
Raiffeisen online personal account legal entities. Raiffeisenbank is a reliable bank for large goals. Hardware Requirements

The system of Raiffeisenbank Elbrus Bank-Client is designed for remote (without personal appearance to the department) of banking operations. It is designed for legal entities, uses the Internet as a communication channel and is currently coming to replace the IELBA service applied earlier.

Purpose of the Elbrus system

In addition to the most frequently used ruble payment order, Raiffeisen online allows you to apply for:

  • exercise of currency transactions - translation, purchase, sale and conversion (with the confirmation of the delivery conversion transaction);
  • placement of the deposit and obtaining a loan;
  • opening of letters of credit - ruble and foreign trade;
  • issue a guarantee and distribution of funds from a transit account.

All applicants submitted can be withdrawn. Also, the Bank Raiffeisen provides customers over the Internet information about the fact of performing operations current balances in the accounts and list of transactions manufactured (extracts).

Advantages of application

The use of the system is, first of all, the savings:

  • cash - by reducing cost-cash service costs;
  • time - as the preparation, reception and processing of payment documents can be made anywhere in the world and at the bank's open time.

Business management processes are more effective - due to improving the probability of passing operations on the same day and access to the current state of remnants in real-time accounts.

Finally it is just convenient:

  • Elbrus Raiffeisenbank allows you to exchange data with accounting and management automation systems (integration with "1C" software);
  • automatic verification of the proposal of the document is made;
  • the number of errors when filling out forms is minimized due to the developed system of reference books;
  • technical breaks are made exclusively at night.

Raiffeisen Connection Order Online

1. Comprehensive and reliable information provides "User Guide" (349 pages) available on the official website of the Bank (in PDF format). With the procedure for operations, it is recommended to read in advance.
Let us dwell on the main points.

2. Access to service capabilities is possible after submitting an application to the Bank and design an agreement on the terms of use.

3. Your computer must have a permanent Internet connection.

Computer software requirements:

  • periodically updated antivirus protection;
  • internet browser supporting JavaScript;
  • Java Machine version 1.6 Update 25 and above;
  • none of the versions of the Cryptopro program should be previously installed - otherwise it is necessary to pre-install the operating system.

Bank provides:

  • the envelope with the login and password specified in it for logging into the system;
  • device for storing keys - USB-Token.

Need to download and install:

  • drivers for USB-Token key storage devices;
  • cryptopro chiffrase means;
  • installation package directly to the Elbrus system - Elbrusinstaller.

Be sure to restart the computer, you can start the first system launch. Be prepared for the need to install a Java applet for cryptographic information protection, as well as generation and maintain keys.

After all these actions, Elbrus is ready for operation. If you are not an advanced IT user, please contact a specialist.

Procedure for working with documents

Each of the documents issued in the system has its own composition and life cycle. Therefore, working with it has individual characteristics. But there are general rules.

The document passes the following stages - creating, saving, signing and sending for execution.

Creation can be produced "from scratch" as a copy of the previously decorated document or by the template. The last 2 possibilities allow you to significantly reduce labor costs to prepare applications.

The client can take advantage of ready-made templates that are included in the original supply of Raiffeisenbank software, or create its own.

At the same time, the form of data entry closes, and a new one, similar to the former, automatically opens. With the streaming design of the same type of documents, this seriously saves time.

Saving data - automatic / when closing the form. Before saving the system itself checks the correctness of the entered data. If there is an error - the system will give the appropriate message. With critical inconsistencies, the document is not preserved even in the form of a draft.

Security of the Elbrus system

Electronic signature Designed to combat fraud: unauthorized change in the composition of the document before it is sent to the bank for execution, falsification or refusal of authorship, etc.

Raiffeisen Bank Policy - Apply Signature Packets for Different Document Types. The signature may be visiting, the only, first, second, etc. Documents, respectively, are assigned the statuses of unsigned, signed partially or completely.

The signed document, even partially, cannot be edited. If it makes it necessary to make changes, then all the signatures installed on it should be removed.

The correctly decorated and fully signed document can be sent to the Bank for execution.

Note that you can not be mistaken with the login and password for no more than 10 times. If this limit is exceeded, the online bank blocks further user actions.

Immediately change the password to the USB-Token device. When delivery, it has a standard value of 1234567890, which is well known. This is a security requirement.
Periodically produce data archiving. Elbrus provides for this developed opportunities with multiple settings.
Remember, the system leads the story of each of the operations. Use data on all the actions in the event of disagreements with the bank or between employees.

