
Treaty with an accountant for the provision of services (sample). Sample Accounting Service

The contract for the provision of accounting services is the main legal document, on the basis of which the relationship between the consumer of accounting services and the company is constructed. The contract for the provision of accounting services specifies the subject of the contract, the obligations and responsibility of the Customer and the Contractor, the procedure, deadlines and terms of calculations, the confidentiality, the term of the contract and special conditions. It should be noted that if the contract for the provision of accounting services is compiled correctly, the Contractor is responsible and undertakes to compensate for the customer all the penalties and fines, as well as at its own expense to make corrections and changes in the accounting and reporting of the Customer in all cases, with the exception of those that have arisen As a result of late, unreliable and incomplete information provided by the Customer.

As an example, you can consider the case when the customer is late, i.e. After the reporting for the corresponding period was handed over, provided by the Contractor further overhead, invoices or acts of work performed. In this case, the Company with which an accounting service contract concluded conducts the reporting adjustment for an additional fee. If, before adjusting the reporting by regulatory authorities, a violation will be revealed and imposed a penalty, it will be obliged to pay for the customer. As an example, the following is a typical contract for the provision of accounting services (sample).

Treaty for the provision of accounting services (sample)

"__" _________ 20__

Hereinafter referred to as the Customer, in the face of _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of _____________, on the other hand, amounted to this Agreement on the following:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to the task of the Customer to provide services in the amount and on the conditions provided for by this Agreement (the provision of accounting services, accounting and tax accounting based primary documentation Provided by the Customer, drawing up accounting and tax reporting, consulting services for accounting, preparation and reporting.), And the customer undertakes to pay these services.

2. Responsibilities and responsibility of the Contractor.

2.1. The Contractor must:

2.1.1 When providing accounting services, strictly comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

2.1.2 In the interests of the Customer, executing executing functions in relations with regulatory authorities (ISS and Funds, to give the necessary explanations, to be in the appropriate inspector call authority), to notify the Customer about all contacts and arising from the issues, and every situation that arose due The customer is paid separately to the act of work performed.

2.2. The artist is responsible:

2.2.1 For the safety of all primary accounting documents transferred to him by the Customer under this Agreement;

2.2.2 For the correct and timely processing of data and information in accordance with the primary documents provided by the Customer.

2.3. The performer is not responsible for incommodating, unreliability and (or) incompleteness of information provided by the Customer to the Contractor, as well as caused by this consequences.

2.4. The Contractor is not responsible for the claims of third parties to the customer associated with the management of economic activities. The performer is not responsible for the consequences. administrative offensescommitted by customer officials.

2.5. The Contractor undertakes to compensate to the Customer on the basis of its claims all the penalties and fines, as well as at their own expense to make corrections and changes in accounting and reporting the Customer in all cases, which in accordance with this Agreement applies to its responsibility.

3. Duties and responsibility of the Customer.

3.1. The customer must:

3.1.1 to provide the Contractor all the necessary primary accounting documentation For each (s) calendar (- s) ______________ in time not exceeding 3 days after graduation ___________________

3.1.2 Sign reporting prepared by the Contractor to submit to the relevant addresses in a period not exceeding two calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant request (written or oral) from the Contractor;

3.1.3 Immediately in writing to report to the Contractor about all changes in treaties and other primary accounting documents. For the consequences caused by the changes made by the rear number (later than 5th of the month following the month of the period, for which the documentation was provided), the executor is not responsible. Any change made to the primary accounting document, considered by the Contractor as a new primary document. Problem processing is paid at a two-time tariff;

3.1.4 in a five-day period from the date of preparation to receive from the Contractor a set of dashed reporting documentation and sign an act of work performed;

3.1.5 Timely and fully pay for the services of the Contractor.

4. Terms and timing of the payment of the executor services.

4.1. The executive payment for the previous month is made monthly no later than the 5th day of each month.

4.2. The cost of services under this Agreement is _________ rubles per month, including VAT. -In the case if additional acts of work performed are not exhibited.

4.3. In case of delay in payment by the Customer of the Contractor's services for more than 15 calendar days, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally Distribute this Agreement, which is informed of the Customer with a letter aimed at its legal address. In case of non-receipt of the motivated response of the Customer and the lack of payment for services within ten working days after sending the specified letter, the Contractor declares the responsibility provided for by this Agreement for unpaid and all subsequent periods. Primary documents of the customer are sent by the Contractor to the legal address of the customer.

4.4. In case of exceeding the initial scope of work under this Agreement, paragraph 4.2. This Contract is subject to revision.

The contract for the provision of services for accounting and tax accounting

5. Privacy.

5.1. The parties undertake to maintain the strict confidentiality of information obtained during the execution of this Agreement, and take all possible measures to protect the information from disclosure.

5.2. Transferring confidential information to third parties, publication or other disclosure of such information can be carried out only with the written consent of the other party, regardless of the reason for the termination of this Agreement.

5.3. Restrictions on the disclosure of information are not related to publicly available information or information that has become not the fault of the parties.

5.4. The Contractor is not responsible for the safety of information in the event of the obligation to transfer information to public authorities, which has the right to request it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Term of validity, procedure for making changes and termination of the contract.

6.1. The contract for the provision of accounting services enters into force on the date of signing by the Parties and is valid until December 31 of the current year. The contract is automatically prolonged to the next calendar year, unless one of the parties declares its termination in writing no later than 30 (thirty) days before the expiration date of the current term of the contract.

6.2. Any of the parties have the right to terminate the contract for the provision of accounting services unilaterally, by loving the other side in writing no later than 30 (thirty) days before the termination date. The parties exercise final settlements within 10 (ten) days from the date of termination of this Agreement. The performer returns to the customer according to the specified Customer bank details The amount of advance payment minus amounts for services rendered according to the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. At the same time, in the event of termination of the contract on the initiative of the Customer, the amount of advance payment for the reporting quarter, which accounts for the date of termination of the contract, does not return to the customer. In this regard, the obligations of the Contractor for the preparation and delivery of the Customer's reports are valid until they are fulfilled at the current reporting period (Quarter).

6.3. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally abandon the execution of the contract without providing for paragraph 6.2 of the preliminary alerts of the Customer in the event of a repeated violation by the Customer of the provisions of paragraph 3.1. This Agreement, sending the Customer within a reasonable time the appropriate notification.

6.4. All changes in this Agreement are issued after reaching the mutual consent of the parties in writing and valid in the case of signing specified changes and additions to authorized representatives of the parties.

7. Special conditions

7.1. This contract for the provision of accounting services is valid from the date of its signing by the Parties before they fulfill all obligations under this Agreement.

7.2. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies of equal legal force, one of which is at the Contractor, the other - the customer.

7.3. In case of disputes between the parties on the execution of this Agreement, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations. Disputes and disagreements, for which the parties have not reached agreement, are subject to consideration in the prescribed manner in the arbitration court __________________ in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Requisites and signatures of the parties.

