
How much does it cost to service a Sberbank salary card? Service of the salary card world in the Savings Bank Service of the salary card of the Savings Bank who pays

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the payment wages both at the place of work of the recipient, and by transfer to a bank account. The payment method is specified in the employment contract. The procedure for the distribution of expenses between the employer and his employee is also indicated there. About who pays for the annual service of the card - read the article.

How much does the annual salary card service cost?

Salary card is a type of debit card and is issued to customers within the framework of agreements concluded between the bank and the employer.

Most credit institutions you will be charged an annual service fee. It depends on the type of card and ranges from 150 rubles and above.

  • For example, in Sberbank minimum commission on student "plastic" - 150 rubles. The maximum is 10 thousand rubles. on platinum premium cards... Standard Visa and MasterCard are paid in the amount of 750 rubles. in the first year and 450 p. - in subsequent; classic - from 300 rubles.
  • Alfa-Bank does not charge a fee for servicing cards within the Corporate tariff plan.
  • The Bank of Moscow also offers free cards to salaries.
  • At VTB24 tariffs, the service fee is 750 rubles. in year.
  • At Rosselkhozbank standard cards on the "Salary" tariff plan they have service from 200 to 400 rubles. in year. Premium - from 2 to 4.5 thousand rubles.

Who pays for the annual salary card service

By signing an employment contract, the employee agrees to the conditions for receiving wages established in the organization. If the document provides for payment for the card service by the employer, then during the period of work at this place, the holder of "plastic" does not spend his funds for these purposes. Otherwise, the annual commission is automatically debited from the card without notifying the client.

When registering labor relations there are several options for receiving wages by an employee:

  1. Before starting a job, an employee independently applies to the bank and receives a plastic card. Then he writes a statement to the employer about the transfer of wages to her. In this case, the choice servicing bank depends on the client's wishes. For the employer, this option is not very convenient, since when transferring salaries, you have to draw up payment orders to different institutions. The service fee for the card is borne by the employee.
  2. When hiring, a future employee draws up an application for a salary in the organization and agrees to participate in a "salary project". At the same time, he does not pay any commissions on the card.
  3. The employee participates in the "salary project", but all the costs associated with the registration of the card and its subsequent pays himself. The nuances are spelled out in the employment agreement.

Servicing a salary card after dismissal

After dismissal, the holder of a salary card has the right to use it at his own discretion. When he gets a job at another place of work, he provides the details of the "plastic" to the accounting department.

Labor legislation allows the employer to issue wages to the employee in person or transfer to a card account. Most business owners today prefer option 2. It is convenient for both the employee and the employer.

An employee will be able to receive funds in any convenient place, and the owner of the company will not have to waste time on issuing wages and appoint a person responsible for carrying out the operation.

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Paying at stake, however, raises new questions. Banks charge additional fees for maintaining an account. An employee of the organization is increasingly asking the question: how much does the annual maintenance of a Sberbank salary card cost?

To get an answer, you need to carefully study the nuances of the service package provided.

Who pays

Leaving a signature on an employment contract, new employee automatically agrees with the payroll rules that apply to the organization.

If funds are transferred to punishment, the person must know in advance who pays for the plastic service. The information is contained in the document, which is signed by the employee when hiring.

If the employer agrees to take all the costs on himself, the employee is not charged. Otherwise, the commission will be deducted from the card without warning.

You can clarify who pays the service fee by contacting the branch of the credit institution

Usually employers take on the costs themselves, but there are often cases when the client has to pay the commission himself.

In practice, there are several ways to pay Money for service.

These include:

  • a new employee independently starts a card to which funds will be transferred, and pays a commission;
  • the specialist takes part in the salary project and does not pay commissions;
  • the employee takes part in the salary project, but all the costs for registration and maintenance of the card fall on his shoulders.

It is inconvenient for the employer if the employee independently issues the card in a third-party bank. To complete the transfer, you will have to issue additional money orders.

Business owners are choosing to include a new specialist in salary project... The nuances of paying commissions are negotiated when concluding an employment contract.

