2. Accrual interest on the residue.
  3. Low cost of monthly maintenance.
  4. Support for the salary project even with the minimum number of employees.

For IP, which recently organized their business, the payment fee will be 0 rubles for 6 months. Other tariff plans when opening an account as follows:

The cost of monthly service 490 rubles 1 990 rubles 4 990 rubles
Transfer of funds to other banks First 3 pay free, then 49 rubles per unit The first 10 payments for free, then 29 rubles 19 rubles
Unizable payment for service payment orders per month Absent 990 rubles 1 990 rubles
Cash removal on Tinkoff card without commission Up to 400 000 rubles Up to 700 000 rubles Up to 1 000 000 rubles
The cost of transfers to the piz.lice accounts, payment of dividends, cash withdrawals 1.5% + 99 rubles. (up to 400,000 rubles) 1% + 79 rubles. (up to 400,000 rubles) 1% + 59 rub. (up to 800,000 rubles
Unite payment for transfers to individuals within a month Absent 0.6% to 1,000,000 rubles. or up to 5,000,000 rubles. with documents 0.5% to 2,000,000 rubles. or unlimited with documents
Account replenishment, minimal - 290 rubles. 0,3% 0,25% 0,15%
Optional payment for several account replenishment Absent 990 rubles for 3 replenishment 1 490 rubles for 5 replenishments
Accrual% to balance 4% 6% Until 6%


Rifaysenbank offers entrepreneurs to leave an application for opening an account online followed by remote maintenance. Opening a billing account is free. Most further services are included in the price of monthly maintenance.

The cost of tariff proposals is as follows:

Tariff name START BASE Optimum MAXIMUM
Monthly service 990 rubles 1 900 rubles 2 900 rubles 7 500 rubles
With one-time payment for 12 months 8 916 rub. (743 rubles per month) 17 112 rub. (1 426 rub. Per month) 26 100 rubles. (2 175 rubles per month) 67 500 rubles. (5 625 rubles per month)
With a one-time payment for 24 months 17 832 rub. (743 rubles per month) 34 224 rub. (1 426 rub. Per month) 52 200 rubles. (2 175 rubles per month) 135 000 rub. (5 625 rubles per month)
Number of monthly free payments Not provided 10 60 300
The cost of payments in excess of the established free limit 25 rubles
Free enumeration of funds for maps of individuals per month Up to 100 000 rubles Up to 200 000 rubles Up to 500 000 rubles Up to 700 000 rubles
Enumeration of funds for PHS cards. Persons over free limit per month and up to 6,000,000 rubles 1%
Enumeration of funds for PHS cards. persons over 6,000,000 rubles 10% of the amount of more than 6 million rubles.
Making funds to the account by the Client 0.25% of the amount, min. 290 rub.

Terms of tariff plans provide for the following additional options:

  • release of business cards, the subscription fee and the release of which depends on the current service package;
  • connecting a salary project, maintenance of calculations online by the Bank-Client system;
  • internet banking;
  • providing overdraft on favorable terms.

Bank "Point"

The bank suggests remote discovery Settlement account. Applications are accepted on the Bank's website, indicating the mobile phone number and the provision in electronic form a small package of documents. In addition, the dot bank can offer its customers a 24-hour service, a long operating day (from 01:00 to 20:00 in Moscow), a convenient Internet bank and a mobile application.

The main tariff plans are as follows:

Tariff name Required minimum GOLDEN MEAN All the best immediately
Service, cost per month is free 500 rubles 500 rubles in the first three months, then 2500 rubles
Cash Receipt of proceeds from acquiring points - free of charge; For other methods of replenishment, the Commission is charged with the tariff Incoming payments and translations - free of charge; Replenishment through the cashier, ATM and the Maps of the Fizlitsa is charged a commission in accordance with the tariff
Tax and budget payments Is free
Payments Is free
Internet Bank connection Is free
Is free
Cashback with tax payments - 2%, but not more than 3,000 rubles
Cash withdrawal Is free In accordance with the tariff

Future customers can count on discounts on the service of settlement accounts when they open them. Shares are held regularly. Conditions can be found on the site. banking organization.

Bank opening

All Banking Packages Opening include Internet banking, accounting account and a set of cash transactions. Services are represented by a wider range of tariffs than in other banks.