CBC NDFL 2018 for employees

The specific CBC on NDFL in 2018 depends on who exactly the tax payer. In case if…

Contract with an accountant

2.2. Present the interests of the customer in the tax authorities.

on the provision of accounting services

Moscow "____" ______________ 20 ____

Inn PPP ___________________________________

Legal address: ___________________________

Mailing address: ______________________________

Passport: Series _______ № ________________

Date of issue: __________________________

Private accountant Demin Evgenia

Moscow and Moscow region


-2018 Private Accountant, Small Business Accounting

2.1. 3. To ensure the safety of documents received and compiled during the work, and not disclose their content without the consent of the customer.

2.1.5. Represent the interests of the Customer in relationships with tax and other government agencies (incl.

when conducting tax audits)

Contract with an accountant

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And in some cases, the Contractor (accounting firm) insures its responsibility in case of errors in accounting, which completely protects the Customer from claims from the controlling authorities in case of accounting errors.

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Treaty for the provision of accounting services (form and sample)

By this artist undertakes on the task of the customer to provide services, and the customer is to pay them.

By general rule under contract paid provision The services performer must provide services personally, unless otherwise provided (Art. 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The time and procedure for payment of services rendered (p should be provided.

1 tbsp. 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the Customer's fault of the Customer cannot be executed, services are paid in full, unless otherwise provided by law or contract (paragraph 2 of Art. 781 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

704 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The main issues of the conclusion of the contract are collected in the table: the contractor (performer) and the customer the result of labor is to perform a certain work and passing its results to the customer (paragraph 1 of Art.

Features of the contract for the performance of work (services) with an individual

From the article you will learn:

1. The Civil Legal Agreement differs from the employment contract.

2. In what order are calculated by NDFL and insurance premiums with payments under the contract for the performance of work (services) with physically face.

3. As in accounting, operations are reflected in treaty of GPC with an individual.

  • Agreement for work (provision of services) with an individual

Documentary registration of relations with an individual attracted to carry out one-time work (services) begins with the conclusion of the contract. At the same time, the contract is not labor, but a civil law (GPC), and has the following varieties:

  • contract for work (contract agreement);
  • contract for services.
  • contract agreement # 8212; GL 73 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • payable service agreement # 8212; GL 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

So, by comparing the conditions of the civil and legal contract for the performance of work (services) with the physician and the employment contract, it is obvious that the first option has a number of significant advantages in terms of customer:

! Note: for the conclusion of a civil law contract for work (services), which actually regulates labor RelationsIt is provided for administrative responsibility in the form of a fine (part 3 of Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • for officials: from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.
  • for IP: from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.
  • for legal entities: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles.
NDFL from remuneration under the agreement of the GPC

The income of the contractor in order to calculate NDFLs can be reduced by tax deductions:

  • professional deduction in the amount of expenses incurred to fulfill obligations under the contract confirmed documented (CCT checks, commodity checks, overhead, travel tickets, etc.) (p. 2, 3 of Art. 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • standard tax deduction for children.

Let me remind you that tax deductions are provided only for income taxable at a rate of 13%, on the basis of a written statement of the taxpayer (in our case, the Contractor under the Agreement).

  • the amount of remuneration (including advance) with the income code 2010;
  • the amount of professional deduction (if provided) with the deduction code 403;
  • the amount of standard deduction.
Insurance contributions for payments under the agreement of the GPC

Insurance premiums with the amount of remuneration under a civil-law agreement for work (services) with an individual are charged in the following order:

Accounting Service Agreement

  • counting selling and hospital, taxation and wages;
  • maintaining tax and individual employee cards;
  • paper layout on annual or quarterly accounting reporting;
  • drawing up information on NDFL.

The duties of the Parties to the Treaty

How to conclude a contract for the provision of accounting services

The agreement between the accountant and the customer is a great option to establish official working relationships between these parties.

Blanc of accounting contract

Sample accounting services contract (filled out form)

Download Accounting Service

Accounting Service Treaty №

Subject contract

1.1. Provision of accounting and tax accounting services and on the conditions provided for by the Treaty:

1.1.1. Maintenance accounting According to all registers of accounting in the system "1C", maintaining tax accounting registers under the documents provided by the Customer belonging to financial and economic activities provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.1.2. Calculation of wages, hospital, vacation taxes and tax charges from the wage fund according to customer employees.

Advantages from the conclusion of an accounting contract: sample document

Maintenance of individual and tax cards of customer employees;

1.1.4. Compilation at the request of the customer management Reportingbased on the data previously submitted by the Customer;

1.1.5. Delivery of quarterly and annual accounting and tax reporting in tax inspections, extrabudgetary funds and state statistical authorities;

1.1.6. Implementation of controlling the designation primary documents Customer;

1.1.7. Maintenance of tax, bank inspections and inspections extrabudgetary funds In accordance with paragraph 2.1.7 of the contract.

2. Responsibilities of Party

2.1. The artist is obliged:

2.1.1. In a timely manner, during the term of this Agreement, provide accounting services in accordance with the Treaty and Legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the primary documents provided by the Customer.

2.1.2. To fulfill the requirements of the executive body of the Customer, as well as persons authorized by him, on accounting and tax accounting, if such requirements do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.3. Warn customer about possible negative consequencesTo which the economic operations committed by them, as well as operations on maintaining accounting and tax accounting and document management.

2.1.5. At the request of the customer, to make explanations of accounting and tax reporting, as well as point out the factors that influenced the formation of its indicators.

2.2. The customer is obliged:

2.2.1. Provide the Contractor with a list of its representatives authorized to provide an obligatory instructions for conducting accounting, indicating their competence, certified by the signature of the executive body of the customer and fastened to its seal.

2.2.3. The customer is obliged to provide the primary documents in a timely manner. The procedure for providing documents to the Contractor is coordinated by the parties (Appendix No. 1). Documents are transmitted by OPI (Appendix No. 2), which is written by the Customer.

2.2.4. Immediately inform the performer about all changes in information, materials, documents transferred to the Contractor, as well as about changing their intentions regarding the question of the question.

2.2.5. At the request of the artist to explain the essence of the perfect economic operations.

2.2.6. In implementing individual business operations, documents on them may be taken to execute with the written request of the Customer, who carries the full responsibility for the consequences of the implementation of such operations.

2.2.7. The customer undertakes to provide the Contractor signed accounting and tax reporting Not later than working days from the date of receipt of it from the artist for signing.

2.2.8. If the customer refuses to sign documents prepared by the Contractor, he must give a motivated refusal to the Contractor in writing.

2.2.9. Paying the Contractor's services in the manner, on time and in the amount established by this Agreement.

2.2.10. The customer is obliged to pick up the archive of documents within the days from the moment of receipt of the notice.

3. Cost of services and procedure for calculations

3.1. The cost of the services of the Contractor specified in paragraph 1.1 of this Agreement is per month. Payment additional services It is performed in accordance with the price list for additional services specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement.

3.3 Payment for services is made by the Customer no later than working days from the date of receipt by the Customer of the account exhibited by the Contractor by transferring money to the account of the artist.

4. Privacy

4.3. The above confidential conditions are valid during the term of this Agreement and over the years after its expiration.