How much will it cost to service a Sberbank salary card for both parties?

For employers

If a business owner plans to execute a salary project in Sberbank, he will be able to choose 1 of 2 types of plastic cards - MasterCard or Visa Classic.

The terms of use of the means of payment are almost identical. The difference lies in the amount of the service charge. Funds for Visa Classic are not charged during the entire period of using the payment instrument.

You will have to pay for the Mastercard 750 rubles for the first 12 months service and 450 rubles for the subsequent ones. The rest of the nuances of using the cards are the same. If the employee decides to leave the organization, means of payment will get him.

Terms of use of payment means:

Condition Execution in Sberbank
Card replacement cost Is free
Recovery price in case of lost or lost PIN code 150 rubles
Transfer of funds within the region Free of charge
Fee for transfers from other areas 1,25% from total amount translation. The amount of the commission cannot be less 30 and more 1 000 rubles
Account statement request at any ATM 15 rubles
Withdrawing funds from a Sberbank ATM Is free
Withdrawing funds from an ATM of a third-party credit institution From 100 rubles per operation

For staff

Thinking how much it costs to service a Sberbank salary card, an employee of an organization should remember that interaction with a credit institution will bring additional bonuses for an individual.

The advantages of receiving money for working on Sberbank plastic include:

  • if a client wants to take out a loan from Sberbank, he will be able to count on the start of service on preferential terms;
  • the loan is provided without additional certificates and guarantees;
  • the bank will consider the client's application within 2 hours from the moment of filing;
  • if for any reason the client does not want or cannot come to the bank, he has the right to submit an application for a loan via the Internet.

If a person draws up a salary card on his own, he must go to a bank branch. Credit institution employees will offer to open Visa Classic.

For registration, you will need to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and write a statement about the desire to receive wages for Sberbank plastic. The payment instrument will be produced and issued to the client within 7 days from the moment of application.

When the term comes to an end, the person must re-visit the branch of the company and present a passport.

The client will have to pay for the service himself. The fee for the first year of use will be 750 rubles, and for subsequent ones - 450 rubles... All clients of the organization take part in the "Thank you from Sberbank" program.

If a person makes purchases using a card, the bank calculates bonuses. They can be used to pay for goods sold through promotions in partner stores.

If the user wants to get the products he likes, he must visit the walls of the company, provide the card and tell the employees how much bonus he wants to use to pay for the purchase.

Other financial expenses for maintenance

In addition to service fees, the bank may charge additional commissions for certain transactions.

You will have to pay for:

  • card restoration after loss;
  • PIN code recovery;
  • withdrawing funds from ATMs of third-party organizations;
  • replenishment of a means of payment in another region;
  • receiving an ATM statement.

If the card has expired, the user will be able to renew the payment method for free. However, if the client has forgotten the PIN code or lost plastic, they will have to pay for the operation 150 rubles.

Money within the region is transferred and credited to the card free of charge. If a person wants to perform a similar action while in another area, the company will take a commission.

Its size is 1,25% ... There is a minimum and maximum threshold for commission. The amount of commission for the execution of the operation varies from 30 to 1,000 rubles.

You will also have to pay for withdrawing funds from ATMs of other organizations. The size of the commission is 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles per transaction.

The company allows clients to receive a statement without going to the bank. To complete the action, you will need to use the organization's ATM. The action is paid. The company will debit from the client's card 15 rubles.

Dependency on type

Service fees can vary significantly depending on the type of payment method.

Before making a choice, you need to carefully study the size of the annual fees charged by the bank. This will allow you to protect yourself from unnecessary spending.

You can clarify the payment for servicing the means of payment by contacting the company's branch or by contacting the support service by phone. Information about commissions is also available for reading on the official website of the credit institution.