JSC Raiffeisenbank began its activities in 1996 under the name "Raiffeisenbank Austria" as a credit organization with a fully foreign capital. Raiffeisen Bank. widely represented in many countries, and financial Group Raiffeisen Bank International AG is one of the largest in Europe.

This time, the editors of the site "Site" will consider proposals and conditions of Raiffeisenbank for medium and small businesses, as well as for private clients.

Raiffeisenbank is now a universal credit institution, comprehensive service and business, and private clients. Although the bank has foreign capitalHe is a member of the Deposit Insurance System since 2005. The bank has a developed branch network, and in addition to the "native" ATMs, customers can use a unified ATM network of partner banks.

Legal entities Bank provides comprehensive settlement and cash servicesincluding not only opening accounts in different currenciesBut also online booking, collection, conversion operations, currency control and much more. To save RKo, you can choose the most convenient fare that will meet the requirements of your business and will include all the necessary tools.

Raiffeisenbank offers all types of acquiring services: shopping acquiring (installation of POS terminals in the outlet), Internet acquiring (connecting a special web interface to the organization's website) and mobile acquiring (Special reader for smartphone / tablet). Reception for payment bank cards Not only will help increase the organization's turnover, but also to increase customer loyalty. Tariffs for acquiring services in a bank are quite loyal, and in addition to obtaining reports on the movement of funds, it is always possible to apply to technical support for emerging issues.

For legal entities, Raiffeisenbank provides a loan in the following programs: express lending, overdraft, secured by real estate, investment Credit, revolving, and also there is a letter of credit and bank guarantee.

Organizations can conclude an agreement with the bank to salary servicethat will allow you to automate the payment process wages and reduce time costs and additional costs: the amount of salary of all employees is written off from the account of the company ONO, distributed further by the Bank. Employees connected to salary project, have free service In the bank and favorable rates for other retailers.

For legal entities, an Internet bank is provided in two versions, both are their own development of the bank:

  1. Internet Bank "Raiffeisen Business Online" (RBO) - This is a modern personal account for organizations, allowing to remotely manage its accounts, form reports, send documents for currency control, pay salary to employees, commit money transfers And open new products.

    The Internet Bank is compatible with all browsers and with the main operating systems, has a pleasant modern design and an understandable interface.

    The lack of mobile application can be attributed to the features of the RBO, but there is a mobile version of the site adapted to tablets and smartphones.

  2. Bank-client "Raiffeisen Elbrus" - This is the personal account preceding the RBO, which, however, is still functioning, and customers can choose which of the cabinets to use, because the transition from one to another and back is available to everyone.

    This personal account has mobile app "Elbrus Mobile", in which you can manage the finances of the organization from a smartphone or tablet on iOS and Android platforms.

For private clients, there are also two versions of the Internet Bank - this is "Raiffeisen Connect" and replaced by Raiffeisen online. Both versions are still available for use, but in new - more functions and more modern interface.

Personal Area Raiffeisenbank allows customers to pay traffic police fines, communication services utility payments, translate cash By phone number, with cards on the card and on accounts, convert currency, send money abroad, open new accounts and form discharge.

The Internet Bank workspace is completely interactive, it can be configured for one's own convenience by selecting the necessary items and their order.

For mobile devices on Android and iOS, there is a convenient and visually pleasant mobile Bank R-Connect, having all the necessary functions and allows you to manage accounts from anywhere where there is an Internet access.

Today, the 24Direktor portal reviewed you the bank's proposals that are steadily included in the top 15 Russian banks, and we hope that this article helped you decide on the choice. credit organization Among the set of offers.

Renewal date: 12/06/2017

User Work Requirements

Hardware Requirements

    The account mode according to the legislation makes it possible to control outgoing payments of the "Account Representative" (representative, agent, dealer, intermediary).

    The obligation of the Bank to comply with the target spending of funds is carried out exclusively in favor of the "Beneficiary".

    IBM-compatible computer with a processor class not lower than Pentium 4 and RAM volume at least 512 MB, USB port v1.1 (or higher), "Mouse" manipulator;

    at least 100 MB of free disk space;

    permanent connection to the Internet, the ability to work on the HTTPS protocol (port 443);

    uSB-token device (issued by the Bank), USB flash drive;

    mobile phoneconnected to the service operator cellular communication (required if the SMS-OTP service is used).