5. Responsibility of Party

5.4. The limit of the contractor under this Agreement is a fivefold amount of payment for services for the month specified in paragraph 3.1 of this Agreement. In coordination of the parties, the limit of the contractor may be changed.

5.5. If the losses of the Customer are caused by its requirements regarding the conduct of accounting and tax reporting and its provision with which the Contractor did not agree, the Contractor is not responsible for the losses of the Customer.

5.6. In case of violation by the Customer of the timing of the executive service of the Contractor, the Customer pays the Contractor of the penalty in the amount of% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment.

6. Term of validity, grounds for changing and termination of the contract

6.1. The contract comes into force from the date of its signing by the parties and is valid until the "" year.

6.2. If for calendar days before the end of the contract specified in paragraph 6.1, none of the parties will declare the desire to terminate its action, then the validity period of this Agreement is extended for one year.

6.6. The end of the term of this Agreement does not exempt the parties from liability for improper fulfillment of the obligations assumed during the term of the contract.

7. Other conditions

7.1. The contract is drawn up in two copies, one copy of each party.

7.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are considered valid in the event of them in writing and when signing their persons authorized by the parties.

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Contract for the provision of services for the selection, preparation and retraining of personnel

A sample contract for the provision of services for the selection, preparation and retraining of personnel concluded between legal entities.


for the provision of services for the selection, preparation and retraining of personnel

in the face acting on the basis of hereinafter referred to Customer", On the one hand, and in the face acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as" Executor", On the other hand, hereinafter referred to as" Parties ", concluded this Agreement, later" Treaty", Undeserted:


1.1. The customer charges, and the Contractor assumes the obligation in accordance with the requirements of the Customer to select personnel for him russian citizensAs for the permanent and temporary work, and the customer undertakes to pay for the services of the Contractor in the manner and within the time determined by the Treaty.

1.2. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor implements the following:

1.2.1. Looking for the customer of specialists in accordance with the needs of the customer on the basis of the list submitted by the Customer.

1.2.2. On behalf of the Customer, conducts the study of personal and business qualities of customer employees who are citizens of the Russian Federation, selected by the customer independently. Confidentially bring the information received to the customer.

1.2.3. He sends candidates to medical examinations and ensures the passage of medical examinations, if, in accordance with sanitary and other norms, the occupation of relevant posts requires a medical examination.

1.2.4. If necessary, on behalf of the Customer and at its expense, organizes the training of employees of the customer and candidates for their respective posts in their training center, as well as in other educational institutions.

1.2.5. At the expense of the Customer and, on his instructions, organizes the training of foreign employees of the customer and their families of their families to Russian, other foreign languages, driving cars, etc.

On behalf of the Customer, there is an on-site documents to Russian employees and members of their families sent by the Customer in long-standing, internship, etc., and also draws out entry Russian visas for foreign citizens arriving in Russia at the invitation of the Customer.

1.2.7. Provides social guarantees of Russian employees of the Customer, provided for by the legislation of Russia, due to the insurance premiums paid by the Representation of State Insurance Funds, including organizes: Registration of pensions and benefits, registration of participants' recreation, members of their families at the expense of the Fund social insurance.

1.2.8. Leads and presents by customer calculations (based on the data received from the Customer) income tax From the income of Russian employees, insurance premiums for them provided for by the current legislation, no later than working days after receiving data from the Customer.

1.2.9. Makes up and presents reports in Pension Fund, Social insurance fund, State Fund Employment.

1.2.10. At the request of the Customer, he provides him monthly (either - quarterly, once a year - by mutual agreement) official data on the transfer of insurance premiums received from the customer to the appropriate funds.

Accounting Service Agreement

Advise the Customer on the rational organization of the labor of the customer's employees with payment according to the tariffs of the company.

1.2.12. In writing informs the customer about new regulatory acts in the field of labor legislation.

1.3. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Customer assumes the following obligations:

1.3.2. In writing to inform the firm for the employment of the Russian employee no later than working days from the moment of its work.

1.3.3. In writing to inform the firm on the termination of the employment contract with the employee sent to the customer of the company, as well as the reasons for termination of the contract.

1.3.4. To implement taxes on taxes and insurance payments, monthly to the number of current month, in writing to notify the company on all amounts of income accrued to each Russian customer officer.

1.3.5. To compile reports to the Pension Fund, in writing every month to report the actual date of payments (transfer) of wages to Russian employees.

1.3.6. List a company monthly in terms established by the legislation of Russia to account in authorized bank (or in cash on the cashier of the company) insurance premiums for each Russian employee to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, to the State Employment Fund in the amount provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3.7. Pay a reward for the services provided at the following rates:

  1. for selection and registration for permanent job:
  2. specialists rubles;
  3. for selection and temporary work:
  4. for up to two weeks:
  • specialists rubles;
  • employees of service personnel rubles;
  • for a period of more than two weeks:
    • specialists rubles;
    • employees of service personnel rubles;
  • for the design of employees selected by the customer alone:
  • for permanent work of rubles;
  • for temporary work rubles;
  • for the additional study of the business and personal qualities of employees selected by the customer on their own rubles;
  • for calculations of income tax and insurance premiums for each Russian employee monthly;
  • for the processing of the amount of insurance premium received from the Customer, the transfer of their insurance funds, reporting and ensuring social guarantees of Russian employees:
  • % of the amount listed by non-cash;
  • % of the amount made by cash rubles to the company's cashier;
  • for issuing documents to obtain a passport for a Russian employee rubles;
  • registration of documents for receiving an entry visa to other states of rubles;
  • for registration of entry Russian visas:
  • one-time rubles;
  • two- and three-time rubles;
  • multiple rubles (for six months);
  • rubles (for one year).
  • 1.3.8. The company sends the invoice to the customer for the services rendered by mail or courier.

    1.3.9. The customer pays invoices no later than banking days from the date of receipt.

    1.4. In the event of a change in its postal address or bank details, the Customer is obliged to immediately inform the firm about it.

    2. Responsibility of Party

    2.1. Subject to the timely and complete calculations of the Customer with the firm on insurance and other binding payments, the company is responsible for the complete and timely implementation of settlements on insurance premiums and other mandatory payments that the firm is obliged to implement in accordance with this Agreement. The company is obliged to compensate for the Customer in full damage caused by the violation of the obligations specified in this paragraph.

    2.2. The company is not responsible for the damage caused by the Customer if non-fulfillment or improper performance of its obligations is caused by late or incomplete calculations of the Customer on the appropriate insurance premiums and other required payments.

    2.3. In case of delay in payment of the invoice issued by the company to the Customer, the customer pays a penalty in the amount of% of the amount of the corresponding payment for each day of delay, but not more than% of the amount of the corresponding payment.

    2.4. The direct valid damage caused by the non-fulfillment or improper performance by the parties to its obligations is subject to compensation in full. The amounts of penalty (fine) are paid over the amounts sent to damages.

    3. Term of the contract. Order of change and termination

    3.1. Terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties. In this case, the Parties sign an additional agreement to the Agreement.

    3.2. Any of the parties has the right to terminate the contract ahead of time, notifying the other party in writing for three months.