Types of salary cards in Sberbank and annual service fee:

Payment method name Monies charged for service in 1 year cooperation Service fee that the bank will charge for the next years
Visa Gold "Give life" 2 000-4 000 rubles 2 000-3 000 rubles
Mastercard Gold "MTS" 0-3 500 rubles 0-3 500 rubles
Maestro "Student" 0-150 rubles 0-150 rubles
Visa Classic "Aeroflot" 450-900 rubles 450-600 rubles
Mastercard Platinum 0-10 000 rubles 0-10 000 rubles
Visa Platinum 0-10 000 rubles 0-10 000 rubles
Visa Classic "Youth" 0-150 rubles 0-150 rubles
Mastercard Standard 0-750 rubles 0-450 rubles
Maestro Transport 0-300 rubles 0-300 rubles
PRO 100 "Standard" 0-300 rubles 0-300 rubles
Mastercard Standard Contactless 0-900 rubles 0-600 rubles
Visa Classic 0-750 rubles 0-450 rubles
Visa Gold 0-3 000 rubles 0-3 000 rubles
Mastercard Gold 0-3 000 rubles 0 – 3 000 rubles

If a client, after being fired, cannot find a job for a long period of time, he is entitled to close the means of payment, and this action will protect the person from paying commission and unnecessary spending

What will happen after the dismissal

Who should bear the costs of servicing the employee's salary card?

In accordance with Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages can be paid to an employee both at the place of work, and transferred to the bank account specified by the employee. The conditions for remuneration, including the form of its issuance - in cash at the organization's cash desk or by cashless transfer of funds, must be determined in the employment contract with the employee. If the agreement also provides cashless form calculations, it should also contain an indication of the methods of receiving salaries on a plastic card and the procedure for distributing costs between the parties.

By signing the contract, the employee agrees with all its conditions, including the method of receiving the salary.

There are several options for issuing plastic cards for employees of the organization to receive wages, and all of them are quite legal. Which of the design options to choose is, as a rule, decided by the employer. In any case, the employee must agree with the choice of the employer, which is fixed when concluding or reissuing (in the event of a change in the method of remuneration with an already working employee) of the employment contract, which reflects the following methods of registration:

1) The employee independently concludes an agreement with any bank, after which he submits a written application to the organization with a request to transfer wages to the account specified in the application. In this case, the employee himself bears the costs of issuing a card to him by depositing funds directly to the bank's cash desk in the amount and on the terms determined by the contract bank account... Depending on the type of bank and the terms of the agreement with it, the bank may charge a commission for servicing the card from the employee's account. Although given view registration of cards is the least beneficial for the employee, the organization has the right to use it.

It should be noted that this method is inconvenient for the employer himself, since the organization will have to issue monthly payment orders for the transfer of wages to different banks, where each employee has an account. To avoid these inconveniences, the employer can offer the employee to conclude a bank account agreement with a certain bank, with which it is more convenient for the employer to work. But if the employment contract does not contain an indication of a specific bank, the employer is not entitled to require the employee to open an account with a specific bank, since in accordance with Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens are free to conclude an agreement, compulsion to conclude an agreement is not allowed, except when the employee voluntarily undertakes to conclude such an agreement.

2) The second option is the execution of documents for salary cards through the organization itself, but payment for bank services for the production of a plastic card, payment of a commission to the bank for crediting wages is made at the expense of the employee. This should also be enshrined in the employment contract, since these actions can be performed only with the consent of the employee and at his request. As a rule, in this case, the organization concludes an agreement with the bank (for the so-called "salary project"), provides a list of employees and applications from each of them to open an account and receive a card. Bank services for the production of cards can be paid in several ways: - the initial deposit of funds into the bank at the expense of the organization (with further compensation of their costs by withholding the paid amounts from the employee's salary); - depositing cash into the bank's cash desk by the employee personally; - payment to the bank's cash desk in cash on behalf of the employee by any other person, including the employer's representative. In the latter case, the employee can transfer cash to the person who will make the payment. If in your case the employer applies exactly this method of issuing a plastic card, after signing the employment contract, you can transfer cash to the employer for further deposit by the representative of the organization into the bank's cash desk. After payment, you must be provided with a written confirmation of the transfer of funds to the bank's correspondent account. As for the bank's commission for crediting wages, the bank deducts it from the employee's account on a monthly basis. It should be noted that Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to notify the employee in writing when paying wages about her constituent parts, the size and grounds of the deductions made, as well as the total sum of money payable. With regard to the receipt of a salary on a plastic card, the employer must bring the specified information to the attention of the employee on the day the funds are transferred to the bank account.