Software Requirements

    microsoft Windows 7/8 operating system;

    actual versions of browsers: Internet Explorer; Mozilla Firefox; Opera; Yandex; Google Chrome;

    to download / install / update SKZI, the right "Local administrator", "Experienced User";

    cryptoplagine must be installed on the computer (available for downloading when authorized in the system if you have the right of signature); To work with USB-token, you need to download and install the device driver from the bank site:

    availability of licensed regularly updated antivirus software;

    the absence of a user's previously installed copies on the CSP version of the CSP is below 3.6.

Login is carried out on the username and password for each user.

To log in:

Requirements for the complexity of the password for logging into the system and to the USB-Token device

Password requirements for logging in:

    The password should consist of at least 8 characters.

    The password must be present symbols of three categories from among the following four:

    1. capital letters of the English alphabet from A to Z;

      the lowercase letters of the English alphabet from A to Z;

      decimal numbers (from 0 to 9);

      special symbols from set [Email Protected]#%&*;’:",./?

    The password should not contain a sequence of characters that are part of the individual name of the user (login).

    The password should not contain a sequence of three repetitive characters.

Password requirements USB-TOKEN:

    the length of the password must be at least 8 and no more than 14 characters;

    password must simultaneously include Latin characters ( A-Z -K Line and title) and numbers (0-9).

How to read an extract for open reporting period

Password is used to external additional protection of your information. The password can be changed by the user during a session with the system.

To change the user's password, follow these steps:

Key generation of asp

To generate ASP keys:

For this:

    open the certificate request and click " Print»

    print the ASP key certificate form in 2 (two) copies, on the letterhead, sign the signature of the certificate owner, the signature of the head (signatory with the right of the first signature) and the printing of the organization

    certified Asp key certificate blanks must be provided to the bank's division serving you

After activating the ASP keys by the Bank, you can sign documents in the system. ACTIVATION OF ASP keys may take up to 2 (two) working days after receiving the ASP key certificate.

Pereperating keys of asp

We draw your attention, the update of the ASP keys is only possible if the current ASP keys still apply at the time of generation. If the validity of the ASP keys is already expired, it is necessary to generate the keys of the ASP.

To update the ASP keys, do the following:

To create ASP keys for the user with the right of the first signature, connect the USB-Token device (for each signed separate device). To create ASP keys for the user with the right of the second signature, use a removable medium - a USB flash drive.

You can perform overgeneration to the same media where the current ASP keys are stored, or choose another.

To store ASP keys in a USB-token device, select from the AKS IFDH 0, AKS IFDH 1, ALADDIN TOKEN JC 0 or JACARTA 00 (numbers may differ).

For storage on removable media - USB flash drive Select a drive (E, H, F, etc.). Click " OK»

To generate ASP keys, move the mouse pointer within this window until the scale is fully filled completely.

    Then the password input window appears to the keys storage device.

If a new USB-Token device is used, you must specify a standard password to the device (if you did not change it), or the password that was specified when changing the standard to the more secure one.

If the keys are stored on removable media, then in the fields " New password"And" the confirmation»Set a password that will continue to be used to sign documents.

    Click "OK" to complete the control procedure of the ASP keys.

    Created document Check the check mark and click " Subscribe", Select the current ASP keys and subscribe a document, then click" Send».

    After the document turns out to be in the status " Processed"New ASP keys are becoming active, the old ASP keys cease to act.

If USB-Token is used as such a device, then you must specify a password for this device.

Please note that certificates for the ELBRUS Internet system cannot be copied and transferred to other devices.

Password change on USB-TOKEn device

For security reasons, we recommend you to change the standard access password immediately after receiving the USB-Token device. The user is responsible for the safety of the password. Do not pass and do not tell the password to access USB-Token to third parties.

Password change is made using the utility " etoken Properties." To start the program, go to the menu item. "Start" - "Programs" - "Etoken" - "Etoken PKI Client" - "Etoken Properties".

Running the program, insert the USB-Token device. It will become active, and a list of available actions will appear.
In order to change the USB-Token password, you must implement the following actions:

Forgot PIN for USB-Token

If you have not changed the PIN, when you receive a USB-token device, then try entering 1234567890.

If this PIN code does not fit, then the standard PIN code has been changed. If you cannot remember it, you need to initialize USB-TOKEn and repeat the procedure for generating the Key ASP.

During the password reset procedure, all data from USB-Token is deleted.