    3.3. This Agreement is valid for one year from the date of signing.

    4. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties


    ExecutorJUR. Address: Postal address: Inn: PPC: Bank: races / score: Corr. / Account: Beach:

    5. Signatures of the Party

    Customer _________________

    Artist _________________

    Contracting contract for accounting services is legal documentAccording to the standards of which the customer's relationships and the contractor are regulated. The document clearly specifies and allocates the subject of the contract, the responsibility and obligations, both the customer and the performer. Clearly registered in the document, the term of the contract, the conditions and procedure for calculating, the level of confidentiality and other parameters.

    It is worth noting that in the case of the proper compilation of the contract on accounting services, the responsibility for the quality of execution and for the consequence of the penalties suffered by the Contractor.

    Sample contract for the provision of accounting services

    In the situation of imposing penalties on the fault of the accountant, he is obliged to pay proper fines and bring documents in line with. Exceptions become cases when the Customer filed incorrect or incomplete information if it was provided not within the desired time frame.

    Positive side of the contract accounting For the customer consists in reducing its own costs, reduce costs for wagesSince the payroll salary is more than payment under the contract with the contractor. There is no need to purchase and install the software for an accountant.

    Contracting contract for accounting services consists of such items:

    1. The introductory part;
    2. Allocation of the subject of the contract;
    3. The rights and obligations of the Customer and the Contractor;
    4. Determining the cost and payment conditions;
    5. Responsibility by the Customer and Contractor;
    6. Conditions of admission and delivery of work;
    7. Privacy degree;
    8. Terms of termination and validity of the compiled contract;
    9. Responsibility of parties for force majeure;
    10. General theses.

    All emerging disputes and claims are solved by negotiation between the customer and the Contractor. If it is impossible to solve the problem of negotiations, the issue is solved in the manner prescribed legislative standards RF.

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting" and tax code Clearly determine the volumes that the customer can transfer to the executive to the contractor for accounting and tax accounting. To solve controversial issues, you can also attract a third party helping to find a compromise solution that satisfies both sides.

    Contract n ______

    about paid accounting services

    "___" ________ ____

    Refer to ___ in the future "customer", in the face of _______________________________, acting ___ on the basis of ________________________, on the one hand, and

    We call ___ in the future "performer", in the face _______________________________, acting ___ on the basis of ________________________, on the other hand, the jointly referred to the "parties" concluded this agreement on the following:

    1. The Subject of the Agreement

    1.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the customer with the following accounting services (hereinafter referred to as "Services"): Accounting and tax accounting on the basis of primary documentation provided by the Customer, drawing up accounting and tax reporting, submission of reports to tax and other state bodies, consulting services for accounting, preparation and reporting, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the services of the Contractor.

    1.2. The artist provides services personally.

    1.3. Place of services: ___________________________________________.

    1.4. Services under this Agreement are provided on the following dates:

    1.4.1. The start of providing services: "___" _________ ____ g.;

    1.4.2. End of the provision of services: "___" _________ _____

    2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

    2.1. The Contractor must:

    2.1.1. To provide services to the Customer in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.1.2. Timely compile and take the necessary forms of reporting to tax and other state bodies in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation since the start of the provision of services.

    2.1.3. Represent the interests of the Customer related to the provision of services under this Agreement in tax and other state bodies.

    2.1.4. Inform the customer about the need to sign the reporting forms prepared by the Contractor and other accounting documents no later than ____ (_______) calendar (workers) of the day (s) before the date of the reporting date.

    2.1.5. According to the written request of the Customer, to present written explanations on issues and actions related to the provision of the executor of services under this Agreement, during _____ (______________) calendar (workers) days from the date of receipt of such a request.

    2.1.6. At the end of the provision of services, submit to the Customer of the Act of the Services rendered (Appendix N ___ to this Agreement).

    2.2. The artist is entitled:

    2.2.1. To receive any information from the Customer and the documents necessary to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.

    2.2.2. Independently identify forms and methods for providing services under this Agreement based on the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.2.3. Independently determine the composition of specialists providing services under this Agreement.

    2.2.4. Refuse to fulfill the obligations under this Agreement, subject to the fulfillment of the customer of losses caused by such a refusal.

    2.3. The customer must:

    2.3.1. Provide the Contractor all the necessary information and documents within ___ (________) calendar (workers) days from the date of signing this Agreement.

    2.3.2. In a timely manner to transmit contracts to the Contractor, acts of work performed, acts of acceptance and transmission, invoices and other documents necessary for timely reflections in accounting of operations and transactions.

    2.3.3. At the request of the Contractor, provide written and oral explanations to the presented primary documents.

    2.3.4. Subscribe to the reporting prepared by the Contractor and other accounting documents During ____ (_________) calendar (workers) days from the moment of informing the performer about their readiness.

    2.3.5. Immediately submit to the Contractor with information on concluded agreements, information on employment and dismissed employees, on the opening (closing) of current accounts, on withdrawing and registering in tax authorities.

    2.3.6. Pay for the services of the Contractor in the manner and deadlines established by this Agreement.

    2.3.7. Take the results of the services rendered by the Contractor by signing the act of services rendered or to declare a motivated refusal to sign the act of rendered services, indicating the reason for refusal.

    2.4. The customer is entitled:

    2.4.1. Implement control over the provision of services without interfering with the artist's activities.

    2.4.2. Receive Oral and written consultations from the artist and explanations related to the provision of services during _____ (________) calendar (workers) days from the date of presentation of the relevant requirement.

    2.4.3. Refuse to fulfill this contract, subject to payment by the Contractor of the Services provided to them at the time of such a refusal.

    3. The price of the contract and the procedure for calculations

    3.1. The price of this Agreement is consisted of the total value of all services rendered by the Contractor as part of this Agreement.

    Treaty for the provision of accounting services

    The cost of services for those accepted by the Parties The reporting period is indicated in the act of services rendered and is calculated on the basis of the complainity of the Contractor (Appendix N ___ to this Agreement) and the volume of services rendered for ________________ (month, quarter, half year, year).

    3.2. The payment of the Contractor's services is carried out on the basis of the Executive of the Account during _____ (________) of calendar (workers) days from the date of receipt of the account, after signing the parties to the Act of the Services rendered.

    3.3. The payment of the Contractor's services is carried out by _____________ (non-cash transfer of funds to the current account of the Contractor specified in this Agreement; by making cash in the executor's cash register).

    (Option for cash settlement: The day of payment is considered the day of cash in cash in the executor.

    An option for non-cash payments: the day of payment is considered a day ___________________________ (write-offs funds from the Customer's account; crediting funds to the account of the Contractor)).

    4. Responsibility of the parties and force majeure circumstances

    4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the parties are responsible provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.2. The Contractor is responsible for improper provision of services under this Agreement. If the services are rendered by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this Contractor's fault of the Contractor, the Customer has the right to demand from the Contractor gratuitous elimination of deficiencies within a reasonable period or a proportionate reduction in the cost of services.

    4.3. In case of violation by the Contractor of the provision of services, the Customer has the right to demand the payment of fine (penalties) in the amount of ___% of the cost of services for each day of delay.