3) The third option for an employee to receive salary cards is the most profitable for him - the organization draws up the entire package required documents employees do not bear any expenses for receiving and further servicing of plastic cards at their own expense. In this case, payment for the bank's services for the production of cards is made by the employer himself, and the organization reimburses the employee for the costs of paying the commission for crediting the salary deducted from the employee's account, or the company concludes an additional agreement with the bank to pay the commission directly from its account. Thus, all the conditions for wages must be reflected in the employment contract, including the way the employee receives wages (in cash at the organization's cash desk or on a plastic card), the option for issuing a salary card, at whose expense it is made and how. Upon termination of an employment contract with an employee, including during the probationary period due to an unsatisfactory test result, the amounts paid for the production of the card are not returned to the employee, the plastic card, as a rule, remains with the employee and the bank account opened for the employee continues to function (unless otherwise provided by the agreement of the organization with the bank).

When applying for a job in another organization, an employee can use his plastic card to receive a salary on it at a new place of work.

Sberbank salary cards are special cards designed to transfer salaries from an employer to them. After analyzing how much it costs to service a Sberbank salary card, we get the following data:

Name Issue / maintenance of the main card for the first year (rubles) Issue / maintenance of the main card for the next year (rub) Issue / maintenance of each subsequent card for the next year (rub)
PRO100 "Standard" 0-300 150 0-300 150
MasterCard Standart / Visa Classic 0-750 450 0-450 300
Youth 0-150 0-150
Contactless 0-900 600 0-600 450
WORLD Classic 0-750 0-450
gift a life 600-1000 450 300-450 300
Aeroflot 450-900 600 450-600 450
MasterCard Gold / Visa Gold 0-3000 2500 0-3000 2500
Visa Gold Give life 2000-4000 2500 2000-3000 2500
Aeroflot Gold 0-3500 3000 0-3500 3000
WORLD Gold 0-3000 2500 0-3000 2500
MasterCard Platinum / Visa Platinum 0/10 000 2500 0/10 000 2500
WORLD Premium 0/4900 2500 0/4900 2500
Visa Infinite 0/30 000 20 000 0/30 000 20 000
WORLD Premium Plus 0/10 000 5000 0/10 000 5000
Maestro Student 0-150 0-150
Transport 0-300 150 0-300 150
MasterCard Standart MTS 450-900 600 450-600 450
MasterCard Gold MTS 0-3500 3000 0-3500 3000

Useful information in this case is:

  • Card tariffs;
  • Features of salary cards.

The most popular types of plastic cards are:

  • Standard Visa and MasterCards. Plastic with a high degree of protection and practically no restrictions on maintenance. Additionally, there is an opportunity to receive “Thank you” bonuses (1% of the payment amount);
  • Youth. Issued only to customers under 25 years of age. Has the same features as the standard options, but the cost of the annual payment is 150 rubles per year. The protection system remains at a high level;
  • Aeroflot. A well-known promotion from Aeroflot, which allows you to receive "miles" from a domestic airline for your purchases. Having accumulated a certain number of miles, you can use them to pay for the flight. The service will cost 450-900 rubles for the first year and 450 rubles for each subsequent year;
  • PEACE. Domestic card with a large number of bonuses, including at gas stations, cafes and beauty salons. Despite the fact that it was introduced quite recently, it has already gained wide popularity due to the availability of social programs;
  • Contactless. It has the same properties as the usual one, but with one touch you can pay for any purchase. Additionally, it can be connected to the NFC function, it is possible to use your smartphone instead of plastic. Its release and the cost of annual maintenance will cost 900 rubles.