The main tariff plans are as follows:

Tariff name First step Fast growth His job The whole world Open opportunities
Service, cost per month 0 rub. / Month 490 rubles / month 1290 rub. / Month 1990 rub. / Month 7990 rub. / Month
Payments to another bank 3 per month for free, then 100 rubles / payment 7 per month for free, then 50 rubles / payment 15 per month for free, then 25 rubles / payment 0 rubles
Internet Bank connection Is free
Transfers to the personalities of the physical Free of charge to 100 000 rubles per month; Over this amount is charged Commission in the amount of 1.2% of the transfer amount Free of charge to 500,000 rubles per month; Over this amount is charged a commission of 2% of the transfer amount
Cash withdrawing on business card up to 100,000 rubles / month 0.99% of the amount of removal

The Bank also has special offers and promotions when opening a current account.


Also provides a remote opening of the current account, the rapid provision of details, the possibility of free maintenance of the current account (within one tariff), convenient Internet bank and a mobile application for monitoring finance with an unlimited number of users.

The main tariff plans are as follows:

Tariff name START Optima Unlimited
Monthly service Is free 990 rubles 4990 rubles
Cash Free up to 50,000 rubles, over 50,000 rubles. - 0.3% of the amount of replenishment (min. 150 rubles)
Tax and budget payments Is free
Payments to other banks 59 rub. 29 rub. 19 rubles.
Internet Bank connection Is free
Release and service corporate maps The first card is available for free, follow-up - 299 rubles. The cost of annual service - 169 rubles.
Cash Removing From 1% to 10% depending on the amount of removal

A variety of credit institutions offering to conclude entrepreneurs an agreement on opening a current account for doing business allows you to choose the optimal tariff in accordance with your own preferences. For those who have recently registered as an IP, the lack of subscription fees and the available cost of services will be additional support in business.

What is necessary for entrepreneurs a settlement account

Entrepreneurial activity involves receiving revenue and the presence of some expenses. According to the current legislation, entrepreneurs, unlike most legal entities, are not obliged to strictly observe the cash discipline, including monitoring the remaining cash.

Nevertheless, open will be the most reasonable solution for a number of reasons, among which are the following:

  1. Part of the counterparties in their activities resort only to non-cash settlements in order to avoid use cash registers. To have the same case with landlords of premises, suppliers of materials and a number of services will still have to.
  2. Calculations in cash between entities of entrepreneurial activity are limited. Legislation prohibits the movement of money as payment over 100 thousand rubles, bypassing settlement accounts. This rule applies even to transfer between entrepreneurs. It is impossible to pay an account for an amount exceeding the specified limit without disrupting the current position. In case of detection of unacceptable actions to the contract participants, administrative measures will be applied in the form of significant penalties. At the same time, this rule does not affect the calculations between entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens who are not IP.
  3. Paying for debt to the budget (taxes, contributions, fines, etc.) more convenient through the current account. It is allowed to list the specified amounts and on behalf of individuals, reflecting all details. But calculations through the bank minimize the possibility of erroneous credentials.
  4. Storing large amounts of funds as receipts from buyers is the easiest way to implement on the settlement accounts to avoid force majeure circumstances, for example, theft.

What to pay attention to when choosing a bank

So, the entrepreneur decided to conclude an agreement with the bank. What should pay attention to? What conditions are most suitable for opening a current account?

Each entity of economic activity solves this issue independently, based on personal requirements and opportunities. The main criteria for consideration when choosing a credit institution are as follows:

  1. Availability of the organization. Even if you plan to conduct operations via the Internet, it is better if the institution is located in the client's availability zone. Mobile Bank Online is easy to maintain, but some operations require personal presence of customers. For example, cash issuance without the account itself will not work.
  2. Bank rating. The most safer to keep money on accounts of credible organizations. As a rule, such banks become partners of the largest entrepreneurs. At the same time, working with banks that occupy the lower rows of ratings carrying certain risks, even despite the lowest service cost when opening an account and small commissions in the future.
  3. Availability additional features. Some banks offer their customers initial free service, a number of others charge interest on the balance of funds on the account. Many credit institutions are ready to surprise in various tariff plans, among which entrepreneurs choose the most suitable for themselves. Attention on the cost of maintenance, additional benefits, for example, opening overdraft line.
  4. Many clients plan to expand their business by receiving loans. And here is preferable to all monetary operations Completed with the involvement of the services of one bank.
  5. Availability of Internet banking. Check the balance on the account, make payment transactions online saves a significant part of the time. There is no need to visit the branch of the bank personally, if it is necessary to urgently settle with counterparties. All necessary actions are carried out promptly in the presence of electronic digital signature.
  6. Cost service consumption. Entrepreneurs seeking to increase their profits pay attention to such additional costs as the Bank's Commission. If there is a small amount of revenue, there is no point in overpaying for the services of the credit institution.