    4.4. In the case of untimely payment by the Customer of the Contractor's services, the Contractor has the right to demand a fine (penalty) in the amount of ___% of the amount not paid for each day.

    4.5. Payment of fines (penalties) does not relieve the parties from the execution of their obligations under this Agreement.

    4.6. The parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if this failure was due to the circumstances of the force majeure arising after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of an emergency event that parties could not foresee or prevent.

    4.7. Upon the occurrence of the circumstances referred to in paragraph 4.6 of this Agreement, each Party should not be informed about them in writing the other side.

    4.8. The notice should contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as the official documents certifying the availability of these circumstances and, if possible, assess their impact on the possibility of executing the party to their obligations under this Agreement.

    4.9. In the case of the circumstances provided for in paragraph 4.6 of this Agreement, the term of fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is moved proportionally time during which these circumstances also apply to their consequences.

    4.10. If the past circumstances listed in paragraph 4.6 of this Agreement, and their consequences continue to operate for more than two months, the parties hold additional negotiations to identify acceptable alternative ways to implement this Agreement.

    5. Resolution disputes

    5.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise in the execution of the terms of this Agreement, the parties will strive to resolve through negotiations.

    Claims are sent __________________ (by registered letter, courier, by fax) during ____ (____________) calendar (workers) days from the moment of the emergence of the disputed situation.

    The party that the claim was sent is obliged during ____ (____________) calendar (workers) days from the date of receipt to send the answer.

    5.2. Disputes not resolved through negotiations are permitted in judicial orderestablished by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    6. Term of the contract. The order of change and termination of the contract

    6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing it by both parties and is valid until fully fulfilled by the parties to all the obligations assumed.

    6.2. Terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the parties by signing a written agreement.

    7. Privacy

    7.1. Any information transmitted by the parties to each other during the period of this Agreement, the disclosure of which may cause losses of any of the parties, is confidential and cannot be disclosed by third parties, with the exception of cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    8. Final provisions

    8.1. All changes and additions to this Agreement should be performed in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

    8.2. The parties undertake to inform each other in writing about the change of details, addresses and other significant changes.

    8.3. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies of equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

    8.4. None of the parties have the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other party.

    8.5. In the rest, which is not resolved by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


    - Act of services rendered (Appendix N ___ to this Agreement);

    - Preciserant of the artist (Appendix N ___ to this Agreement).

    9. Signatures of Party

    Artist: Customer: ___________ "______________________" ___________ "_______________________" Legal / postal address: ______ Legal / postal address: _________ __________________________________ ____________________________________ INN / KPP __________________________ INN / KPP ____________________________ BIN _____________________________ BIN _______________________________ Current account ___________________ Current account _____________________ in _________________ bank _________________ bank K / s ______________________________ By / s BIC ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ BIC Phone: _________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Fax: ____________________________ Fax: ______________________________ email: email Address: __________________________________ ____________________________________ "___" __________ ____ of "___" __________ _____________ ____ g / ________________ ___ __________ / _______________ (Full name) (signature) (Full name) (signature) M.P. MP


    provision of accounting services

    moscow "___" _________ 201_

    OJSC "____________", referred to as "Customer", represented General Director _______________, on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and LLC "___________", referred to as the "performer", represented by the Director General _________________, existing on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, concluded this Agreement (hereinafter - "Treaty") Lit as follows:

    1. The Subject of the Agreement

    1.1. The Contractor undertakes to task the Customer to provide services in the amount and on the conditions provided for by this Agreement and Annexes to Him (accounting, accounting, personnel and tax accounting, drawing up accounting, tax and other reporting, consulting services, etc.), and the Customer undertakes to pay these services .

    1.2. The artist monthly provides the Customer of the Act of the Services rendered and the report on the work done no later than the 15th day of each month following the reporting.

    2. Duties and responsibility of the Contractor

    2.1. The contractor carries out the accounting service of the Customer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. A complex of services provided by the Contractor to the Customer under this Agreement includes:

    2.1.1. current accounting on all registers;

    2.1.2. payroll preparation;

    2.1.3. calculation of taxes and fees;

    2.1.4. Compilation of quarterly accounting reporting and tax Declarations in IFTS and extrabudgetary funds;

    2.1.5. Representation of accounting and tax returns to the IFTS and statistical accounting authorities, reporting in extrabudgetary funds;

    2.1.6. ___________________________________________________________________.

    2.2. At the request of the Customer, according to the Additional Agreement of the Parties, the Contractor may provide the following services:

    2.2.1. Representing the interests of the customer in the IFTS or extrabudgetary funds;

    2.2.2. Obtaining a certificate of the absence of customer's debt before budgets of all levels;

    2.2.3. Preparation of decoding K. mandatory forms reporting and additional reporting forms overlooking the mandatory accounting reporting;

    2.2.4. preparation of special documents and files needed to participate in contests and tenders in arbitration processes, etc.;

    2.2.5. conducting personnel workshop;

    2.2.6. ___________________________________________________________________.

    2.3. The Contractor must:

    - in providing services to strictly comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.4. The artist is responsible:

    2.4.1. for the safety of primary accounting documents transferred to him by the customer;

    2.4.2. For the correct and timely processing of data and information in accordance with the primary documents provided by the Customer.

    2.5. The Contractor is not responsible for lateness, unreliability and / or incompleteness of information provided by the Customer to the Contractor, as well as caused by these consequences.

    2.6. The Contractor is responsible for the correctness and timeliness of accounting, personnel and tax accounting only in the case of a timely provision of the Customer necessary for such maintenance of documentation in full no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting. This representation is confirmed by the register of the transmitted documents from the Customer to the Contractor. In case of the impossibility of providing the originals of documents, the customer can provide copies necessary documentsAnd the originals provide no later than 5 working days before reporting in accordance with the periods established by law.

    2.7. The Contractor has the right to accept the Primary Customer's Primary Documents, transferred to the Contractor after the 10th month (i.e., late), to account in the following reporting period Or in the period in which the Contractor actually received documents.

    2.8. The Contractor does not respond to the claims of third parties to the customer associated with the management of economic activities. The contractor is not responsible for the consequences of administrative offenses committed by the officials of the customer.

    2.9. The Contractor is responsible for the correctness and timely of actions to conduct accounting of the Customer under the contract and undertakes to compensate to the Customer on the basis of its claim all the penalties and fines, as well as at its own expense to make corrections and reporting the Customer in all cases to which in accordance with The contract applies its responsibility.

    3. Customer Responsibilities and Responsibility

    3.1. The customer must:

    3.1.1. provide the Contractor primary accounting documentation. If necessary, the performer is an inventory of documents;

    3.1.2. Reporting and fastening reporting prepared by the Contractor to submit to the relevant addresses, in a period not exceeding three calendar days from the date of receipt of the relevant request (written or oral) from the Contractor;

    3.1.3. Immediately in writing in writing to the Contractor about all changes in contracts and other primary documents, except when the changes made are obviously can not entail changes in accounting and / or tax accounting of the Customer. For the consequences caused by the changes made by the rear number (later than 5th of the month following the period, for which the documentation was presented), the contractor is not responsible. Any change made to the primary document is considered by the Contractor as a new primary document;

    3.1.4. Take a timely reporting kit in a timely manner and sign an act of work performed;

    3.1.5. Timely and fully pay for the services of the Contractor.

    3.2. For five days from the date of the conclusion of the Agreement, the Customer undertakes to provide the Contractor in accordance with the registry of the submitted documents.