These data will make it possible to understand how much it costs to service a Sberbank salary card, but these features should also be analyzed.

Features of salary cards

This type of cards is created by employers due to the fact that in order to pay wages, each employee is required to issue payment orders and make transfers. For all this it is necessary to pay interest for the cash settlement equipment.

Accordingly, if you need to issue money in cash, then the bills are bought from the servicing bank. If the transfer goes to the employee's card, then a certain part of the funds is also paid for this transfer. On average, this percentage is 1%, which falls on the shoulders of employers.

To reduce expenses, mini-accounts of the company are created, the maintenance of which costs nothing for the company. However, the company will have to issue salary cards to its employees, for the maintenance of which, at high turnovers, there will be no need to pay funds. For accounting, it is enough to transfer one payment order for the redistribution of funds and everything will be done completely free of charge.

Sberbank is constantly trying to improve the quality of service for its customers and make its products more accessible to them. Among the numerous offers and programs in Sberbank, there is a salary project for those who receive wages to an account with this bank. Plastic for crediting salary gives certain privileges to its holders and opens up more opportunities for them than ordinary bank customers have.

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What is a salary card

Sberbank issues various plastic cards and some of them endow their holders with certain privileges and enhanced capabilities. What does a salary card give to the bank's clients? Together with plastic for crediting salary, the client gets the following opportunities:

  • round-the-clock unlimited access to control and management of your funds through an information and payment terminal and ATMs;
  • preservation of all your savings, even in cases of loss of the card or its damage;
  • making purchases and paying for services in shops, retail chains in Russia and other countries of the world;
  • round-the-clock free access to personal account in the Sberbank Online remote customer service system and in the mobile application;
  • convenience, safety and comfort when making payments for goods and services, both directly and on the Internet;
  • accumulation of funds by transferring part of the earnings to;
  • special, more favorable conditions for participating in various banking programs and using banking products;
  • registration of additional plastic cards for the relatives of the project participant or his authorized representatives;
  • participation in bonus programs;
  • privileges from the bank and its partner companies, etc.

Salary cards of Sberbank: types and cost of servicing them in 2017

Each client has the right to independently choose the best option for a plastic card from several offered for receiving wages, since each type of plastic differs from the others not only in design and design, but also in the cost of service, as well as the size of the maximum available credit limit.

Sberbank issues the following types of debit cards:

  • cards for receiving big bonuses "Thank you";
  • cards for which the client can independently choose an individual design for a fee;
  • classic;
  • youth;
  • Gold-grade plastic;
  • instant issue cards "Momentum";
  • cards with the ability to use a transport application (designed to pay for travel in all types of public transport);
  • cards participating in the Gift of Life charity programs;
  • pension cards for people of a more mature age;
  • additional plastic cards.

Limit credit cards are of the following types:

  1. Gold.
  2. Classic.
  3. Momentum.
  4. "Give life" (can be classic and gold).
  5. Aeroflot (classic, gold, signature).

Of all the above types of plastic for receiving wages, only four can be issued:

  1. Gold.
  2. Classic.
  3. "Gift a life".
  4. Aeroflot.

Salary card Visa Classic from Sberbank

Classic plastic cards international payment Visa systems(Visa) are the most popular among salary workers. Simplicity and ease of use make this type of cards simply irreplaceable. Visa Classic can be either debit or credit card. It is very convenient to pay with debit cards in shops, cafes, restaurants, using the possibility of contactless payments.

A Visa Classic debit card is issued for a period of three years, after which it needs to be reissued (this service is provided absolutely free of charge). The client, at his discretion (based on personal circumstances), can choose the currency card account- rubles, US dollars, or euros. Regardless of the level of salary, the holder has the opportunity to independently replenish the card account at any convenient time and for any amount.

Visa Classic has the following limits:

  • per day, you can transfer funds to other accounts / cards no more than 500 thousand rubles;
  • You can cash out every day, but within 300 thousand rubles per day.