To initialize USB-Token you need:

Procedure in case of compromising keys

Compromise the keys is:

    Dismissal of employees who have access to key information.

    The fact of unauthorized copying of key information.

    Lost key carriers.

In case of compromising keys:

    Stop the exchange of electronic documents with the bank.

    Report the fact of compromising to the bank.

    Check out all your outgoing payments received to the bank from the moment preceding the fact of compromising.

    If necessary, get a new key carrier or registration data in the bank.

    Generate a new set of keys.

    Register a new set of keys in the bank.

    In coordination with the bank, continue working with a new set of keys.

Report suspicion of compromising keys in the following ways:

    Personal appeal of the authorized representative of the Client to the Bank's servicing division.

    Appeal to the client to the telephone support service.

    Direction of information about the compromise key by fax or.
    Test text: "Please block access to a bank client in connection with suspicion of compromising."

    Appeal through the feedback form.

Unlock account

To remove the lock from the ELBRUS Internet user account, you must contact the Bank's maintenance unit and provide an application for unlocking the specified user.

The application is written in free form on the organization's form.

Unable to display a page

The lack of access to the system is quite possible if the connection is closed on your computer or on the proxy server by port 443. This port (443) must be opened to install a secure SSL connection (HTTPS protocol) with our web server.

If the difficulty is not in this, please contact technical support and describe us errors, we will try to figure out and offer a solution.

Contact the Technical Support Service of the ELBRUS system by telephone,

Work with the document in Elbrus

Creating a payment order

1.1. To create a payment order
In the list of payment orders, click the button on the toolbar " Create a new document».

If you work in the system on behalf of the user, which is more than one of the number of registered in the system of organizations, the system will propose to specify the organization, on behalf of which a document is created:

1.2. Note
Critical errors will be highlighted by icons, an example of an error is the lack of payment of payment; non-critical comments in which it is allowed to send a document- pictograms, an example of comment (warnings) - an indication of an incorrect type of payment.

1.3. Formation of the document

    A new document is possible to create in several ways:

    By manually filling out the details of the document in electronic form.

    By creating a pattern.

    By creating a copy of an existing document.

    By importing a document from the accounting system.

    When you try to save the document, the system checks the correctness of filling the fields.

Depending on the scan results, the created / imported document will receive one of the following status:

    « Control error"- If the check revealed errors. Document with this status can be edited or deleted. If the edited document is used when saving is inspected without errors, it is saved with the status " Created»;

    « Created "/" Imported"- If the verification has not revealed errors. Document with this status can be changed, removed or signed. If, when saving a modified document, the check detects errors, it is saved with the status " Control error».

1.4. Note

After the procedure for verifying the filled document fields, the system displays a final list of errors and warnings in a separate window. If you have warnings, it is possible to save and sign the document.

Documents with the status " Created"And" Imported»You can sign and send to the bank for processing. To send payment documents, it is necessary to stagnate the first and second signatures, for non-empty documents (letters, requests of statements) is enough of the signature (or one first or one second). After the signature, the document may receive one of the following status:

    « Partially signed"- This status means that the document is signed with only one signature of two. Send to processing a document with such status is impossible;

    « Signed"- This status means that the document is fully signed and ready for shipping to process in the bank.

Import / export of documents from "1C"

The ELBRUS Internet system supports the abundance of data exchange (import / export) from 1C.

3.1. Export of extracts in "1C"
To export statements in "1C", you must perform the following steps:

3.2. Import payment orders from "1C"
To import documents from "1C":

As a result of the execution of these actions, the imports of documents from "1C" will be completed.

Creating a Template based on the document

To create a template based on an existing document:


In the process of working with the system, users may need to enter the same data when completing the details of various documents.

For example, in the formation of payment orders, it may be necessary to specify the indicator of the status of the taxpayer - one of the possible possible. To simplify the use of information and reduce the probability of entering erroneous values, part of the data is submitted to special registries, called reference books. In the example with payment orders all possible indicators The status of the taxpayer is made in the reference book of the status of the taxpayer. Thus, in the formation of payment orders, there is no need for manually input values \u200b\u200bof the indicators of the taxpayer status.