    3.3. In the case of a lack of any reasons in the current, the following reporting, signed by the part of the act of the Act of the Act of the ParliamentarySycilympinical Complaints, sent by fax to the officer or its email address ___________________________________________________,

    work for this period is considered to be completed.

    4. Terms and timing of the payment of the executor

    4.1. The cost of the services provided is: _________ (__________________) rubles per month, including VAT 18% - _________ (__________________) __ kopecks. Calculations of an intra-defone produce 100% prepayment monthly, advance payment later than the 5th year of the provision of services.

    4.2. The account sent by the Contractor is paid within three working days from the date of its exhibition.

    4.3. Payment is made in rubles.

    4.4. In the event of a delay in the payment by the Customer of the Contractor's services, more than 15 calendar days, the Contractor has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, which is notified by the Customer with a letter aimed at its correspondence specified in the contract. In the absence of an answer to the Customer on this letter and the lack of payment for services within five working days from the date of receipt of the specified letter, the contract is considered automatically terminated. Primary customer documents are sent by the Contractor at the address of the Customer for correspondence specified in the contract.

    4.5. In the event of a change in the nature of the financial and economic activities of the Customer or an increase in the amount of work under the contract, the Contractor has the right to put a question to the customer about increasing the cost of work by sending him written proposals. If after 10 (ten) working days from the date of submission to the Customer of proposals for increasing the cost of work under the contract, the Customer and the Contractor will not come to an agreement on the cost of work, the Contractor has the right to terminate the contract, in writing in writing about this Customer in the manner specified in paragraph 4.4. . Contract.

    4.6. In case of changing the nature of the financial and economic activities of the Customer or reduce the amount of work under the contract, the Customer has the right to put in front of the Contractor the question of reducing the cost of work by sending him written proposals. In the absence of a response to the artist on this letter within five working days from the date of receipt of the specified letter, the contract is considered automatically terminated unilaterally.

    4.7. All agreements between the Customer and the Contractor about changing the cost of work under the Agreement are issued by separate protocols that are an integral part Contract.

    5. Term of the contract

    5.1. The contract comes into force from the date of signing by the Parties and is valid until "___" _________ 201_

    5.1.1. The contract is automatically prolonged by an indefinite period, unless one of the parties declares its termination in writing no later than 30 days before the expiration date of the contract.

    5.2. Any of the parties have the right to terminate this Agreement ahead of schedule. In the event of a written notice of the other party about its intentions no later than 30 calendar days before the date of the alleged termination of this Agreement.

    5.3. The parties exercise final settlements within 10 (ten) working days from the moment of termination of the contract. The performer returns to the customer according to the current customer bank details of the unused advance payment less deduction according to the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. At the same time, in the event of termination of the Treaty on the Customer's initiative, the amount of advance payments for the reporting quarter, which accounts for the date of termination of the contract, does not return to the customer. In this regard, the duties of the Contractor for the preparation and delivery of the Customer's reporting are valid until the end of the fully paid reporting period (quarter). In case of termination of the contract on the initiative of the Contractor, the latter returns the amount of an unused advance payment to the customer.

    5.4. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally abandon the execution of the contract without providing for paragraph 5.2 of the Customer's preliminary alert agreement in the event of a repeated violation by the Customer of the provisions of paragraph 3.1 of this Agreement, sending the Customer with the appropriate notice. The responsibility of the Contractor under this Agreement in this case is terminated from the reporting period (quarter), in which the re-violation of the Customer clause 3.1 was allowed. Contract.

    6. Force Major

    6.1. None of the parties are responsible before the other Party for non-fulfillment of obligations due to the circumstances of the force majeure, which arose in addition to the will and desire of the Parties and that cannot be foreseen or avoided, including an announced or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockade, embargo, earthquake, flood , fires and other natural disasters, etc.

    6.2. A side that cannot fulfill its obligation due to the action of force majeure circumstances should notify the other side of the obstacles and their impact on the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

    7. Final provisions

    7.1. The contract is concluded in 2 copies having the same legal force, one copy for each side.

    7.2. Any arrangement between the parties, entailing new obligations that do not follow from the contract must be confirmed by the parties in the form of additional agreements to the Agreement. All changes and additions to the contract are considered valid if they are decorated in writing and are signed by appropriate authorized representatives of the parties.

    7.3. The Party is not entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under the contract to third parties without the prior written consent of the other party.

    7.4. Links to the word or term in the contract in the singular include references to this word or the term in the plural. Links to the word or term in the multiple number include links to this word or term in the singular. This rule is applicable if it does not flow out from the text of the contract.

    7.5. The parties agree that with the exception of information that in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be a commercial secret legal entityThe content of the contract, as well as all the documents transferred by the parties to each other in connection with the Treaty, are considered confidential and relate to the commercial secret of the parties, which is not disclosed without the written consent of the other party.

    7.6. For the purpose of convenience, the contract under the parties also refers to their authorized persons, as well as their possible successors.

    7.7. Notifications and documents transmitted under the Agreement are sent in writing to the following addresses:

    7.7.1. For the customer: ______________________________________________________.

    7.7.2. For the artist: ___________________________________________________.

    7.8. Any messages are valid from the date of delivery at the corresponding address for correspondence.

    7.9. In case of changes in the addresses specified in paragraph 7.7. Contracts and other details of the legal entity of one of the parties, it is obliged within 10 (ten) calendar days to notify the other side of this, provided that only address in Moscow may be such a new address for correspondence. the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the execution of the obligations under the previous details will be considered a proper performance of obligations under the contract.

    7.10. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the parties and arising from this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible through negotiations to reach an agreement on controversial issues within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of the written claim, disputes are permitted in the Arbitration Court of Moscow in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7.11. The parties claim that their official press on the documents compiled in connection with the execution of this Agreement are unconditional confirmations that the official of the signatories was properly authorized by this Party to sign this document.

    7.12. The terms of the contract are mandatory for the successors of the parties.

    8. Requisites of Party

    Customer: OJSC "______________" Artist: LLC "_____________"

    Moscow, ul. ___________ d. __.________ g. Moscow, ul. ___________ d. __.

    OGRN _____________________ ogrn _____________________

    Inn ___________, checkpoint ______________ INN __________, PPP _____________

    in KB "______________" (JSC) Moscow Bank _______ «_______» (OAO) Moscow

    R / account ___________________ Р / score ______________________

    K / count ___________________, k / score _____________________,

    Beach ________________ BIC ____________

    OKPO ______________ OKPO __________,

    Phone, fax __________________ phone, fax __________________

    9. Signatures of Party

    From the customer: from the customer:

    OJSC "_______________" LLC "_______________"

    Director General Director

    _______________/______________/ __________________ /_______________/

    Each registered company needs accounting.