Holders of classic cards can enjoy all the benefits mobile application completely free, and are also automatically members bonus program"Thank you from Sberbank."

Attention! Holders of card accounts can independently disable those services that were automatically connected and which they do not need.

The credit card has a limit of up to 600 thousand rubles (the loan amount is determined on the basis of financial capacity and the solvency of each specific client). With a Visa Classic credit card there is a grace period of up to 50 calendar days, which frees the cardholder from paying interest for the use of credit funds. If the loan debt was not repaid before the end grace period, then the remaining debt will be charged with interest in the amount of 23.9 to 27.9%.

One of the decisive factors when choosing the type of plastic for the transfer of wages is the answer to the question, how much does it cost to maintain an account? Until the end of 2017, there is a promotion, according to the conditions of which, the first year of using a credit card visa classic or gold, no service fee will be charged. For all subsequent years, payment is made in the amount established by the tariffs for similar debit cards. The cost of their maintenance is 750 rubles in the first year of use, and 450 for subsequent years.

Gold card for salary clients of Sberbank

Emphasize your status and at the same time get a lot additional opportunities and privileges from the bank, you can order gold card... It has been in effect for exactly three years, after which it must be reissued. She, like the classic one, participates in the bonus program.

Attention! An account for gold-class cards can be opened both in national currency, and in foreign (euros and US dollars).

With a gold card, the client gets the opportunity not only to demonstrate his worth, but also many others:

  • connect and configure the auto-transfer function, which allows you to transfer money to your family and friends regularly and without interruptions;
  • use all the advantages and useful functions of the application and the mobile bank;
  • connect the Piggy Bank service and save money to make your dreams come true;
  • save up “Thank you” bonuses and pay them up to 99% of the cost of theater tickets, air tickets, taxis, etc .;
  • activate the Auto Payment service and do not worry about the timely payment of utility bills, loan repayment or replenishment of the mobile phone account.

The cost of servicing gold debit cards is 3 thousand rubles per year.

How to get a salary card

If you decide to become a salary client of Sberbank and you are interested in this card, you need to know how to arrange it. To get it, you need:

  1. The head of the company in which you work, personally come to the bank branch and conclude an agreement on the participation of the enterprise / firm in the salary project.
  2. Provide the bank with a list of employees who want to be served and receive a salary from Sberbank and a number of other necessary documents.
  3. Then each employee of the company must independently submit an application for opening a card, having previously determined the type of plastic (there are several of them).
  4. After submitting an application for the issue of a plastic card from one of the international payment systems, you need to wait a few more weeks until the bank produces it.
  5. When you receive a card at a bank branch (another option is also possible - at an enterprise), you have the opportunity to use other offers of Sberbank and connect useful services to your card ( mobile bank, Savings account, Auto payment, etc.).

How long does it take to make a card

After submitting an application for processing plastic to receive wages, many are interested in how long the cards will be made. All Sberbank plastic cards, except for Momentum instant issuance cards, are issued within 10-14 banking days, but the waiting time takes a little more than two weeks. It all depends on the region in which the card was ordered. Residents of the most remote regions of Russia need to wait the longest for their plastic. Debit cards are issued much faster than credit, since in this case there is no need to collect information, or to confirm it with facts about the client's solvency.

If you ordered a card with an individual design, then the production time will be from 4 to 6 weeks, in rare cases a little longer. The point is that such cards are not made one at a time, they are issued in a batch. When the bank collects the required number of applications for the registration of plastic with an individual design, then they will launch them into production.

A personal card (in the lower left corner of which the name and surname of the holder is indicated) is prepared a little longer than a simple card for a salary. This is due to the fact that the registered plastic has more degrees protection. Such a card can be linked to your electronic wallets and freely withdraw funds from virtual accounts to your card account with Sberbank.

What does Sberbank overdraft card mean?

