
Banking. Banking professions universities banking after 11

College of Banking: Enroll after grade 11. Economic Business College of Moscow implements the economic specialty banking. Complete preparatory courses after 9, 10 and 11 school class.

  • Arrival without exams
  • Dorm with internet access
  • Flexible terms of payment
  • Assistance in education

Specialty 38.02.07 "Banking"

Advantages of specialty banking

Student training are engaged in high-level professionals

Profession is fairly in demand and prestigious

Practice in famous banks of the country

Opportunity to enter special universities

Qualification: Banking Specialist

The banking sphere is constantly developing and changing, so the need for competent specialists in the banking remains at a high level. Professions in the field of banking are considered prestigious and highly paid, and those who want to get the necessary knowledge in this area in Moscow colleges every year more and more.

In our Moscow College of Banking, the basic professionals are trained. They receive applied knowledge that will help them in the fulfillment of a number of important banking operations. College students in the specialty "banking" are trained in experienced teachers, specialists of the leading banks of Moscow. Graduates of our college will be able to attract and monitor financial movements of funds, serve customers on settlement and credit operations and make other bank transactions.

What are studying students of a banking college

  • statistics;
  • audit;
  • financial mathematics;
  • banking;
  • accounting, etc.

Our college of banking in Moscow not only provides theoretical knowledge, but also makes it possible to consolidate them in practice in various banking institutions. Banks in which our students are taking practice: Sberbank, VTB, Bank Opening, Starobank, Intercommertsbank, Military Industrial Bank and other large banks of Moscow.

Is it possible to go to the college to "banking" in Moscow after grade 9

Students 9-11 classes can attend preparatory courses that will help them enroll in the specialty "banking" in our college.

By adopting a specialty "Banking" after grade 11, a college student will receive the necessary knowledge for 1 year 10 months.

Today there is a very fashionable and prestigious specialty - banking. What is this profession? Let's try to figure out the up-to-date question.

Description of the profession

The meaning of the word has Italian roots. "Banker" from the word Banco - "table", respectively, banker is a person who works at the table. But today it is a multifaceted specialist, it is distinguished by a tendency to forecasting. He also has an analytical warehouse of the mind.

Currently, specialists in banking are incredibly in demand. Therefore, they are relatively easy to find it. They are waiting for investment organizations, financial institutions, credit institutions, stock exchanges, insurance companies, etc.

Work in the bank depends on what position the employee occupies. For example, a financial institution specialist will be engaged in consulting customers, analyze indicators, predict, etc.

Many large banks in their structure can have up to 10 divisions that have certain functions. The key directions are:

  • lending;
  • investment activities;
  • treasury Department.

Having finished training in the specialty "banking", you get a complex of knowledge in the field of financial treatment, standard operations, economic forecast, accounting. The obligatory program also includes the study of the essence and functioning of credit operations, etc.

Who is ready to become a banking specialist

A specialist of banking can be people with good mathematical abilities and analytical warehouse of the mind. A person engaged in this case can decompose everything on the shelves, then analyze and systematize the information received. It is necessary to be concentrated all the time and pay a lot of attention to details. Of course, economic disciplines must love a person who knows the banking. What is this profession without interest in the economy? In addition, the banker usually has a good memory and has the desire to bring all the end.

Also, a person who gets ready to become a banking specialist must be a professional and have healthy ambitions. Often, these qualities are the main trump card when taking a job. The purposefulness is also greatly welcome, because every day difficulties will occur. The employee must be able to overcome them and want to go further.

When a young specialist take to work, almost always he passes a small course of study. Therefore, it is necessary to be trained, strive for new knowledge. Some banks, by the way, after training, spend an exam and only after that decide, to take or not take a specialist in the bank.

Career growth

The starting platform for successful professional growth is the highest profile

Bank career most often begins with such posts as:

  • employee of the client service;
  • assistant accountant;
  • doctor producer, etc.

As a rule, at a novice specialist is low at the same time it is possible to go up the career ladder. But for this you need to apply certain efforts. To become a middle manager manager, you may need only one year. If an employee has certain abilities and desires, he may receive the position of head of the branch, Deputy Head, Director of the Bank.

You can start vocational training after grade 9. Despite the common stereotypes about the SPO, the receipt in the college is sometimes more expedient. After all, a sough student receives several advantages at once:

  • saving time. While peers learn in high schools, professional knowledge is already getting in college. The labor market can be wished earlier;
  • practical experience. College students psychologically feel more independent, many still at the stage of study are looking for work and by the time of the issue they have the necessary experience;
  • financial independence.

Admission after grade 11 on the "banking" to the university is carried out on the undergraduate programs.