    It suggests:

    • accounting for the movement of assets within the company;
    • accounting and timely payment of fees and tax liabilities.

    Accounting data are the starting point in the work of the enterprise economic departments. Excluding tax costs are impossible to determine the cost of the product produced.

    You can get accounting in two ways:

    1. Hire, as regular units, accountants.
    2. Contact an organization that is engaged in accounting.

    In any case, the relationship with the accountant must be in the form of a documentary agreement. For this, the corresponding "contract for the provision of accounting services" is drawn up.

    The company introduces an accounting unit

    In this case, it is necessary to conclude an employment contract with an employee of accounting. Examples of such agreements can be absolutely free to obtain with the help of our Internet service.

    From the examples obtained, it can be seen that it has all the requirements for hiring agreements:

    • mention of employer;
    • information about the employee;
    • references to the employment responsibilities of the employee of accounting;
    • responsibility for their non-performance;
    • determination of the charges of the company-employer;
    • her responsibility for failure;
    • hiring time;
    • procedure for termination of agreements;
    • force Majeure;
    • other.

    In addition, the fact of the employee's access to confidential data should be taken into account in the text of the agreement. They cannot be disclosed under any circumstances.

    For their publication (regardless of conditions), it is necessary to determine the amount of penalties. They can be recovered in court, as compensation for the costs incurred by the company due to their leakage.

    The parties to such an agreement are: the accountant's employer, accountant himself.

    The company concludes an agreement with an accounting firm

    There are organizations that provide accounting support. Cooperation with them determine the relevant treaties.

    These contracts are nothing more than agreements on the provision of accounting services (providing accounting services).

    Like others, they have a number of rules and requirements for participating parties. Examples of such agreements can be obtained for free on our portal. There you can also get legal support in their formulation and conclusion.

    One of the conditions should be a requirement to maintain data confidentiality. Accountant have access to all financial operations. Therefore, they are obliged to maintain them secret from other persons.

    Agreement on non-disclosure of commercial financial data may have an integrated appearance. This means that the accounting contract includes references to responsibility.

    TOonfide information can be provided with a separate independent document.

    Below is a typical form and a sample contract for the provision of accounting services option for free.

    The limit of the responsibility of the Contractor under this Agreement is the amount of payment for the first calendar month of the term of this Agreement. In coordination of the parties, the limit of the contractor may be changed. 4.8. In case of violation by the Customer of the Performer Services of the Contractor's services, the Customer pays the Contractor of penalties in the amount of 1% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment, including the payment date. 4.9. The responsibilities of the parties not provided for in this Agreement are applied in accordance with the norms of civil legislation in force in Russia. 5. Term of validity, the basis of changes and termination of the contract 5.1. The term of the contract with the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations under the contract. 5.2.


    In case of failure to submit the customer of the signed act on the provision of services or a motivated refusal in its signature after 5 (five) working days from the date of its receipt, the service is considered to be the default performed and adopted by the customer. 3. The contract price and payment procedure 3.1. The price of this contract consists of the remuneration of the Contractor and is RUB. (sum of figures and in words) 3.2. The remuneration of the contractor for services not specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement is issued by an additional agreement of the Parties and are charged separately and additionally.

    3.3. Remuneration is paid monthly to the 15th day of the month following the current. 3.4. The agreement of the provision of services in an individual - NDFL and insurance premiums is an exception is the presence of warranty or post-warranty obligations of the Contractor.

    Accounting Service Agreement

    Since the customer is tax Agent With regard to the income of the Contractor under a civil law agreement, the obligation to keep records of such income and provide a 2-income tax information on the customer. In Help 2-NDFL reflects:

    • the amount of remuneration (including advance) with the income code 2010;
    • the amount of professional deduction (if provided) with the deduction code 403;
    • the amount of standard deduction.

    Insurance contributions for payments under the GPC Treaty Insurance premiums with the amount of remuneration under a civil law agreement for work (services) with an individual are charged in the following order: contributions to the FIU are accrued if the Contractor is not foreign citizen or a person without citizenship, temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation (paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 5, paragraph 15 of Part 1 of Art.

    Agreement for the provision of accounting services with an individual Tax

    Disagreement of the Customer with data in accounting and tax reporting is not a basis for refusing the services of the Contractor associated with the implementation of this Agreement. 3.5. In case of non-payment or incomplete payment of services, the Customer, the Contractor has the right to suspend the customer service until the full payment of services. 3.6. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally change the cost of services under this Agreement.

    At the same time, the Contractor must notify the Customer on the upcoming change in the cost of services at least 30 days before their change. In the case of the consent of the Customer with the proposed Contractor, changes in the cost of services, with the Customer signed an additional agreement to the Agreement, which reflects changes in the cost of services.

    Features of the contract for the performance of work (services) with an individual

    Otherwise, the party that did not fulfill (inadequately performed) this obligation bears the risk of all the unfavorable consequences associated with this. 6.5. The contract is drawn up in two copies, one copy for each of the parties. 7. Appendix Appendix No. 1. List of services. Appendix number 2.

    Schedule document management. Appendix No. 3. Inventory documents. 8. Addresses and bank details of the Parties to the Customer: Inn PPP Legal Address: Postal Address: P / C / SC C / SC BIC Tel. Fax E-mail Position of the head () FULL NAME and Signature Artist: Registration Address: Passport: Series No. issued: Date of issue: Tel.

    Treaty for the provision of accounting services (form and sample)

    All conditions and regulations are distributed on it. typical treaty Services. The subject of the contract is the fulfillment by the Contractor for the accounting of financial and economic activities of the Customer. These features include:

    • Organization of accounting and reporting in the enterprise and in its divisions
    • Timely reflection on accounting accounts for operations related to the movement of fixed assets, inventory and cash on the basis of primary documents provided by the customer.
    • The correct accrual of taxes and fees in the federal, regional and local budgets, insurance premiums in state extrabudgetary social funds.

    Consider the advantages of entering into an accounting service contract.

    Treaty for the provision of accounting services

    • subordination of the Contractor to the internal labor schedule of the Customer;
    • guaranteed remuneration (regardless of the result), payment of remuneration in the deadlines set for wages;
    • providing performer required conditions labor (with the provision of a permanent workplace, wage);
    • direction of performers under a civil law agreement to official business trips at the expense of the Customer (with daily payments, payments on average earnings).

    Please note: for the conclusion of a civil law agreement for work (services), which actually regulates labor relations, provides for administrative responsibility in the form of a fine (part 3 of Art.

    Contract with an individual: Sample 2018

    Provide customer service personally. The Contractor is not entitled to attract services under this Agreement. Prayers. 2.1.10. Monthly no later than the 15th day of the next month to provide an act on the provision of services. 2.2. The customer undertakes: 2.2.1. Paying the services of the Contractor in the amount and timing specified in this Agreement, as well as subsequent additional agreements to it 2.2.2.
    Included in the conclusion of the contract the initial balance on accounting accounts for acceptance acceptance. 2.2.3. In a timely manner to provide the Contractor information and documents necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the agreed schedule (Appendix No. 2). Documents are transmitted by OPI (Appendix No. 3), which is compiled by the Customer.