The very concept of overdraft in the economy, especially in banking, means exceeding their financial capabilities, going beyond set limits... There are situations when almost the entire salary has already been spent, but unexpected expenses suddenly arose, and the balance on the card is not enough. You can, in the old fashioned way, borrow from neighbors or close relatives, or get the required amount on credit, but it is much easier to use an overdraft facility.

Sberbank's overdraft salary card provides an opportunity to use not only own funds but also credit. Such plastic is a universal version of the means of payment, since it combines the capabilities of both debit and credit cards... If the card runs out of wages, then the holder does not need to worry that at the most inopportune moment he will exhaust all available limit... He can freely pay with a card, withdraw money from an ATM, make purchases via the Internet using an overdraft facility.

At that moment, as soon as you started withdrawing credit funds, the card will have a negative balance with a minus sign. This minus amount is the debt, which will be covered automatically immediately after the salary is credited.

Important! If the earned funds are not enough to pay off the debt, the card holder can independently deposit funds into the account.

You can use credit funds for holders of overdraft salary cards on the following conditions:

  1. By card in mandatory defined and installed credit limit(maximum amount credit funds that can be used in excess of wages). The limit is determined individually for each client based on the level of his monthly income and solvency.
  2. As soon as there is debt (overdraft, overspending), the bank charges interest on the amount of the debt (18% per annum in national currency, and 16% in foreign currency). If the client is registered any violation in the form of exceeding the maturity date, or established limits, then the interest rate is doubled.
  3. Repayment of the arisen overdraft is obligatory before the end of the month following the reporting one, that is, if the debt has arisen on the 3rd day of the current month, then it must be closed by the 30th day of the next. Otherwise, you will have to pay double interest rate for the use of credit funds.

You should not consider an overdraft card as one of the types of credit. Overdraft can become a kind of safety net in case of unforeseen expenses.

How to connect an overdraft to a salary card of Sberbank

Overdraft activation is possible when contacting the bank in the following cases:

  • to issue a card (the desire to join the number of salary clients and connect an overdraft must be indicated in the application for the release of plastic);
  • directly to connect an overdraft to an already valid card;
  • for release new card with a connected overdraft service.

Important! Consideration of an application for connecting an overdraft takes several days, and a decision is made within a working week.

In order for the bank to make a positive decision on your application, you need to provide a complete package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate from the place of work about income;
  • certificates on the amount of additional income (if any);
  • employment history;
  • an additional package of documents (driver's license, documents on ownership of movable and real estate, passport and others).

Loans from Sberbank for holders of salary cards

Loans in Sberbank to individuals - holders of salary cards are issued for more than favorable terms than for other categories of clients, as evidenced by numerous reviews of those who have already taken out a loan. Among the privileges it is worth highlighting:

  • lower interest rates;
  • there are no commissions (neither for the issuance of a loan, nor for its maintenance);
  • fast consideration of applications for a loan;
  • a minimum of documents is required for registration;
  • the ability to apply for a loan through the remote system "Sberbank Online" without having to visit a bank branch, etc.

Among the existing lending programs with privileged conditions for salary clients, there are three areas:

  • customer credit;
  • car loan;
  • mortgage credit lending.

Attention! The official website of Sberbank has a calculator that will help you calculate the size of the monthly loan payment and the amount of overpayment on it. To calculate, you only need to enter the necessary data in the calculator form.

Consumer loan

At Sberbank consumer credit for holders of salary cards is possible under the following credit programs:

  • unsecured loan;
  • loan secured by surety individuals;
  • a loan secured by real estate;
  • refinancing loan;
  • credit to military personnel - NIS participants (if the salary client is a military personnel).

Consumer lending conditions for individuals who have joined the number of payroll clients:

  • the ability to issue a loan for a period of 3 to 60 months (5 years);
  • the bank does not take a commission for servicing and issuing a loan;
  • the maximum loan amount is up to 3 million rubles;
  • the ability to take out a loan with or without a guarantee;
  • slightly lower interest on the loan;
  • only a passport is required;
  • prompt consideration of applications and quick decision making;
  • applying for a loan directly at work through the "Bank at Work" service;
  • registration of a loan at any branch of the bank without reference to the place of registration;
  • innings online applications for obtaining a loan for holders of salary cards through Sberbank Online.

