
Favorable tariffs for entrepreneurs from Sberbank. Package of services from Sberbank for Small Business and IP Tariff Reservation Procedure

For business owners, Sberbank is constantly developing batch suggestions, knowing their effectiveness and high demand. In comprehensive products, the Financial Institute adds many online services, individual options, advanced services and products, each of which has its own advantages.

As a result, it allows an entrepreneur or a legal entity to lead his job with great comfort, less risks and tangible progress.

Today we would like to talk about the package of services "Optima" and tell what he represents himself, in which its advantages and how the design is happening.

Conditions of the package of services "Optima" Sberbank

The "Optima" package at the moment includes the most popular services of RTO. And they are provided for fixed value.

In the aggregate, they significantly reduce banking costs.
"Optima" is one of the most powerful comprehensive offers of Sberbank. And the filling is the following:
- keeping one account in rubles;
- Monthly use of the DBB system for Sberbank Business online business without a fee;
- holding up to 30 electronic payments within 1 month;
- the ability to take up to 150,000 rubles in cash;
- the ability to give up to 250,000 rubles in cash;
- Duplicates of extracts and references, containing basic information on transaction accounts, are issued without any limits;
- The checkbook is issued with a 50% discount.

When choosing banking services, entrepreneurs try to guide the reliability of the financial organization, the simplicity of obtaining the necessary services and the acceptable cost of the options used. Sberbank offers favorable tariffs for IP, taking into account the basic needs of business owners. These can be sets with a fixed value of the operations specified in the contract, as well as individual proposals that can only be obtained with a personal conversation in the bank.

Characteristics of proposals

To date, Sberbank is ready to offer 7 packages designed specifically for individual entrepreneurs:

  1. « Minimum"- represents the necessary minimum for work. The monthly fee includes accounting, transfer of funds for customers with a limit to 5 bills per month, receiving cash in various ways up to 50 thousand rubles in the same period. Also in the package includes the use of Internet systems Sberbank Business Online or Sberbank Business. The cost is 1800 rubles in 30 days, but you can choose longer periods for making the board: 5130 - for 3 months and 9720 for 6.
  2. « Basis"In this embodiment, the limits are increasing to 10 and cash up to 80 thousand, and up to 140 thousand rubles is added. Monthly write-off will be 3200 per month or 9120 for 3 and 17280 for 6.
  3. « Assets"- for entrepreneurs will open opportunities for working with funds. Indicators will increase to 20 when listed, and in terms of up to 300 and 100 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the fee to 3300 per month will grow, 9405 for 3 and 17820 for 6.
  4. « Optima"- In this embodiment, the following ratio: 20/150 thousand / 250 thousand. Most customers agree that this is one of the optimal tariff plans for small businesses. Monthly write-off will amount to 4,200 rubles, as well as 11970 per quarter and 26800 in half.
  5. « Salary"- a specialized package created for making calculations with employees. The maximum amount of the monthly issuance of funds is 200 thousand. Monthly use fee - 4200.
  6. « Shopping plus»- The package is designed to receive funds from customers up to 100 thousand rubles per month and up to 10 transfer from the account. Particular attention is paid to cashiable cash services, online systems and connection terminals. Cost will be 3400 for a 30-day period of use.
  7. « My team»- Package to reduce costs with self-controlling systems Sberbank online business and Sberbank Business with large curvatures. Depending on the volume varies the value of the board. So, during the turn to 1 million rubles per month, 24,000 is charged, and with a range of from 24 to 30 million - 84,000 rubles. This cost includes additional accountant, lawyer, assistation and counseling services.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the limits specified in the packages are only a part that is included in the subscription fee. If they are exceeded, an additional fee with the basic rates of the banking department will be charged.

Thus, the limitations on the amounts will not arise. This customers should not be afraid.