Documents for opening a current account

How quickly will you make an account in the bank? It all depends on the policy of the organization. Standard registration period - from 1 to several days. But in some cases entrepreneurs become account owners in a few hours.

Before signing an agreement on banking servicewill need to prepare and provide a small package of documents. The list of necessary securities is not legally approved. Theoretically, each credit institution can nominate its requirements. For example, sometimes the originals are not enough, the bank's management may ask for a certified notarial copy. Therefore, before opening an account, it is recommended to clarify all the nuances directly in the office of the service institution.

The following is a list of documents that will probably need when opening a settlement account IP:

  1. Certificate of registration of an entrepreneur (OGRNIP).
  2. Passport of an individual.
  3. Certificate of registration with tax authorities (INN).
  4. Extract from the register of entrepreneurs.
  5. Letter from state statistical authorities.

If the IP does not have the opportunity to independently engage in the opening of the current account, all operations can be done through proxies. It will be necessary to provide another number of papers, such as notarial power of attorney, the passport of representatives of the entrepreneur and authorized persons endowed with the right signature. If an entrepreneur in his economic activity uses printing, then it is necessary to provide copies of it

Criteria when choosing a bank to open a current account

Choosing a bank to open a current account, it is worth considering business needs. The entrepreneur must be confident in the safety of his finance, the ability to fully control them, it is easy to interact with the banking structure and not overpay. Based on this, the following criteria can be distinguished on which it is worth paying attention to the decision to open a bank account:

  1. Bank reliability. The easiest way is to determine the reliability of the bank on the rating of the Central Bank of Russia. When choosing a financial organization for opening and conducting an account from the top ten list, the entrepreneur maximizes the risks as much as possible.
  2. The cost of opening the current account. At this point to pay attention, since most banks provide this service for free. If your chosen bank takes money for it, then the cost of the rest of the services may not be very profitable to your business.
  3. The cost of monthly maintenance of the current account. It consists of servicing the account itself and various commissions for the operation. When choosing a bank, this parameter should be repelled from business features. It is necessary to take into account the number of operations on the calculated account. Based on their quantity to determine the most favorable bank and tariff.
  4. Interaction with the bank. Now each bank offers its customers to use Internet banking opportunities and mobile applications. As a rule, they are provided free of charge. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the personal accounts interface and the available functionality.
  5. Availability special programs and bank conditions. For example, the Bank may offer the opening of a credit line in accordance with the client to certain conditions or free to release a business card for easier finance management of the entrepreneur. Usually such possibilities are indicated on the websites of financial organizations and the entrepreneur should choose the most attractive of them from the point of view of business.

Of course, these criteria are common, and the choice of one or another bank depends on the needs and possibilities of the entrepreneur. In any case, the list of these criteria will allow you to build the logic of the recruitment of the organization to open and maintain the current account.

Top 3 banks for business in 2019 according to customers

In 2019, our clients give the greatest three banks preference: "Raiffeisenbank", "Point" and "Opening" banks. Each of them attracts entrepreneurs with their features and, which banks provide our customers.


Our clients include remote maintenance and complete control over finance, as well as the possibility of using corporate maps and a large number of free payments for settlement accounts opened in other banks.

Bank opening"

The Bank is popular with a large number of tariff plans, allowing more accurate to choose the option for the needs and opportunities of the entrepreneur. In addition, small business representatives assesses the possibility of performing free payments (limited number) at each of the tariffs.

Bank "Point"

Among the advantages of this bank is a free introduction of funds to the account when using the acquiring of the same bank, as well as the implementation of free budget and extrabudgetary payments. Those who spend a lot of payment operations must be appreciated.

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Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state