Mortgage for holders of payroll cards

Individuals - holders of Sberbank salary cards can receive mortgage on special conditions:

  • loan term ranges from 3 months to 30 years;
  • the initial payment is 15% of the mortgage amount;
  • lower percentages;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan in national and foreign currencies (euros, dollars);
  • the ability to provide security as collateral for housing, for the purchase of which a loan is issued or any other residential property;
  • no commission for issuing a loan;
  • fast consideration of the application and making a decision on it;
  • the ability to apply for a loan at the place of work.

How to close a salary card of Sberbank

A plastic card, regardless of its purpose (salary, debit, credit or social) is the property of the issuer, that is, the bank that issued it. Therefore, if you no longer need it, you need to close it and return it to the bank. For this:

  1. It is necessary to personally apply with a passport to the bank branch (preferably to the one where the card account was opened).
  2. The teller will check the balance on the card (if you have money, you can withdraw it through an ATM, transfer it to another account, or receive it through the cashier).
  3. The bank employee will enter all the necessary data into the database and close the account.
  4. The plastic is cut in half in the presence of the client.

Many clients are interested in whether it is obligatory to close an account, is it possible to just throw the card away? When registering plastic, each client is introduced to the terms of its use, including the cost of servicing a card account per year. The reviews of those who have already encountered this situation suggest that if you just get rid of the plastic, then in subsequent periods the card account will go into negative, as the service fee will be debited from it. The price of such irresponsibility can be a number of problems (it will negatively affect credit history, a delay will pop up, interest will "drip", a debt to the bank is formed, etc.) and they may bother you so that you not only pay for the service, but also the interest, and no one except the bank needs it. Therefore, closing a card account as unnecessary will save you from unnecessary "headaches".

Salary card after dismissal

If for any reason you had to leave the enterprise / company where you received your salary, then after the dismissal you need to contact the bank and close the card account so that the bank does not charge you a fee for servicing it in the future. But if you plan to continue using the card (replenish the account yourself, make transfers, pay with it), then you have the right to keep it for yourself.

In this case, do not forget about the conditions of Sberbank for the use of a salary card, on which you issued it, in order to avoid misunderstandings and possible problems. If you do not pay the account maintenance fee in a timely manner, the balance will be negative, and this will already be considered banking system as a delay, for which the accrual of fines and interest is due. Thus, your card, previously generating income, will turn into a "debt hole".


Answer: they can seize plastic bailiffs as a result of having certain debts (for utilities, for electricity, etc.). Immediately after you find that the funds have been debited from the account, and the card is blocked:

  1. Contact the bank branch and find out the reason for blocking and debiting funds from the account.
  2. If it's about judgment, then immediately go to the bailiffs executing the court decision.
  3. Make sure of the legality of their actions.
  4. Write in your own hand a statement to release the arrest.
  5. Along with the application, provide a certificate of income from the place of work for the last six months.
  6. You will also need to provide documentary evidence from the bank that your earnings are transferred to the seized account.
  7. After that, the arrest must be lifted by the bailiffs.

Even by a court decision to pay off your debt, bailiffs are not allowed to write off more than 50% of your total income. Alternatively, you can issue an additional card and connect an automatic transfer of funds from the arrested person. Thus, you will insure yourself against illegal actions of bailiffs.

Question: how to find out via the Internet if the salary card is ready?

Answer: if the card was ordered by an employer, which happens more often than it is issued directly by an employee of the enterprise, then you can find out about the readiness of the plastic directly from the head of the company. As soon as the parcel with ready-made cards is registered when sent to your regional bank branch, you will receive an SMS notification that your card is ready.

If the salary project was drawn up through Sberbank Online, then after processing the application for the issue of cards, a message comes with a password, with which you can track the process of plastic production. This password can also be called when contacting the Contact Center, where you can also be provided with the information you are interested in.

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