    Civil law agreement with an accountant: Led record "From time to time"?

    TK RF). The subordination of the artist does not apply to the requirements of local regulatory acts of the customer (labor and recreation mode, dress code, etc.). The performer does not obey officials customer. The employee must comply with the requirements of local regulatory acts, as well as perform the orders of the employer.


    Organization of work The Contractor himself provides himself with everything necessary to fulfill work (services under the contract). By agreement of the parties, the contract may provide for the provision of instruments, materials, etc. customer. The employer is obliged to provide an employee to all necessary for work, create safe working conditions.

    Features of the formation of a contract for the provision of services with an individual in 2018

    Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting"):

    • title of the document;
    • date of preparation;
    • name of the organization-Customer (IP);
    • name of work performed (services);
    • the magnitude of the natural and (or) monetary measurement of the work performed (services) indicating the units of measurement;
    • details and signatures of the customer and artist;

    Download a sample contract contract with an individual download a sample act of receiving and transmission under a contract with physical face of NDFL With remuneration under the GPC Treaty, payments under the contract for the performance of work (services) are recognized by the income of the Contractor, taxed by NDFL (PP. 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 208 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Contract for the provision of services with an individual 2018 Taxes and contributions


    Provide the customer accounting and tax reporting no later than 2 (two) banking days Prior to the end of the deadlines for providing documents to the relevant authority in the event of the provision of documents in accordance with the document management schedule (Appendix No. 2). 2.1.6. Do not disclose information that are a commercial secret customer who have become a well-known performer in the process of providing them with services under this Agreement, as well as not to transfer and not to show third parties from the Contractor to the customer's documentation. 2.1.7. To ensure the safety of primary documents transferred by the Customer, as well as accounting and tax accounting registers and state bodies.

    2.1.8. When providing services to observe regulations Government of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Federal tax Service RF and other legislative acts RF. 2.1.9.

    Treaty for the provision of accounting services

    ____________ «___» _________ 200_

    Hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in the face of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, on the one hand, and ____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement on the following:

      Subject contract

    The subject of this agreement is the transfer of the functions to the "Contractor" to conduct accounting of financial and economic activities "Customer"
    List transmitted by the "Customer" of the "Contractor" of functions:
    1.2.1. Organization of accounting and reporting at the enterprise (and in its divisions) on the basis of the maximum centralization of accounting and computational work using modern technical means and information technologies
    1.2.2. Repeated reflection in accounting accounts of operations related to the movement of fixed assets, inventory, cash on the basis of primary documents provided by the "customer".
    1.2.3. Right accrual of taxes and fees in federal, regional, and local budgets, insurance premiums in state extrabudgetary and social funds.
    1.3. The "Customer" charges, and the "performer" undertakes to fulfill the functions in the interests of the "Customer" (hereinafter referred to as the services).
    1.4. For the provision of services under this Agreement "Customer" pays the "Contractor" a remuneration in the amount, and the deadlines established by this Agreement.


    The "performer" undertakes:
    2.1.1. Sink "Customer" Services specified in paragraph 1.2. Contracts
    2.1.2. Do not transfer and not shown to third parties from the "Contractor" documentation "Customer"
    2.1.3. Prepare "Customer" materials in in electronic format On magnetic media, and if necessary, written materials and conclusions.
    2.2. "Customer" undertakes:
    2.2.1. Fill the requirements of the "Contractor" on the preparation of primary documentation
    2.2.2. Contracting services in the manner and deadlines, and under the terms of this Agreement.
    2.2.3. To transmit the materials and information to the "Contractor" necessary to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.
    2.2.5. Subscribe acts on the provision of the executive service
    2.3. The performer has the right to:
    2.3.1. To receive any information from the "Customer" necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. In cases of failure to submit or incomplete or incorrect presentation by the "Customer" of the information "The Contractor" has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement, until the necessary information is submitted.
    2.3.2. Receive remuneration for the provision of services under this Agreement.
    2.4. "Customer" has the right:
    2.4.1. Receive from the "artist" services, in accordance with paragraph 1.2. actual agreement.
    2.5. The provision of services not specified in the list of functions is issued by an additional agreement of the parties and is paid separately or additionally.
    2.6. The parties undertake to keep in secret commercial, financial and other confidential information obtained from the other side in the execution of this Agreement.

      The procedure for the execution of the contract

    The "performer" monthly provides "Customer" reports on the progress of services under this Agreement, on the basis of which the parties make up and sign an act of the provision of services.
    The acts subscribed by the parties are confirmed by the provision of the executive service "Customer".
    Reports are provided by the "Contractor" to the 10th of the month following the reporting month, the Act on the provision of services is drawn up and signed by the parties within 3 working days from the day of the report.
    The first report can be submitted for several previous months if the date of the contract and the date of the provision of primary documents do not coincide. Payment is made also for each previous month.
    When providing services not listed in the list of functions, the "Contractor" provides "Customer" an additional report and parties sign an additional act on providing services, which is a confirmation of the provision of additional services by the Contractor "Customer".


    Remuneration "Artist" is __________ (_____________________
    ______________________) rubles for the month of processed primary documents (without VAT)
    After processing documents for the first quarter, the remuneration "of the Contractor" will be revised, as made up of an additional agreement on this Agreement.
    The remuneration is paid monthly to the 15th day of the month following the reporting month.
    The remuneration is paid by transferring the amount specified in paragraph 4.1., To the account of the Contractor.
    The date of payment of funds is considered the day of crediting funds to the account of the "Contractor".

      Responsibility of side

    For non-fulfillment or improper performance of its obligations under this Agreement, the parties are of other liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    None of the parties will be responsible for incomplete or partial non-fulfillment of the other party of their duties, if the failure to fulfill the circumstances of force majeure, such as: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, other natural disasters, war, and hostilities or other circumstances, Being out of control of the parties preventing the execution of this Agreement.
    If any of these circumstances has directly affected the non-fulfillment of obligations within the contract specified in the contract, then this period is proportionally moved at the time of the corresponding circumstance.
    The Party for which it became impossible to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement, is obliged no later than 5 days from the moment of their occurrence and termination in writing to notify the other side of the occurrence, the estimated period and termination of the above circumstances.

      Procedure for consideration of disputes

    6.1. All disputes and disagreements that may arise between the parties will be resolved by negotiation
    6.2. When unresolved in the process of negotiations of controversial issues, disputes are subject to consideration in the Arbitration Court of Moscow.


    The term of this Agreement with "____" _____________ __________
    "____" _____________ ______________
    This Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.
    If none of the parties declare his desire to terminate this agreement for 20 (twenty) the expiration of the contract, this Agreement is considered to be prolonged for the next quarter under the same conditions.
    All changes and additions under this Agreement, as well as its termination, are considered valid on the condition that they are committed in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties.

    8. Other conditions
    8.1. All additional agreements, acts, and other annexes to the contract are signed by the parties in the execution of this Agreement, are an integral part of it.
    8.2. This contract is drawn up in two copies that have the same legal force, one for each of the parties.




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