Open an account And it is possible to start using them as a personal visit to the Bank's office and online reservation. However, in the second case, everyone will have to look at a bank for some time to conclude a contract and signing the necessary documents, but this will significantly reduce the time of stay. Connecting the necessary service packages can be carried out both at the time of the preparation of the necessary documents and when using Internet services. Moreover, in the same order may be subsequently shown.

Reserve and consultation can be ordered directly on the Bank's website in the section with interested batch proposals on the settlement and cash maintenance of legal entities.

Reviews of entrepreneurs

According to the overwhelming majority of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, without comprehensive proposals it is quite difficult to do. Several tariffs are able to completely overlap all the needs, while not requiring additional investments.

"We have long been using such services and did not regret any single day. All bills on the surface, besides, it is quite simple to control the movement of funds in software products via the Internet. "
Alexey, 32 years old, Moscow

"An excellent option for startups and small companies that goes on the market. The budget control and the turnover of funds at the start is very important and then Sberbank comes to help with its products. I do not regret that I chose a comprehensive offer and was able to track the turn on my own. "
Vasilisa, 37 years old, Novosibirsk

It is no secret that the banking service market for business is sufficiently saturated. When an organization faces a mass of proposals, as a rule, when choosing a bank, a certain need plays a key role. Someone listens to the positive recommendations of acquaintances or mentors in their own industry, someone carefully monitors the market and chooses the most economically advantageous solution for themselves.

Choose reliability

According to statistics, if a potential customer does not analyze, he will select the most popular bank in our country - Sberbank by 80%. The fact of the State Participation in Sberbank allows its customers to feel calmly, after all, not all banks can boast such reliability, especially since the general awareness and concern of the population is at a high level.

What is included in the banking service package?

A convenient form of service is the so-called package of services, which includes various banking products:

  • Opening and maintenance of cash service
  • Use Internet Bank (Sberbank Business Online)
  • Corporate card service
  • Conducting electronic payments
  • Cash reception
  • Provision of report reports
  • Electronic duplicate statement

What proposal is more profitable?

Sberbank at the moment offers several batch offers:

  • "Minimum +"
  • "Basis +"
  • "Active +"
  • "Optima +"
  • "Salary"
  • "Shop Plus"
  • "Easy Start"

"Minimum +"

This package of services is not in vain has such a name and includes maintenance of 1 billing account, carrying out 5 electronic payments per month, cash receiving up to 30,000 rubles. Such a package will be interesting to those who are forced to open a settlement account due to any circumstances. For example, any important counterparty is calculated only on non-cashless or customers of a businessman began to ask for payment by cards, and as a result, he decided to establish acquiring.

"Basis +"

Unlike the minimum package, the amount of cash intake is 100,000 rubles, and the number of payments is 20. This complex is suitable for those who are important to be able to make cash and not overpay for this to the bank.

"Asset +" and "Shopping Plus"

These packages differ from "Bases" only by the number of payments per month, in the "asset +" - 50, in the "fine plus" - 10. The client prevents the approximate amount of payment for itself and chooses the tariff.

"Optima +"

In Optima, there is no cash reception service, with the number of electronic payments - 100 per month. Accordingly, if the entrepreneur does not need to make cash, and the number of payments floats, then this is the perfect choice.

"Easy Start"

This tariff plan includes a number of free products: opening an account, the use of Sberbank Business online, emails on accounts open in Sberbank, the first year of corporate card service. This complex should carefully look at those who only make the first steps in the business and cannot predict their needs for the first time.


This proposal differs from other batch complexes by the fact that it does not provide for cash, and instead of this service it is possible to remove cash without a commission in the amount of up to 200,000 rubles per month, the number of electronic payments - 30. "Salary" will suit business, whose mutual settlements are mainly on non-cash.

How to issue a batch offer of Sberbank?

First of all, it is necessary to find on the website of the bank the nearest branch to you. Next, you should write on the phone for a certain time. At the selected time, you need to visit the selected branch with the originals of all constituent documents. The design time will take about a pair of hours.

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