Pay attention, first of all, the possibilities that the educational institution provides. Official partner of Synergia - "VSP" offers students to choose different forms of training. The most relevant at the present stage is remote. Such a system allows students to receive education from anywhere in the planet. Saving time and money, free schedule planning, combining work - these are the advantages that are attracting many applicants today.

College implements economic specialty banking

Qualification of college graduate - Banking specialist.

After graduating from college, a banking specialist can work in banks, investment design, financial, banking institutions, economic departments, credit institutions, exchanges.
When graduating from college under the main professional educational program in the specialty banking graduate is ready to fulfill financial and credit and operating activities in accordance with the qualification characteristic.

Specialty banking gives a set of knowledge in the field
banking operations
finance and money circulation
accounting in banks
economic Analysis
accounting and economics organization (enterprise)

Training time
upon admission to the college on the basis of 9 classes 2 years 10 months;
upon admission to college on the basis of 11 classes 1 year 10 months.

College of Banking

The quality of education predetermines the level of income in the life of each person, aspiring to find a prestigious work. College of Banking carries out a comprehensive teaching of the received full-fledged training course and compliance with the proper level of training of students to all objective criteria imposed by the Gosstandart of the educational program. Particular attention is paid to the practical activity and internship of students who pass it in accordance with the selected specialization in organizations that are underly-informy authority in their field of activity.

When teaching items, fresh teaching materials are used, licensed equipment and the latest reports of situations occurring in the field of currency and financial market and trader business. In the course of training, exhaustive professional knowledge of bank paper and operations and transactions are currently transmitted to the experienced teachers and operations that are relevant for any qualified. Our college will teach each of the beneficial skills and practical techniques that will certainly become effective prerequisites for a career of a successful bank employee. The diploma issued by the institution allows graduates to work in any banking, financially and credit organizations of the country.

Our other specialty

Romantic time gradually remains behind. Modern youth seeks to master practically significant professions. Among them - "banking".

Profession "Bank employee" is characterized by the presence of competencies in the credit and financial sector. It can work both directly in state and non-government banks and in the planned departments of enterprises and institutions, financial institutions, stock exchanges, insurance companies, etc.

Professions of the banking sector

The structure of banking institutions is quite branched.

Each department is represented by a large number of posts.

Banking specialists - profession:

Managers, managers, financial analysts, operationalists, financial and credit experts, specialists of corporate and mortgage lending, treasury specialists, specialists in the field of securities, etc.

Bank professions - list

  • Managing an operating office of the bank,
  • manager-consultant bank branch,
  • clearing specialist
  • credit: specialists, consultants, inspectors, brokers, etc.
  • Service specialists
  • cashiers operatories,
  • currency cashiers.

Bank professions - description

Bank operating office

Functional duties - Strategic planning of office activities. Coordination of the interaction of structural divisions, improving the quality of employees. Growing the profit of the department. Such a position, as a rule, occupy specialists with top profile education ("Accounting", "Economics of the enterprise") and experience of work by the head of the Bank's structural division of at least two years.

Consultant Management Manager

He is searching for and attracting and servicing customers. Provides information assistance to legal entities and individuals in choosing a type of deposit or loan. Carries out banking operations on deposits. Heads reporting on the implementation of the plan.

Clearing Specialist

Coordinates the mutual settlements between the actors of the transaction (Barter's intermediary). Such a specialist seeks for help in assessing the financial benefits of such a transaction, as well as the solvency of the parties. It carries out competent documentation accompaniment of the transaction. Such specialists are welcome in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, clearing banks, chambers or centers.

Credit specialist (expert, manager, consultant, inspector)

Searches and attracting potential borrowers, drawing up business plans to attract creditors. Organization and implementation of lending operation. Documentation support from the preparation and provision of a loan until its repayment.

Banking: Profession, Salary

Profession Banking - Description

Cash / non-cash settlements. Work on issuing / return loans. Issuance / exchange / liquidation of plastic cards. Reporting, including tax. Documentation support of transactions using information technologies.

Professions related to banking

Auxiliary, but very important professions of the banking sector are lawyers, financial analysts, experts to recover debts, marketing, management, etc.

It should be noted that the work of employees of the middle of the banking sector is paid by an order of magnitude higher than the average level in the region, ahead of inflation. Now the salary fluctuates in the range of 15.5 - 30 thousand.

Banking: pros and cons profession

The pros will be attributed to high demand in the labor market. The possibility of successful rapid career growth. Quite high wage. Extended social guarantees that most banks provide their employees. At the same time, the profession of a bank employee requires special education, high concentration, responsibility. In addition, at the initial steps of career, high wages and status are not guaranteed.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state