Features of working with reference books
In the system, reference books have the following features.
Recording directories can describe the behavior of the system. For example, the directory of methods for calculating VAT contains a list of possible rules for taking into account value added tax.
Filling the directories can be performed manually.
Depending on the application area, the system distinguishes the following types of reference books:

    Corporate - reference books used by the client and banking part of the system. Recording directory can be used when filling out the details of outgoing documents. When receiving documents, the system verifies the compliance of the values \u200b\u200bof the details of the data contained in the reference books. Filling and maintaining these reference books in the current state is carried out by the Bank;

    Local - reference books containing information about correspondents, beneficiaries and payment appointments. Local directories can be used by clients when forming outgoing documents. The information contained in reference books is different for each client. For example, each client may have its own list of beneficiaries, information about which is contained in the Beneficiary Directory. View and fill data directory is carried out by the client.

In the process of working with the system, users may need to enter the same data when filling

The relevance of these local reference books
During the operation of the system, the information contained in reference books may lose the relevance. To maintain the relevance of information, it is necessary to periodically update reference books.
Upgrading data data can be performed by manual input values \u200b\u200bin reference books.

When filling the reference data, the system checks the compliance of the entered value to certain requirements.

Filling data directory can be performed manually for the following local reference books:

    Directory of payment appointments.



    Responsible performers.

    Passport transactions.

    Beneficiaries warranty.

    Directory of the BIC RF.

    Types of currency transactions 138-and.

    Directory of countries.

    Directory of payments.

RTO on ruble operations:

    Directory of payment types.

    Directory Trement Properties.

    Directory of types of operations.

    Cash symbol directory.

Handbook for tax payments:

    Directory of the CBK.

    Directory of taxpayer status indicators.

    Directory of payment indicators.

    Directory of tax period.

    Directory of payment type indicators.

RKO PO currency operations:

    International Directory of Banks.

    Directory of types of commissions per transfer.

    Directory of types of substantive documents.

    Directory of types of contracts (credit contracts).

    Directory of codes of types of confirmation documents.

    Currency codes directory.

    Courses CB.

    Directory of maturity of the amount of the loan agreement.

    Directory CODE CODES LIBOR.

    When forming an extract for the period ending the current day, the extract is created until the previous day

    In an extract for the period, only the final discharges that are formed the day after the operation of the account are consistent.

As the ship will name, so he sails. ELBRUS Internet Bank Client System - New Remote System banking service. Who invented the name of this system, probably meant the highest peak, unattainable height. I (and not only I have) The Association arises with Stratovulkan, which is about to explode.

The story briefly is so. Lived - did not stead the couple of my companies. First in Imxpsbank, then in branches of CJSC and here it is a merger & absorption and we are the customers of the Raiffeisenank CJSC itself. Before that used the "electronic office", the troubles did not know, but the collective farm - a matter of voluntary and we were transferred to new system - Elbrus.

1. A complex system setting the program itself. I am a fairly experienced user, but it took me 4 hours on settings in accordance with the algorithm provided. Imagine how many weeks it would be necessary to accountant.

2. The program is complex not only for users, but also for employees from technical support, since the signed keys on the company №1, filed previously activated with bagas, keys No. 2 from another firm given later, were already activated, but also not immediately.

3. Security - the main argument for the transition to a new system, voiced by employees (correctly, what else remains?!). What is safety? What are you talking about? Yes, on one correspondence with technical support and sent by screenshots during a hacked e-mail, you can find out so much that no crypto keys are needed. In addition, earlier it was necessary to have an electronic key, login and password to enter the electronic office. Now - the login and password are enough to enter. And already for operations - the key. Is that a security improvement?

4. There is no connection within the bank. It seems to be ringing where your money is stored - in the financial institution, Bank ZAO Raiffeisenbank, and it turns out that the technical support of Elbrus, can not (or does not want) to call the office on Leninsky, 148 and ask her colleagues, emphasize - their own Colleagues - send the missing information to them (which we have provided to the office). "Call them yourself, it will turn out to be faster" - this is what? There are two different riffaisen? Operator Andrei Viktorovich K. in the period 14: 15-14: 25.

5. inconvenience. Previously, having a flash drive with keys, it was possible from any place, whether it was computer or not, to make a payment. Now without dancing with tambourines it will not work. Previously - I sent bills and accountant. Now I can only send me, an accountant has access to only to create payments. Previously, in real time a movement on accounts was displayed. Today, because Elbrus was in the fog, took the payment to the bank, held a payment. The residue has not changed. So, fake signature and print (which is much easier than to fake some crypto-keys there), making a power of attorney, you can send money to the company "Rog and hooves" and the gender learns about it only tomorrow. This is once again to the question of security.

Maybe this is a matter of habit. I do not like.

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